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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Azura
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

“Die!!!” the shadowed man yelled, charging Haruki head on, with an onslaught of kicks and punches. Haruki managed to dodge them all except the last one, which knocked him to the floor. The shadowed man stood over him, with glowing red eyes, readying his final attack. “I don’t think so,” said Haruki, obviously having a plan up his sleeve. “WAKE UP!!!” yelled the shadow man. Haruki was confused, by the sudden outburst. “WAKE UP!!!” yelled the man again. Then the shadow man continued to yell the same words over and over again. “SHUT UP ALL READY!!!” screamed Haruki back at the man.

“Wake up Haruki…HARUKI,” yelled Rin, shaking him, trying to wake him up as fast as she could. “Shut up all ready,” he mumbled, half sleep. Rin became frustrated at this point, crossing her arms. “If that’s how you want to play this game,” she said walking away, returning with a cup of ice cold water. She did a small countdown, pouring the cold water directly into Haruki’s face after.

The water instantly woke him up, causing him to jolt out of his bed. “What the hell are you doing, you crazy bitch!?” he yelled, wiping his face with his hand. Rin crossed her arms angry with him, but not because of the "bitch" insult. She knew he didn’t mean it anyway. They were childhood friends so they usual insult one another like it was normal. “Did you forget? We have exams today. If you’re late you will have to wait another year to take them. Are you ok with having to wait another year to become a Justice Op?”

“Crap, I forgot to set my alarm last night,” he said looking at his alarm clock. Rin shook her head. “It was set. You just didn’t wake up,” she replied knowing this would happen, which is why she visited him early to make sure he made it. “We’re going to be late. Come on, get ready and lets go.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Leon woke with a jolt. He checked his clock and saw it was nearly two hours before he was suppose to get up. He has never been able to sleep peacefully through the night. It got even worse as the date for exams started coming closer. He hopped out of his bed while throwing on some clothes he grabbed off the floor. If he wasn't going to be sleeping he might as well take a quick jog before he had to leave.
An hour and a half later

When Leon got back to his dorm he instantly started getting ready for the day. He had to due his best. His family was a military family each of them in some form or fashion being a part of the defense of their home. If he failed he would feel like he failed his family. He had to succeed. He just had to. Once he was ready he departed for the location his stressful day was going to fully begin at.

Ollie woke up to the sounds of his mother getting all of his younger siblings up for the day. She always woke him last since he was the oldest and she hoped he would start being responsible and wake himself up. He had just stood from his bed when his mother walked into the basement carrying his youngest brother, Micky, "Come on, Ollie. Get a shower and get dressed. I'm not waiting on you today."

Ollie wished he could say to go ahead and leave him behind but he'd probably get a nasty lecture from his father if he got sassy so early in the morning. As soon as Ollie rubbed the tiredness as best he could from his eyes he rushed up the stairs without answering his mother to try and get to the shower. With a large family having only two showers meant if you didn't get there first you probably were going to be freezing by the time you were done. Only the twins, Alex and Kiley, had enough sense to shower the night before but the other children didn't have as bright of an idea. As soon as he got to the bathroom door he realized he wasn't going to get the glorious first shower of the day. That right went to his youngest sister, Sadie, as it usually did. The only other showerless sibling, Lindsay, was standing outside of the door giving Ollie the stink eye, "I'm next bedhead." Ollie groaned at his misfortune and decided he would at least grab some breakfast while the shower was in use.

He slowly walked into the kitchen to see the twins cooking up a storm. Well, really one was cooking while the other just stirred whatever he was pointed at. Ollie saw a few fresh pieces of bacon laying out to cool off and quickly snatched them before the two could notice. The mornings of the Hill household were almost always hectic but it was the good kind of hectic. The one you could only get from having so much family to love you don't know what to do with them all.

After the start of the morning was over it was Ollie's job to drop the others off at school. Once he had dropped the twins and Sadie off at their schools, Ollie and Lindsay sat quietly in the car as they made their way to school. On the way they always passed a sign for the prestigious Justice Academy. Ollie looked at the sign and sighed. He was a massive dreamer and one of his dreams was to go to that school for the chance to become a Justice Ranger. However, his family wouldn't have been able to afford the tuition. Lindsay looked to her older brother and said, "Hey, at least you still got music." Ollie smirked at the remark. Lindsay rarely said something in the realm of a compliment to her older brother. Ollie did have to admit that if he had anything going for him it was his skill as a musician. He laughed a little when he remembered how his piano teacher reacted when he mentioned his dream of become a power ranger. The old guy nearly blew a gasket. Still, one could dream couldn't they?

It didn't take much longer to get to school. Today was going to be just another boring day just like many others. Ollie practically instantly fell asleep the moment he sat in his desk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

George had woken up that morning early. He got up quickly bumping his head on a hanging light form above him. "Whoops." George said to himself with a smile and rubbing the top of his head. He lived in a fairly common looking house. He was an only child as well except for a baby brother who had come into the world about 6 months ago. His parents were certainly a sight to see, both of them full of muscle. His father was even a professional wrestler often going by the name of "The Mighty Bear" It was a cheesy name but his father was just has cheesy.

"Right, off to my first day guys!" George said to his family after eating breakfast and then heading off to the academy. He was selected for his kindness, though his build helped quite a bit as well. Due to George being so huge for the most part people find him intimidating. Anyone would if they came across a bear of a man. Some people didn't have a problem with it though seeing him as only freakishly tall.

As soon as George got there he realized he was far too early. So he sat on a bench, taking up the whole thing. And took out a book that looked far too small for him. It was smaller than one of his own hands.

Hanzo had just left the academy the night before after being told that he wasn't cut out of the academy. Something about being more cut out to be a villian than anything. But Hanzo would show them. He had rode off that night on his dirt bike to try and blow off steam but soon enough as he was riding a hole seemed to open up in the ground out of seemingly no where sending both him and his bike hurdling into it.

He had passed out at that point, if it weren't for his helmet he would be dead. A few hours later he woke up from a sharp pain in his leg. When he looked down he realized that it was broken. He was about to yell out in pain he froze seeing what seemed to be a black and red spider the size of his head come down in front of him.

"I am not here to hurt you boy." A voice said inside of his head. He looked at the spider with eyes of panic. He then realized that the spider was the one talking. "You have within you a lust for strength, a need to help others gain their own strength. I have been looking for someone like you for a very long time." The voice said explaining to him.

"W-What do you want from me?" Hanzo said in a paniced voice. "I want to help you reach your full potential. You failed to do so before at the academy. I will help you gain that power. I am known as Lilith, and you will be my champion." With those words in his head he could feel power flowing into him. It felt warm, and his leg seemed to heal on it's own. As he felt the power grow inside of him his body started to change. Armor appeared on him, it looked to similar that something power rangers would wear. But it was different, had more colors, and felt darker. It seemed to have a sort of spider theme.

The plants in the area around the hole meanwhile started to wilt and die. Only within about 12 feet of the whole it seemed though. All of it's life force flowing into Hanzo.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Azura
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

OOC: This is Hirotaka's part, that I forgot to post. After this we'll wait for Burning Kitty's post.

“Hiro...Hiro, you're going to be late for school,” said Hiro's mother, while knocking on his door, trying to wake him up. It didn't take much for Hiro to wake up, but when he did, he never wanted to get out of bed. He knew he had to get up. He didn't want to upset his mother. It was just the two of them, so he didn't want to stress her out in anyway. “I'm up,” he replied, finally getting out of bed.

He put on his school uniform and ate a little breakfast his mom prepared before, she left. Before he left the house himself, he made his way to a small room near the kitchen. The room had, many types of weapons hanging on the walls, with a mini alter set up in the middle of the room. The alter had a picture of his father, who died in a ranger mission a few years ago.

His father was a well known Justice Ranger. Everyone knew about him. He was the leader of the first wave of Justice Rangers. His father's old team members would visit the house just to pay respects, and give them their condolences, or to bring gifts. He guessed that they felt some kind of responsibility towards the family.

He tried his best to be strong for his mother. His father would always tell him, that if anything were to happen to him, then it was his job to take care of his mother. He remembered the academy tried to recruit him, but he wanted nothing to do with becoming a Power Ranger. The academy took his father away from him and his mother. He wasn't about let them take him too. The thought pissed him off. “I'm leaving dad,” he said to the picture, hoping his father would hear him from wherever he was.

When getting to class, he instantly noticed Ollie sleeping at his desk. He walked to the desk Ollie was siting and hit him lightly on the back to wake him up. “Sleep again? If it weren't for me you would have been in trouble so many times,” he said with a smile on his face. Hiro has been friends with Ollie for years.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The MacIntire twins are always up at 4 am. There first task is to make their bed and get dressed. Then they head outside and spar against each other. Sparing always ended a half hour before breakfast, usually they were covered in bruises sometimes broken bones depending on their intensity. After breakfast they attend classes at the Justice Academy. Today instead of sparing the entire time they took half the time to study for the exams. Most mornings they were usually heckled for their dedication by some idiot who always did worse than them in class. They usually ignored him but he had apparently woken up on the wrong side of Hell because he decided to get physical.

Gerald pushed him back and deflected a blow from the ringleader. The ringleader's buddy grabbed Ginny from behind and decided it was a good idea to go for second base. She grabbed his wrists and broke it. The ringleader decided he was going to get payback for his buddy. So Gerald tripped him sending the ring leader falling face first into the ground breaking his nose.

Ginny grabbed her food. "Let's get out of here Ger. The atmosphere for dining is terrible." Gerald grabbed his food. "I concur Gin, the putrid smell of failure is really bad today."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Azura
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Haruki and Rin made it to the Academy with time to spare. The physical exams were about to start soon. The first thing the two noticed was the giant obstacle course. It looked fun, but challenging at the same time. First was a running course followed by a swimming course, the evasion course, then a battle course. All of these looked connected instead of separate, but knowing the academy, they were definitely connected as a whole course. “Come on, we have to sign in,” said Rin pointing to a table nearby. Haruki put his hands behind his head, following Rin smiling. “You think you're up for it?” he asked following her to the table.

“I'm a little nervous, but I'm more worried about you. You usually don't take things seriously when it counts. Please at least take this one serious Haru,” Rin told him looking concerned. “Have a little faith in me will yea. When have I let you down?” he asked, certain that she wouldn't be able to come up with anything. “This morning,” she replied, as she signed in for the exams.

Misako was ready to get her exam over with, so she could get away from the huge crowd of participants waiting their turn, and find a quiet place to relax. She wasn't very good at handle large crowds. It just made her even more nervous. “Misako Shiba!” announced a tester, looking around to see if anyone would answer. “Misako stepped forward, revealing herself, so that the tester knew that she was present.

Misako began the testing, starting with the obstacle course. She did a excellent job. She wasn't a very good runner, but she made it up in the evasion course, where she had to maneuver around logs and moving objects shooting towards her. She made it through that part without a single mistake. Then it was the combat portion, where she had to spar with another tester. She was able to fight toe to toe with the tester, using her great maneuvering techniques, she practiced so hard to perform. It was a little bit of a struggle in the power department, but she held her own.

Haruki whistled in amazement. “Wow, she's really good, whoever she is. So far it looked like she just may make it in the Ops,” he said, watching her every move. “I can do better,” Rin said in a low voice, that Haruki could hardly hear. “Did you say something?” he asked, thinking he missed something she had said to him. “Nope, not a thing. You should focus on your exam before drooling over a girl,” she said walking ahead before Haruki could say anything. “Don't be such an ass, so early in the morning,” He said smiling with excitement.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Burning Kitty

George had finally noticed that everything was getting started at the exam. It certainly looked interesting. He knew he wouldn't do great though as his ability to dodge was almost null, not to mention that he sinks in water due to the sheer amount of muscle he has. But he always found a surprising way of doing this. He had already signed up for the exam earlier.

As he headed towards the course he noticed the twins Ginny and Gerald effortlessly take down some rather stupid looking students. "You guys don't need to hit everyone you see you know that? Next time try hurting them kindness instead huh?" George said with a dumb looking smile on his face. He hated to see others get hurt like that, even if they did kind of deserve it. "And try taking some down time too, the whole school knows that you two need it. Something about having a... Pole down your shirts I think." George added. He wasn't great at analogies after all.

Sure George himself wasn't all that smart, but he made up for it with heart, not to mention he had a strange sort of fan club within the club. It was mostly men though who admired him for being such a strong and reliable person when it came to asking for help. He always wanted to help no matter who the person was. If he had the chance, he would have tried to make Stalin a better person.

Hanzo was breathing heavily after his little transformation still trying to get used to what was happening with his body. "T-The exams. Watching those might clear my head." Hanzo said to himself as he climbed out of the hole with seemingly no trouble. Almost as if he was meant for climbing. Alot had just happened and watching others run and fail at an exam he couldn't take seemed like a great way to calm himself a bit.

A few hours later he was sitting on a sort of spectating bench with other civilians who had come to watch the exams. Although Hanzo looked a bit out of place as he was sweating heavily. A few people moved away from him on the bench for fear that he had the flu and might spread it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Leon had been one of the first to arrive at the sight for exams. He had waited about an hour before signing up though, which was around the same time it actually began, because he didn't want to have to go on super early. His father was coming to watch the exams, but Leon had no idea when. Knowing his father though it would either be very late or he wouldn't show up at all. Leon would never admit this to anyone except for his mother, but practically everything he did was to get recognition from his father which he has never gotten.

Leon watched as a girl by the name of Misako Shiba did her exam. She was very good. Leon felt certain that she would be placed very high on the score. That's why he had to do better. So far she was really the only one who stood out among the exam takers. Just as he was mulling of his plan of action a tester called out his name. Leon went to the ready platform in front of the obstacle course. Before they alerted him to start he did a quick scan to see if he could notice his father in the crowd, but he didn't see him.

The young man frowned in slight anger at the fact that his father wasn't here, and he decided to channel that anger into succeeding. As soon as he started he bolted towards the course. He wasn't particularly fast due to his mass, but he was in full control of the movement of his body. He combined his speed with the momentum that his weight created from moving to slip in and around the obstacles. Up, around, under, or through he did it with the finesse of a warrior. He didn't do as well at the swimming portion as he would have hoped. He was never one for the water. It was to soothing for him so he barely trained in swimming.

At the evasion portion he easily avoided the logs, but messed up with a few of the shooting objects getting nicked twice. To make up for it he riskily went to catch the final object for style points. He timed it just as the object was passing his body and caught it before running to the combat area and tossing it to the ground. Leon then stood head to head with another exam taker. Leon did a quick analysis of the guy and noticed he was leaning to much on his front foot. The young man made a combat strategy with that as his center focus and with the combination of his training and strength easily took the other guy down no problem. Once done Leon looked at his time. He was just a few seconds short of being faster than the Misako girl. She had beat him in both the evasion and swimming portions. The running parts were nearly the same time so Leon had to hope that the swiftness in which he beat his opponent and the small showing off would get him more points than her.

Ollie was jolted awake by his friend, Hiro. The young man slowly rose his head saying, "Well, when you have a little brother crying at all times of the night it can be hard to get some sleep. At least I'm in the basement." Ollie stretched big and yawned hard. It wasn't his brother's fault at all that he didn't get much sleep. He had stayed up late last night reading up on the past Justice rangers and looking into, as much as he could, the people who were taking the exams this year. If there was one thing that could keep Ollie's attention besides music it most certainly would have to be the rangers.

He believed in everything they stood for. Truth, protection of the weak, and Justice() were what they fought for. Ollie wishes he could stand side-by-side with them, but he always felt awkward around his friend whenever he would mention something about the rangers. "I wonder if teach is gonna let us watch the exams. It's still an interesting event no matter how you look at it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ginny and Gerald didn't hear the heckler. They had the exams to get to, they signed up before breakfast. Once at the exam site they took of their sweats. Gerald was left wearing a tank top and jogging shorts. While Ginny had on a sports bra and running tights.

There names were called simultaneously they were to compete against each other. The teachers loved to make them compete against one another. The teachers primary focus in this little competition was the battle course. They wanted to see which one was the better fighter. Ginny had the advantage in the running and swimming portion based on her longer leg length and lower body mass. The evasion course was Gerald's, Ginny never could figure out why. In all their training fights they always held back against each other but this battle course would help determine who would go on to become a Ranger. Neither was willing to hold back now. One of them was going to fail and neither was going to let love get in their way. After twenty brutal, vicious minutes Gerald stood over his unconscious sister victorious. During the fight she managed to break the eye socket of his left eye which led to double vision. He must likely gave her a concussion and intentionally dislocated her left shoulder due to her being left handed. They both needed medical attention so he picked her up and went to go see the doctor on staff.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Azura
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Haruki and Rin completed their exams, but decided to stay and watch others participate. They watched a pair of twin attempt the trial at the same time. He was confused, that the academy would allow them to fight each other rather than assign a tester. He watched them spar and was surprised at how serious they took it. It was like watching a fight to the death. “If they were willing to do that to each other, blood relatives, then what would they do to outsiders,” he thought, while now developing a different outlook on what's in store for him in the Justice Ops. That is if he made it in.

He also watched a guy named Leon take on the trial. Haruki wasn't sure how well he himself did, but he was certain that this guy did better. He was amazing. It almost made him regret his performance. Rin was looking pretty good as well. She's been waiting for this moment all her life. Her uncle was the leader of the first Power Rangers. She looked up to him. She was devastated by his death two years ago, but didn't want to let him down.

Before Rin and him took off he watched another person take on the challenge. Something didn't feel right about this guy. He seemed a little off, but not in physical ability. As a matter of fact, he was amazing. He cleared most of the trial faster than anyone he's seen take it on. It was...well...his.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING???” yelled one of the testers, stopping the sparring match right away. It was completely one-sided, and almost a fatality. The guy, showed no mercy. Broken arm, broken leg, and maybe broken ribs. “Wait, this is suppose to be a test right? Come on, don't be like that. I'm just showing, I can hang. You understand right?” said the guy, in a joking manner. It seemed like he, didn't take the situation serious. It was almost like it was normal to him. “Now I know what you're thinking, “Oh Shogo, you're so cool. I would love to kiss your ass tenderly right now, but I have a better idea. We want to sign you up for the Ops right away. Kick ass for us please?”...right?” he jokingly retorted, looking the tester in the eye with anticipation.

“Is this guy serious?” Rin said, looking around the crowd of people spectating the incident. She looked at Haruki, noticing his eyes shaking. Was it fear? She'd hardly ever seen him like this, except for that one time. She looked back to the scene. “That guy can pretty much kiss his chances goodbye. He was too brutal. If that guy ever joined the Justice Ops, heck even the Power Rangers, his allies wouldn't be safe.

Shogo sighed. “All right already, I can take a hint,” he said looking at the broken tester on the ground, coughing, and moaning in pain. Then looked back that the tester, confronting him. “Ooooh yeeeaa, you might want to tell that guy to try dodging next time,” he said walking past the tester, whispering something to him before pasting him. “The Justice Ops are full of pussies.”


"I wonder if teach is gonna let us watch the exams. It's still an interesting event no matter how you look at it," Ollie said. He seemed really interested in the exams, that were going on right now. Hiro didn't like the Justice Ops, but he was a little curious about what they had to do to get in. If he remembered correct, you had to first do the physical part of the exam, then it's the paper testing. Having the ability to fight wasn't the only way you could become a Ops. You had to also know the rules and what to do in certain situations. He remembered his dad, beating that into his head, whenever they would train.

“Yeah, I wouldn't mind taking a look myself," he replied, with a smile. "Didn't you want to be a Power Ranger?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hanzo watched intensely when he saw the student known as 'shogo' complete his test. The boy reminded Hanzo of himself a lot, a lust for power, and an ego. Of course Hanzo wasn't the only one watching, there were a few spiders gathering around the boy continuing to look at him. "Kamen..." A whisper could be heard as they looked closely at the boy. It was feint enough that only the boy could hear it. Unfortunately for the spiders, a janitor came by a few seconds later with a broom and swooped the spiders off their web and into a trash bin. Hanzo was still sweating alot though, infact at this point he was drenched in it, his shirt clearly showing it. Alot of the spectating crowd was now whispering about Hanzo and one of them had gone off to look for medical staff.

George watched as the twins walked off without giving him a second thought. "Stuck up brats." George said under his breath. He headed towards the course when his name got called. He was certainly one of the youngest to be taking the exam, though he didn't look it. In fact he looked about twice his own age due to his size and build.

"Right then! Let me show you guys how it's done!" George said proudly as a small group of boys off the side of the course cheered at George's flexing. Once the signal was set off for him to start he sprinted through the track without a second though, it was like watching a bull run across a field. George was certainly fast for his build. Once he got to the swimming portion he jumped in the water, due to his size his feet were touching the bottom, not to mention he couldn't float if he tried. Instead he treated the water like yet another track and ran through it. Much of the spectators watched with mouths agape at such a spectacle.

Once to the end of it George out of the water and headed towards the course where he would be dodging. One thing he couldn't do. Instead he ran straight through the entire thing knocking anything in his way to side, and taking blows like they were nothing. As a few balls came at him he caught a few mid flight then dropped them and continued on to the sparring course.

"Alright!" George said flexing only to see a rather masculine looking young man infront of him. "You ready?" George asked with a smile as he cracked his knuckles. George the twice the size of this young man. "I-I would rather not break anything." The young man said a bit worried. "Then I'll be gentle." George answered with a much softer grin now. The young man seemed to be in relief over this idea. The young man threw a few kicks and punches but none of these made George flinch, though the moves were impressive would have worked on anyone except George.

George wanted to make sure this young man get a good score it seemed. He didn't care much for his own score it seemed. He really did have a big heart. Then as time was about to run out George suddenly grabbed the kid just as he was turning around for a round house kick. He grabbed him from the abdomen and then without a second though bended backwards drilling the young mans head into the ground in a German suplex. "Nice going kid." George said after the battle was over and started to walk away. The spectators watched in silence at what had just happened.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Leon watched as the twins Ginny and Gerald took their turn. He was surprised at how aggressive they were with each other. He was impressed with each of the two during their performance. He was sure at least one of them would become a member of the Justice Ops. Then some crazy guy took his turn and could have easily killed his opponent. Leon would have interfered if not for the fact that he'd probably be making things worse if he did so. Next was this hulking figure of a guy who just seemed to be the embodiment of muscle mass. He'd be interesting to spar with to see if he was actually as good as he looked.

It didn't take very long before everyone else was done with their Physical portion of the exam. Once done Everyone was separated into different rooms to do the written portion of the test. As they were moved to these rooms it seemed as if they were pulling some from the large number of people and dismissing them for not doing well enough. Leon thought to himself, 'So, they are already kicking people to the curb. This should be good.' When he finally sat the instructor gave a long speech about testing etiquette. It was awfully boring. When he was done speaking they were finally allowed to begin.

Ollie turned to Hiro saying, "Well, yeah. I guess it's just ingrained in me from my strong desire to keep my family safe. What better way to do that then to be a power ranger. As I am right now I can't do much, but if I was stronger I could easily keep them safe." Just as Ollie finished speaking the teacher walked in saying, "Alright class. Today is a big event at the Justice Academy. I, along with a few other teachers, have been given permission by the principle to let you watch the Exams. We will now be heading to the auditorium to watch the news feed."

The other students starting getting up and moving while Ollie had a big smile on his face. "This is gonna be cool. You ready to see what competition there is?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ginny was was waken up with smelling salts. She reset her own shoulder. They checked her for a concussion, determined she did have one, they gave her pain medication and a cold compress. Gerald's eye was checked out, it was a mild one and didn't need surgery. They were sent off to take their non-physical part of the exams. Ginny was glad she intentionally trained her right hand to write since she was normally left handed.

In their exams they were put close enough to see each other but not close enough to taunt each other. The school was constantly forcing them to compete against each other, they didn't need any encouragement they were constantly pitting themselves against the other.

It was their father that started their friendly rivalry, he was a firm believer in the survival of the fittest and that the weak got culled. He did not want his children getting culled, he had to make them strong and competition is the greatest motivator for improvement in all things.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Azura
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Rin grabbed Haruki by the arm, giving him a little tug, snapping him out of his daze. “Come on, we have to do the written exam, right now. We have to hurry, before we’re late. If we miss this, we’ll fail automatically,” she explained, knowing Haru already knew, but wanting to give him a wake up call. Haruki rubbed his forehead, thinking to himself “what the hell am I doing”. The written test was just as important as the physical one. If you fail that test, you’re booted out without a retake. If you’re late for the physical exam, you could possibly talk your way into a make up exam, but this is a test about law and situation. If you don’t make it to the exam then it shows, that you don't have respect for the law to begin with.

Haruki and Rin made it to the testing room, noticing that the room was a bit packed. They took their seats, waiting for the instructor to tell them that they could begin. The instructor was in the process of giving them a lesson on testing etiquette first. Haru looked around, noticing the girl from earlier, that did amazing in the physical exam. What was her name, Misako? She was sitting in the far corner of the room. She looked a little distressed about something. She glanced at him, noticing that she was being watched. Haruki quickly turned around, feeling like a creeper. Embarrassed that he was discovered.

Rin turned slightly, to look at what cause Haru to blush so much, noticing the girl from before, sitting in the far corner of the room. It was the same girl, Haru was drooling over before. The thought made her feel a bit uneasy, for some reason. She shook it off when she heard the Instructor yell out “Begin”.


Misako, was sweating a bit, from her anxiety from being around so many people, she didn’t know. She felt like everyone was staring at her. She looked around, noticing that someone was actually staring at her. It caused her to freeze up a bit. He quickly evaded eye contact, when he noticed that she spotted him, which relieved her slightly. She kept questioning, the purpose of why she was here in the first place, even though she knew why. “Now Begin!!!” yelled the instructor, startling her a bit. She flipped over her test to begin.


Haruki finished his test, before Rin, turning it in, to be reviewed. When he turned it in, he waited for the test reviewer to go through it. After getting approval, he made his way out of the room. Rin may have done better in the physical part, but he was had the brains in the group. He wouldn’t dare tell her that though. He laughed at the thought, deciding to wait for her in the hallway.


Hiro and Ollie made it to the auditorium. The first thing Hiro noticed was the giant television, in the front. “What is this a movie theater?” he said out loud. He heard that the physical exam was complete, but they had footage of most of the exam. It was always interesting to see the athletic abilities of the ones taking part in the exams. He’d be lying, if he said he wasn’t a little interested.

He took his seat, near the back. He knew that if he sat in the front, some eyes were going to be on him. Everyone knew who his father was, or at least knew of him, when he died. A Power Ranger's identity is revealed when they die, so that they can be honored for their service in the force. The thought of his father's death, soured his mood a bit. “Hey Ollie, lets go to the arcade after this,” Hiro said to Ollie, wanting to shake off the thought.
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