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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kalar Splint, Chief Ranger of Galuntrung Keep.

Okly Outskirts

That the Elf knight did not even dignify Kalar with a response scored a searing line across the Chief Ranger's pride, causing him to mutter profanities. "Fucking knights, you're all the same."

The battle was turning suddenly, and not in the Ranger's favor - something Kalar was now painfully aware of. The bandits had rallied, despite the thunderous longbow volleys, and were launching a desperate counter-attack. They scrambled over each other, jeering and swearing, their boots clawing at the mud. Kalar was tempted to sound a fighting retreat, though he knew it was far too late to try such a thing.

Still, two things happened that hardened Kalar's resolve.

Adria, the Wolf Girl, had made her way through the chaos back to the rangers' firing line. With her lute, she sent a series of dazzling tunes that momentarily made Kalar forget everything, and then he saw the bandits' charge falter. They came to a halt, some looking puzzled, others clawing at their ears. The Rangers of Galuntrung made good the situation, and unleashed a final, close-range salvo into the huddled mass of their enemy.

Men screamed as white feathered shafts broke bone, punctured lungs and tore flesh. The bandits, some looking close to breaking, shook themselves free of Adria's apparent sorcery. Kalar raised his brow at her, thoroughly impressed and somewhat surprised. She'd given the Rangers a few more kills, but alas, it wouldn't be enough.

The bandits continued their charge, and no amount of arrows or songs would stop them now.

"Swords, swords!" Kalar screamed above the rising carnage. "Give no quarter!"

"No quater!" his men echoed, drawing their blades.

And that was when he noticed Liara, at the edge of their line. His chest warmed at the sight of her; with Liara at their side, the Rangers of Galuntrung would yet prevail. Kalar smiled despite himself, and turned to his rapidly approaching foe to display the same menacing grin he had given to all the bad folk he had ever killed over the course of his career.

And then a horse whined, and there was a bright flash. Something hot struck Kalar's face, causing him to stagger, and he became intimately aware of a searing pain stretching up his right leg. Men close to him, his men, screamed in agony. He opened his eye and saw flame sprouting from the ground beneath him, from his boot and thigh. The vision in his right eye blurred, and then went black.

Kalar howled in pain, his years of stern faced discipline carelessly cast aside in exchange for primal rage. His two short swords flicked up in one fluid movement, and then he threw himself forwards into whatever happened upon him. His right elbow caught a man's jaw, his left hand plunged a sword into another's throat, his forehead crashed against a sternum. All the while, the flames raged across his flesh.

The Rangers of Galuntrung looked on in part horror, part dismay, as their flame-laden leader raged through the enemy ranks. Bandits collapsed left and right, reeling from sword strokes, but eventually he slowed, and fell with a final scream.

Kalar's best found their nerve, and with a scream of defiance, they cast their lot in with their leader. They crashed with their enemy, swearing damnation and vengeance until their throats were hoarse. They were skilled swordsmen, the best one would find in these parts of the Kingdom, yet for all their bravado and fame, they were just men in leather. Without Kalar to lead them, they'd last only minutes. These men were not legendary warriors.

That role would have to fall to others present.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Adria Solium

@makrinagon@icepezz@frengo@cultural titan

Adria continued to send sound after sound towards the bandits, and for the most part it seemed to be working. Bandits clawed at their ears, and then fell as the Rangers arrows struck go it seemed it wouldn't be enough. As the last of the affected shook off the effects of her sound magic, the Rangers drew out their swords. This would be a close battle indeed.

It was then that Adria noticed something, a flash and the sound of broken glass. And then a searing heat. At first, she thought it was on her, but then she noticed that rather then her, it had landed on kalar and a few of his other men. The fire was simply burning that hot! It was horrific, and her first act would be to throw some sound towards the one who had thrown the fire in the first place. Her second act would be to jump back, and to send some sound towards the stricken Rangers. As she did so, the Rangers ears would ring, but the fires would go out. But... Kalar wasn't there. He had already ran off into the bandits ranks. Even on fire, he tore through them like a madman! If it wasn't so bloody, and horrifying as she saw the fire eat away at him, it would be impressive. But inevitable, he would fall. She wasn't sure if he was dead, but she could still see him among the pile of dead bandits he created. It probably wouldn't be worth much, he was probably dead already. But even so, she couldn't just let him burn to ashes. She would do the same on the body as she had for the Rangers, and then go back to throwing sound at the bandits.

Even as Adria used her sound magic, the wave of bandits still would not relent as they clashed swords with the Rangers. The Rangers were fierce fighters, but even they seemed to be hitting their limit. Something had to be done, and someone had to take charge before then, but who? Certainly not Adria, who only stayed to help because she had started the whole thing in the first place. There were a few fierce looki- SHWACK! Adria instinctively swatted a bandit that had broken through the line away with her lute. It would send the man flying back 2 or 3 feet, and presumably knock him out. Adria backed herself away from the fight just a bit more, set sound traps around her in case anyone else broke through, and began to charge up a sonic boom. It would only take a couple of moments, but if she was able to finish and unleash it, it knock both bandits and Rangers away from where ever she put it, and disorient them enough. Though there weren't all that many Rangers fighting, so she would have to be careful where she used it. Instantly, she decided on what looked to the weakest part of the line. The Rangers looked to be in trouble already as bandits backed them into a corner. The Rangers would no doubt be taken out of the fight with the bandits, but it would save their lives and give the other Rangers a chance to take out some of the bandits. Considering the sound traps, it would be unlikely that anyone would be able to stop her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Aegis realized his danger, and he abandoned his attack, which had been mostly a feint, anyway and he stumbled back ungracefully, but in a controlled way. He backed off just out side of the big man's range, even if he charged Aegis. He studied his foe anew. That attack had more speed and strength behind it then any normal human, maybe even more then me. Whatever this guy is, he is no ordinary human. His mouth curled into a gleeful smile. Excellent, I guess I have no reason to hold back. His hand, hidden by his cloak, reached up to the collar and undid the clasp. "You're pretty strong for a human, I'll give you that, but-" He never finished his sentence as the next moment, he pulled his cloak off and threw it in the man's face to blind him. Immediately, he followed up with an X-shaped pair of slashes from his sword, drawn straight from his belt.

@Cultural Titan
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

It must have been midday. Leyton was walking through the streets of Cladstein, with a skin of ale in his hand. Pondering all the words he has heard about his birth and what he may be, his left hand tapped lightly on the pommel of his sword as he paced through the streets. He had to twist slightly out of the way of some drunkards and street merchants to keep himself moving, but that is hardly a bother for him at this point...

Tipping his head upwards, he can see the royal palace. "I wonder if I can see the king there...I have questions for him...However...If I just intruded, would I be killed? Or..." He took a sip from his ale-skin and chuckled. "I wonder if any of the guards in the palace can take me...With their heavy mail and ridiculous swords and all.." He thought to himself as he weaved his way through the streets and headed for the royal palace..."King Sariel..." He whispered.

"I'm home, brother..."

It was the first time he has called the king his brother with such conviction, and even then it was barely above and audible whisper...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 19 days ago

Lucinda Giséle
Morning | Castle Clandstein Dining Hall

@Cultural Titan | @Cubix | @The_written_John | @Cuccoruler

Lucinda was very pleased with the simple spread of food before her. Sariel truly knew her well, to offer her what seemed like such a mundane breakfast. Nothing fancy or over the top; just good and honest food to start the day with. A maid carefully used a spatula to slide a soft cooked egg onto a piece of lightly grilled bread. Lucinda would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the more lavish, extraordinary meals that the kitchen had produced on many occasion. However, every now and then she really appreciated these quiet, simpler times. You just never know how long they will last.

Already the conversation at the table had turned back to Rida and her behaviour. Although Lucinda tried to be supportive of her daughter to prevent her from feeling like a black sheep, she couldn't help but feel the disapproval from Alistair and Sariel. Lethonel stood up for his sister, which warranted a pleasant smile from his mother. Never failing to see the good in others was a very favorable trait of the young boy. Rida looked to be pouting, explaining her intention to lighten the mood around the castle. Lucinda didn't envy Sariel or Alistair right now. Being on Rida's bad side only made you more likely to be a victim of much more sinister tricks. Lethonel interjected with his idea of Rida joining him on his task.

"Splendid idea! It sounds like a fantastic way for you and Rida to spend some quality time together." Lucinda stared back at Alistair and Sariel, beaming. They still seemed a little mad at Rida. Even Alistair muttered a comment on how he'd prefer to punish the girl. Lucinda gently rested her hand on Sariel's lap.
"Let it go, darling. You weren't much different in your youth. I remember once when we were only just betrothed you-" Lucinda stopped herself, staring at Lethonel and Rida. "Oh, but perhaps that story should be saved for another time." The Queen's cheeks flushed red, even more so than usual. She was glad she was able to bite her tongue before sharing a rather scandalous memory from her youth in front of such innocent ears.

Clearing her throat, Lucinda stood from her chair and nodded her head in gratitude to the maids. They responded with deep bows to their Queen before scurrying off to clean up her plate.
"I'm sorry to cut this short, but we must make haste. Our guests will be arriving shortly and I want all of us there at the main gate to greet them. I know, there are a thousand things you'd rather do on such a lovely day, but it would mean a lot to your father if you were all present." Lucinda addressed the children with her plea. She wasn't too fond of greeting her husband's court either, but she knew that if they treated them respectfully they'd be more willing to listen to Sariel.

Morning - The Abyss Labyrinth

@Legion02 | @Cuccoruler | @Cultural Titan

The Dark Lord watched with an almost beast like thirst as their subordinates presented themselves to Nyarlathotep one by one. A leader of a Vampire clan, a dragon knight and a vengeful ghost of a man were among the few that stood out. The creature of the abyss slowly moved down from their throne of black ooze. The masses parted as their lord walked through them.
"Children of Dark," the ominous voices of the Dark Lord rang through the minds of all present. Those of weaker hearts even found themselves feeling nauseous in Nyarlathitep's presence. "Today we make us known to the world. The town of Okly is under siege as we speak. Yet, this is not enough. To the nobility of this wretched land, my followers are simpletons worshiping a false idol. Their acts will only ever be considered the acts of madmen." Nyarlathotep raised it's hand to the ceiling, and the ground began to tremble. People could feel their bodies shaking, and some even felt as though their heads were about to burst. From the tips of their fingers, Nyaralthotep blasted a large beam of darkness that cut through the depths of the labyrinth. Sunlight shone down on Nyarlathotep, giving it's followers a good look at the face of darkness.

"We depart for Okly. Today, I will make myself known. They will tremble before me as they realise that their darkest nightmares are now a reality." There was a loud cheer from the group. The Dark Lord had been inactive for quite some time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As Nyarlathotep took to the sky with the powerful beating of it's wings, it's followers jumping and climbing up the hole eagerly, it became clear that now was the time for Dark to make the first move.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Liara finally reached the line of rangers. They held tight and steady, doing their best to keep up with the onslaught ahead. She caught a glimpse of the wolf girl, noticing how her music had done much to help their cause.

Just then, within the blink of an eye, any opportunity of victory shrank to a void of doom and defeat. Screams shattered her concentrated attacks, and fire struck at her company. And right there, in the middle of it all, was Kalar. Liara shrieked in horror as she watched her brethren burn. What would it all come to if her mentor, the only thing left that warmed a small corner of her heart, had fallen? But instead of going down with the rest of those around him, the fire had sparked something pure and primal from deep inside. It was a sight Liara hadn't seen in ages. By the time Kalar fell, he had unleashed a wrath so deadly, not only had several fallen in its wake, but it also inspired what was left of his force to do the same.

Defeat would be inevitable, if they couldn't get their shit together. She had no mind for strategy, but something needed to be done. Someone needed to lead the rabble out of this. Whether towards a glorious death or uncertain victory, it needed to be achieved as one. She scanned the battlefield quickly, taking in the dynamics of their situation. There were many obstacles, the tides were surely against them. That's when she saw him; the one who launched the fire at her men. He wasn't quite an imposing threat, but then again, at first glance, neither was she.

The extra burden of her bow would only hinder her next move. She quickly discarded it and reached her hands to the two kukri that hung at her side. A loud roar erupted from somewhere deep inside her, her gaze tilted toward the heavens with an arched back as if sprouting wings towards purpose. Fixed with rage, she returned her eyes upon the one who threw the fire, she would have his life. Even if she died in the process.

Her voice boomed loud and clear to the rest of the rangers. "Be ready for anything, lads. We can still win this! The four of you, on me." she pointed to the four closest rangers. She knew them not by name, but by their heart, and the rage in their eyes that beheld their leader's final moments. With deadly speed and force, she rushed to clash blades with the redhead who brought fire to them.

What a sight she was. Her mangled red hair had mostly freed itself from her braid, slicked with mud and soot. Her pale blue eyes were all that stood out amongst the dirt and grime that covered her. Her blades cut through the bandits with ease as she maneuvered herself through the battlefield, the four she summoned, following close behind. Slicing throats, piercing vital organs, the force behind each blow was deadly enough to a normal man. Pair that with the speed of her attacks and she was an unstoppable fury.

She met him at last. But something had changed about her. Those eyes that had once been a mirror of the sky, had turned black as pitch and seemed sunken in. Her face paled, even the color of her hair seemed to lack it's luster. Every muscle in her body tensed as she looked upon the man. With a firm grasp on the hilt, the blade parallel to her forearm, she struck.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago



Cythlla smiled as Nyrolothtep accepted hers and her clans acceptance. "This will indeed be fun. We shall meet you there." Cythlla said with a smile as both her and her vampires turned into bats. "But I will not be coming with you to Okly, I'm afraid I have already attacked Okly, It would be smarter to stay ahead of them as this is war. I will be aiming for another farming town. I plan to win this war through weakening them first." Cythlla explained as her voice came from the mass of bats. "If I were to appear at Okly again they would have a chance to strategize against me." Cythlla added.

Cythlla had a mind for tactics, she would not have survived for 200 years without that mind of hers. If she was going to win this war, she was going to do it through strategy. Her and her vampires however did not leave yet, they wanted to approval of Nyralothtep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 11 mos ago



The bandits were almost all dead., but then so were the rangers. In Liara's charge towards Kaird McGrath she did not realize that one by one each of them was drawn into combat with another bandit and then another and were cut down. This would be their last set of small victories however. Looking at their terrible state the remnants of Akrelmar's bandits turned tail and fled while the few remaining rangers caught their breaths.

It was not all good news. As the ten armored men appeared with peeling skin arrived behind the rangers lines. It would be clear to anyone at this distance that they were zombies of old Celakorian knights. There would be no rest for the living.

At this point the chanting stopped. The presumed leader of the cloaked figures pointed to two of his brethren and motioned them towards the battle. As ordered they did begin their slow, seemingly disinterested march while the remaining cloaked figures moved north out of the square.

@Crimson Raven

Akrelmar was disappointed that again his strikes hit air. This man was fast, but the giant bandit was confident he could get the better of him soon. After all he was a terror in this part of the kingdom. None had ever stopped him before and that was not going to stop now he thought. "You're pretty strong for a human" his opponent began, "I'll give you that, but-" and with that a cloak was thrown into Akrelmar's face. Well, it wasn't that effective. it never quite reached that high and clumped to gather in the wind, but it still distracted and blocked the line of sight of the bandit lord long enough for Aegis to step in cut into the man's flesh. Blood was spilled, but the man's flesh was very tough causing the slashes to stop before hitting organs. "How could you do this to us?" the demonic voice from within Akrelmar pleaded, invading Aegis's mind. Akrelmar's own voice was more outraged. "You bastard!" he screamed, not realizing how applicable his taunt was. The huge bandit hunched forward in pain, but he brought his arms down on his opponent. His left tried to come behind Aegis and press him into the bandit's stomach while his right tried to bring his maul down on the back of Aegis's left leg.


@Cuccoruler@Leslie Hall@The_written_John@Cubix

Sariel certainly was angered over the nonsense that been spewing from his daughters mouth. She should know better that this family was the best thing to happen to Celakor in a very long time. But Lucinda was right. He needed to let it go. He breathed in deeply and then groaned at the realization that his wife was also right about another thing. He needed to be there to greet every general and every Kingsguard... He was hoping to act on Alistair's suggestion and simply clear his mind with Lucinda and some tea for a few hours. Sariel breathed deeply again. Perhaps later. For now he had a job to do. The king quickly stuffed his face of his remaining food in a mostly unkingly manner and bolted up with energy that betrayed his actually low enthusiasm. "Come on now. We've got a lot people to greet and we only really get the one chance." Sariel waved his family to join him and began his way to the main gate.


@Cuccoruler@Leslie Hall@Legion02

Raven stood and sheathed his sword. "I will go with you to Okly soon" He said simply before turning away to get above ground. As he left the Abyss Labyrinth he was met with many of his undead lieutenants. They were empowered by one of Raven's souls and were mostly used to communicate orders throughout the army as they possessed greater intelligence than most undead in addition to greater fighting prowess. From Memory Raven order each and every one of them to a particular place in the White Woods and told them where they would be going when the attacks began and any relevant information about the terrain around their target or how combat ready the population was. Sure his memory was 20 years out of date, but little changed in Celakor's cold north. The greatest force was to be left in waiting to attack Galantrung keep. A shiver went though Raven as he remembered his first sight of its initial destruction. Whoever was their now would be evicted with great haste so that Raven could reclaim his family home.

Done with his lieutenants the revenant waved them away. They would then go spread the word to lesser commanding undead, cultists, demons, bandits, mercenaries and whatever else they may be directing in the opening moves of the war. Of course Raven inteded to bring a sizable force with him to Okly in case Nyarlathotep decided that Merandin was a good target or to flank any targets that were giving his men trouble.



Oglaff went on for quite some time in his search in the White woods.There was little sign of any human activity here as the twenty year old legend of The Revenant of the White Woods scarred off almost all common folk. The only people who did spend much time in this forsaken place were desperate bandits and the rangers who hunted them and the rangers themselves often left no trail.

However by as if by luck or divine favor when Oglaff may have been at the limits of his patience he kicked something metal with his foot. On inspection the barbarian would find it to be a chamber pot warm with human refuse and left in the bushes in what would appear as the middle of nowhere. This wasn't nowhere now though. Scanning the forest Olgaff could spot a man hiding in the foliage who quickly scurried away under a rock slab into a cave.


Clandstein was the crown jewel of Celakor. The streets were cleaned regularly. A rudimentary sewage system helped to keep the populace healthy, the buildings were in good repair and everyone went about their lives without a care. As much as it would bother Sariel to admit that not everyone had benefited equally from his rule, these people in Clandstein had certainly benefited the most. Not one of them it seemed, knew of the impending calamity that would soon envelope the kingdom.

As Leyton walked through the city towards Castle Clandstein an unusual sight appeared before him. A man and a woman were arguing in the street and they were drawing quite the crowd. The man seemed down on his luck dressed in blue and black rags with a long beard and dirt on his face, while the woman wore a white and pink dress and was covered in jewels. They seemed to be arguing over the man stealing one of her rings and ultimately the woman started calling for guards. The man bolted away running straight at Leyton and knocking him aside. Looking at the man as he ran away he seemed to be hiding something from view, something bigger than a ring he had not held before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oglaff the Mighty

White Woods

Oglaff roared profanities at his s**t stained boot, and launched a giant meaty hand into the center most part of a nearby oak; the ancient tree shook slightly with the impact, and the barbarian removed his fist, leaving an entrenched knuckle print in the bark. "F**k this f**king piece of s**t country," he roared, "is this how I am to die? Covered in s**t, lost in some c**ting forest!?"

Something blurred at the edge of his vision; he spun, his mood suddenly calm and focused. At first he thought it was just his age playing tricks on him, again, but then he saw movement in the shrubbery. His eyes narrowed as a man darted from behind some low lying plants and disappeared behind a rock slab at the mouth of a concealed cave.

"Oi, you there!" Oglaff spat, in heavily accented Celakorian, "is this your filth!?"

The blind lass' oldman?

Oglaff started storming forwards, "Oi, I said, get back here!" He reached the cave entrance in short order, and stared into the blackness it presented him with. "Don't f**king make me come in there, or I swear to the Gods of Blood and Glory that I'll skin your hide!"

The barbarian waited for a few minutes, and no reply came; in fact, he noticed that the entire forest had come to an audible standstill. No doubt this was courtesy of his tirade, and right now a whole battalion of small wildlife was looking at him with confusion.

"Listen," Oglaff yelled down the cave entrance, "If you got yourself a blind bitch of a daughter, then you got to get home to her so I can be done with this horse s**t."

Still nothing.

"Alright then," Oglaff said, smirking. "So it's got to be the hard way."

He drew his bastard sword, the sound of metal sliding on metal echoing down the cave's entrance way, and with a deep suck of air, he moved forwards. Little known to his comrades back home, Oglaff despised the darkness; he preferred the idea of killing and dying beneath the light of day, not fumbling about in the shadows. Still, it appeared that he may have stumbled into something worthy of his time. Then again, maybe not.

That man would not have been the first to run from the mere sight of Oglaff, though he may be the last.

The cave entrance led directly into a tunnel, and Oglaff's eyes started to fail him after only a few meters in. He kept his sword high and pointed forwards, so that any foe would run the risk of skewering themselves if they were equally impared. He walked slowly, one foot at a time, trying to keep his noise minimal.

A pungent stench of damp threatend to over power everything else, and Oglaff hoped that it would mask his own stench, if nothing else. After three dozen paces, the air started to cool, and the old warrior felt that he had started to travel down hill. By now, he couldn't see anything, and had started poking the floor ahead of him with the tip of his sword to ensure he didn't fall into a pit - though the situation was becoming less and less ideal by the second.

Then his sword bounced off something hard - a wall. He felt around in the darkness, and realized he had arrived at a junction. He looked left, and saw only darkness, and then looked right, and saw the feint yellow glow of a distant torch.

Smirking, he moved towards it, turning suddenly to his rear every so often in a vain bid to frighten anyone who might be moments from lunging a blade into his back. Not that he would see them coming. In such a situation, he would just have to hope they didn't fell him in a single blow, and that he had enough time to flail around like a crazed horse until everything was dead.

Gormagh, Ranger NPC


Gormagh stumbled backwards, exhaustion racking his limbs, making them heavier and stiffer than iron. He wheezed, his lungs burning from sustaining a hundred sword swings. A bandit lay at his feet, choking on frothing blood that had errupted from his lips. Gormagh looked down, and grimaced slightly when he realized his foe was a mere boy, no more than fourteen winters.

"Have," he puffed, "the Gods... no mercy?"

Liara's voice boomed loud and clear over the battle, shaking Gormagh from his weariness. "Be ready for anything, lads. We can still win this! The four of you, on me."

Four of his brothers gave each other a questioning glance, and then they dashed off after the red headed beauty. Were he not so tired, he may have fondly remembered all the times he had stared at her out of boyish lust. Now was not the time though, for there were more pressing matters.

The bandits were breaking, their losses as dreadful as those suffered by the Rangers, but their yellow bellied wills had taken them to flight. Gormagh was tempted to chase them into the ground, to kill them all no matter what the cost-- but he owed Kalar a debt.

He was no Captain, no Lieutenant, he could profess no claims to any line of authority; however, Liara had taken off to avenge Kalar, and as much as he willed to follow her, he could not ignore his duty.

Turning to the other two surviving rangers, who were as bloodied and as exhausted as he was, he had a crack at giving some direction, "come lads, let's be gettin' ourselves to Kalar. We can't leave without his body, not after everything he's done. No crows will feast on him this day."

The two survivors nodded their approval, and together, the three rangers sprinted forwards; they jumped bodies and staggered on the slippery blood soaked ground as if drunk. Gormagh lost his footing a couple of times, planting his face into the mud on both occurrences.

But then they were there, and whilst his comrades gasped in despair, Gormagh just grimaced. He'd seen worse.

Kalar had been reduced to a blackened husk; skin had peeled from bone, his right eye had melted into its socket. His two swords had been firmly welded into his palms. Gormagh removed his cloak, and cast it over his former leader.

"Get him out of here, he has no right being left in a Hell like this," Gormagh said, looking around for any signs of the enemy.

That's when he noticed Adria, the bard that Kalar had recruited on the road. He felt anger, looking at the delicate creature through the smoke and haze of battle; she'd done this, Kalar was dead because of her.

"No," he muttered to himself. "He blundered, he sent a civilian into battle and it cost us dearly. She is not to blame." He pretended to believe his own words.

Nevertheless, he was duty bound to spirit her away from the battle, it was what Kalar would have wanted; enough people had died today.

With the two rangers at his back, one gripping Kalar's scorched boots, the other his blackened shoulders, Gormagh moved quickly and arrived behind Adria.

"My lady, we must depar-" and then he saw a line of shambling features approaching them over the Wolf Girl's shoulder. "Good Gods, what are those?"

"Dead men, if I ever saw 'em," one of his comrades replied instantly. "Best we get ourselves away."

Gormagh spun to find Liara, she'd know what to do! And that's when he realised her four impromptu bodyguards were not with her, and she was lunging for her pray- the red haired man that had undone the Chief Ranger of Galuntrung.

"Ballocks," Gormagh hissed. "You two, leave our master where he is, and get the Wolf Girl out of here. Send word to the Keep, tell them of what has happened here!"

"Naw, I aint leavin' Kalar," one of the Rangers said, spitting at the ground. "You get the girl out of here, we're runnin' whilst we still can."

And with that, the two rangers started moving off towards the west, hoping to cut around the line of deadmen.

Gormagh looked at Adria, "best you go with them my lady." And then he turned, and started stalking towards Liara's impending duel. "Ensure you sing the song of Kalar Splint," he finished, without looking back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Makrinagon
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Makrinagon Tada gan iarracht.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Whump. A massive force impacted Kaird's midsection, causing him to stagger backward. He performed a cursory check - no detached ribs, at least that he could feel through his armor, nothing terribly out of place. Just a lack of air in his lungs, and he knew that would come back. He gulped down huge mouthfuls of air as he straightened himself up, still reeling from the invisible punch to his gut.

He could fret about his trunk later. Right now, there were other, far more pressing matters to concern himself with. Kaird watched in a half-fascinated, half-horrified state as the latecomer slashed her way towards him. Sure, his 'allies' were nothing special - he could've cut through them with much the same speed had it been necessary - but there was something unnerving about the fury with which she strove for him.

He must've hit a nerve with his firebomb. Many had that reaction, seeing their comrades consumed by the primal fury of burning oil.

Good. That would make this all the more satisfying.

Kaird ducked under the first wild swing, whipping his left arm around to catch the second on the thick leather of his gauntlet. He took a split second to admire the blades. He'd never seen anything quite like their broad heads or strange curves, almost like reverse scimitars. That strange shape was probably what had saved his hand from amputation. As it was, the force of its 'neck' impacting his gauntlet and skimming away resonated through his arm. He felt his fingers grow numb, and a hot, biting pain crept up his forearm. He felt a grin split his lips. He hadn't had a fight like this since the last time he met a Paladin.

Sliding the Lucerne down in his grip, he took a heavy overhand swing at the redhead. Her friends had met the fire, now she would meet the steel.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 4 days ago

The meal was simple yet Lethonel wouldn't want it in any other way. Sure, the tension in the air was still high due to his father and brother's hostility towards Rida's antics, but it would seem that mother would side with her. He did still smile though, trying to enjoy their family breakfast amidst all the soul flagellations, and the scowls. And, he would have enjoyed it better if it wasn't for a strange ill-feeling building down his trachea which reverberated through his system, causing his right arm to spasm immensely and swipe one of the glass cups. The fragile cup fell to the floor with the prince's cerulean eyes tracking it as if it was falling slowly. As it collided with the floor, the cup was riven in numerous fragments of what it once was.

An ominous, dark feeling surged within Lethonel as he couldn't explain the sudden bout of sadness that overcame his psyche. Immediately, he turned to his family with an apologetic grin. "I'm so, so sorry." Lethonel bowed his head. "I didn't know what came over me..." he suddenly winced at a sudden sharp pain at his index finger-- noticing that a shard had jabbed itself upon his finger, causing a small amount of crimson liquid to flow forth. "I'll just call Jaiden over, yeah?" the prince stood up, abruptly pulling out the shard much to his discomfort before turning to one of his closest friends in the kingdom: his own personal servant-slash-bodyguard-slash-brother-slash-confidant-slash-a lot more. "Jaiden, sorry for the trouble, brother. Can you please clean up the shards? I'll make it up to you soon." the prince requested before clearing his throat.

As soon as the meal was finished, and his father stood up, Lethonel followed suit as he examined the cut on his finger which had began to slowly heal. "Brother Alistair, sister Rida, come. We have a lot to do today, don't we?" Lethonel chuckled, turning to his father. "Father, would it be okay to bring Jaiden as well? He is somewhat important to my overall being. Who would clean up my mess if he wasn't there?" the blonde prince laughed before heading to the main gate alongside his family.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Adria Solium

Adria was able to unleash the book without interruption. Both Rangers and bandits would find themselves taken out of the fight, though the bandits would find themselves out... More permanently, as other Rangers quickly downed them. It was then that another ranger approached her, with two more behind him with the sadly, yet painfully obviously dead kalar in tow. Adria felt a pang of guilt, as she had indirectly started all of this. "My lady, we must depar-". The man was stopped short at the sight of something behind Adria. Curious, she looked back behind her, and noticed that the ones she thought were survivors, were what looked like walking dead men. It seemed the Rangers shared her surprise.

Adria looked back again, they didn't seem very interested in the battle. Though, I suppose the dead wouldn't be very interested. Now that she could see them clearly, she could perceive a pungent stench coming from them, even over the charred body of kalar. Whatever they were, it was doubtful her sound magic would have much of an effect. With the bandits on the retreat, and the dead on the attack, it would seem Adria's helpfulness had run out, and now all she would be is a burden. After a small argument, two of the Rangers began running off the battlefield, the body in tow. "best you go with them my lady." without looking back, he had one last request for her. Without looking back towards her, he said "Ensure you sing the song of Kalar Splint"

Before she could respond, he was already gone. In the short time she had known him, she had already been able to tell that Kalar had been a good and respectable leader, and she would make sure to follow his request. Especially considering that it was just as likely that it would be the first and last time she would ever see him. Adria turned back towards the Rangers ahead of her. They were already a good bit ahead of her, but it wouldn't take her long to catch up. For the most part, the path west seemed clear. And notwithstanding an ambush, they would be out of town quickly. As they left the battlefield, Adria turned back towards the corpse ridden square. Would they all be dead if she hadn't almost gotten herself killed? No doubt the question would haunt Adria eventually, but for right now she needed to get herself out alive. Lest the sacrifices of the fallen Rangers turn out to be in vain.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Liara managed to jump back as the menace blocked her attack. She noticed a grin slip on his face, her attack wasn't merely deflected, it stung a little too. Good ... at least there will be some satisfaction after all

She flipped the grip of her weapon, taking on a more traditional stance with the blades and readied herself for what was to come. The strength in his swing was undeniable, his weapon came from overhead and met hers with a heavy 'clang'. It would prove a miracle if her bones had not shattered from the force alone. But she couldn't give in. Not like this. She blocked the attack with her right side, using her left hand to motion her blade out and up, from the tip of his rib cage to the tip of his ear. There was another move that she could've used, but she savored the challenge, was thrilled by the battle. Something had crawled out from the dark pits of her past.

The noise of the outside world fell mute to this moment. The cries of her men as they fell, the sound of defeat that hung in the air, all was quiet for just a sliver of time. The demon had been unleashed, and it felt good.

Her hands moved in unison, the blades swiping at the air in front before she tumbled back. A smirk lifted the edge of her lips. Her gaze drifted beyond him for a moment to notice the chaos that befell the battlefield, and the hordes of undead that were upon them. She eyed Gormagh and sighed softly. "Another time, perhaps", she addressed her opponent, chuckling softly. Her eyes returned to their striking blue, and lingered back to the form before her. "The duties of a lady are never ending, it seems", her words were laced with sarcasm and the smirk was slow to fade. She whistled a sound of retreat to whoever was left on the battlefield. ”Rangers, fall back!”, she yelled out. Her eyes were fixed on the redheaded man as she slowly backed up from her position, treading towards Gormagh.

She rolled her shoulders, shaking off whatever influence the demon had left over her actions, her movements, and the darkness retreated within once more. She would face him again. And the earth would tremble and the heavens would cry. What a battle that would be.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gormagh, Ranger of Galuntrung



Gormagh's advance halted in its tracks, as if he'd slammed into an invisible wall of stone. His brow furrowed, as he looked at Liara, who fought the Bane of Kalar Splint with a speed and fury he'd never before seen in any mortal man. Her form was perfect, her movements determined and concise. Her exotic blades and her nimble frame somehow held against an overhead swing that would have cleaved Gormagh in two, or at the very least, shattered his wrist.

"By the Gods," he managed to mutter, not quite believing what he was seeing. "What is she?"

And then she whirled, all soot and mud, breaking from the Bane of Kalar Splint with an attack that seemed so out of place - as if designed to withhold the finality she was capable of unleashing. Gormagh gasped then, when her sunken eyes, as black as night, locked with his - and then returned to the much healthier, much more enticing blue that his intimate thoughts knew her for.

"Well that's terrifying," he remarked, panting; his exhaustion returning to him tenfold. "Though perhaps weariness deceives my senses..."

”Rangers, fall back!” she called.

Gormagh looked to his left, looked to his right; green clad bodies marred the mud and the ruins of Okly in place of his living and breathing brothers. He was the last. And as much as that realization pained him, and as much as he wanted vengeance for Kalar, the combatants on the field far surpassed his abilities and valor. Adding himself to the slaughter would do little for him, and even less for the cause of Galuntrung Keep.

"We must send word to Lieutenant Hertford," he said, watching the soiled form of Liara trudging towards him. "A regiment of Rangers would see these dogs all put to the stake," he paused to motion to the line of dead men shambling their way. "And they would see those abominations returned to the literature of children's tales."

Lieutenant Hertford was one of Kalar's subordinates, whose regiment would be in the vicinity. If the Gods had smiled upon Liara and Gormagh, then perhaps he had stumbled upon the ruins of the Okly caravan, and was perhaps making his way towards the village - having picked up the tracks left by Kalar's men in their hasty advance. Then again, it was possible he was miles away on some other errand.

Nevertheless, an escape to the Keep would allow Liara and Gormagh to raise the alarm, and they certainly couldn't dwell in Okly a second longer.

"Let us break north, around the dead men, and rejoin the Geshmere Road. Either we find Hertford on our way back to the Keep, or we find him when we get there; it matters little, there is nothing else the two of us can do here." He said, sheathing his sword and backing away from the settling chaos.

He turned to see the bearers of Kalar's body vanishing into the green surrounds of a now deceased Okly. He mumbled a prayer, asking for their safe journey, and for his former master, that his soul may find peace in the afterlife.
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