Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rookery


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Shoot Your Gun by 22-20s

Police Department – Common Office
Detective Nash

Detective Nash entered the common office and was greeted by it’s usual buzz. Various Detectives, suspects, complainants and witnesses lined the office tables or waited in the sidelines. Lucky for him, being a senior detective allowed him few perks, such as his own offices albeit it being cramp and damp. The walls gave a measure of silence compared the cubicles in front of him. Nash just arrived from court, it was the final hearing of his previous case before the gunshot victim. The prosecutor did an excellent job presenting the case and they’re now just waiting for the jury’s verdict. Motivated from the trial and with a fresh case still open, Nash left the court building and went straight ahead to the department once the closing statements were done.

He found his partner lying belly down in the staff lounge sofa, snoring, and drooling all over the place. The coffee table in front of him was littered with files, some he recognize from the gunshot case. He took the largest file from the table, which was about a thumb thick, and threw it at his partner.

“Ugh... What the fuck?!” Tomias van der Westhuizen groaned.

“Wake up, we got work to do.” Nash replied while lighting a cigarette. He sat at the couch across his partner.

“What time is it? Jesus, Nash it’s 11 in the morning, what got you so eager for leg work so early?” Westhuizen sat up and rested his head on both of his hands.

“Court hearing went great, told the prosecutor to text me once a verdict is given. I just got a mood to catch more bad guys.” Westhuizen just groaned, Nash continued: “When was the last time you were home? You look like shit.”

“I feel like bullshit thrown in a washer for good measure.” Tomias pulled his flash out from his pocket and downed two mouthful before putting it aside. “I was here since fucking Monday. That apartment ain’t no home, it’s a dildo attached to the subway. Damn building shakes every time one of those trains passed by.”

Nash shrugged, “Bout time you need a place to crash, I got a couch vacant if you’re interested.”

“No offense partner, but your mother’s cooking ain’t great. Your whole place smells like a knell once she has her hands on the stove. How do you survive that?”

“My sinus nerve has long been burnt out, ever wonder why I started smoking in the first place?” Both of the detectives chuckled. Tomias took another swig from his flask and Nash stub out his cigarette.

“So I heard you’re holding the girlfriend from the gunshot case. How’s interrogation coming along?”

“Nowhere, damn bitch has her lips tighter than a crabs buttocks. I was going at her for a good five hours, never said a word and never asked for a lawyer. I’m letting her sweat, maybe boiling her for a day or two would give a confession but popeye the prosecutor says we wouldn’t need one with the evidences at hand.”

“Good, that leaves just the one case. I came across Tony on the way out, says he forwarded you the autopsy and lab reporters. And have you heard the media? They’re calling it the College Red Rum Case.”

“Damn jokes, giving a case such a fantasy name only because the vic is blonde. The autopsy and lab is somewhere here... ah, here! You’ll find these rather interesting.” Westhuizen passed the file to Nash. Michael glanced over it and read out loud the data that seemed interesting.

‘Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to a tear on the diaphragm... Notes: No other visible injuries found on the victim’s body. Base on wound analyses, the victim was stab twice, first with a smaller blade and then a longer blade. The initial stab tear her diaphragm and severed the nerves on her spine, causing paralyses...’ She suffocated to death? Interesting, says it was a slow process. She might have been conscious all throughout the ordeal. That’s one sad way to go.

‘...She was then stab again post mortem on the same location.’ So the Murder was either trying to cover up the first stab for some reason or he was making sure our vic here was dead.

‘Time of death: Inconclusive, somewhere between 48 hours to when the body was found. State of the body Indicates that she was held in a hot and humid location prior to discovery.’ That narrows the original CS a bit, if I just have an idea where it is.

‘Toxicology...’ Wait, I am I reading this right? Was she running a pharmacy? Her blood work is all jack up! Ecstasy, crack, pain killers, Adderall, alcohol, roofies, the list just goes on. What kind of... this just doesn’t make any sense!”

“That caught my attention as well. She was both on uppers and downers. Some kind of snowball she had going, less pleasure and more kick. Like she was asking to die. I can’t wrap my head around it. If she survives the murder, she won’t be waking up from that cocktail.”

“Possibly administered by the murderer. If not all of drugs, probably most of it. Looks like our un-sub is someone with easy access to drugs but not only from the street, from what I’m seeing, hard prescrips’ as well. Some these drugs aren’t even available in most drug stores and all of it requires some serious diagnosis.”

“So I figured. I’ve contacted few of my DEA friends to put out feelers. Having that much merchandise would steer a bush or two. Another thing, I got two numbers. Both from the PoI list. We can set up an interview and check them off our list today.”

“Shoot them. It will be nice to get things going.” Nash said after lighting a cigarette.
Downtown – Urban Grind Café
Detective Tomias van der Westhuizen

What a circus. was the first thing that crossed detective Tomias van der Westhuizen’s mind when he saw where he and his partner is meeting their first PoI, Lilith Adams, a café called Urban Grind. It was like someone mahed fifties décor with sixties colors. If that wasn’t the case then they did a fine job making it look so. Most of its customers were under the age of 30 and probably taking up a course or two in the university. The café’s ambience earned quite a few head shakes from the detective. His partner, Michael Nash, reserved a seat outside while Tomias want inside and order them coffee and one extra for Ms. Adams. A polite gesture never hurts.

The barista, a girl named Kathrin, was accommodating enough that Tomias felt like putting up his best behavior despite his disapproval. He flashed his most charming smile, if you can call it that. It was more like a combination of a grizzly flashing its teeth and a pug’s face. If you can imagine that then kudos because Tomias couldn’t. The barista either didn’t notice or was actually appealed by the late forties’ detective to allow him to ask a few questions. From the short exchange, Tomias learned that the Ms. Adams regularly visits the café. Also she’d seen the victim once in a while. Probably a nice place to put a stake out if the case hits a wall. You never know if you might hear something interesting. Tomias thought. Once his order was done, he left his calling card and carried the three coffees outside.

Nash was on the phone when Tomias took his seat. He was talking with his professional voice to some interested party. Tomias gathered that it was someone from the outside. His partner was not giving out much details regarding the case but informative enough so that the person on the other end of the line would cooperate. They were talking about some blank account online posting private images of the victim.

“Do think you can send it over to our IT guys?” Nash said into the phone. “No, but I would like you to keep the forum up. There might be something to it... Okay, if anything comes up, anything at all. Contact me or my partner. All the data you’ve gathered so far, send it over to IT... Okay, bye.”

“Who was that?” Westhuizen asked while stirring some alcohol into his fap? Tap? Whatever the kids called iced-coffee, its better Irish. Any coffee is better Irish.

“Do you remember a kid named Norman Reed?” Nash replied after lighting a cigarette.

“Norman Reed?” Westhuizen took a gulp of his coffee. “Wait a second, wasn’t he the kid who worked for us as an informant couple years back? Some tech-whiz wasn’t he? What’s he calling you about?”

“Yeah. Apparently he attends the same university as our vic, coincidence? I don’t know but he has a forum up and someone is posting private images of the vic. I’m not sure if there is something to it but the photos may be from the vic phone, seeing that none of her personal items were found in the crime scene. Maybe we can piece together the vic’s movements prior to her murder with the most recent images posted and if we’re lucky the phone might have pictures of the murderer.”

“Knowing us, I doubt we’ll get any breaks.” Their conversation moved on to more casual topics until the PoI arrived, a kid who looks like someone spilled a bowl of rainbows on her hair. She quickly recognized them with the detectives the only ones not belonging to the age group. Tomias passed her coffee once Ms. Adams took her seat. They went straight to business, inquiring about her relationship with the victim. Her statement was informative. She gave a clear view of the university’s night life. Not much different from my days, just different music. Tomias thought. There was something in her statement that gave the detective a gut feeling that she was dealing as a sideline but he has nothing to support it. Anyway, it’s not relevant to the case... yet. Ms. Adams last sentences perked the ears of both detectives: As for the last time I saw Maria alive, it was a Saturday night party on 5th Avenue in the frat house, so that was about three nights ago. The party was a good time, and I think she left with one of the local trouble makers. He goes by many names, but I think his real one is Cooper Harley. I hope that helps.

After she was done, they thank her for her cooperation and sent her along her merry way. Tomias asked his partner once the PoI was out of ear shot: “What’s you take?”

“Ms. Adams’ statement was pretty much what we expected. Our vic is a party animal. The ye-old university student. We already got an idea of the vic’s background from her parents, so there was no surprise there either. The last bit was quite informative though. We finally got a name for the dealer bouncing around campus, a guy named Cooper Harley. And according to her, she saw the vic leave with him three days ago. If that’s true then we can narrow down the time of death. We should check if this dealer has a record. Also we should check out the frat house in 5th Avenue. Maybe sniff out clues from one of the brothers. There’s still too much holes to put these on paper.”

“Talking about holes, we still have one PoI to interview. A girl named Lisa Daniels, the so called ex-best friend of the vic.”

“Shoot her, we’re actually getting a better picture who Marie Todd really is.” Nash replied while drowning his cigarette in coffee.
Near Campus – Diner
Detective Tomias van der Westhuizen

The detectives weren’t expecting a reply from their next PoI, Lisa Daniels, within the day but when she did contact them to set up a meeting they were pleasantly surprise. Lisa Daniels calls herself the best friend of the vic, wait, Westhuizen forgot something. He meant Ex-best friend. What made it such the case should be an interesting story. It was evening when they got a reply from Ms. Daniels. She agreed to meet up in a diner close to campus. The detectives have no objections regarding the matter since they would appreciate some food in their system. Nash was surviving on nicotine and caffeine. Tomias only had Irish the whole day which was getting to him. His head felt rather light and his gait was slightly clumsy. They arrived at the dinner just around the agreed up on time.

Inside, Tomias noticed a girl calling them lazily over. She was short haired, wearing dark rimmed glasses and sweats. Her whole posture simply stated: ’I just got out of bed, what you want?’ Tomias made a quick take-out order before following his partner to the PoI’s table. Despte her cotton ball appearance, her demeanor made the two detectives go straight to business. Her statement was within the area of what the detectives expected but when she mentioned a church, Tomias got an itch. When he was working for the DEA, he uncovered that the cartel were using church groups and those so called ‘new age religion ’, which were more of a cult than anything else, to move products across the country. They used the members as luggage to get pass scanners. Most of them were the same age has the PoI and victim and most of them died. Tomias hopped this isn’t the case but with the vic pumped up with drugs, it’s not unlikely. Ms. Daniels pretty much gave the same picture as Ms. Adams, albeit less animal and more good, but she was avoiding her fall-out with the vic. Nash was about to thank her for her cooperation but Tomias pressed her on: “Ms. Danils, can you elaborate on how things... fell apart?”

Even though with a flustered face and a relaxed posture, Westhuizen was still an intimidating man. He doesn’t need to say much to push people into talking. Of course this can have the reverse effect, like what happened with the girlfriend of the gunshot victim. Ms. Daniels was a bit hesitant but she continued on with her statement. She mentioned a pastor who’s rather too devout, even suspected him of brainwashing the victim. She also mentioned a ‘religious healing’ which she described was ‘more like indoctrination event.’ This church was starting to smell fishy but everything was still hazy. With the details Ms. Daniels was giving, the church can be anything. It can be font for drug trafficking, a cult, a sex-slave ring or simply the good old fashion ultra conservative group.

There is one thing both detectives noticed. Whatever was happening behind the scenes, Maria Todd wanted out and things started getting complicated. Whoever or if ever there was a stalker, it could be anybody until more information can be gathered. The detectives thank her after she was done with her statement. They picked up their order and went straight to Nash’s sedan which was parked just outside the diner.

“Things are getting interesting.” Nash started while lighting a cigarette. “So far all the information we gather made things fuzzier.”

“You got me there. We still have to corroborate both statements with the statement we gathered from the parents yesterday but from the looks of it, this case is starting to smell like a big bag of rotting seafood.” Westhuizen said while unpacking the order and contrary to his statement, the bag smelled of grilled cheese and beacon with fries on the side.

“Yeah...” Nash took a handful of fries. “Let’s summarized what we’ve gathered. Ms. Adams statement was what we expected but she did gave us an important clue, where and with whom the victim was seen. Ms. Daniels’ statement wasn’t much different. The important thing about her statement was that church group. Doesn’t the church seem rather too conservative to you?”

“...Yup...” Westhuizen was either too drunk or too hungry to listen completely.

Nash took another handful of fries. “Thought so, it can be anything really and I think it’s worth checking out. We also have to consider the Tech-Whiz’ information, someone is posting private images of the victim online. Damn... there’s still too many holes. One thing is for sure, we have to know more about the victim before we could start figuring out who the murderer is.”

“...Whatever you say...” Westhuizen replied while eating his second burger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRider


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Reed quickly outlined what had been occurring on his forum to the detective. He asked him to continue the forum as normal and to send all the info he had to their IT department. Reed chuckled slightly when he said that. He shook his head at the mere idea of those 'IT forensics' guys actually able to do anything more than he had already. There was a reason he had been friendly with the cops previously and it was because Reed honestly felt sorry for their IT department. Smith wasn't going to be friendly in their contact. Reed nodded absently as the phone call ended and an email was shot off to Smith, the departments IT guy, with the attachments of the photos and a guest admin login to the forum.

Reed closed the tablet and his phone. He suddenly realized the message he had sent to Lisa was...late he supposed. He rubbed the bridge of his nose gently and stood from the cafés table, walking with a brisk pace. He needed to apologize to Lisa. He felt like it was necessary. He wasn't sure why. He hadn't dealt with this kind of thing before. It was a strong pang of...guilt? It didn't matter. He found himself moving without much thought and was soon in front of Lisa's door. He knocked, hoping she was home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Locks, like rules, are meant to be broken. That was Cooper "Halfpipe" Harley's thoughts on the matter. His plan was simple. Kick in the door and go confront those who needed to be confronted. If they weren't there, sit and wait in the dorm, gun in his lap. They'd return sooner or later, and he'd set the record straight. Simple, direct, foolproof.

Up until it came time to kick in the door. Movies make it look easy. One quick thrust of the leg and the door comes entirely off its hinges. It's not quite like that, turns out. Harley fruitlessy smashed his Chuck Taylors twice against the solid wooden door before giving up. He whimpered as he gently set his foot down on the floor. Looks like they weren't going to call him "Doorkicker" Harley anytime soon.

"Alright, you're an intelligent man," he muttered to himself, looking around the hallway. Didn't seem as though anyone had heard him just yet. "Figure out some way to get inside." He lifted a corner of the mat with a toe. No key. Well, that was too obvious anyways. Nobody with any brains would put a key under their welcome mat. Did he own a welcome mat? He couldn't remember. Probably not.

He surveyed the deserted hallway of the dormitory, unconsciously grinding his rotting teeth, looking for some way of breaking into the room. Preferably before the RA noticed he was here and kicking doors for no real reason. Muttering curses, he halfheartedly twisted the knob, found it was unlocked. Well, that would've been helpful to know earlier. With everything going on, he was surprised anyone would forget to lock their door. Grief does odd things to people, he supposed.

Cooper "Housebreaker" Harley walked inside the small room, found it unoccupied, had a look around at the tasteful decoration. He had been here once before, but he hadn't really taken the time to appreciate the decor. His mood had been somewhat altered at the time. But he had definitely been here, when he dropped Maria off at this place after the party.

He nodded to himself, pulled out the AMT Backup from the small of his back. Lowering himself into the desk chair, he gently placed the pistol on the surface of the desk, in easy reach. Now just to wait for Lillith Adams to return home. They would have a chat about what happened to Maria.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 day ago

After Lillith finished conversing with the detectives, they promptly left, for which she was thankful. She stepped outside of the cafe, with her coffee still in hand, and lit a cigarette. Her idea of stepping out for some fresh air involved polluting it a bit. Lily let the smoke bathe her tongue and swell in her lungs in an attempt to relieve her stresses. The cig was taking the edge off a little bit, but she knew what she needed. With a partier body like hers, she lived to tear it up. She had heard through the grapevine that a party was being held upstate later tonight, it might be extra good for her to get away.

Making up her mind and finishing the cigarette, Lillith flicked the butt to the ground and squashed the embers out under the weight of her chunky combat boots. Before going to the party, which she happened to know was located near Maria's hometown, she wanted to change her clothes to something more exciting. Maybe she could get laid tonight, that might help. Always the tough girl, she hardly admitted to herself that she was grieving over Maria's murder. Sure, she was sad to lose her business, but she didn't admit to anyone else what else she'd lost. Lily did a little more than just visually appreciate Mari's body, she could still remember the enticing cinnamon taste on her lips - or maybe that was just because of the Fireball shots. It didn't matter, it was gone all the same.

The bus ride back to her dorm was accompanied by the luscious screaming of Tim McIlrath in her ears. Loud music was therapeutic to her, it always had been throughout the foster care system as well. Hopping off the bus and heading up to her single dorm, Lily shot a text to her friend Chris, inviting her to meet up later to go to the up-state party. Pulling the ear buds out of her ears, she went to open up her dorm room door. Most people were too afraid of her to ever consider stealing from her, plus keys and locks are hard when you're under the influence, so she tended to keep the door unlocked. She startled a bit when she realized she wasn't alone, but did her best to conceal her concern. It was too soon for him to know that she ratted on him to the blues, that and they kept witnesses identities safe and all that, at least that's what she saw on TV. "Harley Hashpipe," she began and closed the door behind her "to what do I owe the pleasure." Not to be deterred from her mission to get ready to party, Lily took off her shirt and walked to her closet to find something better to put on, not caring if he looked on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Well, hello to you too, Lillith," Cooper said, not bothering to get up or avert his eyes. "I wanted to make sure we understood each other, right? Tough world, we gotta hang together, right? And I'm sure you wouldn't want to do anything that might hurt your buddy Coop." He smiled. Any charm in that expression was undone by his brown, mangled teeth. Did he own a toothbrush? He couldn't remember. Probably not.

"So, I got two questions. Or more like one warning and a question. So, one," he said, leaning back in the chair. "If you were thinking about, say, going to the police and telling them all sorts of nasty lies about me, I don't think I'd like that very much. I mean, a thing like that would ruin the dynamic of our vitriolic but ultimately friendly relationship. Long story short, I'd be super pissed," he said, raking a hand through his hair. He gently laid a hand atop his pistol, seemingly without meaning to.

"So, the question. What really happened after I dropped Maria off here? Mainly for my own edification. I walked her here and left. Next thing I hear she's dead. I feel like there's some holes in this story, you feel me?" Cooper Harley grinned, gently spinning the pistol on the surface of the desk with an index finger in the trigger guard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lillith turned her attention to him and away from her outfit search for the time being. Any fear she had was adequately hidden as she heard him out, chewing absentmindedly on her lip ring. Once he was finished, she strutted over to him and made an almost sympathetic sound with her mouth. Once she reached him, she confidently sat on his lap and straddled him against the chair. She was still shirtless, but that mattered little to her, the important parts were covered with black lace.

"Oh Coops, you aren't jealous, are you? I let you take her home from the party, its not my fault she prefers the V over the D. I bet you'd really like to know what happened while she was here, huh?" she gave him a sly smile, her face a mere 6 inches from his. "We were both pretty fucked up, but I do remember her writhing in pleasure beneath me." her smile returned and she chuckled a bit, holding back and hiding the sadness she felt at the loss. "She was gone when I woke up a few hours later. That really wasn't that new though, she was always afraid that the world would find out what she really liked. I guess she took her secrets with her to the grave."

Lillith's eyes were drawn to the pistol he had brought with him, but she still wasn't scared. She knew he didn't have it in him to shoot her, that and she'd had worse things done to her in the past. Even if he did kill her, it wouldn't matter, she wouldn't be missed and it's not like it wasn't something she considered doing herself. Still, she worked on charming him out of it "What are you gonna do, babe? Shoot me right here in my dorm for all to hear? You need to stop doing the hard stuff, Coop, it's making you paranoid." Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and gave her best half smile "Hows about we forget all about this and party together? I was just getting dressed to go to a place upstate." she suggested as a peace offering.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You know what, sure," Cooper said abruptly. "Fuck it. I mean, it'd probably be smart for me to get out of town for a while. Johnny Law wants me he's gonna have to send the staties. Sure, let's do it." He pushed Lillith off his lap as he stood rather abruptly and turned around, almost as though he had something he didn't want her to see. Just cause she played for the other team didn't mean she wasn't a healthy enough broad, right?

He snatched up the pistol and tucked it back into his belt at the small of his back. "Keep in mind that my referee here is coming with me, just in case you try to play unfair, got it? A .380 is pretty much the same thing as a yellow card. Let's meet back up in half an hour. I want to run home and pack a bag real quick." Did he own a bag? He couldn't remember. Probably not. "Don't go running upstate without me, doll," he said with a quick smile as he ducked out of the dorm room.

The smile turned to a scowl as soon as he was out of sight. He didn't trust her. Maybe that was the result of the crystal making him unable to trust his own reflection, but the point still stood. E'rybody is up to something, and she was no exception.

Still, like he had said, it might be good to get out of town. Besides, wasn't Maria from somewhere upstate? Might get a chance to do some digging, learn a thing or two. If Babylon ever busted him, having information about a murder might take a year or two off his inevitable sentence. Besides, always good to know who did the killing hereabouts. Just, you know, in case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He (Reed) found himself moving without much thought and was soon in front of Lisa's door. He knocked, hoping she was home.

Everything was getting jumbled up and fuzzy. What time was it again? She couldn't tell. That's what keeping your blinds shut does. Tears were all dried up, grief and sorrow running on empty. In there place something else, a thirst. She couldn't tell if she liked it or not, but it was there. A knock on the door pulled her from her daze. It was Reed.

"Yeah." she said frankly, letting him in. Lisa didn't care if he smelled the alcohol in her breath or saw the red puffiness in her eyes. She did care about the photo album full of memories of her and Mari from before the big fight. It was open to a picture of the two hugging and Lisa playfully kissing Mari on the cheek. Whether or not Reed noticed it, Lisa closed it and slid the album under her bed for good measure. The rest of her dorm was a mess, with clothes and candy wrappers all over the place. Her laptop had a bunch of pictures of Mari open that the anonymous poster uploaded.

"So? If you're here to give me your condolences then save it. I don't want your pity, I've already got enough. If you really want to help me, then take a look at this" she grabbed her laptop and showed Reed the pictures the stalker had taken of Mari. "Look, all these pictures. These were all taken after Mari and I... parted ways. The stalker is most likely someone I don't know, someone Mari met after I was gone. Now look at these, all stolen from Mari's camera. This girl right here shows up several times, it looks like they were friends and went to the same parties together. I looked her up on facebook, her name is Lilith Adams. If Mari had a boyfriend I'd look into him, but she doesn't. This Lilith girl is the only lead I have right now, I need to talk to her. I need to find out what happened since we split ways. Please tell me you know where to find Lilith Adams. And work some of that magic of yours to hack into her email or something."

Maybe it was the booze, maybe it was the grief. Or maybe she had just read too many comic books. But there was no way she was leaving this up to the cops. They were probably looking into her, she is rather suspicious after all: an old friend who departed on bad terms. And while they were wasting time the killer was getting away. Lisa had to take justice into her own hands. Yes, justice, that's what she kept telling herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRider


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Reed looked at the state that Lisa was in as she answered the door. Her eyes were red and puffy, dried tears showing on face. The scent of alcohol was strong on her breath as she spoke. Reed walked in to the room and noticed her push a book closed. He assumed she was reminiscing about her old friend that had passed away. He frowned slightly, not knowing what would be the best course of action. Lisa looked like she was breaking apart. Her eyes, despite the swelling from the obvious crying, held his own fast and with a fire that he recognized. She wasn’t going to just wallow in her depression and nor was she willing to the let the cops do their jobs.

Reed simply watched as Lisa began to pull photos up to him and rattled off some information about her and the girl that was murdered. Reed was silent while she continued and he eventually stood up and stood in front of Lisa. She looked like she was two conflicting persons, her room and her appearance showing the fragile girl he knew and the silent cold determination that was what he saw amongst the people determined on their own sense of justice. Lisa began firing off demands and question that were pointed directly at him, needing his ‘skills’ online to find out about the blank account and the woman Lilith. Reed furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Lisa. He felt something odd, something strange. He had the strangest compulsion to hold Lisa…to protect her. It was one of the strangest things he had felt. He nodded “yeah…yeah…but sorry about the message I sent…I didn't know…” He stammered gently before taking a deep breath and levelling his eyes at Lisa’s “and I'm sorry…but…I feel the need to…” he put a hand to her cheek gently and gave a soft smile before pressing his lips to hers. He wasn't sure why he felt he needed to, it was maybe the fact she looked so fragile…maybe that need to protect her rising in his mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It came out of left field. By the time Lisa realized what was going on it was too late, Reed laid one on her. She was too drunk to react right away, making the kiss last longer than it should've. She didn't need this right now. Lisa reeled back, creating a chasm between them. Her eyes adverted, tears welling up from who knows where. A hand covered her mouth and a silence filled the room as she searched for the right words.

"...I don't need a shoulder to cry on. And even if I did, believe me, you don't wanna be that guy." Her voice was low and solemn. Regardless of how she felt, Reed was the only person she thought she could trust, and the only person that could help her find the killer. "If you could find out anything about Lilith Adams... her phone number, her address, anything would be useful. I saw some posts on her facebook about a party upstate tonight, I'm gonna check it out. You don't have to help me, but I'm gonna find her with or without you."

Without anything else to say, she went to the bathroom to get ready. A shower washes away the dizziness and drunkenness, she will need her wits tonight. A change of clothes into something fresh, something stylish that will blend right in at a party. In her purse an unused bottle of pepper spray that she had for who knows how long, and a black ski mask. A change of hair style, some make up, and contact lenses make a simple disguise. She hardly recognized her reflection in the mirror.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rookery


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Police Department – Nash and Westhuizen’s Office
Detective Michael Nash

It was already dark when the detectives arrived back at the department. Westhuizen was drunk enough that it shows and he barely could walk straight. Nash helped him up the stairs and on to the couch in the staff lounge. After dumping everything from his pockets on the coffee table, Westhuizen passed out and soon began snoring. Nash simply sighed, lit a cigarette and went to his office. He began with transcribing the statements they gathered from the PoIs. Lilith Adams’ statement consist of the characterization of the victim and her last known location, a party at a frat house in 5th avenue. She also mentioned seeing the victim leaving the premise with a person named Cooper Harley. Maybe he has a rap sheet. Kids like him tend to have one. Nash thought while typing his name in the database search program. He minimized the application while it searched and continued typing down the statements.

Lisa Daniels’ characterization corroborates with Lilith Adams’. The only difference being that Ms. Daniels see the victim more of an angel than Ms. Adams. What he finds most interesting was the church she mentioned which was rather too devout for the detective’s taste. Nash’s last encounter with fanatics was a cult operating around the state border. It was a jurisdiction nightmare with multiple departments from both states involve and the FBI. The cult seems to be your typical ‘New Age Religion’ groups, friendly and liberal but that just a front. If you looked behind the curtains, they were operating a sex-slave ring with most of the women brainwashed and underage. The task force were hard press to find evidence against the cult since they got all their bases covered and were cautious.

Nash tried to turn one of the women inside and failed but not before planting a bug on her clothes. The bug was small and durable but wasn’t capable of transmitting data live yet it has enough capacity to record twenty days of audio. Nash waited and waited until he could retrieve the device. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months until he encountered same girl wearing the same dress again. After a quick interaction, he was able to swipe the bug from her dress, intact and its hard drive full. Most of the recorded audio were useless but the parts that contained information were valuable enough to warrant a raid into the cult’s compound. Everything else was history. Due to his actions, the FBI has been and still are trying to recruit Nash.

The detective was considering the possibility of a cult when the search program pinged. He opened the application which was showing the criminal record of Cooper Harley. Mmm... Nothing too impressive. Few drug related arrest and other petty crimes. Never served serious time either. He doesn’t come off as killer to me but who knows. People do crazy things in crazy situations. Nash thought. He typed down an APB request, attached the rap sheet and sent the email to dispatch. Feeling like it was about time for a well-deserved coffee break, he headed towards the lounge where his partner was drooling a river.

He was in the middle of pouring himself a cup of coffee when Westhuizen’s phone rang. Curious, Nash spared a glance on the caller ID, Andrea Carter. She was Tomias’ partner during his time in Narc. Nash picked up the call.

“West?” Andrea’s voice was rough. She was probably out based on the traffic noise Nash is hearing in the background.

“No, Tomias is currently passed out on the couch in front of me. This is Michael Nash, his partner.”

“I’m assuming the ringing still bothers him. Nice to finally nice to talk to you detective Nash. West speaks highly of you. Anyways, I’m calling regarding the feelers he ask me to put out. Two of my agents caught wind of possible cartel operation upstate. From the intel, they’re stock piling merchandise but everything is still hazy since we couldn’t find any solid clues regarding the operation. So far we’re able to access the local operation. Small time suppliers and dealers only.” Andrea was all business and straight to the point. Nash couldn’t help but like her.

“Thanks Andrea and I know this may be asking a little too much but regarding the local operation, is there any action going down? My case might be connected with the cartel operation since she was found with her system wacked with different kinds of drugs.”

“I owe West a favor and out of professional courtesy, I’m going to answer your question. We got rumors from the grape vine that a deal is going in a party at a place called Manor. Rumor has it that a major player’s middle-man would be attending. Since we can’t confirm these, I have my agents at play. If any of it is true, we’re busting the party. Look, Nash. You may take the backseat with me but do not get involve. If there is really an operation upstate and we succeed in bringing it down then we would have crippled their influences within the area.”

“Sure Andrea, I’ll take the back seat. I just want to see if there is any connection between our cases.”

“Good to hear. I’m on my way to the local department. Meet me there.” Andrea hanged up. Despite Nash saying that he would take the backseat he still wanted his own eyes inside. He need someone willing to operate outside their jurisdiction and off duty. He just have the guy in mind, Officer Richard Harmsworth. The detective went back to his office, typed the officer’s name in the database and soon after got his assignment sheet. My, my. He got the looks and talent for what I had in mind. were Nash’s thoughts while dialing the 6th department.
Outskirts of Downtown – Wayne’s Bar
Officer Richard Harmsworth

Wayne’s Bar was located just at the outskirts of downtown, close to the 6th police department. It’s a small establishment complete with the necessary items, a juke box, dart board and a pool table. The local’s owner was a bulky man and older timer named, what a surprise, Wayne. By nature, it attracts cops but does have other customers but never the ones of the illegal kind. From time to time, Wayne’s Bar has been called the Smoking Gun since it’s the usual hangout of the officers and detectives from the 6th who’re also known as “Under the Guns.” They’re known for meddling on other department’s jurisdiction hence the nickname. Presently, the bar is jammed with off duty officers seeking a good time.

Richard Harmsworth was with his colleagues around the pool table, playing and discussing the recent media hype of the Red Rum case. Per usual, the media made a lousy job presenting the whole thing, making the whole murder as a police procedural. As expected from a crime drama, undisclosed evidences and the usual suspects were lined up. Interviews with experts, family and friends were also shown. Where the officers had good fun bashing was the media’s portrayal of the crime scene. Total romanticization, more fiction than facts. Blood splatters and what not were described by the broadcaster. Any officer worth their badge know that the scene was too damn clean. The gang would have thrown tomatoes at the broadcaster if it would achieve anything or simply if they had tomatoes at hand but alas, they content themselves with bashing.

The group were playing their third round of eight-ball and it was Richard Harmsworth’s turn to break. It wouldn’t be a proper game without a wager hence he was fifty bucks in the line for the other guys secret. He’s playing against a newbie in the department, some guy named Charles, he reassigned from the 4th and the group was trying to find out why. Asides from his pretty face, Richard is known to be a hustler in pool so the new guy has to be ready to spill the beans. Richard was mid swing when Sarah, the waitress with the wicked legs, interrupted.

“Yo, Willy. You got an important phone call.” She flashed a smile and left just as quick as she arrived. All the cops, wait starch that, all the guys present checked her out and their gaze followed her until she was out of sight. A few of them low whistled but all of them fantasized. Rick passed his cue stick to his partner, Sam Peters, who’s rather vocal about his fantasies. The officer headed to the bar where the landline was located and was surprise to hear detective Nash on the other end.

“Officer Harmsworth? Okay, good. Son, I’m looking for an officers willing to operate off duty and outside their jurisdiction. It’s regarding the Red Rum case.” Rick’s curiosity sparked when the detective mentioned the case, even more so with request to operate outside the 6th jurisdiction. Even though he’s part of the Under the Guns, he operates differently. He adhere to the rules and it’s a bit strange for a detective from the 11th to ask assistance from outside his department. Rick has to clear things up before he could make a decision.

“Sir, this might be a little blunt but I have a couple questions: what kind of operation are we talking about and why me?” The officer could hear the detective shifting papers.

“Good questions son and I’ll give it to you clean. We got possible leads tying the victim with a possible cartel operation upstate. One of the feelers we got out caught wind of a possible exchange going down in a party, some place called Manor, tonight. Unfortunately, that’s outside my department’s jurisdiction and I’m not in the mood to get into a pissing contest with them folks. It would just delay things. Another catch is that the party consist of people below the age of 30 and I would have stand out like a sore thumb. I remembered you from the crime scene, thought you were passable, and pulled out your data. Says here you’re up for promotion, just waiting a slot in Quantico. Simply put son, you got the looks and intuition I need to get things done. The task is a simple look and see, I need eyes inside with a low possibility of arrest.”

Richard thought briefly, considered the pros and cons of the request. It was a simple look and see, no action needed and if it does, he’ll be working outside his jurisdiction and off duty which has its consequences. The whole thing seems sketchy but on the other hand he may bump the investigation along. “Okay sir, I’ll help.” Rick replied to the detective.

“Good son. You got your phone? Good, I’ll send you pictures of persons of interests and some case file information. And son, bring your gun and badge but keep it out of sight.” Both of them exchange numbers and soon after the data came rolling in. He got a couple of mug shots, a family photo here and there and few lines of case documents. After confirming that the officer got the data, the detective hanged up. Well, nothing gets the night going that an off duty escapade. I would need some back up. Rick thought. He called his partner over and gave him the down low. Sam agreed without any hesitation. He was a born and bred Under the Gun officer, always willing to piss off another department.

P.S. Dammit, I got TheRider’s character name all backwards all these time! It was Reed Norman and not Norman Reed >.> Damn you guys!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 day ago

Once the door clicked closed behind Cooper, Lillith let the panic creep in completely. Blood rushed up her neck and into her ears in searing bursts and she flew quickly to the door. She pushed her body into the cool wood and uncharacteristically locked her door, hoping to gain some semblance of comfort. “Holy fuck…” she rasped against the door, her breath creating a steamy design at the temperature difference. He had a gun, she could have been murdered right then.

In less than a second, Lillith’s demons swarmed her. Her breaths came quickly, and far too short… she struggled for oxygen… was she drowning? The weight of the world pressed into her chest, her vision blurred. Surely she was dying. The single coffee she had consumed that day gurgled in her stomach, threatening to burst forth from her lips. Amidst the flashes in her brain and screaming in her ears, Lily crawled to her desk. Pale, panicked fingers clawed at the drawer that contained the only drugs that she legally possessed. It took what felt like an eternity as she struggled between life and death to find the small bottle labeled “alprazolam”. Disregarding dosage suggestions, Lily threw a handful in her mouth. She sat on the floor, trembling with her arms around her knees, waiting for the Xanax dreams to sweep her away.

Lillith didn’t know how many minutes had passed when she looked up from behind her knees. The room blurred before he eyes and it seemed like a fog had settled there. She stood up, vision and limbs lagging behind her mind. She remembered wanting to dress up for the party. Right, she was going to get laid tonight. That was the goal: forget fucking everything! Or was it fuck to forget everything? Who cares… Her hands found the perfect outfit in her closet. A tight silver dress that fell a good foot or more above her knees, paired with bright green fishnet stockings and high, strappy leather boots. She finished the look off with a crop-length leather jacket with more studs, zippers, and pockets than necessary for a normal person. Lillith loaded the pockets with baggies of mary jane, wrappers, e pills, acid tabs, some cash and brass knuckles for self-defense.

Noticing her phone on the desk, Lillith checked for a response from Chris; Nothing from her yet. With a breath that only shook slightly, Lily checked herself out in the mirror. She looked good and tousled her hair a bit to complete the look. Knowing that gun-toting Cooper would be back any minute, Lily decided she needed some quick last-minute courage. Plus, it was never too early to start pre-gaming. Just after she finished putting the lsd under her tongue, a sound at the door broke the silence. Had it been a few minutes earlier, the sound would have put Lily out of her skin, but the benzos had their arms around her in a tight embrace… her senses were dulled. She opened the door to see Cooper with the aforementioned bag all packed.

Together, the two of them took public transit upstate to join in the revelry. They would both be in no state to drive back by the end of the night, so the bus was the safest option. The bus stop was far from where the party was located, so they had some walking to do. Knowing this was Mari’s hometown, Lily looked around a lot, in interest. The drugs swimming in her bloodstream made her focus somewhat slanted and she was positive her balance was more than a little off. After a slight stumble, she looked up to see a tucked away little church. Even in her drug-induced haze, she recognized the name. Mari talked about church once, after the alcohol had loosened up her lips a bit. A paper flyer attached to the door of the church fluttered in the breeze, she swore it had a picture of a quite recognizable face on it. Lillith turned to Cooper “Hey, I think Mari went here…” she gestured to the church and looked at him curiously, wondering if he cared to explore. With a sudden chuckle, she wondered if the building would fall to pieces if the two of them stepped foot in it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I'm going to the party Reed, I'm going to find her. You don't have to come with me. But if you can find out more about the person who posted those pictures, I'll owe you one." That's what Lisa told him before she left in a cab for the Manor. On the way she passed the old church, the cause of so much frustration and root of so many problems. She still remembered the day when the line was drawn in the sand. The church and its members were protesting something she couldn't remember. A sea of picket signs and chanting like a pack of howling wolves. Someone had the bright idea of fighting fire with fire, and gathered enough people to protest the protest. The worse part was the heat. The shadeless sunny sky rained down rays of unforgiving heat. Mari and Lisa weren't supposed to be there. They had no place in that war. But the church dragged Mari into their army and Lisa was found herself on the other side of the line. A fight broke out, and after it ended Mari carried Lisa and her broken ankle to an ambulance. She blamed herself for what happened, Lisa was only there because she was. Thinking back on it, that was the beginning of their troubles. Each blamed the others' side, they fought over who was in the right. Why did Lisa even care? That protest had nothing to do with her. Lisa was too apathetic to vote or care about politics, so why did she join a protest for something that she didn't care about? Because of Mari.

The party was already raging when Lisa got there. Loud music was booming and people were moving to the beat. Lisa lurked a bit, looking for Lilith. She was no where to be found, but she found someone else. A lanky looking fellow with a t-shirt three sizes too big. He was also in some of the pictures posted on the forum, maybe he knows Lilith.

"Hey, you know where I can find Lilith?" Lisa shouted, trying to overpower the music.


"Lilith Adams!"

"Let's talk upstairs!" the guy said with a creepy grin on his face. The kind that makes your skin crawl, like you're looking at something disgusting.

He led her to one of the bedrooms upstairs. The further they moved up, more people can be seen making out and heard making all sorts of noises. The first door the guy opened had two people going at it like rabbits. Lisa frowned in disgust. They went deeper down the hall 'til they found a room without a sock on the door knob. The guy introduced himself as Fred. A small time drug dealer by the looks of it, the kind of dealer stupid enough to enjoy his own product.

"I think Lily's on her way, babe. But if you need a little something something, your pal Freddie can hook you up" he said, pointing to himself as if to emphasize how dimwitted he is.

"I don't want any. Just tell me where to find Lilith."

"C'mon babe, don't be like that" he said, closing the gap between them. The stench of alcohol in his breath was nauseating. "The first one's on me" his hand reached out to touch Lisa but was quickly swatted away.

"Are you that drunk, or are you just stupid? All I want to know is where I can find Lilith Adams."

"Aww, don't tell you're a lezzie too. You wanna be her new squeeze?" he popped something in his mouth as he said so.

"Wha- No!"

"First that Maria chick and now you? Why can't Freddie get some love?" he started moving in close to Lisa again, and this time she gave him a big sloppy knuckle sandwich to the face.

"What did you say? What did you say about Mari!?!"

"Hey hey, what the hell? I'm just saying she and Lily used to hook up all the time!"

"Don't lie to me! Mari isn't like that! Don't go making things up!" she grabbed him by the collar and held back another fist, ready to be unleashed any second. The drugs must not be very good, because Freddie started freaking out.

"I-I'm just telling you what I saw man! I swear! I swear to god I'm not lying!"

"Swear to ME!" Lisa slammed him into a dresser then tossed him to the ground. "Where is Lilith Adams?" a handful of fist to to the face wakes him from his panic. "Where is she?"

"I dunno! She said she would be here! I saw her checking out that church on the way here. That's all I know, really!"

She stepped back out into the hall, exasperated not from the scene but from what she found out. It couldn't be true. Lisa felt she was falling down a well of lies. This wasn't the Mari she knew, not the Mari she had disney princess marathons with while eating home made cookies. The Mari she knew wouldn't hang with wannabe drug dealers and perverts. She had to find the truth, but deep inside she wasn't sure if she wanted to know the truth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The trip upstate would have been pleasant, if not for Cooper anxiously looking over his shoulders every ten seconds for staties, and the fact that his companion was obviously gowed up, a fact that might be successfully hidden from someone without a working pair of ears or eyes, but probably not a police officer with even a soupçon of experience. Maybe this whole thing had been a bad idea. Cooper sometimes thought that someone somewhere should make a machine that just prints out a card with a good idea written on it every hour on the hour, so everyone could keep one in their house. Then they could just read the cards and follow up on the randomly generated good ideas. That way, there would be no real excuse for doing dumb shit.

Somehow, Cooper doubted the machine would print out a card that would read "Leave town with a drug dealer you don't fully trust and try to solve a mystery."

Lillith gave him a nudge as they walked and pointed out the beat-up old church, telling him that Maria had been part of the congregation there. He hadn't been inside a church since he was a little kid. Did he own a Bible? He couldn't remember. Probably not.

Cooper looked at the time on his cell phone. The party would just be starting. Good. What kind of loser showed up at a party on time? Which meant they had time to poke around. Anything they could learn would be a good bargaining chip in case either got caught. For a man who prided himself on his worldly pragmatism, but still managed to be wrong about most things, this was terribly prescient. "Yeah, let's go have a look, maybe ask a few questions," he said with a nod. Being reasonably certain that he wouldn't burst into flames upon stepping onto consecrated ground, he walked towards the church, reassuring himself that his little pistol was still readily accessible. Pushing open the door, he looked around for an office or a pastor or something that might be useful. "Hello?" he called questioningly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lillith jabbed a hard elbow into his ribs, showing that she was far stronger then her petite frame indicated. She had learned how to fight from her time on the streets growing up, plus she took some kickboxing course at the University… the drugs helped with strength too, sometimes. “Shh!” she hissed at Cooper, her eyes looking a little frenzied, probably from the anxiety disorder and drug cocktail swimming in her bloodstream. “Have you looked at the two of us lately? I don’t know about you, but I’m not looking to make confession today.” She said in a hushed whisper.

The church seemed pretty empty, so they were probably safe regardless of his outburst. Lillith had torn the flyer off the door on the way in and took some time to read it now. She was right on the identity of the person in the photograph. Seeing Maria’s face for the first time since the crime scene took her breath away a little bit, if she hadn’t put up such fierce walls around herself, she might have cried in that moment. With all the strength in her, she kept the shimmering saltwater within her eyelids as she read. “It looks like they’re going to have a candlelight vigil for her after their next Sunday mass. Looks like I was right about this being her church.” Lily explained to Cooper in a whisper.

A sound pierced the silence in the church, startling both of them into a crouch behind a pew. Lillith scanned the church in a panic. The place looked pretty average as far as churches go… of which she knew quite little. There were pews, hymn books, stained glass artwork windows; the only really odd thing that stuck out was the giant crucifix behind the pulpit, brandishing a completely naked depiction of Jesus. Just the sight of it gave Lillith an uncomfortable feeling, she wondered briefly what her paranoid companion was thinking. A shuffling of footsteps caused Lily to sink even lower to the ground, her eyes followed after the figure as it headed to the area where the restrooms were. She gave Cooper a look indicating that this was their time to do some secretive sleuthing.

They both shuffled over to the area that the figure walked away from as quietly as they could, but Lily being less than in control of her faculties stumbled again and struggled to stifle a burst of giggles. Maybe the ecstasy pill she snuck on the bus wasn’t her best idea. Did she ever have good ideas? Was she currently sleuthing with a gun-toting meth dealer and addict? Yeah, bad ideas was her thing, apparently. Her skin started to feel funny, eager to be touched. “Later!” she meant to say in her mind to stifle her thoughts but she actually whispered it loud enough for Cooper to hear. After her slight episode, she looked up to the hallway they had found themselves in. Her mouth hung open at the sight of dozens of guns, crossbows and assorted weaponry brandishing the walls. Above the obscene display was a latin phrase “et iterum venturus est iudicare infirma”. Back in high school, she was big into vampire lore and learned a little bit of latin… so she was able to translate it roughly. “We… we should leave now” she whispered to Cooper even lower than she had before, fear creeping into her voice. Before she could finish the sentence, he was already heading for the door, obviously spooked, with her close behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRider


Member Offline since relaunch

Reed watched as Lisa left a large gap between them after his action. He rubbed the back of his neck gently and red crept across his skin, spreading quickly up his neck and over his cheeks. He was usually so sure of himself and his actions it was odd to feel as if he wasn’t when it came to this. He nodded absently as he vaguely heard that Lisa was going to a party to find things out about Maria. He simply nodded slowly and absently left her room and quickly found himself in a soft malaise of anger, rejection and the need to drink…a lot. But first some information.

He returned to his room, not bothering with the light as his screens of his computer still flickered gently in the darkness. The harsh white light threw the room into a startling abstract of light and shadow. Reed gave a soft chuckle ‘ Bit like a human huh…’ he muttered to himself as he kicked the door close. He went to his computer and began looking for Lilith Adams. He found some information and downloaded it to his phone. It wasn’t much but it was her address and prior convictions. He pushed away from his computer and stood up out of his chair. He sighed gently and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He decided a shower was necessary and stripped out of the loose fitting clothes. Reed set his glasses down on his bedside table and walked into the shower, brushing fingers through his hair. Reed looked completely different without the glasses and mop of hair covering half of his face and the light beard he grew. He wondered idly what’d happen if he changed that. Stepping into the shower, Reed could feel an idea bubbling in the back of his mind. Its main principle being helping Lisa and going to that party. He stepped out of the shower and rubbed gently at the scar that laced his neck. The jagged mark on his body a brutal reminder of a past he didn’t need any longer. A small grin pulled at his lips as the idea took hold in his mind and his razor soon went through the small beard on his face. Looking through his medicine cupboard he found his set of contacts, he placed them in his eyes. Reed looked himself over as he dressed, he didn’t look like himself…maybe it was time for the IT guy to get out of his shell. He ran his hand through hair, slicking back gently and walked out of the room, a slight swagger in his step.

The trip up to that party Lisa talked about was easy enough. His car quickly making the trip in no time. He walked in through the front door and people looked at him. He wasn’t the usual patron of this kind of party. He looked too clean, Reed even thought he might have looked too good. A girl sidled up to him quickly, wrapping an arm around his and cooing at him gently “Hey baby, you look good.”

Reed looked at the girl, bright emerald eyes fierce and ablaze “fuck off”. His voice was a growl more than a word and he shook her off him. She squealed and ran off as Reed walked through the crowd once more. Reed’s eyes searched through the crowd and he could not find Lisa. He growled again, Lisa was probably the worst kind of person to be caught up in this. His past let him know how to deal with this and separate his morality from his actions. He knew the seedier deals happened up in the higher stories of a building.

He strode up the stairs, long legs clothes in dark red jeans taking him a few steps at a time. Screams and shouts took his notice and he walked in to find what looked like a drug dealer pissing himself and Lisa shaking in anger. He ran his fingers through his hair and closed the distance between himself and Lisa “You need to calm down and think for a minute ok” he said without bothering if she recognized him “I have her address and all that shit if you are looking for her” he grabbed her shoulder and smiled “best just wait and not force people the piss themselves now.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"C'mon, doll, let's not do anything stupid," Cooper hissed quietly as he moved in front of the door, his arms flung wide to stop Lillith from leaving. "This might be valuable information, I mean, Christ. Look at this hardware. These guys are ready to fight World Wars Three through Eight. I mean, look at that!" he said, pointing to a rack of green metal tubes, the white stenciling just visible on the sides. "I don't think you can get those in the sporting goods section at Kmart." Did he own a rocket launcher? He couldn't remember. Probably not.

"Look, all I'm saying is we ought to get some kind of proof, just in case we get arrested, we'll have a bargaining chip. If Maria was mixed up in guns and a freaky cult, this might have something to do with what happened to her." He whipped out his phone and started taking as many photos as possible of the arsenal and the Latin phrases, gesturing for Lillith to do the same.

He had several photos taken when his heart jumped at the sound of brisk footsteps coming in his direction. Cooper thought about the pistol in his waistband, but saw the racks of rifles on the walls and quickly realized that he might as well throw snowballs at a man with a flamethrower. Instead he pocketed his phone, then ran forwards and snatched Lillith by the hand, dragging her along behind him as though it hadn't been her idea to run away in the first place. The two fled out the front door, not stopping until they reached the relative safety of the road they had been walking on.

"Think I got some good pics," Cooper said as he panted heavily. "Well, that was weird," he said dismissively. "Let's go to the party."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 day ago

When Cooper blocked her exit to safety, Lillith couldn’t help but let the rage bubble up under the surface. She narrowed her eyes at him and bared her teeth with a frenzied grumble. Maybe it was the drugs? Maybe she’d just had enough of his shit that day? Before she could forcefully shove him out of the way, he started rambling until he was being surprisingly reasonable.

Lillith took a few pictures of her own, being sure to include the flyer and other objects that could be used to identify this church, specifically - Including the morally disturbing statue behind the pulpit. Just as she finished snapping the picture of naked Jesus, the sound of footsteps nearly made her piss herself.

Thankfully, it was Cooper’s idea to fly this time, and she more than willingly followed suit. Not that he’d given her much choice in the matter, he yanked her by her wrist as if she were nothing more than a ragdoll… funny how his pet name for her kind of fit in that moment. Together they burst through the doors and sprinted down the road until both of them struggled for breath. Panting, Lillith chuckled a little “Nothing like two heavy smokers taking a casual stroll, eh?” she finished the joke with a nasty cough.

“I got some good pics too. That was quick thinking on your part, Coops. I’m impressed… it looks like you may still have a few brain cells yet!” She teased him with a light smile. In that moment, they almost seemed normal. It was almost as if her not-quite girlfriend hadn’t been murdered a few days ago. It was almost like Cooper wasn’t carrying a gun that he’d threatened her with early that afternoon. It was almost like they didn’t just finish snooping in a church for gun-toting psychopaths. Almost.

Lillith cleared her throat a bit, she was starting to sober up a bit more than she cared to. “Yeah, let’s get to that party, we’re only about a block away. I’m on a mission to get wrecked and find someone to get lucky with tonight!” she said cheerfully as they walked, letting her eyes flick over to him for the briefest of moments. ‘No, that would be a bad idea’ – she thought to herself… but bad ideas were the only ones she had.

Before long, they had found the address. The house was pretty large, multiple stories and both a front and a back yard. The house music was pumped up so loud that it was practically shaking the windows of the cars on the street. Lily took a breath of air, tainted with alcohol and stale cigarettes, and smiled peacefully. This was what she lived for. She skipped up the walkway and quickly found herself pushing through the crowd of sweaty, pulsing bodies with Cooper trailing close behind her. Mission objective #1: Acquire booze.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“You need to calm down and think for a minute ok” he said without bothering if she recognized him “I have her address and all that shit if you are looking for her” he grabbed her shoulder and smiled “best just wait and not force people the piss themselves now.”

"I am calm, I barely even touched him. Its not my fault that junkie is having a bad trip. Its like he inhaled scarecrow's fear gas." Not entirely untrue on her behalf. Although, maybe Lisa should stop reading so many comic books. Eagerly she took everything Reed found out about Lilith, most importantly her address and phone number. Finally she had a thread she could pull on to start untangling this mess. "Did you look into her email? or find anything else? I'm not saying she's the killer, but she smells fishier than Aquaman."

In all the fuss Lisa hadn't even noticed Reed's clothes. It was oddly stylish for him. She supposed she didn't know Reed as well as she thought she did. "Ehh... thanks. For helping me. I know I've been kind of selfish, and you didn't have to come all the way up here for me. I really owe you one." Her eyes stayed on the ground as she said so, slightly embarrassed. "I just... really have to find the truth. These guys are saying all kinds of things about Mari that can't be true. The least I can do is clear her name. If you don't want any part of this I understand, you've already done more than enough for me. Here let me get you a drink. I need one too."

The two went downstairs and Lisa got Reed some fancy looking drink that other people seemed to be enjoying. She got herself the lightest beer she could find. Lisa never could hold her liquor. With Reed with her she could sit comfortably without guys trying to hit on her. She sipped her beer and looked at her phone, staring at Lilith Adam's phone number. If she called what would she say? And what would stop her from just hanging up? No, it would be better to meet her in person. "I think Lilith is going to come here at some point. All we can do is wait." 3/4 of a bottle later Lisa was starting to feel drunk. She still hadn't fully recovered from all the drinking earlier that day. "She'll show up... I think she'll show up..." Lisa stumbled slightly and dropped her drink. "Oopsies. I- I'll get another one. Wait here, I'll be riiiight back hehe." Lisa slowly and not steadily made her way into the crowd of strange people when she bumped into a creepy looking guy with really bad teeth. "Hey buddy, watch where... where... I'm walking here!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRider


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Lisa seemed excited when the information was given to her. She rattled off some questions to Reed but didn't stop to wait for a response. His eyebrow raised slightly as she looked at him and then cast her eyes downward. Once again not waiting for a response from Reed, Lisa offered to grab him a drink after a small thank you. Reed nodded and walked down with her, a smile spreading across his lips. He suddenly remembered why he liked Lisa. She reminded him of his old partner.

As they walked down to the party proper and sat together drinking, an act on Lisa's part no doubt to stop people hitting on her, Reed's mind slipped back into past as they spoke. His body reacting on autopilot, Reed thought back on his past, his hand rubbing at the jagged scar tissue that laced his neck.

"Stay the fuck down!" The man screamed at the lanky figure that lay on the floor in front of him. The man that was standing was large, big around as he was tall, and had the particular violence of a man that held no more knowledge in his mind then what his aggression told him to do.

The man on the floor however, was different. The shirtless figure showed not the build of a weightlifter, but something more akin to a snake. All lithe, muscles coiled with threatening energy ready to spring forth. That is when to say, it would look like that if he were standing. The crowd cheered for the larger man, cheering for their money winner. No one ever bet against the big guy. Not in a place like this.

The smaller figure struggled to his feet, his hand going up to wipe the mouth that trickled blood. The figured laughed. A gentle and sinister noise. The big man growled in response and ran at the smaller man. The laughing stopped and he moved quickly out of the way, his hands gripping on the wildly swinging arm of the larger man. With precision, the smaller figured leapt up and wrapped his legs around the man's arm. The weight caused the larger figure to fall and the smaller man laughed once more. A few groans of pain and a loud pop sounded through the crowded smoke filled room. The smaller figure stood up as the large man nursed his now dislocated arm. The small figure laughed again, bright green eyes now showing as he pushed the hair out of his face. The laughter slowed as his hand went to the darkened ring of scar tissue that wrapped the figures neck.

Reed shook his head out of revelry of his past, a dark place he didn't really want to return to and saw that Lisa had left. His bright eyes searched the room and he saw her collide with someone. He then saw that she was about to have a collision course with the woman she wanted to see. Reed knew that would end badly with lightweight Lisa already tanked. Reed stood up and walked over to Lilith, placing a hand on her shoulder and putting his lips close to her ear "you are the suspect of a murder...you pissed off the victim's friend" he said softly as his grip on her shoulder tightened "I suggest you get some alcohol and follow me up stairs so I can sort this out before I have to start playing dirty here...we clear? " his voice was low and menacing "good" he said not waiting for an answer before walking back up stairs.
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