Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: Near the cave
Actions: Chatting with Thomas

Nodding his head, Ntaj understood that perhaps it was too early to call it a night once more. He supposed he was just feeling a bit anxious from the sudden fighting, tired from his fatigue, and still sleepy from being so rudely awoken. Turning away from the others he let out a big yawn, taking in the cool night air. Some of the others were talking about the orcs but ntaj wasn’t too certain if they were around. It was way too quiet; if they were still alive they ought to be hearing their hustle and bustle, even the night. Warriors shouting for each other, rustling through the forests, stomping of feet. This was eerily quiet. As if there were no survivors. Of course until he actually goes and look himself Ntaj wasn’t sure what became of the orcs, but he didn’t hold his breath that they’ll be coming to their aid. So for now Ntaj just tried to keep himself warm as he waited to see if everyone was alright.

And while there were people attending Sana, Ntaj noticed one person who needed some help. He wasn’t injured, but he did have an issue. A trust issue it seemed. It was one of the newcomers, Thomas, the one that ntaj gave the stick too. This would be the second time that the skittery sorcerer had gotten the ire of some of the party members. Traditionally Ntaj would have stood by and let Thomas get what’s coming to him. But when he heard thomas’s words, thought about the meaning, and noticed he was about to cast a spell, Ntaj walked up from behind Thomas and put a hand on his shoulder. ”Don’t be coward. They never forgive if you run. You mess up, you fix… Carefully.”

Ntaj actually thought Thomas was going to use his magic to teleport out, not knowing that Thomas actually intended to melt the ice wall. Still something else that Ntaj intended to stop Thomas from doing since his magic, while certainly dangerous, had better uses than on something that would be gone on it’s own. Regardless Ntaj did at least know that Thomas intended to leave the party, which would be a bad idea tonight. There were still zombies and orcs and who knows what else running about in these woods, and Thomas wouldn’t stand a chance on his own. Plus given Thomas’s luck, a lone spellcaster running about the forest tonight could be mistaken as some sort of necromancer. Sufficient to say, it wouldn’t end well for Thomas.

”You make mistake, yeah. You can be better. Stay with Ntaj. Ntaj Totem Warrior, make sure you fight smart.” Despite his methodologies, Ntaj had nothing against magic and knows how useful they can be when used correctly. Sana’s ice wall saved them (Mostly Ntaj since he was about to suicidal charge into a group of exploding skeletons) despite the predicament it put Sana in, and Ntaj was sure that Thomas’s magic could also be helpful when they’d need it the most. He just needed someone to help make the most use of his magic. Plus, Thomas could use a friendly face since he’s done a swell job angering some members of this party already. Hopefully Ntaj could straighten Thomas out before they lynch him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: By the Cave
Interacting With: Everyone in the merry group about, but mostly Keystone and Sana.

Satilla made an extremely confused expression at Keystone at first when he spoke. She couldn't realize what he was talking about as she was too focused on running types of herbs she'd need to prepare for Sana later. Even if she healed her right now, it didn't mean everything will be too fine. Hopefully any side effects from the hypothermia were gone after she heals her though.” Yes, lift her up, elevate her body so the liquid starts leaving her body!” She stated with urging voice.

“NOT NOW! Save the squabbles for later!" Satilla stated, her ears hurting from all the shouting going on.” I need to focus so please stop making so much distracting noise.” She stated as she closed her eyes for a moment when the bard started coughing out all the fluids that were inside her, good! She didn't know what she could do if Sana didn't start breathing by herself.” Alright, Keystone, now turn her over and hold her normally. Better to not let her touch the ground even through a blanket.” Satilla stated as she moved over and placed a hand on the Bard's.

“This should help you now.” Satilla softly said, activating her magic, Cure serious wounds. Her eyes lightly narrowed as she felt the energy for the spell leave her body.” Not done yet...” She mumbled to herself right away activating her second spell as soon as the first one was done – Life Pact. It was a spell that transferred health from one person to another. Hopefully this one would deal with anything that the cure serious wounds might miss, but she had to be careful to not transfer too much health and throw herself unconscious least she needs to also use cure light wounds also.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: By the cave
Interacting with: Cyneburg, Calanon, Thomas

Lerraina watched as others chimed in, realizing they had no idea what had happened on the other side of the wall. How could they with that great red thing rendering chaos? Thomas sulked by, apologies stammering out of his mouth.

"As much as I would like to test the waters out there with a larger group, that just isn't going to happen. On the other side of that wall was nothing more than a shit show... over a dozen orcs slaughtered, then turned undead and left. I honestly can't tell you how many are still alive but I wouldn't estimate it being many. Besides...." she glanced over to Thomas preparing his spell, "we have a mage, a scout, a healer, front liners and archers. I trust our chances out there more if we stay together. As I said, it's not safe to linger longer than we have to. Our goal was to make it to the next village, not to wander the woods."

She was reacting more to the druids words, rather than her light hearted companion. She needed a bath, a meal, a drink... upon her passing them, she braced a hand on Calanon's shoulder. She stepped behind Thomas and unshouldered her bow ... you never know what may await them on the other side.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Location: Woods North of Salarn, Orc Encampment, Evening of Day Three/Morning of Day Four
Interacting With: Satilla, Sana, Group In General

The musings of the rest of the party as good as faded to inarticulate sounds in Keystone's ears. So long as it registered as common speech to his conscious brain, he intentionally ignored it. Satilla's instruction to the broad man stood as an exception to this; Keystone was exceptionally interested in what the group's dedicated healer had to say about the well being of the semi-conscious gypsy. The feat of coordination necessary to transfer Sana from a one-handed suspension from the ankles to a more cradled position without first setting her down was a little awkward; not quite the kind of thing that he committed to muscle memory from exhaustive training. The first, instinctive thought was to toss the entirety of her weight up with a slight rotation and deftly catch her in a manner more in line with the healer's wishes. Of course, that might result in something worse if a foot slipped on the cold ground below, not to mention the jostling might not be the best idea for the more delicate state of his friend.

So, as quickly as he dared, Keystone turned Sana over in his arms and and lowered her legs, sliding his arm up to hold her above the knee and under her arms. Her head rested upon the hardened leather of his coat covering his shoulder. It was a solid, supporting perch, if not the most cushiony. Satilla's plea to postpone the squabble for a later time was taken into due consideration, discretion being a pragmatic choice at that juncture. His own protective instincts were running hot just then, and though he remained more or less silently attentive during this particular event, he positioned himself as to create an angry, living barrier between Sana and Thomas. His back was facing toward him, giving everyone in that direction good view of oil hardened, segmented pieces of chevroned leather and an empty knife sheath. It also served to indicate his priority at the moment, though from one moment to the next priorities had a way of changing.

"We ought get 'er someplace warmer, yeah?" he intoned to Satilla, tilting his head toward the cave entrance. He followed up with louder words, broadcast to anyone who was listening, "Ey! I got a big cloak, top of my pack that Sana'd 'preciate being wrapped in just now. Someone be a lamb an' grab that, wouldja?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 21 days ago

Kyra & Sana

Location: Hell Defrosting
Interacting With: In General


Kyra just rolled her eyes. This type of pity party was one of the main reasons she traveled alone most of the time. If someone got back handed with something they didn't like they sulked and waited for everyone around them to go "oh please don't go, we need you, blah blah blah." To her it was a pathetic juvenile attempt at attention and as far as she was concerned she didn't have time to stroke someone's ego. If you screwed up, you took your licks, you sucked it up, you carried on. End of story. The road to hell was paved with good intentions, it didn't mean you still weren't on the road to hell just because you didn't mean to do it. She didn't know what disgusted her more right then; the fact he had pissed off several of the members of the group when he went all EGOtastic before the battle and didn't listen during or after the battle or that people were actually buying his shit right then and giving more worry about his whining than to the person that he could have just killed, the one that actually helped in the fight and helped save their asses.

She kept her mouth shut though because of Satilla. The healer needed quiet and she wouldn't get another peep out of Kyra right then. Kyra merely stood there stoically awaiting instruction or request. That request came in the form of Keystone asking for his cloak. Patting Ash on his neck she stepped over to Keystone's items and found the cloak, shaking it out a few times before walking over to them and handing it to Keystone. "Here, I am going to boil some water," she said handing it over before stepping away again. Picking up a random empty pot that had been scattered on the ground she poured out the water from her water skin into it to heat it. She figured once it was hot she could fill the water skin again and tuck it into the cloak once it was wrapped around Sana in hopes of warming her up.

"Cyneburg, Njat, could one of you that speak Orc see if you can find the Chief and ask him if it is alright for us to go deeper into the cave?" she asked before looking over towards Lerriana. "Hopefully that wall will stand long enough for those dead to walk a long way away from here. Seems it is our only real defense right now."

Sana's breathing evened out over time but it was still rough. At this point it would become clear that it wasn't a matter of healing anymore that needed to be done, just recovery time and hopes that she would wake up. Her body was still cold, especially her throat, hands, and feet. She lay there like a rag doll, her lips moving every so often as if she was speaking in her sleep but no noise came from her lips other than the residual rasp from within her lungs. Kyra cocked a brow as she looked over, had her voice been destroyed she wondered to herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 4 hrs ago

Calanon (& Brogach)

Location:Beside the Cave
Interacting with:Gretchin mostly

Calanon nodded, gripping his sword in anticipation at Gretchin's words. They had a solid group as of just now. The Elf felt he could serve whatever aspect they needed, be it scout, archer, or with his sword. Brogach would be ready too, he knew. The Elk seemed caught in the curiosities of how the group interacted and spoke. His eyes met Gretchin's when she placed a hand on his shoulder, showing he was ready for whatever was out there at the moment. Deep down, he was simply glad she seemed to feel more apart of the group now.

Kyra, who was very close to Satilla and Keystone, had gotten Keystone's cloak which is what Calanon was just about to do. But now that Sana had all the help she could get, Calanon was going to serve his purpose as defender of the group (to the best of his considerable abilities). Briefly, he wondered how the Orcs had fared doing this undead incursions. Even they didn't deserve undeath. No one did.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: Orc Cave
Interacting with:Keystone

Well a lot of interpersonal things were all happening and most people seemed to be talking past each other rather than towards one another. And these types of social situations were not her specialty. So she did what was asked by Kyra. Ntaj (kind of odd how she kept mispronouncing his name. Regional dialect conflicting with orcish consonants?) was busy trying to get in the mage's pants, and she had nothing better to do at the moment than stand around and argue/watch people argue. So off she would go into the depths of the cave to find the old chief and ask him for favors.

The druid walked back towards the cave from which she had just minutes before run out of. But first, she approached the irritable cook Keystone. More than anyone else in this group he was not quite in a right frame of mind. His body language was tense and defensive, liable to snap at anyone that crossed a figurative line in the sand. Cyne made sure to not to get too close to him to Sana, lest he lash out as her. She turned the knife in her hand, holding the tip of the blade in her fingertips and presented the handle of the weapon to Keystone.

"Your knife."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: Leaving the adventurer’s camp
Actions: Going to go look for the chief

Ntaj turned towards Kyra when she asked him and Cyneburg to look for the chief. Ntaj figured he’d go: right now the chief may need strong warriors, and while Cyneburg had her own strength, she also has skills that would be more useful for the group here then Ntaj did. ”Ntaj go. You come with me.” Ntaj tapped Thomas on the shoulder. He also felt that one more may be needed; if his experience hunting big games were still valid, a party of three was the most optimal choice. Not too small so that if one falls the other is left without help, but not too big that they’d be easy to detect. Of course with Keystone and Kyra preoccupied taking care of Sana, if anything did come back taking away more defenders may not be good for the group. But now that everyone is awake and more-or-less aware of the dangers they face, the enemy no longer has the element of surprise. Hopefully.

Regardless Ntaj headed back to his tent to get fully geared up. He donned his armor hastily, well-practiced and fluid. ”I should probably wear my armor to sleep now. I got soft thinking I’d be safe with a group. Next time we’re attack while we sleep I might not be so lucky.” Ntaj had all his armor and most of his weapons, however as he returned to the group he left his Holy Water Flail with the party (specifically near Kyra), just in case another one of those red mist creatures show up. Since Ntaj’s job was “find the Chief” and not “Kill the monsters”, Ntaj wasn’t too concerned about fighting.

Now that he was here and ready to go he needed one more person to come. Obviously not Keystone or Kyra as they’re attending to Sana. Cyneburg was out too, since she’s the only other person here who spoke orcish and if the chief came back to the camp before Ntaj finds him, the others would need her. Salitia could be helpful in case things go wrong out there, but Ntaj would rather risk his life and limbs than that of the healer. Plus she may still need to help Sana. There was also Lerraina who Ntaj only vaguely remembers and was actually kinda surprised when he saw her. She must have been a roguish sorts. And then there was Calanon. Ntaj fought briefly by his side, and he was a skilled warrior. He seemed like a ranger, which would no doubt be a great help for finding the chief. Ntaj liked to think of himself as a hunter and while he’s decent at finding gaming he’s less successful tracking people.

”Calanon, you come too? In case Chief still fighting undead.” Of course if Calanon wished to stay Ntaj wasn’t going to force the issue. If need be he’d even go by himself, and he wasn’t going to wait for long. Understandably they would need some time to get their things together, but time wasn’t on their side. When was it ever? Regardless of Calanon or even Thomas actually did follow him, Ntaj left the camp to go find the chief.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Orkish cave.
Interacting with: Ntaj, Lerraina

The thing about magic is that once prepared, there was no turning back. Once the energies were focused and spent, once primed and readied, the spell drained itself from his body. Trembling as Thomas felt the surge of power rushing in his blood to the hand which encircled. He had planned to melt part of the ice wall to leave. He didn't belong here. Not at this rate, making enemies left and right. Yet it seemed Ntaj had stopped him. And so too did Lerraina's words which warned him of the undeaded outside. Yes undeaded, since moments ago they were merely dead, and only recently turned undead, hence undeaded. As opposed to undeaded in the sense that they were overrun by the undead, which to an extent would also apply earlier. Orcs for skeletons it seems according to the Lerraina.

"But... I'm sure I'd only... Thomas spoke out Lerraina and lowered his casting arm, as Ntaj approached with wiser counsel. "I... I guess... If you think it'll help. I mean I've earned the ire of quite a few people..." At least it seem Thomas still had some friends, or at least people willing to be friendly like this half-orc who gave him his stick. Not in that way. Although he did have a cutting figure. A friendlier sort like Satilla he interacted with earlier. Although poor Satilla Thomas probably made her job harder. Nearly killing Sana and all. Maybe he should go with Ntaj who seemed to be gathering up a party per Kyra's instructions to find the chief. And evidently she'd probably kill Thomas for punching a hole in this ice wall anyways since evidently it was the only thing keeping the undead out. And frankly all of them in...

"R-r-right... Uh. I've got a few minutes on this spell..." Thomas sputtered as Ntaj invited him a way far away from this place. That or to be executed should Kyra's 'find the chief' really mean 'take the mage out the back and butcher him.' He three spells left, one he'd rather not use, and one prepared that needed to be used soon. Maybe Ntaj could teach Thomas some rudimentary melee? That way he could be more useful in a scuff? Maybe bashed a few baddies with a stick? Poke them at least? "Uh... Okay, thank you Ntaj... Thanks for believing in me more than I do."

A slight chuckle and smile at that last statement before Thomas followed Ntaj to find the chief. Maybe he'd learn some orcish along the way.

"Do you think it'd be a good idea to have uh... Cyneburg come along too?" Thomas suggested, somewhat trying to recall everyone's names. He hadn't too much interaction with the druid, but remembered during his tirade of stars that Cyneburg did serve as translator before, although of course Kyra and Keystone were the ones to meet with the chief, but perhaps they'd understand that they were busy right now plotting how to kill Thomas or something. "Uh not that I think you couldn't uh Translate, just maybe more Orc-kin might be better in the party? I mean I'd just shut up and be quiet myself, I'll let you two uh... You could introduce me as your manservant or something or other... Yeah..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: By the Cave
Interacting With: Everyone in the merry group about, but mostly Keystone, Kyra & Sana.

The spells worked quite well from what the witch could tell at the moment. The bard was still no bad condition considering the nature of her injuries, but basically stable considering her near death status not too long ago.

Satilla smiled as she pulled her hands away from Sana and sighed in relieve. Suddenly she fell all her energy drop as she was sure she expended a lot in throwing both heals on the other woman... her strongest heal and the one that's a lot better for healing bad conditions like the one Sana was, sadly the latter came with the fact it donated from her own health which naturally wasn't all too great. The witch felt her breathing hasten and well basically feel cold herself now. She shook her head as she nodded towards Keystone.” Yes, she should be kept warm and preferably not on bare ground. Your cloak will do, but it would be best if she has something else also, maybe a rug or fur or something.” The witch explained, taking tired breaths.” Actually I have a wool blanket attached to my bag, it should help.” The witch stated as she looked about the place, searching for her bag, only to realize it was with her. After all she did grab it earlier. Without losing any more time she removed the wool blanket from it's straps and so they can use it for Sana.

“She will need something hot to drink... We can make a sort of tea from healing herbs, it won't be too tasty, but it should be quite good for her condition...” She said and opened her bag, to check her herbs.” Unless someone has proper tea?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Location: Woods North of Salarn, Orc Encampment, Evening of Day Three/Morning of Day Four
Interacting With: Satilla, Sana, Kyra, Cyneburg

Kyra was the first to move at Keystone's request, presenting him with his new cloak. It seemed fitting, after a fashion; Sana had given the cloak to him. In a way he was returning it. The garment had been treated with alchemical reagents and the infernal touch of Hellhound blood, a Hellhound that Keystone helped dispatch, first by very ineffectively throwing a knife at it, followed by a pissed-off close to melee and the brash, underclass gent living up to his title of Pugilist. For his part in the fight, Keystone punched out a Hellhound.

In the future, the broad man would invent a document called a "Resume", a powerful scroll detailing the high points of a person's chosen career and the means by which one may locate the individual. Though he would never become a true Wizard, Keystone's foray into scroll creation would vastly increase the probability of its user securing contracted employment. He could see it now:

Nevertheless, he was grateful to Kyra for getting the large parcel of cloth to him. Actually wrapping it around Sana while holding her would be a little more difficult, but hopefully she would recognize his dilemma and give him a hand. With any luck, the Orcs would consent to allowing them into the cave, preferably near a fire on warm, smooth stone, and he could set his friend down safely. Until then, he was going with the advice of their healer. Keystone mumbled a quick "Thanks, Kyra." and glanced around see what else was going on in his immediate vicinity.

Cyneburg advanced upon Keystone, he noted. "Holdin' that knife by the wrong end, yeah?" he mused, still holding up Sana. He didn't mind the Half-Orc druid so much. If nothing else, watching her shift forms into a bear from several feet up for maximum impact against a moving target was inspired. First opportunity, he was going to write all of that down. "Hands're a bit full just now, y'mind slipping that back in my sheath? Sharp side up; there's a good Miss."

He wasn't one hundred percent on where the conversation around him was going; his attention was focused elsewhere. But when Satilla crossed in front of him carrying a wool blanket, mentioning something about "hot to drink" and "proper tea". Seems his propensity to pack heavily and keep creature comforts nearby was of use. "Proper Tea, right? My pack. Wood box. Little goes a long way." He wouldn't mind a cup, himself. Been a long day.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 4 hrs ago

Calanon (& Brogach)

Location:Beside the Cave
Interacting with:Ntaj, Thomas, Gretchin

Calanon let out a breath, trying to heat up his throat a bit, for it was a tad chilled from that giant ice wall that still remained. He blinked when he heard Ntaj speak and ask for his aid, he thought. "Right," Calanon said, a sense of duty overriding his thought process for a moment as he hurried to follow his fellow adventuring companion Ntaj. He made it a few paces before he turned as Thomas spoke. "Glad to have you along, my friend," Calanon said with a reassuring smile. He was particularly gladdened that Sana was ok, though he lamented he had no herbal tea from his knowledge. "Brogach, stay here and guard the Camp."

He then thought, would the Chief not simply be further within the Cave? He would go regardless, but unless the Orcs had changed their minds on their group, it wouldn't necessarily be dangerous, as far as full blooded Orcs could be friendly. Still, making sure the party only split into two groups and not many was probably the best course of action. "Gretchin, I'd be honored if you accompanied us," Calanon said, placing a fist over his chest and giving her a bow. Awkwardly, he realized Ntaj was still walking inexorably, so he hastened to catch up with a few leaps, hoping Gretchin follow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 21 days ago

Kyra & Sana

Location: Hell Defrosting
Interacting With: In General


It seemed that she had asked Two, count them two people who were half orcs to go look for the chief and now there were two more and possibly a third going for a total of five. Kyra rolled her eyes. She knew it was a bad idea but it seemed people were not going to listen to her request and simply trot off in there as if they were welcome guests. Not strangers who all survived when the orcs died in the battle. The chief barely tolerated her and Keystone when they were introduced under armed guard and now their introductor was no where to be seen since he had ran off into the forest at the beginning of the fight. Walking into a chief's cave was just down right dumb. She thought of saying something but held her tongue as she watched over Sana. Right then she had no sympathy for them after what Thomas was pulling.

Sana still lay there, not waking. (Rolls are not in her favor right now) She was still seeming to try to speak in her sleep but there was still no voice. Kyra took a deep breath as Ash padded over to her and nuzzled Sana lightly. Turning Kyra went over to Epona and started tightening her saddle into place, checking bags and then getting her own gear together. "Hell breaks loose again, I'm taking Sana and making a break for it," Kyra wrote down on a piece of parchment from Sana's bag and handed it over to Keystone.

Glancing over towards Satilla, Kyra did something she didn't usually do, she smiled. "Thank you for saving my friend," she said before going and gathering up the arrows and daggers that were within the ice wall that were hers. There were only five silver arrows that were still good to go within the wall, the rest she knew where on the other side. She wasn't risking that move just yet. Sheathing the daggers, two of them, she handed the third over to Satilla. "For protection."

Picking up Sana's bow, and taking her quivers she kept them close. Sana couldn't use them right then and she would be damned if they were just left out and about right then. Kyra had tried to give those in the group the benefit of the doubt when she let some tag along but she was an untrusting person at heart and right then there were about three of them outside of Sana she might let have her back in the next battle, the rest - that was a different story.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: Orc Cave
Interacting with:Keystone, The Scooby Gang

"Um," Cyne began as she flipped Keystone's knife around in her hand. "I don't believe we will need quite so many people. It should be fine if it's just myself or Ntaj. And if there's more trouble from the other side of the wall, we would likely be safer if the group were not split in half." Considering they were recovering from an en masse undead attack, Ntaj & Friends were surprisingly willing to break the effective battle power of the party into a mere fraction of its total for no real reason.

Carefully, Cyne slid the knife back into Keystone's sheath before taking a step away from the big, burly man. She contemplated just walking off into the cave alone without another word, but ultimately that would likely create more issues than it'd solve. Tempting as it was to avoid being around Calanon and Gretchin together, this conversation needed to be seen through until the end since she involved herself in it. Seriously though, if those two were going to spend so much time off together, they might as well shag and get it over with.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: By the cave
Interacting with: Everyone

Lerraina didn't quite care for threatening spaces, and as she saw it, she was the only not engaged in anything important. "I believe I will stay behind. Someone will have to take watch, and at the very least, as a skilled scout, I think I could fill that role for the time being. Besides, the Druid is right. she nodded in Cyneburg's direction. It was the least she could do to help out, and it was certainly better than twiddling her fingers in a cramped, dank space. It was uncomfortable enough to be invited, and with such flourishing words, she wanted to crawl in a hole.

She rolled her shoulders forward before settling herself on a nearby tree. Her bow still in hand, she reached for her flask and took a swig. A low grumble surfaced as she realized she had reached the bottom of the polished container. She would just have to get through the rest of this without the ease of a good drink. She distanced herself enough from the group to scan their surroundings.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: By the Cave
Interacting With: Everyone in the merry group about, but mostly Keystone & Kyra.

With the situation calming down a little for the moment, Satilla could finally take a deep breath as she leaned on the wall of the cave nearby. She wasn't feeling too great right now, her low stamina and endurance coupled with what had happened and the fatigue building up from using her spells was catching up to her. She blinked a few times as she noted Keystone's statement about tea.” Good... I will prepare... just need a moment or two.” She replied with a smile, taking deep breaths, trying to get her blood pumping and the focus in her mind and sight. It was helping, but she sure needed to get some stimulating potions or herbs to keep her mind focused whenever situations like these popped up. Only reason she hadn't so far was because she full well knew how addicting those can be.

“It was the right thing to do.” Satilla replied with a smile to Kyra and nodded.” Besides I like her. She's a good person and she did save us with that wall. If she didn't put it...” The witch shivered at the possible outcomes.” It'd be wrong if she died for saving us. I'm out of useful healing magic, but I have a couple of potions. We can additionally pour some into the tea also. Both warm her up, boost her system and help with recovery... besides tea will make drinking the potions easier.”

The witch then suddenly froze for a moment as Kyra granted her a dagger. She blinked and reached to take it.” Thank you.” She replied with sincere voice and carefully took the dagger. She still felt her own dagger strapped to her inner tight, but a second one wouldn't hurt, beside this was a big gesture from the archer, a gesture that made the witch feel a little happy.” What will we do now?” Satilla asked and looked about the place.” We cannot stay here for much longer... and the master of those undead is still lurking about somewhere, spinning his plans...”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: In the cave
Actions: Going to go look for the chief

Ntaj was about half way towards leaving the area when he suddenly had a thought. It was late at night. Everyone was suddenly attacked by undead. No orcs came to their aid. And the Chief gets the best place to sleep. These were logical things, yes. Now while Ntaj wasn't exactly an intellectual, he can think for himself. It took no wizard or genius to realize these things, but certainly a fool for forgetting. And now that Ntaj is not blinded by rage taking a moment to stop and think would serve him well. Now logically, the chief gets the best place to sleep. Usually on campaigns that's a big tent in the middle of the army so that if they get attacked they'd have to go through his soldiers first. However there was one crucial detail that Ntaj just realized: There was a cave here. A cave that Kyra, Keystone, and Cynbeburg had gone into. To meet the chief. Now Ntaj had issues with caves, but there was no denying that compared to roughing it outside where it could rain, be windy, or be attacked by exploding undead skeletons, being in a cave is better than being outside.

So logically the chief would be in the cave.

Ntaj didn't think about that at first because to him a chief ought to be fighting with his warriors. And that would make sense if these orcs were on a march to say, a human village, and they were suddenly ambushed. But no, these orcs were resting for the night when they were ambushed. Chances are the Chief was too. Now there was always the chance that the Chief could have somehow left his cave and joined the fighting, but it could also be possible that this entire attack was orchestrated by his brothers or gather back at Dark Star to assassinate him. There was always a chance but it was highly unlikely.

By the time Ntaj turned around he noticed that no one was really following him. Sure Thomas and Calanon were catching up, but obviously they had something to say or do before following after Ntaj. No matter, Ntaj intended to make use of the both of them. "You two in tree. Calanon watch for more undead. Thomas, when undead close in group, use magic to stop them and tell us they close. Don't go too far, stay shouting close." While everyone was still bunkered down at the cave entrance, they could use someone on watch. Watching from the cave itself was redundant: by the time anyone would notice the undead they'd already be too close. "Oh! And if see more orcs, signal too. Careful, could be undead orcs." So with that said Ntaj headed back to the camp and went straight for the cave. It was a bit embarrassing to race off in such a rush only to come back as if he had forgotten something, but better safe then sorry, right?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Location: Woods North of Salarn, Orc Encampment, Evening of Day Three/Morning of Day Four
Interacting With: The Group

From Keystone's vantage, the Half-Orc shapeshifter was acting just a hair squirrely. He had asked the woman to replace his blade in the sheath tucked into the back of his belt, true, but her body language suggested hesitation, as if she didn't want to get too close to the man. The slight change in her demeanor set off tiny signals to his proprioception; it was enough to shift his greater awareness outward, away from himself and even some away from Sana, still mostly unconscious in his arms. Keystone turned his head around and began to listen in earnest to the conversation going on around him.

"Runnin' about in the woods again?" he said to no one in particular. "Worked just peaches last time, dinnit?" He recalled the reasons given by the more recent additions to the group. Safety in numbers, and that was just when it was a Human/Orc skirmish. Now there were confirmed, sizeable numbers of dead people scaring off the wildlife to boot. Of all the places in the woods right at that second, the only spot he knew was not infested with the Undead was between that cave entrance and the partially damaged wall of ice in front of him.

Keystone slowly turned around and marched the few steps back to the low fire of their campsite. He half sat, half knelt on the cold ground next to the red and orange embers, and rested Sana in his lap. The healer had clearly said that she wanted the Gypsy-Archer off of the ground; the thickness of the Pugilist's bulk would likely suffice, he thought. Now with the support that the new position provided him, Keystone removed his arm from beneath Sana's hips. Just a bit of a stretch later, he tossed a few more sticks in to burn, and shuffled a large ceramic bottle from his pack.

It took a second or two to open the bottle one-handed; it had an interesting flip-top stopper for such a convenience, but it was still a little tricky. Apparently, the big man wanted a little something to tide him over until the tea was ready. That, and he really could use a drink right then. Keystone took a respectable pull from the very full bottle (followed by a marked exhale), and motioned with it to those who indicated a desire to remain. "Dwarven. Got a punch, but it'll warm ya."

For the others, he offered a bit of sideways encouragement. "Rest o' you lot, have fun with y'nature hike. I might be along after the screamin' starts. Cheers."

Keystone huddled a little closer around the campfire, hoping Sana was feeling some of the warmth. It wouldn't be as good as a spot inside the cave with a similar source of heat, but it was much better than nothing.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Orsinium
Interacting with: Ntaj, Calanon & A tree?

If a tree falls down in the centermost of the forest,
And there are none to witness an event occur,
Does the tree actually fall down?
If none are present to record this simple truth,
Then is such an event a falsehood?
For if neither you nor I could confirm the tree had fallen,
we may only look at what was and the outcome.
And from the past observation and current ones, we bridge the gap between.
Missing information is presumed, filled in, perceived, conceived, deceived.
And that is why reality is a falsehood.
We are so far removed from the truth of all events which happen, for even in the moments they occur,
Our minds live in the past for it takes the scant moments for the thought to process what was.
Thus it is reality, that is the greatest lie of all.
There is no tree, there is no forest,
There is no sound, there is nothing.
Outside my mind, nothing exists.

Cyneburg was a correct, ideally only one person was needed to go fetch a chief. A chief who stayed back in the cave in the kerfuffle. "Thanks... That means a lot... Thomas mentioned to Calanon, unless of course they were speaking to Ntaj earlier. Not that elks speak, but Calanon seemed to strongly associated with his animal friend. Just like the rest of the party, someone had a horse, a cat, a wolf, a bird. All Thomas needed to bring was some sort of magical fish.

"Hey Ntaj, if Cyneburg's going without some backup, maybe uh, you should stay here? Just in case they uh... Thomas didn't quite want to say what was hopefully implied. His hesitancy of course weighed carefully, but what if the Orcs decided to blame the group? It wouldn't do well to lose both translators in one fell swoop. Not that Thomas wanted Cyneburg to go alone, but one single party member shouldn't be too much of a threat to an orc warlord chief person thing. Not that Thomas has dealt with the being in question personally, but Cyneburg was indeed the wiser on both counts. "And if trouble does come, I've only got two spells left, we could use another set of eyes and some uh, muscle."

That last bit came out a bit awkwardly. Almost certain Thomas paused there a bit too long for a comma. Not quite long enough for a ellipses, but definitely a tiny bit longer than he ought to given the punctuation. Thomas didn't really expect trouble coming back again, True dawn was approaching and with it, his need to meditate once more to regain his spells. Either way Thomas stared down at a suitable tree for climbing, opposite of Lerraina's to some extent, perhaps off parts of a radian. It had been quite sometime since Thomas climbed trees, not usually something he did in the party, yet Maybe he'd be able to get up there without making too much of an embarrassing moment for himself. He did after all somewhat wanted to show Ntaj his faith in Thomas wasn't a bad call.

"Right, try not to kill me." Thomas patted the tree, almost begging his request as he attempted to hop up onto one of the boughs and liberally hug a tree. Definitely not good for his robes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 21 days ago

Kyra & Sana

Location: Hell Defrosting
Interacting With: In General


Sana just lay wherever she was and wherever she was moved, she still had not woken up. LLA is seriously against her with wanting to come to it seems and every round she remains the same at this point, not responding to the outside world. Didn't seem the world was with many that night, as seeing Thomas's attempt to climb the tree was going to look more like a penguin trying to climb a tree than a cat.

Kyra glanced around, seeing Lerriana keep a look out and nodding towards Cyneberg, grateful to the voice of reason when it came to so many coming into the cave. The orcs that had been outside of the cave when the battle started were beyond the wall now and it seemed were undead now and wandering into the deeper parts of the woods. Brezcar had not even returned as of yet which did not bode well for them in Kyra's mind, he was the one that seemed to get the Chief to even tolerate their presence.

Sighing the ranger rubbed the bridge of her nose. Cocking a brow when Calanon mounted his elk and decided to go out into the woods without a word. The Elk jumping through the slightly lower crevasse in the ice that had been chipped away during the battle. Landing on the other side he took off without a word into the forest. "If we end up having to fight an undead elk later on I am going to be pissed," she muttered under her breath.

Going over to her own and Sana's gear she started packing it up. Soon as sun broke she wanted to get the hell out of here and didn't want anything holding them up. "That wall isn't melting as fast as I have seen it in the past..." she mused aloud to herself as she packed up thing, every so often glancing towards the wall and wondering just how much longer it was going to be there. Sure it needed to melt but it was holding strong a lot longer than she thought it would have or had seen in the past.
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