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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

**Garsin Folkvar** Garsin awkwardly shuffled his way to the door from the back of the line. He was a little unsure as to how far the voice was but he was able to tell where the line stopped, although, mostly because he wasn't tapping on a wall anymore with his cane, and there was a distinct stop in where the sound of people where from further down the hall. He finally made it to the door and took a few paces through, but just enough to be inside. he wasn't quite sure as to what may be lying about in the room. He remained quiet as he was not sure what to say, and after a moment he was starting to wonder if someone was even there. Did he or she go to the bathroom?....Do he walk into the wrong room? '*Uhg, this can't be good,*' he thought, again, to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RawrgnatheBloodfridge


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

**Arndt Schulz** "I'm fine with help, but thanks for offering," Arndt replied to Mike. When looking up for a moment, he noticed a drum set in a corner. Arndt was amazed at how he didn't see it at first glance into the room. "Hey Mike, is that yours? Do you play it at all? Oh, wow, it's been such a long time since I've seen one of these." Arndt slowly became entranced by the gloss of the drums before shaking his head a bit and returning to reality. "Er, let me check mine real quick." Arndt pulled the paper from his back pocket and looked it over, mumbling a bit. "Gym. Social Studies. Science. Math. Well, nice. Is there anything else besides those four though?" Arndt folded the paper up to put in his back pocket before going through the luggage again, listening for Mike's response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 23 days ago

Sayuri watched a girl, wearing cat ears and a tail, walk out of the Headmasters office and walk off like she knew where she was going. Since she needed a guide she decided to follow the girl. She followed out to the park where she promtly looked lost, *'Just my luck I follow someone who looks like they know where they are going and then they don't,'* Sighing she walks up her, "Hello I'm Sayuri it looks like your lost."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 9 mos ago

**Sam** I looked into the Dorm and it looked pretty neat. It had two beds standing on each side of the corners next to the door, with the heads facing the wall with the door. The bed had two drawers underneath each. On each end of the bed was a closet, with a big part on the upper layer for shirts and stuff like that, and underneath it two drawers. Next to it, against the wall you faced when you entered the room, were two small desks wich looked like they could've been out of a classroom. Each had a chair and a reading light. It also had two small drawers next to it in the middle of both of them. Also, the desks were facing a window each. I walked into the room and choose the right side of the room. I put my bags next to the closet, except for one, wich I put on the desk. I took out my laptop from it, placed it on the desk and booted it up. It seemed to work so far, but as soon as I tried to add the most important thing in the world to it, internet, it couldn't find any free signals, only secured ones. I walked outside again and looked around the hallway. I saw an older man and a kid. _Relax, Sam, you got this. He probably works here, and he can tell you where the wi-fi is._ I thought. I walked towards them, not making a sound as I came from behind them. When I was right behind them, I said: "Excuse me, but do you work here? It's my first day here, and I don't know how to get the internet connected."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

**<Bella>:** After wandering around for awhile, you happen to see a few people walking around during your travels through the school. There seemed to be some cat girl lost outside, with someone else following after her. As you moved towards the dorm rooms and up the stairs, you noticed there were quiet a few people settling in on that floor. From the looks of the doors, your room wouldn't be on that floor however, so you continued on to the next floor up. Once you finally found your room on the third floor of the dorm's building, you found the keys sticking in the door hanging off of it. There were two it looked like. Upon entering your room, you find out this used to be someone else's room at some point. The room was messy, and only had one bed. There was a picture of some girl with pink hair on a table beside the bed. --- **<Garsin>:** It was a few moments until you figured out you were in the right room. "Ahh, come in please." you heard a friendly adult voice call you into the room. "Please, sit down." the man said from across the room. "Mr. Folkvar, is it? Right. I have your papers here that will tell you what classes you will be taking, and what room you will be staying in." he said too you, shuffling the papers, and possibly handing them over to you. "These are right, Nicole?" he suddenly said to someone else standing in the room. "Yes. I made sure they are braille so you can read them." a woman's voice said, coming from where you stepped in. She walked over to the man in the room, grabbed the papers, and walked over to you and put the in your hands. "Is it okay if you have a roommate? I'm sure you'd need them... uh... but it's your choice, of course." the man said, his voice faltering after he realized what he had said. "Oh, and Ms. Weber can see you to your room if you need help." the man said. The woman made a quick sound, signifying she would be glad to help if you requested it. --- **<Arndt>:** "Alright, suit yourself." Mike said after you declined his help. He said it with a smile though, and a light shrug of his shoulders. He waited until you had finished before speaking again. He walked over towards his drums and looked over them, but didn't touch 'em. "Yeah, pretty much!" he laughed about the classes. "Yep! The drums are mine. I do play. I even tried out for a band awhile ago! They din't let me in though, since they didn't like my play style. They didn't like heavy metal. Oh well. Would have loved to get into a band. I can't play them in here though, Jim get's all mad when I do. But I don't have anywhere else to store them, so I have to keep them in here." he said with his hands in his pockets. --- **<Sam>:** The man had already closed the door when you asked the question, but he ended up turning to face you coincidentally anyway. "Oh, yes. I work here. I do most of the work around here actually." he cut in as you spoke. "Internet?" he asked, looking around for an answer. "Oh, right. Mr. Delmas gave me this piece of paper in case anyone asked..." he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling it out. He told you the login was a 'secured one', shrugging it off like he didn't know what it meant, and then told you which one it was and the password. "Do you need this to get connected, or?" he asked, offering to hand it over to you. --- **[Josive]** I attempted to log into the networks, but after they failed decided I might as well find my own way into them. I stopped after I heard a kid outside the door asking about the same thing, so I listened in on what they were saying. I quickly selected the network they said, and typed out various versions of the password. "Right. The simple one, of course." I muttered to myself. Once I was connected, I noticed my laptop had a lot of updating to do, so I set it aside and let it do it's things. I walked over towards the desk and started cleaning up the things on the floor. I noticed a pile of smashed CDs, but one of them wasn't damaged. I picked it up, and noticed it matched a whole set of them sitting on the desk! I looked at the CD, and saw it was labeled "Jeremie's Diary, Disk 1". I tried the computer, and it turned on instantly, but I was stuck at the password screen. "Darn. I guess I'll have to mess with that later then. I'm sure there's a back way in." I shrugged. I carried the CD over to my laptop, and stopped the updates. I put in the CD, and watched as a video loaded up instantly. "Hello, my name is Jeremie Belpois, and this is my first video diary at Kadic Junior High." he introduced himself as he refocused the camera and sat down. Once I saw his face... I was in shock. _That's the boy on the news I saw awhile ago! They gave me his room? And he was at this school!?_ "Today I'm going to go explore a factory I found earlier to find some parts for my robot." he continued on. I sat the laptop on my lap, and settled in, watching the rest of the video through until the end. The rest of it was pretty boring... though. _Hmm, a factory? That sounds interesting. Maybe I can upgrade my robot there. I'll have to see if I can convince anyone to join me after class._
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

#### Bella Bella walked into the room, glad to have finally found the right place. She was slightly surprised though when she saw the slight mess scattered across it though. The things seemed to be someone else's personal belongings, especially the photo of the girl sitting on the side table. *Wouldn't someone have taken the stuff with them when they left the school?* she thought to herself. She cleared out a space on the dresser and set her bags down. She decided to notify one of the people who worked here later. Maybe the stuff was forgotten by mistake. Bella walked over to the window, watching crowds of people weaving around the school grounds. She wondered how well she would like it at this new school. Even though she was still mad at her parents for forcing her to come here, she thought that it would be nice to start over where nobody knew her or her past. At her old school she was always haunted by reminders. People would constantly ask her questions, or try to make her talk about it when she really didn't want to. She was in an entirely new country now though. Nothing that happened before really mattered anymore. She glanced at her schedule that the principal had handed her, then at the clock on the wall. She still had some time before class. Deciding that it seemed rather nice outside, she grabbed her sketchbook, walked out of her room, and headed down out of the dormitory. She sat down on one of the benches and started doodling on one of the sheets of paper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

> Sayuri watched a girl, wearing cat ears and a tail, walk out of the Headmasters office and walk off like she knew where she was going. Since she needed a guide she decided to follow the girl. She followed out to the park where she promtly looked lost, *'Just my luck I follow someone who looks like they know where they are going and then they don't,'* Sighing she walks up her, "Hello I'm Sayuri it looks like your lost." Alice had been followed into the park. This girl spoke to her when she was trying to figure out how she got lost. She spun to look at her. Tilting her head to the side. "Mao." She smiled as Saiyuri introduced herself. "I'm not lost i just currently don't know where i am. I'm looking for the dorms." She stuck her tongue out for a moment then realized that she hadn't introduced herself. "Alice." She then began adjusting her hair and ears.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Flippy walked out of the principal's office with the papers that took so long to get, but it didn't feel worth the long wait once you think about it. Well anyway he made his way towards the dorms following a map he was given of the campus. After reaching the dorms main entrance he walked in and made his way up to the boy's floor, but what kinda made him think was why were the boys and girls dorm rooms in the same building just on different floors? Flippy finally reached his assigned room and did the most instinctive thing to do if you have been assigned a roommate but don't know if there their yet. "Hello anyone home? I'm new your roommate." He said as he opened the door to the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

**Garsing Folkver** "Thank you, sir." He said with a slight bow of the head. When he was asked about a roommate he hesitated a moment. On one hand he didn't want a roommate, he hadn't normally been around other people and a stranger in a room where he can't seem him didn't seem to be a good idea. On the other, he kinda did want one. This was supposed to be a fresh start and meeting some new people may do him some good. "If it is necessary for you, then I will be happy to oblige," He said formally, nodding with a slight smile. He turned to where he heard the lady last, "I would be most grateful if you would escort me ma'am." As he stood up he looked to where the principal was and gave one more little nod, "Thank you again, sir. Have a nice day." Garsin had always been polite. It was drilled into him since he was little. Sometimes, however, he wondered if he laid it on too thick.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RawrgnatheBloodfridge


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

**Arndt Schulz** Arndt looked at the drums another time with a slight frown on. "That sucks, I wish there was a way you could play it, but I guess what that Jim guy says goes, and complaints probably wouldn't be that good on your record. If I could play something, I'd start a band with you," Arndt added, a bit sad to just see the drums sitting in a corner gathering dust. "So was this your room before, or did the staff move those drums over here?" Arndt asked, to keep himself occupied while sorting out clothes from his luggage into the clothes drawer near his bed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

<Garsin> Ms. Weber nodded to you, and walked over to the door and opened it. The principal spoke, "Have a good day, I hope you enjoy yourself here at Kadic." The woman lead you out of the office, and called for the next student to enter. She then started leading you to the dorm rooms. Upon your arival, there seemed to be a bit of talking already going on. The woman opened up a door, and put a key in your hand. "Here is the key to your room. Your bags will be brought to your room during class... Jim is real busy right now. Let me know if you need anything. Your'll find me in my office next to Principal Delmas's room."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alternax
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

A voice called out Jared's name over the PA calling him into the principal's office. Approaching the principals office Jared made sure to avoid a couple people, one of which was a woman leading another boy around. Making sure nobody was about to leave the room Jared calmly knocked on the door and opened it. "Uh...I'm Jared." The boy shyly stated as he walked in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 23 days ago

Sayuri snickers at girls response, "That's called being lost. And as a matter of fact I'm looking for the dorms as well why don't we look for them together? Two heads are better then one right?" she watches Alice curiously as she messes with her hair and headband, *'She seems a little bit weird but thats alright so am I,' she turns back to where they were facing, "If we continue to walk we should come across another of the buildings," she starts walking waving at Alice to follow and looks her papers as she walks, "So what room are you in?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Anyways words don't matter. lets go find us a room. I am in room 307" She said glancing at her sheet of paper. With that she began walking towards the nearest building which happened to be the dorm building. "So i take it you are new here as well." She said in an almost questioning tone. "I can tell this year will be interesting. Don't you think?" She looked back at Sayuri "are you coming?" SHe then danced over to her and licked her cheek.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

<Arndt>: "Yeah, wish I could play too." Mike said, almost with a hint of a sigh... but he simply shrugged it off with a smile. "No no, those drums are mine. I had brought them in from storage to join a band in school, but I was denied... and I haven't had a chance to get rid of them yet. Heh, maybe I won't have to get rid of them if we end up starting that band. I think I'll hold you to that now!" he added in his usual laugh about everything in the end. "This has been my room here at Kadic ever since I moved in. They usually don't move us around unless we request our roommates to be kicked out. The one with the room first usually has priority, so you'd better watch out!" he laughed again. --- <Jared>: The principal was seen sitting behind the desk, looking through papers. He had a sandwich in his hand, with several bites taken out of it. "Yesh. Phwease come in." he said as food started to spill out of his mouth, and he attempted to cover and catch it at the same time. He finished swallowing his food, and set the rest of his barely touched sandwich to the side. He cleaned off the papers on his desk, and started sifting through them again. "Please, sit down Mr. Chang." he said to you. "Here are your papers, like usual Mr. Chang." he said, handing them over. "Are you comfortable with having a roommate this year? It's alright if you don't, we almost have enough now... but each volunteer helps." he asked you. It was obvious after you answered his questions there was nothing else to say, and you were free to leave. Unless you had a question, then he would surely answer you quickly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alternax
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Reaching over he gingerly accepted the papers, wiping off the paper for good measure, he glanced over them for a moment then looked back at the principal. Thinking about the principals request he thought over it for a moment, a roommate might help with studying, alternatively it could prove tedious. "Er..If it's someone like me I suppose, but I would rather not. Uh.....If that's all I'll leave now." Jared nervously replied, making sure his papers were in hand he began to leave the office. Looking at his schedule he noticed most of the core classes were present, along with a couple electives he had hoped to join. Shifting his papers so that his dorm room would show he noticed it was room 52. _Time to make myself at home_. Jared thought as he began to navigate himself through the halls, accidentally getting himself lost occasionally.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 23 days ago

Sayuri looks surprised when she says her room number, "Oh well that's convinent, we're in the same room. We should probably hurry and see where our room is or we'll be late," she follows after her after she walks off and stops in surprise when she runs back and licks her, "Interesting year? Probably, I'm getting the same feeling," she shrugs and continues in the direction Alice had picked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

<Flippy>: As you open the room, you failed to notice another kid had just stepped out of it. As you look in the room, there is a laptop already set up on the bed. The kid behind you was currently asking about the wifi connections and such.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 9 mos ago

**Sam** "Thanks a lot, sir!" I said, then turned around. I saw a kid standing there, next to the door to my room. _What is he doing the- Whait, could he be my roommate?_ I thought. I silently walked over to him, than said: "Hello?" I was expecting him to be startled, as most people are when I aproached them from a somewhere outside their line of sight. It was mostly because they didn't hear me coming, I usually didn't make much sound when I moved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Okay. I hope you don't have any problems with my eccentricities. I am a little strange and i know this." She smiled and began following the girl. She doubted there would be any problems. With but a glance back she began looking around at the many buildings doubting she would remember them all. She could see it now walking itno a math room for french.
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