Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Central City, 10:37 AM

The day had started off like any other, the sounds of the city stirring to life as people began to bustle about and set off to start their daily lives. The sun shone brightly in the morning sky, its rays only being obscured by the occasional cloud that drifted by. Countless hordes of people scurried to and fro carrying out the thousands of tasks that made up their days. Cars revived their engines and honked their horns in dissatisfaction of being caught in the congestion of morning traffic. Despite the overall clamoring that coursed through the city there was a unmistakable calm, one felt as safe and secure on these streets as they would feel in their own home.

The peace that filled Central City was unfortunately absent in the recently formed young hero group known as the Teen Titans head quarters as a nearly deafening alarm rang out through the whole of the facility. Though they were quite the new group the team had already had their share of troubles to deal with so alarms such as this was nothing too new for them. The only question was what exactly was this one for? Was it another robbery in progress? Was there a hostage that the heroes needed to help defuse? Or was there some superpowered mad man running rampant in the city threating the lives of everyone? Unfortunately for the young heroes this alarm was sounding for a problem that was much closer to home.

"Cease you machine of fire and baked goods!" Was the words that bellowed from the orange hued young man that was known to the public as the hero Nova or rather to his fellow team mates as the alien Korand'r. The otherworlder was currently in a fight against the cloud of smoke that was pouring out of the stove that held what looked like a flaming pan. Korand'r managed to reach through the black fog grab the mini inferno of cookware and pull it out of the stove, this act may have been unimaginably painful for the average person but luckily for the young alien he was made of a sturdier stalk than most. He moved the flaming dish over to the sink and quickly stuck it under a flood of running water, effectively putting out the fire but doing nothing for either the smoke that still blanketed the room nor the alarm that roared through the base.

Korand'r looked down upon his charred, and now also soaked, attempt at cooking and let out a defeated sigh. The young man may have been quite the adept warrior on the battle field he was still very much in the dark when it came to the more domestic skills, especially those of the Earthly verity. "The making of the cake is quite challenging." He said to himself as he scrapped the remnants of his failed baked good into the trash. "But it is the challenge I will master!" Korand'r declared with vigor as he set out on retracing his steps of preparing cake batter, all the while as the fire alarms still went off around him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Light, or otherwise known as Toon Girl to those who didn't know her, often spent her time in the living quarters of the tower. She was usually seen playing some sort of game with someone or watching TV, was passing the time clicking through channels looking for something to watch when the fire alarm went off. Jumping out of her seat at the sudden loud noise, Light tumbled to the ground, landing on her side. Getting to her feet, she looked around the room to figure out what was going on until she noticed the smoke coming from the kitchen. Sighing to herself, she made her way to the kitchen.

Poking her head through the doorway, she saw Nova messing around with the stove attempting to cook again, putting out whatever he was attempting to cook in the sink. "I am not eating what he burnt this time. Not after when he tried to make 'waffles'." Light said to herself, visibly shaking in terror. Unfortunately there wasn't much she could do with the huge plume of smoke causing the fire alarm to go off, so she was hoping one of the others could do something about the situation. Pulling out a small music device from her dress, Light rested herself against the back wall of the kitchen, making way for the others as she began to listen to some music to try to drown out the alarm.

Of course she wasn't really paying too much attention to where she was standing, what with a shelf above her with precariously placed pots and pans and whatnot. Hopefully one of the more 'stompy' members of the team didn't disrupt them in the commotion...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Tori kept pressing the plus symbol on the tv remote, flipping the channel every second. Football channel, Swimming channel, Spanish channel of some soap opera, uggh, it was all so boring. Tori pressed the power button on the remote and threw it up in the air as the tv turned off, and the remote landed squarely in the crack between the two cushions of the sofa. Tori sighed and leaned back as she was bored over the fact that there was nothing good on the tv. Maybe I'll go over to the headquarters, Tori thought to herself as she grabbed a beret and her communicator before walking out of her house.

As Tori walked, she took in the sights of Central City for the upteenth time. At least one bird was singing amidst the beeping cars, and she passed by the florist's shop where the flowers had bloomed. Not a bad day for those kids in the playground to play a game of catch. Life was good and peaceful. However, it also meant that it was boring. It was all so uneventful. Where were the sounds of screaming? Where was the chaos? Life wouldn't be so bad without an event like that every once in a while. Ehh, I'm sure there will be some where I'm going, Tori thought as she walked.

Entering the front door to the Titans' headquarters, Tori sighed in relief to be out of the sun. It was starting to get hot out there. Not too long after, though, was the sound of an alarm and the bellowing of a familiar alien voice. Under normal circumstances, a normal person would be panicking and confused, but Tori was smiling as she walked over to the kitchen. Ahh, there's the screaming, Tori thought as she was greeted with the sight of what looked like another failed product of Korand'r in the sink. Tori merely conjured up one of those paper folding fans and began fanning the smoke away from her face. "Hi Light. Hey Nova," Tori said in greeting. "How many times does this make it now? I've lost count after that pie. What'd you even make this time?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Central City
8:00 AM
Titans Tower

Pascal woke up to the sound of an alarm ringing out through his in ear headphones. He'd realized very quickly that his team mates weren't too fond of waking up as early as he did, and that his original, louder alarm that woke not only him, but everyone else up as well was probably not the best choice to keep on using.

He rose from his bed with a stretch, taking out his headphones and laying both them and his phone on his bedside cabinet. He rubbed his eyes, sweeping back his long blonde hair from in front of his eyes. One of the reasons he woke up this early was to style his hair, it wasn't exactly the easiest cut to style. He went to the bathroom, had a shower, styled his hair and then got dressed in civilian attire. Suffice to say, with hair like his, his identity was known to the public. With such a reputation he had to dress classy at all times, selfies were one of the many burdens of the 21st century. He wore a black Harrington jacket over a plain white t-shirt coupled with jeans and a pair of trainers.

He quickly retrieved his phone from his bedside cabinet, put in his headphones, set it to play his favourite song by his favourite band and set out of the Titans Tower for his day out on the town. Central City was less hustle and bustle than say, Metropolis, but it still had its charms and to be honest, Pascal preferred the shopping district in Central City, you didn't have to fight anyone when a sale was on and the smaller shops had unique, rare items that wouldn't be snatched up as quickly.

Central City
10:45 AM
Titans Tower

Pascal entered the main living area of the tower to a shock. It was covered in smoke, Korand'r seemed to be trying to make a cake again while Light and Tori didn't seem to be bothered by the situation as a whole. In his arms, Pascal held two boxes of assorted doughnuts from 'Krumbly Kreme™'. Behind him, however, was his brother, Mars holding various bags filled with clothes, cds and various other items. He had an anguished look on his face, as anguished as a spirit could look anyway.

Pascal blinked a few times before quickly walking over to the table and setting down the boxes. Mars knew what to do, the two had a sort of telepathic connection in which they knew what the siblings knew what they wanted each other to do at all times. Mars floated on up to the fire alarm, before pressing in the reset button until the alarm finally stopped. Meanwhile, Pascal opened as many windows he could and walked over to the rest of the group.
"That makes it 17 times, with the cake I mean, I lost count how many times it's happened in general." He folded his arms, not out of disappointment or anything, just out of habit. "I brought doughnuts anyway, so you can take a break from setting the tower on fire, Kor" He joked, his heavy accent coming through like a train.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


To say that living in a tower filled with other uniquely talented individuals was a boon would be something of an understatement. Spectra had gone from frightened and alone in a world she didn't understand to comfortable and surrounded by peers in a world she didn't quite understand. Sure, some had it worse than her, she at least had the benefit of being born on this planet, but there were times when it never quite felt like home. Even still, that there was a place where she could fit in and not feel the confusion and fear of eyes staring at her was more than she could've ever asked for.

But as the fire alarms blared out their annoying alert and the unfortunately all-too-familiar sight of smoke made its way through the vents...Spectra had to admit that there were absolutely cons to be had in this exchange.

Her morning hadn't been exciting. As most mornings she had been spending time in front of the mirror on her dresser and running her fingers over the thin, straight strands that now made up her hair, sighing wistfully as she tried, and failed, to so much as give one a false curl. Today her body was a soft blue color, easy on the eyes and generally pleasing, non aggressive. Safe.

The smoke alarm tore her away from the mirror and the sight of smoke - smell was not something that Spectra could do anymore - wafting in the halls was what got her to leave the safety of her room. In the fuss she had forgotten to drape her robe around her translucent form as she traveled towards the source of the chaos, her footsteps so light they might as well have been floating above the ground.

"Of course, this one should have known," Spectra spoke in a lilting tone of voice as her glowing blue eyes spotted the commotion upon entering the more communal hub of the tower. "Such fantastical gifts and yet domestic deeds confound. Amusing, and rather disheartening. He did not make your morning meal, surely? Your health might suffer the consequence."

Spectra had entered the living area fully by this point.

"Oh. Hello, Nuisance. Have you come to visit?"

With the matter of smoke and sound being handled, now that Spectra was out of her room the common courtesy was, of course, to...mingle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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One of the Tower's bedroom lights were shut off, almost as if the occupant were still asleep despite the late morning hour. However, dim lights were flashing under the door crack, betraying the fact that the room's occupant was in fact wide awake, perhaps having been so for most of the night in fact. Within the room, posters with arcane symbols drawn on them covered parts of the wall, their meaning unknown to most but it was a safe bet they were meant for protection of some kind. In the corner stood a mannequin wearing the distinctive uniform of the team's resident magician, Kazam.

A television was the source of the flashing light, the screen rapidly changing the images on it as the bone crunching sounds of a fighting game set to a power rock soundtrack served as the room's ambiance. As for the magician himself, he sat at the foot of his bed, controller in hand as he furiously mashed buttons in a seemingly chaotic rhythm. On screen, his player avatar was locked in a heated martial arts battle with an online opponent, the characters on screen trading blows as if this video game match somehow held the weight of the world on it. Suddenly, Al's chosen fighter gained a tremendous amount of momentum and began to unleash what had to be a record-breaking combo attack against Al's opponent, the enigmatic LolCat101. Al was not much into video games before joining this team, but after having spent nights of boredom with nothing better to do than beat the ever living tar out of his teammates at these games, Al had since become rather hooked on the experience. With this game in-particular, Knuckles of Steel, Al began practicing and even training himself in the game's controls almost religiously after he was humiliated by LolCat101 in an online match. Since then Al had made his mission to become good enough at the game to get his revenge, and at this moment he was so close he could practically taste the victory that was well within his grasp.

All that work, all that practice, his beautiful, no, LEGENDARY combo attack was shattered to pieces when alarms suddenly blared. Al's concentration broken, along with his combo, he watched helplessly as his online nemesis gained a second wind and, in a devastating comeback, defeated Al once again for the umpteenth time. Al's face practically boiled red when he was forced to look at LolCat's victory taunt yet again. Then suddenly, he exploded and let loose a scream of righteous fury, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" it sounded rather urgent, like something terrible and tragic had just happened, when in reality it was the lamentations of a defeated gamer.

Al trudged miserably to breakfast a few moments after that, "My combo... my victory... snatched away from me by that punk. If I ever meet you LolCat101 I swear I'm gonna drah os rehten eht ot uoy hsinab dna ssa ruoy kcik!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bat Mite Jr was asleep in his bed dreaming of many crime fighting escapades with The Caped Crusader and beating down the joker and Riddler. After all who needs Robin when Batman has him assisting in fighting crime in Gotham. He was in the middle of knocking Mr Riddles' teeth out when the headquarters' alarms went off and Bat Mite Jr awoke from his sleep in alarm.

"Shit is there another Crisis? Is Darkseid invading again or has General Zod escaped from the Phantom Zone?!" he called out and quickly ran out of his room in full costume. He then flew straight towards the kitchen making sure to not fly too fast that he smashed into the walls or ceiling. He quickly came into the kitchen and smell of smoke entered his nostrils. It took him only a moment to realize that it was burnt food that was responsible for the alarms. Upon seeing the burnt cake he giggled at the ruined pastry.

"You should try some Fifth Dimensional cake Nova, it's deliciousness is beyond your third dimensional taste buds. Next time use a replicator or have someone with skill do it for you" he said to the Tamaranean. He still felt new to this team and it was funny to him how the adults would let a bunch of young adults fight crime on their own.

"So besides burning cakes, is there anything else planned for the day? I could show you all my Batman and comic collection" Jr said to the team as he floated upside down about a few feet away from Nova.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Tohi chuckled darkly to himself as he was in his room, a cat playing with its prey. LolCat101 was taking this guy to school, again. He had an unfair advantage with his superior speed to lay out the combos as fast as the game's servers would allow. In Knuckles of Steel, he loved using the chain-master, not only because of his cool ghost-rider look, but the fact that combination of long-medium-and close strikes could be chained together into 20+combos. Again he laid into with the Hard close kick that sent the opponent up into the air for a long chain grab that pulled back down into a leaping knee which sent him away followed by a chain into the ground to pop up from under the opponent to knock him back up before he touched the ground for another chain grab and a backflip kick up. And again. And again.

He got cocky and used the victory taunt of wrapping himself in chains to raise his super bar, but that is when his opponent started returning fire. The person on the other side of the controller was getting better, he had gone up 10 spots in the leaderboards. And as the hurt was being laid out on Tohi, the alarm wen off, the fire alarm. Tohi looked away for a second and back with his heightened reaction time to see that his opponent had paused for a second and broke the combo. Now was his chance to use a combo breaker with his return from the beatdown he was just given.

With 1% health and 5 supers, the chain master unleashed his set of combos back to back. First 'iron maiden' to lock him in place followed by 'chain-saw' for a massive combo with 'rising ripper' to make him airborn before trapping him off the ground in 'web of chains' to hold him in midair for 'furious flensing'. 1-17-16-1-15, 50 hit combo...
You loose

And that, was better than breakfast.

Record that,*bing* save it for later.*bing* Save and exit. *bing*
Tohi left his room with a cat-ate-the-canary smile as he came out in to see a robeless light of Azure tones.
"And that's even better. Why so blue, light?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

It didn't take too long for the rest of the tower to come and see the commotion, First Tori, then Janus with doughnuts, then the crazy little floating thing which shorta creeped Light out(bat mite jr.), with the light lady, err... Annie, in the other room coming to say hi. "Well if anything this worked as a great alarm. I think everyone is up." Light said, pulling the earbuds out of her ears as Parscal, Janus, or Mars, or whatever their name was turned off the alarm. A few moments later Al started to loudly scream "Nooooo!", the sound being fairly loud since the alarm had been shut off, causing the precisely balanced pots above her head to tumble down on top of her.

"Ow, Ow, Ow!" Light said as the pots rained on her, the sound of metal echoing through the room. Light ran away from her standing spot into the living area before a giant pot could fall on her, the pot itself deciding that it was going to stay where it was since its target was out of range. Light made sure to stop before she ran into Annie, an audible screeching sound from her breaking being heard, before saying Hi to the light girl. "Hey Annie, nothing bad is happening, besides Nova deciding to make some sort of... baked goods. Oh, and me getting hit on the head, but thats not new." Light said with a grin, rubbing the spot where the pots had hit her a moment ago.

It was sort of sad that she was chased out of the kitchen by a bunch of pots before she could grab a doughnut from Janus. But before she could attempt to go in and grab one, Tohi came into the room with a grin as if he had eaten something tasty or something. "who, me or her?" Light said, pointing at herself then Annie. "Pots hit me, Nova burnt another meal and woke everyone up, and I want a doughnut. But I've got the feeling if I go back in there, I'm going to get hit by something again." Light said, scratching behind her ear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wisp
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Wisp uptown funk u up

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jasper Simmons

As was the way he'd been raised, Jasper's morning began bright and early, just as the sun was breaking the horizon. He never set an alarm anymore, trusting in his internal clock, and it had yet to fail him. His day began at seven o' clock, utilizing the small gymnastics setup in his room. Gymnastics training took up 35 hours of his week, as he spent two hours every morning and three hours every evening. The only time his schedule was shaken happened to be if there was an emergency that required his service, though he always made time to stick with the training regimen. Another two hours - one in the morning, and one in the evening - was spent on his archery and hand-to-hand combat. Predator had trained him well, and though he was no longer with his mentor, he wasn't going to slack on what he'd started. The fellow archer had preached constant preparation and vigilance, and Jasper had taken his mentor's words to heart.

Come nine o' clock, the dark-haired teen was more than ready for breakfast. Careful to neither disturb nor run into the other occupants of the tower, he headed into Central City for his favourite diner. They served the best pancakes, and Mauve, the owner, never asked him where he came from or why he was alone. Because he was only seventeen, Jasper's parents were still supporting him. They lived in another state, and though they were grateful that he had settled in one place, they didn't like that he was no longer with the man they'd trusted to look after and raise their son. He did what he could to reassure them, especially given the fact that he was managing to keep his identity a secret despite living in the tower. It wasn't like he could get a place outside of the tower, but he wasn't about to go running around in costume all of the time just because he lived in the tower. It wasn't easy to do, but sneaking around was one of Jasper's specialties. He was determined not to let the public know he was Quickshot.

It was ten o'clock when he returned to the tower, still avoiding his teammates. He snuck up to his room, gathering his bow and training arrows, and then back down to the 'yard' of the tower. Outside, there were targets set up for him to practice his archery, and he took full advantage of them. Shot after shot, he hit the bullseyes, and when he grew bored of that, he collected his arrows, placing them back in the quiver. Lining back up with the targets, he shot patterns with the arrows, like an X (which was perfect) and then a star (which was a little wonky, but it was better than the last time he'd tried) and went through his arrows much faster. Since he was outside, he missed the commotion inside with Korand'r and his cooking, though it was probably for the best. Jasper preferred not to get too involved with his teammates, though he knew logically that it meant they wouldn't work together as smoothly as they would have if he'd just suck it up and socialize with them. At the very least, he was hoping to get to know Ava, the only other person the team that didn't have some manner of super power.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ivannia
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Much like her superhero monkier, Cardinal, Ava was a very early bird. She had awoken at two in the morning after her routine struggle of tackling her insomnia and only sleeping for a minimum to four or five hours. She liked to exercise so much going on morning jogs around the tower block and further into the city and back -- which is exactly what she had done arriving back before Korand'r and the others arose.

Stepping out of her room nicely showered and casually put-together with a light maroon hoodie and dark gray cropped leggings with neon tennis shoes, her hair done in a milk braid hairstyle. As she walked down the hallway humming a tune, she backed a few steps to the large windows to see Jasper practicing his archery at the range, the wisps of the arrows fired being heard. A snicker played across her lips as she sprinted the other direction to reach the field faster. Arriving at the door lock, she grabbed a large, lightweight machete that one of the teammates must've used to do some landscaping outside... or relieve stress. Most likely, the latter.

She was a yard away from Jasper when she launched the machete at a target like javelin, the weapon cutting through the center of the left target of Jasper's.

"Hey there," she coolly greeted with a devilish smile for her antic to surprise him, walking over to the target to retrieve her machete. "How is it going?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"who, me or her?" Light said, pointing at herself then Annie. "Pots hit me, Nova burnt another meal and woke everyone up, and I want a doughnut. But I've got the feeling if I go back in there, I'm going to get hit by something again." Light said, scratching behind her ear.

Tohi had meant light, but now that there were two blue ladies in the room, it was a simple shift of an answer. "Both of you, of course... Be right back." A fast dash out and back had come back with four doughnuts on the ripped off top of the box. "Here you go. Both of you."

He smiled to the two for more than one reason. Beside the obvious male/female aspects of it all, which he had no trouble expressing, they were the most inhuman looking of them here. He hoped that a natural kinship from isolation would develop given the constant of contact.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wisp
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Wisp uptown funk u up

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jasper Simmons

As he was collecting the last of his arrows again from the center target, a machete cut through the air, burying itself in bullseye of the target beside him. Startled, Jasper fumbled his arrows, sliding all but one into his quiver. He turned on the spot, arrow notched on his bow, ready for an attack. There was none, of course - it was Ava. Relaxing considerably, he tucked the arrow away, arms falling to his sides as she approached. Honestly, he should've been paying more attention to his surroundings. He was fortunate that she wasn't some wayward villain, seeing as being the only one outside would have made him the first line of defense.

"Hey there," she coolly greeted with a devilish smile for her antic to surprise him, walking over to the target to retrieve her machete. "How is it going?"

"Well enough. I've still got 15 minutes of training." His response was accompanied by an amused smile of his own, and he slung his bow over his shoulder. "I didn't know you could throw large blades like that," he complimented.

Jasper trusted that Ava would understand his need to train every day, being without powers herself. They were two ordinary people surrounded by supers of all shapes and sizes; at the very least, the villains were varied between super and ordinary. As Predator had told him, though, being an ordinary person 'fighting the good fight' made him just as extraordinary as anyone with powers. It wasn't the abilities that made a hero, but the choices they made. Still, he couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed when it came to the rest of his team.

"How's your morning?" Jasper asked, leaning casually against the nearest target.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Tori walked over to the sink, where the soaked and charred remains of Nova's latest "creation" lay. It was impossible to tell what it was by looking at it, but apparently it was a cake according to Pascal. Tori sighed and said, "Knowing Nova, he probably preheated the oven too high, or even forgot to preheat it and just set the temperature to the max." Tori took a chocolate sprinkled doughnut out of the box and took a bite, closing her eyes and smiling as she savored the taste. Tori know doughnuts were terribly unhealthy, but they were so terribly good.

"Hri Sprctr," Tori said as she raised a hand in greeting to Spectra, her mouth still somewhat full with the half-chewed doughnut. Tori swallowed the mess, then continued, "It was so boring at home; so much more exciting here." Tori then tossed her paper fan into the air, where it promptly disappeared, and she created a coin in her other hand at the same time to roll around her knuckles. Jr was now around, and as usual, Tori had no idea what he was talking about in terms of Fifth Dimension stuff. "It's nice to see things being bat-shit crazy around here," Tori said, already working on puns for the day. There was also a blur going to and from the kitchen, which Tori could identify simply because there was only one speedster around here.

"Tohi, none for me?" Tori playfully asked the speed demon as she went over to him, hiding her half-eaten doughnut behind her back. "Lucky for you, I already have one," Tori added as she pulled it out and took another bite. After a brief period of chewing and eating, Tori gave him a knowing look, smirking, and continued on, "So, playing Cat-sanova with these two lovely ladies?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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While other Titans conversed around him, Al pulled his signature wand from out his back pocket. He normally didn't condone the use of magic for mundane tasks, but he was still in a bit of a grumpy mood after what happened on his video game, so for today he decided to break the rule. With a small wave of the wand, a couple of dishes and utensils sprang to life, either hopping about or just floating in the air. What followed was a feat of magical multitasking as the selected dishes placed themselves at a spot on the kitchen table, in particular a glass waited there while the orange juice carton literally sprouted wings and flew over to it in order to pour itself a drink for Al. Meanwhile, Al himself was fiddling with a couple of eggs, a slice of ham and couple of slices of bacon, using magic to swirl them together and actually transmuted them into a fully cooked omelette that he telekinetically placed on the plate he prepared for himself via his wand.

"Looks good, job well done everyone!" said Al before he gave one more wave of his wand. At this, whatever objects that had gained sentience went right back to being normal... after returning themselves to the place they were retrieved from of course. It just wouldn't do for a spell of even this simplicity to leave a mess, after all. Only then did Al finally brighten up and begin enjoying his breakfast. This sort of thing was exactly why it was the most important meal of the day. A grumpy or groggy attitude can be instantly melted away into something more chipper and enjoyable after a hot meal in the morning.

"I presume the alarm business was the result of our resident alien trying to cook again?" asked Al, now in a full on more jovial mood than he was mere moments ago. Again, it was amazing what a tasty breakfast could do for one's mood, "Ah, don't let it get you down, Kor. You'll get the hang of it sooner or later." he sipped his orange juice glanced around himself, noticing that only a part of the team was currently present.

"Hmm... dare I ask where the others are right now?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

At the request of doughnuts, Tohi rushed into the kitchen and grabbed some for both Light and Spectra. Which was really nice considering Light figured that a toon and kitchens don't mesh well together, her having more kitchen accidents than the 'burning food constantly' Nova, which wsa saying something. "Thanks Tohi. I didn't fancy a round 2 with the pots." Light said, grabbing 2 doughnuts off of Tohi's grasp.

Tori soon came out of the kitchen, playfully poking fun at Tohi being in the company of two ladies and offering them food. "You and your punny ways Tori." Light said, grinning and moving around to pat her on the shoulder. "Now that your here, he has to entertain all 3 of us ladies. That'll be fun!" Light continued, eating one doughnut whole, then playfully nibbling on the second one.

"So... Nova tried and failed with making breakfast, so whos turn is it this time?" Light said, looking at the group of four. As if to answer her, a clatter of various dishes could be heard from the kitchen as if they were alive, and a few moments later they stopped. "That answers that! C'mon ladies!" Light said, skipping into the kitchen where that giant pot from earlier, having its target back and some insatiable bloodlust, decided to fall after all, covering Light's head and causing her to fall onto the ground, much to her annoyance. "Oh, hello Mr. crock pot. Was wondering when you wanted to join the party." Light said, her voice having a metallic echo as she spoke through the pot, drumming her fingers on the floor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


The mornings might have been quite a cacophony but at least they weren't boring, which was as close to a silver lining as possible. Spectra chuckled rather lightly at the explanations launched and the different ways the others set about rectifying the solution. There was even a bit of a magical demonstration from the magically gifted, which was always nice to see when not in the midst of a pressing conflict. But Spectra merely observed, her glowing eyes brighter in amusement. Her head gave a slight twitch when the name Annie was mentioned, but she maintained her bright outlook as she turned to address Light, from one light to another.

"Annie? Has someone new joined us? Perhaps she can instruct Koran on how not to burn the building down." Spectra punctuated her response with a chuckle that lingered up until Tohi asked a question that could only have been described as a 'pun'. But before she could reply he had zipped away for a moment only to return carrying baked goods.

"Is blue upsetting?" Spectra asked, genuinely curious as she had found the color rather soothing herself. Who didn't enjoy a simple blue, like on a crisp spring morning. "No, thank you, appetite is...not exactly a concern. By all means, Light, take more. Or you may have them, Tohi." Spectra nodded through her reply, her lilting tone of voice never wavering.

"If it's boring where you live, Tori, why do you live there? Surely it would be easier if we were all in one place? And...sorry...what is a Catstanova? Do you mean Koran?" So her pun knowledge wasn't exactly...perfect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bat Mite Jr noticed that the feline hero was trying to possibly impress the ladies and he smiled mischievously. He floated over Tohi and gave his teammate a grin.

"Someone's having hormonal surges" Jr said laughing and doubled over in the air. All of these older kids seemed interested in getting dates and talking to one another about ordinary junk. Jr preferred talking about comics and other superheroes. This was going to be a fun time with the team and he would be sure to be as much as possible and also do it an somewhat annoying way.

"Hay Tohi, is one of your enemies Anonymous? I hear they are the sworn enemies of furries" he said chuckling and he did a quick back flip in the air. Sometimes he couldn't help himself when it came to jokes. It was as fun as reading the comic about Superman coming into contact with Pink Kryptonite.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It is hard to damper the spirits of a Tamaranean, they were a notoriously hearty people and the young Korand'r was no acceptation. Despite his nearly countless failed attempts at cooking, dozens of ruined pots, the multiple pleas from his fellow teammates to quite, a handful of food sick friends, and one case of him somehow setting a pot of water on fire Korand'r was still as determined as he ever was to master the arts of preparing Earthly cuisine. So with a fire in his eye and a pep in his step, well a pep in his non-step seeing as the young alien was currently floating above the ground, Korand'r began gathering ingredients for another attempt at a cake. Milk, flour half a dozen eggs, cheese, ham, pretzels, chocolate chips, and half a pineapple were just a few of ingredients that the alien gathered and dumped into a large mixing bowl.

Korand'r was so consumed by the stirring of his "batter" that he was utterly oblivious to the fact that the whole of his team managed to gather behind him, well until they began to speak that is. Turning the young alien offered them his nearly trademark grin before speaking. "The good morning my friends!" His tone was as warm and kind as it always was, it never seeming to falter. As he listened to each of his teammates speak Korand'r didn't for a moment let up from his stirring, him mixing with such speed and force that in no time the once bowl of miscellaneous goods soon was all one uniform glob of goop. Dipping a finger in then quickly returning it to his mouth a look of pure bliss came over the orange fellows face. "Oh friends you must try the batter of the cake!" Korand'r said with glee, holding the bowl filled with the chunky orange yellow mix out towards his friends with excited eyes to see their take on his latest concoction.

But as if a higher power was at play in order to save the other young heroes' taste buds from the brutality that was Korand'r's cooking yet another alarm was set off through out the tower, and a burning stove was not the culprit this time. Quickly each of the so called Teen Titans received an alert of the communicators each of them were given informing them that there was bank robbery in progress. To what could only be relief for his teammates Korand'r set aside his toxic brew of would be cake then turned back to them. "It seems the day is in the need of saving!" The alien exclaimed valiantly, looking over each of his teammates with a grin. "Titans do the go!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wisp
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Wisp uptown funk u up

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jasper Simmons

As Jasper was heading back inside from his archery practice, the alarms rang throughout the tower. From his belt, his communicator beeped, and he picked up his pace towards his room. He tossed aside the quiver of practice arrows, setting his bow beside his 'work' quiver, and quickly changed into his crime-fighting costume. For the most part, he wore it under his civilian clothes, hot as it may be in the summer. Satisfied once his domino mask was on his face, he slung the quiver and bow over his shoulder, hurrying back through the tower to the main living area. Sure enough, the team was assembled - but they didn't look like they were ready for battle. If anything, he could assume they'd already been gathered in the kitchen, given a few of the team's state of dress. Shifting his bow, he looked at his teammates.

"I'm ready when you are," he told the room. "Anyone not flying or running?"

Unfortunately, given the fact that the rest of his team had powers, Jasper was a little left behind when it came to transportation. He'd either have to rely on one of them to get him there, or take either his bike or the team's car. It really depended on whether or not someone else was going to be traveling with him. He could've just left without speaking with them, but he could practically feel his mentor's disappointment for even entertaining that thought. Being on a team meant communication, even if it was for something as simple as transportation to the scene of a crime.
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