Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Elgappa
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Totally fine with the location! ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dogematix
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mama why?! Great opening post, I'll get my sheet tidied up and placed in the character section later this evening, the pm gave me some ideas for how to edit my court.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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EDIT: I reconsidered some few points about clan Karolus.
What I have come to think is that Clan Karolus could control both the lands you mentioned and... the decrepitous Muin's Keep. It would be representating the old aristocracy refusing to be kicked out of Muin's Keep and struggling to maintain their status quo. That would fit the role of its leader and the high population of the clan. Tell me if you like it and else we can work in another direction. In any case, please, finish your sheet.

That sounds like an interesting angle, like he'd be 'safeguarding' the keep for the future lord (with some reluctance). I'll be finishing up my sheet soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Famigliolabuona i had something for my sigil but i actually prefer the runes, makes it more unique.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Another question - do our dwarves have access to gunpowder/firearms?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Raudaz Karolus

Biography: Unlike most of the other clan heads, Karolus is not a son of Muin, but a cousin. Having no brothers of his own, Karolus came to see him as a fraternal companion, and they spent a good deal of time together during their adolescent years. The older and wiser Muin would teach an eager, curious Karolus about boyish fascinations, tales that made Muin both envied and admired by his younger cousin. In many ways, Karolus sought to emulate him, as if he felt the need to prove his worth as an only son. Fortunately, Muin either realized this or was not content being alone in the spotlight, and happily indulged his cousin’s fancies. They shared bouts with training blades, turns with the pickaxe and afternoons galloping through the valley atop their hogs.

By the time adulthood robbed them of their frivolous adventures, Muin was working his way up the totem pole. From a stonemason to a landholder, then to the lord of the valley - that was a progression that Karolus was forever proud of his cousin for, though a small part of him lamented the fact he had not been as eminent. To his fortune, Muin bid him join his circle as a close retainer, having not forgotten their bond as adolescents. This earned Karolus a measure of renown for himself, which he appreciated. It would be enough to start a clan of his own, and carve his path to distinction.

Recent history: The death of Muin was a heavy pill for Karolus to swallow. He’d fashioned Clan Karolus into proper retainers of the throne, always ready to stand at the Master’s side in times of good and bad. With the loss of his cousin, Karolus lost a close friend, brothers if only in spirit. He also lost his crutch - Muin’s successes were his own, that was true. Karolus owed his status thanks to his cousin’s deeds, and realising this, blamed himself for piggybacking off his triumphs.

There would be little time to wallow in his sentiment, however, as Karolus knew another clan would try to fill the void left by his cousin’s death. His many first cousins once removed would surely be eyeing each other with suspicion and planning their moves. The least Karolus could do to honor Muin was to see the throne occupied by a worthy lord. Not himself, no, he hadn’t the stomach nor the ambition to reign over the entire valley. But as an elder to the many claimants, he would do right by his bloodline and support the best one for the task.

Other relevant characters:
  • Alden: Karolus’s right-hand man and steward. A close friend since the two were boys.
  • Uesli: Commander of Karolus’s retinue. A veteran warrior of many campaigns.
  • Hadlee: Karolus’s wife of forty years. Her brewery puts the rest of the valley to shame.
  • Otger: Karolus’s son, now a young adult. Obedient to a fault, yet lacks independence and the drive to strike out on his own.

Location: Clan Karolus enjoys a section of the most fertile land in the valley. It sits in the center, just west of Muin’s Keep. It is protected to the north by Kalerodom Lake and to the south by mountains. Its location makes it very much a bulwark of the main keep - anyone passing through to the keep by land must also pass through Karolus’s territory.

Population: Approximately 3,000

Main settlement(s) Karolus's base of power is an ancient hold known as Seaver Keep. It is a heavily-defended structure, jutting out from the side of a mountain and looming over the pass to Muin's Keep. Vast farmland and pastures stretch under its shadow. The hold is utilitarian in its architecture, designed to stop armies in their tracks, rather than inspire grandeur. Its cold, dour appearance beguiles the demeanor of its inhabitants, however, as Clan Karolus's denizens are generally merry and upbeat.

Economic status: Karolus’s prosperity comes not from minerals, stone or metals, but from foodstuffs. It boasts most of the valley’s best soil, making it a prime location for farmland and livestock pastures. A large quantity of its produce is sold to or traded with other clans. Its surplus output is likely responsible for keeping some minor clans from starving. Both geographically and symbolically, it is the heartland of the valley.

Military: Clan Karolus has near three hundred and fifty fighting men at its disposal. Two hundred of these dwarves carry long pikes, arranged into two blocks of one hundred soldiers each. They carry shields strapped to their forearms, leaving both hands free to control their pikes. Swords and axes hang at their belts, ready to be drawn should the pikes snap or the tide of battle forces them closer to the enemy. One hundred other soldiers wield heavy crossbows and carry pavise shields, from behind which they can shelter as they reload. The remaining fifty dwarves are members of Karolus’s personal retinue, and are armed with shields, battleaxes and arming swords. They ride trained boars into battle, though are just as formidable on foot as they are in the saddle.

Religion and traditions: Karolus himself is reverent to the gods, and sees the beliefs and traditions of the dwarves as integral to their culture. He does not force dogmatic tenets on his clan, knowing that times have changed and old practices have become outdated. He strives to preserve as much of the original intent as possible, while keeping the faith relevant to the modern day. The clan itself is one of the most active in matters of religion, although this has more to do with acknowledging tradition and an admiration for its culture than true piety.

Justification for claim: N/A - Karolus does not seek the throne for himself, but aims to elevate one of Hurin’s sons instead. In the meantime, he maintains Hurin’s Keep as a neutral territory. Karolus has neither the youthful energy or ambition to rule.

Unique feature(s): Karolus is among the largest of the clans, thanks to its wardenship of Hurin’s Keep and the fertile soil of its territory. It enjoys significant manpower and political influence for this reason. As a member of Hurin’s inner circle, Karolus has always had a grasp on the valley’s political climate and has been familiar with most of the other clan heads since they were born.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Famigliolabuona
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Famigliolabuona Terraformer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

but let me see:
- I am fine with Seaver keep, but you can hold Muin's Keep as well (Muin's keep is the largest castle in valley).
- Your population, economic advantage and military numbers put you in a better-than-average position towards other players. I expect fair roleplaying under this circumstances. But it definitively makes sense that you control such a "large" army as they are the remnants of Muin's troops.
- In the IC or before you should readily manifest which claimants would Karolus support. I'd love to see conflict out of Karolus stubborness.
- Take in account that the situation of the old aristocracy that is associated with your clan is one of low morale, dessertion, and tense political atmosphere. The nobles expect to retain their rights through your grasp as steward of the Lordship of the Valley.
- I will add your lands to the map in a while

I am yet deciding about firearms. That technology is surely known to the dwarfs, but maybe not so in the valley. I am pondering this question
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Elgappa
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Firearms would make for an interesting element later on! With it slowly spreading through other dwarfen kingdom, it could be unknown in the valley, yet brought in by traders in a few years! Who will take them, who will deny the edge they give to honor old traditions?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Famigliolabuona
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Famigliolabuona Terraformer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well here you have the new territory map.

Clan Karolus please confirm location, Clan Hoarfrost we are waiting for your sheet fix to start this.
I think this will be closed as soon as Clan Hoarfrost finishes unless someone drops out.

I like your idea and definitively will think about it, but patience
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Well here you have the new territory map.

Clan Karolus please confirm location, Clan Hoarfrost we are waiting for your sheet fix to start this.
I think this will be closed as soon as Clan Hoarfrost finishes unless someone drops out.

I like your idea and definitively will think about it, but patience

That spot looks good to me!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Orin Clan is alredy the 4th son of Muin so you should change that from your sheet. Also I think that the human character is not enough justified, unlike Sister Yulia in Clan Hornfel which is the most open to outsiders. I think that you should work deeper on the sheet, I find it too bland at this point. It shouldn't be in characters tab until accepted.

I have changed the birth order at your request. However, I am going to have to appeal your other requested changes.

I think that the human character is not enough justified,

I have established in the application that this human was definitely not welcome, in keeping with inherent dwarven xenophobia. To be sure, Hoarfrost is not a welcoming clan, but we can rest assured that Bloodborn must have a damn good reason for inviting him to his court. If you permit me to keep Sevrith, that reason will be elucidated through in-character posts.

I think that you should work deeper on the sheet, I find it too bland at this point.

I am of the school of thought that an application post should be as brief one can make it, giving the other players just a glimpse or a sketch of my faction before I proceed to really flesh out my characters and the surrounding world through in-character posts. An exhaustive character sheet detracts from my ability to worldbuild and characterize in the posts. I have plenty of cool ideas for this faction, and I wanted to put many of them in my application. But because of my penchant for brevity in applications, most of these wound up on the cutting-room floor to be saved for the appropriate IC post.

If you really want, we can all wait around for me to spruce my application up to your expectations. But seeing as we're all waiting around for my application be accepted anyway, I think it's best to just trust me on this application and accept it as is.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skippy O Africa
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Skippy O Africa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Planning on submitting an application in the next day or so if you're still accepting?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Skippy O Africa I think unless someone drops out the GM mentioned that there's no room left, sorry :(
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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@gorgenmast If I may, I'd suggest you still tell the GM via note what your plan is, as to make sure there is no 'Well, this is still bullshit' reaction.

I don't mean this as an insult or to be rude, but as he said the only human is with me, reason being a life debt and despite being the most tolerant clan she can't stay away for long from her benefactor if she doesn't want the populace to get mad.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ethanjory
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ethanjory The Mary-Sue Master

Member Seen 1 mo ago

If there's no room left for another clan, would it be possible for me to do a single character?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Famigliolabuona
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Famigliolabuona Terraformer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


I apologize if I was rude. I agree that a sheet can be brief and telling at the same point, and I agree that it can make worldbuiding harder if it is all to direct.. However you say you have good ideas incoming, then okay, I will trust you and be welcome (that is accepted). I do not want to disencourage good ideas just for rejecting a piece of you Clan development that you though crucial, and I do not want to create an atomosphere of disharmony by being picky with a lore that myself I set to be vague. The human guy is okay, maybe send me a PM with further information. Humans in the Valley of our Father, what an offense, etc.

So far I am not considering more characters... may I send you a PM If I reconsider?

I see that Werner has possted IC, and anyway, IC is open for all.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ethanjory
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ethanjory The Mary-Sue Master

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@Famigliolabuona That's a shame, but yes, let me know if things change.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Famigliolabuona
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Famigliolabuona Terraformer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I just modified the first OC post to include the territorial claims and a genealogy. I am happy to see this started.

Nevermind what I said in the last post, because now I think better we have a vacancy for the third son, and stil space in the map (some interestingly harsh locations) If you want to do a whole Clan after all, feel free to do so. What did you have in mind?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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I apologize if I was rude. I agree that a sheet can be brief and telling at the same point, and I agree that it can make worldbuiding harder if it is all to direct.. However you say you have good ideas incoming, then okay, I will trust you and be welcome (that is accepted). I do not want to disencourage good ideas just for rejecting a piece of you Clan development that you though crucial, and I do not want to create an atomosphere of disharmony by being picky with a lore that myself I set to be vague. The human guy is okay, maybe send me a PM with further information. Humans in the Valley of our Father, what an offense, etc.

So far I am not considering more characters... may I send you a PM If I reconsider?

I see that Werner has possted IC, and anyway, IC is open for all.

thank u lub u

And certainly. I will send a PM to you later today spelling out some of my ideas. Thanks for being amenable.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oooo Damn fine IC's, fellas. I really like this opening, getting the battle lines drawn right out the gate! I think I'll wait for @Dogematix to respond to Leth before I IC.
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