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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Is this the end? Cedric thought as he was grasped by the transparent arm. Yes, yes it is. And with that realization came courage, courage that he can now do anything he wanted; it won't matter as he would be dead anyway. Using the 'voice command' function on his Power Armor, Cedric spoke:

"Computer: Self-Destruct."

And the computer in the control room exploded.


Isabella, back in Avalon, laughed. This was great, this was awesome! Patel was destroying everything like a superheated knife through cheese, and not even Light could stop her! And now, her actions to spark a war between Humans and Metas are now bearing fruit! She smiled, although said smile didn't deny an flickering spark of guilt, guilt not based on any morality, but rather on the fact that her power and luxury might be threatened.

And, of course, there were the Aliens. It didn't take an exceptional biologist to know that the Metahuman Virus was not only a Virus, but also an Extraterrestrial creation; such a thing cannot exist in nature, and Human Science was not strong enough to create such a blessing. For a moment, she pondered Jaden's words, that the Underground and the Reformists had to work together against the Alien Threat, but she thought:

If the threat to Metahumans and, indirectly, Normal People is as bad as I think, the Reformists will be forced to forgive me even for the death of their leader and that of many others; that's how bad an Alien Threat might be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eli's phone rang as he started reply to Olivia's rant about killing him. Eli couldn't catch a break with this girl if it was flying at his head. He held a finger up telling them both to wait. "Yeah." Eli said when he answered the phone. "You did wait...? What do you mean she's here? I told you to keep a fucking eye on her and make sure nothing happens to her! One fucking job fucksitck! One job!" Eli yelled as he hung the phone in a rage. He had been nice about dealing with peoples shit for a week now. He was done being nice. He saw Oiliva walking towards Pretty Boy, normally this would have been handled differently but his temper wouldn't allow it. With a whip of fire Eli smacked her in the ass, trying to bring her to senses.

He heard her scream her hate for this city, he didn't blame her, he didn't much like this place either. Looking over at Vance Eli spoke with rage filling his voice. "This is a one time offer, walk out of here. Right now! You get to live. Stop whatever it is you got going on here and you get live. Anything else at all I'll fucking kill you in the most painful way I can think of. Your Call Daisy." After a moment of silence Eli smiled a sick and twisted smile. It screamed something horrible was about to happen. "Run now and leave unharmed. You tell Lancaster I'm coming for her and I'll be taking anyone that's left here. Go on and git now boy." There was a sick joy to his last statement.

Elijah Craig arms were erupted in a dark red almost crimson color. He had no clue how hot he was but even he could feel the heat. The fire was almost melting off him, forming puddles at this feet. He wasn't bothering with controlling any of his powers. This was him as a caged animal, looking for a reason to come on out of the cage and kill whoever got in his way.

For over four years now, Eli had enlisted the help of several men and women to help him watch over Scarlet Evermore. Who now as in this fucking collapsing building. What or who she was doing he didn't care, she made her choice a long time ago. Still even with that there was a calling in the back of of his mind, he had to keep her safe. He wasn't sure if he was because he gave his word to her father, or because he even he was scared of her father. Either way he had to fix this and quickly.

What was wrong with the women in his life? Each one from his mother down made his life so much harder than it needed to be. Too bad even he knew there was nothing he could do about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Dean or rather Jenny taking the helm and had recently taken over the body of Dean,She was watching the chaos below with the criminals killing and raping taking advantage of the situation and the chaos."A perfect little honey pot of crime...sounds like the perfect place to start my parade of fun.." Jenny said with a smile on her face behind the surgical mask now jumping form the rooftop to the fire escape stairs,"Stop this sister do not do this we need to clear our heads and think right we gotta call the others and get things under control here" Dean said trying to clam his sister down wanting her to follow their no kill code and the code to bring law breakers to jail not their funeral.

"I think the time for being a do gooder is far form over brother,You should further your horizon brother and think big this world does not respect us they hate us and in return we show these mortals our strength" Jenny said to her brother completely ignoring his pleas for her to stop when she was already far gone.She moved down the fire escape and onto the streets her smile growing a bit bigger as she saw some looters and a few anarchists smashing police cars.

She was on the other side of the city so she wouldn't be disturbed by the goodie goodies that she thinks the other heroes to be,She ran over to the looters using her powers to move the scalpels she held out in her hands to slit the necks of the looters,Once they were dead and hit the floor she turned her attention to the anarchist throwing the scalpels to go straight though the foreheads of the anarchist.

Jenny was having a gay old time now killing a rapist trying to rape a women and a car coming right at her cutting the car in half with her powers skipping like a little girl to another trio of looters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Spectrum was just doing his own thing when someone attacked the airfield behind their Reformist Council headquarters and he went into action. He took off towards the airfield and soon spotted the group below. He recognized Ann and Adriane, but the third woman was someone he didn't know or had seen before. This made him guess that she was the one behind the attack and he dropped down from the air and landed not far away from the trio.

"I'm going to have to ask you stand down and surrender immediately or I will have to forcefully detain you" he said to Camille with a firm voice. From the look of it he would probably have to get physical and normally he preferred to not have it go that far, but under these circumstances he would fight with all he had if it was necessary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Adam's suspicians were rising when the Russian soldiers still remained even after the VIP had gone from the village and he wanted to find out what was so important. When he heard that the Russian were paying so much money for whatever it is they were protecting Adam wanted to see it even more and he was thinking of ways to get clearance to see what was there.

"What do you think we should do Warpath?" Mountain Lion asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I could try to ask and see if they will let us get closer to whatever they're guarding" Adam replied as he crossed his arms as he was thinking.

"Are you sure that's smart?"

"It might not be, but it's less dangerous compared to trying to sneak by the guards and possibly blowing our cover" he said and then walked over to one of the Russian soldiers that wasn't guarding the area.

"Would it be possible for you let us see what is back there or at least tell? It seems like something very important" he spoke to the man, hoping that his words didn't ruin their mission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 2 days ago

"B-but..." Ann muttered right before being cutoff by the sound of an explosion behind her causing her to jump. Whatever was happening, it sounded like it wasn't going too well. This girl just had to go and leave. Standing around here was making Ann very nervous but she didn't want to just leave here when Aya, Jake, and Owlman remained. They were her friends and Ann discovered she had enough loyalty to these strangers to drag her refusal on. "I don't want to join any sides!" Ann's voice rose, causing her spiritual form to appear more in the physical plane so that she was fairly visible, floating right next to Camille.

"I... We don't want to fight people for no reason like this.." Ann said as her form slowly faded back to nearly invisible. The little girl had a point in stating that anything was better than living on the streets and seeing that her recent home was being destroyed right behind her, it was a tempting offer. However, Ann felt guilty be even considering the offer to follow this little girl to whatever place she was talking about.

Ariadne exhaled sharply out of her nostrils indicating her disagreement but Ann ignored it and continued. "Please, just go. I'm.. We are only here to protect my.. our friends." Ann was started to sound very upset as she began bumbling her words, mainly her pronouns. It was kind of tough to figure Ariadne out, even for her sister. It was kind of easy to forget Ariadne, and Ann always felt so awful about that. "You'll just have to look for others elsewhere, then!" Ann was starting to feel reassured as a familiar man joined them.

Spectrum wasn't someone Ann had encountered on a regular basis. In fact, they only really met once but seeing him now really put Ann's mind at ease. Between the three of them, the little girl would have to be scared away. "Leave, quickly..." Ann whispered quietly to the girl and with that Ann's form evaporated from the physical plane. She meant that as a more friendly warning because the little girl never did anything wrong. On the contrary, she helped Owlman and Ann was prepared to delay Spectrum from pursuing the little girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Camille Mahroug - Viens

Camille jumped in surprise when the ghostly apparition actually appeared next to her, floating as if she had been there for a while. That was scary, or at least it made her heart race strong enough to keep her on high alert from now on. The blonde teen would then proceed to releasing her thoughts about the matter, rejecting the idea of taking sides and telling Camille to take a hike, pretty much. The age manipulator wouldn't be too happy when hearing this, she almost felt insulted really. It didn't help when some new guy showed up out of nowhere to take control of the situation. He wanted to apprehend her and have her surrender calmly as if they had some kind of upper hand on the situation. Camille was smart enough to know they were far from having any form of pressure on her, but it still irritated her. She'd give a quick, provocative glare at Spectrum, pretty much challenging him to stop her. Camille wasn't as Jolly this time, quite the contrary she wanted to end this quickly as she knew what was going to happen in not too long.

"Choosing sides? ... Did you see what's in there?"

She pointed right at the Reformist HQ, the beaten up building with cracks ornamenting the stone walls and the many gutted our hallways of the facility protruding out of the ground and roofs. She was going to have at least Ann realize there was no such things as sides anymore, that there was just the Underground and the rest of the world against all metas. With that rhetorical question, she slowly approached Ariadne while leaving Ann's latest advice to the oubliette.

"Okay, I'll be cash with you. The Reformists are finished. They can't even defend their own, let alone citizens... Viens, come closer."

She'd more or less order the young girl, giving a quick glance at her spectral form. From what she could tell, most of the talking came from that Ghost, but it felt more natural to address the physical form. She stopped walking, waiting for the younger female meta to do close the rest of the distance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jake - Shut up and run!

When Aya pulled her hand away, Jake's heart skipped a beat. Was she afraid of him? His mind was still reeling from the look the little lizard girl had given him and the thoughts that followed it. Two girls, both afraid. Unaware of what had happened to Aya on the astral plane, Jake could only think that she was just as afraid of him as the other girl had been. The thought that Aya too was afraid of him broke his heart. He understood that he was an animal. An angry, dangerous animal that could cause them serious damage. But understanding it didn't make it any easier. Dropping his head low, the dog took a couple of steps backwards as the scent of acid blood once again entered his nose.

Not looking where he was going, he accidentally stepped into a puddle of blood. He could feel his paw burning but he only barely reacted as he turned and lifted his leg clear. Hell, he ached all over from burns, what was one more? This place was like a damn minefield of acidic blood. Even unconscious and stuck in the astral plane, that bastard Sebastian was still screwing with everyone.

And there sat Aya, surrounded by blood and bodies. Ann and Ariadne were talking with the evil little brat from the movement. Damn it, what were they doing? Why was no one moving? It was then that he realized he was doing the same thing. Thinking. They were all too busy thinking to move. This was why he liked being a dog. Humans thought way too much about everything. Dogs acted upon instinct. If they needed to get the hell out of there, they got. Jake had forgotten this. That's what hanging around with humans got him. He started thinking like them again. Well that ended here.

With a shake of his body, Jake tried to rid himself of his own self doubt. This wasn't a time for thinking. This was a time for acting. The damn building was about to fall on them after all. When Spectrum appeared, it was like a sign. A sign that something needed to be done. A bona-fide hero in their midst. Maybe it was time for Jake to play hero too. Spectrum could handle the brat. Jake had to get everyone else the hell out of here. Or some of them at least.

The dog released a howl that could be heard all around the base like a siren. It would hurt and probably leave a ringing sound in the ears of those in the immediate vicinity for a while but if it got these idiots to leave it would be worth it. Jake turned back to Aya, dipping his head below his shoulders and once again raising a paw at her to tell her it was ok. He then turned and ran a short distance away from the building, barking at Camille as he passed her but paying her little attention beyond that. This wasn't the time for fighting.

He ended up a few feet away from the lizard girl who fell over onto her backside as he approached. Jake repeated his actions with Aya to the girl, trying to reassure her that he wasn't a threat to her. The girl took a moment to look Jake over as he gave her the puppy dog eyes but she eventually got back to her feet. She took a step back from the dog but at least she wasn't running off screaming. It was a start. Jake plodded past her and turned back to look at Aya. She was still breathing heavily but there was little Jake could do about that. If she didn't move soon there would likely be a building on top of her. That would slow her breathing down but maybe a little too much. Jake tossed his head in the direction he wanted everyone to run, hoping they weren't so stupid as to stick around.

But then humans were pretty stupid creatures.

@Weird Tales
@ Anyone else who's in the area
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

((Collab between the Almighty Savato and the delicious Potato [woaaahhhh, we're throwing around the eating ploy now, are we Sav? Damn you!]))

Self-destruction. That was the only term that caught Patel's attention as Cedric got really desperate there. The computers were about to explode and Patel could guess this would lead to danger. Swiftly, it used a tendril to rip out a steel tile from the nearby floor and use the force of the vector to shield itself from somewhat strong explosion. Cedric would be defended just as much as Patel would be, as it wouldn't be his time just yet, it had plans for him from now on. However, before it could proceed to its final act, something wasn't right. The creature had stopped its walk entirely and could barely hold its posture, bending over just slightly in reaction to Scarlet's latest technique.

It seemed that she had stopped the Walk of God - a feat that no common mortal could achieve, mind you. If Patel had been tranquilized or knocked unconscious, the feeling of being dragged into her dream would be equivalent to simple falling into an even deeper sleep but because she dragged him from waking, it felt much like it was being dragged down into a thick liquid that held Patel despite any resistances. It was only when he had been dragged down sufficiently that his senses finally picked up. Strangely, being in a dream engineered by someone of her skill felt much like real life only in this reality, the laws of the Universe were at her beck and call. Patel itself woke against a tree that cowered away from the stormy winds that were ravaging the entire area. A lighthouse gripped the edge of a storm-bitten cliff, it's harsh light slowly revolving.

Someone was calling for it, for Patel. It did not comprehend what was going on, what this was, where it was. All it had in its head was move forward and reach the control room to finalize the plan and finally dispose of these Reformists. This place, it didn't recognize it, not even in its past life. It marched forward, keeping its usual, slow gait. Aimlessly walking through the strange medow of mysteries, its hood kept following the direction of the wind but would never uncover the monstrosity behind it. Even in this dreamworld, the attachment it would have with the concealing of its appearance overpowered the overseer's will as of now.

As it walked along the meandering path, it finally came across a wounded fox, its high-pitched yowls of pain giving away the mortality of its injuries. Patel found its powers returning once more, the tendrils slowly snaking out from its core - they were weakened compared to reality but they were very much there. At that, Scarlett appeared behind it, a thin spectral apparently conceived from the small wisps of light that escaped from the field around it. Her ghostly white dress blew in the wind, dancing parallel to her hair which had darkened to a tar-like black. "What's your name?" She was unsure if the thing could even talk but its actions would betray it - the fox was blocking its path.

The created stopped dead on its tracks when its strange all around vision picked up Scarlett's silhouette right behind it. It didn't have the compulsive need to face her, but oddly enough, it took the time to. Patel could already take notice of the bizarre effects of this "world" it had been forced into. Its powers randomly came back, albeit with weighing nerfs, and its eyes had become visible through the gaping abyss within its hood. It glared right into the apparition's soul, never uttering a single word. Without a single warning, one of its trendrils began to vibrate, but nothing significant had happened. It was visibly on its guard.

Scarlett's head tilted to the side, showing her curiosity towards the thing - it was only a dream and she could wake up from a dream which meant the threat of its powers was vastly diminished. Briefly, she wondered if it was even a living being - she could bend anyone's mind to her own will: women, men, children but it seemed to hold firm against the growing tide of her powers over him. Almost as if the lights themselves were only what made her, she split into each component part of wispy light. As quickly as the lights broke apart, they reformed her behind it again, this time beside the dying fox. "I'm the only one who's ever halted your advance, perhaps that in itself deserves an answer?"

It did not understand what this all meant. A dying fox? Its advance? It couldn't recall too well the recent events, or at least falling into this realm. All it could remember was preventing an explosion from harming its perfect white coat. The nearly mindless monster asked itself if it really did stop before reaching the objective point. It made it nervous, too nervous. But now, she'd get her reply.


She got what everyone else got during the massacre, a wave of nonsense under the form of eerie whispers that echoed throughout the imaginary land. In response to these calls, the vibrating hand cross chopped the talking figure instantly after. Once hit, she would be sliced in half, however considering the rules of this world, Patel would be in for a strange surprise.

Her figure split, her features echoing a stab of pain before the thousands of light that made up her body scattered, noisily scurrying around the field like a small tornado. It was only after a couple of seconds that the lights finally rushed to it, overcoming Patel's vision in a blinding white which slowly took up everything it could feel. The sound of waves hitting the cliffs died away along with the feel of the grass against its legs and the whining of the fox. It was only until the blinding movement of the wisps faded that it would realise that it was no longer in a field but staring at the sun along a scorching hot road. "If you wish to kill me, you'll have to do it when we're out of here." She reminded it, forming beside him with a backpack, boots and a map that seemed to show random scatterings of light. Strangely, Isabella was also there, pointing along the map as if both her and Scarlett understood its features.

The scenery had changed, but its effects did not disturb Patel what so ever. All it could do it glance at whatever she could have been planing, and in this case Isabella was there doing something it had never seen her do before. It was puzzled as to why she was here in the first place, but it could at least stay put as nothing would happen to it. No attacks were affecting her, while nothing affected it. It couldn't assimilate more than that. It barely understood what here was, so how could it come out of it? It stayed put, vectors docile and its red eyes drowned in the darkness.

Isabella gave a final roll of her eyes and pointed in one direction along the incredibly straight road. Scarlett smiled and turned away from her, packing her map away as if undisturbed by Isabella's anger. While Patel was turned away, Isabella faded into nothingness. Scarlett kept walking for a few yards before turning back to it. "Well, come on then, we haven't got all day!" Urging him with a soft smile and a wave of her hand, she turned back and began walking. The exercise was strange but it made some sense to her - she needed to establish trust with this one.

It didn't move for a few more seconds afte being sollicited by the ruler of this world. It could sense the danger lurking ahead, as any animal could. However, it quickly realized what little to fear there was in reality. It took a first step forward to follow her, but would never accelerate its rythm to keep up with her.

After a few minutes, she jogged behind it and began to push Patel along the road. "Come on then, it's waiting for you!" She murmured, sounding almost optimistic as she pushed the strange creature forward along the road. "When did you first meet it? I know you've seen it before, your mind has been touched. Don't think I can't see into your memories, Solf." She lied, of course, but he didn't exactly know that.

The monster's heartbeats froze for a fraction of a second before racing heavily. Its memories were compromised? It terrified Patel, the idea that someone could see into its mind and acknowledge every bit of its monstrous life. It angered it, not only because it put it in an atrociously stressful position but also for making it doubt its efficiency on the field.

"[b]... Go... Away...[b]"

It uttered those first tangible words with a voice that seemed to encompass many others such as different female, male and even children voices before unleashing a frenzy of invisible vectors on the imginary field of dreams. Its will and wrath had become like pressure on the entire area. The tips of the vectors clawed through the scenery as if it were a giant poster, creating fissures of darkness and emptiness everywhere they thrashed about.

Finally! She got through that thick skull of its only to find something that she didn't entirely like. Sure, Scarlett had pushed it into a corner it didn't want to be in but Patel was much like a wild animal, corner it and you'll awake something that would tear you to pieces. It's voice alone was horrifying enough, nevermind the fact that it began to tear apart the very strands that had made up their dream. That alone was what terrified Scarlett - no one had ever been able to manipulate the dreamscape except for her father and her. Stepping back slowly, she tried to regain control of the situation. "This is not what it wants, Solf. Like David when he slew Uriah's wife. What you're doing is not its intentions."

With each step she took back, it took an extra two just to intimidate her. Like an animal, it could sense her fear and would inevitably exploit it. Steam ran out of the the hood's hole when the dream master had decided to reference litterature and spirituality.

"... Know... Your place. I... am but HIS tool..."

It took a faster pace as it tried to close in on her and catch her face to face to reach a point of dominance it kept so high in the real world. The darkness within the hood had begun to merge with the general pressure it was applying on the artificial world, as if its obscure and devouring subconscious was imposing itself on the woman's ability to bring that same subconscious out. Darkness began to swallow the area and Patel was only a few meters away from its prey.

Scarlett backed further, not even realising that like with a wild animal, her fear was what drove Patel forward, her fear intoxicated it. It hit here then, everything that made up his mind summed up to a loud ticking noise that resonated deep within her. Solf was like a train - he had a single destination in his mind and only self-destruction could stop him from reaching that destination. Anything that got in his way would simply be anhilated. That terrified her beyond reason - how does she stop something that is quite literally unstoppable? Strangely, it was the voice of her father that answered. Blow the fucking line to pieces.

Breathing, she stepped back in terror and tripped over herself, sprawling back against the asphalt. "Every tool breaks, Solf, it's inevitable." With an outstretched hand, the very boundaries of the dream converged to a single point and kept squeezing down. Her consciousness became naught but a weapon that forced itself into every pore of his being as she attempted to overloard the fabric of his being. A normal human would have been put into a coma so deep that they'd never wake at this point but Solf was not a normal human. He was the very opposite of that.

The darkness it had created merged with the random composites of the dream were all concentrated on one point, which was Patel's being, and it did faze it. It did not pursue the female anymore, but instead fixated the world as it saw it dive into its body. Its mind was being overloaded with ideas and emotions, though most of these would be tenderized by its already lobotomized way of acting. Nonetheless, sensations of doubt and hopelessness could be acknowledged by the creature, prompting it to react accordingly. It let its red eyes pierce Scarlett's very soul as it employed its unnerving voice once more.

"... God is our refuge... and strength. An-ever pr...esent help in trouble..."

The voice echoed and vibrated in the non-existing air of this world, causing multiple areas of the dream to crack and breakdown, strongly limiting Scarlett's attempt to destroy its mind and basic functions. The concentration of thoughts and fantasms stopped, and Patel did not move.

"Such insolence... You... Spit on Him... On GOD. O' foul... demon... may my fire str... ike down a thousand and one... sinners."

It said in a butchered manner. Its voice was still broken despite having a mix of pretty much every conceivable english voice. However, its next bit would be completely devoid of these pauses, imposing an even more tense and intimidating atmosphere to the scene.

"... And you will be held guilty of this divine Judgement, O' child of of the false hell, child of Nightmare."

The falter was her downfall. Its threats fell to the wayside, meaningless to her due to the fact that she wasn't in the least bit religious. Its rebellion against her attempts only pushed her further over the edge, forcing her to focus all she had into bending and ultimately breaking its mind. She only faltered when it mentioned her father - there was no way that it could know about her father, the chink in her armour. Her attack fell back, momentarily pacified just enough for Patel to make a mistake - to do what it desired. Scarlett had it figured from the start; it desired her to suffer, to feel fear, and it wasn't going to turn down such an opportunity.

Reality warped. Understanding exploded. Both were thrown back into the endless sea of normality as she woke up, drawing a staggering breath - every limb felt like it was being violently dragged from each socket and now she was lying helpless only a few metres away from the creature that swore justice would find her.

The monster had returned to reality simultaneously to the female meta, its body curving back to a straight posture. It wouldn't be visible as of yet, but its anger had hit a peak. With full on sadism, it tightened its grip on Wessex's armor, slowly crushing Cedric's body inside. It wasn't trying to kill him, but to make him a bit more obedient. It walked at the center of the control room, only to release it's normal looking gloved hand. The hand was wielding a sphere that morphed into one of these drones similar to Cedric's. It would be used to record Patel's current position and send it all to Isabella. She was going to be the one to decide what would happen to Cedric and if it were to be broadcasted or not. Being linked to the Reformist broadcast channel, she could also do one of her little smug speeches to terrify the populace as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isabella, after recieving Patel's call, pondered her next move.

Should she turn Cedric into more of a martyr than he was going to be, or just have him killed quickly? More to the point, she wanted to weaken the Reformists, not destroy them entirely, not with the Aliens approaching and waiting to 'harvest' all Metahumans, if that Constantine was right. On second thought, she wanted her pound of flesh, to validate Patel's views for them, to stand atop of the world, proclaiming her glory.

Pride won.

"Broadcast it," she spoke to Patel. "But I'm not going to make a speech; let the images speak for themselves."

She knew the consequences; the Underground Movement being proclaimed the top terrorist group of the world, people rallying behind the Reformist Flag. But she didn't care, she had to hold the Villain Ball - sorry for troping - in order to prove herself the most evil person currently in the world, to proclaim herself the strongest, the most beautiful, the most powerful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mass City

Mass City

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adam's suspicians were rising when the Russian soldiers still remained even after the VIP had gone from the village and he wanted to find out what was so important. When he heard that the Russian were paying so much money for whatever it is they were protecting Adam wanted to see it even more and he was thinking of ways to get clearance to see what was there.

"What do you think we should do Warpath?" Mountain Lion asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I could try to ask and see if they will let us get closer to whatever they're guarding" Adam replied as he crossed his arms as he was thinking.

"Are you sure that's smart?"

"It might not be, but it's less dangerous compared to trying to sneak by the guards and possibly blowing our cover" he said and then walked over to one of the Russian soldiers that wasn't guarding the area.

"Would it be possible for you let us see what is back there or at least tell? It seems like something very important" he spoke to the man, hoping that his words didn't ruin their mission.

"It is," Replied the Surprised Russian soldier. "However, that is all I know. They put it into a box and it will be shipped to Russia either tonight or tomorrow." replied the Russian as he went off to patrol his area.

From where they stood they saw military trucks designed for carrying tanks stationed near the entrance but heavily guarded by Spetsnaz. The Air field they saw had something surprising. On the concrete airfield, formerly a Syrian Air Force base was a Russian Antonov An-124, the largest transport plane. It was also protected and there were mine clearing vehicles ready to clear the route.

This is something the Russians want badly but what was it. There were science geeks exclaiming things in Russian but they were put into modular containers that had AC it looked like.

@The Patriarch
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Light was mostly stuck in the mosnters 'hands' for a bit of time until she was able to break free due to a combination of her Reality Shift making his hand weak, and that the monster (Patel) was dozing off for some reason. This worked in her advantage, as it seemed that the monster didn't notice Light backing off to think of a plan. Sure Cedric was nearby, but he seemed indisposed at the time. Not to mention the monster seemed to be afraid of an exploding room, having made some sort of makeshift shield, so explosives weren't off the table for her. Though with Cedric and whoever else the monster had in its grasp nearby, a big explosion wasn't the best of ideas.

Coming up with some sort of idea, Light jumped into action just as the creature had apparently made some sort of robot and was talking to no one in particular. Using her hole trick, Light stuck a sticky explosive to the bottom of the drone, while holing above the creature who had finally broke its attention on her. Using the explosion of the device the creature had made, Light would come down on top of it like a spear, her sharp legs aiding in this endeavor. She'd also pull out another hole, and would be playing hit and run with the creature should her initial attack do nothing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Meanwhile Jenny the mad nurse was now in Avalon taking a moment to watch the carnage,"Oh man now this looks like fun in a bun...but should we stop that one guy brother?" She said to her brother pointing to Patel with a smile behind her nurse mask,"Yes we should we should help Light with this bastard..." Dean inquired but of course he would not get to her sister who was included to watch the carnage.

She scanned the area looking around and finally seeing Isabella the crazed nurse skipping over to her,"Hello hello hello how are you doing?" She said in a sweet sounding tone of voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Gods!" Isabella exclaimed at the sight of Jenni, who had just appeared beside her. She quickly took in the sight of the crazed hero (?) heroine (?) near her, and thought: Did she come to kill me, or join me? Knowing how psychotic this...personality is, it might be either. Recovering her composure, she spoke:

"Hello there, Jenni," she said in a sweet voice. "Have you come to join our prestigious organization?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"And what is your so called prestigious organization called?" Jenny responded cooly walking over to Isabella walking around the other women,"And to answer your first question it all depends..if your organization is fun unlike the do-gooders over their" She said pointing to Light.She knew damn well that she had no fun with the heroes since they bring in the criminals in jail instead of killing them slowly which was her favorite.

"So does this organization kill the criminals instead of sending them to prison?Is your group a bunch of no fun Neds?" She said now standing to the side of Isabella folding her arms under her chest,Much to Dean's dismay Jenny ignored her and wanted to see if this organization that Isabella spoke of was of interest to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"You were part of the International Heroes and you haven't heard of the Underground Movement?" exclaimed Isabella incredulously. "Well, we are an organization that wants to kill everyone who gets in our way, both criminal and not. Our goal," she said loftily, "is a state where those with power and can give pleasure rule over those who cannot. Basically, rule by the strong and the beautiful," she pointed to herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cer stared horror stricken as she watched the remaining footage from the security room, most camera's were out but each one showed some different scene of horror. Was this how her friends had felt when they died? She didn't know but it was tearing her apart to even imagine them feeling this trapped and helpless. Besides that she was literally watching Cedric die before her eyes and though she had barely knew him it was the last straw. It probably could have been anyone and she would have felt the same way, she wanted to make them see that they couldn't do what they wanted with out paying the price...

They should bow to us, not kill our subordinates.

The thought had come out of no where and her expression chanced from upset to ghostly white, she hadn't come up with that and there was only one being who would. The fact that She was even putting in her two cents was bad, though it made sense, things were going to hell and that was usually Her cue to make an offer or something but She was surprisingly silent, then again the words popped into her head,

I'd ask you to let me in but you're so lost I don't need to.

Cer knew She was right but she denyed it and the headache started, when someone starts to hack away at your mind it most definitely hurts. Cer's only consolation was that she knew that She was just as hurt by it. Breath cut off, Cer floundered around the security room trying to do something to save herself, in vain of course, She wasn't about to let this opportunity slip.


Taking deep breaths Cer sat back up calm but different, her eyes had lost their kindness, her facial expression and body language told the rest, this was not Cer as many had known her but as someone completely different... "Avarice...that will work just fine." She whispered seemingly to herself, grinning. She suddenly winced, rubbing her temples, "Cer if you don't stop it I'll kill everyone in this building, you're lucky I'm even keeping you around, you're a good bargaining chip." Using the blackened screens as a mirror she clicked her tongue, "My hair is a mess now thanks to you, you and your stupid buns. You're such a square." Avarice chuckled and pulled out the hair band, letting her grey hair fall a little past her shoulders, "Its such an ugly color, I'd don't know why you had to try to stop that mountain cave from collapsing, you really ruined my looks."

Shaking her head she left the room, as much as she wanted to beat up the 'beauty' woman she decided that her empire must be established first, maybe in some dictorial nation but she would need her ace up her sleeve first. She has so many options on who it would be. There was the classic Vince who could be pretty easily convinced into working for her but all the new people looked so fun too. Eli with his powerful fire and matching scathing personality, a challenge but worth it. There was a little girl at the back entrance who looked promising though lower on her charisma scale and Light, whole while also very powerful, would be impossible to convince. Avarice smiled as a though came to mind, while she probably couldn't replicate Light's power she could do the same to those she had met, that though would have to come at a later time. Instead she simply started to leave the building, she wasn't the least bit worried, after all people still though she was Cer for the time being and that was a good thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"You were part of the International Heroes and you haven't heard of the Underground Movement?" exclaimed Isabella incredulously. "Well, we are an organization that wants to kill everyone who gets in our way, both criminal and not. Our goal," she said loftily, "is a state where those with power and can give pleasure rule over those who cannot. Basically, rule by the strong and the beautiful," she pointed to herself.

"Sounds fun and how do i join this exciting little group of yours Izzy?" Jenny said to Isabella with a wider smile on her face now walking so she was in front of the other women,"Don't do it sis she's evil she is everything we hate..sister please im begging you don't do it..." Dean said now begging Jenny to help the heroes and not join her but it would fall to deaf ears.

Jenny was intending to join because she wouldn't have to worry about being bottom of the barrel anymore and be top dog like she deserved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ann's attention slipped from the little girl as she followed the girl's words to the building behind them. It was getting worse. The building which provided a home for Ann and Ariadne was going to fall. Whatever was happening, whatever 'thing' was in there, was causing the Reformists, a group Ann had considered to be powerful, unbelievable amounts of trouble. These notions help stir those feelings of doubt as the little girl strode away and approached Ann's sister. Ariadne only shifted her feet around into a more aggressive stance, as if expecting something was going to happen. She did not comply with the little girl's demands.

Ann was lost in her thoughts for a moment but quickly snapped out of them when a dog's bark brought her attention back to reality. It was Jake and he was running about, as if trying to run away but he came back. He... wants us to run. Leave. Ann glanced back at the building again and realized that it wasn't just her under the building. Ann and Ariadne could probably survive something like a massive building crashing, but Aya, Jake, Owlman, they can't. The little girl, Ann assumed, probably wouldn't make it either. Standing here talking about allegiances wasn't vital to anyone's survival. She had to act in part for her friends. This all came back to Ann's earlier feeling of being given kind of a voice of leadership as everyone else couldn't.

But that's how she tried to justify what she was about to do, not out of some feeling of leadership but one out of fear. Ariadne was strong but Ann had always feared encountering something stronger. If Ariadne failed to protect them both, Ann would be forced to expose herself to whatever defeated her sister. If Ann dies... Ariadne might not follow. The little girl's words helped plaster in a fear of God and she felt like she had to say anything to get out of there. To be safe again.

Ann quickly catch up to the little girl and phased back into a physical ether. "Fine! Whatever you want! Let's just get everyone out of here!" She frantically stated and without a pause she flew over to her sister. "Get Owlman." Ann said gently and then flew over to Aya and Jake. "Come on, let's go!" She said hastily, as she solidified enough to help Aya to her feet. Hopefully Spectrum would get the hint and help get everyone out of here.


Ariadne rolled her eyes and reluctantly dropped her tense posture and angrily walked past the little girl and scooped up Owlman from the ground with ease. She threw him over her shoulders and firemen carried Owlman away from the building, his long feet dragging across the pavement. Waste of time... We need only care for ourselves. Not them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Just take my hand and let me introduce you to our fine little fellowship," said Isabella, offering her right arm. If Jenni would take it, she would then call for a meeting involving Issac, John, and Jaden in one of Avalon's exercise courtyards. Then, she would say:

"Ladies and Gentlement, this is Jenni, who, in turn, is the split personality of Dean Kyeck, one of the founding members of the International Heroes and one of the killers of my former employer, Director David Michael Taylor of Aperture. Today, she took over Dean's body and has now seen the light of our ideology, and wants to join us. Give her a warm welcome!"
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