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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Chev said Viran smiled at the thought of those two dying in pain. In agony. Being made to suffer everything that they had ever inflicted on people a thousand times over. His eyes were cold and angry. He almost didn't notice the hug that Mina gave him as for a moment before he tentatively returned it before letting her go. His eyes seemed to be filled with warmth for a brief moment before they returned to their normal state as he recalled all the tragedy that had occurred so recently.

"I appreciate your words Mina." He said quietly. "But I think I need to go back to the mansion for awhile." he said as he stared past her for a moment as the very corner of his eyes turned red for just a moment before returning to normal.

Her words brought joy to the Valkorian and in turn made her smile.
She wanted Viran to be more cheerful again, as he had been so long ago, but she realized it was close to impossible. The chaos and grief had cost a lot from all of them.
Even she hadn't returned to the way she was before Mason's death.

She looked over at the distant tone in his voice. 'Very well. Shall I accompany you or remain at the Valkorian compound until you rwturn?' she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 10 days ago

'Very well. Shall I accompany you or remain at the Valkorian compound until you return?'

Viran looked over at her and smiled gently. No matter how angry he got, No matter how much despair he felt or how lost he would get sometimes, Mina was always there to help him find his way back. And in return, he would always be there for her if she ever needed it.

He took a deep breath and tried to smile. "Why don't you come with me?" He suggested. "I...I mean it's your choice but I could really use someone to talk to when I head back home. I think I'll really need someone there." He said honestly as he took another deep breath.

"I think I'm going to ask my mother to meet me at the Mansion." He said quietly "You were right. I can't push people away for fear of getting them hurt. Besides, I'm guessing she's traveled a long way and for a long time to see me again." He said with a small grin. "Do you think we can stop at the compound and see if she'll come along with us?"

Valkorian Compound

Valis sighed heavily as she sat back in the pilot's chair of her vessel and watched as the last of the Valkorian refugees left the ship. Despite what had happened she was glad she had found her people a place to call home. She could see men, women and children being welcome into their new home by the first set of refugees and it made her smile.

She heard the sound of footsteps behind her and smiled again as she turned around only to see an unfamiliar Valkorian looking at her oddly. He was wearing the clothes of a refugee "You are one of the new ones?" He asked bluntly.

"Yes..." Valis answered in confusion as the new arrival smiled. Something about that smile made her very uncomfortable.

"You are the mother of Viran?" The Valkorian asked bluntly.

"How did you know that?" Valis asked in confusion

The Valkorian grinned and a dark shroud seemed to surround him for a moment before it faded. Standing in front of her was a Valkorian with dark red eyes and pulsing black armor covered his armor. He slowly stepped towards her and grabbed her by the neck and smiled a smile that was pure evil.

"My name is War. And your son and I have some catching up to do. Your going to help me."

"Sirchon!" She snarled as she cursed him out in Valkorian and tried to pry his hands away from her neck only to have him tighten his grip. She could feel her bones beginning to crack.

"Your coming with me. Besides, you should be thanking me. The ship is going to blow up in around ten seconds." He said with a savage grin as a dark portal seemed to form around them, leaving the control room of the ship empty before it was engulfed by an explosion a moment later as War vanished through the portal with Valis in hand.

Numerous Valkorians looked up as they heard the sound of an explosion coming from the forest. Moments later, flaming pieces of debris and metal shot out of the forest causing the refugees to flee away from the destructive debris.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 1 yr ago

She smiled and nodded at his reply, happy Viran wanted her to accompany him. She worried for his sake afterall, staying by his side while all of this played out would most likely be best.
'Then I will stay with you and you can talk to me.' she stated, stretching and brushing some sand off her clothes.
Her eyes shimmered happily when he told her what he was going to do. 'You should definitely do that. You can't believe how sad she felt when you left like that. She thought you hated her. I told her you didn't, that you just needed to sort some stuff out, but it's best if you'd tell her yourself.' she said.
'I'll teleport us ba....' she stopped mid-sentence and looked around, a look of discomfort on her face.
'We need to go back, something's wrong.' she stated suddenly, grabbing his arm and teleporting them both back to the compound.

Upon arrival wreckage was scattered around them, many Valkorians screaming and running away from the burning wreck that was the refugees ship, other squirming on the ground in pain. Her eyes glowed and with a simple flick of her hand a shield appeared around the blazing vessel, blocking the air from it and causing the fire to rapidly die out.
She walked over to the Valkorians lying on the ground, healing their injuries and sending them off.
'Viran, go check if everybody is okay and accounted for. Let me know if there are more injured.' she said while healing another young Valkorian with a severe puncture wound.

(Way to go against everything Mina just said Chevy xD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 10 days ago

'Viran, go check if everybody is okay and accounted for. Let me know if there are more injured.'

Viran looked around the destroyed compound and the small glimmer of happiness and joy that he felt immediately vanished. He looked at Mina once again. There was no smile this time. His eyes were cold and angry and were filled with a touch of blood-lust and sorrow.

"This...This is why I can't get close to people." He said quietly to her as he slowly turned around. The stench of War was all around the area. Viran heard a faint rustling behind him and saw two Refugees carrying a third refugee from the woods to the compound.

"War was here, wasn't he?" He asked simply. The two Valkorians nodded and pointed at the destroyed ship behind them. Viran's heart stopped for a moment as he recognized the Valkorian writing on the side of a piece of debris.

"That was my mother's ship. Where is Valis?" He asked quietly.

The bigger Valkorian shook his head. "We saw a portal in the debris of the ship a few moments after the explosion. We can only assume War took her. Why would he do that? We or the newest refugees haven't harmed him or Death in any way! Why would they target us?!"

"He wasn't targeting you." Viran said quietly. "He was trying to get my attention. Go to the compound and get medical attention. I will deal with him."

He watched as the three headed for the compound before raising his voice so it could be heard across the compound and the nearby hills.

"You have my attention War!" He roared to the empty sky "You endangered innocent refugees and you stole away my own mother! You want to fight?! Let's fight! I will make sure that this time, I bring your head back on a pike!" He snarled angrily


"Come on your filthy Fivsheck!" he snarled. "Or are you to much of a coward to deal with me?!"

That seemed to get his attention wherever he was. Shadowy energy began to surround Viran as a portal began to form around him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sara's flight landed at Second City's airport then taxied over towards the private a charter jet parking an came to a stop. It has on it's tail a huge stylized SI for Solomon Institute her family's company and is her personal jet and always at her disposal.

A car pulls up to the parking line and Doctor Morrison of Second City Children's Memorial steps out with an expression usually seen on teens waiting for their favorite rock star to appear.

The Gulfstream's door opens and a beautiful young woman with green eyes and black hair appears at the top of the steps and begins to descend. Doctor Morrison has to restrain his urge to rush towards Miss Solomon and gush over her arrival and his thrill that she's come to help him as no one else ever could.

As she nears the car Sara smiles her expression sincere and friendly as she says
Doctor Morrison it's such a pleasure to meet you after having corresponding these past few months. I'm oh so sorry I couldn't get here sooner but I was helping the CDC in Kenya, please forgive me.

Frank Morrison can scarcely believe Sara Solomon AKA Evergreen has arrived much less that she is asking him to forgive delay. She wasn't simply helping the CDC she'd been critical in discovering a cure for a virus that had killed 400+ before she'd arrived and zero afterwards.

"Please Miss Solomon there's no need to apologize for......." He says cutting short his own carefully chosen words when his hand makes contact with hers and a warmth washes through him that makes him feel suddenly content.

Sara resists laughing when the doctor surprised by her ability's full body scan of his own.
Sorry about that Doctor Morrison but physical contact initiates my ability. If it's any help you're in really good health, well all except a mild ulcer and stress but that'll only take a moment.

Morrison starts to protest but is soon overwhelmed by a flush of personal vitality he hasn't experienced in years. He's barely aware that Sara has put him in the passenger seat an buckled him in till she sits next to him and starts his car saying
The euphoric sensation will be brief but I thought perhaps it would be best if we got started and headed to you hospital

Morrison at the time couldn't believe that he'd be more amazed than he was at their meeting, that is till Evergreen enters his hospital and she goes almost immediately to work. He'd heard stories of her Altruism but to see her at work is nothing short of miraculous. She heals Patient and Staff without slowing or any pattern at first till he realizes she's moving down the scale of severity.

Nine hours after her arrival three large men appear and flash credentials showing they're her bodyguard and take her away.
Frank Morrison is thrilled Evergreen had come at his request but couldn't shake the sadness of her expression when she found people an children who's illness was genetic.

In the Limo acquired by her Bodyguards Sara sits in the back pouting as David Miller her head bodyguard says
"I'm sorry Sara but you need to rest"

I don't need to rest she says with a sigh

"Actually Sara you know better, your body might be able to keep up the pace for days, weeks and months but eventually your mind will fold up an quit from the abuse" he says rubbing her shoulder

I know you're right David but I feel guilty.she answers

Sara knows it foolish for her to feel as she does but she can't help it. She feels everyone around her slowly dying and she can't stop it because it's everything alive's natural state, everything but herself.

She and her Bodyguard arrived at not a hotel but a private residence that Solomon had rented for Sara's stay. It was a nice four story brownstone near the park which belonged to an industrial firm which usually used it to house visiting executives.

Sara left her Bodyguards down stairs as she went up stairs and took a bath. She could feel them and know their metal pain as well as their physical pain. Every living soul within a mile of her intruded on her solitude, not that she minded because she really didn't. No Sara actually felt lonely without them.

After her bath Sara meditated to relax her thoughts and to allow her conscience to settle into a level that resembled a kind of rem sleep for her.

For nearly three hours Sara meditated drifting in a blanket of waking dreams when suddenly fear intruded. She opened her mind to the fear she felt nearby and was aware of several other minds joining in. She stood quickly and changed out of her soft robe and into a jumpsuit that was made of a fire resistant material that firefighters and race drivers wore under the clothes.

She walked down stairs an saw David looking up towards her. "Sara it's a fire and as yet they have no need of your abilities"

David either we go together or I'll go myself she says offering no options

David Miller shakes his head and opens the door for his stubborn boss then escorts her to her waiting limo.

Soon less then three blocks away the limo comes to a stop outside a night club that's on fire and to Sara it feels like a physical horror movie. Smoke and burns and people in danger inside.

"I can't talk you out of this Sara?" Asks David as he hands her the hood that will protect her from the fire and then a helmet.

Sorry David but I can't an you know that she says as she steps out an dons her helmet and walks through smoke and flames looking for those trapped inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Help me save the man I love. His name is Grant Wilson."

Steel turned to look at Tyran who was staring at the woman who had somehow managed to enter the mansion. He looked at her curiously and at the mask that she was holding in her hands. "Recognize her?" Steel asked carefully. "Scanning memory banks now." Tyran responded as his eyes flashed as he scanned the memories he had of the future. "Facial recognition found a match. First name is Katya, last name unknown. All I can pull up on her is that she was presumed deceased when Straxus wiped out New York City around eight years from now when a gathering of resistance fighters caught his attention."

"What about this Grant Wilson? Any records on him?" Steel asked not knowing Grant's full name. Tyran's eyes flashed again. "Grand Wilson: Also known as Ravager. Former member of the Titans. Presumed lost during one of the first battles when the resistance fought against Doctor Night. Body was never recovered however."

Steel looked at Katya and smiled carefully. No telling what her true angle was. "Tell us what happened." She said calmly.

Unknown location
Unknown time

"Scanning quantum and temporal signatures...we've got a lock! We've managed to locate them both!" A figure shouted out as the building rocked violently as debris continued to fall from the ceiling. Screaming could be heard coming from outside. "Do we have enough power?"

"Barely. It's going to most likely be a one way trip. We barely have enough power to create the gate right now." One of the other figures turned to look at the costumed figure standing nearby. "You ready Parallex? You know what you need to do?"

"Find them. Warn them. Eliminate the threat." The costumed figure said quietly as the other figure nodded. "Right. Hold on, it's going to be a rough ride." The screaming got louder and louder as the walls surrounding the room began to buckle against the creature's onslaught.

"Initiating Temporal gate...now!" A swirling red portal formed and Parallex stared into it for a moment as the wall finally collapsed behind him as he ran through the portal and vanished. "Deactivate the portal and destroy the machine!"

The two figures unleashed barrages of energy blasts at the machine as the gate vanished and it blew apart a minute later as the creature slammed both of them down into the ground head first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Grant Wilson

Red clouded the edges of his vision, his heart pounding in his ears. His hands shook as he gripped the side of a brick wall to steady himself. When he pushed off, there was a palm print in the wall. He walked with an eerie calm, the tremors in his body the only outward show of his rage. As he walked, he found himself in an alleyway, accosted by four gangbangers, arrogant men who just wanted some action. Perhaps they thought he was easy prey, given his state of mind. No one can quite say as to their intentions. Not after what happened next. One came up and whistled in his face, waving a hand as well. The boy turned back to his friends and waved them over.

Grant didn't move an inch, and stood stone still, hands and face still shaking. The sword was locked into its sheath by way of a prototype DNA reader in his gloves, and in his state, it wasn't going to see any action. The gun, on the other hand, was held in place only by a snap strap. The gun wasn't sentimental for any real reason; swords were his weapon of weapon of choice, and the one on his back was special, to him at least. The blade itself was made of a rare promethium/titanium blend courtesy of the League of Assassins, and the hilt was made of titanium as well, with the DNA tech built in. On the end of the hilt was a strip of orange cloth, similar to the back of its mask, minus the black cloth tied with it.

Regardless, the banger grabbed hold of his gun and waved it in his face. Then he snapped. Lashing out like a caged animal, he slammed his fist into the banger's face, easily breaking his jaw, most likely landing him a concussion. Then, like idiots, they all rushed him.

End result: four men beaten within a literal inch of their lives.

The red still tainted his vision, as it perennially would, but he could no longer hear his own heartbeat. Feeling calmer, he reached a hand up and did not feel his mask. Like his uniquely crafted sword, it was of sentimental value, and his next task was to retrieve it.

Ekaterina "Katya" Dobrova

Clearing her throat, she told them quietly of what had transpired outside the mansion, of how enraged he was. She told them of how she had fallen in love with the mercenary and how she thought it was something to do with his brother that had made him this way.

When she was done, she stood back and sighed.

"And that is my story."

"And that is my mask."

The deep voice of The Ravager sounded in the mansion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Hope, it was always hope that was pushing me, it got me this far...what am I without it?" The blue suited ring-bearer asked aloud, looking down at the ring that had bound her to the corps of blue lanterns, she was a proud defender of hope. A powerful lantern but power like this was useless if she couldn't aid her friends with it, her duties were always requiring her to leave the mansion for days on end. She was sick of it, why was she needed so badly when there were so many other bearers of hope at the corp's disposal. She gazed at the bright light blue glowing piece of technology and magic, placing her index finger and thumb on either side of it, with a deep breath she pulled the ring off of her finger. The brilliant glow around her began to fade, she then dropped the ring in her pocket. "You always put us in the right direction Mason, now I don't know where I'm going..." She said as she knelt down to the grave of the hero once known as Fracture. Right beside the grave was the sibling duo's most loved companion and pet, Pain, the wolf was curled up against the tombstone of the hero, never leaving his side as if he had still been alive, being out like this had made the wolf degrade somewhat.

His fur was matted down from the dirt which had dyed his snow white fur to a dirty brown color. His fur was clumped and patched, it was likely that he was suffering from the first few stages of mange. A part of the wolf’s ear had been missing, like it had been bitten off, flies already attacking the exposed cartilage on the area. Pain wanted nothing more than to stay here, to live and die by his master’s side, that was his wish. The wolf suffered greatly in the attempt to stay loyal, being attacked by other dogs and resisting the temptation to kill them in honor of Mason, refusing the idea of spilling blood on his grave. Day in and day out, the wolf was subjected to the agony of life only to find himself longing for the embrace of death, to run alongside Fracture once more. He was no longer coherent as he used to be, he barely noticed Sable, standing up from his laying position, rather weakly at that. As he stretched, the horror was already realized, Pain was starving, his fur not doing much to hide his skinny body now. As the wolf locked onto the approaching female, he began to growl defensively, baring his teeth as if he were going to do something, he was hesitant at first. Usually when he did this to passing people, thinking they were attempting to desecrate Mason in some way the reaction was never good, he was kicked, stomped, and even beaten to a point where he was left scarred. Blood still ran from the wolf’s cuts where he had been kicked and even stabbed at some areas. As fast as he was wasting away, it wasn’t granting him eternal rest soon enough.

Pain’s grey eyes locked onto the female and sniffed in her direction, once of his eyes was failing him from a hostile interaction between him and a hostile dog, men wanting to see how the hero’s wolf would do against a roided up dog on Venom, the fact that they used food to bait him was degrading but he went for it and paid with his sight. His growls continued before stopping at a huff of surprise and shock, withholding every tinge of happiness, his body couldn’t muster it anymore, he was too weak at this point. The wolf came from behind the large tombstone and faced Mason’s youngest sister, Sable.

The sounds of growls coming from behind Mason’s grave put her on edge, she wasn’t sure what that was but then she recognized the growls. She knew that it was Pain, what she didn’t know was that he had been out here for god knows how long, waiting. “Pain?!” She exclaimed, a smile forming before it shifted dramatically into a look of horror, her eyes widening as she took in what she was seeing. Her heart sank and her body trembled as the wolf crept closer to her, it was Pain, she knew it but he was so warped and changed. Patches of fur missing, bruising, scars, the flies attacking every wound, bringing him more agony, all of it sent a chill running up her spine. A hand went over her mouth as she dropped to her knee, trying to muffled and silence the sobs that began escaping her, tearing running down her cheeks and the hand that covered her mouth, dotting along the concrete. Her eyes shutting as the wolf weakly groaned as if to say he was okay, resting his massive head against her in an embrace that couldn’t be described with even the most detailed of words.Her cries of sadness getting louder as she buried her face into the dirt covered fur of the wolf, her tears soaking into it. The torrent of emotion gripped her in a void that proved to be ultimately inescapable, this had to have been her own fault for always being away from home. If she were there, this would never have happened. If she stayed, her last bit of family she had left wouldn’t be dying in the streets. “I’m sorry...I….I…” She couldn’t go on anymore, she was too broken down to speak properly, only able to stutter and stammer the words ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again. “I...I’ll fix this...I promise.” She sobbed, her hands shaking as gently reached toward the wolf’s face after pulling back, seeing if his reaction would be the same as it was long ago, when he was happier.

Pain weakly raised his paw at her approaching hand, placing it into her palm, his eyes locked down in an expression sadness even still, his eyes darting away from her and to Mason’s grave. Sable hiccuped as she she tried to regain composure, gently squeezing the wolf’s paw before releasing it. “I’m going to get you home…” She said, immediately noticing the way he looked at the grave caused her to frown. “I miss him too Pain…” She said gently petting the wolf before standing to her feet. Sable trying to coax him into following her, Pain just stared at her, he felt tied to this place. Sable let out a sigh before reaching into her pocket, it wasn’t much but it was something, pulling out an old pack of beef jerky, the wolf seemed to pick up the smell almost immediately. It would have only made sense, he hadn’t eaten in a while, he was probably lacking water too. “Come on, it’s okay..” She spoke as she watched Pain slowly begin to creep toward her, keeping his body low and his head down as if he were awaiting the next beating from someone, with a quick snap of his jaws he liberated the piece of food from her, a few more from that bag began to settle him in. His fear fading some, as he ate from her hand.

She began to walk out of the cemetery, keeping a close and wary eye on Pain, his walking wasn’t consistent, he was stopping and starting for the most part, though eventually they did make it to the mansion, entering through the back like she usually did to avoid getting stopped by the sentries roaming the halls, which often annoyed her. She made her way up to her room, Pain following behind, this time somewhat closer, it seemed his trust in her was rebuilding, he didn’t panic from her sudden movements or actions now. She knew he was starving now and if she gave him too much food, it would most likely kill him, she poured a vitamin water into a bowl to keep him in a stable condition, pour the leftover beef jerky onto a small plate. Sable pulled the blue glowing ring from her pocket and placed it into her miniature strongbox, locking it up. She traversed to her closet and opened it, greeted with the weapons she had stopped using so long ago, grabbing hold of the katanas she once used, sheathing one and running a gloved finger along the blade’s sharp edge before sheathing it as well. Reaching up at the top of her closet she pulled down the M9 that had belonged to Mason, she held onto it but never used it, she’d change that sometime. Loading the weapon and placing it on safe, she dropped it into the holster at her hip. “Let’s go huh?” She said, managing a small smile as she spoke in a singsong tone to Pain, gently lifting the massive grey wolf and carrying him to Mason’s room, it was only right of her, she went next door to her room and brought him his food and water before gently petting his head after setting him at the foot of the passed away hero’s bed.

“G-Grant?” She asked herself as she picked up the voice of her older brother within the mansion, she quickly left, moving silently, it took her a second to get used to her old habits but she picked them up regardless. Her ears trained to the sound of Grant’s voice, it was taking her minute for her long unused abilities started returning, the sound of a heartbeat pounding in her ears. The figure she was approaching looked like Grant, her first question was what he was doing. Willing herself to stand against the older sibling she drew her weapon and pressed the barrel against the back of his head. “You’re wrong brother, it’s not your mask anymore, it’s mine…” She spoke in a rather dead tone of voice, her words just as cold and icy as they once had been when she fought alongside Mason. Her thumb pulling back the hammer resonated through the room with the metallic click.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 10 days ago

"And that is my story."

Steel looked over at Tyran before looking back at Katya. "I guess we can give you a hand. After all, as far as I know, he's still a titan and titans help each oth-" She stopped speaking as she heard Tyran take a deep breath. "Mansion security has been breached. Possibly two intruders." He said quietly as he began to power up his defensive systems. He could feel the energy flowing to his arms as they began to shift into cannon mode.

"And that is my mask."

Steel whirled around and saw Grant in the mansion.and she focused as the silvery, unknown alloy covered her body as she took up a defensive stance in front of Katya. "Let's all just calm down." She said slowly. "Tyran. Keep an eye out for anyone else, Grant...calm down, Katya, I'll hold onto the mask for now so we don't have a firefight in the mansion."

“You’re wrong brother, it’s not your mask anymore, it’s mine…”

Steel turned around and saw Sable holding a gun to the back of Grant's head. "Tyran! Keep an eye on the both of them." She said as she turned to look at Sable. "Keep calm and put down the gun." She said slowly.

Outside Second City

Locate the target. Destroy it. Parallex thought as he emerged from the portal and took note of his surroundings. His fists and eyes were glowing with barely restrained energy. He knew that this was Second City, but it looked as if it hadn't been destroyed yet. Which meant that if he wanted answers on where the target could be located there was only once place to go for answers..

The Titan's mansion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“You’re wrong brother, it’s not your mask anymore, it’s mine…”

Grant exhaled and cracked his neck rather loudly.


As he did so, the sound of a hammer being pulled back followed by the click of a round entering the chamber hit his ears. Odd. I thought she was with the Blue lantern Corps. Unless it's a construct. Deep in his musing, he looked across at Tyran and Lady Steel. The cyborg was in full combat mode, and were he not already unable to move, the cyborg would certainly pose a formidable threat. The woman beside him, the one encasing herself in metal, was another interesting variable. She looked as if she could handle herself, and he wasn't sure what kind of metal it was she used. Therefore, he wasn't certain his sword could even scratch, let alone cut her.

The real, much more immediate problem was his sister. Though he was stronger than her, the two were on a par in speed and reaction timing. She could easily put a bullet in him before he could even reach for his sword. Strength counted for very little facing off against someone like his sister, someone with whom he was evenly matched. Of course there were the differences between their chosen styles-he with the sword, she with the gun-but that was what gave her the advantage at the moment, even if she was within his range. She didn't have to even be close to kill him, were killing what she wanted to do.

If She wanted me dead, she would've already pulled the trigger.

It was puzzling to him, really. What was her motivation for this? Mind control? Sudden changes of heart and modus operandi don't just happen, and if they did, they were planned. Either way, he couldn't know for sure unless she told him. All this thinking boiled down to two things: One, he was trapped, unable to react, and two, even were he to react, there were two other people he had to deal with, their exact combat abilities unknown.

That made him uncomfortable.

Slowly, he brought his hands up, lacing them together behind his head.

"Sable. What the hell is going on?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
Avatar of RumikoOhara

RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Cypress arrives in Second city her object a contract working for one of the local Kingpins or Cartels. She is a mercenary meta known in some circles but a mystery to the public at large. It is those in government circles that she dislikes the most so when 7 men armed with energy weapons confront her she is more than simply annoyed.

"Stand where you are and don't make a move Friction or my men and I'll smoke you where you stand" says the leader of the little boy scout troop of some ABC fed group.

Sure Mister just please don't shoot me Cypress says as she pouts raising her hands.

She snaps her fingers as she zero frictions the entire area around herself. This causes the feds to twitch which in the total absence of friction sends them all tumbling to the hard pavement. Several of their weapons go off sending burning beams of plasma into the ceiling, the paving and into the railroad car behind Cypress.

She spins like an Ice skater down to one knee giggling as all around her she hears people screaming in fear an panic.
You know it was simply the dumbest thing you could do trying to take me out in such a crowded place.
Well I'd love to stick around and see what kind of back-up you've arranged but I need to go an freshen up, TTFN boys

She lunges forward and skates out of the station rapidly increasing her speed as she goes. She's soon flying through traffic of second city at over 200 miles per hour. Then she drops into the Subway systems tunnels looking for a place to loose her tails.

When she pops out of the tunnel an into daylight Friction leaves the tracks before she's forced to play chicken with an express. Surveying around herself she spots an old merchants street containing everything she'll need now that she's been forced to abandon her luggage.

She buys a wig of long black hair at a beauty supply then enters a place called "End of the Line for Fashion" a second hand store that caters to the trendy hipsters that are gentrifing the area.

So she spends her time shopping and trying on clothes. Eventually she has a new a gaudy wardrobe and a full on Morticia Adams look. She walks out of the store and a block later into a small electronics store where she buys three burner phones
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sable held a fixed look of anger, the barrel of the pistol pressing hard against Grant’s head, her hand was shaking slightly. Her heart was pounding in her chest, not because she was afraid but the fact that she was actually doing this, to her brother of all people. She had abandoned this lifestyle only to come full circle into it again it seemed, her trigger finger was twitching, this wasn’t just something she felt she had to do, she wanted to do this, almost as if every part of her ached just to pull the trigger on him. It was her brother though, she couldn’t fathom taking the life of her own blood, still though, the idea continued to revolve around her. ”All I want is the mask, brother...” She whispered, her cryptic words trailing metaphorical venom in them, her free hand was balled into a fist and shaking, angry because this was a hidden level Grant had pushed her to and because she had given in to do it.

Her gaze shifted to lock onto Steel, she wasn’t very familiar with her, she could only guess that she was a Titan, a new one at that. She kept her weapon trained on Grant’s skull, continuing to stare down the metal coated female. “I am calm, all I want is what I’ve asked for…” She said simply, her eyes switching back and forth between Grant and Steel every now and then.
Ironsight shrugged in response to her question, he just thought it would be a good opportunity to see who he was really up against. It was always someone got to date the enemy, who knew what kinds of secrets she was harboring. “I don’t know, you seem pretty evil, I might just have to get the cuffs.” He said in a sly manner, smirking at her, watching her leave the room, getting a good look at her rear and resisting the temptation, no matter how hard he wanted to smack it. He waited for her to finish with her calls, most likely to the Titans, he wasn’t standing around her for those. Shortly he joined her by her motorcycle. “So, you willing to let me ride this time?” He asked, placing his hand on the bike.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Depends on if you still need your hands for anything important." Hikari replied, giggling darkly. "You're a nice guy and all, but I don't think we're close enough for me to trust you with my baby. Besides, I'm not really dressed for it." She crooked her head at a waiting cab, And waved for Ironsight to come with her.

"We'll draw less attention this way and I don't have to worry about stupid drinking and driving rules." She couldn't get drunk thanks to her accelerated regeneration, but some clubs tagged riders and drivers so the staff would know not to serve alcohol to them. She had the same rule in her pub, though she was less strict about it whenever the Titans were around. There was no way to get around it, even if she played the superhero card, and she would rather not make a scene.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

-snip- (RPG messed up on me, sorry for the double post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 10 days ago

Viran let out a low growl as darkness covered his eyes for a moment and when it faded he was in some sort of clearing. He immediately searched his surroundings and saw two things. One was War staring at him and at his feet...was his mother. Beaten. Bloodied and her clothes were ripped and mostly in tatters.

"What did you do to her?!" Viran roared as he clenched his hands into fists.

Mina cursed as Viran walked off, seemingly pissed up to the point of her head aching and throbbing faintly. Why did this have to happen now? Right after she spoke to Viran, this happens and destroys everything she said to him. She cursed lightly as she got up after healing the young Valkorian, sending him off to the compound before looking around for Viran.

His energy was gone, but a slight trail of his energy was left. She flew up and followed the energy before she came upon a foul sensing aura. She paused and looked at the spot the portal had been, the foul aura bringing shivers to her spine.

Her body protested as she traced the energy to a distant location before teleporting, growling at the sight before her.
Viran was here, in front of him War and Viran's mother, horribly beaten.
The wave of rage she felt was only fueled by the anger Viran gave off, her spine was tingling and her eyes burned a fiery red.

Viran's eyes flashed with rage as he saw the state his mother was in. He turned around as he felt Mina's presence behind him before turning back to look at War. "I'll ask you again, what did you do to my mother?" He asked in a soft, deadly voice. War smiled and patted his mother on the head. "I showed her the truth. How you failed her. How you'll always fail her. How you'll fail everyone."

Viran's eyes were burning with barely contained rage. "Mina. Get my mother out of here." He said softly as he took a look at War. "Today, this ends." He said quietly. "You won't hurt anyone, ever again."

"I doubt that." War said with a smile. Viran let out a roar of rage and launched himself at War and pulled back his fist and then drive it forward into the bottom of War's jaw, launching him up into the air.

Mina cringed faintly as Viran's rage, his hatred, overwhelmed her senses a bit, her own anger being overshadowed. She looked at the state Viran's mother was in, she didn't look too good. She was bruised and beaten, clothes torn from the sheer force she was hit with, blood everywhere... it was a dismal sight.
She looked up when Viran spoke to her, his voice soft, but the fury beneath it making the hairs in the back of her neck stand on end. 'You take care of him, don't worry about her.' she said with a nod.
She waited for Viran to shoot forward, launching himself like a bullet, before moving towards his mother. She cringed as she got close, it was a truly gruesome scene.
'Don't worry, you'll be okay.' she said softly as she created a shadowy blade and started cutting through the rope War had tied her with.
It took a while, but eventually Mina managed to cut through the rope, moving her hands over the Valkorian's body to assess where the most damage was.

Viran cracked War upside the head as he came back to the ground and Viran could feel himself getting more and more angry. "Fight back!" He roared as he slammed his fist into War's stomach at full strength and slammed him into the ground creating an imprint in the ground. "I said, Fight Back!" He roared again as War looked up at him. For a brief moment his appearance seemed to become blurry before it became solid again.

"Stop...Viran...please." War's voice seemed to shift for a moment to that of Valis's as Viran's assault stopped as his eyes widened in shock.

Valis looked up at Mina and smiled a very dark smile as Mina checked her over. "Thank you...half-breed." She said as her voice shifted to that of War's and a blast of energy erupted from her hands and hit Mina point blank in the chest.

Valis rose to her feet and smiled at the two of them as what appeared to a shadowy aura seemed to lift from both Valis and War to reveal Valis laying at Viran's feet, badly broken and War smiling with dark satisfaction.

"Fooled you." He said simply.
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