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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 9 days ago


Akira was barely able to dodge the infernal stakes the vampire had summoned, canceling Red Devil as he did so as he stared at the his opponent. When Damian threw Sunye at him, Akira quickly sent out a few blood tendrils to catch her, than deposited her behind him as the vampire lord attacked, activating Red Devil again as he rushed forward to meet him. It only took a few seconds of engagement before Akira realized that he was completely outclassed by his enemy, especially with his main way of fighting effectively negated. Damien was just too fast for him, and while Red Devil kept him from being left in the dust, it didn't give him enough of a boost so that he could actually land a blow on the vampire; who in turn was able to rain down blow for blow upon Akira, whose only means of defense was to evade what ever was being sent his way.

This resulted in mostly glancing blows, but they still packed enough power to through Akira off balance, enabling the creature to score a few direct hits that would send him reeling, the only reason he was still standing was because he had his healing ability working over time on his insides, but that was also tiring him faster; this battle continuing to seem more and more hopless. After a certain point, Akira was running on sheer willpower, he couldn't just give up now. He had people counting on him right now, people who need him and Sunye to stop this asshole. Even now he could hear their struggle in the background, though he didn't dare take his eyes off his opponent to check on the rest of his team's condition, knowing if he did it'd be his end. If only I could get him to hold still. . . The thought brought up an idea, one that was risky and could also make his position even worse, but also might be able to let him score a shot on he bastard at least.

Akira waited for the exact right moment, when Damien came with a haymaker punch from the left to his head, obviously expecting him to try and evade the blow as he had been doing. However, Akira lifted up his arm, the red marks on it intensifying a split second before impact was made, a signal that he was hardening the veins in that arm. Even with that protection, the amount of pain that Akira was feeling from the limb told him that it was either fractured or broken, but that didn't matter for what he was going to do. Hopefully before Damien could reacted, Akira manipulated the blood in his arm so that it would grip Damian's arm in an iron grip, fingers digging into the flesh like claws. He would then focus all of his strength into his right arm and, accompanied by a roar of pain, anger, and frustration launch an all-out, Red Devil assisted punch straight towards Damian's face, hoping beyond hope that it would be able to do something against him.

After the attack, he would release Damian and attempt to back away from the vampire, his left arm hanging limply by his side and turning an unhealthy shade of purple. He had held the blood vessels for too long, and he could already feel his heartbeat accelerating to dangerous levels. He had maybe 5 more minutes of Red Devil bursts in him, if he was lucky, before it would end up sending him into cardiac arrest. "Do it now!!! Get him!!" He'd yelled to Sunye, regardless of if he escaped or not, cause he knew that this would be their best chance at stopping this creature.

@Masaki Haruna


Dylan eyes turn to Justeaze, then back to the girl's corpse, his fist clenched so tight that his knuckles were white before he closed his eyes and began to slow his breathing. He didn't focus on his surroundings, but on himself, entering a form of meditation on his inner self. He could feel the anger leave his body with each breath, and before long, he had mostly calmed down, though his fist still remained clenched as he rose up from beside the girl's body.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll keep my cool Justy, but if I ever found out who did this, I'll be sure to break just about every bone he's got . . . or at the very least fracture them."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasaki Kirima - Talking is Not a Free Action

For a brief moment, the devastated storage room was plunged into a tense, eerie silence as a red-haired swordswoman entered through the hole in the wall, twin blades at the ready. Inwardly, Sasaki groaned. He really didn't need a competent close range combatant interfering right now. He could deal with guns, but he'd need both of his arms in at least moving condition in order to properly fight someone like this. Even worse, the lack of bullets rendering her into swiss cheese meant that these terrorists were aligned with her group, for there was little chance that this swordswoman directly associated with them based solely on what he'd seen so far.

Sasaki mentally gauged the situation, trying his darnedest to figure out the best course of action to take. Dying wasn't an acceptable outcome, not yet at least. 'You're so fucking good at destroying, so why not put that mind of yours to work already!?' he chided himself. He was unprepared for a development like this; it was like getting caught with his pants down twice in the same day. The fact that the sounds of battle on the other half of the cafe were growing increasingly loud did little to help ease the process.

And then, the woman spoke.

That decision would be her downfall. Because as we know, talking is not a free action. Contrary to what the media would want you to know, simply because specific vibration patterns understandable to others are being emitted through one's vocal cords or similar means, did not mean that time has stopped or that everyone would have the common courtesy by which to pause their speech and wait before continuing their assault.

Case and point: Sasaki Kirima, who was currently driving the heel of his foot directly into the solar plexus of the crimson blader mid-sentence.

It was better than any other idea he could have made. He was always better on the offensive anyway, and besides, he never said he would be a nice fighter. The impact of his strike wasn't meant to kill, but to send her flying at the majority of the clowns and to loosen her grip on her weapons. Although, he wouldn't be surprised if he busted a rib or two in the process. Taking initiative, Sasaki wrapped his hand around the folded steel, cutting sharply into his palm but disarming the slicer in the process. He shifted his grip from the blade to the hilt, the act of gripping the sword sending annoying shocks of pain up Sasaki's nerves. Even so, such a weapon was too much of an advantage to drop based on something as petty as that.

Taking advantage of their moment of immobility, Sasaki kicked off the ground and closed distance, using the reach of the blade and his own natural strength to cleave into his opponents like a hot knife through butter. Not long after he had bisected the first of his opponents from shoulder to hip, rifles were raised as the familiar chorus of gunfire broke out once more, like an orchestra to the budding dance of death. The hail of bullets tore through the still air, but they weren't enough to put down the beast and his predictive capacity. The blade-wielding berserker manipulated his blade inelegantly but effectively, severing fingers, hands and arms, parrying aside gun barrels and riposting with deadly force.

It was almost fun.

By the time the dust finally settled, blood splattered the walls and body parts littered the space like debris. The storageroom had become a slaughterhouse. Lying prostrate before Sasaki was the unfortunate survivor of the bloodletting: a clown, pinned to the ground by the blade buried in his left forearm and the foot resting on the back of his opposite knee. Nobody else in the room was alive aside from the slicer girl, who lay off to the side, alive but incapacitated by his initial assault. "Akurans, huh?" he murmured, looking at the tattoo on the back of the swordswoman for the a short moment as he relocated his other shoulder with a loud CRACK!, "I'll keep that in mind." He spoke with an uncanny calm, unperturbed by the carnage surrounding him, "I have to say, you're surprisingly resilient." In his hand was the second of the slicer girl's blades, carving lines along the floor. Upon detecting signs of resistance, the clown's kneecap gave way to unexpected force. "Really, it's inconvenient..." Sasaki sighed, rubbing the back of his head with a bloodsoaked hand, "...How far do I have to go to get a straight answer around here?"

"I don't have all day, let's continue this charade, shall we?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kyun
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nishihara Kei
Mocha Dreams Nightmare

Nothing is ever so weird that it cannot get weirder. Surely that was true for this city. What used to be just the coffee place I had visited a couple of times before had somehow turned into a battlefield. It felt as if I had been thrown inside the weirdest nightmare, though I was pretty sure this was still reality. Probably.

Fighting had broken out in the hall thanks to a new arrival, while the group which had been the hostages quickly divided into people fighting and people running. The fact that this kind of stuff could happen certainly showed how far detached from normal reality we were. Of course, I too decided to act stupidly. While the battle raged on the main hall, I dashed further into the coffee. Kirima-senpai had been taken there earlier, and the semblance of a plan forming in my mind involved getting him out of there, then rallying the people still in the hall and getting out of that place before it got worse, as it inevitably would.Not the best plan, but a plan none the less. Anti-skill could mop up the bandits after we were all out.

With these thoughts, I run through the doorway into a smal corridor of sorts. Since nothing in life can ever be easy, of course one of these clowns was just standing right there, and of course he had some sort of rifle straight out of a videogame, leaving me with no real choice but to improvise some way to fight him.

In that split second when our eyes met, he raised his gun towards me, while the seven steel wires that had been previously hidden within my clothes flew off. As he pushed the trigger, the wires firmly wrapped themselves around his weapon and I raised my left hand, said wires following the motion and jerking the weapon upwards as well. That did not have the intended effect of yanking the weapon out of his hands as I had intended, but it did have the effect of making the stream of bullets hit the ceiling rather than me. My plan not having worked so well, I dashed towards him, clenching my right hand into a fist and punching his neck, which seemed like the most vulnerable spot I could hit. That also did not work as well I had hoped, as instead of gasping for air he retaliated by hitting the side of my head with the back of his right fist. I instinctively took a step back. I was running out of options, so I did something I did not wish to do. With a quick movement from both of my hands, the wires that had been grasping his weapon let go of it. The bandit seemed surprised and attempted to turn his weapon towards me again, but this movement was cut short by the sudden pressure building on his neck, from the seven wires constricting it tightly. I felt terribly guilty as I saw him drop his weapon and attempt a futile struggle to stop the wires from choking him.

As he stopped struggling, I immediately loosened the grip and let him hit the floor. A quick look told me the bandit was still breathing, thankfully, but would also hopefully be out of the fight. I had more pressing matters now, the police would take care of him. Now, to get Kirima-senpai. I opened the door to what I guessed was the storage room. Hopefully giant-san would be there.

The scene taking place inside the storage room made me feel like my nightmare had been finally pumped up to eleven. Certainly, a blood splattered room with bits of people lying around was a fairly accurate depiction of what hell would look like. The fact that Kirima-senpai, easily distinguishable by his size was among it did not ease me in the slightest. Rather, it would not be weird if he were actually to reveal himself as a demon at that moment. "...Kirima-senpai... What happened here?!" I should probably have been worried about my upperclassman. That would have been the right thing to do, but rather, I was terrified by him. What had he done? Or rather, what kind of monster was he? My hands unconsciously trembled and moved. The wires, still being manipulated by them, flowed freely and slashed at the walls near where I stood. The adrenaline levels were still high. My body was certainly classifying that "thing" in front of me as a threat. "What did you do?!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasaki Kirima - Aeon of Osiris

"Still nothing, huh?"

The giant grasped the skinhead by his hair and forcefully yanked upwards, pulling with the terrorist's head in order to stare deeply into his battered face. Sasaki's eyes were saturated with nothing but disdain for the individual before him. He'd already lost most of his teeth, his fingers, and his toes without budging from his stance. He'd screamed, of course. in fact, he'd screamed plenty when the skin of his back was being slowly excoriated by the dulled edge of Sasaki's blade. But screams wouldn't save his friends. Screams wouldn't rescue Kotori or Kei or Aria or Bang or anyone else from suffering the same fate as them. He slammed the skinhead's face back into the ground.

It really pissed him off.

As the sounds of combat got audibly louder, Sasaki got up from his crouching position and placed his hand around the hilt of the katana embedded in the clown's forearm. "Stop wasting my time," he said simply, twisting the blade roughly, tearing muscle and inciting audible pain. It still wasn't the sound he needed, damn it. Without rotating it back into position, Sasaki snapped the folded steel in twain to form a rough-hewn dagger of sorts. He crouched back down, lifted the anarchist's head, and promply inserted the blade into the target's eyelid, slicing through the cornea and retina with disturbing ease. Once more, the oni could hear labored breaths and a pained din. It was nothing new. 'There's no way this guy'll live through this,' he thought with distaste as he slowly retracted the blade, 'Even so, if he dies I still have that Akurans whore.' Twirling the blade in his hand and turning it on the other orb, Sasaki was about to prepare the second round when a pained rasp caused him to pause: "Haha...ha..."

"What's so funny?" Sasaki asked, a small scowl forming on his lips as he wrenched the skinhead towards him. To him, this was no time for jokes. For all intents and purposes, this clown was a dead man walking and the giant needed to know what he knew. Fast. After a short period of silence, the clown finally spoke up once again, a rictus of satisfaction and derangement on his mutilated face.

"Oh nothing...hah...I was just thinking... thinking about how... we're not all that different, you and I..."

Something snapped in Sasaki upon hearing those words. His grip tightened on the clown's head. His breathing was ragged, anger seeping through his breaths as his face morphed into an uncharacteristic visage of pure rage. "You piece! Of fucking! Shit!" he roared, eyes manic as he kept slamming the speaker's head into the floor over and over again, with increasing rapidity. They weren't the same. They couldn't be the same. He did this because he cared. That's right. He did this because he cared... He did this because he cared... Because he cared. Because he cared.... BecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecausehecaredbecauseHECAREDBECAUSEHECAREDBECAUSEHECAREDBECAUSEHECAREDBECAUSEHECAREDBECAUSEHECAREDBECAUSEHECAREDBECAUSEHECARED

He slammed and slammed and slammed. He slammed until the skull beneath his hands became nothing but dust, until brain matter slipped between his fingers and littered the room. He didn't notice the Akurans girl slip away. He didn't notice the door to the storage room open. He didn't notice his friend enter and see his relapse into madness.

"...Kirima-senpai... What happened here?!"

In that single moment, the storageroom was plunged into an unsettling quiet. It was like, for just the briefest of moments, everything was at peace. The battle raging outside no longer mattered. What only mattered was this scene, this very moment. Sasaki's massive form shifted ever slightly. Head slowly turning to face the young magician. The hushed dribbling of blood was deafening. Drip. Drip. Drip. His face was blank, entirely devoid of emotion. His dead eyes stared right at Kei. No, that was incorrect. He stared right through Kei, like the giant didn't notice he was there, like his vacant eyes were just staring into a vast abyss of nothingness. Drip drip drip. The bloody chorus chimed on, counting down the soundless seconds.

"What did you do!?"








It was always terror.

Even among those who'd respected him for his strength, those who had been the ones to seek him out, there was always that underlying fear pervading their actions. As far as abilities went, his was not that impressive. It was not deadly or powerful, nor was it useful or versatile. Magic, ESP, mortal skills - they were all far more exceptional, far more threatening than his own. Even so, he was feared. He was feared more than espers who possessed power rivaling military squadrons, more than magicians who could forsake even their own humanity for greater power. Why should he have been surprised that Kei would be the same?

He slowly rose to his feet, arms hanging limply at his sides, and his head facing down. His grip tightened around the malformed dagger in his right hand. It wouldn't be wrong to compare his bearing to that of a feral beast. He turned his head back to look Kei. Even as corpses lined the room, even as blood stained his clothes and splattered his glasses, even as his body was shot and bruised, his eyes were like they were before they were thrust into a fight for their lives. Looking back at Kei was Sasaki Kirima, ever gentle. "Don't worry, Kei-kun," he said, closing his eyes and smiling softly at the young boy, "Everything will be fine soon."

Sasaki burst forward, arms bared like the fangs of a predator pouncing on his prey.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hiroshi Fujiyoshi

A Detective from Tokyo Police Department breaks in the Hospital where Kotori is and with the help of Kaori, dazing the clowns and skill outs were simple. This man is Kotori's cousin and guardian; he had been informed by Ria with this incident but rather informed incident that is anticipated by Ria Tsurara herself as having Marcus as her hostage for two weeks.


Hiroshi had been talking to Ria through Skype; a software that allows chatting and video camera conversation through phone or desktop. Ria's activities are considered against the law and it is another one of her vigilante activities. "So by that coming April 14, Kotori will be kidnapped." He didn't know what to say or act but as a Detective he must take it calmly. Ria replied; "From what I have gathered from Marcus our hostage here; there are hidden bombs and I dunno who else can we trust. Taiki is on our side and with the slow turn of plotting going on. I need to rescue Nishihara Wendy. Marcus and speaking of him, half of his information are lies but based on the other hostages I got, his friends seem to know a lot and I left them frozen in the windowless building." She said with no qualms.

"Aren't you going to get suspended with these?" Hiroshi asked and Ria said; "I will be but if we sweep all the dirty work then everything is fine. Besides this isn't something Anti-Skill and Judgement could handle. I don't trust their capabilities and old people like Kenobi and Kiyoshi.... they seem to be sitting ducks doing nothing." Ria said with bias and frank judgement.

She continued; "When that time comes. I'm going to Andromeda Industries and take 'that' invention my parents made." Hiroshi stopped her.

"I'm afraid I will have to arrest you if you do that. Stealing from your parents workplace/company? Really, Madam Felicia Truman will be furious. Why don't you just ask your father to hand you over the tachyon prototype? It's not that hard." He tries to convince Ria from her bad decision making.

Then Ria talks back; "You have no authority in Academy City, Hiroshi. You have a criminal to catch here don't you. I figure your lead is connected to my lead and I'm calling two birds in one stone. My mother is dead, I only have my father and my siblings. I'm saving lives in the making and preventing chaos here. I don't have any choice and that's why I need your assistance." She said very convincingly and chuckles. "Come on. What makes you think I can't steal from my own dad? When that day comes, I am going to Kirigaoka to meet an old friend; she is fast.... very fast."

Hiroshi could not fathom the ridiculous gambit Ria is going at. He rolled his eyes. "So you are gonna get leads of Nishihara Wendy at Kirigaoka and get that friend of yours. What about Kaname?" He asked. "Kaname is nothing but a scapegoat. No, a fail safe if anything goes wrong. A Saint like her who is the equivalent of a level 5 is a wild card in my plan."

Flashback Over

Hiroshi then runs to Kotori with the help of Kaori warping him. "Kotori, long time no see and we need to escape now! We need to.."
Kaori shuts him up. "Quit yapping I've already hacked all the sprinklers in this whole place. We need to get out quick and savor your incestuous relationship later." She yelled.

But hypocrite at best, Kaori goes to Kotori and attempts to grope her breasts.
Kaori's expression

"Hey Kotori. I wonder how Ria-sama feels doing this to you and I wonder how I do it..."

Hiroshi's eyes widened and nosebleeds. "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Meanwhile at Mocha Dreams

"I'm fine...... it's not just metal I can grapple." Yuuma throws metallic projectiles on their enemy. "Kishiko! I want you to to concentrate your water on me. Use me as a conduit. If you boil water at a strong Fahrenheit temperature and throw it in my metallic skin. We are following Isaac Newton's third law of motion. For every action there's an equal action. Your hot water will explode on me and it will cause a massive mist or fog and wear these glasses. I call it the Anzai Shades which has infrared and X Ray vision. YOU NEED TO CREATE A HOT BALL OF WATER. FROM THERE WE'LL ATTACK HIM AND DO IT NOW!" Yuuma turns his body into metal.

While Bang is getting bystanders out; Toshiki tells him to hurry up. "HURRY UP! Yuuma and Kishiko are about to do something, if you don't hurry. You will damage your skin and internal organs."

Nishihara Mei arrives too. "You're Bang Constantine right? You look cute." She said and with her kind and casual smile. She yelled. "Everyone! Please follow my lead and we're all gonna get out safety." That was an illusion casted by her. Toshiki via telepathy tells Bang to follow the programmed illusion that Mei casted.

"Follow that and we will meet you at District 8."

The real Mei runs to Kei. "Yo Kei-chan! You need a hand? We can create barriers and after this mess, we can take a bath together!" A heart thrilling reunion of the distant Nishihara relatives.

Somewhere where Aria is

Aria is in bed, naked. She is in a rich place and a kingly room that appears to be a mansion. A young enters with clothes. "Onee-chan. You're awake!" A man behind the boy is the same shadow that kidnapped Aria or maybe it isn't.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vlad Damian- Vampire Arc

It surprised him, the teamwork of Akira and Sunye. Consecutive attacks of ice erupting from the ground and Red Devil punches, Damian was set back with an ice shackle piercing his arm and with Akira's punch scratching his face and the his vampire barriers disappear due to being knock over.

Damian gets angry

"Two against one is expected to have such effort but there is something more disastrous that you have done. An emotion I never felt for centuries. ANGER!" Massive amounts of mana unleashed!


Nagaten Cult Arc

This man is one of the cult members, he has the power of illusions and explosive strength.

A flash of explosion out of nowhere happens. And everyone is thrown into a dream world of nightmare. A man in black grabbed Dylan, Ray, Invisible Girl, Justeaze and Kurenai. @Kimiyosis

"If you want to save your friends. You have to go through me."

"Guys calm down!... NO ATTACK!!" Ray uses his magic spells of fire and ice launching ofuda tags.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Following the advice she slipped on the glasses before setting out a hot torrent of water at Yuuma. "I hope this works" she called out and like steam began to rise well well kishiko thought to herself it does work. Lets hope he has a follow up plan at this temperature staying the steam will harm people more so than help. Personally though she was unsure on how exactly it will affect her personally but right now that was a second though she had to end to this otherwise people will get hurt.

Waking up on a strange bed and to her eternal dismay she was naked. covering up as best she could she looked around before she saw a kid with clothes wasn't hers but it would quickly rushing over and grabbing them she ducked into a far off space behind the bed and changed to try and maintain what little dignity she had left. Standing up with a full blush on her face she managed to stutter out. "wh-where a-a-am I a-and wh-what- d-do y-you want with me?" As she looked at the people who were blocking her escape.

Looking at the person who trapped them she wondered what exactly this will lead to as everyone started to attack but her. Something seemed off but what could she say? Observing the person standing in their way and trapped them into this situation she looked at the group before her. Shaking her head she charged forward as a blade of wind formed around her left hand. She doubted this would really affect him much as she went in for her attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

30 Minutes Ago

"Who am I kidding? Of course I knew well you would help you older twin out. If you got any magic mumbo jumbo like mom to heal me up. I'll be grateful." Still with the impending arrogance that Ria shows viciously, how could anyone take her seriously. Her overconfident nature is something that Kaname knows very well of. Ria is only effective given the right conditions but since she is what she is, cold as ice with her tsun-tsun personality, she is difficult to convince.

Then she replied to Kaname. "Hi Nagisa. What are you guys doing here?" Ria asked their little brother, maid and butler. They replied, the little brother wants Kaname to go home. Ria sighed. [[color=0054a6]b]"Anyways. I need to meet the so called; Kirigaoka's Speedster. I need her to steal from Andromeda Industries. I need her to steal the Tachyon Prototype Launcher."[/b][/color] Ria with her unwise plans. Stealing from the company where their father works. "You knew well how pragmatic my actions are right? Time is running out, I need to save Nishihara Wendy before a bomb blows Academy City into pieces. You're willing to do that for me right? Little twin sister?" She outright puppy faces and mocks Kaname at the same time.

Isone Hibiki

She have had it with Ria's nonsense as ridiculous as it sounds. The cryomaster does have a point. So if this is end of the world scenario. We don't have much of a choice but to comply to the ice princess so called pragmatic plans. Ungrateful bitch, she asks for our help and she's treating us like her maids.
"And this is why we don't like you Tsurara." Hibiki-senpai points out to Ria with a frank honesty. "You're lucky you transferred to Hybrid Academy otherwise... as much as we hate to cooperate with your vigilante fiasco. We're in." Hibiki accepts Ria's request.

Marcus the Hostage

"I figure you'd say that but how would you so succeed if you all are busy fighting Ria!" The maid and butler incapacitates Taiki, they are revealed to be telepathic espers that are level 3; Nagisa is not Nagisa for he is a skill-out member disguised by the telepathic illusion and drags Hibiki out by making an explosion at the room. Nobuyuki on the other hand calls Kaori to hurry up, he runs out of the room.

"You do realize. You can't beat me Marcus and why would I betray them?" Ria being overconfident as usual. He jumps out of the 2nd floor.
"I don't need to beat you. All I need is to control you. The serum I injected you will control you! The only way you can beat is... two brothers in the bible Cain and Abel. That is my clue." Marcus runs away. Ria starts going wild as she can't control herself.

Ria's eyes turns red as she starts freezing the whole Kirigaoka Campus and attacks Kaname with a frozen fist to the stomach. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

An unexpected turn of events. Ria becomes the enemy instead of the hope that her classmates need!

Post Credits

Nobuyuki is with Kaori, Kotori, and Hiroshi. "Guys we need to get outta here now!" Kaori replied. "Right!" Knowing the situation. They warped out of the place heading to Mocha Dreams.

Yuki calls Bang. "Dude. Don't ask but this isn't the good time to ask. Ria is about to destroy the whole town... whatever you call it. Please look for Sasaki and you go get Kotori to safe!"

Ria vs Kaname

"I know now that I should kill you if I want to make Lord Miroslav's plans suffice. I will start by destroying everything you love and own here! Catch me if you can, little sister!" Ria is bewitched and doesn't hold back.

She disappears by vibrating her molecules into an air moisture like state and wreaks havoc in District 7. Blowing up everything and freezing at sight.

Somewhere... Daphne watches the news. "What happened to you Ria?"

It didn't take long as news reports about Ria terrorizing the city spreads. In Anderson Household a news of it is showed.

"So Jistudan. Got any plans?" Eita asks Anderson upon seeing Ria wreak havoc.

A shocking revelation and twist of fates. Who is Lord Miroslav and what is he after?

"Now then little sister. The revolution begins and every blood spilled will be your blood like a sacrificial lamb!"Ria(Bewitched) vs Kaname

Kaname, what are you going to do? It is up to you. The fate of Academy City and Nishihara Wendy lies in your hands.

@Saltwater Thief
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 9 days ago


Akira recoiled from the vampire's rageful energy, cursing under his breath as he realized how outclassed him and Sunye were. They weren't strong enough to do any real damage to this guy, and while the barriers had come down, he wasn't sure if they'd be able to fight this guy and protect the priestess. Taking a deep breath, he turned to Sunye, red eyes slightly glazed over from the pain coursing through his body, his left arm hanging limply from his side. "Sunye, you need to get everyone out of here. The mission is to protect the priestess, and we can't do that if we're dealing with this guy." Akira took a stance as familar red marks appeared on his body again, his left arm rising painfully as he manipulated the blood in it so that he ciuld use it again. "I'll try my best to hold him off, buy you as much time as I can."

Akira took a breath, then charged Damien again, launching a roundhouse kick to his head, then using the momentum from that to spin around to lash out with a savage sidekick. He'd continue to lay on a barrage of attacks for as long as he could, hoping that Sunye would take everyone and leave.

@Masaki Haruna


Dylan eyed the assailant, but he found that his surroundings were fading away into shadows, the man in black being replaced by the Electrokinetic that had attacked his father's lab. Suddenly, he was a small child agqin, and as the other man seemed to approach him with lightning crackling in his fingers, Dylan felt the cold grip of fear close in around his heart, slowly backing away from the source of his nightmares for a long time. With each step the man took, his fear grew in both size and intensity. "Stay away," he whispered, his voice on the cusp of panic, "Get away from me!"

Dylan suddenly felt himself hit a wall, and the man suddenly seemed to appear in front of him, hand outstretched, sparks dancing amongst the grasping fingers like snakes eager to sink their fangs into his flesh. The last thing Dylan remembered before he blacked out was the distant howl of a wolf that resonated within his core . . . and the deep, animalistic growl that tore itself from his throat.

In reality, he had hardly moved an inch, stricken by whatever illusion he'd been struck by, but he suddenly cane to life as his eyes changed from their normak emerald green to a much more menacing amber gold. Dylan would let out a growl before charging forward towards his opponent, aiming to claw the man in the face, then continue the barrage with a flurry of punches, kicks, even headbutts, all with an animalistic savagery and without a single thought put into them. He was running on pure instinct.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kotori Namashiya - A Songbird's Resolution

It was the steady pulse of a heart monitor that caused the little songbird's eyes to sharply open and shoot upward to sit in the bed. Pain wracked through her form radiating from her side as she quickly came to recollect everything that had happened. She had been kidnapped, and through immense odd chance she had convinced a Clown named Volt to help her escape with a handful of hostages from the bizarre clowns' hideout. A Playground, a Warehouse, and there was blood simply everywhere. Gripping her side out of instinct, she found the wounds to be more or less fully repaired with the exception for a few minor scars as she rolled up the hospital gown to inspect herself.

A glance of familiar color caught the corner of her eye, and she quickly affixed upon a set of clothes. Of such that were particularly hers. A simple buttoned blouse and black skirt accompanied by knee high black socks but no shoes.

Who had brought it was a simple enough answer, her peculiar cousin must have found out about her injury and brought clothing for her to wear upon her departure from the hospital.

Peeling the monitor's sensor from her form and placing it at the wayside, the Little Songbird slipped from the edge of the bed and found her balance through only slight effort. Testing her weight upon the side that had been injured, she soon discerned that she could walk quite easily, almost painlessly. Quickly turning off he heart monitor, she slipped out of the Hospital Gown and quickly began to change back into far more normal undergarments.

Everything was going seamlessly until she was finishing up the buttoning of her blouse when all hell seemingly broke loose. Her cousin and one other barged into her room, causing Kotori to yelp in surprise and dive behind the hospital curtain for more privacy to no avail. Even then that didn't help matters, as her obvious attempt for privacy was met by the girl who had accompanied her guardian snaking about her hiding spot and trying to grope the unfortunate Songbird. Deftly fastening the remainder of the buttons of her chest and doing her best to avoid the oncoming perversion, she succeeded for the most part until a third person came barging in.

Turning about to see the person, she wasn't able to stop the sudden grabbing from behind. Insidious fingertips digging into tender flesh as she did her best to retain her composure, even in spite of the fact that blood now poured profusely from her cousin's nostrils.

"W-Wait stop!" She pleaded as she didn't even have a chance to put on a pair of shoes.

But before she knew it she was teleported just outside of Mocha Dreams. Her eyes widened as through the windows she could see that chaos and bloodshed that was happening within. Chaos, screams, bloodshed, and fog. Where was Aria? Sasaki? Kei? The remainder of her classmates? Horror overcame her as there was blood everywhere, it rose into a singular point that had the urge to drive her mad. What was the point of all this power if she could not even save those she cared about? For what reason did she come to Academy City, other than to learn how to control it in greater lengths?

The very thought of her friends suffering needlessly made her angry. Furious, even.

Such fury coalesced into something absolutely monstrous in terms of the changing momentum within the cafeteria itself.

First came an outward telekinetic pulse that intangibly spread outward swiftly from her form. In her mind's eye, she could see the clowns, their weapons, the detailing within of the cafeteria itself as the waves washed over those that existed within the cafeteria. All could be seen within nearly a quarter mile in finite detail from where she stood in her improvised sense of telekinetic echolocation.

Yet she didn't move, almost as if she were forcing the clowns to be as completely statuesque as she was, they too all suddenly ceased moving. Completely surrounding their bodies in a field of Telekinetic force, she first liberated them of their weapons. Freed of their methods and means to cause harm, each clown that was still a threat were lofted into the air a few inches before suddenly being flipped so that their heads would crash into the tile floor with an immense amount of force a quartet of times until each went unconscious or limp.

In some cases, perhaps even worse.

She had found her determination, her relentless resolution. Her anger.

The expression held upon her face was neither sweet nor shy nor meek. It was a tight-lipped scowl. The first of its kind for the Little Songbird as she lofted herself a few inches off the ground to float through the shattered doorway that had once lead to Mocha Dreams. As she stepped down upon the floor once again, each footstep she made as she proceeded forward through the slew of unconscious bodies that had suddenly just been made caused the shattered glass to part away from her. Much akin to how one had quelled the Red Sea in ancient days of biblical sense, she made her way towards the Iron Giant, who had been severely wounded.

There was not the slightest hint of meekness any further from Kotori.

"Kirima-san," She began, instead of the incessant stutter she seemed to once always hold, Kotori's voice seemed simply just melancholy and beautiful. Musical almost, as she continued to speak. "Help Bang-San and Kei-san, if you can despite your wounds and please get some medical help." All the while, the wounded and injured hostages were gently lifted by a smooth, graceful, and invisible hand towards the exit.

Remembering all too well that her telekinetic abilities had made him uneasy before, the little songbird found it wise not to use it upon him at the least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cain End'rana

The dark-haired fugitive continued to run.

And run, he did.

And run



But this time, he was not running from something; he was running after something. There was a difference between being chased and being the chaser; every sinful thing knew that by pure instinct.

How much longer did he have to run...?

Cain's eyes fell upon something getting destroyed in District 7, the district he had just entered. Actually, there were lots and LOTS OF EXPLOSIONS-

"...What the fuck," he blurted out, his eyes wide and twitching as he immediately took out his blade. Jumping off of the building he was running on, Cain skidded across the streets as he remained still.

Bang Constantine

He was called cute.

He needed to worry about his internal organs blowing up.

The city was going to blow up.

Well, this city sure is lively, Bang thought, wondering how on Earth he was going to reach a height of 180 cm before he died.

But then it struck him.

That now was definitely not the time to plan out milk-drinking schedules.

"I... have a friend over there," Bang said, telling the feminine illusion as he pointed at the cafe. "And... I am going to help him out first. Because he is a good person. I like good people."

Though his Japanese was not the most fluent of all speaking abilities, his point was quite solid. He was going back into the cafe.

Bang rushed into Mocha Dreams. There were very few Clowns left, but those who stood seemed to have more combat potential the other Clowns who fell early. Without any hesitation, the boxer ran past the Clowns, presenting a remarkable running speed while maintaining quiet volume. He rushed into the kitchen.

Bang rushed into the kitchen and found a crapton of blood everywhere.









The boxer blinked.

Currently, Sasuke had just activated his Rasengan and was about go ham on someone whom he expressed romantic interest(???) to, and the maid that had served Sasuke suddenly looked as if she were about to kick ass. Lots of ass.

So many asses that he could not count.

Actually, if something were to happen in the kitchen, then everyone's asses would be held at stake. And it would turn into such a global ass-kick, all of those porno sites would lose their meanings.

Without further ado, Bang jumped in front of Kei. Of course, that meant something more than just his ass could possibly be torn off, but one ass was better than lots of asses.

So many asses to protect.

"Sasu- Susa-," Bang stumbled to find Sasuke's true name before speaking in a stern, yet monotone voice,


The dark-haired man clenched a fist. The bloodlust behind the giant's eyes were unfamiliar; and that meant that something was up. Simply standing would definitely get him beaten up- or worse, killed. But he trusted Sasaki; and he trusted that what he was about to do would work, and that he would be able to save his friend...

...'s ass.

Should Sasaki turn out to meet Bang's current tension and barge forward any further, Bang Constantine would finally decide to use one of his wild cards- and it was no ordinary boxing punch.

"We gotta get out of here," Bang uttered to Sasaki, still prepared for a counter strike in case he was to be attacked.

The 7th

Eventually, the 7th ran out of ammunition and began reloading.

He then realized something was up, but he could not tell what it exactly was. Glancing at one of the open windows, he fired a few more magma rounds at Kishiko and Yuuma.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kyun
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nishihara Kei
Mocha Dreams

"Not to worry"? "Everything is gonna be fine"? In such a situation as finding their senpai smiling calmly amid a sea of blood, who could even have such relaxing thoughts? Rather, anyone able to smile in such a situation must be deviating too far from any definitions of normal. That made me even more scared. It wasn't even surprising that the thing shaped like Kirima-senpai would charge at me.

Since when it rains, it pours, any action I could have taken was halted by me suddenly hearing a familiar voice from behind. I could not, nor needed to, turn around to confirm who it was. Why, of all possible moments had Mei decided to appear right now and here? I was completely frozen in place. Could I stop the senpai-beast and protect her? Such useless thoughts led to further inaction, which led to even more weird turn of events as the previously kidnapped girl suddenly appeared and attempted to speak with Kirima-senpai and a young man who was among the hostages seemed to push me aside and get right in front of the charging Kirima-senpai. What was with this place and people trying to be heroes? Rather, was he gonna be fine facing the giant?! If this person was going to fight Kirima-senpai, I might as well help him somehow. I readied myself. If needed, I would reach out with my hand and lightly tap the unknown hero wannabe's back. if I could cast my recovery spell, that would give him a (small) temporary boost of speed through magical means.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasaki Kirima - Brakes x Zero = ???

Despite the pleas of his friends, despite their overwhelming emotional support for the emotionally unstable structure that was Sasaki, there was no stopping him. There was a simple reason for this:

Sasaki Kirima did not charge at Kei.

No. He had pounced at Kei, which is an action distinctly different from charging in one very important way: it involves jumping at the target. That is to say, throwing one's body into the air by using the muscles in one's legs and feet. Which meant that he was in midair, a location where most of the population has a hard time spinning 1080 degrees, much less alter their flight course while after having been riddled with bullets and mentally decimated, weighing... a lot, and just in general being as non-aerodynamic or flexible as possible.

Unsurprisingly, the newly introduced combination of unrelated external factors only indirectly acting on him would do nothing to prevent the heavily wounded, mind-addled titan from, well, soaring through the air like a big cat jumping on a gazelle. Or, to be more accurate, probably something like a big cat jumping on a wildebeest who some how found its way in front of a gazelle while a songbird watched since Bang had decided to get in between him and Kei, and Kotori was just... there. Floating with the power of her telekinetic force. Either way, even if he wanted to stop, this train had no brakes.


Poor Bang. Being Sasaki's friend was hard, wasn't it? But hey, maybe when he finally hit the ground one way or another, he would heed his allies' words.

I mean, if there wasn't a shattered sword sticking out of Kei or Bang at the end of it all, at least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bang Constantine

It was no use. Sasake ran with all the edge in the world, and his rasengan was probably jizzing around like an aura.

So Bang decided to throw his ultimate move with the (literal) force of a train traveling at half of its maximum speed.

There was a reason why he knocked out a man three times his size in one shot. There was a reason why he was admitted to Hybrid Academy despite his lack of various achievements in general. There was a reason why he was still considered to be a wild card- an extremely volatile one, that was- due to how polarized his usefulness could be during certain situations. Bang was least useful when his opponent had control over their actions and mind, but the less control they had, the more useful he became.


To essentially stop a train as abruptly as possible,

one should throw something that could stand greater than the force of the train.

And ideally, that would be an even faster train.

So he did the one thing he could think of.

And he swore that he would be sorry as hell for Sasuke. Because Sasuke should have seen it coming it miles away.

Clenching his fists, Bang ducked, preparing to leap...











...and suddenly swept Kei off of his/her feet and ran the fuck out of the kitchen.

He also swept Mei away because why not? A practically bubbly girl just popped into a kitchen full of Heinz ketchup... except the ketchup was not ketchup. Kind of like how Ash Ketchum's name was actually not Ash Ketchup. Ash Ketchum is a pokemon trainer, not a ketchup brand like Jack Daniels.

But Jack Daniels is an alcohol brand. Did that mean Ash Ketchum was a drunkard-

Bang quickly refocused his mind to reality.

Why the hell should he fight Sasuke? Sasuke would clearly hurt him, and since Bang wanted to attend classes, that would conflict greatly with his schedule. Since the kickass maid could fly, he might as well just leave and lure Sasuke out- because in the end, that would cause Sasuke to chase Bang.

And that would make Sasuke leave Mocha Dreams.

After all, Bang's priority was NOT to fight Sasuke, but rather, to get his friend out of a terrorism site as quickly as he could.

"I am sorry for taking advantage of your bodies like this," Bang muttered to Kei and Mei(with his shitty Japanese), "but we need to go."

Bang ran out, wondering if Sasuke would follow him. Either way, he was intent on putting Sasuke's girlfriend at a safe place before the most violent break-up could happen between her and Sasuke.

Or Sakaki. Or whatever the hell his name was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Battle at three fronts END

Mocha Dreams

With the arrival of a bewitched Ria, implied to have taken down Kaname her twin, Mocha Dreams faces an unimaginable frozen peril however under the circumstances of the current Ria and behavior she poses, she froze the flesh manipulating esper who is a level 3 and the rest of the clown goons around the area. "It's nothing personal but all is for Lord Miroslav, I have no intention of killing you all but if you do so get in my way. It will be a one sided, destruction. Either way, it is the Madministrator's judgement to see how things work for you lot." Holding an unconscious Kaname she threw her to the ground, showing it as an example if anyone gets in her way. This also gave Bang and Sasaki the opportunity to succeed in their rescuing of the bystanders. Nobuyuki tried attacking Ria but fails as she froze him solid. Afterwards, Ria took the flesh manipulating esper and the slicer girl with her, with the help of a Move Point Esper.

Name: Natsuki Megumi (No Background Record Found)
Ability: Move Point (Level 4) - teleportation and allows one to teleport things without touching them
Gender: Female

"See you and wouldn't want to be you." The Move Point Esper said. Ria moves on her own and throw a block of ice to Sasaki's head.

With Ria on the dark side; things have ceased fire for now in Mocha Dreams. It is up to her friends to stop her and thwart the plans of the enemy. Nishihara Wendy's rescue has failed but they still have three more days to succeed.

Vampire Arc

Damian have made everyone fallen, almost to the point of no return, Akira and Sunye are in their knees with little strength left. "I suggest you all stay out of the way. I must say working with humans like Anti-Skill, Akura, and the clowns have made me interest but things here won't change as that Nishihara girl must die, not the one with you but the other." Damian won the battle and put Sunye in his dimension, leaving only Akira and Tsumiki to rot. Tsumiki have a brief clash with Damian but decided not to continue for their comrades lives are at stake.

The Judgement Squad has failed with the loss they gained.

Nagatenjouki Arc

Damian appears and calls off his subordinates and left a video surveillance of Ria attacking the city and Hybrid Academy Students. "Now you know your real enemy. Unite if you must but never does victory is guarantee hmm. Do enjoy yourself if you must."

Mocha Dreams Day 1- Over.
District 21/Vampire Day 2(Night) - Over.
Nagatenjouki Cult Day 1(Night)- Over.
(Now all arcs are connected in the 3rd day. Yes, a timeskip. Although it is free roam now, we are still in the story mode. Try to get your characters in solving mysteries like why this happened etc, relax and plan things through. I apologize for my tardiness. Do as you please but not too much freedom, PM me for anything.)
As a new day ascends, the sun shines but the traumatic feelings linger for the loss and casualties.
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