Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 25 days ago

Jagred - Roll of 10 +2 Steady +1 Bow =13 Success!

The arrow flew true and pierced the corpse through the eye socket, allowing Jagred to keep running without much interruption.

He climbed to a safe vantage point, loaded yet another arrow, and fired at the car.

Jagred - Roll of 6 +2 Steady +1 Bow =9 Partial success!

The arrow struck the ground and bounced up under the car, making a little ping noise. One of the walkers heard it and lunged toward the car, bonking its head and setting the alarm off.


"What you're going to camp here?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips as she watched him drag the bodies. "It reeks and there's an army of groaners out the front..."

She was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of a car alarm going off.

"Shit," she said, and risked going to the front window to peek through the shades. Sure enough, the crowd by the front door was distracted from their siege by this new sign of life. "Think that's my guardian angel again?" she asked as she crossed the room again to mount the stairs. On the second floor she found the window nearest the street and looked out. It wasn't hard to identify the source of the alarm, and she searched the area and spotted a man, standing high enough off the ground to avoid the dead-heads, and holding a crossbow.

"It was!" she called down the stairs, excitedly. "Guy with a crossbow. He saved my life, we should see if we can get his attention."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Lee looked at Charlotte exasperated "Yes I'm going to camp here, in sure that I can take care of the infected outside my door later. Lee graduated just finished throwing all the dead bodies out when he heard a car alarm go off, "Well looks like that problem has been taken care off." Lee said as Charlotte looked out the window to see what had happened. All of a sudden she started to get all excited over her guardian angel that was out side. Lee looked out side and watched as the horde ran at the car. "Instead of trying to get the man's attention you should try and help his escape, his stupid plan now just made a horde infected run at the car that he is very close to, he would be lucky to escape" Lee said bluntly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Michelle was watching the horde pound on the door, while also searching for something she could do to draw them away. As it turned out, she didn't need to do anything. A car alarm pierced the air, drawing the attention of the walkers and luring them away from the door. She turned toward the direction of the car alarm, her eyes landing on a truck with flashing headlights, which was quickly being swarmed with walkers. Michelle wasn't complaining about the new distraction, and now watched the horde get drawn toward it. She turned her attention back to the house, wondering if she should go help. She had to be cautious, though. Just because someone got robbed doesn't mean that that person was any friendlier than the thieves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With the corpse fell to his feet, dead once more, Jagred had to take a short break to calm his breathing. That was a close call. Not the first time this month, but he knew it would leave a mark. You just didn’t play tag with death for so long and walked away sane. Squeezing his eyes shut, Jagred took another deep breath, then placed the ice axe back to where it was. He quickly retrieved the bolt and reloaded his weapon, all while eyeing the streets warily for any movement. Fortunately, nothing came up aside the lone corpse that he had struck down, so he decided to carry on with the plan before anything else went wrong. This woman better be worth it. But by the way she had been mowing down the dead with a baseball bat earlier, she might as well be. Competent company were hard to find before, even more so now that they had a full-on apocalypse on their hands.

The plan was a success after all. For a moment, he thought he had missed. Fortunately, the fallen corpse set off the alarm for him, and by the time they started crowding the streets, Jagred had got up onto one of the fire escapes on the apartment nearby. He was contented to watch for the time being, waiting for the dead to amass around the car before returning to the abandoned house. And that presented the next problem. He should find a way to leave, and be fast about it. Starved to death inside random apartment building for random chick wasn’t exactly how he wanted to go. Loading another bolt, he began making his way into the apartment through the window. He could try to climb down back to the street on the other side of this building, then make it back from there. If he was fast enough, the dead wouldn’t notice. They were too busy groping that car. He had scaled buildings before, that rope in his packback was there for a reason, he could do this just fine. Definitely. Probably. Hopefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Well apparently his assistance wasn’t needed as the girl managed to get off the interstate without much trouble. He lost complete sight of her when she entered the woods, and given the buildings in the way he didn’t imagine he’d see where she’d exit. ‘What to do now?’ he thought to himself as he debated on pursuing the matter further.

His thoughts were interrupted when movement on a distant building caught his attention though. Though it was a few hundred meters off the silhouette of a body climbing a ladder to the rooftops was distinct enough that he didn’t miss it. She seemed to be scouting out the commotion below her if the rifle, its shape also distinctive, she held at aim was anything to go by. Then the Walkers began to stir as a car alarm came to life, probably drawing every Walker within a mile at the least. At least he wouldn’t have too much trouble getting closer if he wanted to now; a quick peek from the edge of the roof showed Walkers swarming towards the commotion.

Crowbar in hand, Alex peered out into the street. There were only a few Walkers in sight, but they paid him no attention, the car alarm making them utterly oblivious to his presence. Eyeing a nearby alley, and seeing it was empty as far as he could tell, he nudged the door open. Booking it, he crossed the open street and into the alley, his footsteps drowned out by the distant alarm. Taking a moment, he surveyed his surroundings again now that he was closer, making sure there actually weren’t any threats lurking about. If there weren’t he’d continue forward. Though the alleys were no doubt a winding maze of their own, he was confident in his ability to navigate them and get closer to the other survivors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 25 days ago

Dead in the house: 0
Dead on the streets: 16
Dead in the apartment building: 7

The room Jagred climbed into had one window on the alley side where he had climbed into, and two on the street side to Jagred's right. There were three mobs in the room, two scrabbling vaguely at one window, trying to get to the truck drowning out all other sound, and one half way through the other window, which was smashed out. The front door to the apartment was hanging wide open, visible down a hall to his left.


"No," she said, "Look," sure enough, her guardian angel had gotten to a fire escape and made it up and out of harm's way. "You're right, though. I'll tell you what, you help get him to safety. That'll make you and me square, and him and I square too. Either that or gimme some bullets. I bet if we cut through the back yards we won't run into anything while the deads are busy over there."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

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His chances were definitely not looking good, especially with three deads at such close range. Jagred tried to avoid close combat for obvious reasons, but apparently there was no way out of this one. He eyed the corpses carefully, crossbow trailed on them, ready for any sudden movement. Fortunately, they didn’t seem to have notice him yet, so for now, he had a little breathing room to come up with an escape. It was then his eyes fell on the unguarded door leading down into the hall. There was no guarantee the dead wouldn’t be waiting out there, but it was still far better than being stuck in one room with three of them. However, he had to make sure they wouldn’t chase after him. Might be a long shot, but it sure beat serving as food for the dead. Taking a battery out of his pocket, Jagred tossed it in the other side of the room, hoping the corpses would take notice, before making a mad dash toward the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jagred Dice Roll (Swift): 9+3=12. Success! Stress Pool: 1

The battery struck the wall in the room, alerting the zombies to the noise. The distraction, though, only lasted for a moment before the noises from his mad dash alerted the zombies, who then began stumbling after him. Fortunately, Jagred managed to make it to the door and shut it behind him, causing the zombies to pound on it. Another zombie was in the hall, though, and shuffled towards him, moaning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Lee cleaned his bloody axe an Charlotte explained her deal about being square to him. But he was uninterested, there was nothing to gain from helping that man, if she wanted to kill herself helping someone that shot a bolt at an infected monster, that was her problem, not his. " Look, he's not my problem, I don't care for the man and I never asked him for help; he got himself in that situation and I frankly don't care about getting even with you, there is an exit if you wan to got save him, but I'm sorry, your in your own, Good luck." And with that Lee walked up the stairs to start looking around for any useful supplies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Apparently luck, or at least one aspect of it, was with Alex today. The alley did in fact seem to be clear and through the various turns he made there wasn’t a single Walker in his path. It was a bit hard at first to tell if he was getting closer, given how the walls bounced the alarm’s sound, but it couldn’t fully muffle the climbing volume as he got near. He slowed to a walk as he approached another corner ahead, and gave it a wide berth as he looked around it. Last thing he wanted was to hug the wall, peak around, and get a Walker to the face. Not that that would have happened though, given how the alley was clear as well. The street that laid at the end of it? Not so much. Stragglers occasionally shuffled past the entrance on their way to the car alarm, so while Alex didn’t think he’d get overrun the moment he stepped out the chance of him having to fight was basically 100%. That, and he couldn’t be certain which building housed the rifle-toting lady, though he was fairly certain he was in the right area.

What he was about to do was probably stupid, but only marginally more than trying his luck by heading onto the street. Breathing deep, tossing the crowbar hand to hand, he called out, “Anybody around?!?” Now hopefully it wasn’t only the Walkers that had heard him. He was fairly sure that any in the street had heard him, but the car alarm a bit off probably drowned out his voice before it traveled too far. If he was completely off and the rifle lady wasn't nearby at all, he could always book it back down the way he had came. There hadn't been any Walkers on his way here, so with any luck there wouldn't be any if he needed to back off, but even if there were it'd probably be far easier to deal with than the mini-horde he might have just attracted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 25 days ago


She frowned at him, but didn't argue. She knew that pressing the debt wouldn't do any good. There wasn't much holding people to social constructs like that these days. "Fair enough," she said tersely. "I'm going to bring him back here, though. Don't block the back door. It's the least you can do after he risked himself to draw them away." She picked her tank bag off the ground and put it in a kitchen cabinet then left out the back door.

It was just like she had expected, the main street had a few stragglers, all on their way to the continuing car alarm, but the back yards in the neighborhood were clear. She snuck around the back side of the houses, jogging around the cul-de-sac and then down the street toward the little apartment complex. It was a longer distance than she would have liked to travel without backup, but she was lucky. Well, luck wasn't the word. It was the alarm.

The buildings were a bit closer together hear, and she had to climb a fence to keep off of the streets. She was just becoming unsure where she was when she heard someone call out.

“Anybody around?!?”

Was that him? It must be, there can't be that many people around. She followed the voice into the next alley and saw a man standing at the end of it. And sure enough... it was someone else. She held her bat up, resting it on her shoulder, and approached quietly. When she was nearer, she hissed at him, "Fucking idiot, keep your voice down. Get over here," even as she spoke a mob from the street followed his voice into the alley. She jogged up to it and swung her bat at its head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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"Good luck", Lee called from the master bedroom upstairs. He did plan on leaving the back door open for her, if she survived. Lee continued to search the house looking through every room, every drawer, looking through every cabinet. He was gonna get all he could from this house and make it a camp, maybe stay there for a couple weeks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lee Loot hidden roll: 7. Sharpness: 5+1=6. Failed!

Lee searched around the house, but could not find anything he deemed useful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Lee searched and searched, but found nothing useful inside the home. "Well sh*t, thats unfortunate" Lee mumbled to himself. Lee walked back down stairs demoralized but was encouraged when he thought of the fact that he still had another house loot next door. Lee cleaned up the rest of his new home, hid his backpack, grabbed his axe and walked out the back door.

Lee trudged towards the large red brick wall that separated his camp and the home next door. Lee thought his axe over the fence to the other side, and then jumped over. Lee landed on his feet, hitting the dirt bellow. He grabbed his axe and snuck over the the back door so he could get a look at what he would have deal with inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lee: Number of zombies in building: 11

As Lee looked through the window, there was a walker right on the other side, but fortunately for him, it was facing the other way. There would be another walker with it in the kitchen, as well as 4 walkers in the living room, one in the bathroom, and 2 in each of the two bedrooms. The two in the kitchen hadn't noticed Lee yet, so he had the initiative.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

He turned relatively quickly to the sound of someone’s voice, already guessing it wasn’t the person in question he was looking for. Surprise, surprise, instead of the rifle lady it was the bat girl that had gotten robbed on the Interstate. Raising an eyebrow, he stepped aside to let her pass as she ran up to smack the Walker that had been attracted by the sound of his voice. “I would, but that’s generally not a good way to get someone’s attention,” he remarked as he followed up behind her, crowbar ready to lend a hand in case things went awry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jagred had managed to get out of the room alive, but he soon knew that fate was determined to rectify that. There was a corpse right outside, almost as if it was waiting for him. As soon as the door closed behind him, Jagred lifted the loaded crossbow and fire at its rotting face, hoping for a headshot. He could see just one, but inside this apartment complex, there was no telling how many more was waiting. Or how many more supplies the living might have left behind. This could turn out well for him, but more like, he might have just picked his grave. And not a very good choice either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jagred Dice Roll result: 9+1+2=12. Success!

Jagred managed to pull off another clean shot into the eye, killing the walker instantly. In the hall were several doors, 2 of which were closed. A walker walked out of an open door, but did not notice Jagred yet.

Charlotte Dice Roll result: 8+3+1=12. Success!
Charlotte landed a strong blow on the walker's head, smashing it between her bat and the wall. Blood trailed down the wall as the walker's head scraped along it and the body fell to the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 8 days ago

At just the sight of one infected, Lee decided against raiding that house. Lee jumped back over the fence into his own back yard and walked back into his home. With nothing to do, Lee decided to lay down in one of the rooms up stairs. He choose the master bedroom, he took of his shirt and shoes, places his axe.next to the bed within arms reach, and layed on the large king size bed. It wasn't long before Lee drifted of to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Using the short pause, Jagred reached for the bolt and pulled it out the stilled corpse, hoping he was quick enough to avoid detection from the other corpse. He needed to get out as fast as possible, this apartment, with its foreign landscape and unpredictable turns, was a death trap. He would knew, he used to live in one. There was no telling which door would a corpse come shambling out of next, and on the list of things Jagred hated, surprises of any kind was quite close to the top. Reloading his crossbow as fast as possible, he kept a careful eye on the corpse, ready to run whenever it turned his way. Once he was done, Jagred lifted his crossbow and fired again, determined to get rid of another obstacle on his path to the exit.
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