Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Chiaya Sengoku.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: With less swords and more brooms.

Chiaya possesses a calm, detached behaviour makes her come across as distant, and her devotion to the school building is certainly... a thing, but she is far from unsociable. Just a bit of an oddball, really. Conversing and serving the students with a warm smile, and punishing delinquents with a... not-so-warm smile, Chiaya is a staunch defender of the school, and the loyal students it shelters and nurtures.

Chiaya is always in control of her emotions, seemingly unresponsive to any insult thrown at her. Even when defending herself, her oddly serene demeanour can be a bit unnerving; this is probably a result of her need to be perfect and elegant at all times. Unless you so much as look at the school building funny. Then suddenly she becomes quite... terrifying. There is an urban legend that a delinquent made the mistake of spitting on a wall, and Chiaya literally brushed him from existence. Have fun verifying that one. Due to this obsession with her school, she tends to scrutinise the president's actions very carefully.

Of course, she has a few more oddities lumped in her being. Such as adopting the school's name as her surname. No one is even sure if 'Chiaya' is her real name, either. She may also be weak to sweet things, given her strong aversion to such food.

Brief History:

Weapons: Is capable of weaponising mops, brooms, tea trays, cutlery, and always seems to have at least one these things on hand.

Compulsive Maiding - Has perfected the art of serving others and keeping an area in impeccable condition. Any blemish foolish enough to flaunt its existence will soon be destroyed.
Broom Closet Of Babylon - Never seen without a broom, and often has other items on-hand, for cleaning and battling. Should Chiaya inexplicably find herself lacking in any cleaning materials, something will be lying around nearby for her to grab.
Perfection and Elegance - The ability to go about her daily duties without tripping over her own hair and clothes, and look damn good in the meantime.
RAMPAGE MODE! - Chiaya's anger has burst forth, and lost all reason, elegance and perfection! You can gauge her anger by the number of exclamation marks, growing stronger with each one.

Side?: Sengoku

Club(If Any): N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

'As long as I get expenses for my games, I don't really care who I gotta support

Name: Kawahara Eiyuu

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Eiyuu is someone who accepts everything as it comes, a conformist by all means. He doesn't really care about what happens around him as long as he can play his video games and watch anime. He is also the biggest otaku you'll find anywhere, and will probably lash out at you if you ever mistake something concerning one of his favorite games, or anime. Aside from this characteristic traits about him, Eiyuu is also someone pretty much aloof and cold, as well as being really hard to read, around anyone that he does not trust. Of course, around someone that he actually trusts, though it is actually pretty hard to get his trust, Eiyuu is a pretty good friend who likes to support others in whichever way he can, though he is a little too bashful to actually admit he is just helping for the damn of it. You won't ever see Eiyuu on top of a podium or a stage at all, given that he siffers of an acute case of stage fear.

Brief History: Hm, Eiyuu? He's got one of the less interesting histories ever. No tearjerkers, no deaths, nothing at all. Pretty boring, huh? Even though his name literally translates to 'Hero', his life couldn't be less hero-like, not to say anything about his personality. Raised in a loving family of three, Eiyuu was a bit spoiled by his parents, given that his grades were always pretty good and that he actually asked a lot to satisfy his ovsession with games and anime.

After a while, and searching for some real excitement in his life, he came across Sengoku academy. He isn't really one to break rules and become a badass delinquent, so he chose to be around those who actually supported the school. It seemed safer too.

Weapons: The Controller, a special controller that can only be used by him and complements his ability to perfection. It has a lot of buttons, even an incorporated keyboard to be used to introduce cheats. The most important part about this controller is the fact that it has an special disk drive where Eiyuu can put in different games, as well as being able to play them in the little incorporated screen the controller has.

Abilities: Videogame Character Replication, Eiyuu's ability allows him to copy powers of any kind of main character of a video game at any time, though it must strictly be of one of a kind at once and they will also be the powers of the actual in-game character, making it very dependant on how Eiyuu plays the game and how far into it he has progressed. The ability is activated with the controller by putting a disc on its disc tray and loading it, after that, he is able to access the powers at any time whenver he wants, and he is even able to put in cheats that will pop out things in the actual real world, though aside from cheats generating things, there isn't anything else he can alter from reality. He would like to somehow find a way to make people start floating, though.

Side?: Sengoku

Club(If Any): Videogame Club

"Down on your knees like the dog you are! Show your loyalty you piece of trash! Sengoku High School has no place for people who won't obey their Student Council President!"

"Don't look down on me.... or I'll.... I'll pound you up.... you bastard...."

Name: Kakyotsuki Io

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Io doesn't usually talk, and yet, she is still really popular around others. She seems defenseless and yet, it is a bad idea to mess with her. She seems mild mannered, but she is in fact really foul-mouthed. She is someone you would never peg for what she actually is. Despite how she looks, Io knows very well how to fight, and despite usually being really quiet, whenever she opens her mouth, it is most probable that what will come out is a swear word. Her appearance completely contradicts her demeanor, and she usually finds it really funny whenver someone gets surprised at how she really is. Her fuse is fairly short, though it is hard to tell when she has actually gotten mad. Io is, in fact, a delinquent, even if she doesn't seem like it at all. Also, a thing that sets her off real quick is when someone says something like 'your real personality is really rotten', or something like that. She still has the usual mannerisms of your everyday delinquent, such as being really disrespectful towards others and not really caring about what her superiors have to say. Still, she isn't much of a leader and prefers to follow others.

Brief History: Raised between a lot of men in the house of a Yakuza family, the would-have-been quiet Io, was corrupted and became what she is now. Even though she has always been one to be in the sidelines, she was still feared among a lot of people during her middle school days. Having lots of katanas laying around in her house, so raising fear around school wasn't all that hard. You could call her a bit of an ojou-sama, in one way or the other, and she isn't one to ever hold back on doing anything. If she wants to, then she'll make her family bring your whole house down, or start a gang war against someone merely because they pissed her off. She went to Sengoku to find a real challenge, even against the protests of many of her yakuza followers. Io still joined the delinquents over there, though, and she is still searching someone she can follow.

Weapons: Io usually carries around a katana, which she knows how to use pretty well. Still, whenever she calls for them, the members of her yakuza family will bring her anything she asks for, no matter what iti is. Still, she prefers using melee weapons and would only actually use a firearm should it be absolutely necessary.

Abilities: Spatial Cuts, Io is able to cut through space and time and is able to come out in any other place she wants, though her ability is limited just to herself. She is unable to do any real damage with this ability. In a fight, she does not usually use her ability on her opponents and only actually uses it to transport herself without her opponent knowing. She can do so with either her hand or her katana.

Side?: Delinquent

Club(If Any): N/A

"Down on your knees like the dog you are! Show your loyalty you piece of trash! Sengoku High School has no place for people who won't obey their Student Council President!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Seiko Yung
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Personality: Seiko is...well, Loud, a bit obnoxious, and a tad but on the violent side. She'd love nothing more than to solve all of her problems with her wrench. She carries herself with a confidence that makes it a bit difficult for others to approach her on the streets.

However, she does value loyalty...but not to the school. She values Loyalty to ones friends, and ones self and would do anything for a friend in need. That is the only loyalty to her. Not to some bitch and her overzealous lapdogs that run a corrupt institution. She loves tinkering with vehicles and computers is a quite knowledgeable engineer. You want something fixed, she can fix it. You want a robot to dance in drag in do the hula? She can make it happen. If anyone so much as hurts one of her 'babies', there will be blood.

She does what she wants, when she wants and doesn't let the rules get in the way of that.

Brief History: Not much to say here, aside from a young age she was labeled as a computer and engineering genius. Coming from a family of scientists, this was really to be expected. Unfortunately, she had no intention of using her skills for the overall advancement of humans, rather she wanted to use them for her own purposes. Usually for some small creation or something to entertain her all of five minutes.

Her parents sent her to Snegoku in hopes of straitening her out...unfortunately, that only made it worse. She became a 'Delinquent', according to the school for continuous misconduct and misuse of the school property and her own talents.

The AT-AKM - or All Terrain Ass Kicking Machine. Or, TAK, as she affectionately calls her baby. Literally, this vehicle can go everywhere and can conveniently be folded to fit in her pockets, and with the press of a button can be instantly restored to its original size with a little smoke cloud for a distraction effect for a quick getaway.

An Unassuming Wrench - Her favorite wrench. This wrench doesn't really have much of a different to ordinary wrenches. However, it appears to be almost indestructible, and can hit anything with force enough to smash it to pieces. It can grow in size, proportionate to its power. Has a sticker of a purple bat on it. Always carries it with her.

TAK, is a versatile vehicle and houses almost an incomprehensible about of weapons. Not really an ability really, but its her main form of combat and weapon.

From side mounted miniguns to revolvers. Not to mention it can go anywhere, even up vertical walls via the use of thrusters and jets. Incredibly fast, with amazing control and steering capabilities. Incredibly durable as well, and can take quite a beating. can press a button to shrink down to a cube, and fit in her pocket so she can always carry it with her. Can also be remotely called if they get separated. Of course, it's rather limited in its use, since she has to be riding it to use any of its abilities.

Mechanics Wrench: Used for devastating melee attacks. Not used with much finesse, tends to just smash it into things. The larger it is, the more destructive power it has. Indoors, she uses this the most since she can't use TAK indoors that well.

Side?: Delinquent.
Club: N/A

"Down on your knees like the dog you are! Show your loyalty you piece of trash! Sengoku High School has no place for people who won't obey their Student Council President!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Hirayama Chinatsu

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: "Even trash can become something more."

Personality: Chinatsu is deeply stern and domineering. She views all those who do not follow her iron-fisted rule as trash. However, if trash dedicates itself to loyalty and order, it can rise beyond being trash in her eyes. She is not above promising privileges to those who show her loyalty and uphold order. Indeed, she has based the entire hierarchy of Sengoku High School around this ideal. Those most loyal to her, most trusted, are the ones who earn themselves the most power and seats on the student council. She is distant and unapproachable, instilling harsh punishments to rulebreakers and captured delinquents. Very few know anything about the inner workings of her mind.

Brief History: Hirayama Chinatsu has extensive financial backing and appears to have simply made her way to the top of Sengoku's Hierarchy. Only those closest to her truly know anything more.

Weapons: Chinatsu wields what at first appears to be an electric guitar, incredibly finely-crafted. However, when the guitar is played, it fires a masterwork katana known simply as Rei from itself. Rei is incredibly sharp and often seems to possess extreme amounts of power that any normal piece of matter should not be capable of possessing.

Abilities: No-one truly knows. Hirayama Chinatsu declines any attempts to challenge her to a duel and has never once been seen to fight in public.

Side?: Sengoku High School

Club(If Any): President of the Sengoku High School Student Council


Name: Fujioka Eiko

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: "Don't underestimate me."

Personality: Eiko is dedicated to not following the rules. Just about the only one she actually does follow is the whole "don't attack people during classes and don't attack defenseless teachers" thing. She seeks to violate just about every rule Sengoku has and get away with it. But more then that, she desires a personal duel with the President herself. She feels that her "Big Sis" left because of the School President's ironclad rule, and has never stopped desiring vengeance for this even if it's not exactly logical. She also deeply desires to be just as good a gang leader as "Big Sis", in spite of the fact that her gang is really rather small. Still, Eiko is filled with determination and a desire not to give up. She's hot-tempered and easily annoyed, with a soft spot for her gang members and a hard smack for anyone who ticks her off badly enough. She absolutely, absolutely refuses to compromise on anything with the loyal students of Sengoku High School, though she's softer on the ones who are just attending the school rather than actively showing their loyalty to the President.

Brief History: Eiko grew up on the Streets of Sengoku City. She joined a small gang, headed by a girl she thought was amazing and referred to as her "Big Sis". They spent years together on the streets, having what Eiko felt was the time of her life. She looked up to "Big Sis", so much so that she wanted to truly be one of the greatest delinquents possible. And then, a year ago, "Big Sis" suddenly left, leaving behind only the baseball bat she had used to cause quite a bit of havoc on the streets. She left it to Eiko, and indeed left the whole gang to her as well. Feeling confused, and angry, Eiko began to believe this was because of the School President. Deciding to live up to Big Sis's legacy, she took up the bat and choose to follow a path she believed would lead her to taking on Hirayama Chinatsu herself.

Weapons: Eiko wields what appears to be an ordinary Baseball Bat. However, it proves to be able to destroy tanks and take out chunks of concrete, as well as send those hit by it flying. In addition there is a thin slit running from the handle all the way up and down the other side of the bat, though there's no real telling what this does.

Abilities: Eiko is far, far faster and stronger then she appears, and can take on a tank by herself and win. However, she does not appear to have any specific power.

Side?: Delinquents

Club(If Any): N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Isuka Kikai
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: A stormcrow and a warhawk, Ikusa has a single-minded drive towards finding her next opponent and fighting them. Her interest in the politics of Sengoku City extend to where the next big clash is going to happen, and how she can work her way into it. Her odd obsession, which seems to be fueled by something completely unknown, leads to her being regarded as an intense and absurd girl, shoehorning her into the role of a 'wandering storm' through out Sengoku City. Although definitely battle-mad, she does not seem to be a killer. Looking deeper than that, the bandaged girl is quite savvy about, well, things in general if you can get her into an actual conversation.

Brief History: Most would not believe it if they heard it, but Isuka was once a rising star in the Science Club, working towards deciphering the secrets of Zero Pressure. Those within the Science Club would remember her and her sudden 'change' of personality and unlocking of her abilities, suspiciously not long after she claimed that she might have made a breakthrough in Zero Pressure research. Whatever she learned is now long gone, destroyed in the midst of her initial rampage and most likely intentionally forgotten by Isuka. Now she wanders Sengoku, picking fights and occasionally attending lessons... much to the displeasure of her classmates.
Weapons: Uuh...
  • Kali-Durga: Ikusa has the ability to generate energy in the shape of solid structures, these shapes always being additional arms and weapons for them. The number of limbs and weapons she can generate are limited by her ability to properly control and conceptualize them, capping the number of arms at an additional six at a time, with eight weapons max present at any given moment. It is unknown if this is part of her power, but she seems to have intricate knowledge on how to use every weapon she generates to a masterful level.
  • Draupadi Inferno: One of Ikusa's weapons becomes wreathed in a flame of a similar purple-hue to the rest of her projected structures. The next attack with that weapon becomes devastatingly explosive - which means it rarely sees use on her weapons, short of maybe a javelin. This can only functionally be used twice in a single battle, as it is simply the raw 'energy' which she uses in a wild, volatile form and condensed, creating great strain on her ability to control.
  • Shakti-Parvati: An additional stage to Kali-Durga which she has yet to unlock. It'll happen, someday.

Side: Delinquent
Club: N/A

"Down on your knees like the dog you are! Show your loyalty you piece of trash! Sengoku High School has no place for people who won't obey their Student Council President!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kaito Daichi, Chair of Research and Development



Constantly planning and constantly plotting. Like all members of the Student Council, Kaito has an undying loyalty to the Student Council President. Unlike most of the members of the Student Council, Kaito has shown himself to be extensively manipulative, selfish and highly intelligent. He serves as an esteemed inventor among the students, sitting as the chair of Research and Development within Sengoku High School. As a result, he has had some form of input in almost all of the technology which exists within the school.

His relevance in the schools development has made him quite arrogant over time, and Kaito enjoys exerting the perks of his rank over the lesser students of the high school. This especially applies to delinquents, and his role in the science club has given him an incentive to capture the weaker ones for "research" and experimentation, factoring into his capacity for cruelty and one-sided violence. Even so, his presence does not normally carry as much crippling fear as the presence of other Student Council members, but instead serves as more of an omen of bad things or plans to come.

Kaito is prone to bouts of anger and fury when things - namely his plans - don't go as intended. This also happens when he is reminded that his sphere of influence in the Student Council is ridiculous, and wouldn't exist in any other high school.

Brief History:
Kaito's future was essentially set when he was born into a family of science. His mother was a physicist and biologist and his father was a chemist and a mechanic on the side. Kaito was exposed to all the wonders of science very early in his life, which naturally influenced his take on learning and by extension, experimenting.

Although lack of viable test subjects meant that he had to perform his research upon small animals.

In middle school, he was the top of his class...well, he would have been had it not been for a mysterious girl who always seemed to be a few steps ahead. When he would get 99% on a test, she would get 100%, when he would answers questions in the class, she would always correct him at least once. It was infuriating for Kaito, almost an insult to his intelligence. So much so was his anger that he attempted to cheat in order to finally beat that girl at something.

Naturally, he was caught. Not by the teacher, but by this girl, who proceeded to 'show him levels'. (Beat the crap out of him, essentially). Directly after this however, she did acknowledge that he had some shred of intellect, and offered him a proposition: become a subordinate to her in the future, or be expelled. Kaito took the only logical option, and essentially followed this girl to high school. Sengoku high School. Under orders from the girl, he assumed control of the science club and mechanics club, and now performs research regarding Zero Pressure, and increasing the efficiency of the school through machinery.


Batons of Command

Treated as a single weapon due to them being created and used together, the Batons of Command are two conductor batons which have the ability to manipulate certain aspects of the city and school equipment. Model M has the ability to manipulate machinery, whilst the Model S has the ability to manipulate scientific aspects of the school and city; more often than not chemistry substances. These command batons are limited in the sense that what he is manipulating must belong to the school: In other words, that delinquent who brought in his own chemistry kit is out of Kaito's reach as far as the command batons go.

The batons are also lacking in the physical department - you cannot hit someone with these batons and expect them to drop on the ground in pain. They might laugh at the attempt though.

Baton of Command: Model M
Model M of the batons is used for manipulation of machinery and contraptions within the school. Common usages include manipulating the vending machines to fire delicious destruction at delinquents in the form of various Coco-Cola cans and Kit Kat bars. Advanced usage of this weapon allows Kaito to manipulate robots, which works in conjunction with the ones created by the Robotics Club. It should be noted that Model M, unlike Model S, is able to control two different machines at a time versus Model S's single scientific aspect.

Baton of Command: Model S
Model S is used for the manipulation of scientific equipment within the school. Usage of this weapon allows telekinetic-like manipulation of chemistry substances such as hydrochloric acid or sodium nitrate (salt). This baton is significantly more versatile than Model M in terms of what it can control, but tends to be lacking in the brute force aspect that Model M has the potential to provide.


Mechanized Menace!
By moving the Baton of Command: Model M in various motions, Kaito is able to take control of up to two machines and appliances within the school, and manipulate them in various ways. Machines affected by this ability tend to look more sinister, gaining holographic red eyes which quite easily distinguishes what's being controlled from what isn't.

Science! In Action!
By moving the Baton of Command: Model S in various motions, Kaito is able to take control of one scientific aspect of the school, and manipulate it in various ways akin to telekinesis.

Sengoku High School - Student Council - Chair of R&D


President of the Science Club

President of the Robotics/Machinery Club


"Down on your knees like the dog you are! Show your loyalty you piece of trash! Sengoku High School has no place for people who won't obey their Student Council President!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 18 days ago

Name: Yoshikage "Crazy Diamond" Kintaro

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: "Well, you know what they say, 'diamond is unbreakable.'"

Personality: To most people, Kintaro is a friendly knucklehead, easygoing and charming. He lives his youth to the fullest, riding with his gang, and generally having a good time. At first it would seem that he slow to anger, forgiving and not easily upset, but this is only because most people don't know how to set him off. Threatening or endangering his friends, family or gang-mates, or insulting his hair or motorcycle will send him into a blind fury before you can blink. Though his loyalty, cunning, and determination are admirably qualities, Kintaro has a bit of a lazy streak, tends to pick on people that he doesn't like, can be something of a schemer, and is fond of fairly harsh pranks.

Brief History: The bastard son of a registered nurse and an American business tycoon, Kintaro never met his father, and was raised solely by his mother. His mother worked long hours to keep a roof over their heads and food on their table, and so he was often left alone in their neighborhood. Kintaro was taken in by the older members of a local youth biker gang, the "Sheer Heart Attacks," and looked after as a little brother of sorts. They protected him from the more unsightly elements of the rough neighborhood, taught him how to ride and repair motorcycles, and imbued in him his love of American rock music. In exchange, he helped how he could with whatever mischief and petty crime they got up to. While his mother didn't approve of him keeping with such an rough crowd, she allowed it as it kept him (mostly) out of trouble.

Kintaro's official induction into the Sheer Heart Attacks came and went, and he was given the nickname "Crazy Diamond" for his unique ability, and unusual schemes and plans. A year into his official membership, his mother fell ill with a life-threatening fever, and his only means of getting her to a hospital was his motorcycle, which she could not ride while unconscious. To his aid came the leader of the Sheer Heart Attacks himself, a mysterious biker nicknamed "Revolution." As his bike had a side-car, Revolution ferried Kintaro's mother to the hospital before her fever could overwhelm her, saving her life. Revolution never breathed a word of debt to Kintaro, only saying that he did it because he knew Kintaro would do the same. This shaped Kintaro for the rest of his days, as from then on he knew that being in a gang wasn't about riding bikes or starting fights; it was about helping people, and standing up for them when no one else would.

Kintaro rose in the ranks of the Sheer Heart Attacks steadily, eventually replacing Revolution as their leader when the senior biker became too old to ride with them. His power, loyalty and sharp wits have Kintaro well-respected by his juniors, and the gang is as close as a family, as it should be. However, Kintaro sees the leadership of Sengoku High School as an affront to his ideals. They demand respect and loyalty without offering it in return; only temptations of wealth and status. They infringe on the freedoms and desires of the youth, and then have the gall to call non-conformists trash with no sense of respect. However, the true issue was their rally for the students to strike out against so-called "delinquents" to perceived slights. For this, Kintaro has rallied the Sheer Heart Attacks against Sengoku High School's student council, to protect the downtrodden from the tyranny of those that have never understood hardship.

Weapons: While Kintaro mostly fights with his fists, he owns a flamboyant, pink motorcycle, affectionately nicknamed "Killer Queen" by his gang. Combined with his ability, Killer Queen's substantial horsepower makes it as dangerous as a freight train.

Abilities: Kintaro's ability is known as "Unbreakable" by most of his gang, though a few odd ones out call it "Is Not Crash," for some reason or another. It is just as it sounds, as Kintaro can turn his body as hard as diamond with almost no effort, making him almost indestructible. As nearly nothing can pierce his skin and his resistances to heat and pressure become superhuman, he feels practically no pain while his ability is active. By concentrating, he can imbue any inanimate object he is touching with the same properties; however multiple objects require greater concentration. In addition, Kintaro is monstrously strong, able to lift a four-door sedan over his head with one arm.

Side?: Delinquent

Club: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 18 days ago

Name: Ryuji Monshiro

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: "Fufufu! It's not hard to go far in the world; all you have to do is follow me!"

Personality: Monshiro is a refined young lady with a presence far larger than her diminutive physical stature. While polite and well-tempered, she can be quite boisterous, and has a habit of commanding attention from other people. Her impressive intellect and willpower are matched by her maturity and charm. Monshiro's charisma is easily her strongest characteristic; when she speaks, people don't just hear her, they listen. Whether it is her adorable appearance, her authoritative voice, or her eloquence in speaking or some combination thereof, most people have a very difficult time disliking Monshiro, or even just ignoring her. She has a touch of her family's signature arrogance, but is more down to earth than her siblings. Monshiro does have a few childish traits, such as her love of cute things and her sweet tooth, but these are only seen by those she holds in close confidence.

Brief History: One of the several powerful and wealthy families in Sengoku City, the Ryuji Corporation is a family-owned international conglomerate. The Ryuji Corporation's business is people, as they scout skilled workers and individuals with special talents, and then coordinate with other businesses to place these persons in positions where they are best utilized. This sort of agency, as well as holdings in several service industries, is where the Ryuji family draws its profits. Or so it seems on the surface. This much of the Ryuji Corporation is a front for its operations as a paramilitary organization; the majority of the organization serves to recruit elite mercenaries and soldiers of fortune, to then lease out their services to the highest bidder.

Monshiro is the youngest daughter of the Ryuji Corporations founder and CEO, Ryuji Mikado (called "Emperor Ryuji" by some). She has lived in Sengoku city for the last eight years, though she has received her education privately. For her freshman year in high school, Monshiro has enrolled in Sengoku High School. Given that her older sister, Ageha, graduated last year, and her older brother, Hideo, is studying abroad, she is the only Scion of the Ryuji family currently attending Sengoku. Though she practices martial arts to keep fit, Monshiro really has no talent for fighting, and her underdeveloped stature gives her quite a disadvantage in physical confrontations. Knowing how dangerous Sengoku High would be for her, Monshiro's father assigned the most powerful member of the Ryuji Corporations private "Butler Corps" (elite agents used to protect the Ryuji family and the corporation's most private assets) to protect her.

Since enrolling in Sengoku High School, Monshiro has made great waves. She is the idol of the freshman class, and was elected as their class representative with a landslide victory. Even so, she is not without those that would attempt to discredit or defeat her, and she has met such challenges with dignity, and has prevailed with honor. Monshiro considers her truest rival to be Hirayama Chinatsu, as she aspires to become student council president to prove herself to her father. To aid her cause, she has begun to rally her own private sect of the Ryuji Corporation, comprised of students, with the intention of ridding the city of its more unsightly elements.

Weapons: While it is scarcely a weapon, Monshiro carries an antique fan with her, using it mostly to point dramatically. When actual weapons are required, she relies on Herman Hellsing.

Abilities: Monshiro has inherited her father's powerful charisma, which makes her a powerful orator and a highly magnetic person. Monshiro is not merely a likable person, but she is also very influential, and has a decent talent for what one might call manipulation. She can easily understand what people want, and how to play their motivations so that she gets what she wants. Monshiro inspires loyalty and dedication in those that follow her, and respect in those that dislike her. Even animals seem to enjoy Monshiro's presence and obey her instinctually. She is also remarkably intelligent, and is very good at playing politics.

Side?: Sengoku High School

Club: Student Council, Freshman Class Representative


Name: Herman Hellsing

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Appearance: "Hmmh. Is this what passes for combat among youth these days?"

Personality: Herman is as polite and professional as one would expect a butler to be, and as level-headed and confident as the professional soldier that he truly is. Even so, he has a distinct air of arrogance about him, as he is clearly very sure of his power, with just a touch of sadism. An elitist and perfectionist both, Herman privately considers most people to be well below him, and very few people meet the high standards he imposes to be worthy of his respect. As a soldier-for-hire, Herman's morals are loose at best, and he will follow whatever orders given to him, though he still holds to a code of honor as a warrior.

Brief History: Much of this man's past is a mystery, but it is known that he was born and raised in Holland, and was the leader of a mercenary team renowned for having never failed a single mission. While he was completing a black ops mission within Japan nine year ago, Herman Hellsing happened to meet Ryuji Mikado, whereupon he was won over by the man's ideals and conviction, and pledged his service to him. Herman was inducted into the Ryuji Corporation's Butler Corps of special agents and personal bodyguards, and was assigned the secretive rank of 0.

Herman has known Ryuji Monshiro since she first began living in Sengoku city, and the two have formed a genuine bond in that time. Monshiro looks to Herman as a parental figure in place of her mostly-absent father and distant mother, and Herman respects and cares for Monshiro both as the blood of the man to whom he owes his loyalty, as well as an admirable young lady in her own right. Herman has been assigned to Monshiro as her personal attendant, to keep her safe within the perilous Sengoku High School. While he cannot always been seen, the man is always present around Monshiro, and is always watching.

Weapons: Herman mostly relies on his legs for his attacks, but is trained in numerous different styles of armed martial arts, and is a crack shot with a variety of firearms.

Abilities: Herman is placed as Rank 0 among the Ryuji Corporation Butler Corps, and not merely to keep him separate from the command structure of the other combat butlers; his ability in battle is leagues greater than the Rank 1 butler. His body is honed to a razor edge of perfection, as is his mind, essentially making Herman a living weapon. His speed and strength are both terrifying to behold, and his ability to hide both his physical body and his spiritual presence is unparalleled. Master of numerous forms of martial arts and styles of warfare, Herman most prefers close combat, with kicks powerful enough to kill a common man ten times over. Herman has also delved into several ki-utilizing techniques to give himself range when armed and diversify his skills, and his tolerance for pain makes it seem as though he does not feel pain whatsoever.

That aside, Herman is a Damn Good Butler, and is well-trained in such skills as cooking, cleaning, wilderness survival, mending clothes, handiwork, firearm maintenance, crochet and etiquette.

Side?: Sengoku, technically.

Club: None, he is a grown man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Blair Crescendo
Age: 15

Gender: Male

Blair is very intimate, hugs being a common greeting, he will get in everyone's personal space wanting to be involved with everything and everyone, regardless of allegiance. Are you a Delinquent? Blair will give you a hug and ask "Hey, would you like to go dancing with me?" in the most wide-eyed innocent way possible. Are you a Sengoku Loyalist? Do not worry Blair will also give you a hug and ask "Hey, would you like to go dancing with me?" in the most wide-eyed innocent way possible. Blair wears his emotions on his sleeve, when his emotion peaks, either high or low, Soundtrack of Life activates involuntarily all but shouting his state of mind from the rooftops.

Blair isn't a fan of combat mainly because he doesn't like hurting people, preferring to be diplomatic about the situation. If diplomacy fails, Blair will try to run. If he can not run then Blair will fight, hard. Until he can run.

Brief History: Blair's father taught him to be friends with everyone, Blair's mother taught him that if he doesn't enjoy what he is doing, he is doing something wrong. These combination of factors led Blair to being classified as a Delinquent by default. Not because he felt like breaking the rules, beyond enjoying himself, not showing and all that good stuff, but because he wanted to be friends with everyone.

To further his goal of enjoying himself Blair made a forum where he could organise meet ups for dances and flash-mobs and generally make friends. Blair liked Sengoku High School, but hated the social divide. The Sengoku Loyalists disliked Blair being so friendly with them, since he was a second class citizen, and the Delinquents generally thought Blair was weird for acting so cosy with the Sengoku Loyalists despite being so obviously rebuked.

Weapons: A vintage chrome microphone and collapsible stand with the circle base snapped off. Blair uses the microphone like a bo-staff or mace depending on the length he extend the stand.

Dancing: Blair is a dancer. He follows no particular style or genre, if it is called dancing he is familiar with it.

Soundtrack of Life: The ability to make his life full of music. When active music starts to play emitting from Blair as if he is a Jukebox. This ability isn't always activated on purpose.

Sound Wave: Blair is able to manipulate sound in a destructive way, increasing his durability and the strength of his blows when used. There are a few ways in which Blair primarily uses Sound. The first is using super high frequency sound to add a shredding effect to his attacks or to channel through a conductive element to add to it's destructive power, such as his microphone. Another way is low frequency that has little surface effect, although still stronger than a simple punch, it grants Blair greater freedom of movement with the sound acting similar to an icebreaker ship cutting away air resistance. The last way is purely technique based, Blair is able to walk on almost any surface when focusing his sound in four equal directions to support himself, his best party trick is when he dances on water.

Side: Delinquent
Club(If Any): Nope

"Down on your knees like the dog you are! Show your loyalty you piece of trash! Sengoku High School has no place for people who won't obey their Student Council President!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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  • Name: Zaibatsumaru Ginko, the Dosh Queen of Sengoku High
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "My affluence makes a nonsense of the regulations!"
  • Personality: Money is all that matters. As far as Ginko is concerned, the only important thing in life is to make as much of a profit as possible, and despite how rich she already is she will do just about anything to increase her fortune even more. She's a firm believer of the Golden Rule: "Whoever has the gold makes the rules", and is more than willing to flaunt her fortune in order to get others to fight her battles for her. Her loyalties lie only with the Almighty Dollar (or Yen, Pound, Euro, etc.) and she is willing to fund whichever side in a conflict will gain her the most return; in fact, she most likely provides funding for both the school council and several of the delinquents solely because "conflict is good for business". However, she seems strangely loyal towards Chinatsu... Or at least as "loyal" as someone of her priorities can really be; maybe a better offer hasn't came up yet, or maybe there's some other reason behind it.
  • Brief History: Ginko is the scion to the Zaibatsumaru Zaibatsu, a gargantuan multinational conglomerate with their tendrils in multiple different industries and a fortune so vast it is almost impossible to fully count; to her, money never has been and most likely never will be a problem. Amongst the few other students who are heirs to great fortunes, Ginko stands above them all; she shows up to school in a ten-meter long solid gold limousine, any menial task she is required to do is taken care of by a veritable army of hired flunkies, any potential threat she faces can easily be defused by unveiling a briefcase stuffed to the brim with yen bills... She is the one percent, and she is not afraid to flaunt her status. Her place on the school council was guaranteed the moment she entered Sengoku High, and it suits her just fine; after all, what's the point of having so much money if you can't lord it over all the penniless peons? Despite being one of the weakest of the council, she's not willing to hide herself from others; she's reknowned not only for her solid belief that everyone, no matter what, has their price, but for having no sense of subtlety or restraint. As such, she's often seen hanging around them in public, even during the most dangerous situations. As to why she enrolled in Sengoku High when really, with her fortune she could go to school anywhere in the world she desired... Well, that is a mystery, although it's at least known that she is old friends with Hirayama Chinatsu, the president of the student council (or at least as much as she can be "friends" with someone; she's always willing to betray someone if a better deal comes up, after all), which might have had some influence on her decision.
  • Weapons:
    • The Hired Help: Ginko seems to have an almost-unending supply of huge, heavy-set men on her payroll who attend to any menial tasks she orders them to. In addition, they serve as her bodyguards and primary means of offence should any of her deals go downhill, although as can be expected from such a large group they are not as individually powerful as they may appear, and once a certain amount of them are sent flying the others will decide they're not being payed enough for this and make themselves scarce for a while. Strangely enough, every single one of them seems to be named "Bostwick"... Either that or Ginko just can't remember their individual names.
    • The Almighty Dollar: A cane that Ginko carries around, mostly to flaunt her fortune. However, it is equipped with an energy blaster built into the tip, which can punch through solid concrete whilst somehow only causing living targets to be knocked back without any serious damage. In addition, it works as a remote control.
    • Money Guns: Because Vita kept begging me to do it, yes, she and her henchmen have access to tommyguns that fire yen coins rather than bullets.
  • Abilities:
    • Like all students at Sengoku High, Ginko is stronger and more durable than the average human. However, she's notably not all that strong or tough compared to most other students, and is easily the physically weakest member of the council.
    • Loadsamoney: Being a multi-googolplexaire, monetary funds are of no concern to Ginko. If it exists, and it has a price tag, she can buy it. And even if it doesn't, it's possible that she'll be able to haggle something. Everything has its price, after all.
    • Greed is Eternal: Money is the only thing Ginko cares about. In fact, this obsession is so deep that it grants her immunity to mental interference, mind-reading, mind control, and other such things; your mind tricks won't on her, only money.
  • Side: Sengoku High School
  • Club: School Council Treasurer
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: Lloyd Cumberbatch
Age: 17
Gender: MAN!
Personality: Manly as fuck. Everything he does is truly out of the sake of being a man. If he has to go fight someone then he'll do it face to face, mano y mano. A man doesn't attack from behind when his opponents guard is low nor does he use cheap tactics to win a fight. He doesn't believe that the strong should bully the weak and believes that a real man protects others that can't protect themselves. He also believes that someone should carry themselves through even the most outrageous, difficult situations rather than being on their knees whining and crying about how weak and pathetic they are.
Brief History: Since the dawn of time, there had been a prophecy that there will be the manliest man to ever had man. This is that man. Actually he's just a transfer student from a well to do British family after he beaten the living crap out of a leader of a gang. The only reason he is in Sengoku High is because his godmother got him accepted after getting kicked out of his old school. Back in Britain he was feared for his monstrous strength and respected for his honor. The only reason he got into that fight was because the thug was picking on someone weaker than him and his pride as a man couldn't let it go by. Since he arrived in Sengoku he's despised the hierarchy.
Weapons: "A real man's weapons are his fists."
Despite his dainty, pretty boy appearance his speed is nothing to sneeze at and his strength is truly monstrous. If he went up against an armored tank then the end result would be him ripping it cleanly in half like it was a only a piece of paper. His ability is what truly makes him much more ferocious; his body is capable of using chi to not only enhance his already superhuman capabilities, but also gives him ranged attacks. However as of now it less refined compared to others and does have room for improvement. He doesn't even know it's chi. He just calls it his "Aura of a Man."
Side?: Delinquent
Club(If Any):
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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  • Name: Robotaros
  • Age: 2
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: Stands about four meters tall.
  • Personality: Robotaros is a man of few words, but what few words he uses are very loud. Many just assume he's the strong silent type, really. One thing he really seems to like is a good fight, however, which he always refers to as testing his parameters. Whilst he doesn't seem to be stupid per say, he's very... Simple. And he can never seem to get the hang of doors, always preferring to just burst through the wall instead.
  • Brief History: No-one really knows where Robotaros came from. He's just... Always been there, really. He's never really stood out much, which is quite an accomplishment for a four meter tall robot banchou. He seems to have thrown his lot in with the delinquents at least, although no-one really knows why.
  • Weapons:

    • Blast Knuckle: Aiming a fist at his opponent, Robotaros... Look, it's a rocket punch. I don't think it requires much explanation other than ROCKETO PUUUUUUNCH!.
    • Destructo Beam: Robotaros gets down on all fours as his head flips back, revealing the giant energy cannon hidden underneath. Once fully charged, it fires out a collosal beam of energy, capable of leveling an entire city block in one hit. However... It takes a full minute to charge, and if Robotaros is struck hard enough whilst doing so the energy will dissapate harmlessly. Either way, he will be left drained for about half an hour after doing so, and since it's such a risky maneuver he will very rarely utilise it.
  • Abilities:

    • The Flesh is Weak: As a marvelous mechanical man, Robotaros is even stronger and more durable than most other students. He can effortlessly lift fully laden trucks and is able to tank full missile barrages. Once he starts moving in one direction, it is nigh-impossible to stop him; he is the veritable unstoppable force. However, this is somewhat balanced by his lack of speed and slow reflexes; he may hit like an ICBM, but he moves like a glacier.
    • Bigger than Big, Taller than Tall: At four meters tall, Robotaros is most likely the tallest student in Sengoku High. However, on the off chance that he confronts anyone or anything taller than him, he will inexplicably increase in height to stand taller than them.
    • "Oh, that's just Robotaros": Despite very obviously being a four meter tall robot, everyone tends to treat Robotaros as just another student. In fact, the majority of students (for some inexplicable reason) refuse to acknowledge that he is anything other than a normal, regular human being even when the blatantly obvious fact that he is a robot is pointed out.
  • Side: Delinquents
  • Club: None.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Tachibana Hikari

Age: 17

Gender: Male, to the surprise of everyone that is ever informed of the fact.

Appearance: Never seen without a lollipop! Well, occasionally he is... but generally that's not a good thing.

Personality: The first word that most people would use to describe Hikari is 'polite': throughout almost all circumstances, the chances of his using profanity or obviously insulting someone are almost non-existent. The second word that comes to mind really depends on your opinion of the secretary; most would just simply call him shy but those that have to deal with him when under stress would be more inclined to use 'aloof'. Despite his general pleasant demeanour, it's not like Hikari has all that many friends.
What is definitive is that when under sufficient stress--essentially just when the paperwork for the student council gets too much--he tends towards smoking and missing classes, despite that neither of these really help. Overworking yourself isn't highly recommended for a reason.

Brief History: Though quite definitely part of an organised crime family, Hikari himself has never done anything that could be linked to crime; he's still too young to get involved without risking his education. Instead, it has led to a number of extracurricular pursuits that have proved quite useful inside Sengoku, particularly the organisational skills but oddly enough the self-defence lessons.
He's been the Student Council Secretary since his first year in Sengoku and generally stayed out of the conflict between delinquents and the loyal students, though the existence of someone both influential within the yakuza and yet playing at being naught more than a common thug irks him.
Only the student council and some of the staff actually know that Hikari's a guy. He's waiting to see how long it is until someone manages to work it out without being outright told; it doesn't seem likely to happen.

  • Lollipops: Yes, seriously. Just your standard-variety lollipop (though not the lemon flavoured ones, he'd rather eat them), combined with Hikari's ability to become a supersonic projectile more than capable of tearing through a concrete wall without slowing all that much. He's a pretty good shot with the things, too.
  • His Body: Who needs a fancy weapon when you can just use your hands? Of course, given what he does...

  • Massive Power: Hikari has the alarming ability to alter the mass of any object--or himself--in contact with his person. Only someone totally naive of physics (and there are, of course, those in the school) would assume that this means simply lifting and throwing things that are far too heavy to lift; a good knowledge of Newton's Second Law tends to have the council's secretary using it to do things that his muscles simply can't keep up with by taking advantage of being able to control the mass whilst keeping the driving force constant, then returning the mass to normal or above. It also works as a defensive ability by letting him block things with his hands that should crush them without apparent effort.
    Objects he's altered the weight of return to normal either when he wants them to, thirty seconds after being released, or if someone else picks up an unattended item.
  • Power Isn't Everything: Well, he was taught self-defence for a fairly obvious reason. It's probably why he prefers to use his body and ability rather than get in on the fancy item mayhem.

Side?: Sengoku High School

Club(If Any): Student Council Secretary

"Down on your knees like the dog you are! Show your loyalty you piece of trash! Sengoku High School has no place for people who won't obey their Student Council President!"
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