Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Trinity nodded and looked over to Anya "No offense, but you aren't the type of bait they are looking for. Not to mention the fangs would be a dead giveaway." she chuckles "Dead..giveaway! Get it? I didn't even try on that one."

She walks around the room a bit, "I was thinking of going as bait alone. I could dress as a hooker or whatever they are looking for and you both could track me. Two eyes are better than one. Plus I am not without my own defenses."

She fiddled with the strings on her hoodie, "And I'd be down for seeing you see the future. I've seen plenty of disturbing things already in this city. Have you seen Lake Michigan? How can people step into that?"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Anya nodded when he mentioned the fact she was undead, point taken. When David was done speaking, Anya spoke up. "Isn't your staff like...a holy relic type thingy?" She asked. "If it is, I kinda can't touch it. I value full use of my hands ya kno'"

She stared at his staff momentarily before resuming conversation, "That said, I also agree it'd be best to get Liz and Dmitri's help on this. Although Liz is young, she has to be doing something right to still be alive." She told them.

"As for watching you in the church..wellll I'd rather not burn and or get staked by a priest." Anya said, shrugging.

At that time, Trinity had spoken up. She frowned, both for the fact she had basically said no one would like her and she made an undead joke. She contemplated slapping her or kicking her in the shin for the undead joke, but didn't. At-least, not yet.

"As much fun as it'd be to watch your little escapade un-fold Trinity, I think you'd stand a better chance with David on the inside with you." Anya giggled, enunciating certain words into obvious innuendos.

She then re-thought the offer of watching him at the church, she should be fine as long as she didn't go in, right? "On second thought, I think I will watch your freaky Solomon voodoo future gaze. I can like, watch through a window." She told David, smiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

David paused. "The staff isn't holy or anything, just magic sure people who we thought were holy carried it but that doesn't mean it is. All we know is it's really powerful and can increase magical power ten fold, after it's the same staff that parted the red sea." He smirked and walked down the street towards the church. Humming a little. Before you ask, yes I am religious. Templar order specifically, we hunt demons and secure magic artifacts and we do bad things to make everyone else safe." He stopped near the church.

He started by trying the door it was locked, he taped the staff against the door it opened perfectly. "Trick only work on things on human locks." He walked over to one of the stain glass windows, one of with the same word that were on his shirt, gripping the brick he pulled it out. then reached back feeling for something. "Just so were clear I don't try to be good, we subscribe to the simplest of ideals, kill them all and let god sort them out." He finished pulling out a little box, it had extra ammo, a spare cross, chalk, and a bottle of blessed wine.

He move to the enter between the pews of the church and drew on the floor, words in four five languages. Then he drank of the wine pouring a bottle of holy water in the center of his little ritual he slammed the end of the staff into it. He rose up slowly, his eyes rolled back and he started to float just so off the ground, the wind picked up around them. He spoke Latin, then Greek, followed by chanting in Hebrew. Finally he collapsed on the ground, looking like junkie who had just had the high of a life time he righted himself. "The headaches are definitely the worse part, much worse than the sore muscles and the slight chance of internal bleeding." He groaned getting up leaning on the staff. "Did I try to kill anyone? Last time I did that I pinned the satyr I was working to the wall and threw holy water on a capture Imp." David chuckled still looking a bit weak.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mewgirl99

mewgirl99 the Spirit Wolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Elizabeth watched Dmitri work in awe. Though Mason could have been considered a professional medic, she'd never witnessed any type of workings first-hand. Whenever he had helped her after she'd been attacked by that werewolf, she was mostly too unconscious to realize what was happening. Dmitri tossed the leather strap toward her and she caught it effortlessly thanks to her quick reflexes.

"Okay, mom, you heard him," said she, voice still but an entranced mutter. She held the strap to her mother's mouth rather forcefully, but Annalise still bit down on it as directed.

It didn't take long for Dmitri to work and then finish. Elizabeth couldn't tell how painful it was just by her mother's expressions because Annalise had always had a very high tolerance to pain. For some reason, it felt odd to be on the helping end. From what Elizabeth could remember, she'd always been comforted by her mother. Then again, to say she was comforting her mother was an exaggeration, because all she could seem to manage to do was stare at her. Dmitri prepared a less than comfortable-looking bed in the back of his vehicle and then came back over to them. Elizabeth looked up at him and handed him the strap.

"Thank you," she and Annalise said at the same time, both looking up at him. Elizabeth looked over to her mother with a small grin, but her mother did not look back at her.

There was an eerie, creeping feeling that she had. It was noon, but the clouds made it seem like it was late in the evening. She heard thunder. That didn't help her growing fear at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Trinity watched the spectacle, she would call it that, at the church. She admitted that the process to see the future wasn't like how movies or tv shows portrayed it. It looked dangerous and painful. Thankfully, David didn't do anything too wild that would have caused her to put him down. She admitted to herself that she may have enjoyed punching him a little TOO much, but she kept it to herself.

"You did some weird voodoo shit that I wish I would have taped to share on Youtube, but other than that, no you are fine. What did you see?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Anya watched the freakshow before her through the door, probably too amused by the whole thing, smiling the entire time. "If you did try to kill someone you wouldn't still be standing there." She told him, chuckling lowly. "That said, what'd you see beside the back of your eye lids like she asked?"

She wondered silently to herself what it'd be like to be able to see the future, aside from hilariously painful, that is. Shrugging she decided she was happy with what abilities she had and would rather forego the painful looking experience even if it was possible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dmitri Pavlovich


I'd forgotten the strap, I slip it into a pocket, I'd put it away later. That was the easy part, now to get her to a hospital and checked in without any actual papers, that'd be interesting, but I'd done it all before, just not without it being on Uncle's to do list, I hoped that wouldn't complicate things. I ask Liz where she want to ride on the way there and to help me get her mom into the car. "Don't thank me yet, this job's not done yet. Liz I'll need your help getting her into the car, do you want to ride in the back with mom?" I don't really expect much help from Liz, due to her small stature, but it was important that she thought she was being helpful. I didn't need Liz breaking down into hysterics while I tried to get us all to a hospital. I gently help Annalise sit up, and give her a moment to brace herself, as I put one arm over my shoulders, and slide my own arm around her back. I heave up in a rapid, but surprisingly smooth motion, pausing to let Annalise get her footing, before walking/dragging her over to the car and helping her into the back. "Liz why don't you hop in and let mom rest her head in your lap, so she's somewhat comfortable on the ride, and you two can catch up or whatever you two need to do." I make sure they are situated as comfortably as possible, tucking the blankets around Annalise a little to help her stay warm after having been in the snow for so long. Then I carefully close the back hatch and slide into the driver's seat, the clouds had me worried as well, worried I wouldn't get to back to the hospital before a blizzard or something equally unpleasant hit. I went faster than was legal, calling ahead to the hospital so they'd have a stretcher ready. I picked up Chicago PD three blocks from the hospital, figures, I ignored them, and swung into the emergency room's drive through a little faster than most might have liked, but I stopped without hitting anyone else, popping the back hatch as I jumped out waving the nurses forward. I left the keys in the ignition and the door open, not that anyone with half a brain would think of stealing my car, assuming they recognized me of course. I helped get Annalise onto the stretcher, and told Liz to stay with her mom, I'd be in as soon as I dealt with the cop, now parked next to my wagon. "Stay with your mom, and don't let go of her hand, they'll work around you. Don't worry Momma's gonna be fine."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Shikaru @FantasyChic

"Not clear, rituals not over I have to now clear my mind and organize the images I received. However before I do that a cup of tea and some food would not go a miss. Last part is more meditation, come on my treat I'll take you all out to lunch, anywhere you want." He said standing up and starting towards the door.

"Actually you'd have a tough time stopping me, I see the future like that remember, I could see what you're doing next and counter it perfectly. Plus the fact all my magic quite literally flowing forth, downside of course if I got into a tough fight like that I'd draw on much magic and pop!" He clapped for emphasis.

He sat the staff on his head and walked with it remain perfectly in place. "So what I do understand is this, out of everything I saw, the other two hunters were their so we do need them." He stated with certainty. Dropping the staff back down he tossed it up and it stuck perfectly into a slot on his back pack. "Otherwise I don't anything else right now. Let my brain try to sort things out or maybe get a mind link going and share what I saw... Actually no on second thought." He shuddered at a certain few images.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Trinity applauded, "That's all well and good, but do you know where to find them? They left a bit ago, they could be anywhere in the city and I'm not an expert on Chicago geography."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mewgirl99

mewgirl99 the Spirit Wolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


While Dmitri was talking to the cop, just inside a way was opened into the never and the nurses focused on the patient, didn’t notice they weren’t in the hospital anymore until the way closed behind them and sounds of the hospital vanished to be replaced by the sound of laughter. Not wholesome or pleasant laughter, but not quite cackling either… I suppose one might say it was tittering, though saying that aloud doesn’t seem like a good idea. The being laughing was dressed in bright colors, the way poisonous bugs and frogs are. He was a tall willowy figure, that looked fragile but seemed to radiate power and vigor at the same time. The nurses confused and frightened huddled around the stretcher trying to do what they could for the woman and her daughter, but not really knowing if there was anything they could do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dmitri Pavlovich


Dmitri finished discussing things with the cop, and got off with a warning. He moved his wagon so that it wouldn't be in the way of other patients on their way to the ER. Then hurried in to check on Liz and her mom. He asked what room they'd be in and was directed down the hall, after a terse conversation about him not being allowed back there and the nurse and security having better things to do than try to keep him out. He got to the room and found it empty... A page went over the intercom for nurse Kelly to come to the front desk, and Dmitri remembered that one of the nurses helping with Liz's mother wore a name tag that read Kelly... He decided to go meet her at the front desk as the doctor walked in and stopped to stare at the empty room and a perfectly healthy Dmitri... Dmitri spat out a question as ice began running through his veins. "You looking for a middle aged woman with a broken leg?" The Doctor nodded, wondering what was going on and if he should try to page a nurse or just call security... He opted to call security as he fled the room, the sound of shattered glass following him into the hall as Dmitri threw his chair through the window and raced back up to the front desk, where they were still paging "Nurse Kelly".

Three hours later He sat out on the front curb, the cops were back, but there was no trace whatsoever of Liz, Annalise, or any of the nurses that had been wheeling her gurney down the hall. Even the gurney had vanished... and footage from the security cameras didn't help either, it showed everyone entering the hall they were supposed to be on, but they never walked into view of the next camera and there were no exits between the two camera's coverage. And there didn't seem to be any evidence of anyone tampering with cameras or the recordings. Dmitri felt numb... the first person to ever get past his emotional guard in years, gone in less than a full day... and yet he was more torn up about Liz than he'd been about anyone else before. He glanced at his watch, it was time to go if he wasn't going to miss the meeting with Anya...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by gravity22

gravity22 Chaotic Good

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Addie hopped of the metro line as the cool brisk air hit her face. Snow hadn't quite melted yet, but at least it wasn't as cold as it used to be. This winter was the worst thing she had to get used to moving out here. For the most part, everything else seemed to fall into place. She grew up a city girl, so should she really be surprised?

The small flat she called home, wasn't in the best neighborhood, but growing up in foster care (and 2 years of kickboxing, didn't have her worried), and usually there wasn't a situation she couldn't at least try to talk her way out of. She happened to be very charming. Her foster mom, Helen, wanted her to be a lawyer. The law of this world, just didn't seem like her place. Nothing ever seemed like her place.

Although the routine she had maintained since she started school at the Art Institute of grabbing Russian Pierogi at Makarov's before she headed home after shooting or classes, had helped her feel a little more normal. So she wandered into the far from decadent, but still respectable joint she had come to love. Her Pentax K1000 in hand.

"Hey Rufka," She said to the familiar woman behind the counter.

"You can just call me Ruth, you know"

She smiled and handed her the exact amount of cash for what she knew I was about to order. "Does using the Russian pronunciation over-do it?"

"Just a bit," The woman handed Addie the receipt and added "I'll have it out to you in a bit, your usual seat is still available."

She gestured to the corner window table, and Addie sat down in it a smile perked on her face. Maybe this was the right move for me.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Anya thought to herself momentarily, "Um. They might be at the diner later..speaking of which.." She said, pausing to look at the sun setting. "Oh crap I'm gunna be late! You guys can catch up if you want but I gotta get to the diner, Makarov's Diner." She told them before running off towards the diner, she knew where it was, she'd been there before. The only thing was it was a few miles from her place. Good thing she was a vampire. She ran as fast as her little vampiric legs would take her, fourty minutes later she arrived out of breath and her hair was a mess.

"Damnit..I hate having to run that fast." She muttered to herself, sighing and adjusting her hair as best as possible. Catching her breath she stumbled through the door, luckily the place wasn't overly busy. Dmitri however, was no where to be seen, at-least not immediately. "Um..is Dimitri here?" She called out to anyone that would answer, leaning against the door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by gravity22

gravity22 Chaotic Good

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Halfway into her dinner, Addie was startled by an exhausted young teenager stumbling into the diner. She hadn't seen her before, although there was something oddly... timeless about her. Addie shook it off as mere familiarity, and had probably seen her around the place before.

The girl asked about someone named Dmitri. She hadn't met him before but she heard a few of the people behind the desk mention him before she was sure. Though she could be confusing it with some equally Russian sounding name. Who knows, there are probably a lot of Dmitri's in Chicago.

"I don't know who you're looking for but, you look like you need a rest." Addie nodded her head to the chair on the opposite side of the table she was sitting at, offering it to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Anya looked around the restaurant sadly when everyone seemed to ignore her, she assumed Dmitri was someone important around the place, she guessed not. Either that, or they were simply ignoring her because they didn't know her. Figuring she had missed him she sighed and turned to exit the diner, pausing when she heard someone speak to her.

Turning she arched a brow at the woman questioningly before shrugging and walking over, she didn't really feel like walking all the way back right now anyway. She smiled and sat down, "Thanks." She told her. "He told me to meet him here..but I don't see him." She spoke, mostly to herself while looking around the diner. "Hope he's okay.." she mumbled.

She looked up at the woman and blinked once, "Oh, how rude of me, sitting here talking randomly like that. My names' Anya, nice to meet you." She told her nervously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by gravity22

gravity22 Chaotic Good

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Finishing a swallow. "I'm Adelaide, well Addie."

Unsure of who this Dmitri, fellow was, and the obvious youth of the girl in front of her, Addison began to get concerned.

"Aren't you a little young to be meeting up with guys this late at night?" She hoped that she didn't stumble onto some Russian mob human trafficking circuit accidentally. That was the last thing she needed.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Anya arched a brow at her question, grinning mischieveously to herself when she got an idea of what Addie thought was going on. The grin faded shortly after she realized she obviously couldn't explain away the fact she was a two century old vampire so this was normal. "Um..he..he's my uncle. Yea. He came into town and wanted me to meet him for dinner, but I think I'm late." She told her nervously at first, but leveled out her voice near the end.

She facepalmed internally at her failure of an explanation, if she had've just thought momentarily she could have used her charm to make her thing nothing about it. Welp. Too late now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by gravity22

gravity22 Chaotic Good

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Addie nodded, something was for sure up with her. She better stick around til either this Dmitri guy showed up or she could safely get this girl to the proper authorities.

"Tell ya what. I'll keep you company while you wait." She offered, hoping the girl wouldn't run off. Great, now Addie sounded like the pedophile.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dmitri Pavlovich


Dmitri stormed into the diner, slid a level gaze across the room that few dared meet, and settled on Anya who was sitting with someone. To bad, they had been on a tight schedule before everything hit the fan this afternoon and now they were late, she'd have to finish her dinner date later. He snapped at Anya in a flat, sullen tone, Anya might not realize that he wasn't angry with her since they didn't know each other very well, but that fact never occurred to Dmitri. "Let's go, we're late." Storming back out the door, he saw a kid eyeing his still running wagon, parked illegally in front of the diner. The kid took one look at Dmitri and remembered he was late for something in the opposite direction. Dmitri slid into the driver's seat, and slammed the door, glowering at the road in front of him and drumming his fingers impatiently while he waited for Anya to get in the car.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by gravity22

gravity22 Chaotic Good

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The intimidating man gestured to Anya to leave. Something didn't feel right to Addie, but she wasn't so sure if it was quite what she initially thought. No it felt like something much darker was going on.

Adelaide tried to stall so she ran out the door, trying to conceal the cell phone she was praying would cooperate with her if she needed to call the police.

"You're niece is such a sweet girl." She said as Dmitri hopped into his vehicle. "Might I ask where you guys are off to so late, I'm kinda new around here. I didn't realize there was anything to do this late when there was still snow on the ground. At least that was rated PG if you know what I mean"

Addie tries to stay calm, but her composure is slipping. She has a feeling she is about to get caught up in something she is going to regret.
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