Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With a small chuckle, Marcus glanced over at Sun before looking at Shay. She knew him well, he he wasn't all that surprised when she had spoken to him. It just didn't make sense to him, and nothing that was currently available could explain how his powers worked. He had gotten used to flying around with the sprites, but he wasn't going to do anything crazy with them. "It doesn't make sense." He said simply as he looked onward. He was glad that she understood him, even when he didn't say anything, and he began to think about where their relationship was. Thinking about something like that during a battle for one's home probably wouldn't be the best idea, but everything that had happened recently had gotten him to think about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCheshire
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ravenia's breath hitched in her throat as she felt her feet swept out from beneath her. She laughed at the fact that he was carrying her. "Well, I'm not so much mad as I am embarrassed. I'm fine Tobias, I can walk, I'm just tired is all." But she didn't fight him. She had phased far too much today, it didn't help that she had even phased Tobias and Shay earlier. Ravenia knew the risks of phasing, she had almost been lost in the darkness once but had managed to pull herself out. She had been critically injured at that time, however. The only reason she had been able to pull herself from the shadows was when she heard her father calling to her; of course, he had been dead but he had been her guiding light. Ravenia chalked that up to her blood loss and being delirious.

Cradling her wounded arm against her chest, Ravenia felt just how tired she was at that moment when she had been allowed a moment's of rest and her adrenaline had stopped coursing. For a moment she allowed her head to rest on Tobias's chest and her eyes to slide shut. She rested there for a good few seconds before she regained her composure. She needed to withhold some type of decency as Mother as she was going to be carried in through the gates. Admittedly, she had not been the first Mother ever wounded in battle, or the first one to be carried home, but it still wasn't a very good thing to see. It caused people to go into a panic seeing their leader in a weakened state. Clearing her throat, Ravenia called out in her best 'Motherly voice'.

"OPEN THE GATES!" Her voice was loud and crisp, carrying across the distance. She knew somebody would hear her, she just hoped they were able to operate the manual switch. Ravenia figured Marcus was off to see Shay, she couldn't blame him. She knew what it was like to worry about somebody you cared about. Ravenia looked up to Tobias at that moment, seeing the worried look on his face as he focused on the gates. She leaned up slightly, cupped the side of his face using her good hand and placed a kiss against the side of his throat. "Thank you." She said and leaned back again, looking towards the Gates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminance
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Luminance A light in the dark

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Anora agreed with her sisters suggestion without hesitation and followed after her. It was only a few moments after getting to a safe place that the repercussion wave of heat blew over her head, but it wasn’t until she heard the all clear from Jacob that she finally allowed herself to survey the outcome. Majority of the mass of dead were out for the count though it seemed that a few had survived. But what had her most concerned was the sight of Ravenia in the very midst of the blast zone. Mother or not stupidity could only go so far before one died because of it. Yes, Tobias had attempted to keep her safe but it was clear that she had been hurt and would have radiation poisoning.

First her younger sister Clo had just about given her a heart attack and now the Mother was trying to give her one. Anymore scares like this and she feared that she would not survive the day.

Perhaps Mother needs to spend a little while in the timeout chair. She thought to herself with a quirk of her lips and few over towards the direction her sister went. Seeing Ramera taking out the few stragglers who remained from the blast, Anora joined in and following Jacob’s words, only took out the ones that were behind him.

When the last of the stone knives she had equipped herself with was embedded deep in the skull of a corpses, the finalising ‘all clear’ was called out by Jacob who was now only a walking -and glowing- skeleton. It had been awhile since the last time Anora had seen him like this but she felt like it was natural thing even considering that it was regarded by many as unnatural.

Her eyes softened, Jacob was the one in Paradise who always gave the biggest sacrifice and yet what he got in return was fear and hatred by the inhabitants. Always being given a hard time. If she really thought about it, she could almost fully empathise with him. Her and her two sisters too.

Since her birth she was treated less than human, she was treated as an experiment, by even her own parents. If it wasn’t for her elder sister Ramera, then she would definitely still be in the lab and they wouldn’t have found Clo.

Shaking her head from these morbid thoughts, Anora took a final sweep of the area from her place in the sky, just to make sure that they had really won and returned back to the top of the wall. On the way over to it, Jacob called her and her sisters name, wanting one of them to get his coat and gloves. Since Anora was the closest, she gathered the requested lead lined clothing into her arms and then flew down, landing in front of Jacob she gave him a genuine smile even though it was only a small one. She proffered the clothing to him and just when she was about to compliment him on his job well done, The Mother snapped at him. Anora knew that it was probably Ravenia’s pain and exhaustion that caused the words spoken in anger, however it still irked her non the less.

Taking out one of her good throwing knives she slashed it over the topside of her hand in plain sight of the three others standing around her

“I will bear it without casting blame anywhere else, for I caused its occurrence.” She spoke in her usual yet slightly strange cryptic speech, trying to convey the message that in so choosing to stay in direct range of Jacob’s blast, Ravenia had no reason to snap at Jacob as she just had as if it were somehow his fault. “I’ll return to my duty Mother, Tobias and Jacob, please excuse me.”

With a curt nod to the three of them she quickly found herself back atop the wall and resumed her earlier task of keeping watch. She would probably allow herself time for recuperation and then set out on a scouting trip. “This day is much too long Ramera and I fear that there is still much more to come. When Clo returns from her rest I shall scout the Red Waste for other threats.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jacob politely took his jacket and gloves from Anora. He would have shown a slight smile, normally, before immediately suppressing it. As it was, however, he gave a curt "Thanks". Then he heard Ravenia and Tobias snap at him. He didn't care, really, though he was slightly annoyed. He didn't bother to adress their criticisms. though, and merely threw on his coat. After his gloves were on, he threw up the hood of his coat, slightly masking his face. It would fare better if he wasn't a walking flare. He payed little attention to Anora's cryptic comment as well. He wasn't much for riddles.

As for Tobias's remark of being checked out, Jacob took that seriously, at least. "I will be down, Tobias, make no mistake. After discharging that much energy I may have a few hairline fractures in my bone structure. But I won't be down just yet. I'll wait for there to be less people at the med center. I'd hate to interfere with anyone's recovery. Just let me know when it's good to come down. You know where to find me."

Eventually, some one got around to engaging the manual mechanism for the gates, and Jacob walked through. He stuck to the alleys, and less populated streets, as he made his way back to the power plant. He got a few stares on the way, as the occasional passerby had an angle to see his skull through his hood. He made his way into the plant without much excitement, and headed to his room. He sat on his bed and glanced at his desk. In the top drawer of it was the last thing Jacob had to remember of his time before his life went to hell. It didn't normally touch it like this, because it was old and he didn't want to damage it. However, Jacob strode over, and opened the drawer on a whim. Inside was an old copy of Plato's Republic. He had read it over three times. As a cynic, there was much he didn't agree with in the book, but he respected some of its claims. Hell, it was that book that had given his life purpose when he first arrived in the Paradise Lands.

Jacob moved back to his bed and collapsed on it. Contrary to what he said and how he acted in the wastes, Jacob was exhausted from the fight. Though he had no eye's, he willed his eye sockets to sort of "turn off", as he rested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"<What are you doing here?>"

Isam had been asleep for a couple hours by the time Omar found him. He was still sprawled out on the couch, his face buried in a cushion. He turned to look up at his friend, blinking a couple times.


Omar smiled and gave a half laugh. He and Isam had been through a lot together, and he considered Isam to be his best friend. He honestly didn't mind the man coming in to sleep on his couch. He'd gotten used to Isam and his strange quirks over the years.
"<I'm sure you have a bed at home to sleep in,>" He said offhandedly as he passed into the kitchen. Omar had a basket in his hand, which he set on the kitchen table. He plopped down in one of the old, wooden chair and began to hum as he picked around in his basket, removing a large, green pod from it. Omar made a few cuts along the plant pod, causing white cream to ooze out.

Isam looked up from the couch to watch, mildly curious.
"<You harvested your poppies?>" He asked, watching as Omar let the white sap leak into a bowl.
"<One of the nurses came over to tell me that they were running low on pain killers. Something must have happened; a lot of people were hurt.>"

Omar was a simple man. He farmed and he grew his plants. He lived peacefully inside his little community, hardly speaking any English, but always willing to help those who came to him. He had a good heart. But, as far as Isam understood, he hadn't always been that way. Where Omar came from, greed was a requirement for life. He had stepped on plenty of toes to get where he was.

"<There was an attack. A man was brought in from the desert, and something he said has led the others to believe that the undead coming here was no accident. You may want to ration those drugs; we may need more soon.>"

The drug business in Afghanistan had been one of the few that continued to thrive. In a country like theirs, life didn't stop because of the world ended. Hell, in a country like theirs, a bomb being dropped here and there was common place. The world ended and hardly anyone noticed. Life went on. The ancient nation hadn't survived so long just to die along with the rest of the world.

Omar had grown up on a farm, his father having been very involved with the drug cartels around the area. Marijuana and opium grew in fields like corn, and people would do just about anything to get their hands on it. Omar learned how to grow, harvest, smuggle, and sell his plants. When he father died, he inherited the business. He became powerful, dangerous even. It was hard for Isam to imagine his sweet and patient friend ever having been a villain.

Omar had heard about the ship leaving for the promise land, and he had the money to buy his way onto it. Once hardship came, Omar's true colors began to show again. He wasn't a bad man. Once he was removed from the drug business, he began to see what it had done to him. He held on to the seeds of his plants over the years, and when he got to the promise lands, he planted them with his only intentions being to make good use of his skills. Medicine was hard to come across, so making it was sometimes the best option.

Isam began to nod off again by the time Omar had a full bowl of poppy sap. Omar poured his collecting into a bottle and capped it. He got up and dumped the empty pods in the trash before heading out the door. He paused to make sure the gate to his 'special' gardens were shut and locked before walking down the street towards the medical center. Omar loved people, but he didn't trust them very much. His poppies and marijuana plants were kept under secret lock and key, the ensure that other residents didn't misuse them. Omar was in the business to make medicine, not to supply people with recreational drugs.

Omar reached the medical center just as the doctor, he didn't know the man's name, and their leader, who was called the Mother from what he understood, arrived. A couple nurses rushed around, getting things set up to treat the injured. Omar reached out to grab the sleeve of one of them just as she hurried by, and handed her the bottle of sap.
"Medicine," He said, his accent very thick. Most people who worked at the center knew him, and knew that he supplied them with their painkillers. They also knew that he didn't speak much English, and to keep their conversations short and simple.

The nurse nodded. "Thank you," She said, taking the bottle to Tobias. He would know what to do with it. Omar hung back as the nurses got another bed ready, curiosity getting the best of him. He may not have understood a word any of them said, but he still cared about them. If the Mother was hurt, they were all in trouble.

(Just to make it clear the little < and > symbols mean they are not speaking English)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Shay glanced back to Sun as they were nearing her house. She knew Sun would know which house was hers but she called over to Sun to direct him on where to land.

"Sun, could set us down in my backyard?"

Shay had a 2 bedroom house. She used to have an older woman as her roommate and helped take care of her, but due to old age she had passed about 6 months ago. Mother had not yet assigned her another roommate so she was enjoying having the house to herself. Many people house together to ensure proper spacing. They weren't overcrowded but there was not quite enough room for everyone to have their own home. Since Shay was a warrior of the city she only ever had to have 1 roommate and had a house that provided a nice grassy backyard. In her backyard she had equipped a training gym for herself and anyone who fancied to come over to train with her.

Shay built the set up herself using leftover building materials and some metal pieces that Marcus had kindly sculpted for her to make just the right parts she needed. It was an obstacle course of pulleys and ropes and tactics that could test her agility, speed, accuracy, stamina, and hand/eye coordination. She used simple pulley systems to use with a rope and handle for body bearing exercises to sculpt all of the muscles on her body. She worked hard every day in this gym; it was not only her passion but her escape from having to think about the nothingness that expanded past Paradise Land. If she thought too much on this she would get small panic attacks from the anxiety brought on by the claustrophobia. Outside of Paradise Land for many miles was the Red Waste. Beyond that she knew there wasn't much else but many people willing to act like animals just to survive.

Shay looked to Marcus. "Look at that masterpiece" she grinned proudly. "It wouldn't have come together so beautifully without your help on those intricate metal pieces. Thanks again" she said, smiling. She was working on sketching out a new training facility for Mother at the Main Training Facility. That was something she could work on without having to move much. She needed something to keep herself occupied. She was always on the go, training or helping others be trained. Having to slow down to heal was not something Shay was looking forward to.

In her backyard to the side of her workout facility was a large sparring mat. She requested Sun to set them down there.

Idea of what Shay's backyard training set up looks like.


Kaiden was patient as he waited for Cypher to turn to him. He would always be patient for Cypher. Always eager for his approval and to help him as best he could, Kaiden made sure to offer his help whenever possible. He was not physically very strong and only stood at 5"8 but was very lithe and quick; his endurance provided him the stamina needed to help Cypher and the triplets. Adie had taught him hard work through her own example and Kaiden followed her strong lead.

When Cypher finally addressed Kaiden he straightened slightly. Kaiden smiled more when Cypher laughed as he loved seeing him in this lighthearted mood. But when Cypher asked if he had found a date for tonight his eyes widened slightly, his smile faltering. As he continued talking Kaiden's broad smile dropped to a small one, a forced smile. Adie knew her son was attracted to men and he led no secret life. In this time, choices like his were more normal than ever before yet Kaiden hadn't yet divulged this information to Cypher. He feared telling him would lead to the understanding of how he felt towards Cypher, as more than a friend and leader. He had a crush on him, more than a crush he felt, but was too afraid of rejection to say anything about it. More importantly he feared ruining their current relationship. He viewed Cypher as not only a handsome man he would love to hold close to but as a close friend that he looked up to and enjoyed being around. The risk of losing his close friendship was too great to reveal his desire. So he set it aside patiently. If it never came through then so be it. He was not eager to find anyone else at this time. It was disheartening though, hearing him speak so passionately about wanting him to find a woman.

"Oh yeah, I guess I better find a girl fast then" he chuckled awkwardly, going along with Cypher's idea. He raised his arm behind his neck, scratching his skin slightly. Akasha snapped at his hand. Kaiden held a cry back and quickly pulled his arm back around in front. While there was little Akasha could do she would not let Kaiden be less of a man than he was. Kaiden looked to Akasha. No words were needed.

"OK sir, thanks" Kaiden responded, at the last of Cyphers words. It would be a nice evening then to be able to relax, enjoying his mother's cooking, and listen to the chaotic din that would continue to flood the camp site, a sound that was comforting and felt like family, like home. The only thing missing was a place to permanently stay, a place like Paradise Land.

Kaiden and Cypher both looked in unison at the arrival of Eliza and Geoffrey. Kaiden exhaled deeply, glad of their interjection. He didn't want to talk more with Cypher about relationship status' and was grateful for the interruption. His eyebrows raised as he saw who had walked up them: the girl from the crowd and the boy with him, both unimpressed by Cypher's life changing speech. He was still curious why they did not care, or chose to show such disinterest. He even thought he saw disapproval in Geoffrey. Kaiden's eyes moved to him, narrowing down, his smile gone. Kaiden met Eliza's warm smile with a blank and warry look. She didn't seem like trouble at all, in fact the complete opposite of the feeling he got from her brother next to her. As Cypher spoke of the incident that occurred earlier with Geoffrey, Kaiden looked back to him, instantly making up his mind that he disliked this young man. He sounded like a hot head full of trouble. He knew Cypher would handle any situation quickly and abruptly but he would do his best to help and weed out those that threatened to cause disrupt in their camp.

Keep an eye on this one. Kaiden told Akasha, his eyes not leaving Geo.

Akasha gave a sharp chirp, flapping her long wings and blowing a gust of air towards Eliza and Geo before settling back down, perched still on Kaiden's forearm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

Member Seen 3 days ago


"no need to be embaressed, and i know you can walk but this way is better dont you think? you can save your strength and just let me carry you" smiling "you take a small break Ravenia" heading toward the gate, seeing Jacob getting his coat and gloves, then when he said he'd be around to get checked out. "sounds like a plan, i'll send word to the Reactor when its clear or i'll just come to you" looking to Anora and Ramera, before he felt a head rest against him, and he turned to look down at Ravenia, seeing her actually take a moment to relax and rest, her eyes closed. he couldnt stop the smile that came to him.

Arriving to the gate, and hearing Ravenia call out to open them up, and then the groaning and grinding of the old motor engaging and not moving near as fast they could with Marcus working them they did open. Tobias headed right for the Medical Center, seeing Jacob slink off, keeping out of sight to most as he made his way to his Haven, Tobias would go check on him later and make sure he was alright. feeling the light, soft touch of her fingers to the side of his face, and then lips pressed to his neck, send his heart to beating faster as he smiled, and without thinking he held her a little tighter to him as he nodded. "your welcome, and dont worry, i'll take good care of you" and he would that. entering the medical center, he could see it was all kinda Chaos, his nurses running around. "im going to need a shot of Red" he coded all medications they had, found or made in house. "a full syringe" carrying Ravenia straight to the back, he kicked open the make shift radiation shower, the water for this was from a lone system that came from a back tank behind the building, and it flushed right into the already radiated Mississippi river. stepping inside with her, he closed the door, before sitting her on her feet and he hit the switch with his elbow. "prepare" he said.. a Red Light flashed, and then torrental flood of ice cold water poured on both of them.. a nurse appeared outside the shower. "get two sets of clothes, two clean towels" Tobias said, taking the shot from her, then she hurried to do that. "alright" he said, the ice water was mixed with a type of soap. he disengaged the water for the moment, and taking her arm. "a small stick" pressing the needle in, he then depressed the fluid in, before taking it out. "done" rubbing his thumb over the place. "okay, two more minutes under the water, scrub and strip out of the clothes, when your done come out and we'll take care of the burns" wiping the wet hair off her face, before he would give her some privacy, leaving the shower, dripping wet he pulled the curtain around it so no one could see in.

Taking the towel for him he dried off, and took the clothes, before seeing a nurse bring in something, but when he saw it, and he would catch Omar's gaze he held it up, smiling. <thank you> Tobias said, speaking the boy's language, he was learning it the more and more he hear it spoken, give him a full day doing nothing but listening and he'd master the language. "okay, what is going on?" he asked, seeing Clo still resting, but having noticed Shay was gone, as were the ones he asked to keep an eye on the children, and that.. he didnt like, not that he would say something right now about it. he went and changed real quick, throwing away the ruined pants he had been wearing.. when he came back out, still barefooted, he wore another fresh pair of Khakis and a white and black t-shirt that hugged his form nicely. when the nurse brought a tray of bandages, he set the container Omar brought on it, taking it to a room for when Ravenia came back out.. some clothes for her to wear were folded, waiting for her, as was her towel right outside the shower. hearing the Russian had woke, which was a good thing. "good, if he's in pain use 2 cc of Navy into the IV to help ease him up, but no heavy movements, he could tear every stitch" he told her, before she left, not before she told him a bottle of medicine that had been sitting on a tray was missing.. the pre bottled stuff was rare, and their supplies were not infinite, so if one was gone it was noted.. he'd be looking into that. he stood and waited for Ravenia so he could bandaged up her side and arm from the burn, usually he'd dilute the Stuff Isam brought but for this he was going to use it as a type of rub, put right over the burns, and for that he needed it undiluted. "someone get my Prep Kit ready as well" he called out. "im going to head to the Reactor once i get everyone settled here" he didnt want Jacob to be Suffering any.


Michael was being lead through the city, his Command Post was found out apparently, one of his friends had told his mother and she told his aunt.. he was now currently getting the "dont know what im going to do with you, you steal from people, you try to get yourself killed" lecture as he held the box of his "found" things, all his weapons. they were going door to door, and she was making him pubically apologize and give back what he had taken. "im sorry for taking your things, it will not happen again, i have been punished for it" he said over and over again, and he had been punished for sure, his ass still was stinging from the belt he'd got taken to him.

the most degrading part was coming up to the wall itself, Michael could see there had been a fight, he could see outside the gate, before it grinded closed. his aunt. "hello!" calling up to Anora and Ramera. "could i spare a moment of your precious time please" she called up. his aunt was a baker and maker, she made the finest Sweets in Paradise land. "please, my Nephew here has taken some things that belong to you, and he is going to give them back" she said, looking down at him, and nudging him. "yes" Michael said. "i've taken your things that i had no right to take, i am sorry and i have had my behind blistered something awful for it, please" some of their throwing knives, and a few metal feathers, even some of the more shaper rocks that had been made into knives were in his box of tricks.. right next to a couple weapons that were no doubt from Marcus's shed and even some parts from the Reactor that the annoying man that ran it had been searching for.


He was completely naked, how he came to be that way, who the hell knew. his body was on fire and burning up as he laid on his back. the fever had set in from the bite to his leg, and while it looked bad, whatever he had squirted on it had made sure it wasnt getting infected. "row row row this boat, bumbling down the stream.." he laughed, and rolled over onto his stomach and military crawled across to his runner, pulling himself up. "where are you? you thieving bastard!!" he yelled out, looking around. "i know you took the last of my Jerky, you know what i had to do to get that? i was saving it, and you ate it!" pulling himself up, his vison swimming as he spun around. "you cant hide from me, i know you better then you know yourself" running into the wheel house, there sitting behind the wheel, was his bobblehead and his wrap of jerky. "AH HA!!" pointing. "caught you, you no account bastard, taking my damn food" the motioning of the barge making the sideways head bobble. "oh i know you took it, admitting it now isnt going to do anything for you, your not the one suffering, i need to keep myself fed and watered til i can reach Paradise" taking his jerky, he fell back into the old worn chair and began eating hungrly, watching the bobblehead as if it might try to take a piece. "no, im not sharing with you, you shouldnt have ate yours so fast, you know what a find it was getting this was? those raiders, who had to kill them?" he asked, licking his fingers. "me, thats right and who found this in their supplies?" nodding right back to the bobble head. "thats right me, i split it with you and you ate yours all at once, so to hell with you" wrapping up the last piece, he walked out, stumbling toward the runner, he stuffed his last piece into his pack in the back. "hide it this time, he wont find it" he mumbled, wiping his head. "oh i dont feel good" taking out a jug of fresh water, he unlashed it from the side, then opening he turned it up and guzzled down mouthfuls.. he knew he was suffering from the madness that came with being clawed and bitten by one of the dead, he'd seen it.. high fever, disorientation, he knew the signs and it was going to get worse before it got better, if it got better.. most people dont make it. "im so HOT" he yelled, pouring the water over him as he yelled, tossing the jug off the side, where it thunked on the bank of the river right before he laughed. "oh good night" and he swirled around, collapsing right onto the deck of the barge, right by his Runner's back tire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCheshire
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ravenia smiled at the tender touches and words Tobias left her with. She made it through the two more minutes of the freezing water before she shut it off. The water felt good on her burns, but after a minute it started hurt the rest of her body. Wringing her waist-length hair out as best as she could, Ravenia ended up braiding it temporarily to keep her damp hair confined. Drying herself off tenderly, being sure to pat the area around her burns, Ravenia quickly dressed in Tobias's clothes. They were too big for her, but she didn't mind the baggy. The over size gave her wounds some air and didn't irritate them as bad. Butting the shirt up, leave just the top few buttons undone of course, Ravenia let it hang loose over the top of the pants. She synched the pants up tight about her waist, and tucked the bottoms of them into the top of her boots. Like hell she'd get rid of those. It was so hard finding shoes that fit a six foot woman. To give herself a bit of a more presentable look, she took the belt from her previous pair of pants and wrapped it around her upper torso. She knotted the remaining length up about her, giving her a bit of a more kept look. Surveying her work in the mirror, Ravenia nodded her head as she button up her sleeves. It looked like she had actually meant to dress like this.

Giving her hair one good more ring out, Ravenia walked around the corner and saw Tobias waiting on her. She smiled and plopped down in a chair before him. "Tell me. Doc, what's the damage? I got a lot to do after we get this stuff slapped on." She pulled up the side of her shirt to survey the burn on her side, there was a good possibility it would scar. "I need to check out the wall. I have to stop by and check both the kids out and the brute of a man in the other room. I have to check in on Shay and Clo, and also Jacob now." Ravenia muttered, verbally ticking off her list of things to do now. "My, a Mother's work is never done." She said, laughing as she smiled back up at Tobias.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OoTrillionoO
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OoTrillionoO A Sarcastic Man

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ramera sat on the edge of the wall, feet dangling over the edge, and arms behind her back, propping her up. She surveyed the area below, now completely empty, excluding the mass of dead bodies, piled atop one another. She gazed down, seeing burned cloth flutter in the breeze. She let out an exhale, feeling herself ease as she did so. There'd been commotion after the battle, but now everything once again stood still.

The gatekeeper had left his post for some sort of personal reasons. So now, she was destined for a lonely night atop the wall. Her sister Anora was better suited out of the two of them for long distance flight, and Clo was still recuperating from the battle prior to the attack. Thus, Anora would probably scout out to either locate some source, or if there are, remnants of the horde. And so, she would continue her watch. Well, it wasn't like she disliked it, being alone with one's thoughts could be refreshing and relaxing. Her thoughts drifted back to her fortune from Sun earlier. She had yet to read it yet, still it felt like ages since she received it from him and yet it had only been a few hours ago.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Upon hearing Shay's voice, Marcus turned to the woman and nodded to her. "No problem." He told her simply. There wasn't any need for thanks from her, he would be happy to help if just asked. While he did help with the construction of the training facility, he had never actually used it. To be bluntly honest he didn't really work out all that much, and he was only as fit as he was now because he often moved large hunks of metal on his own without his powers. He wondered if she would mind if he used her training facility, or if anyone else would mind if he used the main one. He began to drift off into thought as he continued to float in the air, waiting patiently for sun to set them down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shay felt their bodies grow heavier as Sun's sprites lowered them down in Shay's back yard. Shay kept close to Marcus as they were lowered, her right foot planting firmly on the ground, her left kept up allowing only her toe to touch the ground for a bit of balance. As Sun's sprites completely disappeared and left them with the full force of gravity again, Shay stumbled and quickly reached over to Marcus, her hands clasping on to his left arm, clutching the metal piece. The transition from a weightless feeling to the full force of gravity, paired with the return of pain waves flowing through her body, left Shay shaky and unbalanced, relying on Marcus to help keep her from falling right to the floor. She gripped him tightly, knowing he felt nothing as she clung to his metal arm. She had never seen it in its entirety but was always curious about it and how it was connected to his body.

Shay looked to Sun. "Thanks so much, you're a sweetheart" she smiled gratefully. "Let's go inside for a moment, I desperately need a good shower." She was still covered in Red Waste dust that clung to her sweaty skin. Her body had gone through so much that a mixture of the dust, sweat, blood and tears could be found all around her.

"Marcus do you mind helping me to my bedroom?" Even though the pain was gradually dissipating, it still took quiet a bit of effort to keep herself balanced and walking, and she needed something or someone to lean on for the time being. She wasn't used to relying on anyone for help but in this moment she let her ego drop and took all the help she could get from her friends. If she could just take a refreshing shower and get in to some clean clothes she knew she would feel much better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Clo awoke in a fit of violence, her arms and legs flailing about wildly until she slipped off the cot and landed on the floor. An audible grunt was forced from her gut before the room fell silent once more.

"Fuck..." She groaned, refusing to pick herself up and resorting to simply lying on the cold tiles. The cool felt nice against her warm body.

She'd been dreaming again, the same dream she had almost every night. Images of her past would flood her slumber, forcing her to relive memories she'd already tried to forget. There was the night sky as always, and then... the meeting of her sisters. She'd never forget that moment in her life and she'd cherish it forever but that wasn't what had forced her awake. It was what followed that haunted her and turned a night's rest into a nightmare.


Lying on the floor with the cold pressing against her tummy and the still air against her back, she could feel it. Pain. A throbbing dull sensation that followed her from her dreams into consciousness. It was everywhere under her skin pressing against muscles, against the back of her eyes... against her back. Streaks of it in lines that never found an end. It simply kept going. Streak after streak after streak along ten year old scars. Her nightmares were real there... back then. Whenever she closed her eyes she could see him standing like a shadow over her. Every flick of his wrist sent fire screaming across her back, bolts of lightening between the blades of her shoulders. She kept her eyes open forcing the visions and the pain away.

It was only after lying on the ground for a good five minutes that reality found its way back to her. By then the cold of the floor had done its work, calming her and helping her forget the dream before replacing it with a different nightmare altogether.

"Shit!" She scrambled to her feet although as she stood up, she immediately began to regret the quick action. Her body hadn't yet the time to adjust causing her to loose her balance and see the world in a blur. She caught a hold of the edge of the cot in defiance, focusing instead on something more important. "Shit, shit, shit..." Her weary head now on a swivel as she looked for a window. There were none. In her haste to sleep she'd taken a room that was not built against one of the walls of the medical center. The only windows were those that looked into the hallway. "Damn it Clo! You're going to miss your shift on the wall... put everyone in danger again? That's twice now!" She moved toward the door, her tired legs protesting, the sore muscles of her wings crying out as she folded them behind her back.

"Get your shit together Cl-" As she passed under the frame between her room and the hallway connecting all the others, she caught of glimpse of both Tobias and Ravenia. They were sitting opposite each other with the former attending to something on the woman's torso. The door to their room was open, as were all the doors thanks to Tobias' fear of enclosed spaces. It gave her a clear view of what was going on and what she saw next didn't sit well with her at all. As Tobias' hands moved, his fingers revealed a large burn.

"Mum?!" She screamed out a little too loud for comfort. Still dizzy and coming out of disturbed slumber, she sprinted the short distance between herself and Ravenia and dropped to her knees, sliding the last few feet until she came to rest beside her. She was staring now, quite intently at the burn, an utterly confused look on her face. "The hell happened?! How long have I been out?!"

All manner of fears were crossing her mind now.

...What the fuck did I do?...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jacob woke up with his arms and legs bound, and his mouth gagged. He couldn't move. "Guess who's waking up?" he heard to his right. Jacob started to panic. He couldn't see Miles anywhere. Great. He had been captured, and had no idea where he, or Miles was. Jacob thought back to what he had been doing. Two nights before, Miles and Jacob had stolen from some large group in the wastes who had plenty of food to spare. They played right into the old "I'm just a kid please help me" bit. Just like Miles said they would. It was easy. Almost too easy, Miles had said last night. Then he had blacked out. But, no one had followed them. They had checked.

"Well, I think the boy here needs some explaining, eh kids?" Jacob looked around. No one had said anything. Suddenly, a man appeared out of no where right in front of Jacob. Three kids, two boys and a girl, walked up behind him, about his age. Maybe a bit younger. The girl walked up to Jacob and spit on him. "This is what you get for stealing from us, fucker!" she said to him. "Now, Shea," said the man. "Be polite. Wouldn't want to say that around his daddy. Oh look, here he comes right now." At that, Jacob saw Miles come from out of a tent, bloody and beaten, with another man pushing him out. Miles took one look at Jacob, then turned to the man and said "I don't care what you do to me. You will NOT touch him!" The man smacked Miles and yelled "Don't you dare tell me what to do, boy! Who do you think you are?"

A woman approached the man. The man turned and asked "Well? What did Cypher say?" "Cypher agrees with your decision." she responded. "I thought so," the man replied. "But we tell him nothing 'bout what we do to the boy. He ran free and escaped. Clear?" The woman nodded. The man motioned to the men behind Miles, and the kicked him to the ground. "This is what happens when you steal from us!" the man said, as he drew a gun and pointed it at Mile's head. Miles went to say something, but it was too late. There was a gunshot. Then Miles was gone.

Jacob screamed through his gag, tears streaming down his eyes. He attempted to move to Miles, but his bound legs and hands only caused him to fall over. The man walked over to Jacob and said "Learned you lesson now? Because I don't think you did. Now, I respect a dying man's wish, so I won't touch you. That's why the Dead are gonna do it for me." The man said something to the others, but Jacob didn't hear it. He felt some sort of burning beneath his skin. But the burning didn't make him feel pain. It made him feel powerful. At that moment, Jacob's bonds suddenly burnt open, and his gag dissolved in his mouth. Jacob let out a horrible scream of sadness and rage. And then everything was on fire.

Jacob awoke with a start, breathing heavily. He was in the paradise lands. It had only been a dream. Again. Jacob slid to the edge of his bed, and sat up. He wasn't getting any more sleep today, that was for certain. Jacob forced himself to calm down, and simply waited for the anger and sadness he felt to just go away. As he always had since that fateful day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

Member Seen 3 days ago


Lost in throught, his mind working on the many problems and things that needed doing, plus with his overwhelming hungry that was rising, Tobias snapped out of it as Ravenia dropped into the chair and he smirked, shaking his thoughts away for the moment "the shot i gave you knock out the sickness, we caught it in time you shouldnt have any lingering effects of the poisoning" he said, already he went about preping the bandages, cutting up tape and strips "the burns, that one on your arm will heal alright i think, the one on your side, thats going to scar up im afraid and im sorry you suffered it" listening to her. "you can charge down a wild grop of Dead, but put you in the room with a Doctor and you want out so fast" checking the side, he took the stuff that Omar brought and getting a nice bit on his hand, he began rubbing it in gently. "this isnt diluted at all, its going to numb the burn nicely" covering the whole burn, then with precession he covered it, taped it, then wrapped it around her waist a few times, before taping it. "that should hold, keep that on over night, til the tenderness fades then you can leave it uncovered" her arm handled the same way, just smaller scale and she was done.. right about the time Clo came bursting in. "easy Clo, you were beyond exausted and needed the rest" Tobias said. "and she's fine, the burns were my fault, i couldnt shield her enough" holding Ravenia's hand a little longer then normal before he let it go. "but right now, i have to go check on Jacob, the Russian should be up and concious, if he's in pain the nurse knows what to give him, he doesnt need moving, not with his back bandaged like it is" sighing, he dropped his voice low so only those in the room could only hear, meaning Ravenia and Clo. "the nurse told me, one of our pre bottled, old day medicines is missing from the tray" looking at them both. "the giant wasnt in no way able to move, Clo was unconcious and Shay and the others wouldnt need it.. that leaves only two others, and i dont like accusing but.." meaning the Children were the only ones that could have taken it. "they might need to be your first stop Ravenia" picking up the tray. "Clo, you need to take it easy, and get something to eat and drink.. you got the rest already so now do the other two til your legs and strength come back, im going to head to Jacob now, i'll be at the Reactor if you need me" smiling to Ravenia. "i'll catch you later im sure" and taking the tray he left the room, and headed down the hall, sitting the tray down, he first opened the panel with all the hardcore Medicines they kept in it, typing in the code to open it.. he put the stuff Omar had brought inside, that would be made into a powerful painkiller, something needed. "alright" grabbing the med bag, he walked past the Russian's cot. "my name is Tobias or Alpha if you prefer, im the resident Doc around here.. i patched up your back, it was touch and go.. you got blood and water being pumped into you, and the nurse will give you something for pain if you need it, just call out.. Mother is going to be coming to talk to you alright, then i'll be back and check on you myself" nodding, he left the Medical Center, and headed away from the wall, taking the streets, passing the crowded areas of people, having to tell a lot of them that came asking questions that it was nothing to worry about, and Mother would address it if it became important and worrisome that people needed to know and prepare. five minutes later he walked up to their Power house, the Reactor.. they were still on power Lock down.. candle light only til further notice, so he was just sure the Reactor's boss was just loving that as he walked up, and entered.. he didnt need an invite. waving to those he passed, he headed down to Jacob, knocking on the Door. "Jacob, you ready to be checked out real quick?" Tobias called.


"i swear Michael, i dont know what im going to do with you, you run around acting like you are some great fighter, you are a child, you could get killed or hurt" his aunt said.. his box of weapons was gone.. the last of it was left at Marcus's hut, his guns and other missing stuff in it. "im a Warrior Aunt, i am" Michael said. "if i was given the chance i could prove it" walking with her, they had to get back home.. he had to help in the garden before it got to dark cause she had spent the whole day with him. "you are a child, not a warrior.. a child.. you skill the lessons the other kids have to take, im this close to take you to Mother herself, again and having her explain to you.. again what happens to those that dont listen to the rules" Michael crossed his arms over his chest, annoyed. "im a warrior, and i will prove it, you just watch and when i do everyone.. Warriors and the Blessed Ones will look up to me as a hero" normally he'd take off running to go play, but he knew when to push his aunt to much, so instead he ran toward the house, if he got everything done she needed before it go to late, maybe he could go check the wall out and see what had happened.


The Fever had set in fully, and if he hadnt already been tanned, the laying in the sun unconcious as he was would have roasted him alive, as it was it just deepened the already tan he had, giving him a nice golden brown.. on his backside only... with no one watching the Barge it floated down the Mississippi River, suprisingly it kept on a smooth enough course, right up til were Paradise could catch sight of the large thing floating down the river.. that is when shit went wrong.. the Barge, knocking something under the water, the grating sound echoing, making Nicolas groan, bringing him out just enough that he opened an eye and saw the river edge coming up close and fast. "oh shit, i hope that isnt real" that bump had sent the Barge off course, making the wheel spin quickly to the right, the rudder turning the large thing right for the shore. "ah shit!" he groaned crawling toward his land runner just as the Barge jerked forward, hitting ground it jolted and jerked.. Nicolas grabbed ahold of his tire, it was the only thing that had been within arms length.. the crashing grating sound as the hull was torn into like tissue paper.. everything went flying around crasily, what he didnt have strapped down went flying out of his runner and over the side.. all his food was gone, including the jerky piece he was saving.

fighting the fever and sickness, he hobbled to his feet and into the wheel house.. they were tilted a little to the side. "what the hell" finding his bobblehead on the ground. "i pass out and you crash us, that is the last damn time i let you drive fool" grabbing him up. "Come on, we got to go.. i think we might be sinking" hurrying as fast as he could with a bum leg that was on fire.. the bite mark was killing him, it throbbed and was still bleeding. he was drained and exhausted as he found his pants, he pulled those on and belted them, he tossed his boots into the land runner along with his half shirt. climbing over the side into the runner, he put his friend in his spot right up front, the sideways head just a bobbing away. "shut up, im going" starting the runner up, he revved it up before he put it in gear, swinging the ass end around. "im so damn hot and thirsty" he groaned as he drove right for the edge, gunning it full throttle they flew off the side that was slightly elevated, shooting over the contaminated water and landing hard, he bounced, shit jostled around and he might have twisted the front right axle, the wheel was shaking to much. "oh i hope the flare code is still the same" finding a flare, he loaded the gun and shot it into the air. Yellow smoke and explosion in the sky.. Yellow.. Distress, help. his hand dropped as his eyes closed as he passed out once more.. shirtless, pants half on and stalled right in the middle of the red waste, not forty feet from the River and sinking barge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus was not prepared to face the force of gravity again, and when the sprites left him he had a small moment where he had little to no balance. The mechanical man quickly took a wide stance and waited to regain his balance. It was a bit more difficult with Shay hanging on him to get her own balance, but he was able to manage. His mind was being attacked by all of the senses that failed to register when the sprites gave the the ability to fly. With a grunt, he held his head with his right hand and endured the rush of senses going to his head. The headache lasted for only a brief time as he lowered his hands and stood up right.

Hearing his name, Marcus looked at Shay and nodded at her. She was probably tired and still in pain. He believed that she deserved some rest for what she had did today. She fought, was infected, and cured. She had been through a lot today, and if anyone needed rest, he thought that it was her. The mechanical man helped Shay into her house and into her room. He was more than happy to help his friend in her time of need, but he just hoped that Mother would be understanding enough to allow this to go unpunished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jacob heard Tobias knocking on the door. Oddly enough, he was grateful for a respite from his own thoughts. He opened the door, saying "Yeah, I could use one. Using as much power at once like I did occasionally causes hairline fractures in my bone structure. I should be fine long term, but its important to know if I have to dampen my power usage for a bit." He took off his lead lined jacket, exposing his skeletal structure. He stretched out his arms for a second before sitting down and nodding at Tobias to begin. "So," he said. "Anything new happening in the med center?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCheshire
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ravenia smiled at Tobias's gentle touch as he wrapped her up. She almost jumped though when Clo came crashing in. As the winged-girl crouched by Ravenia's side, she smiled at the worry on her face. "Clo, I'm so glad you're awake. I was just getting ready to come check on you." Ravenia said as she smiled at the younger girl warmly, cupping the girl's cheek. "My, you've only been out for a few hours, but not to worry, everything is okay. We took care of the Dead. It got a little hot out there, and I got a little burned. Don't listen to Tobias, he did a fantastic job. My wounds were nobody else's fault but my own." Ravenia said, smiling affectionately up at Tobias. When he released her hand, Ravenia wished he would come back and hold it again. It was when he said something about the children that she became serious. Now was not the time to be acting like a love-struck teenaged girl. But he definitely did something to her. She hadn't felt like this in some time. As he left, Ravenia couldn't help but watch after them. "Clo, I think I'm falling in love with that man." Mother whispered gently to the girl, and winked. Standing up and stretching her sore body, Ravenia nodded to Clo. "Come along, my little bird. Let's go make the rounds, hmm? Also, let's get some food. I'm famished."

Mother walked towards the door and leaned against momentarily as she looked about the room. She thought about the pre-date medication that Tobias talked about that was missing. She looked to the room the children were in and walked across the hall to it. Pulling the blinds down gently on the door, Ravenia peered in at the kids. They were just sitting there, minding their own business. Ravenia stopped the nurse that walked by, taking her keys and locked the door. "Nobody is to go in or out of this room under any circumstances. Only myself or Tobias are allowed in. The key will stay with you, but if I find anybody else has gone in here, I'll know who to come after. Got it?" Ravenia said, quirking an eyebrow at the much shorter woman. "Yes, Mother." The nurse squeaked and bustled off. Ravenia wasn't much of fan of playing the hard ass, but sometimes it was needed. She looked back to Clo and winked. Just as she was about to say something, two men can rushing around the corner. Two of her warriors.

"Mother! A yellow flare just flew up, a bit of a ways down the river. There's only one problem, we don't have a search party out today. Not since you put us on lock down. It's getting too dark, if we don't get out someone now we won't be able to track the flare." The man rushed. Mother nodded. "Go get Tank, tell him to grab one other and head out after the flare. I want Two Blessed Ones, and you to go out in a solar car and inspect the flare. I want you strapped to the teeth in weapons though. There's something going on and I can't afford to lose anybody. But you, I want you to stay here and guard this door. The little nurse by the name of Ima has the key. Only Tobias and myself are allowed in and out of this room. Do I make myself clear?" Ravenia barked, the two men nodded. The first Warrior, took off to go find one of Paradise Land's fiercest warriors. Tank was just that, a Tank, but he was a new uncle and Ravenia had given him a leave to celebrate the glorious time. She hate to cut it short, but she needed some muscle out there. The second man, immediately stood at the ready.

"C'mon, babe. I need you to meet the Russian with me. After that we'll get us some food and I need to make my rounds. When I do that, I'd like for you to go get some more rest." Ravenia said, nodding down towards the hallway to where one of the newest (however, unwelcome he was) members of their Lands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fen fidgeted as he sat on the gurney across from Sasha. The guy was sleeping pretty soundly, snoring quietly. His feet hung off the end of the bed and his arm clutched the pillow under his head tightly. Fen wondered where the man could have come from. What was it like there? Why had someone tried so hard to kill him?

Fen perked up suddenly when Tobias bustled in. He checked the Russian's stats, then left without sharing much information. Fen supposed that was a good sign; the doctor wouldn't leave a patient that he thought was unstable, right? He went back to playing with a string in his hands.

After a few more minutes, the large man began to stir. Fen looked up once more, watching him intently as he groaned and and shifted on the bed. The man opened his eyes and looked right at Fen, but he didn't say anything comprehensible. He muttered a few slurred words. Fen remembered the IVs attached to his arm. The guy was probably pretty out of it. It was a bit disappointing; Fen really wanted to talk to him when the man was in a right state of mind.

He looked towards the door just as Ravenia come in. Fen smiled and gave her a wave.
"I think he's, uh, awake now. Maybe."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

Member Seen 3 days ago

Walking through the door when he got a reply, he closed it behind him and stared at Jacob, sitting his med bag down.. he wasnt afraid to be in the pressence of Jacob, not in the least bit. "i see" stepping closer "have you had to go full out like that before?" he asked. "that change you saw of mine has happened twice before today, effective but strategy wise not so much, cant move fast at all" taking his Skeletal arms first, checking them, then moving around to his back. "im seeing some tiny stress fractures across your shoulders, we'll have to keep an eye on those, i'd try to limit overhead lifting til those heal" coming back around.. at the question. "the Russian is coming in and out of it, if he doesnt speak english im going to have to sit with him and immerse myself in his language til i learn it, but im thinking we'll be alright since he spoke to Fen when he was found" stepping back, he opened his bag. "when your skin does come back, are you experiencing any diminished sensations to your senses?" he pulled out a bottle of Painkillers. "These are a low dose, made from the medicinal plants and some stuff i learned from my father.. you feel any pain in your shoulders, take two alright" sitting the bottle down. "you got off easy glow stick" giving a smile, before crossing his arms over his chest. "and i wanted to apologize to you an i will to the Harpies as well for running head long as i did, it was out of line and i know i screwed up a plan doing that so.. sorry about that" he didnt think about any of that when he saw Ravenia out there on her own, he just saw her fighting on her own and he'd be damned if she was going to do that, not when he could have helped. "on a side note, from the med center a bottle of the pre-bottled stuff from the old days is missing.. all signs point to the children, the Russian's words might be more true then we thought.. though i dont know why.. yet" as he went to speak again his stomach gave off a loud growling grumble, but he ignored that, he'd make a time for himself to get something to eat. "if you need anything you let me know alright, im either at the med center or at home, your more then welcome to come to either, and between you and me how you havnt kicked the ass of the annoying guy upstairs is beyond me, i'd have stuffed his ass onto one of the cooling rods a long time ago"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jacob allowed Tobias to perform his examination. "Only occasionally," he responded. "And only for dire emergencies." Jacob was irritated by the news of the stress fractures, but it was nothing to dramatic. He'd probably be fine when his skin came back in. He never really had to do any heavy lifting anyway, so that wasn't a problem. The news of the Russian proved interesting. At the very least, he was injured enough to be unable to cause trouble, at least he had heard. They could ascertain his position without risk. "I retain all of my senses when my skin comes back in. Though I will admit it does come with a strong itching sensation. Nothing I haven't experienced before though."]/b]

Jacob was unperturbed by Tobias's apology for his actions on the wall. [b]"Don't worry about it,"
he responded. "We handled it and no one was seriously hurt beyond recovery." The news of the children proved troubling though. He had overheard news of their arrival from the crowds in the street. Jacob didn't like it. To hear that they were causing trouble only strengthened his belief in his intuition on the matter. "Please tell me the children are under lock and key and are being supervised. I don't like taking in children from the wastes. Mostly because there is no such thing. Only shorter, more conniving adults." Jacob cocked his head when he heard Tobias's stomach growl. He had been working hard today. They all had. "Don't worry about O'Malley" he said. "He's a piece of work, but he knows this plant better then anyone, short of myself. I tolerate him for that."[/b]
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