Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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Noriaki was in the clear and whether the others liked it or not - and they would be made to like it in due time - she was coming along on the journey. It was enough to have her positively beaming, and not even the rather creepy and potentially sociopathic grin from the fire-headed minx could succeed in bringing her mood down. On the contrary, Noriaki took such a grin as a positive, and already her thoughts were of the two of them working out their tension together behind a door or even out beneath the stars in a tent. Their tension, their aggression, their multitude of other kinks and personal issues. That her mind went to a vision not suited for a social gathering was evidenced by the smile widening and her cheeks reddening.

It took the one armed warrior catching her sword to snap Noriaki away from the prison that was her mental state. An impressive feat, having one arm and able to wield an odachi, The woman must have been abnormally strong, which was perfect, the perfect excuse for Noriaki to find the woman's softer side, exploit it, and experience the test of strength first hand. Ah, what a journey this would be. It was an absolute garden and Noriaki was the florist, the caretaker, the one tasked with ensuring that each flower blooms beautifully or else gets pruned and tossed aside like a common weed. Weeds were not beautiful. The flowers that were her fellow guardians were.

Noriaki listened to Yukimura's speech and, like some of her fellows, felt the need to speak up almost immediately. Though hers was less a complaint.

"I'm afraid we have a problem, Big Brother," Noriaki showed absolutely no shame in addressing Yukimura in the same manner as the Princess had, it was fortunate the Princess had run off somewhere for the moment, or else it could have gotten awkward. Well, more awkward. "For you see, I am already attached. I was attached as soon as my eyes locked with her, as soon as I felt the touch of her skin, the gentle comfort when my lips were honored to touch simply the back of her hand. But fear not, I will not let our obvious connection and mutual attachment to one another prevent us from carrying out this task. We will simply reaffirm our love as we travel and it will be with great sadness and tear stained attire that we part ways, our fingers reaching for one another but unable to so much as brush past each other as we are pulled apart, Her Highness by whatever awaits her at the destination, and me by a beautifully buxom fire headed woman, whose kind words, soft touch, and to-die-for figure will comfort me in my time of grief and love will blossom once more."

Noriaki was making hand gestures, playfully acting out her little monologue, even ending with a small bow.

Noriaki ignored those complaining about barbarism or whatnot, and instead turned her attention to the one armed warrior - but not before giving a wink and a smile towards Kaede - making sure the red head knew exactly who she was referring to in her little speech.

"If it's shogi you're after, my amputated angel, if you will be my King, I will be your pawn or your mountain dove. Your silver general or your great stag, Your flying swallow or your peacock." Noriaki would've continued, but doing so would reveal that all she knew about shogi was the names of pieces, and her point was made regardless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yukimura could tell the Guardians didn't like this, most of them had doubtful expressions. Some even spoke up against it. Surprisingly it was the Miko who spoke up first. Then the drunk one who seemed to scoff it off. Until finally, the tall black haired ronin spoke, seeming torn about situation. True Samurai and Ronin would understand that this was never a easy choice. Between duty and family. After all... How many brothers and sisters fought one another in the times of war?

What surprised him slightly was when Asuka dared drew her blade on him. In which many of the Emperor's Samurai were about to draw theirs until the Prince held his left out in a motion for them to halt. He still stood there calm, his chocolate brown gaze looking at the ronin. A sad smile crossing his lips. Though he blinked when the strange blue armor woman started speaking odd again.

He raised a brow at being called Big Brother by a complete stranger the her spouting about love for his little sister. He opened his mouth to say something to her before closing it once more. Fearing that he may just make it worse by talking about it. Honestly, he wasn't sure about that one..... Sure, he understood Mizuki simply found her interesting.., but she didn't know that it wasn't a good interest. So he was unsure if he should laugh or glare so he just continued.

"I realize this is dark words.... But they are much tamer then our brothers whom are out of the city. I have tried foreseeing every outcome... Every possible way. Our brothers believe of one quick solution... Which is executing the Princess. They will be most displeased that I have let her go. After all, if they asked her she probably would agree to such a thing... But want me to do it. Perhaps I am a coward, but I my hands are dirty enough without my sisters blood." he said softly, closing his eyes thoughtfully. "If she gets to Mount Fuji... I can hope that she will be alright in the best resolution as possible. I suppose I guess... You have three choices when you get there..... You can leave her.... Kill her.... Or let us burn. I do not say these out of malice... But you will understand if you see it on your journey. You already caught a glimpse." he spoke before opening his eyes once again.

"The worst outcome, in which I fear. If she's in pain.... I will slay her myself. For now, I can only hope she can somehow be alright. At least for a little longer. I can only stay and keep our brothers at bay. But, I suppose, I can hope you find a better solution as well." the Prince spoke sadly, his eyes shimmering, as if he was about to shed a few tears. Until Mizuki returned, smiling cheerfully.

Instantly the Prince smiled brightly as he saw his sister carrying the katana. "Hey I thought you had gotten lost in there. Geesh your going to hold up everyone on your journey aren't you?" he laughed.

Mizuki smiled and playfully pushed him. "Oh whatever Big Brother. Why is Asuka-San pointing her blade on you? Did you say something to upset them? You are such a downer." She teased as she curiously looked at the Guardians.

Yukimura only smiled sadly as he chuckled. "Yup, a downer alright." he said before sighing as he gently embraced his little sister in a tight hug. Though she playfully whined that he was squishing her, he only tightened his hold. "Mizuki, you have the blood of Samurai... Follow your heart and honor to guide you until the end. I know you will know what to do." he said softly.

The Princess tipped her head curiously but nodded. "Of course.... But I'll be back so we can spar together okay? And eat yummy rice balls together. Promise?" she spoke, her eyes looking up at him eagerly.

Pausing, the Prince smiled sadly and patted her shoulder. "We shall see." he spoke as Mizuki cheered as if taking the reply as a yes before looking at the Guardians once more. "Are you ready to go?" he asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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Kouko turned to the Priestess beside her as she spoke up. Too short to reach the woman's shoulder well, she instead touched her hand, though continued to face the Prince. She let him speak, before speaking in turn. "It must be a difficult circumstance to live with." If anyone here knew about living with the consequences of others life styles, it was her. Not that she could complain about her parents, but her life was not... comfortable, at all times. Her parents did what they could. Had she not had that life-changing night, she would be the next generation of potter right now. For that, she was grateful. "You have made a difficult choice."

Before much else could be said, the woman that seemed to be the source of the earlier tension spoke up. Kouko stared at her in disbelieve, her hand falling from contact with the Miko's. She sighs after a moment, placing the palm of the hand she had touched Hanami's with on her face. "That woman is impossible..."

Since she's impossible, she's best ignored. Kouko observes the brother and sister in front of her carefully. The face he wore... she knew it well. She'd faced her parents like that many times. "Miko-san. Don't make this any harder for him than it has to be." She turns her head to look up at the priestess, before returning her gaze to the Princes. "Yes, sir."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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If there were ever a more painful, tear rendering sight to behold in all of Kushiami's lifetime...it was here upon these palace grounds, being forced to watch a man of such honor and bravery suffer so much inside as he hugged his beloved sister, quite possibly for one last time before they parted aways. Oh how naive the young Princess was to what may be her untimely fate at the hands of whoever or whatever lurked upon that mountain of fire. Asuka indeed felt torn inside. For one, the heart-wrenching spectacle of a family so caring to one another as this having to be torn apart by the cruel talons of destiny crushed the ronin under such a hefty and loathsome burden. And two, the samurai was still at odds within, wrought with the choice between who is to live and who is to die, when she made a vow to not only herself but Sensei, wherever that woman may be, that she would use her sword to protect all from harm, no matter the cost....but if to defend the Princess from this encroaching demise was to put several others in the pathway to peril....what choice could Asuka even consider...

Bowing her head, she slowly sheathed her sakabatou, keeping her eyes, slowly brimming with burning tears of anger and resentment, averted from the smile of the Princess and the mask of false joy her brother the Prince had adorned. "I too can understand how one simply cannot wash blood from their hands, indeed I do." She muttered in response to the Prince's parting words. "But it is as you say, honorable Prince, there is not much of a choice in the matter, that there isn't." What a lie she told to herself. There was sure to be a way to spare numerous lives from whatever may come. "We need to begin our journey soon, that we must." Asuka sighed, brushing a few dark strands of hair from her face, a visage now of doubt and perplexing melancholy. "But....there should be no need to rush your goodbyes to your sister. Take my advice as from one who had never known the love of a family, that you should." And with those last parting words, the ronin once again hung her head and shuffled forward to the gate, passing by Noriaki-dono of all people and of course a fellow comrade of her warring days, the red beast Kaede-dono. She tried her damn'dest to feign a smile to the blue-armored courtesan, lightly chuckling, yet still an apparent thorn of guilt upon her voice, "Quite the card, that you are Noriaki-dono. I look forward to traveling with a companion who could humor me as much as you, indeed I do."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

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Hanami silently breathed through her nose, closing her eyes as the other warriors stepped forward to speak up against the issue. To her surprise, Noriaki offered something to the conversation that wasn't meant to provoke people. She could have smiled at both Noriaki and Asuka, but the news from the Prince was still registering with her.

Poor Mizuki... Her sympathy only rested with her, but hearing the Prince's words caused her to feel terribly for the whole family. No doubt it was a tough situation to be in, but she wanted to tell him that nobody had to die on Mt.Fuji. Parting her lips to speak, the short woman beside her spoke in her place, silently hushing her with a simple touch on her hand. For some strange reason she found that small gesture comforting. Any other time she would have moved her hand away.

Really, she had nothing else she wanted to say at the moment... That is until Asuka spoke again, revealing that she had no family in a heart felt speech. They had that in common which made Hanami feel even more sorry for what she had said to her earlier. To make matters worse, Mizuki came down stairs with that same bubbly, oblivious personality she had when they were first introduced. She felt a lump forming in her throat when the two siblings embraced, and turned her face away from them. Hanami didn't see, but she could hear what they were saying and it really broke her heart. If they left her on Mt.Fuji, the ten of them would be responsible for that. It would forever hang over her head.

No... We'll find another way. That was her specialty after all.

Feeling a sudden boost of confidence, she smiled at them both, nodding that she was ready to go. A guard came over with her Sacred Bow and Quiver, holding the Bow just as she instructed so that he wouldn't be effected by the painful spell that kept anyone but herself from wielding it in a way that might hurt someone. "Thank you." She said, fastening her quiver onto her back before walking over to where Asuka was standing. She might as well redeem herself before the trip started.

"Hi, Kurahimi-san. " She said, offering her most pleasant smile to the samurai.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Akane could barely keep it together after Noriaki's overly drawn out confession. Even if the subject matter was grim it seemed that Noriaki had a tendency to lighten the mood. However most of the guardians were still rather uncomfortable about the situation. The priestess seemed rather confident which interested Akane. The Prince seemed to be open to other paths and if anyone could do this then a Priestess was the woman to go to.

"Well Princess I doubt all of us came this far for your beauty. Now would be the time to set off." She took another look at all the other Guardians. It was a wonder she picked all of them. Some appeared untested while others were widely known for their abilities. This Princess was anything but boring. Akane was tempted to smile, almost glad that she would get to travel with a young, powerful, yet naive princess. Mentally she added one reason for why to save her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Shiroko couldn't help but see the look that passed over the faces of her fellow guardians. Apparently they trusted their own judgements more than that of the royal family. Of course, pointing that out would make her guilty of the same thing, so she kept her mouth shut. Instead, she looked meaningfully in the direction of Mount Fuji.

These guardians... it hardly seems right to call them such. They are more a collection of clashing egos and physical desires than they are warriors. They act as if they have never been given a disagreeable assignment before.

It gives me no pleasure to lead our princess into some unknown fate, but it is not my place, nor anyone else's, to question this order. I fear that I may have to take the mission into my own hands if they cannot submerge their desires for the greater good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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The familiar, quiet whisper perked up the samurai's ears as she turned to meet the girl, still pushing that feigned look of joy, such a cracked and tarnished masked Asuka wore upon her face. "Oh. Why it's you, Miko-dono." The woman replied warmly to the shrine maiden with a courteous bow, her company welcomed in this rather grim moment of desperation. "If you've come to resume your apology, there is no need to, indeed there isn't. I...understand honestly how you must feel of all these warriors, including myself, the more loathsome of the few. The smell of blood is indeed strong amongst this band, that it is." Purity, she noted such of the maiden because Asuka deemed her grateful that she never lost such grace as these other women have, staining their hands in the blood of their fallen foes and waving about their crimsoned blades with rancorous shouts and growls, more to the eye as a pack of murderous dogs rather than a band of honorable warriors.

Asuka sighed, her head still inclined to face the ground, "I too have had my share in the slaughter, indeed I have, but those days when I would bare my blade for the sake of killing another human, I have long set behind me, that I have. However, Miko-Dono, my wish is not to slay but to protect. I have taken many lives, that I have done, but it was for the sake of those whose lives I guarded with my blade and my honor." A light chuckle escaped her, albeit a tad anxious, "You might say I haven't even let go once of my days as a samurai, that you may, but as long as there are those who are in need, I shall come to their aid. The blade I drew to the Prince, you saw it, that you did." A soft grin crossed the woman's lips as she again unsheathed her sakabatou to Hanami, the polished blade gleaming in the bright autumn sun. Never once did a stain of blood mar the obscure yet magnificent katana. "Never once, even if I tried, could I take a life with this sword, yet I can still aid and protect those who are in dire need, that I can do." Where the sun caught the blade, the sharp end gleamed opposite of where it should lie, the front....blunt as ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Kouko looked around as the Miko approached the samurai. Really, other than maybe the Princess, there wasn't anyone she wanted to talk to. They were either too intimidating or too... ah... boisterous. The little woman follows by the Priestess's side, looking up at the samurai she speaks to. She smiles softly, bowing respectfully. "Hello, samurai-san. Kurahimi, was it? Hiryuu Kouko." When the samurai draws her sword, Kouko takes a chance to look at it closely. A reversed sword...? She must be very confident if she would purposefully take a non-lethal weapon on a mission like this. Not to say you /couldn't/ kill with it, but swinging to strike with the sharp edge would be awkward.

"It's not impossible, but... it speaks to your dedication, Kurshiami-san. If you would, might I ask you to place your hand on the hilt of this sword? I want to see something. Feel free to refuse, I would understand." Kouko takes the sheathed sword from her waist and holds it up for Kurahimi to touch the hilt.

Should she take the opportunity, she surely notice the loose fit of the sheath to the sword. It was just a little too big. Was this not the right sheath? Further, to any who do not hold peace in their heart, this sword would burn the hand that held it. If you took your hand away quickly enough, it wouldn't leave any serious burns or marks, but it would definitely be noticeable that the sword would reject such a hand. Otherwise, it would seem to be the hilt to a normal sword. The Priestess might notice a faint, peaceful aura from it, being so close.

Beware: To doubt oneself is to be conflicted, and if one is conflicted, one is not at peace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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Noriaki had heard the threat from the one armed warrior, but her smile remained, somehow growing wider, along with her eyelids dropping slightly, giving the woman a sultry expression. She placed her chin in the space between her index and thumb as s he continued to smile towards the angry one. Noriaki had a hunch that past that cold exterior was a soft, sweet, and oh-so-passionate warmth just dying to come out. And if there was one thing Noriaki was skilled at, it was getting people to come out of their shells, by sheer will and the ability to never take no for an answeer.

"You think my face is pretty?" Was all Noriaki took away from the threat, "You flatterer, you! But such an eye you have, to truly appreciate natural beauty when it is right in front of you. Yours is a gift, to be able to see so perfectly with but one, keen, sweet, eye. How I envy such an eye, would that I could pluck it from your face and place it atop an altar to be worshiped as the divine item it truly is. Oh, my One Armed Maiden, you so wound me with your kind words and your stern, beautiful demeanor. I will compose a great poem as a testament to your strength and especially your poise. Surely, let me accompany you on the search for sake, as we share a hobby in our appreciation for such a perfect potable."

Whether or not the Princess picked up on it, that was Noriaki's way of informing everyone that she was also ready to depart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erranruin
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Erranruin Steward Loyalist

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The prince's answers were ignored by Kaede, she had no time for this over-dramatic sorrow or self sacrificing guilt. In the end it was the young princess who was being kept in the dark about something that affected her, she was the one being sacrificed for the 'fate of japan'. Kaede never gave credence to such remarks, the amount of times it had been said just because 'so and so important person would be killed, mildly upsetting the power balance' made her sceptical of such sweeping statements. She would see as she went.

Kaede listened with interest to the conversation of the once most fearful Kurahimi Asuka and the little Miko. She frowned slightly at her words, not ever kill? There were many ways to kill a person, even with a blunt edge. It was much more symbolic than literal. She sighed, she had never understood these kinds of attitudes towards death or killing or fighting. Kaede never killed anyone who did not plan to fight and kill for a living. Soldiers knew their lives were forfeit, Kaede herself knew that.

"I would call your decision admirable Kurahimi-dono, if I understood it. But I have never felt this stain or guilt that some experience. My enemies always know there is a possibility of them dying, they all have chosen to forfeit their lives for some cause, as have I. If I am prepared to die and so is my opponent, then there can be no shame in fulfilling our purposes."

She looked curiously at the proffered hilt of this short yet powerful looking young woman. She could definately sense a serene aura around the sword and she noticed the strangeness of the sheathe's abnormal size. It didnt particularly interest her, she had seen blessed, cursed or bewitched weapons before. In fact her own sword was meant to be possessed however even though she could sense a presence the spirit seemed to be very content and never really made itself a bother. It did mean that she could often be found chatting to her sword, which certainly made many people very concerned about her mental health. Still she was interested to see how Asuka's touch would effect it, what would it show? But maybe this should be a test for the road.

"Hiryuu-san, perhaps this should be postponed until some later date. I suggest we get moving before we lose too much of the day. We wil have much time when we are on the road."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

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Hanami listened intently to Asuka, not even noticing that the small woman that was standing beside her had followed her until she introduced herself. Looking down with a curious gaze, she blinked at the woman, tempted to pat her on the head like a child. She didn't, of course, that would be rude and she didn't want to offend anyone else today. Turning back to Asuka with her blade unsheathed, Hanami ran her fingers against the blunt edge of the sword. "A reversed sword..." She glanced at the Samurai and back to her weapon, admiring them both in silence for only a few seconds. She then looked at her fingertips, noting she was truly unharmed... Just like Kushiami said. Hanami couldn't not respect the samurai after that.

Now, the little one had raised her weapon as well, though she kept it sheathed, Hanami could see the white aura surrounding the weapon. She was probably the only one that could see it.

She's testing you, Kushiami-san... She raised her eyebrows, curious as to whether or not she would be burned by the sword.

Unfortunately for her, the red-haired hanyou had come over to the break up the party.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Erranruin said
"I would call your decision admirable Kurahimi-dono, if I understood it. But I have never felt this stain or guilt that some experience. My enemies always know there is a possibility of them dying, they all have chosen to forfeit their lives for some cause, as have I. If I am prepared to die and so is my opponent, then there can be no shame in fulfilling our purposes."

A warrior as experienced and battle hardened as Kaede of course wouldn't understand why one who gained such an infamous and fearful reputation as the most powerful samurai in all of Japan would simply lay down their blade and vow an oath to never shed blood again. Perchance if Asuka was certainly among the fields of war for the remainder of her life, she too would've been muted to the carnage over the years, not that she hasn't been already, seeing as much death and discord as any man or woman of the blade, but....to turn your blade, the very same you swore with to defend, upon the lives of the innocent....not even the most ruthless of warriors could escape that dreadful memory, never unsee the grotesque and maddening sight of children, infants some, quartered by a madman's sword, never able to mute the screams of agony and the cries begging for salvation that echo viciously in their ears and plague their minds with festering nightmares to drive them to days without rest. To some, perhaps Asuka seemed soft, a pushover to let such horrors haunt her day and night, still the vow was made. Asuka would never kill again.

"What you speak of is true, Kaede-dono, that it is." The woman nodded courteously to her fellow ronin. "Maybe it's just me. Maybe I am growing soft for my young age, wishing to adopt a life of peace. However, no matter what vow I have taken, I am still a samurai, that I am, and if I shall die as one should, then it shall be so." Sheathing her sakabatou, Asuka smiled to the fiery warrior. "Quite the honor it was meeting you again, that it was, Kaede-dono. You haven't changed much over these few years. Maybe someday we shall continue our battle, albeit on more peaceful terms, that we will."

There was a sword pointing to the samurai by a hilt, an offering to test her mettle? No, the other warrior, a rather short woman named Hiryuu, had requested of Asuka if she would but grace her hand upon the hilt of the bizarre blade, yet Kaede, seeming impatient to begin the group's travel, had suggested that such a matter wait until later. Asuka had to agree. She could not see the aura emanating from the blade, yet from experience with such majestic creations, she could feel the presence calling for her to touch it, every sword was made with a heart indeed. "I'm terribly sorry, but I must agree with Kaede-dono. If we do not leave soon, we will have lost much valuable time before we even begin our journey, that we will." A humble bow was given to Hiryuu, "Please forgive me, Hiryuu-dono, if I have slighted you in the least refusing. Perhaps when we have set foot in due time, I shall oblige your offer, indeed I will." The sword was meaning to test her, but for what? If it were for inner peace, then Asuka was indeed certain the blade would cast her away. Even if she claimed to travel a road to peace, there was still the matter of a troubled heart.....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erranruin
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Erranruin Steward Loyalist

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Rusalka said
"What you speak of is true, Kaede-dono, that it is." The woman nodded courteously to her fellow ronin. "Maybe it's just me. Maybe I am growing soft for my young age, wishing to adopt a life of peace. However, no matter what vow I have taken, I am still a samurai, that I am, and if I shall die as one should, then it shall be so." Sheathing her sakabatou, Asuka smiled to the fiery warrior. "Quite the honor it was meeting you again, that it was, Kaede-dono. You haven't changed much over these few years. Maybe someday we shall continue our battle, albeit on more peaceful terms, that we will."

Kaede grinned in a warm manner. She really liked moments like this, meeting former enemies and in fact finding themselves able to cast away previous animosity and wholeheartedly engage in friendly conversation. She was perfectly able to accept Asuka wanting a peaceful life, everyone was entitled to their own paths, peace was just as important as war. Kaede turned towards the gate, giving Asuka and the Miko a jovial and friendly pat on their backs and slightly steering them out of the castle grounds as well. Gesturing to everyone else in a generally commanding (although not impolite) way she started towards the road and the beginning of their journey.

"Haha! I wouldn't miss it for the world Asuka-dono! I admire you both for your ability as well as your conviction. Come, lets us get on our way, we have a long way to go and I expect we shall all put aside our differences and become good friends and comrades. You can glare at me sideways for my loud nature all you like Hanami-san, I will still defend you to the best of my ability on the road, I hope we can come to be hardy allies."

With that she bowed low to the Princess, her breasts bouncing and threatening to spring free of her shirt, before she strode jovially towards the doors, rather excited about the whole thing. Journeys were always interesting somehow. She noted Yuki was already hurrying away, having been attacked by the insatiable flirt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Tsk. Well, if it was to be done later, then it was to be done later. She couldn't do much about that. "Don't worry about it, Kushiami-san. I told you that you could refuse, did I not?" She smiles up at the samurai, before looking to the red-headed one. The wound to her eye... that, and these two seemed to have some kind of history. Old enemies...? Whatever it was, they seemed willing to leave it in the past.

Oh, someone was leaving. Seemed to have been driven out by Noriaki's presence. Seemed her temper was rather short, too... But at least she had the sense not to kill the flirtatious woman for being flirtatious. Right? Tolerating that woman would be a test of mental endurance, in any case. While she was turning back to face the samurai and Miko she'd found herself in the presence, her eyes caught on Kaede's chest as she bowed. B-big... She places a hand lightly to her own chest, just a touch jealous before she discarded such a thought. If they were bigger, it would be harder to move and fight, let alone swing a sword. They'd only get in the way.

The little woman watches as Kaede proceeds away, before turning to the other two. "I believe I shall wait to leave with the Princess. I haven't even introduced myself, yet."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mizuki curiously watched the guardians act a little odd before most of them moved off toward the gate. Smiling as they saw they were eager to get going now, she looked at her brother who seemed to consider the Ronin's words before he smiled at his sister. Hugging her gently again before letting her go and gently pushing her toward the group.

"Try not to cause too much trouble now. And good luck." Yukimura said as he watched his sister happily wave to him.

"I will try Big Brother! Goodbye! I love you!" Mizuki cheered before looking at her Guardians with sheer joy and excitement. "Well... Come on come on lets go! I can't wait to actually see the city!" she cheered before she just about bolted out of the gate, well as fast as a woman in a kimono could at least down the steps that led to the rest of the city.

Yukimura waved, smiling softly. "....I love you too..." he said, before sighing. "But I give you about halfway out of the city before getting into trouble..." he whispered.

As Mizuki made it to the city, she excitedly hopped around, twirling along the slightly crowded dirt roads. Many of the citizens curiously looked at the beautifully clad woman whom they could only assume she was a wealthy woman or the Princess. No one actually knew what the fair maiden looked like, since the Emperor had kept her away from public eyes.

Eagerly, the Princess looked at the shops, started to randomly greet people who looked at her oddly. Everything was just exciting! The sights, the sounds, the smells oh my! Her heart could just burst out of her chest. Finally! She was free! Outside and walking and talking with normal people. It was great! However, she failed to notice that her excitement was clouding her focus on control.

In which her wrapped hidden tail slipped from her waist for the tip to stick out slightly from beneath the kimono. And was wagging quite furiously the more her excitement grew, while her ears perked straight up, causing her straw hat to lift up a bit more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Akane perked up when the Princess finally decide on starting their journey. She wanted to keep close to the Princess instead of heading out ahead. If they fought anyone they would likely be human and she disliked using her skills on most humans. However, when the Princess decided it was okay to run out the gates leaving the others behind almost changed her mind on soley protecting her. "Such an excited fool. How unpleasant." Akane sighed and rushed after her. It wasn't difficult keeping pace with the Princess, but keeping her in one place was another matter altogether.

It was obvious that she was royalty and everyone looked at her strangely. Rightfully so since she acted like a child hidden away which wasn't surprising for some elite women. The stares she got was immediately averted when Akane looked back at them with an almost killer intent. "You may wish to slow down. I would hate to see you trip over this." Akane hit the Princess's tail with her foot. "or for your lovely hat to fall off." she pinched her ear mildly to show what was showing. To any Demon Slayer it was obvious what she was. Luckily they were in a heavily populated area that had many things to focus on. Even a hyper active Princess wasn't going to be main focus.

"Do not worry yourself. I will be here to make sure you are seen as the beautiful human woman you are. Barring any extra furry parts."
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