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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


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Sayto watched as the man in front of him slammed into the ground and then seemed to pull a gigantic sword from within the earth itself. He smiled as the wizard raised the sword with one hand. "Some sort of weight affecting magic no doubt." he thought to himself as he grinned wildly. "I'd better finish this one quickly, I absolutely don't need to be spit in two." he thought as the man raised the sword high and prepared to swing it down upon him.

"Nice sword..." Sayto said as he prepared for the wizard's assault "You compensating?" he taunted as the wizard brought the sword down. "Lightning Step." he said under his breath. In an instant his body transformed itself into a bolt of the same black lightning as before and shot behind the swordsman. Sayto reappeared 15 meters down the street behind his assailant. Immediately upon reappearing he raised his arm and fired from it yet another stream of pitch dark lightning causing once more for a wave of rolling thunder to cascade over Magnolia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kibanakamura


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Azrul heard the murmuring of Sayto, but was unable to interpret what was said over the loud boom of thunder that soon accompanied it. Spinning around to face his enemy, he released the pull of gravity on himself, causing him to soar over the bolt thrown at him. From up high, he heard the comments said by Sayto and rolled his eyes. "Arrogant, aren't we?" he said to Sayto before he launched himself towards his enemy foot-first, increasing the pull of gravity between his foot and Sayto's face by a large amount.

(Apologies for the short post.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


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Sayto continued to smile as the man leaped to avoid his bolt. His smile widened when Azurl began to hurtle towards him. "Some sort of magnetism magic? No then he wouldn't have been able to pull the sword from the ground" Sayto thought frustratedly as the man continued flying in his direction. He mentally snapped his fingers "Gravity magic." He thought as he gazed upwards in understanding. His eyes glinted at the younger wizards words. He quickly raised a hand, "I'd say its justified when dealing woth weaklings like you." he taunted again. He then shot another bolt of lightning at Azurl although this bolt seemed to be even more powerful than the last. Once the bolt left his hand, Sayto quickly covered his hands in the same crackling lightning, ready to counter should Azurl again be able to avoid his attack.

(Sorry guys I don't mean to hog the RP)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Darren struggled to keep up with Seiben, and was actually unsure of where he was because his friend had ascended into the trees without him. After hearing no more sound from his partner, the swordsman stopped in his tracks and was about to unsheathe his katana before something was shot down in his direction. His head snapped towards the direction of the sound and he looked up once Seiben's voice could be heard. Following his partner, Darren grabbed onto whatever it was that was shot his way and held on tights, being whisked through the air quickly. Darren freaked out mentally as he was no longer touching the ground, and was luck that he found his footing on a branch. The swordsman hugged the tree that it was connected to tightly, not wanting to fall off. He didn't know how high he was, or where he was for that matter, and simply shouted out since he didn't know exactly there Seiben was. "Where am I?! How close is the ox and how soon can you put me down on the ground!?"
Despite what she had heard, Sasha continued to look around the area for anyone that mayhave been hurt, as she didn't exactly believe that the man who had called out to them was telling the truth. The man just walks into magnolia, sets a few buildings on fire, and says that the whole things is fake. It just sounded odd to her. The you woman called on her frost saber and began to put the fires out with a mix of her magic and the abilities of the sword. She knew that the others would be able to bring down the man that had done all of this, and just wanted to focus on making sure that the fire didn't spread.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sieben let out a long sigh. " well my dear friend. We're about seventy meters high. We're on a tree. About the ox." Sieben looked around for the overgrown figure of the black ox.he saw it nowhere. Then suddenly he heard a grunt and in the next moment the whole tree shook. Sieben almost fell from the hit. Looking for his partner he saw him hugging a tree. Next he looked down. What he saw was a pair of red glowing eyes looking directly back at him. " and the ox. ... Well it's right beneath us. Don't worry he can't topple the tree. And on the subject of getting you down." Sieben looked at the ox and then to his friend. " of you like some wild and crazy things. And if you trust me. Then I can get you down right now. " Sieben politely explained the situation. He was also hoping his friend would be up for the idea. Because Sieben had no wish of riding the ox alone, but he will if he musts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kibanakamura


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Azrul frowned as Sayto murmured to himself, but continued his course towards him. Suddenly, the man sent an even more powerful bolt flying towards him with a much larger hit radius. Eyes widening in surprise, Azrul had no choice but to increase the gravitational pull on himself quickly and with strength.

Plummeting straight down, he dodged the man's bolt and landed within touching range. Attempting to use the impact of his body and the ground to briefly stun Sayto, he would attempt to stretch his hand out and tap the man's leg with his left hand's forefingers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


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Sayto saw the attack coming, luckily he'd already been prepared for another escape attempt, the lightning surrounding his hands crackled as he swung a punch downwards towards the wizard as if to take the attack in order to deliver one. Then in the middle of this motion Sayto once again used his lightning step, he once more turned into the familiar bolt of black lightning, only to reappear a mere foot behind his opponent where he continued his punch from before.

Sayto could feel it, the effects of using lightning step again too soon. He didn't allow it to show on his face, but he could definitely feel it. He couldn't do that too many more times or else it could become very costly very quickly. However, this particular type of magic was extremely unpredictable. "I can't really afford any mistakes, or I won't be prepared for the next fight." Sayto thought "This one's clever, I'll give him that much, but he's got so many more clever strategies he hasn't even thought of yet." He continued all In thought
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kibanakamura


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Azrul had been waiting until his opponent had used enough energy, and judging by the state he was in he knew he had achieved it. Instead of shifting gravity to escape the attack, Azrul merely rolled to the side and got back on his feet. Despite the cost of magic, Azrul knew he had to do something to throw Sayto's rhythm off. Lifting up his pointer and middle finger, Azrul rubbed his fingers along the side of his own arm. "Gravity Center." he spoke just loud enough for Sayto to hear him. Suddenly, every moderate to small sized object in the area began to fly towards Azrul. (Since anything above moderate size in this scale would basically mean buildings, the pull would have an effect on Sayto.) Azrul saw this going one of two ways: Either Sayto would be pulled towards Azrul in an out of control state enough for him to land a direct blow, or it would force Sayto to use a large portion of his remaining magic to do a third lightning step. It was his move now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kelvin just shook his head, watching, and occasionally sidestepping the occasional bolt of lightning. "What a jerk, taking all the fun for himself." He muttered to Bardock. They both were good, but the gravity magic was just giving agility and force. Lightning magic particularly would be debilitating his guildmate- the shock from even a glancing blow would at least slow him down, and if he stopped moving he was finished. Of course, a similar story could be said for the other mage. Magic, even strong magic, only goes so far with a sword in your gut or a concussion. Watching the fight, Kelvin slowly positioned directly between those fighting the fires and the fight. Kelvin could feel his magic power rushing at his fingertips, eager to be let loose. A light smile played about his lips as he considered it. With this short distance, he could close in milliseconds. And he knew, with this much adrenaline, he wouldn't stop letting loose magic until one of them was knocked out, or he was out of power. Of course, that wouldn't guarantee the safety of his guildmate. An uncoordinated dash like that could easily throw the fight into the lightning mage's favor. Kelvin sighed, glancing at Bardock. "Why do they get to have all the fun?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yu watched the fight with a smile on his face occasionally dodging, when a stray attack almost hit him. he could hear some other guild members being a little bummed at having to wait. However Yu took this time trying to figure out the mans attack patterns and the way he fights, so far he just seemed like an agile, strong hot head. Yet he couldn't just say that he had a few little tricks he pulled off, so those were always something to watch out for if Azrul lost. Yu looked over at Kelvin and laughed, he was way to eager to fight, he might even be more of a hot head than the man that Arzul is fighting. Yu noticed some objects start to move towards Arzul, it even sucked some of his petals right off Yu's legs and arms. "Oh? What trick is this?" Yu mumbled to himself as he began to step further back just in case it was a big attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The blaze continued to spread rapidly, and Victoria had to cover her mouth and nose with her left hand to stop herself from inhaling the smoke and ash that was creeping through the streets of Magnolia. She turned her head to the citizens, and then to the fight going on between her guild mates and the lightning mage. He was quite powerful, but they would have to be okay with fighting him alone for the time being. Victoria skated quickly over to the civilians, ushering them away from the scene.
“The fire is still growing, it's not safe for you here.” She helped up an elderly woman, keeping her supported over her shoulder.
“What about the other citizens?” The woman asked between pants. She wasn't hurt, but the smoke was making it harder for her to breathe.
“A state of emergency has been called by the towns council, they are all evacuating the area with the help of other Fairy Tail mages.” At least this is was Victoria assumed to be the case. She began to walk the others out of the area, turning back to see Sasha and a few others she didn't recognise trying to put out the blaze. In the background, lightning and debris was flying everywhere.

She was about to turn back around when a stray blast of lightning soars straight over Sasha and struck the building she was trying to put out. There was a loud clash, and suddenly the home began to topple down over Sasha. Gasping in horror, Victoria quickly handed the elderly lady over to another citizen and rushed over to her. She began to panic as the debris began to slowly fall down on her guild mate.
“Sasha!” She yelled, skating over to her as fast as she could, but she wasn't going to make it in time. Just as Sasha was about to be entombed in the destroyed house, a loud gunshot was heard followed by a human-looking figure quickly dashing past Victoria at insane speeds. Jack quickly landed in front of Sasha, sending a swift uppercut towards one of the collapsed walls as it was about to flatten Sasha. His gauntlet glowed red, and another loud gunshot erupted as the debris was sent flying and crashing into the street. The recoil of the shot held so much pressure behind it that the ground began to crack under his feet, but he stood strong. More debris began to collapse on top of them, but Jack was ready. A large, white magic circle expanded beneath him, and his starfire gauntlets disappeared in a flash of brilliant light. When the light faded, Jack had raised arms above him, catching debris on a giant shield which was attached firmly to his forearm. Despite his strength, Victoria could see his face twist in pain every time a large piece of debris slammed straight into the shield. Victoria quickly skated over to them, raising her hand gently; creating a golden magic circle over Jack's head. A large platform of crystal materialised above him, being held by four pillars. The debris began to crash into that, forming large cracks on its surface. It wouldn't last long at all, but it was enough for Jack to put away his shield and move Sasha away from the house.

Jack laughed with delight, bouncing up and down on the spot with his fists placed in front of his face. He shadow boxed for a moment, turning around to face Victoria and Sasha with a large, stupid grin.
“That was awesome! You should have seen the look on your face, Tori, when I swooped in and punched that wall away. You were practically swooning.” Victoria ignored his taunts, checking to see if Sasha was okay.
“No cuts, bruises or burns. That's a relief.” She shot a dirty look in the direction of the fight. “I understand if he came to attack us, but putting the lives of innocents in danger is despicable.” Victoria stood up, another magic circle appearing beneath her to create a new pair of prism skates. Jack whistled, folding his arms across his broad chest.
“Watch out, Tori's joining the fray. As much as I'd love to pummel that asshats face in, I think I'm gonna stick with Sasha and help her put out the fire.” Jack putting out fires was unusual, since he seemed more like the type to start them. Victoria didn't complain, simply nodding to him before dashing away on her skates to where the fight was. Jack watched her go, slightly regretting giving up the opportunity to get into a good fight. He looked back at Sasha with a smile.
“Alright, you keep putting out the fires and I'll protect you from any collapsing walls or debris.” He requiped his starfire gauntlets, walking in front of Sasha towards the blaze.

Meanwhile, Victoria had taken a detour to the fight scene, moving swiftly through an alleyway and hopping onto one of the walls. She began to scale the wall, her hands and boots covered in sharp, crystal like claws to help her latch onto the wall. When she reached the top of the building, she looked out over the fight from her vantage point. She saw Azrul begin to pull the assailant towards him, as well as everything else. Watching the gravitational pull gave Victoria an idea. It was risky, but she figured Azrul wouldn't mind. Victoria twirled on the spot, raising her arms above her head like a ballerina. Her magic circle expanded behind her, and she suddenly put her right foot down firmly in front of her and held out both her palms towards the scene of the fight.
“Prism Carnival” She spoke softly, feeling her magic power gather behind her and twist and tighten together. Several elongated arrows of light began to materialise around her. They shimmered beautifully with an assortment of light, colours. At the last moment, she changed the direction of her hands to aim wide to the left of the fight, firing off the volley of arrows. From this perspective, it would seem as though all the arrows would miss, landing right behind the Lightning Magic; however the gravitational pull of Azrul's magic caused the arrows to begin to arc towards the unknown mage as they were pulled in towards Azrul.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeartlessNobody
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HeartlessNobody Ghost of the Mad King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Bardock turned is head to watch the fight. It was amusing, but this wasn't the time to eat popcorn and watch a show. He dismounted Fenrir and looked at Kelvin with a smile, "I'm sure our fun will begin soon. We just have to be ready to win." Bardock pulled out his quiver and started to count the arrows and of what types. "I have a good amount of explosive and frost arrows, and I can call upon my strongest guardian if we really get in a pinch. What we need to do now is either get set up so we can support our friend over there or we can set up so me and you can take him on next. Your choice." Bardock said. He didn't want to admit it, but he wanted to jump into the fight as much as Kelvin, but he had to keep his cool. A tactician, even in the heat of battle, can't lose his cool head.

(Sorry for the short post. My comp broke and I have only had access to the internet via my phone. Comp should be fixed by sunday.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Alright..." He said somewhat quietly as he loosened his grip on the tree, allowing his friend to lead him down to the ground. He absolutely hated heights, as he couldn't 'see' anything at all by using his normal means, and he was pretty much useless up in the air. He didn't know what Seiben had planned, but he was trusting the older man with his life at the moment, and hoped that the blood-user wouldn't steer him wrong. "Do what you have to do and get me down there." He told him in a serious tone, letting go of the tree a bit more.
Sasha did her best to put out as many fires as she could, but it was simply too much for her. When a stray bold of lighting hit the building she was trying to put out, the requip swordswoman had little time to react to the building falling on her, and even though she tried to move, it wasn't far enough to get away from the building in time. She braced herself for the building, but it never came, and was replaced with the sound of the building shattering. She watched at a mage protected her, as well as the one from before using her magic to protect Sasha and the young man whose name she had forgotten.

Moving away from the house, she was able to see Victoria and Jack. She didn't really have any time to say anything as the older woman checked the younger one for any damage whatsoever. Much to her surprise, she was completely unscathed. She thought more about it though, and knew that she shouldn't have been surprised since she was using her frost saber, and no real harm could come from that one. Seeing Jack volunteer to protect her from any falling debris, she nodded to him with a smile. "Thanks!" She said simply, mainly because she still didn't remember his name.

She quickly got to work with her frost saber and continued putting out the fires.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Slowly taking hold of his companions hand, Sieben pulled himself and Darren closer. He turned around and held Darrens left hand with his own left hand, and the same with the other hand. Now, Between Darrens front torso and Siebens back was just a tad space. "This might hurt a bit but don't worry just relax." Sieben Said before milions of small veins connected to Darren. "I need a little bit of your.... help, if you don't mind" Sieben stole just a little amount of blood, before Darren could reply. "Now down we goo~o." Sieben yelled as he shot some veins upward and pulled them bought up, while jumping at the same time. They bought fell down and landed on the mighty body of an ox. Sieben instantly used his vein magic to drive his veins as deep as possible into the body of the ox. At the same time he began stealing blood. But to his surprise the ox went furious and charged forward in the attempt to rid himself off his enemies. and there was no sign of blood loss effecting the cussed ox. Also the blood that Sieben stole gave him more power than any other blood till now, while at the same time misery, hate and anger filed his heart. In a successful attempt to steer the ox. Sieben used vein magic and from each hand a vein burst out into the side of the ox head. "Let's go show our new ride to the others." Sieben said and a grim smile drew on his face. The veins slowly began to change colours as well. From bright red and purple to pitch black.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


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Sayto still was grinning like a madman, even as his opponent used his next spell. He watched as Azurl placed his spell on himself, for a moment this caught Sayto off guard. Fortunately for him though, his fighting instincts took over. He could feel it, the force of gravity around this wizard had increased. For a moment Sayto tried to hold his ground, but soon found himself sliding toward the Gravity Wizard. "Clever." He thought, "He caught onto my lightning step's weakness and he's trying to exploit it." He continued in his head. He heard a whizzing noise and turned to see a swarm of deadly crystal looking arrows curving themselves with this new gravity. "And this one." He thought again "Using her arrows to follow the curve of this new gravity in order to hit me while I fight it... Smart..." He looked back at Azurl "Alright then," he continued to think to himself. "Let's do something you're not expecting." He finished his thought process and then prepared for his strike. He once again gathered his magic energy and then, using all of the physical strength he could muster, he launched himself towards his opponent throwing himself out of the arrows tragectory, and essentially copying the attack used on Sayto himself mere moments ago. After he leapt towards his target he once more covered his hands in lightning and prepared to strike Azurl with all his might, hoping the gravity wizard wouldn't be able to counter in time. With his own jumping strength enhanced even farther by Azurl's own power and throwing in his black lightning. This attack was going somewhere, Sayto just hoped it happened to be his adversary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kibanakamura


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While he had planned his opponent fleeing or being pulled, he above all expected what was now happening, as his enemy charged in to use his own attack against him. Happening a bit faster than he had expected, however, he had to hurry and wipe his forefingers over his arm again. "Gravity Center: Increase!" While increasing the power depleted more of his own magic, this also caused his enemy to be pulled in even quicker. However, what this also did was cause the ground around him to be so drawn to himself that it folded up from the ground around him, providing a thick rock and concrete shielding all around him. Once his enemy arrived at the barrier, Azrul would hold his whole hand over the mark on his arm and remove the Gravity Center magic.

With his enemy directly between him and the oncoming crystal arrows, Azrul knew he had only one more large gravity-based move in him. Stretching both hands over his head, a large magic circle appeared overhead of Sayto and Azrul. "Gravity Pressure Field!" He yelled out as the gravitational pull towards the ground skyrocketed and causing anything and anybody directly near Azrul to be pulled towards the ground. This would cause the oncoming arrows to follow it's trajectory until reaching Sayto, where it would then curve down towards Sayto's location if he was successfully pulled down. While it was rapidly draining the last of Azrul's magic, he fought as hard as possible to hold it up until the crystal arrows could reach Sayto and hit him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


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Sayto rushed towards his opponent and finally his hand made contact... With a barrier made of concrete and stone, his hand collided with the shield which immidiately spider cracked but did not fall. This guy was far smarter than Sayto had given him credit for. He was reluctant to use the Lightning Pillar for just this guy, but there weren't many options left.

"Gravity Pressure Field!"

These words snapped Sayto out of his trance as he remembered the arrows. He turned around to face the arrows as what seemed like five, no, ten times the gravity was applied. Although Sayto was forced to one knee, he was not immidiately floored. Sayto's eyes flashed with anger for a moment "I do not bow to anyone". He said through his teeth, the arrows were headed straight for him, he'd have to do something quick. Finally he decided there was no other way "Lightning Step" he said as he for the third time became a bolt of lightning and reappeared twenty meters down the street. He breathed heavily, that move was getting costly he didn't want to keep using it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kibanakamura


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Wincing and gasping for breath, Azrul took down the pressure field after feeling Sayto lightning step out of it. Despite being fairly low on magic, he prided himself on managing to force the man into exhausting more of his magic energy. From now on, even the gravity magic used on himself could only be used for dodging dangerous oncoming attacks, and nothing more. Grabbing the top edge of his floor-made barrier, he hoisted himself over and landed outside of it, facing his opponent. Kicking off of the floor, he made a quick lunge at Sayto in hopes of reaching him before he had recovered from his last burst of magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Victoria watched the battle go on from her perch. She watched the delicate manoeuvres between the two mages and smiled as her crystal arrows managed to disrupt the battle a lot more than she had hoped. She stood with one hand held firmly in front of her, the other pulled back as if holding a bowstring. Her magic circle was floating gently in front of her extended hand, ready to fire more arrows. She frowned at the scene, putting her arms down and dissipating the magic circle. Azrul was too close to the assailant for her to make a clear shot. She tried to think of other ways she could assist from this vantage point, but when the lightning mage disappeared from sight she cursed. He was going to run after all that. She frantically searched the surrounding area from her view at the top of building, before she spotted him slowly making his way down the far end of the street. Determined, she began to skate across the top of the buildings, creating a ramp of prism crystals off of the edge of the one at the furthest end of the block. She slid off the ramp and was propelled into the air above her target. Flying through the sky, she spun her body around and tucked her knees close to her chest. She would have flown straight over to the next block of not for a large, golden magic circle materialising behind her and forming a floating, crystal platform with the surface angled towards the ground. Her feet planted firmly on the platform, her momentum creating a large crack in it's surface. With a strong push, she sent herself flying down towards the street. Her platform shattered with a loud crash.

No doubt the lightning mage had heard the crash, but by the time he could react Victoria was already in front of him. She landed with a roll, her arm taking most of the fall for her. It stung, but she could ignore it for now. She stood to face her opponent, a magic circle gathering around her right hand just as she pulled it back behind her. An elongated, sword of crystals materialised around her finger tips. With a few quick slashing motions around her, she became used to the weight and feel of the weapon before holding it up to the mage. She felt a sudden chill. She was starting to push the limit on her magic power, but this didn't deter her. Azrul and this mage seemed to be in a worse off state anyway. Using the speed of her crystal skates, she dashed forward to deliver a quick jab straight to the chest of her assailant. The attack was merely a distraction. After seeing the fight with Azrul, she was certain that no direct attack like that would land on this man, even when he was weakened. As she was about to reach the mage, she quickly pulled her sword back and rolled to his right side, moving about a meter out of his grasp. Quickly turning to face him, she swiped her spare hand up and created a magic circle directly above him.
“Glitter Lance!” A much larger arrow of crystals fell from the sky towards him, crashing directly behind the man and sending out a wave of broken crystal and dust over them. The light of the sun, which had begun to peek out from behind the cloud of ashes as the rest of Fairy Tail put out the fires, reflected from the shards of crystal, creating hundreds of glimmering lights which would impair the vision of anyway caught within them.

Assuming her distraction had worked, Victoria would need to move quick. She stood up and spun around, bringing her hands close to her chest and sticking her elbows out to the side. She came to a sudden halt by firmly placing her right foot down in front of her and kneeling to the ground; her hands firmly pressed against the cold cobblestone. A magic circle formed underneath her palms, and a much large circle formed under the lightning mage.
“Prism Panorama!” At her words, she expended a large amount of magic power to summon form large, rigged shards of prism crystals to surround the lightning mage from all angles. The edges of these crystals were razor sharp, making movement inside of the trap very hard. Victoria panted as the dust began to clear from where the assailant was when she can tried to distract him; hoping to see that her efforts to ensnare him had worked.

Meanwhile, Jack sent another piece of stray debris flying away from Sasha as the last of the fires were being put out. He looked around the remnants of the house, finding a charred family portrait that could never be replaced. He turned to look at Sasha.
“I hope they didn't kill the guy that did this.” It was a rather odd thing to say. After the damage that was caused to their town, anyone would wish such a fate upon the person who committed the crime. “I'll be really pissed if I don't get to knock him around a little bit. I mean, Tori doesn't seem like the killing type to me. Although I don't know much about her. She never really talks to anyone. Ah crap Jack, you're babbling again.” He laughed, walking over to where Sasha was and patting her on the back firmly.
“Nice work here today. Nothing beats us requip mages, huh?” He walked out of the building, grabbing his shirt, which he had long since abandoned, on the way out. He pat the dust and ash off of it, sighing as he held up the completely ruined garment.
“Damn, I liked this shirt.” His hair and torso was completely covered in burns, ash, dirt and scratches. Despite that, you could still see the large, X-shaped scar that stretched down from his collarbone down to his waist.
“Come on Sasha, I don't hear any more lightning, so they must have dealt with the guy who did all of this. Let's go get cleaned up”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


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Sayto had indeed fallen for the trap hook line and sinker. He paused whilst inside of her cage of jagged spiked crystals, while it was possible for him to lightning step out of here, he had a much better idea. Not only would he use the power needed, but he'd pour the rest of his magic energy into a single Lightning Pillar and use it to take down this woman with one thunderous blast... There was a dust that seemed to be surrounding him, shielding him from view for the moment... Good, then he'd get started.

A thick dust, no movement... And then, the pressure of an immense amount of magic power began to build from within the cage where Sayto now stood. It was as though floodgates were being let open, first a small amount which grew extremely quickly, all of the wizard's magic reserves were being poured into a single shot. The mere pressure of the amount of magic power Sayto was giving off was enough to crack the cage in which he found himself. "You just insist on getting in the way don't you?" He spoke through gritted teeth "Alright then." he said as his magic power seemed to peak.

"Lightning Pillar!"

And then from the heavens came an enormous black lightning bolt, FAR larger than anything Sayto had fired yet. It struck down with the fury of a thunderstorm, but all at once. This massive bolt of lightning shot straight for Victoria, Sayto's "Captor" who had cast this prism spell. This particular bolt of lightning was far greater than an average bolt and would likely cause extremely severe damage if taken directly. Knowing this Sayto deliberately aimed the bolt slightly away from Victoria, his goal wasn't to kill these people, just to test them. thunder roared for miles on end from this massive lightning bolt, windows in the nearby buildings, along with Sayto's crystal prison were shattered from the immense noise. And Sayto, having lost so much magic power due to this final shot, collapsed backwards into the pile of broken crystals and only noticed the pain of the crystals digging into his back for a moment before blacking out...
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