Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

For a minute Sariel's world was dark. Visually dark as Rida's bucket blocked all but a small amount of light from reaching his eyes from beneath its metal lip and emotionally dark as his eyes glazed over with rage. He wanted to rip the bucket from his head and chuck it at his daughter. He wanted to condemn her actions and physically punish Rida for even thinking that such behavior was okay. He couldn't though. He knew better than that. He calmed his breath and listened patiently as Lucinda went around to all of their children and greeted them graciously in turn. Concentrating on this Sariel moved past his rage. Mostly. Rida still was not getting away with this if he could help it. A hand barely calmed from his moment of rage came to the lip of the bucket, thumb brushing the stubble still on Sariel's uncleaned face and threw off the darkness.

There was now a bucket on Lethonel's head. Rida was going to get it. He sat down next to the sun of his life and smiled to all that had gathered. The main course would be arriving soon so Sariel was going to try and deal with as much of the situation as possible before then. Leaning in towards Lucinda, but addressing a now bucket-less Lethonel. "If your mother wishes you to join us in our strategy meeting that means my task for you will need to be put on hold. So just whenever you get the time I need you to track down a grimoire from me... The Deiran. I got a tip off that it had made its way into the capital and I was hoping you could leverage the Scholars to find it. Probably more interesting than implementing water systems that I am sure I'll be doing around that time" He said referring to the parchments Lethonel had given him earlier this morning.
"Now" he began again. Sariel leaned forward to look across Lucinda and address Rida. "What am I going to do with my little troublemaker?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Liara, I want you to head out a league ahead of us. Your eyes and your grace put an old codger like me to shame, and I don't trust the boys not to walk into an ambush."

He went on with further instructions, outlining safety precautions, but she had stopped listening at that point. She didn't like to be buttered or coddled. Coming from Kalar, it was more of a father encouraging his daughter, but even that still felt strange.

It had seemed like forever since she last saw her father, and even longer than that since their relationship was anything normal. She often wondered what it might be like if her father was more like the ranger before her. She was still adjusting to the dynamics of the group, especially between her and Kalar. But he had only ever met her with kindness, so she wasn't about to shove him away.

"Of course, sir." The term wasn't only a distancing mechanism, but a habit she supposed. He was still her elder and her mentor. Respect and honor were two things she hoped to reflect. Two things that were hugely missing from her fights in the pits.

"I will take the proper precautions should I run into something. Anything dire and you will hear my signal".

She returned her hood to its former position, tugging it forward over her head as she rose to her feet. Stepping away from the group, she made sure she was a fair distance before circling around. Her intention was at the very least to secure the area before leaving them. Anc act that was cut short by an unknown presence.

It wasn't long before she picked up on his scent. He wasn't .. exactly human. Whatever he was, she couldn't quite discern. There was something about him that made her extremely weary. It was an aura she hadn't felt before. But what made her more uneasy was she knew he could feel her presence as well. There was just something about it all. But she couldn't take any chances, and she had a job to do. She readied her bow and knocked an arrowed, aiming in his direction. What if she left, went about her duties and continued on? What if he harmed the Rangers she had just left behind? She couldn't take the risk.

"You take one more step towards that caravan, and I promise you, you'll wish you hadnt. What are your intentions" her voice bellowed out beyond the rain. She stood with her arrow aimed in the strangers direction, awaiting his response.

@Crimson Raven
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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The_written_John Professor Screwball

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@cubix @leslie hall @cultural titan @cuccoruler

Alistair wanted to laugh at just how much his younger brother was glowing at the gift, to see him happy made him happy, but with the way his eyes gazed, like a sword piercing through a foe, Alistair knew that there was no room for guessing what was inside for his youngest sibling, his expression was so merry, it was as if Alistair had just dropped a thick slab of meat in front of a puppy, both he'd wager would act very much the same, with similar goofy smirks on both their visages.

Exchanging their brotherly gestures, Alistair continued to show joy through his facial expressions, and proceeded to apply the same gesture back to his brother, to symbolize his love back for him, though when his parents entered the room, Alistair's expression turned to a more neutral, more respectable one, standing to attention, only to witness in absolute amazement the bucket collapsing onto both their heads. At that moment Alistairs heart stopped once more, fearful of what was going to happen... not so much for mother, she, no matter what, would never alter her pitch in such a way to upset another, and simply smiled as if praising the princess, too much praise Alistair thought, and he quickly turned his head to the RAT, the princess, the brat, and snarled almost, approaching his seat, he grumbled under his breath, not wanting to cause any... distress with the family, though as he sat down, the bucket immediately landed on top of his head, and in that moment, he fell silent... His body refused to move...

"You two really are bucketheads!" She yipped, like a pathetic, whiny fox, both Alistair and his younger sibling having been subjected to the brats tricks, along with their parents... Just when he assumed he was going to have a peaceful day, his mood had reverted into a sour, angry scowl.

Gripping the edges of the bucket, Alistair removed it by simply ripping the thing in half from his face, and once his face revealed itself, Rida was forced to glare into the blazing eyes of his brother, as he dropped the remains of the bucket by his side, cracking his knuckles aggressively.

"........" Alistair was silent, instead of speaking, he simply scowled in disdain... He wanted to discipline her, teach her a lesson on why such behavior was not welcome in front of others nor welcome at all at any moment in time, though he knew he wasn't the one to give her justice for this, he would simply have to "enjoy" the ruined breakfast evening as best he could, leave it to a sister to ruin a perfect morning, turning his head to look at his mother, once her hand was placed upon his shoulder, allowing his aggressive expression to soften to a less threatening one, for his mother.

"Your father's court means well, but they will most certainly try and dismiss his plea today. I'm going to need your support today, since they will inevitably try and belittle my opinion on the subject and insist I take my leave"

Alistair listened to her carefully, understanding exactly what she was on about, nodding his head silently in agreement, to hopefully remove some of her worry, he wasn't going to allow the court to dismiss his mother, nor reject fathers plea's, and he'd make it certain they understand what needs to be done.

When his father and mother had finally sat down, he heard his father ask about what they were going to do with their trouble maker... Alistair unfortunately, couldn't keep himself from speaking up.

"Far less than she deserves..." He said with venomous spite.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kalar Splint, Chief Ranger of Galuntrung Keep.

Ten miles north east of Merandin, along the Geshmere Road.

Kalar watched Liara sleek away from the road, her nimble and feminine form vanishing into the shrubbery. Some of his men cast him odd glances, but they knew better than to question him. He was a soldier's commander, beloved by those who fought and died on his behalf, but he dealt with dissent swiftly. He was not above expelling a ranger for so much as questioning his judgement over dinner preparations if they caught him at the wrong time.

Still, he knew he couldn't go on giving the girl such a long leash. The others didn't see what he saw, they couldn't understand why it was always his precious Liara that was sent up as the vanguard. The fact she had survived this long with them alone they probably put down to a mixture of luck and chaos; eventually one of those would run out, and she'd be bones for the carrion.

That would never be the case though, and Kalar knew this. By sending her out ahead, he was shielding his men from the dangers that they - perhaps even he - couldn't handle. They were vigilantes, irregulars. They weren't monster slaying knights, just a bunch of men in rags, clutching bows and killing petty criminals. Whatever had smote Okly's caravan would make short work of all of them, if Kalar did not play his hand deftly.

"Ready, m'lord," one of his men, Gormagh, yelled through the faltering rain.

"Don't call me Lord," Kalar spat back, feigning injury. "You know better than that. Lords don't go squelching through the mud to chase down pox-arsed bandits."

His men laughed, maybe out of respect, or maybe because they genuinely thought his remark deserve such a response. It didn't matter, an agreement of social protocol was in place, and as always, Kalar was the top dog in a pyramid of wolves.

"Company, move out!" Kalar yelled, and together the rangers started into a march. It was dangerous to travel the road in such a way, but the wily Chief Ranger needed speed more than he did caution. Okly, and the faces of its inhabitants, were all that concerned him now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Adria Solium
Geshmere road, unknowingly headed towards the rangers


Rain... what a miserable thing. Rain was cold, and wet. It was that wetness she especially didn't like. Hoods too. Hoods squished her ears up against her head, and that compounded the misery the rain brought. "just how far am I from the next town..." Adria grumbled to herself. The rain was so thick she couldn't even see more then 20 feet in front of her. What a miserable day...

Adria shook herself off a bit. It seemed she had gotten lost in her own thoughts. The rain showed no signs of letting up, but that was no reason to just resign herself to being beaten by the rain. The worst part of all this is that it was too wet out to check her map to see just how much farther she had to go.

It was then that she saw them. Out of the curtain the rain produced, approximately twenty feet ahead of her, she saw a group of men, headed by a hooded man. She wasn't sure who they were, but they didn't look to be the nicest people... and... did she smell fire? Perhaps they were bandits! Bandits, and here she was alone on some road with a lute and some magic. It was clear they were fresh from some latest kill! But she wasn't going to let them just cut her down without a fight. Even if they were marching like they were some professional army. She was going to make it tough on them. Yeah! She was... well... stand there! Look scary! Intimidating even! If they drew close perhaps she might even growl a bit. That would work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


@cubix @leslie hall @cultural titan @The_written_John
Rida was laughing while leaning back in her seat as both her siblings and parents were caught by her trick. In hall honesty this was one of her most harmless pranks. She could have filled the buckets with water, but instead she chose to fill them with nothing. She really was a free spirited young girl. She was hoping her family would have a laugh from it. At Least Lethanol was having fun with her prank, she could always count on him to enjoy her little pranks.

After finally finishing her burst of laughter Rida noticed her father and elder brother both giving her a look of rage. "Oh come on! You two are always so serious. A little laughter would do you two some good you know. Besides I made sure that prank was harmless, it was only empty buckets, they can't do any damage." Rida said. She was starting to get a bit annoyed with her serious her family was. She truly did believe that a happy family laughed togeather.

Rida sat back into her chair, giving a bit of a pouty face. She only wanted the best for her family, but they couldn't always take a joke. Rida just sat back as her breakfast arrived. She started to eat it while keeping eye contact away from her brother and eldest brother.



There was a child still left in the village. It was a young boy with short brown hair. He was currently crying. He was hiding amongst the rubble until now afraid that the monsters would come back. "H-HELP!" The Boy yelled at a passing soldier. The soldier looked back at the boy realizing that there was a survivor. "WE HAVE A SURVIVOR EVER HERE!" The Soldier yelled to the others. As other Soldiers arrived they looked closely at the young boy. He was rather thin, it was possible to see his ribs even. "I'm hungry, why am I hungry? No matter how much I eat I'm always hungry." The boy said his eyes didn't look quite right.

One of the soldiers took out a ration of bread to give to the boy. "Will this do?" The Soldier asked reaching out the bread. Before the soldier could stop to look at the boy's eyes he was attacked. The Boy opened his mouth to show sharp fangs. "I'm so hungry!" The Boy yelled in distorted voice. He plunged his fangs into the soldier's arm starting to drink his blood. Before long he had taken all of the blood from the Soldier. The other soldiers just looked on in horror.

How could they attack a child? The poor boy didn't even know what he was doing, he didn't know he had been changed into a vampire. It was one of the vampires that Cythlla had missed it seems. He had gotten away before she could take control of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kalar Splint, Chief Ranger of Galuntrung Keep.

Traveling east along the Geshmere Road. 12 miles east of Merandin.

The cracked and worn paving slabs of the Geshmere Road had given way to surface water and mud. Leather boots squelched in the resulting quagmire, and each hundred yards became harder than the last as the filth stuck to the rangers' feet. Their pace slowed little however; forest fighters were more than experienced in off-road travel, and soiled slabs were a plus if nothing else.

Kalar led his men from the front, a tall figure of olive drab and shadows. A longbow, strung from end to end by horsehair, shifted uneasily in his right hand. His pace was graceful, not quite Elven, but his limbs flowed with efficiency and purpose. If he didn't have to keep waiting for his men to catch up, though this wasn't often, he'd arrive at Okly that much quicker.

If Liara didn't come running back the other way first, yelling proclamations of hellfire and imminent ambush.

And as the Galuntrung Storm continued it wrath, having picked up pace from the earlier lull, the group's visibility vanished beneath sheets of rain and a rising fog. Kalar's forced march had become too much of a gamble, and he was convinced by his own gut feelings to switch to a more cautious mode of travel.

Coming to a sudden halt, he turned to his men - but a flash of a silhouette out on the road caught his attention - and he looked back. Through the rain was a woman, her feminine and fragile form obvious despite the loss of visibility. Kalar first thought it was Liara, but something didn't feel quite right.

Not twenty feet away, this stranger abruptly halted, and looked back at the rangers. Bows were strung and swords drawn as Kalar's men started to scatter for cover, many of them foolishly convinced that the new arrival was potentially a fire breathing beast from the depths of the earth.

Kalar wasn't convinced though; he saw the houndish ears, and the tail. He'd heard tell of Wolf People, and he knew that immolating caravans was not one of their talents. He quickly motioned his men to stand down, but many still held their caution behind the strings of their bows.

"Dangerous for a Wolf Girl to be traveling the road by herself. Identify yourself, stranger, and do not dally. We've little time for games," Kalar yelled through the rain and the rising fog. His bow still held at his side, and his sword still in its sheath. Battle was obviously not an outcome he was expecting, even though his men looked ready to take on a whole regiment of children's fiction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Adria Solium


"Dangerous for a Wolf Girl to be traveling the road by herself. Identify yourself, stranger, and do not dally. We've little time for games,"

The person who was leading yelled out to her through the rain. So, he knew what she was. But did he have to describe her as such, she was just as much a person as he was. Still, would bandits ask a person to identify themselves? Adria supposed not. Not that it would do any harm to answer their request anyways.

"My name is Adria Solium. Isn't it dangerous for human people to be traveling in weather like this?"

Adria thought herself clever with that remark, though some of the stoll drawn bows concerned her. The thought came to her that perhaps they would try to strike her down for what she was. That would be her luck that she would run into people like that. Though hopefully that wouldn't happen. And if they were violent to her, perhaps she could her life for a song?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kalar Splint, Chief Ranger of Galuntrung Keep.

Traveling east along the Geshmere Road. 12 miles east of Merandin.

Kalar smirked at the Wolf Girl's response. "Indeed, but my brothers and I are made of harder stuff than most." He turned his head to his men, who were looking for reassurance, and gave them a telling nod. One by one, they lowered their bows and started to clamber back into a loose formation. Looking back at Adria, he cleared his throat, "we're of no threat to you, Wolf Girl, though if time were on our side, I'd of no doubt sought some understanding of your peoples."

At the motion of Kalar's raised hand, his rangers began to trot onwards, parting down the middle to allow space for Adria as they passed her. Many gave her wary glances, but none dared stop to make a remark. In their eyes, the sooner she was long behind them, the better.

Kalar however was a little more courteous, but mostly because he had a Gods given duty to defend the innocent. He didn't sense much threat in the Wolf Girl, but he didn't sense weakness there either. She was hiding something, but he felt whatever it was would be irrelevant to his present mission. Nevertheless, he would warn her of recent events, and satisfy some of his curiosity.

Walking up to her, Kalar bowed his head slightly. "Kalar Splint, of the Galuntrung Rangers," he said with a half smile. "If you have not heard of me or my men, then we're man-hunters, or to put it flatly, we murder murderers. As it happens, a caravan was ambushed further down the road, two miles west. You don't look like you're capable of slaying twenty armed men, and burning women and children in their wagons with a fire strong enough to meld flesh and concrete." He stopped, eyeing the peculiar woman from head to toe. "Though I have been mistaken before. Tell me, Adria of the Wolf People, what has brought you to my kingdom's heartlands? Perhaps you have seen those responsible for the caravan's ambush?" His smile vanished, replaced instantly by an expression of stone. "Perhaps, you are in their keeping?"

The rangers had trotted on down the road someways, but were slowing their pace after having realized Kalar had not followed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Aegis was just hoping he would avoid detection, when he suddenly smelled the overpowering smell of wet horse and one of them, a female by her voice, came out of the rain and challanged him. He tried to catch her scent, but all he could smell was the damn horse. "..." He said nothing, as he glared at horse from underneath his hood, and it side-stepped nervously. He didn't like horses, either. He raised his head, after awhile to the ranger. "I have no intention of going near that destroyed caravan," He said loudly over the rain. "I would have no use for a bunch of charred wood, anyway. I am mearly a travler, passing through." He showed no apprehension at being on the wrong end of the bow, if anything, he was contemptuous of the false threat it repesented. He was starting to feel a bit moody, the rain and thunder irritated him and the smell of the horse was making him nauseous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This one was certainly different, and there was too much in the air to determine what he was by smell alone.

"I have no intention of going near that destroyed caravan," He said loudly over the rain. "I would have no use for a bunch of charred wood, anyway. I am mearly a travler, passing through."

Sh hesitated a moment, but lowered her bow. She had long since conquered her fears. But this new world brought so many unexpected things. This thing, this being, was one of them.

It was curiosity that compelled her towards him. She did her best to mask it with concern, but it was such a rare occurrence. And if they were truly on their way to their deaths, there may never be another opportunity such as this. She stepped directly in front of him, her toes only inches away from his. Her pale blue eyes peered out from beneath her hood as she looked up, her gaze getting lost in the abyss that were the tall figure's eyes.

He was enormously tall, well over a foot more than her. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to pinpoint exactly who or what he was, as if a gaze or a swift sniff could simply determine that. She doubted any fight between them would be simple and swift. She was almost sure he would win, but her words weren't meant as a threat or boast of skil. Only that she would have done her best not to make it easy for him.

There was certainly something to fear about this one, even his aura said so.

And without a word, she spun on her heel and started once more on her path towards Okly. To be fair, all that she needed to know would be that he meant no harm to her brethren. What he did was his own business. Not to mention she had her own to attend to. If he chose to follow, her curiosity may be sated, and any aid would be welcome. And if not, oh well. The rest of her group would be along soon enough. She just had to stay alive until then.

@Crimson Raven
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Adria Solium


Adria listened as the man went on. It was nice to know he wasn't hostile to her, and in fact, he seemed to be rather nice. If not a bit stern. Adria liked him. At least, until perhaps, you are in their keeping? The man's face suddenly became very hard. It was obvious he was seriously accusing her. She truly hadn't had anything to do with it, but from the look on his face, one wrong word could end with an arrow in her throat.

"No sir, I can promise you I had nothing to do with anyone or any caravan. I'm just a simple bard. Nothing truly special about me. I'm just traveling here and there, nothing wrong with that, is there?"

Adria tried to keep face, but she withered under the man's cold stare. It made her quite nervous. Oh my, she truly had gotten herself into trouble this time, hadn't she. She still had a few tricks up her sleeve if they didn't believe her story, but hopefully she wouldn't need them. Not that they would be much help, these were trained killers. It was doubtful she would get far.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Father..." Lethonel looked up, removing the bucket from his head and allowing his messy hair to cascade down. "Sister means well with her actions; I sympathize with her notion that we have become... too serious. I..." the prince spoke as he swept his finger across his lower lip in thought. "I know the value of laughter... for I cannot laugh without mother's medicine. Sister Rida just wants everyone to laugh while... all of you have the ability to do so." Lethonel smiled at his sister before turning back to the king. "Her ways may be... unconventional, but it is all out of love, I believe. Go easy on her."

Then, he looked at his brother. "Brother Alistair thinks so too, right?" A coy smile formed on his lips before he nudged his brother slightly, feeling a little more energetic than usual. "I have a proposal, father. Sister Rida will help me accomplish the tasks with the library and the scholars. And, she'll also help me in my research, and I will help her in her studies-- seems like a punishment enough."

The prince shot a smirk at his sister before turning to his mother and father. "What say you, father and mother? I believe this will help us both in the long run, will it not?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kalar Splint, Chief Ranger of Galuntrung Keep.

Traveling east along the Geshmere Road. 12 miles east of Merandin.

Kalar's hard stare softened into a mischievous smile, "No, nothing wrong with that at all. Still, it is odd that you would travel by yourself... but that will have to be a story for another day. I can see that your are no evident threat to myself or my men, and we've matters to attend to. Forgive my accusation, sometimes my manners escape me."

The Galuntrung Rangers were slowly walking back towards Kalar and the Wolf Girl, their pace hesitant and cautious. A quick nod from their leader set them at ease though, and they resolved to wait for him on the roadway.

Looking back at young bardess, Kalar gambled with his judgement. "We head for Okly, a small village a few miles down the road. I fear for its inhabitants, though I know not why; I can only say that something in my gut tells me fell things have befallen the settlement. The caravan we found ailed from there, and it was not the work of bandits, but something far more destructive. If we happen upon evil, we will need all the help we can get. For a few silver coins, would you be interested in accompanying us to the village? My mother used to tell me that in certain circumstances, a good bard can make all the difference, and my father often agreed when he was sober enough to manage. If Okly is okay, then we'll part ways, but if not, perhaps I could extend your contract."

The Chief Ranger rested on his bow stave, awaiting the Wolf Girl's response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sariel's mouth was held open wide as he starred at his youngest child. He knew that his initial rage was the wrong course of action for dealing with this and Lucinda's great grace in addressing Rida was proof enough of that, but now before him Lethonel was trying to put it off not only as nothing to worry about, but a good thing. Clearly there was something wrong with the king's world. Maybe it was him.

Sariel rested his elbow on the table and met his cheek to his fist. He looked down to the table and then up at Lethonel again, this time both smiling and shaking his head in disbelief at what he was about to say. "I suppose this will be one of very few breaks from the seriousness of running the kingdom." Turning to address Rida he continued. Young Lady. I suppose tomorrow you will be permitted to skip your classes. on the condition that you aid Lethonel in Finding the Deiran for me. It is very important.

It was then that the doors burst open and servants with carts of food came into the dinning hall. They went around to every member of the Royal family and placed before them a plate of... well nothing fancy at all. Just some sausage, rolls, bits of fruit and eggs. "I thought I wanted something more of a commoner's breakfast today" Sariel announced before chuckling to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Adria Solium

The man's hard stare softened back into a smile. My, he had Adria going there for a bit. It seemed there wasn't much to worry about after all. Adria smiled along with him, being that he had apologized.

"It's fine, I suppose you could say it is odd, but I can take care of myself"

Behind her, the Rangers approached Adria and the man cautiously. Oddly enough, it was almost like they were more afraid of her then she was of them. Though they would be put at ease with a quick nod from the old man. That made Adria feel a bit better about things, so that was good. It was then that the man made her an offer

"For a few silver coins, would you be interested in accompanying us to the village? My mother used to tell me that in certain circumstances, a good bard can make all the difference, and my father often agreed when he was sober enough to manage. If Okly is okay, then we'll part ways, but if not, perhaps I could extend your contract."

The offer intrigued her, plus, she was running low on money. Besides, having companions never hurt anyone. If they found something bad there was no doubt these rangers would be able to take care of it. And if nothing was wrong, perhaps she could stick around the village and perform a bit to make a few more coins. That also never hurt anyone.

"Your parents were smart people, us bards are always good for lifting spirits and what not. So sure, why not? I'd be delighted"

Adria noticed that the rain was starting to let up. Perhaps soon it would stop entirely, and she could take this confounded hood off. Her ears were starting to get sore. If it stopped raining it would make the trip much easier too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kalar Splint, Chief Ranger of Galuntrung Keep.

Traveling east along the Geshmere Road. 12 miles east of Merandin.

Kalar's smile broadened as the last of the rain slapped onto the waterlogged paving slabs, "they were very smart, my memories of them warm what remains of my heart." The Chief Ranger dropped his smile suddenly, pulling on himself the guise of a professional killer. "Company," he barked without needing to look at his assembled men, "Skirmishers out in front, crescent formation, six paces between each man."

The Rangers, in their greens and browns, broke into a flurry of motion. They formed a vague semi-circle across the paving slabs, stretching into the shrubby by the roadside. In this way, they would break even a determined force of foot with their bows - whilst at the same time avoiding the possibility of being suddenly encircled in an ambush. It was a common skirmishing tactic, oft used by the Crown's soldiery. As Kalar had found, it was easy to teach and effective, especially in the forests surrounding Galuntrung.

"Ms. Solium, keep behind the firing line if you would be so kind," Kalar said, keeping his seriousness. "The journey to Okly is but a short one, and hopefully my scout will return to us in due time with a report. Until then, we must be vigilant. There is not telling what haunts the Geshmere Road, but I can be fairly certain it isn't human."

With that ominous remark, he moved away, and as one the group started a cautious advance eastwards.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Adria Solium


Adria smiled with the man as the last of the rain stopped, though that quickly dropped as well when he started ordering his men into position. Had he sensed something dangerous already? Were they about to be attacked by some hideous horrendous beast?

Adria watched as the Rangers moved into position. It was impressive how quickly they moved and how fluidly they did so. Each one of the Rangers seemed to be in perfect time with the others. They formed what seemed to be a semi circle, which even Adria could tell was very protective.

"Ms. Solium, keep behind the firing line if you would be so kind

Adria would simply reply with a "yes sir". The man was quite commanding, and Adria found herself actually wanting to do what he had told her to do. Especially with the warning he had given her about the dangers up ahead. At this point there was no doubt in her mind that something dangerous was up ahead. Perhaps she should turn around, leave and guarantee she would live. But something was keeping her with these rangers. Perhaps it was the adventure in it. She always did love that feeling.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It didn't take Liara very long to reach the outskirts of Okly. She only hoped her meeting with the unknown beast didn't delay her too long. Deep down inside, she had hoped for another meeting, but she had a job to do. To think about anything other than that would get her killed.

She had crept along the beaten path into town, keeping as close to it while remaining hidden in the trees as she could. It was a vantage point, anyone going to or coming from Okly would have to move through there ... or through her. Luckly, she hadn't run into any trouble just yet. But it was the anticipation of what she'd find once to her destination, that kept her on edge.

The scene before her was nearly identical to the caravan they found. Everything was burnt to a crisp. Bodies torn apart, homes turned to ashes, not a single survivor could be seen in the quick glimpse she gave what used to be known as Okly. Whatever it was that brought death upon the caravan did so in the same fashion, with the same ferocity aso the caravan. What a bloody mess.
At first glancd, she didn't notice anyone or anything really - at least nothing living. But it was her duty to inspect fully. She couldn't go back to Kalar with a half assed report.

She took up her position in a tree, cupped her hands over her mouth, and produced a sound that like of a bird. And not just any bird. It was her intention to send a signal through the woods, letting her mentor know she had arrived safely and will do a thorough search.

Once down from the tree, she scurried within the shadows, trying her best to blend in with the scene. She just needed something, anything that could tell them who or what was responsible for all of this. Anything at all beyond the soot and rubble from the caravan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Few buildings still stood in Okly. Burnt Timbers were rampant though and they defied the pouring rain with their residual heat. All around were half eaten corpses of adult men and women, though some were bizarrely melted into the stone itself. From the center of the town anyone could here a strange and otherworldly chanting, though those few aware of such things would recognize the language as from the void itself.

In the center of town were a large assortment of beings, maybe 50 in total. In the center of the square was charred and broken down monument to an old Okly hero, but around it were a group of ten figures in black cloaks. They faced it in a ring chanting, but their cloaks did little to hide the fact that underneath their bodies were misshapen with unnatural bulges in various places. The cloth did however, hide just what deformities each chanting figure had from closer inspection.

North of the chanting cult was a group of ten motionless men in battered armor. Their skin was peeling and they reeked. The tallest of their member was the only one to move, his eyeless head moving as if to scan the perimeter and nothing else.

To the east of the town monument was a group of around thirty human bandits in ragged leather and furs. They were all unkempt and talked amongst each other or else seemed utterly bored by the goings on. The biggest of their number, an unnaturally huge man who was as wide as he was tall and covered loosely in furs stomped his way up to the chanting circle with a disgusted look. "How much longer will this take?" he asked putting a hand on what one could assume was the leader of the chanting circle.

The chanting stopped. The leader of the cloaks turned just its head to speak with the hulking bandit. "The whole reason we snuck out of the encampment was to worship the work of the magnificent creatures of your world. Your Dragons are so regal and magnificent. There's just nothing quite like them back home. Besides there's plenty of time left in the day to pillage the next town down the road."
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