Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago


Beneath ancient trees clothed in the many colors of fall, a dark figure paused. Removing a almost feline head from his hand, glowing eyes flashed as he whispered upon the wind. The pool before him rippled before showing the Realm of the Fae. He let his chuckle rustle the leaves high above him in his ancient hall. The great trees forming columns along the flag stoned path to his dais. Pools behind the trees flickered and sparked with light from various lesser and greater Fae. The mist that tangled above the pools and among the roots of the great trees emitted from the half-moon falls behind his thone of bones. Along the cliff that formed the falls, two high walls followed the pools and trees down to the entrance. It was far too dark to make out the design on them. Th Fae King saw no need to lighten his halls as of the current moment. His throne was made of ancient bones of great creatures, and covered with the hides of those he had killed in the prolonged years of his reign.

Eyes that were shrouded in darkness studied the pool before him, casting his fell voice upon the wind. "See to My borders." His voice was a dark, velvet purr, as several Fae blinked gleaming eyes before disappearing. Gesturing with two fingers, the pool changed to show the meeting place of the Fae Rulers. The grounds where peace would be born, or more war. He looked bemused at the standing stones of England. How long had it been since they first were place in their ancient resting place? How long had they been channeling the ancient magics, powered by the mortals that once worshiped there? Powering the gate for the Fae, entering the Fae world at their own whim. The peace talks would begin shortly, but he predicted the ever caring of Spring would arrive first, followed by Winter or Summer. Tegvan- or 'Falk' as the Fair Folk referred to him- had already decided to arrive last. Alone. His hunters and hounds would gather and prepare themselves in case, but there was little need. A predatory smile flickered across his 'fae' features. None dared to attack him, the fact was arrogant but true. His great hall held the proof in the shadows and still pools. In the bones and hides he sat upon. In the falls that thundered behind him. Oh, this little peace talk would amuse him to no end.


At the base of the stairs up to his throne sat a mortal girl. Her age having been stopped well over a century ago. Her hands moved along a small lap-harp compelling notes from the thin silver strings. A musical instrument she had learned over the years, it had been a stout friend to her. It was sung from a great tree and carved with breathe taking detail, nothing less would do for "She who was born of ashes". The notes sharped in anger, they had forbidden her name, her very lovely name because name had power. Her fair face bared a blank expression of sorrow as she sat upon the cool stone. Wearing a thick Victorian styled dress with a thick cloak of grey. The deep and light blue of the dress making her seem all the more vivid. Thick red curls hung down her back to her waist, secured away from her face with a grey ribbon. Her gloved hands stroked the harp again as she played. Why the Fall King kept a mortal pet was something many wondered, Aisling herself wondered as well. Did he wish for someone to slip into the Mortal Realm for books? Was she to be turned into a Fae herself? Or perhaps used as token in the grand game the Dark King was playing. It was a folly that brought her here; folly and youth. A love that had brought a child, a forbidden act in the Victorian Era as the world now called it. Then it had been the Reign of Queen Victoria. Striking a string in anger, she let the haunting notes fill the hall. Let the Fae be displeased, she was more so!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Light danced through the icy crystalline walls of the Winter Court. The court members whispered quietly. Today was NOT a good day to be noticed by Her Majesty. It was the Day of Meeting. It always put their Queen in a foul mood. The reasons were not spoken aloud, for fear of drawing her wrath.

The Queen of Winter herself Aryssyla Te'GarNegan, known by the shortened form 'Arys' by everyone else, sat upon the throne. The Court and the throne itself mirrored the Queen : elegant and graceful, beautifully crafted but hard and cold, unyielding.
No one knew the Queen's full name. She shortened it to tease other Fae, the shortened form tantalizing the tongue with the flavor of her true name without the power of the full.

A large circle of frosted ice lay before the throne, flanked by statues of frozen corpses of those who had displeased the Queen, their faces frozen in torment forever as a warning to others.
The Queen's expression was the same as ever : stoic and brooding. A smile rarely graced her lips and when it did her people knew to run.
Why stay in a Court with such a ruler? Because despite their fear they respected their Queen and knew she would protect them from any threats. As long as they remained loyal they need not fear being added to her collection of frozen corpse decorations.
Her grey gown was made of the finest silk. It wrapped around her slim figure in a flattering way while still being maintaining an air of regality. Her pale skin shown like ivory against the grey color, no blemishes to mare the smooth perfection. Her white hair hung in curling rivlets down her back. Many winter fae felt great pride in their Queen's beauty, unmatched in all of the Winter Realm.

Arys stood, the court quieting at her movement. Stepping down the small steps, she approached the circle of frosted ice. With a wave of her hand the ice shimmered and swirled, revealing an image of the meeting place : the standing stones in the human world. The human world had always been the place for meeting, considered neutral ground by the fae rulers.
Arys' eyes narrowed. He would be there. It would be their first meeting since he had broken her heart.

A blast of cold air rushed through the court, reflecting the cold anger of the Queen. Her eyes were filled with icy fury. There had been a time where she had been happy and smiling, not nearly as much as Spring but happy enough. But now her heart was frozen in her chest. She had done it to herself after the incident. Now she felt nothing but anger.

No one had arrived yet. Spring would likely be the first. Flakey twit.
Arys' gaze moved up to sweep the court. They understood without words : maintain order while she was gone.
"As you will," they all murmured in unison.
Taking her time, Arys left the caverns that served as the Winter Court and her home. The forest beyond was quiet. Arys walked slowly, the ground turning to frost with her footsteps.



The warm still air of the Summer Forest was broken by giggles. A small figure darted among the trees, giggling gleefully as she outmaneuvered the guard sent to fetch her. She didn't want to go to the stuffy old Court room were all of the mean boring people glared at her. She wanted to play!
The guard was exasperated as he chased the little creature. Humans were filthy stupid creatures and their spawn were downright annoying!
"The King has ordered you to remain in the Court until he returns!" he shouted once again to the fleeing child.
"You can't catch me!" Lyra called in the singsong voice all children knew.
"If I was allowed to use brute force against you I could," the guard grumbled.

The child was actually a couple centuries old, the King having stopped her growth at age four to keep his darling little pet a pup forever. The court members didn't understand it. At least if she was of age she could be a bed warmer for the King. At her current age and mentality she could be nothing but a diversion to laugh at. The court could only wait patiently for the King to grow bored of the little creature and be rid of her.
Her years in the court had taught her how to avoid being caught. She embarrassed the guards on a regular basis with her ability to hide from them. At once they got angry enough she would run to the King and act cute and innocent, which got him to defend whatever she had done.
Not that he spoiled her overmuch. He was firm with her when she needed it. But usually the child got what she wanted.

Finally the guard caught her as she tried to climb a tree that was too high for her to reach. He plucked her up by the back of her dress, a red summer dress with tiny yellow flowers adorning it. Her hair was tangled and full of leaves from her running and diving under bushes to get away from the guard.
Tucking her under his arm, her carried her into the court while she thrashed. "I don't wanna!" Lyra whined.
Once they reached the King the guard dropped her at his feet. "She ran again," was all he said in explaination.
Lyra gazed up at the King with large eyes, her lower lip sticking out in a pout. "I don't wanna stay inside," she said. "I wanna go with you Ba-Ba. Can I go with you? Please? Please please?"
Her little arms wrapped around his leg as she looked up at him with the best puppy begging eyes she could do. The power of cuteness was not to be taken lightly, and Lyra had it in abundance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago


Bones creaked as the winds roared through the Fall Court. Falk was standing to his full height. He was not a towering giant, but his presence and tall stature commanded much respect form all Fae. As a glimmer of light fell upon dark skin and angular cheeks. His chin was proud and strong, had it been on a youth it would be called rebellious but upon the man it was a charming feature. Women sighed after him, but none would dare approach. Falk was mysterious and tempting, but one did not simply approach the King of Fall. At best he would take it as a joke. At worst... None wished to find out. Shadows raced about the Fall King like yarn about a spindle, hiding him from sight as a second wind converged upon the Winter forests. Howling and sweeping through the trees with a glimmering hope of warmth. Leaves floated along and whirled about the icy queen of Winter, and she walked alone no longer.

Matching his stride so it brought him just a breast of the younger ruler, the Fall King watched her out the corner of a eye that gleamed with amusement. Arms clasped behind his back in a militaristic style. "It is good to see you thawing out, Queen of Winter." The smirk that played about his lips let out the smooth and mocking words. "Shall I summon a bucket to collect your tears for once the Moot has commence?" It was a horrible thing to say to the woman, but Falk had his plans and the last thing he needed was Winter showing weakness. That would leave two fronts open to the Seelie. Something, while he was sure he could handle it, Falk did not wish for. Continuing as though he had not dealt insult he spoke with a sterner voice, one that brooked no argument. "You would do well to keep your wrath to yourself. Not only your own Court hinges on this. Should full war break out, I would hate to be involved." The Fall King fully at the Queen, his eyes looking like the overcast sky of a coming storm, dark with a eerie green echo in them. "Keep a peace, and perhaps your vengeance will be sooner at hand." Well the Fall King knew of the little love between Summer and Winter. All the Courts had buzzed with it, and Falk kept his face impassive as he smiled within himself. A scorned woman was a dangerous weapon, but if that scorned woman could focus that scorn and turn her passion to something else... It was a useful tool.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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The summer King stood in front of a large hearth and seemed to be staring into the fires. What he could see was the meeting place. Seeing as no one arrived yet he dissipated the flames and noises to the piled up salamanders relaxing within. He walked out of the room, through the throne room and into the halls. He went from servant to servant ensuring that things were going smoothly from the levels of fruit available to supplies he wanted to keep his court running as smooth as possible.

He waved over a guard. "Begin patrol. Take whom you feel skilled enough then begin training the new ones." as he spoke the guard held eye contact and only broke it when Feroas was finished speaking. The guard nodded and moved on to do as was asked. Feoras then found one of his head servants and nodded to them. "anything needed?" the fae...whom appears to be a humanoid salamander with yellow slited eyes shook his head and regained eye contact. "No my lord. do you require anything this morn?" Feroas tilted his head.

"No, but I am sure that little one may need someone to keep an eye on her while I leave. Ask of one of the messengers to do so. I think I shall leave early for the meeting today." the servant nods and bows before going to do so. Feroas makes it back to the throne room in time for Lyra to be dropped in front of him.

His eyes make contact with the guard and before he could utter a word of his disapproval, his little one spoke to him. "I understand..but I need you to stay inside today." he picked her up and studied the girl. "I believe you also will need to be cleaned up a bit...but no matter for right now. I will be back with haste and when I return you will be clean." he put her on a cushion next to the throne before looking at a black salamander that seemed to appear out of no where. This one was the size of a medium dog with bright red eyes. "ah ember. Please watch little one and ensure she is safe and clean." the salamander gurgled and waddled to Lyra. It stated at her with an expectant expression.

Feroas then nodded to Lyra before stopping in front of the guard. "Do not mistreat the small one again. I will not overlook poor treatment a second time" with that he walked past the guard and went to the meeting place. Once there he stood with his hands behind his black clad back. He knew the others would be watching.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The Archon, lord of Spring stood before his throne facing his court. Though the palaces of each of the lands: Winter, Fall and Summer were magnificent none compared to the majesty of Spring. The palace had stood before there was a Spring Court, before there were humans, before there was fae, some even said it had stood before time itself began to march. For the palace of Spring was sung into the mighty trunk of Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Its branches climbed high into the clouds so that no one could see the top and its roots descended far beneath the Earth. Some said they grew deep into the underworld itself. That the roots kept imprisoned all the evils of the nether realm.

The Archon's hall was sung into the very edge of the World Tree's trunk. Behind his throne the wood had been stripped away leaving the entire Court with a brilliant view of all of the Spring Lands. The opening had of course been cleverly enchanted to prevent any from entering from the outside though that was a hazard only from the winged fae for the hall's terrace stood several hundred feet up the side of the tree. As for the rest of the hall, small tree trunks grew up from the floor forming pillars that kept the hall standing. The hall spanned two stories in height, along the edges stood a great balustrade that wrapped the upper floor of the hall. From here many curious eyes watched the proceedings down below.

In contrast with the rest of the hall the throne which stood alone was made of a dark obsidian, the frame of the thrown was outlined in a sleek black wood polished to a shine to match the dense material that it complemented. Over it was laid a green tapestry like blanket trimmed with earthly brown designs. The throne unlike everything else in the hall was new to the reign of the current Archon. The only thing remaining of the throne that Cernunnos the Ancient and Ceridwen the Siren Queen had used was the tapestry which detailed much of the history of the Spring Court for those that knew how to read it.

The Archon of Spring Nyx’lair Seòltachd walked down the steps that led to his throne. Nyx was the name that those in his confidences use and those who lived in fear of him whispered. Though it was part of his true name those three letters alone did not hold enough power to bind him and the shock on the faces of those that spoke it, that felt the tiniest wisps of power it hinted at was well worth it. In some ancient mortal language his name meant darkness, oblivion, silence, ending, night. Nyx was more than happy with the fear that inspired.

Before he left the hall Nyx motioned for his Captain of the Guard to follow after him. It was the day of meeting, the day when all seasons came together under a banner of peace. It was a dangerous time for each Court without their ruler. Nyx spoke to his lieutenant as they walked. "Double the border guard. I don't want there to be any confusion. Just because I am not here to watch over my lands does not give the wild ones or any other the right to enter. The Moot can last from only a few moments to entire days," Nyx remembered vividly one particularly trying gathering that had lasted nearly three weeks. "I do not want the Court undefended or short stocked during that time. Ensure the Nymphs tend the forests proper and the Naiads know that for three leagues from the border in all directions the water is to remain clean but deadly. Proclaim it to all that can hear that any fae caught within the Spring lands without cause and permission will not be taken to the dungeons of Yggdrasil. They will be fed to the Borogroves. Now leave me, I have some matters to attend before I make my way to the standing stones."

Nyx's Captain departed and the Archon continued to walk. He made his way to ground level and then to a remote courtyear formed by the World Tree's ancient roots rising out of the ground. In years past this had been a burial site for hundreds of Cernunnos' newly born children. Now only two graves stood in this space. The others had been moved to a place of peace deep in the forest. The first grave was small, carved from a beautiful stonework and embedded with and glass. The headstone had the word Taliesin carved into its surface along with the words "Too Soon". The other grave was much greater. A fountain had been built into the headstone so it appeared more like a monument than a grave. A woman of great beauty sat upon a shelf of stone. She had a crown on her head and a knife in her hand. Her face was happy and carefree and her mouth was open wide like she was singing but the knife in her hand was where the water from the fountain stemmed as though the weapon were still dripping with blood. The water collected in a pool at the base of the grave. In the stones above the pool was short poem:

After life's fitful fever, sleep well doth she;
Fate, those sisters three have done their worst:
not steel, nor poison, malice domestic, or soured love;
nothing more can bring woe to thee.

At the bottom of the basin were the words:

Siren Queen
She was not to blame

The basin was ringed with twelve sacred stones that Nyx had traded at great price from the Winter Court. Bound within the stones was a scrying spirit who was forced by cleverly woven Naiad magic to show the watcher whatever he wished to see reflected in the water. Nyx looked into the basin and spoke. "Show me the Standing Stones of the mortal realm." The water rippled and changed, Ceridwen's name vanished replaced by an image of Stone Henge. Only the ruler of Summer stood within. That was to be expected, Nyx held no particular grudge towards the Winter Queen but those of the Unseelie Courts always did things at there own pace. At the expense of all others.

Feoras did not give Nyx cause to worry, for all the strength and power the former Summer King had imbued within him Feoras was little more than an overgrown child. Though he was only a hundred years Nyx's junior the Archon considered him something much smaller. He was after all formerly human even if that part of him was completely gone physically Nyx did not believe that Feoras had lived long enough for the humanity within him, the human frailties, to vanish completely. After all he kept a human child of no real value in his court not because she was of any importance but because he enjoyed her company. Nyx had heard stories of Feoras' anger and his fury but as far as the Archon was concerned these were no more than the temper tantrums of a child that had been given too much power, too quickly. Feoras would be easily dealt with.

"Show me the Winter Queen." Her hall was warded against scrying of this nature but if she had set out for the Standing Stones already he could watch her.

The Unseelie rulers posed much more of a difficulty for Nyx. Though Arys had frozen her heart Nyx knew still that her lost love was a point of weakness for her, where he could shatter her ice like glass if he needed to. No Arys was formidable but not more than Nyx could handle. It was Falk that posed a serious problem. He was as old as Cernunnos and twice as cunning and guileful. He was graceful with his words and never direct about his motivations. Even among fae he was considered a master of manipulation. For a people that specialized in it that was an achievement.

With this in mind Nyx was surprised by the image that appeared before him. Arys was walking threw the forest, no doubt towards the place of the Moot. She had no guards with her but given the nature of her magic only a true fool was dare to attack her. Despite having none of her own people about her Arys was not alone. The Autumn King walked beside her, his hands clasped behind his back like a general. The basin did not project sound so Nyx had very little reason to continue to watch them. He splashed his hand through the basin causing the image to disperse and Ceridwen's grave marker to reappear. Nyx came to this space often but he never spoke to her, sometimes he wished to do so but he never had the words to convey what was in his heart.

Instead Nyx turned away from Ceridwen's grave and ventured into the roots of Yggdrasil. There was a place in the darkness of the World Tree's bottom that could transport anyone if they only knew how to ask. Only the fae could use this portal and all were too frightened of the World Tree to bring themselves this deep into its cellar.

There were four great roots that came together and flattened where they touched, a crossroads. Nyx stood upon them and began to speak.

"You who knows the powers of earth, sea and sky, who remembers the dragons of Faerie And Shades of the night I call to your power. By blood and bone, by womb and tomb take me to the standing stones."

There was an intense rush of wind and Nyx found himself standing on a plain, in place with clear clean skies. He could taste salt on the wind and knew he was standing in the mortal land of England. Half a league from him stood Stone Henge, the gateway to the Faerie. One of the great stones blocked Nyx's view of Feoras and consequently the Summer King's view of the Archon. Encouraged by this Nyx approached the stones cautiously and using the natural powers of his people vanished almost completely into the shadows the huge rocks cast over the grass. He would stay hidden till the other rulers arrived. He wished to watch for a moment to see how they would interact without him present.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Arys enjoyed solitude. It was a time to be alone with her thoughts, instead of the whispers of her court. The goblins, trolls and gremlins that called the Winter caverns home were loathsome creatures, ugly and smelly. Unfortunately such creatures were the main residents of the Winter Realm. And they were not without their redeeming qualities. Gremlins could touch iron; trolls were large and sturdy, hard to take down in a fight; goblins were good at sneaking and stealing; and there were quite a few selkies that resided in the waters of the icy caverns of the Court. It was ironic that a Queen of such beauty and elegance would be ruler over such vile creatures, but under her rule they were at least well behaved.
But those times when she was alone... the beauty of the silence and crisp icy wind that surrounded her... those were the times when Arys could truly enjoy herself, would allow herself the privilege of one of her rare smiles.

But alas, her solitude wasn't to last. A sudden rush of warm air made the smile instantly vanish from her face as the ruler of Fall decided to grace her with his presence. His words were cutting and cruel, not that she expected anything else from a fellow Unseelie. He was cold... but she was colder...
"I would think one as aged as you would know how to speak to a lady, let alone a fellow ruler and queen," she commented, her voice as chilled as the ice that formed at her feet. "Or perhaps time spent with your human plaything has caused your manners to suffer."
It was not a kind thing to say, but she responded in kind to the approach that he had used. If he showed her respect, she would oblige. The queen knew that Falk did not respect her in the slightest, indeed he respected no one. Such was the folly of the old, always underestimating those around them. Well, she would allow him to think she was an empty-headed female. As the only female ruler in the courts she knew that the male rulers didn't think much of her. Let them think what they wished. Winter was deceptive that way, you didn't realize you were freezing to death until it was too late to seek refuge. It may be slow, but Winter always arrived with death at it's heels.

Arys kept her head high as Falk admonished her like a child, no emotion on her face. "I am not capable of tears, dear King of Fall. The only feelings that ice inspires is the hatred that is born of anger gone cold. Haven't you heard the whispers of the courts? I am a monster as those who came before me were." Her grey/blue eyes finally turned to him, the gaze in them heavy with meaning. "One must never toy with monsters... especially those that do not have the ability to feel remorse for their actions."

It was a veiled threat but not likely to be taken seriously by the Fall King. Unlike him Arys did not overestimate herself. She knew just how powerful the Fall King was and that she could never defeat him in combat, but there were other ways of causing him pain that could be done from the shadows, with no finger to point to her. Her threat may not have been fear-inspiring, but it was not idle either.

They arrived at the meeting place. True to form, Summer was already there with Spring either on his way or nearby. Arys stared at the males with equal cold regality, but her gaze hardened considerably when it fell on the Summer King. Cold mist eveloped the ground around her, a sign that she wanted space and a lot of it.
She moved her gaze from Summer, not allowing cursed fool to remain in her sight for longer then necessary. She stood straight with her head held high, her demeanor that of a true Queen : graceful and calling for the respect her status deserved.
@Prince of Seraphs@BlackPanther@LadyRunic



The human child pouted at her Ba-Ba's words. She didn't like it, but she would obey... for now...
Ember appeared and Lyra was distracted from her pouting. Smiling brightly, she hugged the Salamander before following it to several rooms behind the throne. One was a bathing chamber. Several nymphs appeared to undress and bathe the child. They laughed with her as she splashed and played. The nymphs, due to their playful nature, enjoyed caring for the human child. They would kiss her and run their hands over her hair and arms, showering her with attention. But although she liked the female fae, Lyra only really cared about her Ba-Ba.

No one knew where it had come from, but no one dared laugh whenever the child called the King by the name. The one time someone had, they had not lived to regret the action. Only the child was allowed to call the ruler by such a ridiculous name, but he seemed amused by it and never corrected her when she used it.

Once she was clean, dried and dressed in a new dress, this one a darker red gown that reached her feet and had short sleeves, her hair was brushed until it gleamed like gold.
The nymphs sang as the weaved flowers into the child's hair.

"Child of Summer, skin so fair,
dancing freely through the air,
hair that shines of purest gold,
never to age or grow old,
treasure of the Summer King,
with only sweetness shall we sing,
Forever young, the Forever Child,
protected from the pain of the Wilde,
gentle heart, tiny light,
shining brightly through the night...

Lyra yawned as the voices lulled her to sleep. The nymphs lifted her in their arms, carrying her to a dryad who wrapped her in it's boughs to give her a safe place to sleep. Although the court members detested the human child, those of the lower classes such as the nymphs and the dryads treated her innocence as a treasure to be admired and protected.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago


"Haven't you heard the whispers of the courts? I am a monster as those who came before me were. One must never toy with monsters... especially those that do not have the ability to feel remorse for their actions."

The Fall King smiled, truly smiled. It was look that inspired fear in many friend and foe. It was the last thing that the Winter Baron had seen before Tegvan had slain him. A pity, but it had gotten a potential threat out of the way. Flexing a hand, he leaned close to the Queen of Winter and whispered words born of hints of chill into her ear. "And what came before the monsters so great and mighty, that they will not speak of it?" Striding away to leave Winter stand alone and feel the Fell touch of his breathe whisper against her ear seductively. While the girl was amusing the King of Fall was better. Snapping his fingers sharply he summoned his throne upon the grassy knoll in a whirl of shadows. Sitting with a arrogant and easy grace as though the meeting place of the Moot was his own Realm.

It was arrogance, and a show of power. Let the young and mighty stand. Elder beings of more experience would let them, and relax while doing so. Like a great cat the Fall Lord stretched out, lounging in outright. "King of Summer," His head inclined only in minuscule towards the Season-born Fae. "It is good to see you well. I thought for sure, a woman would have taken your head." A sly glance at the Queen of Winter with those storm cast eyes shot warning. "And it seems that might still be the case." The Fell King was clad in only his ancient armor, forgoing the cloak of raven feathers. A wisp of shadow slipped from his hand forming upon the center stone a pitcher and three goblets of wine. The fourth being in his hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(This post was removed- ill post something else later- Removing it affects no one)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Feoras waited in a statue like trance until he felt the familiar cold that he once was allowed to affect. He looked at her, his eyes turning a blue she had seen so often. A blue that betrayed that he did still care for her. Cared, but did not love like she wanted him to. He seemed incapable of loving beyond odd possiveness, as if that emotion and several others were taken when he was trained to be fae so long ago. love of any sort is a weakness you should not have...but then...what do I feel for her? he still did not fully know the answer to the question and now...he had hurt her.

He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and walking to her. He lightly took her hand and kissed it. "My.....Lady" he no longer had the right to call her anything else and knew it....though the hesitation confirmed along with his eyes that even if she hated him...he still cared. He also had no idea how to fix it.

He walked back in front of falk and lightly bowed his head as a show of respect before nodding. His eyes back to orange as he speaks. "If my head is taken I am sure it will be put upon a spike for all to see....But it would seem that is not my fate yet. Greeting to you Falk." he then made his way to the pitcher and the goblets and poured two. One for himself and one for her...if she wished to dump it on him he would expect it. He took his goblet and a small flame appeared in his hand as he heated the liquid contained within. He made sure to give his....the winter queen space to avoid him....he really should speak with her later.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Laira sat in on the edge of a cliff, her eye's following the crashing of the waves into the white stones of the coast. It surly was a deep fall down these chalk clifs that had survived the relentless attack of the sea for centuries. Her feet dangled off the edge swinging them slightly with the motion of the sea. Laira's green eye's gazed down pulled into the dark grey water with foam riding the waves. For one reason she felt pulled towards the cold seawater. Another part of her just screamed to stay away from the deadly stinging waves that were sure to swallow her.

With a sigh she pulled back her disire to jump off the cliff and into the water and stood up. Just before she walked away she caught a glimps of green hair within the water. A Merrow woman. This Merrow was draggin the body of a lifeless young man towards the shore, only taking his soul with her. Once the body was close enough to the shoreline the merrow let go of him and pushed him towards the light sand, letting the current take him towards the land. The Merrow quickly made her way intot he water again only to resurface again and turn her head towards Laira.

''A ship has sunken'' Laira said out loud as the Merrow continued to look at her. She slowly raised her hand to greet the Merrow, only to see her dive into the waves again.

''why show yourself to me?'' Laira quistioned herself out loud. She knew about Fae, her first love turned out to be one. He had left two years ago, taking her heart and her name with him.

''Come and find me where the kelpie dance free and the stones stand frozen in time''
was the only clue she had gotten from him before he left.

Fae have always been around but they seemed to show themselfs a wee bit to much around Laira. She had always found it weird that she saw them so much even though she was a human.

Laira sighed again and adjusted her gloves, turned around and walked back to the village. On her way towards her home she passed the orphanage she had grown up in. Right now they were all asleep as the sun was already setting. She quickly walked through the village making her way unseen throught the shadows of buildings. There were already rumours floating around about her, she did not wanted to make them worse.

Her home was what you called a little cottage on the outskirts of town, standing in the shadow of an old three and some rocks with stange celtic symbols on them. They were probably left by the humans who lived here before the sassenach came to live here. Her rust red hair and green eyes were the only heiritage she had gotten from them. Her family tree being scottish her upbringing english. As Laira opend her door an iron cross greeted her at the dooropening. It has done so many times, but she had always found the cross very repelling and would love to take it off. She never had the courage to touch it for some reason. Once she was inside she boiled some water in a copper teakettle and enjoyed the sweet taste of it before turning in for the night as well.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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Arys rolled her eyes and turned her face away from the Fall King. The arrogance of the ruler was only outmatched by his ego and conceit. Using her own magic Arys waved her hand to cause a seat of solid ice to appear. It wasn't what one might call a 'throne' and it certainly was nothing compared to her throne back in her realm, but it was regal enough for the oocasion.

It took all she had within her to stand perfectly unaffected when he dared touch her. Did he know any shame at all?
Her grey/blue eyes seemed to glow as a spike of cold went down her arm to his hand, but if he felt the jolt of ice he didn't show it. She did not want him touching her. She didn't want anyone touching her.

She ignored the wine. Number one she would drink nothing provided by the King of Fall and two unlike others she did not view this as a social meeting. This was the yearly meeting to make, peace and trades.
Which ones were made here remained to be seen. If Spring would arrive they could begin. The sooner they begun the sooner they would finish and the sooner she could return to her own realm, to her much loved solitude.
Winter kept to itself, staying out of the affairs of other realms. As a result, items from the Winter Realm; gems, gold, silver and various other ores; were highly sought after, not found in other realms. Especially the gemstones, which had strong magical properties.
The thing Winter lacked was food and textiles. But those things were easily procured from Fall and Spring respectively. She would have nothing to do with Summer. There was nothing he could offer that she wanted.

Pressing her palms together, Arys slowly drew them apart to reveal a beautiful intricate snowflake. Pressing them together again, she opened them to reveal a crescent moon with a large star resting inside of it. Then a delicate flower. Then the head and chest of a mighty stag. Then the profile of a wolf howling.
She continued to do this, her hands creating multiple ice carvings. It was something to do while they waited for Spring to show his face. Although she seemed distracted, Arys was closing observing both males before her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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Sini watched the Archon as he finished court business for the day and rose to his feet. She stood quietly behind and off to the side of his throne, her silver armor reflecting the light that came through the wide opening in Yggdrasil’s trunk. A breeze fluttered the cloth of the attached skirt and stirred her wings where they hung at rest against her back. Her place in court was unusual, for she had no official position. And yet there was little question she was an important figure there, for she had the ear of the Archon, and often worked closely with commanders of Spring forces. After multiple centuries no one questioned her presence as their lord’s guard and advisor. She stood motionless as the Mara descended from the dais, but when he motioned for the Guard Captain, Sini too fell in behind them. Sini smiled slightly as she heard his orders. He was a good Archon, avoiding rash actions and not letting quiet breed complacency. The captain left to do as directed, and she moved forward to take his place. He was a fey that had taken the position just under a hundred years past when her mother stepped down, and she’d worked with him before then. He’d been reliable, and Duska had put his name forward when Sini herself turned down the post.

“You’re going there, aren’t you, before you leave.” Her voice held no judgement. Though she’d not been alive to see the siren before she had turned dark, Sini knew from those that had been that the two had been as close as siblings. Some said even closer, though she did not believe that. Nyx did not tell her everything, but he’d told her enough. She shook her head, not at his intention, but over the meeting. “Though I know this meeting is important for the stability of the realm, I like not the manner in which it happens. Even the strongest fey can be overcome, and one is always better off with proper support.” The sylph sighed, but then gave a wry chuckle. “Every year, you meet with them, and every year I say the same thing.” She fell silent for a few paces before speaking again. “The guard is already assigned their shifts. Be it an hour or a week, never will they all be off-duty. Should you signal, they will come. I am taking the first watch myself.”

Sini came to a stop as they reached the fork in the path that lead to the secluded courtyard, lifting her hand to touch his shoulder so he turned to look at her for a moment. “Go well, Nyx, and return safely.” She waited until he turned away again before spreading her wings and leaping skyward.

She reached her own destination shortly, and a whistle with a touch of magic brought a kestrel to her arm a minute later. “You know what to do,” she murmured to him, weaving a simple spell so she could see through his eyes and direct him with a nudge of thought. “You have my thanks. Now go!” With a mighty downward stroke of his wings, the raptor took off and winged away, heading for the mortal realm. Her scout would fly as a normal bird, hunting close enough to the standing stones to see her lord's signal, should it come, but far enough not to attract suspicion. Sini settled in to watch and wait.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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Nyx watched as the other rulers congregated but at this point he was more than aware that nothing more of importance would be said before his arrival. There was too much distrust among the three gathered for that. Nyx glanced up at the stone whose shadow he hid within. It was ancient and rugged. The surface was coarse and offered many places to grip with those that were skilled at such things.

Smiling Nyx began to climb, keeping himself hidden as he did so. When he reached the top of the Standing Stone and was looking down on the other four rulers of the moot he took a seat on the edge of the stone, letting his legs dangle in the air. Nyx did enjoy making an entrance. Before he did however the Archon decided to watch a few moments longer. The Summer King foolish as he was greeted his former lover by kissing her hand. Nyx was surprised Arys with her frozen heart did not freeze his hand solid to match.

The ice carvings she made, sitting on her throne of frost were interesting but it was not obvious that the meeting had come to a standstill without its third member. Sighing Nyx cast aside his glamour and called out from his place on the Standing Stone. "I do hope I have not kept you waiting. I was so enjoying the view." He said this with a sly smile as he jumped from his perch and landed among them. "Shall we call the meeting of the Lords of Faerie to its official beginning?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago


The goblet vanished from his finger tips as dark eyes narrowed on the Mara. How one of their kind escaped his Court to couple with Spring, the Fall King was not pleased. Danger echoed in a rumble in the sky far above, matching the thunderheads in the ancient Fae's eyes. Crossing on leg over the other, the Fall Lord spoke with a voice of power. A warning perhaps, or a threat. Either way, the wind swooned to hear it and the stone creaked about them. "Aye, let the Moot commence." The goblets vanished in a whirl of shadow their liquid sloshing over any near. Leaning forward, his long fingers steepling before him. "Perhaps this Moot shall go to please us all and set grievances aside." Falk spoke easily. Peace or war was no matter to him. Winter's scorn of Summer was hopeful as Summer's kindness towards Winter was not. But he could use that, he would use it. Ever as he had in the ancient pasts. But the Mara, he refused to acknowledge as Ruler. It was a Mara, a nightmare or blissful sleep. Something he would have under his command once more. He would teach the young Spring Ruler why his true predecessor Cernunnos had not struck at him in out right challenge. But first, there were other games to play. Adopting a smirk, Falk gestured for Winter to begin with a wave of his hand. A half nod from his head. "Ladies first, Queen of the Court of Winter."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once Spring finally showed his simple minded face the Moot could finally commence. She narrowed her eyes as Fall allowed her to go first, but nodded in acknowledgement all the same. She had something to make the males drool this Moot.
Waving her hands, mist and frost swirled in the air before a red object appeared in her palm. Placing it between her thumb and forefinger, she held it up for all to see. It was a small object, no bigger then a marble, but there was no mistaking it's sheen and luster.

"Blood Pearls," The Winter Queen said. "The first found in a thousand years. The selkies of my realm discovered a cache of them. I offer a substantial amount to those who have something of value to trade."

Blood Pearls were rare gems used in several ancient rituals. It might seem foolhardy to trade away such things but Arys was no fool. She kept enough back for her own use, in case of any misdealings on the part of the other realms.
She felt sure Spring would jump at them quickly, he was fond of shiny things and Blood Pearls were both rare and powerful. Fall was an unknown, but he would likely want some just so Spring would not be the only one receiving them.
And Summer would get none.
Call it petty, but she did not trade with enemies.

"Of course I also offer the standard from years past : a variety of ores and gemstones from the Winter Mines, in exchange for food and textiles for clothing," she added. All of the realms had a need for the ores for weapons and crafting, and all Fae enjoyed gems, even herself.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Feoras watched spring leap into view with a rather nonchalant expression. His main worry here was Arys....the winter queen. He watched the goblet vanish and his flame vanished in the same moment. His stance became one of a listener with his hands behind his back. He hoped for peace...but if war was to come he would prepare for it. After all, after every fire life began a new.

As the winter queen spoke, he could tell he would not receive anything from her. No matter what he had and no matter how he felt. He decided to speak anyway to preserve the politeness of offering trade. "I have fruits and other various foods to offer." he also had a few rare things that he may never offer. Things hidden away...like tears from a broken heart. Ironic that it is rare since he seems to break hearts often.

He thought through his collection and what he may offer since it was of no more use to him. "I also have unicorn tears." that was rare....rare and odd. His came from awhile ago...and winter could probably relate to the story. He had the tears made into stones using a ritual...so those were something of beauty. He had enough for trade and a few for himself...along with the other things not to be mentioned yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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Nyx saw the eyes of the Autumn King narrow as the Mara entered his view. He smiled slightly at Falk's annoyance. The Mara as a people had no allegiance to any one Court however the ease with which most brought out the most horrible nightmares in their meals rather than any other emotion to feed on meant the majority of Nyx's people lived in the Unseelie Courts. Of these a large population was under Falk's rule. It must have irked the Fall King to know that what should have been one of his subjects now stood as his equal, commanding the Court in direct opposition to his own.

Though his guileful smile betrayed how Falk's annoyance pleased the Archon Nyx was not fool enough to challenge or disrespect him openly. Even Cernunnos who most would say matched Falk in both power and age never challenged the Autumn Lord directly. Not that the former Archon feared Falk but Cernunnos respected the power he held and Nyx would have been a fool if he was not just as wary of that power.

Falk discarded his wine without offering any to Nyx. Not that the Archon expected any less, it was still impolite. The Fall King called the Moot to its official opening and offered the Winter Queen the role of the first offer. Nyx was surprised by the items she brought in trade. Blood Pearls. They were precious ancient stones that were a key component to some very old magicks. Not something to be pedaled lightly. Which meant one of two things. Either Arys didn't know their worth or she had far more than the number she brought to the bargaining table. It was never wise to bank on the stupidity of others which meant that Nyx had to assume however many Blood Pearls Arys was offering in trade she had at least twice that number in her personal stockpile.

Nyx would have some of the Blood Pearls for his kingdom, they were rare and he could make good use of them. Blood rituals were often temperamental and thus rarely attempted lest they end in disaster. He was somewhat less interested in the Unicorn tears of the Summer King. They were uncommon but by no means rare, perhaps the Unseelie Courts would be interested but Spring had its own stock of Unicorns. If Nyx truly wanted some of their tears he need not trade for them.

"My Winter Lady, in exchange for a small selection of Blood Pearls I can offer you this." Nyx pulled from his cloak a container of clearest crystal. It was tinted darkest red with the color of the liquid inside. The colors seemed to shift and dance like a burning flame. "Taken from the darkest part of the Spring Realm, water from the River Phlegethon. The Spring Fae had many names for this substance, Fire Water, Soul Flames, Scourge, Liquid Damnation. It tasted of liquid fire and burned the throats of any that drunk it but it also strengthened them, those that drank of it needed not food nor sleep, nor any other drink for several days. In Cernunnos time when he had tortured a prisoner to the point of death the Archon would force feed this substance to him to give the prisoner strength so that he might endue more pain without dying.

"I'm sure Lady Arys you could find many uses for such a substance, you have after all many enemies." As he said that word Nyx's eyes flicked almost imperceptibly to Feoras for a fraction of a second before he looked back at the Winter Queen with a cheshire grin on his face. "In addition to this limited commodity I would wish to renew our trade agreements of years past. As usual Spring can provide you one half of the textile material your people need." In this respect Nyx could not budge. Unlike Spring whose inhabitants wore cloths mostly made from plant material if they wore clothes at all Winter required something more substantial. In such a cold climate as their's Arys' people required leather and furs for their clothing. The animal population of Spring was considerably less than that of their Seelie neighbor and Nyx had no interest in hunting the species of his Court to extinction. He made available to Winter what he could in that regard but no more than that.

"In exchange for the furs and skins of Spring animals I would require the excretions of the Behemoths of your Court." It was of essentially no value to Winter while in Spring it served as an unparalleled fertilizer for the nature fae. It helped them grow larger and increased their abilities over time. This act allowed Nyx to keep control over the dryad population as well as increasing the strength of the nature fae in his army if war were to be visited on the land. "Spring can also provide the Winter Court with food in exchange for weapons grade iron ore extracts for armament and other purposes."

Nyx was rather pleased with the rift that was between Summer and Winter. Though the two courts under any ruler had never been considered allies by an definition in peace times they would often trade. With Arys' frozen heart Feoras couldn't hope to establish any trade relations with her which meant that anything that Winter needed which could only be supplied by a Seelie Court had to come through Nyx. His position at the bargaining table lent him a decent advantage over both Summer and Winter. Fall was much more slippery. Trades between Autumn and Spring were a rare occurrence usually only for very specific and unique items and they were always one time deals. Never a renewal of contract between Falk and Nyx.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago


The Autumn King sat back in the throne. Blood pearls changed things in his plans a bit. They were not so much a threat as a ingredient, a resource. One that could bring strife or the fruition of his life. The stormy eyes calmed to a simmering overcast color. "I can offer furs, leathers, and such at their prime for your trade of ores, gems, and such." His voice was not the clipped arrogant tone it had been, settling into a almost masculine purr. A vibration of power and elegance. "I can offer meat from the hunts as well." Tapping the arm of his throne a smile broke out upon the Fall King's face. It was clear he was trying to suppress it but to no avail. "And if I may throw my lot for those gems, and other things besides. Protection, power... vengeance." Turning fully to face her, his hand propping up his head as the Ancient Fae watched the Snow Queen.

His plan was taking a unexpected turn, but as most things do. Nothing in this Realm nor the Fae Realm was straight. To be straight would be to dive into death with open arms and red smile. It was all he could do to not watch the faces of the other two. His focus would have to be on this woman. "You're accomplishments are commendable. For one of such youth to attain such power. It does you credit." He shifted to uncross his leg from his knee and let them sprawl out lazily. "I am getting on in my years, ancient as I am. My Realm is stable and strong. Would that the Spring Queen still rule, but this is by far better. I offer up a alliance," Raising a finger he paused for a long minute. "In exchange for a heir from our blood both." He gave a predatory smile while he watched the Queen's face. Let Spring and Summer watch should this turn sour he would shrug it off and wave a hand saying till the next Queen who met his requirement.

"I am asking for your hand in a marriage alliance."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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Arethusa walked through her land, her own personal Kingdom. She wore her usual flowing dress, which hugged her curves loosely. Today though, she was wearing a baby sling woven from bending branches, with a bed of moss on the inside. The path was worn along the riverbed, where she usually roamed. Tiny footprints were planted daintily in the mud, along with hoofprints of large animals coming to get water. The brook babbled softly, flowing along at a steady pace that was just right to swim in. Fish popped out of the water regularly, their iridescent scales gleaming in the sunlight that broke through the canopy of leaves that were evergreen. A brisk, warm breeze flowed through the place, sending delicious chills down one’s spine. It was such a beautiful place, reflecting off her joyful mood.

She sent casual smiles to the denizens of her home, those who stayed until nightfall to go working in the Summer Kingdom. She would soon have to leave, and go to the palace. There, her adorable little challenge was waiting, and probably irritating her protectors. For now though, she basked in the warm patches of sun breaking through the leaves. Sitting down at the edge of the brook, her foot swept gracefully into the warm water. She gazed up, eyes focusing on a young bluebird. With the crook of her finger, she beckoned it down.

”Darling,” she said in a lavish tone, stroking the bluebird’s soft feathers with a charming smile. ”I need a bunny, one with a tolerance.” She planted a kiss atop the bird’s head, before sending it off to perform its simple task. While she waited, she hummed a simple tune, one she had known since her formation. In a matter of minutes, the bluebird was back, hovering lazily above a small rabbit. Once the rabbit was only a few hops away, the bird returned to the trees, picking up where it had left off in its calls.

Arethusa picked up the rabbit, stroking the silky strawberry blonde fur covering its entire body. ”You, have the most important task of the day, my friend.” She cooed, using her cheek to nuzzle against it. ”You will entertain the King’s beautiful pet, while I am busy checking on all of the citizens.” The rabbit chattered, chewing affectionately on Arethusa’s green hair. ”Her name is Lyra, she is great, yet irritating at times. You will love her. Come along, dear rabbit.” With a laugh akin to a wind chime, she took the rabbit and tucked it into her sling. It looked up at her with the innocent eyes of a doe, and Arethusa knew he would be the perfect pet for Lyra.

On her way to the castle, she took a random path, as she did every day. It confused those who tried to pick up her steps, and follow them back to her sanctuary. It also gave her a new path to dance along. As she practiced her two step, she whispered her task of the day. Feoras was in a meeting, to discuss peace and trades between his kingdom and all the others. So, while he was gone, she would check up on everything he skipped over in his moods. He was such a good King when he tried, but those moments were used up mainly on the activities of utmost importance. Arethusa pleased the people, taking notes of their problems and promising she would bring it up to Feoras for discussion.

It took her only an hour, to get to the hustle and bustle of the main court. She pushed past others, her strides long and fast. When one recognized her, she would offer them a wave or a small sentence. Mainly though, she worked her way to Lyra. The girl lit up her world, she was as much the King’s as she was her’s, because when her father was gone, Arethusa cared for her. She walked into the palace, no one stopping her. As soon as she came in, she found one of the salamander servants and asked them to direct her to Lyra and her caretaker. Once the directions were in mind, she followed them to her blonde girl.

Arethusa’s face brightened when she saw her, surrounded by nymphs who combed their fingers through her tresses. Once they saw Arethusa, they smiled and took a few steps back. Arethusa laughed, shaking her head to dismiss them. They were her sisters, and none of them had to treat her like she was special. ”Good to see you all.” She whispered, pushing past them to go shake Lyra awake. ”My dear Lyra, I have brought you a gift.” Once the child’s eyes opened, she would place the rabbit on her lap. The rabbit took up its job instantly, bouncing around on Lyra and chewing on the girl’s hair. ”I must leave, I’m sorry.”

She waved a goodbye at her sisters, reminding them to take good care of Lyra. They chattered endlessly, showing Lyra all the things she could do with her new pet. Arethusa’s fleeting glance was the last she would see of Lyra for most of the day. She walked out to Feoras’ study, telling the servant outside the door that the study was now open, and to gather a line at the doors of the palace. She sat, waiting only a few minutes before her first complacent Fae came in. Her body craved the wild, but she sat through her job with a smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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A look of shock crossed Nyx's face momentarily. It was a testament to how surprising the Fall King's offer was that anything showed in the Mara's features at all. Within a single moment that shock was gone, replaced before any but those observing him closely could see. He covered his surprise with a half cajoling, half mocking air and an easy smile. He gave a short laugh. "My dear Autumn King, you are old indeed. Perhaps that had made you wise in some matters but evidently none of those have to do with the proper way to treat a lady. Why that is no way to woo the hand of any but the desperate. If I may say that does not describe our beautiful Lady Arys." Nyx grinned. There was something satisfying about mocking the Fall King in a situation where his words were slight enough that retribution would seem extreme and unbecoming. It was not as if Fall and Spring could become more distant from each other and neither would declare war over something as petty as this. "You must come at the very least with flowers for her grace. Though I suppose in your land flowers are out of there time." His smile hinted at the laughter Nyx held at Falk's attempt to join the two Unseelie Courts.

Falk was objectively speaking attractive for a fae but Arys was far too reasonable and more importantly far too cold to marry for such a petty reason. The manner in which Falk acted, performed all of his tasks, the manner in which he existed for that matter dictated that should he marry the Winter Queen they would not share what belonged to them individually. Instead everything that Arys commanded would become Falk's and he would ensure that there was little she could do about it.

Though a part of him was dying to throw it in Falk's face Nyx kept to himself what Ceridwen would have thought about such an offer being made of her. The very prospect of Fall and Spring joining forces was ludicrous but more than that Ceridwen had always found Falk despite his appearance repulsive. He displayed certain appetites that seemed insatiable which Ceridwen found disgusting. Besides for all his ability and age Falk was nothing special. A mere seasonborn. Ceridwen had always had a fascination with the rare among the fae. She never would have deemed to lower herself to being tied to something as trivial as a seasonborn. It was likely the reason she had taken to Nyx as a child. He was one of a dozen Mara in the entire Spring Kingdom while Fall and Winter had colonies of his kind.

Nyx shifted his gaze to Feoras wondering how he would take the news. The rumors of Arys and Feoras' affair permeated all four Courts. It had been considered somewhat scandalous at the time though no one truly believed it would last. When the inevitable came Nyx was far from surprised. But whatever Feoras had done to offend Lady Arys he still clearly cared for her. Nyx quietly was hoping the Summer King would ignite in fury or indignation though that remained to be seen.

Raven Silverlight

Raven walked through the Summer Court dragging behind her a Hobgoblin with his hands bound. There was a price on his head for taking a number of artifacts that the Summer King valued. The shackles that held him were spelled by a very creative Spring fae. They prevented the Hobgoblin from changing his shape.

Raven didn't hold any particular dislike for Summer but she much preferred its fairer Seelie brother. She was skilled enough to avoid the deception of the place and Spring's climate was to her more preferable. She would have delivered her cargo long ago if only she'd been able to fly the distance but unfortunately with an uncooperative Hobgoblin in toe being able to fly without loosing him was an impossibility. Still the Summer heat was not unbearable and the woods were pleasant.

Every minute or so Raven yanked hard on the chain that connected to the Hobgoblin's shackles. She'd given him only enough chain so that he was not bumping into her with every step but no more. She didn't want to risk him escaping. His kind could be so slippery after all and she had plans for the money his capture would bring.

Soon the forests of Summer gave way to the mighty Court of Feoras the Summer King. He was powerful but Raven considered him hot tempered. She felt the other rulers held an advantage over him in the realm of politics and so preferred to exist in one of their Courts. It wouldn't do to be caught behind enemy lines if a war were to break out.

The Capitol of Summer was a beautiful place but Raven found the fae there giving her nasty glances and some even spat at there feet as she approached. She knew why of course. She had not deemed to glamour herself this visit to the Court and so the color of her eyes was plain for all to see. A deep violet that portrayed her as a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann. A tribe of fae that in ancient times had been condemned and now those who were a part of it were considered the lowest of the low. Raven smiled at those that gave her nasty looks and even bowed to one very old Brownie who looked so shocked he hurried inside a close by building to be away from her.

Raven had no illusions about how people saw her. No matter where she went she was not wanted, spat on in the streets, denied access to taverns and shops, her named cursed by any fae who saw her. After more than a thousand years she had stopped caring. If they wanted to despise her for what she was there was nothing she could do to change it. If her presence made people uncomfortable let it. If they wanted to be away from her they could be the ones to leave. She would go where she chose when she wanted. At this moment that place was the Palace of the King of Summer. She had a delivery to make.

When Raven arrived at the palace gates the guard starred at her for several seconds. He was a troll of creditable size who likely expected his menacing stare to scare her away. When it didn't he spoke in scattered words. "You, not welcome here."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Yeah I get that a lot. I have a delivery for the representative of the Summer King while he is at Moot." She said shoving the Hobgoblin forward.

The troll watched the Hobgoblin for another few seconds, trying to figure out what he should do. Finally he said "I take prisoner to Are, you wait here, I bring reward to you."

Raven sighed. She really hated dealing with trolls. It was hard to make anything stick in their thick heads. "That's not going to cut it. If I'm not permitted to see the Overseer I'll simply take this creature somewhere else. I'm sure Spring or Winter would be pleased to get their hands on some of Feoras' prized treasures."

The trolled looked rather annoyed but signaled for the gate to be open. "Go in. Remember Drak not at fault here. End of this on your head. Not Drak fault, tell Overseer you at fault, not Drak."

"I would be happy to." Raven said giving a very condescending bow to the troll guard before entering through the gate. She passed through a handful of corridors before she found what she was looking for. Are the Overseer, the one in charge while Feoras was absent had set herself up in the Summer Court's Great Hall hearing the grievances of various Summer Fae.

Raven bypassed the line. Those upset by this quickly shut their mouths when they saw the sword hanging at Raven's hip. It was named Claiomh Solais. The blade forged of diamond, the handle carved of precious ivory, it was believed to be one of the four ancient treasures of Raven's people, lost for thousands of years. It was said that no one prevailed against the wielder and while none had ever gotten close enough to determine if there was an enchantment on the blade that made this true the fear of it being possible kept a great many from challenging Raven. In all likelihood it was one of the few reasons she was still breathing. Most Tuatha didn't live as long as Raven had.

In the hall there was a sprite telling Are in rapidfire speech about some problem she was having with a neighboring pixie but the moment Raven came into view she fell silent. "I would leave if I were you small one, come back when Are is less busy." The sprite fled the hall and Raven smiled. "Hello Are, I brought your King a gift." She threw the Hobgoblin down at Are's feet.

"I do believe there was a substantial reward for the capture of this creature."
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