Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Carmen raised one eyebrow, finally turning her head to face Lily. "Memories and size? That sounds like a little more than nothing," she opined.

She saw Lily look at her three pictures. It caused her to think about her own past...she didn't have anyone to put in a picture frame. That was totally fine with her, but...having those kinds of memories to look back on seemed...nice. Perhaps her memories were being made right now. She resolved to not overthink it and turned her thoughts back to Lily, realizing only then that she had left Lily with an uncomfortably long silence after her last question.

"OH! Um...sorry. My mind wanders sometimes, you know," she explained. "I...was sort of all over the place," she began, trying to think of the words to describe it. "Socializing, playing background music, stopping a fight, buying clothes, sitting at a bar, putting a guy in a wedding dress, annihilating guys with a foam cannon...you know, the usual," she said, slightly chuckling. "It's actually remarkable how much things calmed down by the time we ran into each other," she said. "In the dojos, I mean."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

- Lily -

"I guess..." She spoke. There were a lot of things going on earlier in the week. It was hard to believe it had been such a short time ago. "I don't know. I guess I'm just eager to move on. I've learned that the longer you hold on to the past, the longer it hurts you. Which..." She began, trailing off. She took in a deep breath and sat down on her bed. After a few seconds of contemplation she laid down like Carmen was and stared up at the ceiling. "Which is why I freaked out so much back there. I'd all but given up hope and there he stood like a freaking ghost in a fairytale." She continued.

She turned to face Carmen, her knees pulled up to her chest in a fetal position. "I don't know why I'm acting like this, really. I should be happy. I should have been happy when I saw him before this. But all I felt was sadness like... it's all over and there's no way for me to fix it. I don't know whether to move on or hang back and try to fix it." She explained, being a bit more vague than she probably should be. "Sorry... You probably don't want to hear all this..." She said turning over to face the wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Carmen frowned as Lily apologized for explaining her problems to her.

"Lily," she said, "don't do that." She sighed as Lily faced the wall.

"Lily, if you can't talk to your own roommate about your problems, who can you talk to?" She walked over to where Lily was, sitting down next to her.

"It's what I'm here for."

"You need somebody to explain your problems to. Pent up emotions never helped anybody...which is why I never hide mine." She paused. "...for better or for worse, perhaps unfortunately. In any case, you called out to me for help before we even knew we were roommates. I have no idea why you thought I of all people could help, but here we are. And now, I'm your roommate. Which, if the books I've read are correct, means that I have a duty to ensure your well-being," she explained. "Which I'm happy to do. I'm a good listener."

"Now why don't you turn around and talk to me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

- Lily -

She turned around and leaned up, looking at Carmen. Her eyes were soft and a small warm smile was creeping onto her face. She felt.. like crying. She jumped up and toppled Carmen, putting her arms around the girl.

"Thank you..." She mumbled into Carmen's shoulder, tears threatening. It was the first time in a very long time that anyone had been genuinely interested in her problems. She'd always been shoved to the side or forgotten. The lonely hero. For once someone was recognizing her.

She pulled away and sat up next to Carmen, looking at her. "I don't know what the books say... I just... go with my gut, I guess. You seemed like someone I could confide in. I mean... Matt is an old friend but.. I don't think he'd understand my problems and everyone else on this island has pretty much ignored me." She explained, feeling her stomach churn. She lifted her hand to her neck and felt for the ring.

"Even at my previous academy, no one really cared that I was dead and gone. They thought I was dead and when I went back... no one cared to see that it was me. And even if they did, it would just turn into a problem for them..." She explained, feeling a bit sorry for herself. But she was entitled, right? She'd spent so many years with all of this stuff bottled in and now there was a person sitting right next to her, willing to listen to it all.

She swallowed back her tears and continued, "When I was still alive, as a little girl in London, I grew up with a friend. His named was Xanthus. My parents thought I was crazy but he was like a brother to me. One day, at my old school, he came back but I didn't recognize him. Eventually, everything got sorted out and Mom came to save the day... I remembered him and suddenly it was like everything had come together. We were inseparable."

She took in a deep breath. "Or so I thought. One day, I found out about a lot of things that were going on around me. Lucifer, my parent, my own memories, everything. Well, Lucifer came to me in a dream. He told me he would destroy my friends and my loved ones if I didn't do as he asked. So... I prepared myself and made way for Heaven. They captured me, of course but what I didn't expect was them killing Xanthus. When I came back, I was broken. I hadn't realized how much I needed him. How much of my time I'd spent with him. He was my everything and I didn't even realize it until then." She told her story, her eyes staring down at the floor, her hand on the ring at her neck.

"I spent so much time in our room, staring at his things, trying to figure out what to do. Eventually, a friend came in and decided to try and help me by burning all of his things. I was furious. I kicked her out and then went in search of anything untouched. What I found sent me into another whirl of emotions. There was a letter and a ring." She began, swallowing to gather her courage and keep her tears at bay.

"The letter was Xanthus' rough draft to me, asking me to marry him. I... I still have the ring." She said, pulling out the ring from under her shirt. It was attached to a string around her neck. On the inside of the ring X & L were etched. "It broke my heart. And then he came back but he wasn't the same. He didn't look or feel the same. I knew it was him but there was another soul in there with him. Another person. I couldn't do that to them. I just... couldn't. So I left. I found my own way. I destroyed Lucifer and gained new life in the process." She continued, letting the ring fall against her chest.

"I got my grace back because as you said the human world is boring..." She explained.

And brutal...

"But now, I see him again and in his old body just older. It's like seeing something out of a dream but I don't know if it's one of those good dreams that goes from being great one second to being terrible the next. I've had so many dreams where I see him so happy and then he just looks dead and he's screaming at me. I've woken up so many nights in a cold sweat because of him. I don't know what to do... I don't even know where to begin..." She finished, holding her hands in her lap nervously. She closed her eyes as drops of water splashed onto her hands, her tears.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Carmen did not expected to be basically pounced on for her efforts, but she was happy that she had put Lily in a better mood. That happiness soon went away, though, as Lily explained...everything. Her entire past, and all of the emotions she had pent up.

For Carmen, it was devastating.

Nobody on the island probably saw Carmen as one who could get sad. She had everything going for her, and was the constantly overdramatic diva that people liked and thought funny. But to be a truly good musician, you must experience all emotions, including sadness. Carmen had just never really experienced sadness except from reading sad stories and the like. It was enough to give her something to work with, but she had never experienced it on her own, and never had somebody pour out their emotions to her like this. And she had certainly never heard a story so heartbreaking.

At the conclusion of the story, Carmen was not in the room.

She was in the bathroom weeping.

She wept for Lily and what she had to endure, and how she was ignored. Lily was a strong and kind soul from what Carmen could tell, and didn't deserve to be mistreated. She had gone into the bathroom because she wanted to remain strong as Lily's emotional rock, but the volume of her sobs immediately disintegrated that plan. Eventually walking out after she had calmed down enough to dry her tears, she walked over to Lily and hugged her. "I'm sorry, Lily, she said softly. "You don't deserve any of that. I hope...that your life will get better."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Darwin just grinned at his best friend Ryuu-san. Darwin looked around at all the other people and then quickly slipped a manga out of his sleeve and sneakily slipped it into Ryuu's hand. "It just got delivered this morning, shush!" He whispered before turning around with a mad grin. "OOOOH! I love shooting stuff! Can you pass me a gun Ryuu? I can't wait to get like heaps and heaps of bullseyes!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sukui


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Olympics over, all's back to the usual jobs in the island. Again with the same people doing the same job they want, talk and talk, and some even opted to train in the dojo. Now, Dendus had planned to have a regular training schedule while he was stationed on this island, and to be more specific, techniques using his black tendril wings. Athalia is a place for strange people, including people with prehensile wings, therefore this institution must've developed at least one move for an extra limb or more.

Thoughts aside, Dendus tooks steps to the trail towards the dojo, where probably a bunch of bozos who might have said they were going to do practice instead made it a hangout place with ridiculous activities that aren't training. The way towards his intended location was annoying to cross, however, since flurries of falling leaves continuously showered upon him with every gust that swept upon the land.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

- Lily -

She sat on the bed long after her story was over, listening to Carmen in the bathroom. This was why she never told anyone stuff like this, it always ended up hurting them in some way. She hated making people cry... She hated it.

With a blank expression, she watched Carmen come back out of the bathroom. She listened to her apologize. Lily smiled warmly and closed her eyes. "It already has." She said softly, her voice weary from crying. She opened her eyes and put her hand out to grab Carmen's.

"Just knowing that someone knows my pain is more than enough. I wish you didn't have to be the one to hear all of that. It's not something you should even have to think about." She explained, her hand hold Carmen's warmth. She stood up and wrapped her arms around Carmen, pulling her into a hug. "Thank you..." She whispered before pulling away. She put on a bright smile and turned to look at the room.

"Now... What do you say to some help with your stuff?" She asked, smiling at Carmen over her shoulder. Her stuff was already all put away as there wasn't much of it. Carmen on the other hand... Lily chuckled. Two polar opposites it seemed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

- Annie -

She stood, leaning against the entrance of the dojo watching someone come in and having a hard time of it too. Annie blinked and lifted a hand to feel for the wind. There wasn't much of it but she guessed it could be a hindrance... Though, probably just a minor annoyance. Still, she had to wonder if this kid was even coming in to train. So far she'd only seen one kid and all he wanted to do was annoy her. Still... From what she could see of this kid, he didn't seem the type.

Without another word, Annie stepped inside of the dojo and began walking to it's center, sitting down. Nearly everyone had left now. It was just her... She looked over to a small punching dummy one of the other teachers had left and shook her head. It wasn't even worth her training on that. It was too fragile as most things were. She sighed and sat to meditate.

She didn't know whether she liked all of this or if she wanted him back... Her friend... She couldn't even remember his name now but he'd been the only one to treat her like a girl and not some sort of machine. And here she was, treating herself like a machine, teaching kids how to fight like it was what she born for. But it was, wasn't it? She wasn't mean to wear pretty dresses or be looked after. It wasn't what she was like. She was more the one to protect than be protected...

She let out another sigh and closed her eyes, pushing all those thoughts away and focused on the environment around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Kathy

Kathy blushed as well at his request. “O-Oh, sure… I don’t mind.” She made a mental note to hide away any and all photos she wouldn’t want Crash to look at. She personally couldn’t remember any that was really worth hiding away but… ‘I shouldn’t let my guard down. Just because I don’t remember it doesn’t mean I don’t have one or two embarrassing moments captured on camera.’ Then aloud she told him, “Let me know when you want to come by and make the trade.”

Throughout their little game, she held his picture in her hand by the edge, not wanting to let it crumple inside of her pocket. Now as much as she liked to see a variety of emotions on Crash’s expression, his smug look was one that made her feel a little competitive. Somehow she didn’t quite like the feeling that everything was all according to his plan or something. She wasn’t entirely sure if he even had one with such a simple game, but that was just the feeling she got. It quickly went away though as they continued to make plans for their future date. Smiling she nodded, “Sounds good to me.” Then after a small thoughtful pause she asked, “Want me to make some sweet popcorn? Let me know what you like or if you have any allergies, and I’ll be happy to accept custom orders.”

Several answers Crash gave her stuck inside of her mind. Things such as his preference between sweet, salty, or savory and his shoe size was knowledge to keep in mind ‘just in case’ but other things stood out for different reasons. For example, Tinkerbell? Disney’s fluttery-winged fairy in a green dress? That was quite an unexpected answer and she expected an interesting background story to go along with it. Actually, there was something she was interested in even more than just hearing the tale behind it. ‘Would he change into that form if I asked him to?’ Kathy wondered. ‘I didn’t think he could change into fictional characters as well. That’s quite amazing really.’

The riddle had apparently been too simple, since he got the answer right away despite the shrug he gave. The number of phones he had gone through was actually not as many as she would have guessed (she had been thinking something in the double digits), though that was probably good news from Crash’s end. And she couldn’t help but smile broadly at his answer about the first memory he had of her. First of all, it seemed he had a certain amount of fondness for that memory as well. But also, she felt a little smug knowing that her memory of him went back a little more. ‘It’s just one more event but… It counts.’ Kathy let out a small chuckle at her recollection, allowing Crash to finish up his answer despite going over the time limit. With the final answer, she also commented with a small laugh, “Really? Wow, so Christmas sweaters made by Grandmothers are actually a real thing?” She could already imagine it. Crash wearing an over-sized hand-knit sweater trying to keep a smile on despite the grimace he had because of how itchy the present felt.

She was honestly surprised to hear him talk about his parents. Kathy hadn’t exactly made her actions subtle when she looked at the picture, but she hadn’t expected him to talk about it of his own accord. ‘Is there anything I can say to that..?’ Kathy knew the usual phrases like, ‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ or ‘oh you have my condolences,’ not none of them sounded sincere enough and didn’t quite encompass what she wanted to say anyway. And moreover, being able to smile so realistically with the recollection seemed incredibly… Lonely. She didn’t think a year was really enough to get over something so tragic. But… ‘Crash is doing his best not to drag the mood down, so I can’t be the one to waste his efforts here.’ So instead of trying to extend her sympathy, she just smiled and told him, “Thanks for telling me.”

Now she still felt irritated about something, but for now she decided to address his question. “What about dinner? If I recall, I don’t think you’ve had anything to eat since that bowl of cereal right?” Then looking at the photo in her hand she added, “I want to get changed out of my gym clothes and put this away in my room as well.” As she waited for his reply, her irritation ended up winning out. Unable to resist, Kathy flicked his forehead again, this time putting quite a bit of force behind it on purpose. “… You may be older than me, but you’re still an idiot.” She muttered solemnly, then making a quick change of mood herself she continued with a bright smile, “Come on then. Unless you have any other ideas, let’s get a move on.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Triple A
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Triple A Banned Admin / From The Dankest Hell

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

~ Yevon ~

An ice cream truck sat still nearby the entrance of the dojos.

And a student slept inside of it. In fact, he was sleeping with a snowboarding magazine plastered on his face. Sitting at the driver's seat, the man dozed off, totally not looking as if he would become a cheerful snowman at any moment.

Frosty's a chill dude, though.

Yevon woke up, slowly shoving his magazine into the seat next to his.

Where was he?

Yevon shrugged. Perhaps he had gotten here while he was sleeping. Perhaps he should go check out his surroundings. If there weren't any people, he would just go ahead and resume his sleep.

So Yevon slept again. His seatbelt loved him a lot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


She got tired of resting by the bar the whole time and everyone pretty much left so she decided to do the same. She wondered where all the others went to so she followed some of them towards what seemed to be some kind of dojos to train. But before she could enter she already got distracted by her suroundings.

Drow could swear that she could see something flying into the forest but it didnt seem to be like that still she felt curious about it so she moved into the forest. When she moved in a bit closer to the place she saw something flying leaves where falling from the trees but nothing really other then that. When she was about to head back she could see some pretty flowers that she almost trampled. When she moved back a bit to bend down over the flower picking one out of them and kept staring at the ordinary looking flower. The flower seemed to be a white one with some black mixed into it and it had a weird shape but she liked it so she tucked it into the side of her hair just above her right ear and looked for some more beatiful looking ones to keep them at home and show it to lion. After a few more minutes she found another one that got her attention this time it was a red one that was transparent and kept it in her hands to take it with her to her cabin.

Suddenly a loud noice broke the peace of her collecting flowers a strong wind came from the sound making her scarf and white dress wave along with it. It seemed a bit farther away but Drow could still see it clearly, a big white bird flying out of the forest. She immediatly attempted to run towards it but she was already to late the only thing that was left to see was Brako sitting at a lake in the middle of the forest looking very confused.

She kept looking at him not moving from his place and seemed to be in deep tought maybe he saw the white bird and made him paralyse in the progress. When she tought back about it, didnt she already see something like this in the past. It seemed to be that she lost those memories of that day. She broke one of the branches that was close to her and broke of some of the side branches so they wouldnt get in the way. The branch was shaped in an Y like form she placed the transparent flower between the V part of the branch and taped a note to the longer bit of the branch "Are you lost?" She moved her scarf in front of her nose and mouth, It made her feel safer for some reason. She moved in closer to the boy trying not to scare him by making much noise. She place the note and the flower in mid air in front of her and assumed he would take the flower as a gift After a while she pulled the branch back and made on the back of the paper some new text. The branch went in front of him again with the other writing "I'll lead you out of the forest, hold on the branch." She wrote rather big so she had to make the writing smaller at the end of the note even making it go a bit sideways.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

- Andromeda -
Andromeda smiled and nodded in response of Zivon.
after about a minute of silence she said "so Zivon's an interesting name, how'd you get it?"
she looked out at the ocean, she really want to swim, but she knew that was a bad idea, she heard his content sigh and turned her attention back to Zivon, with a smiled "what kind of stuff do you need to make what you're making?"
she saw him play with his hair, she felt one of the snakes, who nudged her hand out of it's way and laid flat, as many of snakes were bored and therefore going to sleep. she looked at his hair, and muttered "i wonder what hair's like"

- Oona -
Oona quite enjoyed the compliments, she hadn't really used a bow since she left home, and her brothers were always cruel, saying she was horrible at it because she didn't hit dead-center like she could, "thank you, it's not exactly a bull's eye, it's slightly off-center, but still thank you" she as smiling widely without realizing it.
then she blinked when Garden asked to braid her hair and said it was beautiful. she stared in stunned silence for a few seconds then a big smiled crossed "Of course, if you want to" she blushed "i've never had anyone say it was beautiful before, thank you"

- Alistair -
Alistair was still recovering slightly from the beating she had given him but he was better for the most part and as such stood and let her take his hand.
"i'm alright with that, Cyber, any idea where?" he looked around, the building had become very quiet, except just a few people still hanging around having conversations.
"i mean no offence by this Cyber but humans are odd creatures"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


When Andromeda asked about his name Zivon did wonder a bit on it. ‘ Dad… where did you even get that name?’ Zivon lightly giggled still figuring out how he got his name well nickname. He did know that Zivon actually meant… Alive in Russian, it was weird though… his dad was Japanese yet his dad took in a Russian name for no reason… He shook his head before getting confused. “I-t ….mea-ns …Ali-ve… M-y fu-ll n…am-e is Zo-non Bo-rs-h…he-nk y-et….m-y d-ad ca-lls m…e Z-ivo-n… or Zi-v-vy…” He smiled as he remembered again his short yet enjoyably childhood he had with his dad… Zivon then looked away for a moment and continue walking.

“I-I… ne-e…d so-m…e t-una, le…e-k, sp-ri…ng on-ion, …fl-our, su-g…a-a-r… a lo-t o-f….th-in-gs …r-r…ea-lly.” Zivon said while he noticed that Andromeda’s snakes were falling asleep and she even asked what hair is like. He tugged a bit more of his long hair and shrugged. “…it-s w-eird…” He muttered out as he saw small houses, he guessed that the students housing then he felt sad again… he still never met his roommate or even saw him… all alone as usual…

(What Zivon is saying… It means Alive… My full name is Zonon Borshenk yet my dad calls me Zivon… or Zivvy…, I need some tuna, leek, spring onion, flour, sugar… a lot of things really. …its weird…)


Garden clapped her hands again and went behind Lady Oona and patted lightly her shoulder to tell her to sit down. “ I wonder why no one has said that? Your hair is very smooth and long, quite beautiful really, its perfect for braids! And wow its white very pure as well” Garden said as she too out a wooden cone with a small daisy on it. “ Hello princess, what can I do for you today?” The daisy said, as it was a small servant wanting to join the princess in her studies. “Oh Lady daisy I am sure you know already I love to braid people hair! What do you think? Blue roses or maybe some orchids?” She giggled as she asked the Daisy.

The daisy said. I think it will look great with some roses but its your decision princess” Garden nodded and started to come lady Oona hair. She then started to fix her hair and braided it with some flowers she had created. After a couple of minutes Lady Oona hair was finally braided with a couple of light blue and pink flowers and orchids adding a bit to the style. ‘There we go! What you think lady Oona?” Garden asked her as she too out a small pocket mirror with vines covering it , she gave it to Lady Oona so she can see her new hairstyle.


Cyber nodded as Alistair said that humans are weird… lots of things are weird in the world. Cyber then walked with Alistair towards the exit and left the Dojo, the island and the ocean was still beautiful yet… he didn’t want to see the real world, he had his video games, and he could explore the worlds there and…never get bored… Cyber sighed yet he still took Alistair hand and walked him towards the beach at the shore; he let go of Alistair hand without even saying a word and walked closer to the shore. Cyber then removed his shoes and socks and made sure his feet were touching the waves. The wind was refreshing yet…

“The Ocean looks cool… you know… It seems to fake for me… Like I have seen it to many times and believe it not real, it sad to think that…. Believing the world is fake and yet… it’s not…” Cyber said a sort of sad tone, it had seem that he was bored of the world already, he scratched his head and fixed his bang covering his face, he turned towards Alistair and gave a… melancholic smile. “Its not bad really, I am sure it’s a nice view for other…” He sighed again but just continue to smile while looking at the Ocean.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Crash -

Crash noticed the blush that spread across her cheeks, his smile grew ever so slightly as she agreed to the trade. He was more than prepared to suck up the small amount of pride he still had for the sake of this trade, he nodded his head in answer to her. “Sure, thank you” He grinned at her lowering his hand from his neck as the color slowly ebbed back out of his face.He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when she didn’t laugh about his strangest form, he was wondering whether it would come back an bite him on the butt at some time though. He was glad to see her smile broaden as he relayed his first memory of her, raising an eyebrow at her small chuckle he was completely unaware of what her first memory of him was, he felt like he’d missed a trick by being so vague with his questions. “Apparently so, I’m pretty sure I’ll be able escape the clutches of ‘festive’ jumpers this year” He grinned at her, pleased it had made her laugh.

Crash was visibly relieved at the way she reacted to his sudden confession, he hadn’t meant to bring up in the hopes of gaining her sympathy. The truth was once she’d seen the picture he had been worried it may have come up at a later date and catch him completely unaware. He’d prepared himself to get it done and out of the way now...like ripping off a band aid. He perked up at the mention of food, a grin quickly forming on his face. He opened his mouth to reply to her when she suddenly decided to abuse him with a rather forceful flick to the forehead. “Ow!” He exclaimed flinching back from the assault, he blinked at her clearly surprised by the sudden action, pulling a frown onto his face as he listened to her mutter looking taken aback by the sudden mood change as in the next moment she put a bright smile on her face. I’m pretty sure this smile means I’ve annoyed her in some way......I shouldn’t have mentioned anything should I? He thought to himself.

“Yeah...dinner sounds great” He murmured rubbing his forehead as he got to his feet. “I’ll show you out” He decided on saying with a small smile, leading her out of his room he opened the door to the beach house, reaching up he rested his lower arm against the door above his head. “Drop me a text when you want to meet up again” He decided on saying, hoping it was the right thing to say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago


As the day wound down, many of Athalia's students went back to their rooms and began to chit chat and get settled in. Everyone met their roommates finally and got a chance to settle in where they lived. Brako had found himself being led back to the center of the island by one of the students, still a bit dumbfounded. With the Beach Games done and some form of training completed, Maria was getting herself ready to start a game of her own. She sat in her own cabin far away from every one else. She sat at her desk, giggling to herself as she drew on popsicle sticks. She put them all in a big cup when she was done and stood up, a determined look on her face. She smirked and walked outside, heading for the center of the island.

She smiled and whispered a small spell to amplify her voice.


Satisfied with herself, she went over to the bar and fixed herself a small glass of tea. She sat down at the bar to wait patiently for everyone to arrive, whistling innocently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

- Matt -
Matt closed the final drawer of his dresser.
Yay, I finally finished unpacking! I kind of regret not doing it earlier, though. Matt thought, then made his way to the living area of the small beach hut. Grabbing himself a small drink, he sat on one of the chairs and gave a sigh of relief. This day has been crazy, he was looking forward to just hunkering down and reading a book or something.

((I don't know what Criston is doing/where he is, and because I don't want to godmod, I'm just going to post this so you can know where Matt is.))

- Dani -
Dani skimmed through a book as he relaxed in a chair. He wasn't really interested in reading at that moment, he just didn't have anything to do. He had met his room mate, finally, earlier that day. He didn't exactly know what to say regarding the subject. Ryuu... Wasn't exactly friendly looking. However, the older boy hadn't done anything to him except say hi, so that was a good sign. It wasn't like he had decided what to look like, or maybe he did. Maybe he was shy and looked that way to keep others away from him.

Dani plopped the book onto the small table nearby and just lay back. Sooooo bored. He hoped something interesting would happen.


Dani froze for a second. Surely demons weren't attacking again? Or where they!? Mandatory meant important, but in what way? Dani jumped from his chair and ran through the woods towards the center as fast as he could, forgetting what had happened earlier when he made his way towards the training area (which had been much closer).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"You know, for a 'vacation' there have been an awful lot of 'mandatory' activities."

Carmen's response to Maria's announcement wasn't without reason, and certainly not without a hint of annoyance. However, it was Maria, who hadn't interfered with their lives thus far so it couldn't be too bad. To be frank, Carmen was mainly slightly annoyed because it got in the way of her continuing to talk to Lily about fashion, which is what she had been doing for the past eleven years few hours as the two unpacked Carmen's massive clothing collection. To her, it was easily one of the nicest things that had happened on the vacation thus far, and also one of the most relaxing.

Sitting down on the bed, Carmen looked up at Lily. "So...do you want to go over there now, or take judicious advantage of the fact that she didn't say 'immediately'?" she said as she crossed her legs and had a playful smile. She was not about to be rushed to do anything, let alone go to a "mandatory" meeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

- Lily -

Feeling a bit more relaxed and at ease after talking to Carmen for so long, Lily couldn't really careless about the meeting. Yes, she would go but she didn't feel the need to really rush there. She'd much rather just stay here as she was with her legs crossed, sitting on her bed listening to Carmen as she unpacked her clothes. Her new roommate had such good fashion sense, Lily shouldn't have surprised. Still, it was pretty cool... It was probably one of the first normal conversations she'd had in a very long time. Which... was nice.

She looked up when Carmen asked her if she wanted to leave or wait a bit. She grinned widely and shook her head. "No, I think they can wait. Why not be fashionably late?" She replied. Suddenly, she blinked, her eyes widening. A sly grin appeared on her face as she jumped up from her bed and fell onto Carmen's. Looking up at her, Lily grinned. "You should dress me up for this meeting." She told Carmen. "Let's see if you turn a wild flower into a rose, ne?" She continued, stick her tongue out at the girl, teasing her. She wanted to be dressed up and she also wanted to get Carmen the chance to dress her up and show her a few pointers.

She jumped up from the bed and threw her arms out to her side, spinning gleefully. "I'm all yours, Sensei!" She shouted playfully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

- Andromeda -
Andromeda liked that "alive" she whispered, she smiled unconciously "it's better then my name, depending on how you look at it i as named after either a bush or a greek sacrifice, who was, ironically, saved by the man who killed Medusa" she chuckled at that, as she had many times. "Zonon Borshenk ... that's a russian name, right?"
she listened to the ingredients with an amused smile "interesting, certainly a unique combination, for me at least" she laughed "but i'm no expert, the cook would let me watch sometimes but i really can't cook anything that doesn't come in a box" she laughed again with a big smile.
Andromeda liked how he described hair as weird "i like that, snakes are weird too"

- Oona -
Oona quite liked the feel of someone playing with her hair, last time anyone had done it was when her mom was getting her ready for a party, she couldn't quite remember what the party was for, one of her brother's birthday's, she thinks. it was nice.
"um" she tried to think of something that would make sense to the girl "i don't get compliments very often, i'm not normally around people who ... want to compliment me, i sort of take my hair as a matter of pride because ... well it's hard to explain" she let out a weak little chuckle.
then Garden started talking to a flower of some kind, which Oona knew she shouldn't be surprised by knowing how many weird things existed at their school but she still was, it was interesting, she didn't interrupt the conversation. she smiled at Garden and turned away again so the girl could get at her hair.
then she was done, Oona wished it had taken a little longer but she was quite impressed when she saw it. even she admitted that she looked quite pretty.
in a moment of weakness she threw her arms around Garden "Thank you" then she blushed and pulled back "sorry"

she looked up when she heard the voice calling them to the lounge "do you want to come with me Garden?"

- Alistair -
Alistair chuckled slightly at Cyber's little nod when he said humans were weird.
he liked the feel of her hand holding his, he wasn't sure why, it felt strong, and a touch masculine, that inkling in his brain reared it's ugly head again and Alistair suppressed it.
then Cyber let go, they were on the beach, she took off her shoes and was standing in the waves. he wanted to go closer but ... water didn't like his kind, so he kept his distance, watching her as she began to speak
"nothing here seems real to me" he said. he took a step or 2 closer, so he was just beyond the reach of the tide and leaned forward to take her hand "i was born in a swamp, it's all i knew, my life was the thistles and nettles and asper pods, my brothers and sisters, our friends, i never imagined there'd be a body of water so vast i couldn't even see the other shore, it's surreal, like a dream, like i'll wake up and my mother will give some disgusting nettle tea because she thinks i'm sick because i speak of dreams of oceans, and i'll go back to being carefree" he smiled at her, but it was a melancholy smile to match her own. then he looked forward, away from her "it is a nice view"
then he heard a loud voice calling 'all of athalia' to the lounge area. he dropped his hand "i believe that's you, you should go see what they want"
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