Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: 7:37 AM- 7:53 AM
Location: Beverly Hills High School: Front of the Auditorium, Deserted Hallway
Interactions: Dominique @HushedWhispers, Troy @Universorum, Analise @Aewin (Special Mention: Alexandros @Altered Tundra)

Anna had giving Audrey a quick hug before the latter moved to handout Dominique's drink. "You took your time today. Did you wake up late or did you spend your entire morning choosing what to wear?" Anna quipped, grinning.

Audrey gave her an embarrassed smile. "If you must know, I completely forgot to set my alarm an woke up when I got Domi's text. Thank God for that, because if she hadn't send it I'd still be in Dream Land!" she responded with a giggle.

While Anna hadn't really minded her lateness, Domi was a whole other story. The Queen had given Audrey nothing but a scowl with her arms folded until she'd received her drink. Once she had it in her hands, she'd eyed Audrey while raising the cup up. "Don't think that this is going to take away from your lateness." Domi had said with a smirk that let Audrey know she was joking. Audrey smiled back at her as Domi took a sip of her drink. "The extra whipped cream might though." she'd winked towards Audrey.

After looking away from Troy, Audrey heard the familiar sound of a disturbingly loud car engine. Her beautiful face scrunched up into a mask of annoyance when she pictured the car's owner, and she secretly prayed that the bitch wouldn't come near her or her crew. But, of course, the odds were clearly against Audrey's favor, because in what seemed like no time the blonde was walking past them and exclaiming in a bright voice: "Morning Domi & Tristan! And morning to you too, Ana!" To no one's surprise, the only thing Audrey got from her was a cold look that Audrey readily replied with her eyebrows raised condescendingly.

But whatever chill Audrey had was lost the moment when Victoria Hansen shamelessly bumped into and flirted with Alexandros in front of her."Who does this chick think she is?!" she muttered furiously under her breath. Yes, she knew whatever had happened between her and Alex was long finished, but that didn't mean that she didn't get furious when other women threw themselves at him. Though she would die before admitting it, Audrey still had feelings for Alex, even if he had been nothing but a lying, cheating asshole to her. Maybe it was because of the constant thrill her life was with him, or the crazy adventures they'd had together, or maybe it was because he'd been the only guy in her life to treat her less than she was accustomed to. Whatever the reason, she was an idiot to keep said feelings and close herself off to anyone else because of what he'd done. Who knew if happiness was just around the corner?

But back into the current situation... Victoria needed to be put in her place immediately, and what better way than to force her to go back to hell where she belonged by ruining her outfit? Impulsive as ever, Audrey didn't hesitate in taking off the lid of her hot chocolate cup and just as she was about to throw the cup's contents all over Victoria someone's hand grabbed her arm.

“Sorry, ladies. But I need to borrow this one.” A male voice Audrey would recognize anywhere explained sadly to the others.

"Who in the hell do you think you are? Whatever you have to say to Audrey, you can say to all of us." Domi had remarked with a smile, then snickered as she looked at Analise then back at Audrey.

With a disbelieving look and unable to utter a single word, Audrey turned to see Troy reaching out and snatching a muffin from Dominique's basket with his free hand while keeping the other one with a tight grip on her arm. “Don’t mind if I do. Don’t worry, I’ll deliver her right to you at the assembly. Won’t be more than ten minutes.” And without another word or giving anyone enough time to protest, Troy stalked off, dragging Audrey behind him.

"Go and handle your business, girl." Audrey heard Domi nudged her. She took a look in their direction and saw her friends entering the auditorium while she was wordlessly being dragged away from them.

Once Troy and Audrey were alone in a deserted hallway, no one around to see or hear them, Troy smiled at her, looking her up and down. Audrey was furious, so instead of smiling back at Troy like she wanted to do she only glared at him. Then, knowing fully well he was in trouble, Troy used the strategy that had worked for him since their first encounter: stealing a quick kiss from her. The butterflies in her stomach went into a frenzy, but instead of calming her down, this time his action got her even more angry. She had opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind, but Troy spoke before she could protest. “Hey, Princess. Miss me? I just wanna say… that I know exactly how much you like them nuts.” He teased, smirking.

She loved the way the word 'Princess' sounded in his voice, directed only at her. She had indeed missed him terribly the short period of time they'd gone without seeing each other. She wanted to laugh at his comment about her liking nuts, give him a big hug and kiss him for going along with her dumb comments. But Audrey's pride and ego was too big for that, and she didn't want to seem weak or easily manipulated. Even if she felt something for Troy, that didn't mean she would treat him differently from how she would treat others. Well, at least in public. In private, she was a whole other person.

"Troy Marcus Blake III: what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Audrey began, hissing at him in an angry voice while taking a moment to look around to see if anyone was around. She continued to glare at him with her arms crossed in front of him. "How many times have I told you to not do stuff like what you've just done in public?! You know that the only reason why I agreed for us to have what we have was that no one could know, and yet here you are being all obvious as hell again! Everyone will notice of you keep on pulling little stunts like these! You may not care about your reputation, but I care about mine, and want to keep it as neat as possible. Don't push me, Troy, because I can end this faster than a blink of an eye!" She closed her eyes and took a few calming breaths, then opened them after a while and said in a slightly calmer voice. "If you must know, I was going to find you after everyone else was inside the auditorium to give you some coffee I had for you back at my car, but you had to be so freaking impatient, didn't you?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 7:20 - 7:35 A.M.
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Analise @Aewin, everyone else nearby

Oh wasn’t she sweet? Giving Alexandros that smile. He had seen by all of the self-proclaimed nice girls. They were so naïve. Thinking that all of the rumors that the may or may not have heard about certain boys couldn’t be true. No one could be that bad, right? In some cases, that might be true. Hell, in almost every case, it’s certainly true. However, Alexandros was just as bad as every rumor he heard about him floating around social media. He might just be a bit worse than them. Of course, Alexandros would never let that be known, certainly not have anyone hear it come from his lips.

“I would like that very much.” God how Alexandros sounded like some kind of fake, stupid-as all hell nice boy. But alas, that was the kind of charade he needed to put on to not give away any ill-will that he most certainly had.

As the assembly went on, Alexandros found his mind being filled with the fun prospect of what could happen between him and Analise. Such fun thoughts entered his head. Here he had this naïve, innocent schoolgirl who had no idea the kind of guy that Alexandros really was. If anyone knew what he was like, Audrey would know, but he didn’t see her at the assembly, so he had to assume that she was off somewhere, possibly with some fuckboi. “My family owns this Italian place not far from the school. What say you and I go there after school?” Alexandros blurted out of nowhere.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OneWayOut

OneWayOut Sarcastic Fuck

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Time: 6:00am - 7:30am
Location: Valentine's Residence & Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Domi @HushedWhispers, Analise @Aewin, & Alexandros @Altered Tundra

Harmonia gently bit at her lower lip in frustration as she tried to get the camera angle just right. She typically didn't try to make videos this early in the morning, nor did she do them in her room since she could never get the right lighting. Today however, was an exception. She'd been so busy getting ready for the first day of school that she forgot to update her subscribers on YouTube about her changing schedule. She needed to do that to ensure no one got upset and unsubbed. People were petty like that. When she finally got the damn camera to sit up straight, she pushed the record button and sat back in her chair.

"Well, this is like... different." she started, looking away from the camera for a moment and frowning at the mirror behind it. "Forgive me if I look a mess. I've not had a chance to like, do my makeup yet." she paused and pouted, making a few silly faces at the camera before laughing at herself.

"Sorry, I'm done. Let's get to the video now." she said with a wave of her hand. "Hi guys! Harmony Vee here back with another tutorial videoooo-! Which is what I would be saying if this was like, one of those but it's not. I don't think I'll like, have enough time for that anyway. Uhh... Today's video is going to be like, short and sweet so let me not get off track here."

Harmony reached for her rose gold iPhone and held it up for the camera to see. "I've got like, a list of things I need to say so if you like catch me looking down, that's why. So, uhh first things first I like, want to apologize for not uploading videos in like, a few days, I've been like really, really busy lately. With what you ask? Well like, my piano recital tonight, which I'll like, get back to in a minute, and- insert drumroll sound here..." she paused and did a quick air drummer gesture. "School!"

She sighed and shook her head. "Yes ladies and gents, I said school. Today is the first day of the new year and I am like, really excited and sad at the same time. Now that school's back in session, I won't have as much time to like, upload my usual tutorials regularly like I used to. Now, this doesn't mean you won't be seeing me for like, months, this just means I won't be able to make my longer videos as frequently as I would like to anymore." she clarified, looking away from the camera and down to her phone for a second.

"Next thing is my upcoming piano recital. Now, for those of you who entered my contest a while ago, you already know that I picked three lucky people to attend for free and they've like, confirmed with me that they will be attending, and I cannot wait to see you guys there. I want to just like, thank all of you who entered my contest and who voted for me to get this far. You have like, no idea how much it means to me. If I impress the judges this time and get chosen to go forward in the competition, I'll like, be one step closer in winning the scholarship I wanted. So this is like, a really big deal. Thank you again." she glanced at her phone again, pushing a lock of her dirty blonde hair behind her head.

"Oh and for those of you who didn't win, don't worry. I get to bring a friend or family member for free so I'll have them like, record it so you all can like, see my performance. I can't record the whole thing, just like, my part. So uhh, yeah. That's really all the time I have right now, I'm already running really late. Thank you so much for watching. Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed seeing me in all my makeupless glory, and I'll see you all next time. Vee out!"

Harmonia smiled and held up the peace sign for a moment before reaching forward to turn off her camera. Afterwards, she quickly edited and uploaded her video to her channel, linking it to all her social media accounts before getting started on her makeup. She kept it simple, using her everyday routine to quickly cover up her imperfections on her skin and that was pretty much it. She never really went all out with her looks on the first day, since a lot of students didn't even show up to the assembly. By the time she'd gotten everything packed and was ready to head out the door, it was nearly 7am. Thankfully she only lived a five minute drive from school.

When she left her room, she called out for her parents, wondering if they were already up. When she didn't get a response, she crossed the hall to their bedroom and peeked inside.

"Mom? Dad?"

She got no response. The room was empty.

A sigh escaped her lips and she closed the door before heading down the stairs. When she got to the bottom she was startled to see Pamela, her house keeper, waiting at the bottom.

"Holy shi-" she started, jumping in fright when she saw the tall African-American woman.

"Language." the older woman said, crossing her arms.

"L- Language? You nearly like, scared the literal crap out of me. What are you doing lurking in the corner, looking like the Grim Reaper for?"

The woman rolled her eyes. "Goodmorning to you too. I was just coming to get you cause I thought you slept in."

Harmony rolled her eyes and stepped around Pamela, her heeled boots clicking loudly on the tile floor. "I'm not a child anymore Pam. I'm like, nearly an adult. Why do you even keep coming here? I don't need you."

"Now is that any way to speak to me?" the woman said, following Harmony into the kitchen. "Even after I keep everything clean and even made your favorite breakfast for you?"

"Like I said, I don't need you to do those things for me. It's not like I make that much of a mess on my own." she said, her tone shifting to a sad one, even after she noticed her favorite breakfast of blueberry pancakes was waiting for her on the table. Pamela didn't say anything right away, and so after a long moment, Harmonia turned to look at the woman.

"I haven't seen them in a while. I mean like, when they come home I'm already asleep and when I wake up, they're gone. Are they doing okay?"

"Your parents are fine, they just have a lot on their plates right now. When I leave, they usually are just getting home. I can't imagine how they do it day after day."

"You would think they have enough time to at least like, see me off on my first day, right?" Harmony said, biting her lip.

"I can't say for sure. But, I do know one thing." the housekeeper said.

"What's that?" Harmony asked.

"You got me to see you off on your first day. And you won't be home alone when you return." she said with a smile, reaching forward to hug her. Harmony embraced the older woman tightly, thanking her without words and hoping it would be enough. When she was released, she fixed her shirt and her hair.

"I don't need you anymore." she said, smiling softly.

"Yeah, but you do like having me around. Have a wonderful day at school dear.

"Thanks Pam. Keep my pancakes in like, the microwave or something. I still want them." she said, waving and making her way to the garage, ready to take her new 2016 Chevy Camaro out for a drive.

Finding a good parking spot in the school's lot was no easy feat since Harmonia was so fashionably late to the assembly. Students had already made their way in, save for the few stragglers like her. She wasted no time rushing inside along with the rest and following the crowd to where the assembly was being held. She spotted a few people she knew as she awkwardly came in and saw there was no place to sit with anyone she was familiar with. She stood off to the side a bit, letting people pass her by, but she didn't see any open spots. People were literally cramming between people to sit with their friends. Instead of doing that, she went off to the side and pretended to be busy holding up the wall as the assembly started.

It was the same old stuff, and thankfully, it went by rather quickly and people started to leave or stay and chat with their friends about what they wanted to do next. A few people she recognized were nice enough to wave or compliment her outfit as Harmony went to collect the papers she needed, and as she too was getting ready to leave, she spotted her bestie sitting with Dominique and... someone she knew but couldn't quite think of his name. She quickly made her way over to them, glad she spotted Analise when she did. If she wasn't busy, she hoped her friend could come to her recital with her.

She gave a little smile and a wave as she approached them. "Hi, sorry if I'm like, interrupting." she said looking from Ana to Domi. As usual, the Queen of the school looked totally gorgeous and Harmony thought it was only nice to say so. She wasn't very good at compliments though, and so she said "Hi Domi. Long time no see. You look so great like, your hair looks better than usual today. I know how hard it can be, like, my hair never cooperates with me." In all honesty, she wanted to sound genuine, but it totally came out sounding like a backhanded compliment at best. After giving a warm smile, she looked to the guy she couldn't quite name and said hello to him as well. "Hi there. So sorry to interrupt your uh... conversation. I wanted to ask Ana something really quick." she said, looking away from him quickly and turning her eyes to Analise.

"Sorry I haven't texted you in a few days, I've been like, really crazy busy. But... I was wondering if you're free tonight? At like, 5? I have my piano recital tonight and I need someone to video my performance for my channel. If you're busy then that's fine." she said, glancing at the guy sitting next to her and awkwardly rubbing her arm. "I just figured it doesn't hurt to ask."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 7:20 - 7:35 A.M.
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Analise Arnette - @Aewin
Harmonia Valentine - @OneWayOut

“Most certainly,” Alexandros said with a charming smile.

As the blonde who just arrived started to talk with Analise, Alexandros took to his phone. He might appear to be on it, possibly going through Facebook or some other social networking site, but in reality he was hearing the conversation that new girl and Analise were having. It probably wasn’t the most polite thing to do, but when was Alexandros ever polite. He might be charming, and be able to suade almost anyone to his way of thinking, but he never said he was polite. Well, at least not to the people who really know him. Only to those that he planned on deceiving.

When the new blonde began telling Analise something about being free at five, Alexandros keened into that time. As she would say more, it was revealed that she was wanting her friend to come to her piano recital. Apparently she needed someone to film the thing. Interesting for sure. This blonde didn’t appear to be that kind of person that would play piano. Alexandros thought that she was maybe a painter, or an actress - but a musician? That definitely peaked his interest. So much so that Alexandros curled a smile. In his mind, he was planning something interesting. Probably not for her, but for his boredom.

“If I may interject,” Alexandros calmly said, “I think she will be free. I had offered to take Miss Arnette to a quick bite to eat after school.” Alexandros said, “I’m sure we will be finished way before five.” Alexandros, so cockily stated as if Analise had already said yes, “and if you’ll have me, I think a Piano Recital sounds like a splendid way to spend one’s evening. “ Alexandros cracked a smile, charming as ever, deceiving as ever.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jackson Aurum

Time: 7:35 A.M.
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Alexandros - @Altered Tundra

Jackson sat at the top of the bleachers throughout the assembly. He felt like dieing the entire time. It was so boring! Blah blah blah. School rules. Blah blah blah. Don't do this, don't do that. Blah blah blah. He felt entitled to just leaving the entire thing, if not for the fact that he was him, but that he was also a senior and an adult. You had to be pretty dumb to not know that cheating was wrong. Well in theory at least, if you don't get caught though...

As the assembly began to come to a close Jackson noticed the transfer student Alexandros sitting next to Dominique and Analise. He watched for a minute noticing how close Alexandros was to the sweet blond. Prick. Once again Jackson felt that protective urge from earlier in the day surge. She could do so much better than that jock. The irony floated about his head as the thought that he was a much better candidate popped into it. Again he pushed away the thought.

It was one thing that he was hitting on Analise. It was another that he was hunting in Jackson's territory. Ever since he had come to this school he had been invading more and more. And even though he would never admit it, Jackson felt threatened because he was better then him. Well at least when it came to flirting, but if he got a chance to hit him... He felt rusty, like your old phone that was being replaced by the latest model. With a slight smirk, he thought to himself that there wasn't a damn way he was going to let some idiot replace him. Shooting one last glare in Alexandros direction, Jackson stalked down the bleachers and ducked out of the assembly hall.

Lilith Storm

Time: 7:35 A.M.
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Tristen - @HushedWhispers

Sitting on the left of Tristen, Lilith almost didn't see his sister approach them and start whispering in his ear. Probably talking trash about her. And to her closest friend too. The smile that was on her face fell as thoughts about what the Queen could be saying. If she tried to start anything, Lil promised to herself she would ruin Dominique. Brains over brawn... or whatever she had. As she walked off with her little clique, Lil fiddled angrily with her earrings. Slightly distracted she pulled a little too hard causing her to flinch away from her hand and straight into Tristen. Glancing up at the cute giant next to her she muttered softly, "Sorry..."

Now that she was sitting right next to him she felt incredibly awkward. Now that they were, somewhat, alone she had no idea what to say anymore. It was really her own fault. She had had a crush on him since as long as she could remember. He was so perfect, his height, the way he talked, and so smart, god damn. But of course he didn't notice her any more then a friend. Biting her lip she looked away from him quickly. Stupid awkward situations.

Sitting through the assembly, Lil didn't really pay much attention. Her hands were constantly moving about her body, fiddling with this, tapping that, playing with her hair. It was almost like they had a mind of their own sometimes. Glancing up from her phone, Lil noticed that the assembly was nearly over. Turning to Tristen she hesitated before blurting out a rather blunt question, "What are you doing after this?" If he wasn't sitting right next to her she would have smacked herself in the face. Smooth as silk. She was named after a damn demon and had a incredible intelligence that never failed to bring forward the correct words, where was that sharp tongue when she needed it. Shrugging to herself, she turned quickly away again saying, "Forget it. It was stupid to ask."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Troy Blake

Time: 7:53 AM - 7:55 AM
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting with: Audrey - @Dirty Pretty Lies

Troy let his princess finish her statements, figuring that if he didn’t, he’d be in a worse position than he already was. The smile on his lips never left as he listened to her talk, and he didn’t exactly know what. The reality of the situation was that Audrey’s soft voice brought him butterflies in his stomach and happy smiles on his lips, but he hadn’t come to grips with that, at least not yet. When she finally finished her spiel, reprimanding him for being so impatient, Troy swooped in toward Audrey, stealing yet another quick kiss; he couldn’t help himself. “Yeah. I’m sorry, I can’t help it, really. Besides, if I didn’t move in when I did, you’d have covered that one chick in hot chocolate, and that would not be good for anyone,” Troy paused and stared at his princess, reaching one hand out and gently placing it on her waist. “Besides, I can’t do this when we’re that far apart.” He took his other hand and moved it up to Audrey’s head, lightly cupping the side of her face as he leaned in and placed a much deeper, more loving kiss on her lips, leaning into it and just barely resisting the urge to give her tongue.

After a few seconds, he pulled away and let his hand fall away from her face, though the one on her waist stayed in its place as he reached into his jacket pocket and held out the box, unmistakably from a high-class jeweler. “Happy anniversary. It’s been three months, and yep, I remembered all on my own. And before you go ‘oh, you used your parent’s money to buy me a gift, how thoughtful,’ think again. I had to work super hard to save up for these fucking things, so you better wear ‘em proudly. I basically had to live a that crappy diner and work so many goddamn hours of overtime that any normal man would have cried himself to sleep at night by now, but not me. Nope, I had a certain gift planned for my princess--because she deserves, of course, only the best--and nothing would stop me from achieving it. And so I did just that. Because I do whatever I set out to achieve, nothin’ can stop me,” He moved his hand off of her waist and carefully opened the box to reveal her present: a pair of diamond earrings.

Troy smiled at her as he waited patiently to see her reaction. “I am of the opinion that I did pretty damn good, especially since you won’t even let me stand near you if any of your friends are within a five hundred yard radius. And, I think I deserve a reward, don’t you?” He asked, closing the box again before he slid it into her hands. Troy was all smiles, and why wouldn’t he be? He was a guy, and he’d managed to not only remember the anniversary, he’d gotten her a present. And an expensive, diamond one at that. He hoped Audrey felt extremely bad now, especially since he knew how she’d make it up to him later.

Oh, it was indeed good to be him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: 7:55AM- 7:59 AM
Location: Beverly Hills High School: Deserted Hallway
Interactions: Troy @Universorum

Audrey's frustration with Troy increased as he kept a dumb smile on his handsome face all throughout her rant, but it was quickly dissipated by him stealing yet another kiss from her. "Trooooooooy, stop!" Audrey whined in a feeble voice that fooled no one. What kind of magic did Troy have that he was able to handle Audrey with such grace, Audrey didn't know. But what she did know was that she wouldn't have it any other way.

“Yeah. I’m sorry, I can’t help it, really. Besides, if I didn’t move in when I did, you’d have covered that one chick in hot chocolate, and that would not be good for anyone,” Troy paused and stared at her in a way that sent her heart soaring while reaching one hand out and gently placing it on her waist.
Audrey took the chance to quickly add, "That 'one chick' as you call her really had it coming, hun. You interrupted an act of public service."

Troy decided to ignore her comment, because his next words were: “Besides, I can’t do this when we’re that far apart...” before using his free hand to cup her face, leaning in and placing a deeper, loving kiss on her lips. By this point, Audrey was done fighting against her feelings ('God, why did he have to be so irresistible?!'), and so she wrapped her arms around him and leaned into the kiss, forgetting everyone and everything. After a few seconds -and much too quickly for her liking- Troy pulled away and let his hand fall away from her face but keeping the one on her waist in place. Audrey was still trying to catch her breath from their kiss while he reached into his jacket pocket and took out a box, unmistakably from a high-class jeweler.

She frowned at him, clearly confused. "What's that?" she asked Troy, nodding towards the box. "What's that supposed to mean?"

“Happy anniversary. It’s been three months, and yep, I remembered all on my own. And before you go ‘oh, you used your parent’s money to buy me a gift, how thoughtful,’ think again. I had to work super hard to save up for these fucking things, so you better wear ‘em proudly. I basically had to live a that crappy diner and work so many goddamn hours of overtime that any normal man would have cried himself to sleep at night by now, but not me. Nope, I had a certain gift planned for my princess--because she deserves, of course, only the best--and nothing would stop me from achieving it. And so I did just that. Because I do whatever I set out to achieve, nothin’ can stop me,” He moved his hand off of her waist and carefully opened the box to reveal its contents.

Audrey's mouth fell open in shock when her eyes landed on a pair of the most gorgeous diamond earrings she had ever laid eyes upon. They were cushion-cut, with a halo of smaller diamonds that framed a much bigger one, each of them shining brightly like a star against the black velvet of the inside of a box. Judging by the way they shone and the brand name she'd read on the box, Audrey knew these weren't fakes.

Still stunned, Audrey looked up at Troy. "Oh my God, Troy! You really didn't have to!" she exclaimed, barely able to hold back the tears of happiness and surprise. No man had ever gotten such a reaction from her; after all, no man had ever done something like that for her. And here was this guy, someone that she didn't want to be seen with and kept hidden from the world, sacrificing his time and putting up so much hard work to save up enough money to buy her a pair of diamond earrings (did I mention they're diamond?!) just because it was three months since the first time they had hooked up during the end o the semester party. It wasn't just the earrings, but the fact that he had remembered this date and put such an effort to show he cared really got Audrey's mind working... Was this just a friends with benefits thing, or could this slowly be shifting into something else?

Audrey was at a loss for words and on the verge of bawling her eyes out, so in order to not let Troy see her cry (even if it was from happiness; her pride is that big) she did the only thing she could think of: she wrapped her arms around him again and gave him the sweetest, most emotional kiss she could muster. She tried to put a lot of unsaid things into the action -things she probably wouldn't even dream of saying- with hopes that Troy would be able to understand then; after all, Troy seemed to have a knack of figuring her out quite easily. Once she was sure she wouldn't start crying on him, Audrey gently pulled away from the kiss and gave Troy a tight hug and a breathtakingly bright smile. "Thank you so much, Troy," she whispered, genuinely grateful for what he'd done. Knowing fully well she hadn't gotten him anything, Audrey quickly suggested what Troy would love as a next best thing.

"So... What do you say we skip the assembly and go somewhere else, just the two of us?" Audrey purred, giving Troy one of her suggestive smirks while planting a tantalizing kiss on his lips. "That way I can show you just how thankful I am for this gift." Before he could reply, she did the same thing he did earlier: she grabbed his hand with her free one and dragged him out of the school building and into the passenger seat of her car. In all honesty, she hadn't really wanted to attend the dumb assembly anyway, and she'd missed Troy too much to not jump at the chance to spend some private time with him. Once she was seated at the driver's seat, Audrey gave Troy a sweet, bright smile that anyone who knew her would find completely out of character. She grabbed the lonely coffee cup that had been sitting in the cup holder and handed it to Troy. "Here you go, baby: one white chocolate mocha. I hope it's not cold!" She waited until he'd taken a sip before asking: "So, your place or my place?" she asked him, placing her cup on the cup holder and putting on the earrings. She checked her reflection in the rear-view mirror and smiled. "Damn, love, you got some really great taste! These look absolutely amazing on me." Audrey turned to Troy, eyes sparkling, placing a hand on his.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 16 days ago

Time: 7:35 AM - 15:00 PM
Location: Beverly Hills High -> Home -> Party
Interacting With: His aunt then Alexandros at the party@Altered Tundra

Lakshya had arrived at the new high school right on time, hiding himself near the back so he wouldn't attract any unwanted attention as the hall slowly filled up with more and more people. His dark eyes watched a couple of people; one dark skinned girl followed by another blonde moving from one seat to another, a redhead leaning towards the guy that the two previous girls were sitting with prior.

"The Queen's havin' a party." Lakshya heard muttering from beside him. Making sure to keep his eyes trained in front, he listened in carefully to the two chatting girls beside him. Eavesdropping was rude, but when thrust into a situation when you don't know anyone, nor have anyone to talk to to pass the time, what is one supposed to do?

"I know, I saw the tweet. Are you going?" The second girl asked.

"I don't know... would we even be invited?"

"Probably, Dominique doesn't seem like the bitchy type. We might as well try!"

Huh, so some Queen was throwing a party? Lakshya was sure that there was no royalty in this area, he would've at least heard a lecture by his aunt about appropriate behaviour if so. He could only guess that they meant the head of the school. Sighing, Lakshya tuned out the chatting girls beside him, as everyone settled down to let the assembly begin.

Assembly was... boring, to say the least. Standing up immediately, he adjusted his jacket before setting out back home again.

"Lakshya! How was your first day?" His aunt greeted as Lakshya stepped through the café doors. It was closer to one in the afternoon when he finally reached home, the boy deciding to take a detour through the town to try and get himself more familiar with the new environment. Despite being in the US for a few months, Lakshya barely left the café's immediate vicinity.

"Fine, boring mainly." Lakshya replied, setting his bag and jacket down at the empty seat beside the counter, standing away from the short line that was at the till.

"Why? Didn't you make any friends?"

Concerned as ever, Lakshya chuckled. "I was only there for the assembly, mausí, there wasn't any time for me to talk to everyone."

Lies, but he couldn't admit to his aunt that he didn't try to talk to people, she'd make it into a huge problem. He definitely did not want to tell her about the party. He knew she'd force him to attend it, even if he had no invitation. And there was no way in Hell that he was going to crash a party hosted by some Queen he doesn't know - and end up embarrassing himself in front of his potential classmates and peers.

"You're lying." The older woman leaned forward onto the counter, narrowed eyes staring into Lakshya's suspiciously. "Spill it, Lucky. Something happened."

"What? I'm not--"

"I've known you since you were in your diapers, you can't lie to me."

Sighing, Lakshya reluctantly told her about the party he had overheard the two girls talking about before the assembly. "There's some sort of beach party being hosted by some queen. But I'm not going."

"What! Wh-"

"I don't know them, mausí, I can't just go as if I know everyone!"

"Of course you can! How're you supposed to get to know everyone?" She asked incredulously, filling up a cup with cool water before sliding it over the counter towards Lakshya. He took hold of the cup, sipping carefully at the drink.

"During class? Like normal transfers?"

"Lucky, you're being an idiot. I want you to go and meet at least one person today. How are you supposed to be a star in India if you don't even want to attend a party a classmate is hosting?"

The woman had a point. When he becomes an actor, he cannot just deny going to every party out there, he'd be ridiculed by the media for being such a recluse. "Alright, fine! One hour though. That's it." He bargained, sliding the cup back towards his aunt and grabbing his stuff.

Guess it was time to head for a stupid party.

Two hours later, Lucky arrived at the beach where the party was supposedly happening. It was filling up with people, some he recognised from the assembly earlier - including the two girls that were sitting beside him - so he knew he had the right area.

Now came the hard part: finding someone to talk to.

It was easier said than done though.

Heading towards the direction of a guy that looked somewhat friendly, Lakshya gave him a smile, albeit forced. "Hey, I'm new at the high school here, though it's probably easier if you call me Lucky." He introduced himself, wincing at the awkwardness. "I heard there was a party happening?"

Well, he could only hope that he didn't sound like a moron.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Time: 5:45 - 6:33 P.M.
Location: The Saunders Residence & The Beach Party.
Interacting With: Analise & Lakskya-@Aewin | Audrey -@Dirty Pretty Lies | Jackson & Lilith -@Wintergrey | Alexandros -@Altered Tundra | Troy -@Universorum
The sun was making it's way across the bright, blue sky as various array of colors such as orange and pink filled the horizon. She had to go shopping alone since her band of girls had guys to deal with and she was alone. The Queen Bee alone and she wasn't going to stand for it. She wondered to herself which ship couple to destroy first, Audrey and Troy or Analise and Alexandros. While the thought got pushed to the back of her mind due to a knock upon her door, she waltzed over and opened it, revealing her brother behind it. "I'm inviting Lil to the party so please be nice." Hearing his words, she opened her door a bit wider and stood against the door frame, arms folded.

"She doesn't belong in our world, Tristan. You know she doesn't." Dominique remarked as Tristan rolled his eyes. "Just try, okay? For me?" Tristan pleaded as Dominique rolled her eyes and waved him away, not responding but instead closing the door in his face. She huffed to herself slightly as Tristan lowered his head and pulled out his phone, sending a text to Lilith.

To: Lil
I'm coming to pick you up. You may hate it but you are coming to Domi's party. No buts.

When he sent the text, he ran down the stairs and got in his Mustang, revving the engine a little bit before skidding off. Dominique stared down at him from her window then placed on her newly brought bikini, which was blue with white polka dots and even a blue wrap to cover up everything underneath. She placed upon her feet blue sandals then took a few pictures before uploading them to Snapchat and Instagram. She then grabbed her keys and made her way to the beach.

When she arrived, she took out her phone and shot her girls a text.

To: The Glams
So, when u girls r done hunching or whatevs, care 2 come to my party? LOL.

She sent the text then clutched her phone in her hand and got out of the car, seeing the party getting set up wonderfully. The tents she had requested were being set up in place. She even brought out a few of the cabanas, just in case some of the couples wanted their alone time. She snickered at the thought and saw some guys bringing in Tiki torches. Everything was falling into place and so suddenly, too. Dominique had to make a few quick calls to get everything in store but everything was coming along nicely - If she had to say so herself. Dominique was lurking around for her brother and that thing he was bringing with him to see if they had made it yet.

To: Tris
Where r u? Did that thing eat u? :)

To: Domi
No. I'm at her house now. Just waiting for her to get finish changing.

To: Tris
Just hurry up and get here. K?

She sent the text and bumped into a cute boy on the beach and stared him as her phone went tumbling onto the sand beneath their feet. Dominique was caught in awe as this guy before her was fine. "Uhm, sorry about that." She said while reaching down and picking up phone and walking shyly away and going over towards the bar. The Queen Bee apologizing? That guy should've been the one apologizing. Not her. She was flustered and turned to glance at the male again as she had never seen him around before. She bit her lower lip, pondering on whether or not the guy was going to come over and talk to her or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lilith Storm

Time: 6:00 P.M.
Location: The Storm House and The Beach Party
Interacting With: Tristan - @HushedWhispers

Lil was freaking out, like totally. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit... SHIT!" Her hair whipped back and forth across her face as she searched through the piles of clothes. "Where the fuck are my socks?!" Lifting up an old blue t-shirt, she began throwing article after article of clothing over her shoulder. How could she lose her socks? That was like the one thing that was impossible to lose. There were so many of them! Or there were supposed to be...

After successfully moving the entire pile behind her she slumped down to the floor in defeat. The socks were gone. They had run off. Her head tilted back as a groan left her throat. She was so going to be late. Late to the beach party. That was definitely not what she had envisioned when she asked Tristan what he was doing later. But she wanted to hang out with him so bad and besides he didn't really give her much of an option based on the text she has received earlier. So she was forced to go to the stupid party. With his stupid sister. And the stupid sun. And the stupid sand. Another loud groan rolled out of her. If only she could find her stupid socks.

Catching something out of the corner of her eye, Lil's head turned till her eyes were level with the underside of her dresser. That thing that she never used. Like ever. But there it was. Sock. Hiding right there. One. Just one sock. Singular. Not plural. Glaring at it angrily she stared it down as if asking it to rat out its companion. Sighing she snatched it out and sat up. As she went to put on the sock she paused. On her left foot was a sock. "How the..." She shook her head at her own stupidity.

Putting the finishing touches to her makeup she glanced at herself once more in the mirror, mentally bracing herself. Pushing back a stray strand of hair. She smiled at her reflection, jittery with anticipation. Grabbing her traditional hoodie she ran out the door. Reaching Tristan's car she practically fell in. Glancing up at him from her awkward position she smiled weakly and giggled, "Sorry, lost my sock."

Jackson Aurum

Time: 6:30 P.M.
Location: The Beach Party
Interacting With: Dominique - @HushedWhispers

Standing at the bar, Jackson sipped at his drink. He was surprisingly early. Which was unfortunate. It really was no fun before people showed up. No partying, no laughing, no fighting, no drinking. Well... maybe not the last one. If he were to say something about Dominique, she certainly knew how to throw a party. The place was coming together very nicely, and quickly. There were even tents! He smiled thinking about what that would most likely mean for many.

A slight grin resting on his face he turned to see if anyone was arriving. His attention was caught by the Queen Bee running face first into some kid. He winced inwardly with a laugh awaiting the certain reprimandment. But it never came. Dom was apologizing. She walked over to the bar and stood right next to him. She didn't even notice him. "Pinch me I must be dreaming." His smile grew wide as he began to tease her. "Did the legendary Dom, just... apologize? To a mere mortal? Unheard of. It's either the end of days or a true christmas miracle."

Winking at her, he handed her a drink from the bar. "Some party you got here. Nice touch with the tiki torches." The sun was at the perfect height to be create an amazing sunset view. All around the beach tiki torches were lit, lighting up the tents and cabanas. The party was just getting started. Being completely blunt Jackson looked at Dominique, "Not that I really care about the tiki's. Is Analise here?" He really hoped she would show up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 7:20 - 7:35 A.M.
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Dominique (@HushedWhispers), Lucky (@Aewin), Jackson (@Wintergrey), Analise(mentioned)[

As per usual Alexandros fashion, he arrived fashionably late. Though, based on who was already present, it didn't seem that he arrived as late as he had planned. Fact was that Alexandros had a lot of time to kill after he was rudely(to him) turned down of an invitation to that promising recital. Apparently it was only going to be a girl thing. Oh well, Alexandros was able to spend his time in the company of people that would want him, or at the very least, what he had to offer. It just so happened that a few lucky ladies were in the mood for a good time, and Alexandros had the goods to offer said good time. Aside his body, he had a few ounces of cocaine that he spent the last couple of hours giving out, and it just so happened he would have plenty to offer. He had a few more ounces that he obtained from a friend of his, and a beach party was the perfect place to distribute it at. Well, given that the Queen Bee herself didn't spot him giving it out. Apparently she didn't want his party favors at the party.

Sitting at the bar, Alexandros was sipping a martini. As he took a sip, some caramel-colored — he was probably Indian — strolled on up, and introduced himself to Alexandros. This should prove to be amusing. Alexandros turned in the stool that he was at to face this guy who told Alexandros to call him Lucky. What a stupid name. Whatever, might as well say hi. "Lucky huh? What a catchy nickname. People around here call me Alexandros." Alexandros raised his glass to Lucky. "There is indeed, but it seems our host isn't--" Speak of the devil, and she shall appear, ebony-skinned and all.

Her blue bikini caught Alexandros' eye. He always thought she was attractive — like, anyone who had sexual attractions to females would. Dominique was the Queen Bee for a reason. Not only did she command everyone with her assertive nature, but her physical appearance played a large factor in that. Alexandros would be stupid if he didn't recognize that Dominique could get a rise out of the south with anything as simply as a brief look.

"--looks like I spoke too soon, Lucky," Alexandros took another sip from his drink. As he was about to swallow it, he heard something that he never thought he would hear coming from those ebony lips of Dominique's. "Now that's something you don't hear from her often." Alexandros chuckled, "Lucky, if you're going to take anything from this, note that it's a rare sight to see the Queen Bee of Beverly Hills High apologizing to anyone that wasn't her nerdy brother, Tristan."

Alexandros put his drink on the bar countertop. He then got up from his chair, about to gesture Lucky to follow him — about being the keyword here. He all but stopped when he heard the same annoying, self-righteous voice of someone that made the worst parts of Alexandros come out, and demand playtime come early. "I don't know, Jackie-boy, last I saw her she was just a gentle nudge away from having a late lunch date with me." Alexandros knew that Jackson hated being called that. In the two years that they have known each other, Alexnadros always antagonized Jackson by calling him that name. He knew it got under his skin, and that was the main reason why Alexandros kept calling him that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 16 days ago

Time: 6:30 PM
Location: The Party
Interacting With: Alexandros @Altered Tundra

In the middle of chatting with the guy - Alexandros, Lucky added - a cute, dark skinned girl wearing a blue and white bikini crashed into him and dropped her phone as a result. "Oh, are you o-" Before Lucky could finish his question, she had moved away towards the bar.

Seems like apologising wasn't something the cutie was known for, however. Alexandros explained that the Queen Bee rarely apologised, causing Lucky to raise an eyebrow, sceptically. "I'm sure she's nice enough. Is she really that popular that she's considered a Queen over here?" Back in India, he had never really encountered a social hierarchy in school. In public, however, definitely. Rarely were anybody ostracised because of their social class, unless you were part of the untouchable group - then, everybody hated you.

Lucky noticed the Queen Bee talking to another guy by the bar, something about a tiki torch. Just as Lucky was going to grab himself a drink from the bar, he heard Alexandros antagonising the guy the Queen Bee was talking to. Sighing, the tanned skinned boy gave up on his quest for a drink to try and stop anything before it got out of hand, giving the Queen Bee a smile as a greeting.

"C'mon now, Alexandros, was there any need for that?" Not that Lucky had inkling about what was going on, but he thought it would probably be best to stop things from getting too unpleasant.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: 6:31 PM
Location: Dominique's Beach Party
Interacting with: Lucky @Aewin, Alexandros @Altered Tundra, Jackson @Wintergrey, Troy @Universorum

Audrey had spent the whole day at her villa fooling around with Troy. She'd made sure to compensate his gift very well in the way only she could before falling asleep on his chest as usual. Three months in, and it was still a mystery to her why she slept so much soundly to the sound of his heart beating and the movement of his chest rising and falling. It probably had to do with the feeling of safety and protectiveness she got whenever she was in his arms. After they woke up they had lunch on Audrey's room's balcony overlooking the deep blue of the Pacific Ocean and, in a move that would stun any person who knew the cold, distant, snobbish personality Audrey kept in public, she pretty much spoiled Troy with kisses, hugs and cuddles until she was forced to kick him out at half past five. Truthfully, she didn't want to go to the beach party. Troy wasn't going, Domi would be too busy entertaining guests an making rounds as Queen Bee, Anna would probably be whisked away by any of her other loser friends, she didn't really care for anyone else and Alexandros would probably be there acting as if he was the best thing to ever happen to the world. The prospect wasn't a very inviting one, but she owed her presence to Domi after blowing off her invitation to go shopping earlier because of spending the day with Troy. She'd go to the damn party for two hours tops, then hurry back home to chill with some Netflix and snacks.

For the party, Audrey had chosen to wear a black, spaghetti-strapped, figure-hugging, full-body bathing suit under a dark red satin robe (an attempt to cover up the hickeys that Troy had left on the top and back of her left shoulder) and black flip flops with rhinestone embellishments. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and her face was bare with the exception of waterproof mascara and neutral-toned lipstick: all purposely done to bring all attention to her new diamond earrings. When she arrived at the beach and looked around to see if she knew any of the attendees, she was unable to hide the growl that escaped from her throat when the first person her chocolate-brown eyes landed on was none other than Alexandros. 'God! You'd hope the asshole had somewhere better to be!' she thought angrily, rolling her eyes and scowling. But then she noticed that Alex wasn't alone. Next to him was a very handsome stranger whose unknown, foreign features let Audrey know she'd never seen him around before. He was probably a new student, and on his way to get into trouble by becoming friends with the wrong person without realizing it. It was completely out of character for Audrey to care about anyone but herself, but she felt like intervening. Before she fell into a crisis thinking Troy's quality of looking out for others was rubbing off on her *cringe*, she realized this was a great chance to annoy Alexandros. She knew he hated to be interrupted or overshadowed, and so she'd do exactly that.

"Boy, it seems you really are new here." Audrey interrupted with a sneer, walking over to where the pair stood and taking a stand between the new guy and Alexandros. "If you should know, Alexandros here-" she pointed to Alex with a thumb over her shoulder. "-is trouble with not just a capital T, but more like the whole word written in caps. Among other 'great qualities'-" she said those last words with a sarcastic tone and air quotes. "-this guy has a tendency to hurt or destroy everything he touches, so I suggest you refrain from getting too close to him."" Audrey told the foreigner, smirking knowingly in a way to let him know that she knew exactly what she was talking about. "Take it as life advice if you want to survive here in Beverly Hills High, okay?" She said that last sentence in a voice both Alexandros and Jackson would recognize instantly: it was the one she used when she'd been trying to seduce them. Audrey took a few steps to close the distance between her and the guy until they were only a few inches apart, and continued in that same tone of voice with direct eye contact: "I'm Audrey Huntsberg. Hope to see you around, Handsome Stranger."

Giving him one last wink and without waiting for Alexandros' response, Audrey turned around and walked to where Jackson stood, swaying her hips along the way. Her sultry facade was gone the second she turned her back; it had just been used to further annoy Alex. Though she had an unexplained attraction to handsome foreigners (and this new guy was a treat to the eyes), she hadn't even thought of flirting with another guy since she'd decided to be exclusive with Troy. Sure, she still devoured hot guys with her eyes (just because she was exclusively sleeping with one guy didn't mean she was blind to the beauty of other males), but looking was as far as it went these days. The seriousness of her relationship with Troy scared her, but she tried not to think about it too much.

But back to present events... "Jax, baby!" Audrey shrieked in delight, hurrying over to her best friend and still using the pet name she'd given him back when they'd hooked up in Freshman year. She wrapped her arms around him for a few seconds, nearly making him lose balance from her enthusiasm, before planting a big kiss on his cheek. "I know I'm, like, the worst friend ever for not calling you to hang out much during the summer, but I spent the first month of vacation taking a Summer Intensive at New York's Joffrey Academy of Dance and the next one touring Europe with my parents. This past week's been the one in which I've actually been here since Junior Year ended. So, tell me all about your summer! Knowing you and how you're such a stud, I bet you have lots of adventures to share." Audrey playfully punched Jackson's shoulder and winked at him. "But before we get into that... Selfiiiiieeeeee!" she exclaimed, pulling her phone from the pocket of her robe and quickly and efficiently snapping a quick photo of her with a perfect duck face and Jackson. With a mischievous smile, she sent the picture to Troy with the caption: 'Wish you were here, baby! :*'. She knew he'd instantly get jealous, and she was hoping to use that against him and coax him into coming. After she'd hit send, Audrey tucked her phone back into her robe pocket and turned to Jackson again. "Now, talk to me, Jax."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 7:20 - 7:35 A.M.
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Audrey(@Dirty Pretty Lies), Lucky (@Aewin), Jackson (@Wintergrey),

“Oh, we’re just having some harmless fun, Lucky.” Alexandros waved Lucky’s concern, “isn’t that right, Jackie?” Alexandros looked at Jackson, egging him on with a smug-like smirk.

As he continued his look, Alexandros heard an all-too familiar voice that made his body turn a full one-eighty as he came to the sight of that wonderful body of a certain someone that he remembered so fondly. The black one-piece she was wearing complimented her curves so brilliantly, and the way her hair flowed naturally over her slender shoulders. She had everything almost any guy would want, but when it came to the bare and bones of things, she just couldn’t handle the heat.“A pleasure as always, Audrey,” Alexandros laughed off her warning to Lucky about how he should steer far away from Alexandros, citing that he “hurt” and “destroyed” everything he touched. While all quite true, Alexandros wanted to indulge his curiosity about the foreigner, so he would try to suede him to not believe Audrey.

When Audrey purposely swayed her hips, knowing he would get aroused by that, Alexandros chuckled. Even after months of her dumping me, this woman can still get a rise out of me. Was Alexandros actually effected by her hips in the way that Audrey was hoping for? Perhaps, but showing it would mean that she would win this little game of theirs. Alexandros Stefano Mossos would never give into the games she played — especially since Alexandros could up the stakes even higher. First thing’s first. He had to do damage control of Lucky’s perception of him.

“Don’t listen to her,” Alexandros looked at Lucky, “she’s just mad that I couldn’t stay exclusive when we were together.” Alexandros laughed. “You must know how that is, right? A guy with your looks must be a heartbreaker. I just bet all of the ladies — regardless of their ethnicity or skin color — must just line up for a shot at you, right?” Alexandros smiled, lightly nudging the arm of Lucky.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Time: 5:45 - 6:33 P.M.
Location: The Saunders Residence & The Beach Party.
Interacting With: Analise & Lakskya-@Aewin | Audrey -@Dirty Pretty Lies | Jackson & Lilith -@Wintergrey | Alexandros -@Altered Tundra | Troy -@Universorum
Tristan waited for Lilith and waited until she finally emerged from the home and got into his car. "About time." He joked then laughed as she mentioned that she had lost her sock. "You're not wearing socks to a beach party." Tristan commented while pulling out of the driveway and heading towards the beach nearby. "So, I told my sister to be a little nicer to you and I can't wait to see how this goes." Tristan told Lilith as after a few minutes of driving, they were at the beach but before they got out, his gaze turned towards her. "I really like you Lilith and I'd hate to see someone of Domi's caliber destroy you." Which was a common fact because Dominique has been known to destroy even the littlest reputation someone has had.

Dominique leaned against the bar, looking at Jackson as she rolled her eyes. "I'll pinch you alright." She muttered while hearing his next words, accepting the drink and smiling up at him. "Oh, Jackson, it is a unique sight but he's a newbie around here, obviously. My kindness is not a weakness, sweetheart." Dominique winked towards him then took a sip of her drink. "Uhm, thanks." She remarked towards him when he mentioned the party had a nice touch but then eyed him when he mentioned Ana. "I don't know, honestly. I came here alone." She winced at her own sentence as much as she hated admitting to it. The Queen Bee, traveling alone was a tragedy. She about to go into more detail about her answer but then Alexandros made his appearance.

Her eyes rolled at his words then she slapped his arm lightly. "Hey. Only I'm allowed to call Tristan a nerd. Got it?" Dominique remarked while thinking about her brother now, taking a sip of her drink and scanning the beach to see if she sees him. Her eyes fell upon the guy she had apologized to earlier and his smile made her eyes fall to the floor along with the lowering of her head. She then looked back up at him, biting her lip and trying to find the right words to say but nothing came out. Her eyes fell upon Audrey as she went over and talked to the cute guy she had her eyes on. It wasn't until Audrey came over towards her and Jackson that she pulled her aside.

"The new guy is off limits. Got it?" Her tone was very stern and direct as she eyed the new guy again. "Please, Audrey, not this one. I'm the Queen Bee and I need a King around my arm. So, please. Oh, god. I sound so desperate." She pleaded and it was another rare sight to see her in this predicament. She usually commanded, which she did at first but decided to take another rare approach with Audrey. "Oh. I see my brother. Chat later." She walked away from Audrey and over towards her brother and Lilith, giving them both full on hugs. "So glad you guys could make it. Drinks are being served at the bar, the Cabanas are all bought out and filled with food but more importantly, just enjoy the beach." She smiled over towards Lilith then rolled her eyes back up towards her brother.

"Thanks, sis. You always do know how to start things with a bang!" Tristan said while grabbing a hold of Lilith's hand and making their way over towards the bar. "Hello, everyone." Tristan said with a smile then waved his hand over towards Lilith. "You guys know, Lilith, right?" Tristan knew that they really didn't but just wanted her to feel welcome within the group.

Dominique walked over towards Alexandros and the new guy and stood right in front of them both. "So, again, I should apologize. I guess that's why they say you should never text and walk." Dominique chuckled nervously at her lame joke there then turned back to face him. "Anyways, hi, I'm Dominique but you can call me Domi, if you want to." She introduced herself while extending her hand out towards him, waiting for their hands to meet and to hear his name. "So, how are you liking the Beverly Hills, so far?" She'd ask him after his introduce, taking a strand of her ebony locks of hair and tucking it behind her ear.

She looked down her drink and saw that it was just about gone. "Oh, Alexandros, would you mind going and getting me another drink?" She handed him her cup, basically shoving it into his chest and pushing him away towards the bar, chuckling. "Thank you." With a hair flip, she turned her attention back towards Lucky. "Now, where were we?" Again, she chuckled nervously while meeting his gaze with hers.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lilith Storm

Time: 6:30 P.M.
Location: The Storm House and The Beach Party
Interacting With: Tristan and Dominique - @HushedWhispers, Jackson - [me], and everyone else in the group

Lilith stared at Tristan blankly for a moment. "Right..." Fucking idiot. Who wore socks to a beach party. Why couldn't you just be cool for once. Showing up with socks on her feet would be like being the one kid who thought overalls were cool. Thoughts about how socially stupid she could sometimes be raced through her little red head. Pulling off the socks she held them awkwardly in her hand trying to find a place to put them, before just dropping them on the floor. It would give her an excuse to at least come back to Tristan's car when the party was over. They could see where things went from there...

Turning away from the socks, with one final thought, she realized they weren't even a match. "You told your sister to be nicer?" She smiled kindly at him, almost laughing, trying to hide a self-centered smirk. "I like you a lot too, but I hardly think that's necessary. I have some secret tricks up my own sleeve." She winked at him. Dom was the only one to have ruined a few reputation. In some ways Dominique and Lilith were similar, perhaps just with slightly different methods. While popularity was her weapon, Lilith felt more at home around computers. And she knew which one relied on the which.

Arriving at the party Lilith walked close to Tristan, occasionally brushing up against him. Stepping into the sand, with her now bare feet, she clenched her toes. The coarse sand squished between them, feeling amazing. "So now what? I don't really come to these things you know." She looked up to Tristan. Looking away she saw his sister making her way over. Bracing herself for the expected backhanded insults, Lil was speechless when she was pulled into a hug. "I-I..." She glanced back up at Tristan to see if he thought it was as weird as she, but all her did was grab her hand. The single action left her as speechless as being hugged by the Queen Bee.

As they stepped up to the bar, Tristan kindly introduced her like she was a normal part of this crowd. She didn't know anyone. Except... Jackson. Blushing slightly at the sight of him, she waved a little at everyone, "Hey. What's up?"

Jackson Aurum

Time: 6:30 P.M.
Location: The Beach Party
Interacting With: Dominique - @HushedWhispers

Jackson stiffed when anger as a name was called out. "Jackie" He closed his eyes for a solid second before turning and facing Alexandros. A well employed smile came up over his face. Just as he was about to let loose some of his own backhands two more people jumped to his defence. What the hell was this? He was Jackson freaking Aurum. And he was being defended by Audrey and... some indian dude? Who even was this kid? Jackson didn't need his help. He didn't need either of there help.

Nevertheless he let them finish. Let people stand up and make a fool up themselves. Just like Audrey was doing right now. For someone who wanted to play the field she still couldn't get over this particular breakup. Not that he would really know how that felt. Usually he was the one doing the breaking up, if they even got to the relationship phase.

When Audrey had finally finished her rant, Jackson leaned forward from his casual position and moved up next to Alexander. Throwing a heavy arm around his shoulder, he pulled him in nice and close. "Come on now guys. We're just hanging out, and being casual. Just like Lexi said: harmless fun." With a wide grin Jackson shrugged and laughed out loud. Try to throw around nicknames, you'll get bitten in the ass Alexander. Taking his arm from Alexander's shoulder he leaned in close, with his head tilted away from the crowd, right next to Alexandros ear. "Friendly tip: keep the party favours to yourself. The Queen likes her party clean." His voice was threatening and low, just enough to Alexandros could still here. "Wouldn't want something bad happening." Pulling himself back with his hands on each of his shoulders he spoke loudly once again, "Now the Queen wants a drink doesn't she? Better deliver." With a wink and a sharp pat on the face, Jackson turned away from him and right towards Audrey.

She wrapped her arms around his torso with such a force that were he not used to it he would have fallen against the bar. "Excuse me. Who exactly are you? You look familiar, but I'm not quite sure... Almost like a person I knew before. Her name was Audrey see. About your height. Same hair too." he raised his hand at head level, "However she was much different than you. She would text back, and hang out with her friends." Grinning widely at her he posed, leaning down slightly for the picture. "So tell me, what do you think about skydiving?" Noticing that he caught her interest he began to recent his tale of his summer adventures.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 16 days ago

Analise Arnette and David Powers

Collab with @Universorum

Anna gave Alexandros and Harmonia an awkward grin, rubbing her rubbing her neck as she declined both their offers. Her dog was calling for her, nothing she could do about it. Analise checked her watch, making sure she still had enough time to go back home to get ready for Domi's beach party. Finding she had plenty to spare before having to pick up little Winston, Anna decided to go home and hope to find something appropriate to wear for the party. And that she did. After reaching home, the girl immediately returned to her room to flick through her closet, eventually settling on a bright green bikini, and a thin cover-up. After making sure she looked good enough, Analise slipped on some sandals and grabbed her purse before leaving home again, to the pet-sitter.

How long had Davy been sitting in the back of pet sitter’s shop? He wasn’t sure; he’d left the assembly early, giving his brother instructions to take the bus home, and had headed to the shop to retrieve his beloved pet: Sprinkles, the young duckling. Once he’d arrived, he had greeted Geo as went back to retrieve Sprinkles, but upon arriving to the area where the pets were, Davy found himself very suddenly too lazy to leave. After a quick explanation to Geo that Davy was just… not willing to drive away quite yet, she’d said he could stay as long as he wanted.

And so he’d sat down on the floor and pulled off his shoes, letting his duck climb on top of them. Sprinkles loved shoes, he liked to chew on the laces, climb inside of them, and try to balance on top of them. He wasn’t very good at standing on top of the shoes yet, though Davy assumed that he would get much better at it over time. Geo’s place wasn’t necessary for Sprinkles; Davy’s parents were home all the time and would be able to take care of the duck whenever Davy wasn’t there, but Davy had done extensive research on ducks before deciding to get one as a pet.

Arriving at Geo's little store, Analise slipped out of her car, pressing the lock before entering. The little bell chimed as the door closed behind the blonde. Standing behind the counter was a tall girl with short, shoulder length brown hair with blue tips, the shade matching the brightness of the girl's eyes. Anna's smile widened, familiarity filling her as she called out with a wave, "Geo! It's so good to see you! How's Dory doing?"

"Still swimming." Geo responded, heading towards the little gate between the wall and counter, ushering Analise inside before locking it behind her. "Winnie's right at the back. He's just come from a bath so excuse the shaking."

Anna laughed, nodding in thanks before heading towards her tiny dog.

Davy was early today, Sprinkles usually stayed at the pet-sitter’s for a few more hours, but he was ready to go home and relax and plot out his next adventure. And that meant picking the tiny, yellow duckling up from his home-away-from-home and heading back to his own house. Deep in thought as he watched Sprinkles chew on his shoe laces, Davy didn’t hear Anna’s approach, and didn’t even look up until Sprinkles began to quack.

...uh, hi? Am I in the way?” Davy asked as he stared dumbly at the blonde girl, placing a gentle finger on top of Sprinkles’s head, calming his quacking.


Anna stared down at her dog, who was watching a duck play in a shoe. Wait, what? Following her dog's eyes towards the duck and it's owner, Anna's grin widened until she could barely stop herself from squealing at the cuteness. Of the duck, of course.

"Oh my god, is that your duck!?" Anna knelt down carefully as Winston sauntered up towards her, setting his tiny paws onto her lap. Anna gently rubbed her puppy's head with her thumb as she cooed at the little duckling still partially hidden inside the boy's shoe. "I know I'm intruding, but the duckling is soooo cute."

Her dog yipped, almost in agreement, as Winston climbed up Anna's lap and nuzzled into her stomach.

David was not in the right sort of mind to be talking someone, especially not a woman. Even moreso than a woman, one that was complimenting his duck.. “Uh, yeah. His name is, uh Sprinkles. That’s Winston, right?” He asked, gesturing toward the puppy. Sprinkles liked that dog, according to Geo, Sprinkles and Winston were friends, or something like that. Davy had never actually seen them playing together, he was too quick to duck in and out when he was picking up Sprinkles. Today was just different.

Davy cleared his throat and gently removed Sprinkles from his shoe, placing him down on the ground as he pulled the tennis shoes back on, carefully tying the laces and looping them before he moved onto the second shoe. “Well, me and Sprinkles are gonna get going, cuz I had… stuff I needed to do at home. Yeah, stuff.” He said affirmatively, nodding absently to himself. “I just need to give Geo some money, and then I can get on my way… my way… home. What’s your name? Mine’s… David. Davy. Davy’s better. You know Troy? He’s my…” David paused, thinking to himself. In his mind’s purple haze, the term for how he and Troy were connected was lost and he stared at Anna blankly. “...my relative. Family. ...Cousin! That’s what it is.

Anna pouted as David started getting ready to leave. "Aw, please don't go! I didn't mean to scare you!" Analise held onto Winston, pulling the puppy up towards her chest as she scrambled up to her feet. "Winnie and Sprinkles like each other so much-!"

As if to confirm what Analise just said, Winston jumped out of her arms, landing on the floor before wobbling towards the duckling. Anna pointed down, a large grin plasted on her face, "See!"

"I'm Analise Arnette, by the way. Aren't you in my elective class?" She asked after a moment, trying to tone down her excitement as she returned to her knees to gently stroke the duckling's head.

Was she in his elective class? Probably, but Davy couldn’t remember. He sighed and looked at Sprinkles as he quacked in Winston’s direction. Davy looked at Anna, nodding slowly. Okay, so she was certainly right that their pets liked each other, and maybe he didn’t have to go yet. “Okay, I guess I can stay a while longer…” He said, watching as Sprinkles nuzzled against Anna’s hand, giving an appreciative quack. “But I do have stuff I need to do, so we can’t stay very long. I need to go home, eat ice cream, and, well, go to sleep. Then get ready for the next day. School’s starting or something, I dunno. I was pretty zoned out during that assembly. Who really pays attention to half that crap, anyway? It’s like, paper this, parents sign this… I dunno.

Anna gently picked up the little duckling, peering down with barely contained excitement. Seriously, it was as if she had never seen a duck before. "Well you didn't miss much, it was the same old speech we've been hearing for the last four years in school." Winston yipped, nudging his head against her knee to get her to place the duck back down to the ground again.

Immediately, Winston followed behind Sprinkles, as if Anna didn't even exist any more. Okay, it hurt, but it was so cute.

David sighed, looking down at Sprinkles and shaking his head. He simply had no choice, now. If Sprinkles liked the puppy, then they had to stay, even if caused him to be late practising on his skateboard. “Don’t you have something popular to do, or something? There were like eighty seven thousand different people talking to you at the assembly. I saw.” Davy questioned, sitting back down and starting to unlace his shoes.

"Popular? N- Oh god! Domi's party!" Almost jolting up again, the girl looked at Davy. "Are you going to the party? Please tell me you are, Winston could use a friend!"

Party? What party? Davy didn’t know about any parties, and honestly he wasn’t interested in attending one, they were so damn boring. What happened at a high school party that he couldn’t do at home? Not a lot. That was the answer. He watched Sprinkles lead Winston around the floor of the pet sitter as Davy shook his head to her question. “No, I’m not going to to the party. What party are you even talking about? I don’t go to parties, usually. I don’t even know when there is a party. Domi’s that one girl at school, right? The other popular one? The number one popular one, I think.” David frowned, thinking to himself. Domi… Dominique? Saunders? Had a brother? Right. Now he was remembering, he just had to fight through the hazy state of his mind.

"Don't go to parties...?" She tilted her head in thought, standing up so she could stand beside him and talk properly, instead of squatting in the middle of the room and awkwardly waiting for her dog's attention again. "But everyone is usually invited to them. Who do you hang out with?" Anna asked, eyebrows furrowing as she tried remembering anything about the boy in front of her. She knew she was acting a bit dense, as if she'd never heard about the people who avoided parties, but to a popular prep like her, it was still an odd thing to hear.

David stared at her, considering her question for a minute, wondering why she was insisting on stopping his exit for so long. He watched Sprinkles quack around in circles, weaving in between the two of them with Winston in tow before he looked up at Anna and offered an answer to her question. “Well, I usually just hang out with Sprinkles… Sometimes I talk to Geo, but mostly I just chill with Sprinkles and do whatever. It’s pretty nice.

It wasn't right, Anna decided. No one should have to spend their time alone in high school - not with her around. She had made it her life goal to try and befriend everybody, no matter how hard or annoying that goal may be, she wanted to do it. Analise smiled mischievously, "well, if that's the case, from now on we should be friends." She decided for them, with a confident nod. "Plus, there's no way I'm letting Sprinkles go now, especially since Winnie has finally found a playmate."

"As a friend, I'm saying that you're coming to the party. Bring Sprinkles along, and maybe we can even help you find a girlfriend!" Analise nudged David, grinning.

What. David stared at Analise dumbly as she spoke, insisting that they be friends, and then that he go to the party. Even worse than that, she suggested they get him a girlfriend. What.Whoa, what? I don’t want a girlfriend, and I don’t really want to go to the party, either! I just want to go home and watch cartoons with my duck. Why don’t you just let me take Winston with me, if it’s that big of a deal? I don’t go to parties,” He complained looking down at Sprinkles, who gave an apologetic quack, but seemed to be siding with Analise on the matter.

Anna smiled down at Sprinkles, bending down to gently let him rest in her hands before showcasing the duck to his owner: "See! Even cutesy Sprinkles agrees with me!" Winston yipped from the ground beside her, strolling towards Davy and nudging his foot with his head, as if to try and convince the boy to agree with the crazy blonde, as if saying:

'Trust me, its best to just follow her.'

Taking Winston's bark as confirmation, Analise headed towards the gate. "C'mon, David, its time for you to come out of your shell. I'll be damned if I don't find you someone that you like at the party." She said, taking Sprinkles with her. If he wasn't planning on coming with her willingly, she'd give him a reason to follow her.

Hey! Don’t just take Sprinkles like that, god. I’ll go to your party, I guess.” Davy sighed and looked at his duck sadly. He did not want to go to the party and be forced to socialize with people his age. Davy liked to socialize, sure, but only with his duck and his skateboard, Geo, and a couple workers at a few of his favorite places to eat, but not his peers. They were as alien to him as he was to they, and he preferred it that way.

Anna was basically a shining example of why.

Give me my duck, and let me go get a little higher and then we can go,” he said firmly, holding out his hand for the duck. “If I’m going to this stupid party, I’m gonna be stoned…

"High? You're a druggie?" Analise eyed David, eyes narrowed. She didn't expect her question to be answered, it was more of an observation than anything.. She didn't realise her new friend took drugs, but it wasn't like she could judge. She contemplated his deal: she was forcing him to go to a party, so it was best to let him socialise in his... ideal state. "Fine, but I'm driving you to the party and home. There's no way in hell I'm letting you drive while high."

Gently, Analise handed the little duck over to his owner before picking Winston up. "Come on, Domi will kill me if I take too long."

Davy stared at Anna, biting back comments. He'd driven here high, so what did it matter? He frowned when she mentioned that Domi would get mad if they took any longer and shook his head, going over to his own car. He unlocked it and leaned inside for a moment. There was a bubbling sound for a second, then that of a lighter. Then a random quack. The bubbling ceased and Davy pulled out of his car and shut it. Smoke billowed out of his lips (some of it going toward his duck, who just quacked in return) and then he started coughing for a few seconds before he locked the car and turned to Anna.

"'Kay. Let's go."

Well, that's one habit I need to try and help him break... Anna thought as she secured Winston in the back seat in a portable cage. It wasn't long before David joined her and she pointed over at the passenger side, as she sat down on the drivers seat and readied for the thankfully short journey.

She just hoped that Dominique wouldn't kill her for being late.

Twenty minutes passed, before Analise pulled over at the parking lot. She hurriedly unlocked the cage and let Winston jump out, yipping excitedly before she gestured David to follow her to her friends. Analise smiled, waving - just as excitedly as her dog, funnily enough - towards Audrey and Dominique.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" She called, just as Winston nudged his head against Dominique's leg. Too preoccupied with her friends, Analise never noticed a foreign face in the middle of the familiar crowd.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time 6:33 P.M.
Location The Beach Party
Interacting WIth Jackson (@Wintergrey), Dominique (@HushedWhispers), Analise (@Aewin), and mysterious phone contact.

Of all things, you call me Lexie? Rather immature.

As he stared at Jackson for a hot moment, Alexandros was debating on whether or not he wanted to instigate a reaction. On one half of his mind, he wanted to stoop to Jackson’s level, and get into a brawl with him right then and there. He knew he would win. Jackson might be strong, but there was no way he’d win against Alexandros. On the other half, however, he didn’t want to give the moronic ape the satisfaction of knowing that the little nickname he gave Alexandros had gotten to him. But Alexandros wouldn’t do nothing. As much as he would love to knock some of that stupid out of Jackson, it wasn’t worth the little moment of pride he would feel when Jackson would be laid out. So, he would simply bide his time for when Jackie-boy would end up alone.

“Yes, fun indeed,” Alexandros curled a fake smile. Only those who really knew him knew it would be.

Alexandros would proceed to find a place to sit, but before he could even do that, Dominique pretty much demanded that he get her another drink. As if the pride within Alexandros was damaged enough by that blatant disrespect, she shoved it into his chest. He wanted to deny her request so badly, but he then remembered that keeping the façade that he wasn’t affected by whatever superiority complex she had. So, he wouldn’t deny her. He happily(outward appearance only) took her cup, and started going to the bar. Just as he was about to, he heard Jackson make a comment about leaving his favors out. Alexandros smiled.

“Of course, Jackie,” Alexandros left it at that, going to the bar as he would request that Dominique’s cup get filled. That would take a few minutes, so Alexandros would spent the extra few minutes on his phone, but it wasn’t without reason.

As Alexandros came on a contact, he started to type a message.

I need you to come to Dominique Saunders’ party. There’s something I need you to do. Will explain the rest when you get here.
From A

As he sent that, he pocked his phone. It was perfect timing, too. The bartender had just alerted Alexandros that the drink was finished. A Long Island Iced Tea. Yup, that seems ed perfectly for the Queen Bee. God how Alexandros felt demeaning, but he had to put on that front just for a while longer. It would be so satisfying when he would be able to enact his revenge on Jackson and Dominique.

“As you requested, your highness So graciously, Alexandros handed The Queen her cup.

When she took it, Alexandros eyed Jackson for a hot second, moving back to the bar, purposely finding a spot next to Jackson. His eyes were pulled away when he heard Analise’s voice announce her late arrival. Alexandros smiled, but not for the reason that one might think. Alexandros leaned close to Jackson “Oh look at that, Jackie-boy, your dear Analise is here - oh, but who is that with her? It’s certainly not you, is it?” He said to his ears only, and then casually walked away, finding a spot at the bar. He had ordered a Mojito.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: 6:33 PM
Location: Dominique's Beach Party
Interacting with: Jackson @Wintergrey, Dominique @HushedWhispers, Alexandros @Altered Tundra
Special Mention: Troy @Universorum

"Excuse me. Who exactly are you? You look familiar, but I'm not quite sure... Almost like a person I knew before. Her name was Audrey see. About your height. Same hair too." he raised his hand at head level, "However she was much different than you. She would text back, and hang out with her friends."

Jackson gave the camera ne of his stunning wide grins, and the resulting photo of them was adorable. Audrey waited until she'd sent Troy the text to roll her eyes at Jackson, but giving him a lighthearted smile as a sign that she knew he was joking. "Awwwww, c'mon, Jax! Don't give me that crap! You know I freaking missed you! she whined, playing along.

Before he could start on his tale of what he had been up to over the summer, Dominique called for Audrey to step aside using their silent signal. "Excuse me for a second, Jax. I'll be right back." Audrey told Jackson before stepping away to hear what Domi had to tell her.

"The new guy is off limits. Got it?"

Audrey raised her eyebrows at her best friend. Domi's tone was very stern and direct as she eyed the new guy again, and Audrey didn't like it in the slightest. "Please, Audrey, not this one. I'm the Queen Bee and I need a King around my arm. So, please. Oh, god. I sound so desperate." Domi pretty much pleaded in a strange move.

Audrey greatly appreciated Domi's change in tone, as the ebony knew Audrey despised and took ill will onto people that tried to boss her around or tell her what to do. She was her own boss, a free spirit that acted however she pleased. Anyway, was probably this change in attitude that made Audrey open up just the tiniest bit about her own situation.

"Actually, Domi, I-" Audrey hesitated for a moment, biting her lip nervously as she debated whenever to indirectly admit she had something with Troy or not. "I'm not playing the field this year. I- I've found someone that makes me pretty damn happy, and I-"

To Audrey's surprise and relief, Domi didn't seem to be listening after she made sure Audrey wouldn't go after the foreigner. he interrupted her with a brief "Oh. I see my brother. Chat later." before hurrying away towards Tristan. When Audrey's eyes fell on who Tristan had arrived with, it was clear why Domi had left her hanging.

Audrey sauntered back to where Jackson was and took the seat in front of him. "Sorry about that, hun. Now, where were we?"

"So tell me, what do you think about skydiving?" Jackson asked her.

Audrey perked up in curiosity, and she cocked her head to the side. "Skydiving? It sounds really freaking awesome, if you ask me! Why, did you go skydiving?"

Jackson had started to tell her all about his summer skydiving adventure when out of nowhere Alexandros walked up to Jackson, whispered something in his ear that clearly upset him and walked away with one of his annoying smug smirks, finding a spot not too far away from them at the bar.

Audrey narrowed her eyes at him. "What the hell was that about?" she asked Jackson suspiciously. She hadn't heard their exchange earlier or noticed Ana's arrival, so she was completely lost as to what was the subject of their new rivalry. But she wasn't gonna miss the chance to insult Alexandros again, so before her best friend could answer, Audrey decided to take matters into her own hands again. "Hey, asshole, didn't you see we're in the middle of a conversation? she called out to Alexandros. It was pretty hypocritical of her to say that when she'd done the same thing a few short minutes ago, but who really cared?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aewin
Avatar of Aewin

Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 16 days ago

Time: 6:33PM
Location: Domi's beach party
Interacting With: Audrey @Dirty Pretty Lies, Alexandros @Altered Tundra and Dominique @HushedWhispers
* With guest appearance from Analise and her dog. Mainly her dog. *

"Boy, it seems you really are new here." An interruption in the form of a gorgeous looking brunette came standing between Lucky and his new somewhat-friend-ish Alexandros. It looked like there was some bad blood between them, explained by Audrey's sour tone when it came to trying to warn Lucky away from Alexandros. Was she his ex?

Just before the brunette in the red robe - Audrey - could walk away, he quickly added in, "Thank you for the warning, but I think I can decide for myself who to hang around with and who to avoid." Well, his blunt nature couldn't stop him. It was definitely not to support Alexandros, even Lucky knew that something felt off from his fake smiles and charming grin. Lakshya was sure that once classes at high school and he was able to meet new people, new like-minded people, he would most likely not be hanging around this crowd any longer.

It looked like there was too much drama.

Lucky didn't like drama. Well, unless it was in a movie.

“She’s just mad that I couldn’t stay exclusive when we were together.” Ah, just as Lucky had thought. A sour ex who enjoyed riling Alexandros up. It looked like it worked too, as Alexandros began filling the foreign boy in on details, hell, even adding a sweet compliment. Lucky looked at the queen-bee from the corner of his eyes, who was in the middle of talking quietly with Audrey.

"Guess so," Lucky faced Alexandros, "but probably not as much as you do. Seems like you have everyone wrapped around your fingers." Gesturing to the girls who were slowly gathering in groups around the bar, but then letting out a chuckle. "Or, well, at least most of them." He said as Audrey talked to the other guy - Jackie? or something.

With the return of the queen bee, Lucky's amused smirk never left his face. "Lakshya Khanna, but I prefer Lucky." He took hold of the dark skinned beauty's hand, shaking firmly with a lingering grip. "It seems boring. But then again, I've only been to an assembly so far, so I can't really make an opinion yet." He then winked at Dominique, turning up the charm. Why the hell not? He reasoned.

"Maybe you can change my mind." He said, his grin still on his face. After Dominique banished - I mean, politely asked for Alexandros to go fill up her drink, Lucky decided to ask. "How come you don't have a man hanging off your arm? I'd imagine a pretty girl like you would have lines of guys after you."

There was a new arrival, some blonde girl with a dog chasing after her. The dog yipped at Dominique's leg excitedly, tail wagging and tongue hanging. "Who's the new girl?"

"I'm Analise Arnette, and this is my dog, Winston." The blonde answered for Dominique, with a kind smile. Analise seemed to look between the two carefully, before picking her dog up and taking few steps back. "Seems like I'm interrupting here so I'll talk to you later, okay, Domi?" She gave the queen a look saying 'give-me-the-details-later' before heading off to the direction of the bartender, with the intention of getting herself a drink.

"Right." She was already gone before Lucky could introduce himself. He turned back to look at Dominique again, "so where were we?"
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