Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It felt like a storm, rain and lightning making the air dense and the pressure high. Yet once Vincent passed through that 'barrier' and entered what he only could explain as a 'Domain' that was the campus ground he was immediately met with tranquility and sunshine. It was such a peaceful place, almost like if it was the eye of the storm.

He shuddered to the change but didn't mind it as it had almost been instant. He walked over the campus ground towards what looked like the dormitory, there he was met with the seven small huts that made it up. It was a strange number, but Vincent assumed it was meant to be lucky or something.

He saw many students come and go from the different doors, noticing that a a large number of students just came and went without problems. Yet he knew the reason, and as he pulled up the key card from his pocket and put it into the door he was curious as to what would happen. A lamp lit up, and as he opened the door he was met with a Dark Gothic room.

It had a relatively Gender natural built, and relied heavily on the dark themes and Gothic displays, enough so to make him roll his eyes. He walked inside and the door closed behind him and just like that he was inside his own pocket dimension created by someone of great power but no taste in decoration... He didn't mind too much, it was better than having the fairy type room, which he had heard was super girly.

He unpacked his things and then left the door room, he noticed that he left from another door than the one he entered which was quite Cool in a way. Eager to learn more about this place he headed to the front where there was a gathering of students for the new year welcome speech.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
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CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was cold, the dampened sky causing the air to grow thick, breath escaping a pair of lips in wispy tendrils. A woman standing near with a bag slung over her shoulder, few belonging to her name stood near. A figure of intimidation, disciplined eyes behind a mask, a body of muscle with hair that threatened to drag the ground behind her.
It was all too obvious of what she was. Arms crossed she simply watched those who entered the school. Studying each and every one to see who they were. The friends, the loners, the weak, the strong, the smart, the idiotic. Each and every single one being categorized and filed away for later before she finally began to make her way to the rooms.
A card within her clawed hand opening the room that sent a wave of heat through every fibre of her body, wrapping her in a blanket of warmth that threatened and succeeded to pull her into the welcoming enclosure. It was warm colors, with a roaring fire tamed by it's place. The beds seeming to have hot coals beneath the covers while plush pillows laid about the floor. "Least it's not the bowls of hell or something...."

Taking off her bag she found a note addressed to her. Eyes of curiosity she opened the paper to see neat and rather elegant handwriting that she found herself respecting.
Dear Shira Kai, your family has already addressed the issue of you having little mastery of fire yet have excelled in combat. For this I had instructed that your room is in the flame quarters and that you must meditate for one hour under the embers every single day before your classes.

"Not wasting my time, I like it." She was no stranger to meditation, her father being so attuned to aura caused her to join in from time to time as a child, it was a relaxing moment. One where worries and burdens had abandoned her. Taking her spot she sat cross legged, her tail feathers ruffling a bit before she began to slowly inhale and exhale, a stream of warm breath escaping her that she tried not to think of.
She trained under a blaziken for a time, and whenever he took a deep breath there was a small stream of fire...she had to learn how to do that, to have such control that she would be connected to fire no matter what. That was what she needed, and she was gonna get it right here.
Time passing her by, it was a while before she decided to look outside. Walking around the school grounds she began to notice that there were areas that could sustain every single need any pokemon out there had. She had to admit she was impressed with the place, the training room though, she could live there. "Might as well live here."

Staying under cover she continued to walk around, hands in her pockets, the sounds of rain and the cool patting of her feet becoming defining against the excited whispers around her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tala Avana
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Tala Avana Sharing the love of Violence!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Too many people. There were far too many for her liking. Neeva slipped through the area quickly as she made her way to the dormitory, avoiding contact with anyone and keeping her head down, tails kept close together. She had been here for a mere half a day and she had already had more people greet her than she has had in the last 5 years. Once she reached the dormitory she quickly put the key into a door, popping it open and slipping inside in a hurry. She was seriously reconsidering the wisdom of her coming here, but it was too late to back out now... well not really, but she wanted to think so, it helped keep her from turning tail and running.

Once she had her meager items stores away, Neeva slipped back out of the room, looking around. She had no idea where to go, not a clue who to ask and the only guidance she had was that there was a 'start of the year' speech. After a moments consideration she decided to head in the direction that many of the student that had left their rooms were going. She once again kept her head low as she made her way, watching those that were also headed in the same direction. There was so many different Gijinka here, from fighting types to dark types, like the Mighteyena off to the side of her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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"To the side Max!" Lilac shouted as they neared a large tree. Max nodded and broke off from her side. The two circled around the tree, Lilac biting her lip. Up in the tree was a young Pidgey Gijinka who had flown up to the tree without supervision from her mother. And now she couldn't get back down in fear of falling. And she was indeed falling. She ran as fast as she could but she knew she couldn't reach. She closed her eyes, fully expecting the sickening sound of flesh hitting the ground at high velocity.

But it never came. She opened her eyes and saw that Max had successfully caught the Pidgey by diving towards the landing and grabbing her in mid-air. He was panting as he let the young Pidgey rest atop his chest as he was sprawled on the ground, arms extended outwards. Lilac sighed in relief as she approached the two. The Pidgey was crying. Lilac slowly scooped her up and then comforted her. Soon enough, the mother Pidgeotto came in and thanked the two profusely before leaving with her daughter.

"Good job Max. I didn't know you could do it." She playfully punched his arm and he grunted in response.

"Come on, we're going to be late." Max shouldered the bag that they had dropped earlier on. Lilac had a vision while they were travelling and saw the young Pidgey atop a tree. They searched for it while heading towards the school and finally found it. The huge tree in the middle of the clearing. Mission accomplished, they could safely say.

"Yeah!" Lilac took her bag as well and they headed for the school. The weather was extremely different from where they came from and it revitalized Lilac. They bounded for the dormitory and after bidding farewell, they disappeared inside their own rooms. Lilac smiled as she entered hers. It was so calming, perfect for her almost nightly nightmares. But she might want to add some extra things here like plushies. She placed her things inside while humming to herself and then left.

Max, on the other hand, wasn't very impressed. The room was for a goth. Horrible sense in design. That was something since Max wasn't usually picky about things. He dropped his bag on the bed. Well, at least there was lighting for when he's going to read his book. He stepped out of his room and met with Lilac.

The two walked around, marvelling at the sight of the school. Or well, at least Lilac is. Max just let the girl pull him along. Noticing a lone figure walking, Lilac bounded up to her. "Heya, how are you finding the school so far?" She was a friendly gal and doesn't hesitate to strike up a conversation with anyone. Max just trailed behind her, nodding as a greeting for the Blaziken Gijinka.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
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CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The sound of footsteps began to patter through the sheets of rain. Her hands still behind her back she found many of the students giving her a wide girth. Some were still in their first stages of evolution, skittering around and talking excitedly till they saw her.Eyes showing intimidation, who knows, maybe some even thought she was a teacher here.

A young voice thrilled behind her, bouncing off the walls and bounding to her side. Asking how she was liking the school, Shira turned her head, surveying the pair of eveelutions that stood near her with a calculated gaze. They looked a little younger, close to each other. Ether good friends or maybe even related. Their own eyes bright and ready, excited for a year that they probably have been looking forward to for some time.

"I just got here actually. I been meditating in my room for the last few hours so I'm not entirely sure yet. The gym seems nice though." At first glance it was obvious she would have went to the gym, she always went to the gym, the clicking iron and smell of determination was enough to get her blood pumping. It was one of the only things she really knew, her body being toned to a weapon of muscle it quickly consumed her through childhood.

The dull humm of distant thunder caught her attention, looking up she shrugged when others began to run for cover. "And you two? Is it your first year here or have you come back to hone your skills further?"
@Polaris North
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Lilac gladly listened to her reply. She might or might not have thought that she wouldn't reply. Perhaps it was because of the stern look on her face that the Espeon gijinka expected the exact opposite. While others thought she was a teacher, Lilac figured she was a student. She didn't look like one but she just had a feeling. And she's right most of the time. Being a psychic gijinka has that kind of side effect.

Oh so she was a first time student too. What a coincidence! When she asked a question, she would reply, "Well I haven't really walked around the school grounds yet so I don't know." She let out a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of her head. "But I know it will be fun!" She continued, the huge grin plastered on her face again.

"There were a few quiet places here and there. Perfect for reading." Max replied. He enjoyed those kinds of places and he made sure to make a mark of the location of the places in his mind. "It's our first year here. But I've heard a lot of things about this place." That and he had to chaperone Lilac. One of her reasons is to control her precognition powers. Make it more vivid and such and knowing where it is happening.

"Oh, my name is Lilac and that there is Max, my best friend!" She forgot to introduce herself at first.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

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@Polaris North@CloseEnough@Tala Avana@Iatos
Cassandra is moving around on her office, which is a mini library in the shape of tall cylinder, getting ready for the busy day ahead. There are many little wall lamps and chandeliers for Cassandra to read anywhere lofted if she so desires. Cassandra prefers to read on the comfy reading chair at the bottom. It also allows where students can easily found her if so needed. Although Cassandra mainly lectures history and literature, Cassandra helps some psychics with precognition to better understand their powers on the side. Cassandra leaves her Office and walks though the halls towards the place where the welcoming speech is held every year. Cassandra stops in front of a window and stares blankly out into the grey sky. A lighting strike brings her back to reality. Cassandra quickly continues toward the planned destination.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As everyone started to gather, they were welcomed to the High school by the headmaster arceus as well as his left and right hand assistants Dialga and Palkia, they gave a short speech about They looked forward to seeing everyone's progress and how they was thankful to both students and Teachers for attending yet another year at Gijinka high. Arceus explained that if you wished to discuss any changes to rooms you had to speak to Palkia and that you could find her at the space tower. Dialga would be holding the combat classes later this evening, and for now every new student would attend to Homeroom in the largest class room of the main building. How to get there was simple... first corridor, first door to the left... in fact, it din't matter which door you picked at all of the left corridor doors led to the same place.

The older students would attend their schedules and soon after introducing all the teachers for all the subjects everyone was sent on their separate ways.

Lucas felt rather relieved that the speech was short, he was quite curious to find out everything there was to know about this place that clearly didn't have just one dimension to go around. He didn't really feel the need to make any changes to his room, and he had the suspicion there was some kind of catch to doing it... Still it seemed their first class would be homeroom, one he didn't quite mind as it made a bit of sense to start off on the lighter side. He Headed off to the main building nad didn't wase too much time loitering around before turning down that left corridor and opening the first door to reveal the classroom.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tala Avana
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Tala Avana Sharing the love of Violence!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Neeva let out a relieved sigh as she listened to Arceus. For a bit she had been worried that she would miss the welcoming speech. Once it was done she began making her way to the homeroom, thinking things over. Her own room was fine as it was, no need to change that. As she got close to the first door, she skirted around another student, glancing back at them before returning her attention to the front, only to see a mass of grey and black stopped in front of the door. Neeva tried, but couldn't stop herself entirely before her nose bounced off the back of his head. One hand shot to her now sore nose as she scrunched her eyes closed.

"Sorry! Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! Sorry!" She sputtered out quickly as she staggered back a step. Thankfully the blow had been light enough that it didn't do any damage.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Lilac and Max listened intently to what was happening on the orientation. It was a short speech and had all the important details. Once it had ended, they went to the designated room. As they were heading there, however, they saw two other students. One apologizing profusely to the other. Lilac was utterly curious but was pulled along by Max to head to another door and enter the classroom from there. Max thought it would be for the best if they didn't enter the scene. It didn't look all that bad either. It was just probably a case of bumping into someone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lucas was about to head right into the classroom and take a seat when he felt something crash into him from behind, it didn't really hurt or make him stagger it was more of a surprise really than anything. He urned around and when he saw the girl apologizing he put two and two together. He looked to her, saw her nose and hoped she was okay rather than anything else. "Are you alright?... its Okay, was a accicdent right?... hows your nose?" he asked as he stepped inside and helped the girl inside before more people could bump into them, he wondered if she perhaps would need a tissue or something or perhaps ice to cool her nose if she had hurt it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tala Avana
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Tala Avana Sharing the love of Violence!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Neeva felt herself getting tugged along and went with it, assuming that the person was getting her out of the pathway. Once they stopped she blinked her eyes a few times before taking her hand from her nose, wiggling it a bit to get the feeling back to normal before looking to the person that had pulled her aside. It was the Mighteyena that she had noticed earlier, and more recently ran into.

"Yah, sorry, my nose is fine, just a bump." She said quickly as she glanced around, noting that many of the students had taken seats. She quickly grabbed onto that excuse to get away from her humiliation.

"We should.... we should get a seat. Some seats." She stuttered, feeling heat on her cheeks. Neeva quickly made her way to one side finding a seat close to the back where there wasn't many people.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lucas nodded to Neeva, he looked into the classroom and walked towards a empty seat as he nodded to the girl. "Yes, I guess... Hope you don't get a nose bleed or something" he said as he took a seat and just turned to the black board. He thought a while if he should make some changes to his desk, but decided to leave it alone for the moment... No use to unpack any unnecessary stuff first class after all.
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