Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Yorutenchi
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Yorutenchi Pirate Buccaneer Privateer Scalawag For Hire

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



The old man didn't seem to have much of a reaction to the robot's threat. He walked slowly closer to them and it became more obvious that this man was rather aged. He was tall with broad shoulders and was still muscular for his age but wrinkles line his face show his age. He has piercing blue eyes and a light grey beard that goes down past his neck and brushes against his chest. The man isn't wearing shoes or tactical gear but simply barefoot. His clothing doesn't look like armor but instead is an open button up shirt and some ragged shorts.

"Calm down." He says to the robot. "My name is Usagi. I am from the Yamaro clan. I currently work as a go between for some of the different factions. Let's not talk here though." Usagi's eye's narrow as he looks around the town. As the sun rises the mist begins to fade and their cover is slowly leaving. "Its not safe to talk here." He walks over to the fountain and Yume backs up out of the way and returns by Junshiro's side. She also eye's him cautiously.

The man's palm was places perfectly in the center of the north side of the fountain. His feet would have been ankle deep in the water had he not been walking on top of it. He lets out a deep sigh as chakra emits from his palm and suddenly a faint crackling sound echos as the water gurgles for a moment though nothing else seems to change. Usagi turns over to Yume and Junshiro.

"Follow me." He says before taking a step to the side and falling through the seemingly ankle deep water.

"What?" Yume said now taking a step forward to look into the fountain. The marble bottom that had just been there moments ago was now gone. It looks as though it is several meters deep. So deep that in the low light of the morning they can't see the shadowy bottom of this underwater shaft.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 7 days ago

Shin Maru, Topaz

The young man first seemed confused by what Daisuke was talking about. Then he realized that he meant Shin's lighthearted nature might bother the rebels they were working with. "Ah, I get it," Shin relented, putting his hands behind his head in a comfortable position. "I'd disagree though. I'm not fueled by insensitivity, just confidence. That's something everyone could use." Despite not agreeing with Daisuke he didn't press the matter further, as it wasn't a big issue and it wasn't that difficult for him to tone his attitude back. They didn't have to wait around long, however, as the strange Saburo soon arrived followed by the man in charge of the operations, Tento.

The team was briefed as they walked to a planning room. The job sounded simple in proposition but that didn't mean it would be easy. Two jonin guarding a building of interest and an unknown amount of reinforcements on the inside. Shin, Daisuke, and Saburo were supposed to deal with the jonin and the rebels would handle the rest. Three strong chuunin versus two strong jonin. While Shin's confidence didn't falter here, he did feel as if Tento wasn't mentioning something. After all he didn't say why the building was important or what was inside it. But then again he may not know the answer to either question so Shin didn't bother to ask. He simply kept it in the back of his mind, planning to stay wary for the duration of the mission.

Daisuke was the appointed leader and he was quick to start coming up with a game plan. Saburo gave a strange mention of the ratio of field hours each of the three had taken, Shin wasn't sure how he felt about that being he had the most hours but at the same time Saburo was able to know things about him that even he didn't know. Shin shook off the thought and decided to add his two cents to the plan. "Yeah, I'm at my best fighting at close to medium range," Shin confirmed. "However I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeves. My family's techniques are pretty effective. If we can get an undetected approach I can dispatch one of the jonin without having to fight. I don't think using that technique a second time will work, considering the second jonin will be prepared for it, but taking it from two opponents to one is something worth trying. I've just got to get within thirty meters or so and have a line of sight on them." The Jade Crystal Prison technique has always been a classic in the Maru family, being so effective at handling a single opponent that it can win before the fight even begins. While it has a very fast activation it isn't so fast that an aware opponent can't dodge it, so once a foe has knowledge of the technique they will be able to predict it and avoid it. Otherwise it is the equivalent of a blindside sucker-punch. Only more lethal. "If we can do that then our job goes from easy to easier. Think we can pull that off?"

Tsukiko Umene, Honeybadger

The two younger jonin were quick to catch on to Tsukiko's plan. It was a simple one anyways but with Yamato's track record of insubordinate behavior and Aoi's general airhead nature it was possible they wouldn't go for it. Thankfully they did, though not without being annoying in some way. "Your tongue won't be so sharp after I cut it off," Tsukiko threatened Yamato half-heartedly, her voice reverting back to normal. She was mostly used to his bullshit by now but she still couldn't let his insult slide. After clearing her throat her voice changed back to the disguised voice. "Let's move." Tsukiko began to lead the way into Kiri, walking much more slowly than usual to match her disguise. An granny walking like a healthy, athletic woman would surely be suspicious after all.

What was most supsicious, to Tsukiko at least, was the lack of the guide. The trio first passed through the meeting point location as they entered Kiri, yet there was nobody there. Literally nobody, not even other civilians. The street corner was devoid of life or business. You've got to be kidding me. A no-show. The old lady turned her gaze to the two kids that were walking besides her. "It seems your uncle isn't here. I suppose we have to find him ourselves," she said innocently, though the hidden message was fairly easy to pick up on: they were moving on without him. Tsukiko decided to maintain her pace, allowing the younger Aoi and Yamato to walk ahead of her while still maintaining some level of control over the direction the group headed. Naturally they walked towards the industrial looking part of town, and as they went deeper into Kiri the more people they found. The outskirts were mostly devoid of human interactions for some reason but civilians still marched about their business further in. Granted the atmosphere was glum and depressing. Much like Konoha's current state but only much more extreme here.

At the civilian pace they were taking it wasn't a quick trip, but it was an inconspicuous trip. The trio eventually reached the industrial part of Kiri. The people that walked around here were mostly men, making the team start to stand out somewhat as they navigated the streets. This bothered Tsukiko but she knew their cover would hold up. After all the target factory was somewhere around here. She briefly closed her eyes as she remembered the blueprints they were given earlier. Of course she could just check them, as they were on her person right now, but that would be too suspicious. Basing off her memory, however, Tsukiko was confident she could identify the place. When she opened her eyes and looked ahead she realized the largest factory was dead ahead and had shinobi guards out front. It didn't take a genius to deduce that was the target. "Your Uncle Enki works at that one, up ahead," she said, pointing out the building to Yamato and Aoi. "We'll see if we can leave early to take you two home." Once again the message was clear. They would begin their assault soon.

As they closed in it was easier to identify the defenses. It was well guarded, no doubt. Just outside the front entrance was two shinobi and Tsukiko could already see one on the roof. She couldn't tell how many more there were, however, because all the smog interfered with her sense of smell. However she could detect a large number of strong chakra signatures inside, meaning there was probably upwards of a dozen guards throughout the building among the factory workers. She couldn't tell how many there were for sure. It was unlikely these shinobi were particularly elite, but they more than made up for it in numbers. Their chakra presence alone indicated that none of them were below chuunin, or if they were they had strong chakra. Regardless it wasn't going to be easy to take them all on at the same time.

The trio slowly approached the front gate, where two Kiri shinobi were posted. They didn't seem particularly suspicious of the group though they weren't about to just let them pass. One of them stepped forward into the middle of the gateway, signalling for the team to stop. "What brings you here, ma'am," he addressed Tsukiko directly, recognizing the old lady as the guardian of the two kids. "Oh, I came here to see if Enki Shizuru was working today. These are his brother's children and they are without a home now." The guard briefly scanned Aoi and Yamato, confirming that they looked like war orphans and deciding that the story wasn't implausible. "I wouldn't know if there is an Enki Shizuru here or not. Please wait here while we have someone go and check." Tsukiko notably frowned now. She looked over her shoulder briefly at the street behind them. Nobody was around now. Then she looked back to the guards. "Oh, that's fine. We can wait."

The guard immediately in front of them turned around to start walking to the factory while the other one kept watching the trio. Tsukiko reached her arms out, putting a hand on Yamato and Aoi's shoulders. The gesture appeared to be one of comfort for two orphaned children. But rather it was a silent command. As Tsukiko released the two kids she had left a single kunai knife to each of them, using sleight of hand to arm them quickly. It was clear what they were to do with the weapons: kill the two guards. As Tsukiko retracted her arms from the kids she withdrew three shuriken, fitting them between her fingers. The sole guard on the roof of the factory was also watching the front gate, likely out of sheer boredom, and as such he needed to be handled as well. The younger jonin would handle the two guards that were close in a surprise attack while Tsukiko launched the shuriken at the distant guard. One of the throwing stars landed square in the shinobi's throat and the other two stabbed into his chest. While he was too far for a normal person to hear, Tsukiko could hear him gargle a few times after he collapsed. He would be dead in less than a minute and would be incapable of raising the alarm.

Once Aoi and Yamato handled the two in front of them, Tsukiko would break character and stop walking like an old lady, instead quickly moving inside and closing the gate behind them. "Throw the bodies somewhere that can't be seen from the street," Tsukiko ordered, her voice back to normal. In a puff of smoke her disguise was gone and she was already pulling out the scroll that had been given to her earlier. She opened it up as she walked to the front door, going over the floor layout as she moved. "Aoi, you'll go through the roof. There is a catwalk over the factory floor that likely has guards. You'll be clearing them out. Yamato, you're going with me through the front door. After the lobby there are two entrances onto the factory floor. We will split up there and clear the factory floor. There should be no more than twenty guards but probably hundreds of workers. Their lives are irrelevant so do as you feel necessary to survive and deal damage. I will block off the front door after we enter. Aoi, you will find the fire escape exits after you clear the catwalk and block them off too. We will try to minimize how many people escape."

Whether it was intended as part of the original plan or not it had become very clear to the younger jonin what she was planning to do. Tsukiko was going to trap all the non-shinobi in so they would die when the factory went down. An actual massacre. "If you feel like you cannot handle your opponents just try to escape temporarily so I can deal with them. Most importantly you two must not die, then secondly they must all die. Got it? Good. Now go, Aoi." The command to move out was given just as Tsukiko reached the doors to the lobby. Without slowing down she kicked them open, making a loud bang noise that startled the people inside. There was two receptionists behind a counter and a single shinobi guard standing by the outside of the same counter. The rest of the lobby had chairs but there was nobody occupying them. "Go through the locker room and seal the fire escape there," Tsukiko commanded Yamato, completely disregarding the shinobi before them that started to mobilize. In fact she immediately turned around, letting Yamato deal with the enemy while she closed the front doors and began to jam kunai knives into the sides of the doorway in the small gap left by the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

The twins showed no reaction to Chen's erratic behavior, avoiding his attack by having one twin to use a wind jutsu to quickly propel them both to the side to avoid the flurry, while the other one focused on forming multiple handseals in rapid succession. They'd land in the fetid water of the sewers, the both Chen and the girl initiating their attacks at the same time.

"Suiton: Water Dragon Bullet jutsu!" She'd announce as the waters rise around her, causing a foul onrush of water to charge forward towards Chen, the bullets passing through it doing little to slow it's assault, though Chen jutsu would be greatly weakened by the impact. As the dragon charged forward, the water-style user would also run through another quick succession of hand seals to use a Eaiton jutsu, electrical charging the dragon to increase it's destructive power. The other twin would take this time to slip into the shadows of the sewer using the Hiding in Shadows technique, sneaking behind Chen while he was distracted by the attack.

After it had either hit or been dealt with, she'd toss a flurry of lunar at him from behind, followed by two other ones that had explosive tags attach to them, the tags quick to burn as they approached their target. After the sneak attack, the Wind-style twin would try to fade back into the shadows, readying herself to strike once again. The water style twin would simple stand at the ready, keeping her sword at the ready despite it's degraded condition.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Chen Chideta

Chen laughed as the Dragon came sailing towards him. This was no laugh of arrogance though. This was the laugh of a man who didn't have the sanity to be afraid. He turned around and ran backwards towards a nearby wall. He reached the wall and ran up it to avoid the Dragon, all the while preparing for another attack. He checked his blindspots quickly and his smile widened as he saw a flurry of Kunai head towards him.

Chen formed some handseals and clapped his hands together. "Wind Release: Gale Palm!" A wave of wind pushed out from his body and the kunai were stopped in their tracks. He laughed more and jumped back to the ground. Chen noticed a sizzling sound, which quickly stopped. The explosive tags went off and shrapnel from the kunai flew everywhere, one piece cutting Chen's cheek and drawing blood.

Time stopped as he felt the blood drip from his face. His hand went towards the blood without him even realizing it and he smeared it all over his hand. Chen licked his hand. His mouth watered. His eyes dilated. This was true battle. He looked to the twins and shuddered. "How embarrassing. I talk about your blood being my strength, yet here I am drinking my own blood. That needs to be corrected." Chen shot off like a rocket towards the twins and began slicing away in an erratic pattern.

After a few seconds of chaotic swinging Chen jumped back several yards and pulled out a large amount of kunai and shuriken. He threw them all at once and formed a snake handseal. "Wind Release:Verdant Mountain Gale!" Most of the projectiles would go along a regular path (straight towards the twins), but a few were infused with Wind natured Chakra and Chen was manipulating them to go into any possible weak spot they left open.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

His thoughts wandered as he was reminded of the past from his short time on the docks. He was still angered with the actions taken by Konoha towards him but he had thought about it. He did tell Chihiro and Junshiro to keep moving and not to worry about him but it was the few comments made about his actual worth that made him realize that Konoha only takes care of their own, seems like times haven't truly changed for the better. Excuse me.." He said as he bumped into the man as he entered the encampment but not before getting a whiff of...explosive? Gin only took a couple of steps before turning back to the hooded figure when one of the tunnels roared with the sounds of an explosion. Gin did not hesitate in his reactions as he watched the man move towards the tent. Quickly he withdrew a kunai attached to his grid wire and launched it into the back of the saboteur. Quickly he applied lightning chakra to the wire, watching the current flow through the wire and into the kunai embedded in the man's back with enough pressure to render the man immobile.

Gin would not let the hooded figure get a move in as he zipped forward to him, apply chakra to his feet to enhance his speed. In one fluent motion he would draw his sword, chirping as the lightning chakra coursed through it as he dug his blade into the man's side, just enough to immobilize him indiffently.

He had to hand it to these guys that, with the little resources they had and the amount of time they used to put this together it seemed quite efficient. But if things were to happen the way they did here in konoha, it might have been the same. 'Nah, probably would have a much better resistance force with better leaders now that I think about it. He looked over the encampment and saw the groups they were preparing to train. He cocked an eyebrow and shrugged before looking at Akio.

"Well, these guys can't be that bad..." He smirked until he looked over at his group, a speechless expression passed over as he watched an older gentleman pick his teeth with one of the kunai. "Akio-san...I want a different mission. I think the damniyo's cat needs to be found again." He sighed at his group until he noticed out of the corner of his eye Akio staring down a hooded figure. He cocked his head to the side with a quizzical look. What's wrong?" It was no more than a second later did the sounds of explosions cause him to flinch slightly before moving towards the sound, his bo staff drawn.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The robot was was visible unmoved by what was going on before its eyes. The older man showed no hostility but his confidence was something that raised a red flag in the cyborg's circuits. The sudden initiative he had taken upon introducing himself however kept N.C.4 well on its guard at this point, unsure what to make up of the action inflicted upon the fountain would result to. The scene would end with the elder man jumping through the fountain's surface water as if there were a gaping hole under the structure. The robot would have its visors up and ready to scan for anything out of the norm. It couldn't get much of a read with X-Ray and Thermal given all the concrete under their feet at this point.

There was no point in risking anything as Junshiro would proceed to releasing one of its 'cookies', a small dragonfly drone that would emerge from its back and swiftly fly to any location the bot would instruct to. It serve as an extra pair of eyes to cover certain areas that were either out of reach or too risky to simply enter without a form of scouting. The machine dove down into the now 'open' fountain and plunged into what seemed to be too dark for the robot to see. Quickly enough, a strange interference would eventually make the relay impossible for N.C.4, eventually leading to the drone ending up offline.

"Do not go in just yet. Communication interference is quite strong in there."

Insuring that it wasn't some sort of trap, the wires near the Hozuki would be released from their lightning enhancement. They would instant be structured into a net that would entirely bind the man as he remained paralyze by Yume's blood abilities. The wires being purely physical would not have a bit effect on him, but the android could simply just activate his Raiton chakra to not only hold the man as if he were solid but also inflict even more pain if he were to struggle. He was safely fastened and would thus be easily swung down like a hammer to the pit that just opened. The robot would of course control the fall, there was no point in killing this potential hostage.

"It's not very deep and he's still alive. Stay behind me, Yume."

The robot would assess as it retracted all the unused wires back into its hands. The half human would approach said fountain and peer down at the dark abyss. With a second of hesitation, it finally hopped down into what could very well be a trap, but in any case it was ready to release a fury of deadly wires while insuring maximum chances of survival for the VIP it was escorting. Landing just a few centimeters away from the Hozuki, it couldn't make out much of the surroundings as it remained dark. By reflex it would activate its visors to have a clear view of zone despite a clear lack of visibility. There didn't seem to be any danger.

"These conditions are not optimal, Yume. Must we reevaluate the reliability of this source?"
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