Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@Metronome@December@Venku@alexfangtalon

Kwan stood for a few more moments surveying the area before spotting another patch of those lovely blackberries and failing to resist their sweet allure. “I need the sugar” she told herself as she ran towards them full tilt her slight form breaking the sound barrier that sent a booming crack of protest through the air and caused every potential threat in the area to turn in her direction. Some decided to see if the silver haired woman was tasty, some continued their previous actions only to find their prey either fleeing or hyper alert and some even bolted from the area in fear knowing that if it sounds like a thunderstorm best to seek cover for your own safety.

The hungry Wuxia cutie came to stop where the berries were thickest and her hands blurred for a few moments before she moved to another section and repeated the process. It was in that manner that Kwan soon cleaned nearly an acre of briars of every ripe piece of fruit they contained.

Then when she finished the berries she licked her fingers and spotted something lovely; it was a section of galvanized pipe sticking out of the side of an upside down storage building like the Americans commonly used outside their suburban homes.[color=lightseagreen] “A metal weapon!” she said in delight and ran to the strange structure.

She looked in the door and saw to her disappointment the pipe was too short but inside the building were the remains of someone’s little woodshop. The electrical tools were junk ruined by exposure but there were four 4 foot long sections of half inch galvanized pipes that were used as long or table clamps. In the toolboxes there was a mess of rusted tools but in one she also found about 3 full rolls of gaffers tape but her last find was by far her favorite. It was large wooden mallet which weighed about 5 pounds and had a 2 foot handle. It was a hammer and a solid one which had been soaked in linseed oil and dried countless time which had rendered and tough, heavy and hard mace style weapon which she felt comfortable using as a hurled weapon.

Kwan chose for herself the best of the pipe which she tested on two of the curious predators who volunteered by wandering too close to her proximity after which she cut the power cords of the rusty powertools and used them and a careful amount of tape to bind the other three pipes into bundle that she could carry slung over her shoulder and tucked the hammer into her wide belt handle down.

She decided she should get her booty back to the Bunker so that some of the other non military could be armed in some way even if archaic
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 9 days ago

Kai Funches

Interactions with: @Kyrisse

(I figured you were going to go with human torch gif before I even had to click on it :D)
Well shit....sounds better than just floating...you can burn shit and cause destruction. He said thinking about how different their abilities are. floating didn't sound to appealing or sounded bad ass but then again...maybe....this was a way of flying but he needed to figure this out on what he could actually do. Kai smirked at the explanation and nodded taking in consideration that it could've been the radiation's work to turn them.

Super sleep? Sounded like Odin from marvel comic books but regardless, they got sick and in his case, woke up a new man. You got me thinkin' about how werewolves and vampires bite people, causing them to hurt and be in pain with some dying and the survivors being turned. What if someone sent that asteroid to turn us? Or am I thinking too much on the matter? He asked walking along to the cafeteria noticing how hungry he was too.

Thinking about it, he wondered what powers the others had now since discovering his own and Jae's. If everyone else had better badass powers than him, he was gonna be mad as hell. His attention went to Jae when he turned to him while they headed out. How do I turn on my ability? I don't know, the shit just happened and since I'm walking fine and not float, I should be straight for the time being. I gotta figure how I triggered it...It ain't like I can jump up and- Kai went to do a small hop which caused him to go too high, hitting his head on the ceiling gyaaah, fuck! and falling back towards the ground as he brought his hands up to try and brace his fall only to stop a foot from hitting the ground, floating.

@Wick@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Metronome@alexfangtalon @Venku@December@Aeternum
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Metronome

"Commander!" She yelled. Harley ran and she could hear the giant cat breathing behind her. She tripped and when she fell she put her hands up instinctively and the tiger was trapped in a wall of water. Harley was breathing hard as the cat was trying to get out of the water but it had totally engulfed the cat and it couldn't get out. She lay there a moment trying to figure out if she could get up or if she had to keep her hands in that position to keep it trapped.

After rolling out from under the wall of water she wondered if she could move it. She pointed her hand at it and kind of dragged her hand and the water wall followed her and when she pushed her hand out over the drop by the city she was indeed pushing the cat in the water over the edge of the drop off. She clapped her hands together and the animal burst out of the water and fell all the way to the bottom. Harley played with the water and started spinning and making swirls in the air. She was so amazed she giggled like a little girl. When she got back to the bunker and was all smiles.

"Commander! I just had the most amazing and scary thing happen!" She looked around. "Didn't Sasha come out too? I thought he was coming with us."

"He was eating so maybe he wasn't ready yet. I'm not sure I went into the maintenance room for a few minutes. I'm not sure where he is."

Harley was too happy with her accomplishment to spend too much time worrying about Sasha. She figured he could take care of himself against anything. "Where should I put a backup water supply out here? We will need something right?" She looked down and then back up. "Wouldn't it make better sense to put it inside though? If it's put outside then it would become contaminated right?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@Metronome@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189

Kwan ran back to the bunker and dropped off her finds and then headed back out planning on doing some scouting.

When she’d been pulled into this she was near Oklahoma City which was almost dead center of the state and if she were still close to where she was taken that meant city of Edmond was to the north, Moore to the south, Shawnee to the east and if she remembered correctly the little town of El Reno to the west. She knew about these things because while she had traveled she loved to collect the little tourist maps that every tourism bureau printed by the millions and handed out for free. Sure they lacked details but that was easy to cure by exploring the world around her.

Off she went like a bullet train following the nap of the earth as she ran at about 250 mph which seemed to afford her the ability to react to changes in terrain and creatures that stubbled across her path. The meteor strike and messed up the roads a bit and then nature had done a bit more but the roads and their paths were easy to discern and would likely remain easy to see for several years to come. Then there were the signs that still stood telling her highway number or street names as well as the declination in location number telling her she was moving to the center of the community or town.

About 6 miles from the bunker she saw a grove of peaches that bordered an old farm and under them were pigs; really big pigs as in 600+ pound pigs, yum. She didn’t have the time to take a pig or the way to transport or butcher so large an animal but she could snatch a few peaches to keep up her energy reserves. The pigs thought about threatening her till she made a quick backhand super sonic slap that cracked the air like a stick of dynamite before going back to gather herself a few ripe peaches still in the higher branches.

The pigs oddly enough learned quickly and left her in peace to eat sitting on a bench made of concrete near the damaged old farm house. They didn’t seem to be deformed just large but then as she looked around Kwan saw a small farm that’s crops had gone wild and whose stock had remained after going feral.

Standing after inhaling about 7 peaches she was off once more in a blurring streak moving not in a straight line but moving side to side because she now thought what if she and the others weren’t the only survivors or with extraordinary powers. The others might be friendly but they were till proven so and were to be approached as a stranger and she also shouldn’t make herself an easy target.

About 12 miles out she came to the Canadian River which would mean she was actually going north towards Oklahoma City rather than away from it. That would mean that the town behind her was Edmond; “Never thought I’d been to Edmond but it seems I have” she thought as she ran towards the city she had been in before.

Oklahoma City wasn’t a large city as far as cities went but she had been in it before when she’d come to the state to film a low budget Kung Pow Western; it was no Paris but it was work. She crossed the bridge noticing it had a few cracks but was otherwise intact as she headed into the city.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park

Interacting with: @King Tai

"Someone sending the asteroid to turn us?" JJ thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. "I don't know. That sounds too sci-fi flick to me. But who knows? I could be wrong and you could be spot on with that thought." He shrugged as both of them continued towards the cafeteria.

He looked towards Kai as he did a small hop, floated in the air, hit his head, come crashing back down and then floating a foot off the ground. "Well, question answered. You really have to be careful about your powers though. I mean, that's the second time the ceiling stopped you from floating up to kingdom come." He looked up at the ceiling. "That was a nasty bump though. You okay?" He looked back down at Kai just floating there, unsure if he should offer his hand again or not.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Day 5 2pm
Harley went to her room put some things in her bag and went out into the hallway. She headed for the outer doors. As soon as her feet would have hit the dirt they instead hit water and never even came close to the ground as the water swooped her up into the air. She was wondering how long she could do this for. Floating in the air on waves was definitely cool. She waved herself over the cliff's edge and down into the city below. She looked around and let the water fade out into the ground as she hunted for anything worth looking at.

Harley used the waves to appear out of nowhere to take her wherever she wanted to go. She had no idea how long her powers would last at a time. She wasn't too worried at this point. She rose herself into the sky about ten feet and saw an orchard of some kind. Harley contemplated whether or not she would be able to get fruit from the trees. She rode a wave into the orchard and stood there looking at the trees that she then inundated with water. With any hope or luck she could get something to grow and start getting some food back into the area.

Harley was enjoying her powers and while she was out trying to do something good she also noticed that there was an area that was likely an old pond or small lake. She set herself down and concentrated on filling the lake. She had to stop after about halfway though. She was getting tired and needed to rest. She rode her way back up to the bunker and walked into the bunker and turned into the first room which was the cafeteria. She laid her head on her arms on the table closest to the door. Her head was throbbing and she felt nauseated.

@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@King tai@alexfangtalon@Venku@December@Aeternum@kyrisse
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Commander Cody Varicke

One year ago...

"Cody!" His girlfriend Samara had yelled gleefully after getting off of the plane. She had just gotten back from a trip to see her extended family. Cody always hated when she took that trip. It put her so far away that he couldn't get her home fast enough if there were ever a world wide problem. He had taken her into his arms and kissed her passionately to the hoots and hollars of the audience that had gathered. He had taken her home and kept her in his arms for two days after that last trip. They were coming up on the wedding date faster and faster and he just couldn't be happier about it. Samara had about a thousand things that she was trying to get done in a time schedule that he thought absurd. He helped her any way that he could.

They had received a phone call in the middle of the night and Samara had to catch the next flight out. Her father had had a heart attack. She had been a wreck. He had taken her to the airport and he was trying to stay positive for her and keep her calm. If only he had known at that moment what was to happen next... Cody had gotten back to the base and gone into the bunker as usual. Doing all of the things he did every day but for some reason today was different, more urgent. There was an alarm going off and he picked up the phone and called the head scientist and astronomer at Nasa. "Richard, what is going on? Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" The frantic scientist was rambling too fast to make good sense but Cody had gotten enough to understand that there was an asteroid that had broken free and was now a large unencumbered meteor headed for earth at an amazing speed. They would be lucky if the planet had 24 hours.

Cody's training kicked in and he put the bunker and base on high alert. The first thing he did was arrange an army jet to pick up Samara. He knew he wasn't supposed to but he figured they could court marshall him later. He sent out men to get more food and supplies. He knew he was going to have to keep people in the bunker for as long as he could. The longer that they were inside the better chances of survival. He also sent out crews to start picking up people. They were under orders to pick up whomever they could. He told his men, "We'll need men and women of reproductive age. We'll also need the elderly to teach the younger folks how to do things they can't learn any other way." He had sent them out to find the next generation that would explore the world and try to live in it.

Cody had been furiously busy and had kept checking on Samara. She had called him and he had told her what was going on and to hurry. She had already gotten onto the plane and she was on her way back to the States when the first of the meteors hit the surface of the planet. He'd been on pins and needles waiting for her to get there and he waited right up til the last second. When he had to close the doors it was only seconds before the crater causing rock hit the Supervolcano at Yellowstone. Within seconds that was an exploding mess of deadly molten rock and ash that triggered massive shifting in the techtonic plates and threw the entire United States into a downward spiral that would never reverse itself.

As the main outer doors had closed he had watched Samara's plane on the screen. It was beeping as it flew across the area. His heart caught in his throat when the beep and flashing light disappeared. His military training kicked in and shoved emotions to the side. Cody had watched as the outer top doors closed then the three inner doors that sealed the air tight hub. He had made certain that they had backup parts on hand at all times. He had seen a crew of his get back just after the doors were shut and he couldn't open them back up. If he did everyone would die. Cody had to stand there and watch his friends and innocent people just vaporize in front of him.

Over the last year Cody had become close to many of the people in the bunker. Many of the elderly reminded him of his parents or grandparents. That was why he knew if he didn't find a way to replenish the food they would all die. Most of the older men had helped him try planting a garden in the bunker and they did get a few small things from it but it was not realistically going to starve off the inevitable. He was going to have to open the doors or no one would have even the slightest chance of survival...

"A year ago all 154 of us were thrust into a position to try and save the human race. I'm not sure if we can actually do that. There isn't enough food to feed everyone for more than a few days. That being said we are opening the bunker doors." This was the hardest thing he had ever had to say to anyone and he wanted to be straight with them.

"There is nothing else we can do at this point but go out and see what is left of our country and our world. Now keep in mind, the nuclear reactors would have been leaking if not completely destroyed so there will likely be higher than safe radiation levels. There may also be fires burning still." He didn't want to give false hope or out and out lie to them. They had all become family in one way or another.

"Okay everyone calm down! There is no electricity and most buildings are going to be heavily damaged from tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis if they are still there at all."

"There will be animals. Probably new species and some of the old that may have mutated. Either way they are going to be vicious. The food chain has been altered. WE are no longer at the top of the food chain. There may be all kinds of creatures out there or there might be nothing alive at all." Cody was a little afraid of what kind of animals might survive a planetwide obliteration but he didn't want to scare them all to death either.

"I can't help but feel like I am sending you out to your deaths. I very well could be. I do know that without food we WILL die in here. No question about that. At least out there we have a chance. It might be a small chance but that is better than nothing. I wish all of us a lot of luck and may God bless us all." He had had to use his commander voice for this last part. He knew he was killing people the instant he said to open the doors. But he had no choice, it was for the greater good.

Cody had coughed a little but mostly he caught the people who had been his family and watched them die. The younger adults, for the most part stopped to help the older generation with their sudden demise. Cody had held many as they died in his arms and then he had helped take them out to the "cemetary" as he was calling it. The tears in his eyes had been the first he had cried in months.

After being sick for several days he and most of the younger ones recovered and they suddenly had a new power. Cody figured out what his power was when he cut himself shaving and it healed up right in front of him in the mirror. How ironic he would get the power to heal after most died. It was not lost on him either and he did everything he could to test his new power. He slit his wrist to see if it would heal and it did. He figured at that point that if there was a god, he was an asshole.

Since the sickness had all but ended he was trying to get people out to explore and find food before their supplies were gone. At least he could keep them from dying of poison if they tried out new things in front of him.

Cody had walked back into the cafeteria to sit down for a moment and saw Harley with her head down on the table. "Headache Harley?"

A muffled "mhmm" came up and he nodded. "Just don't give up, we have to find food."

"I know, I just need a few minutes then I'll go back out."

@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@King tai@alexfangtalon@Venku@December@Aeternum@kyrisse
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 9 days ago

Kai Funches

Interactions with: @Kyrisse

Still afloat, Kai kept himself up as he didn't desire to fall and crash to the floor. When Jae spoke up, Kai listened while staying still. Yeah but....I wonder how high I'll go....I'm a little curious about that and....I'm fine. He claim as his throbbing head was forming a knot on the spot he hit. His pride was hurting more.

The thought of wanting not to touch the ground left his mind as he fell on his chest but was able to get himself off the ground and stand. I think my power works on strong will... He said But nevermind that, I'm hungry. he said walking to the cafeteria to see what was there.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park & Audrianna Kent

Interacting with: @King Tai & myself XD

As soon as Kai was back on his feet, Jae patted him on the back. "Well, I suppose we'll all have to learn how to control these powers we have. I need to find a way to keep myself from turning into some sort of walking bonfire. It's not really fun walking around in wet clothes." He patted his shirt and for a moment looked a little worried. "Well, it's not exactly wet anymore... damp, is more like it...but just as long as it works..." He shrugged.

Audrianna Kent, the quiet, blonde girl was clearing some of the tables in the cafeteria when Jae and Kai walked in. It was also the same time when the Commander walked in. She always avoided him whenever he was around in the fear of getting in his way but it seemed like she had nothing to worry about as he turned his attention to Harley. She looked towards Jae, smiled and then waved her hand in a friendly manner. She has always liked the Korean boy. He had a nice singing voice and his ballads always relaxed her. She blinked when she realized that Jae was walking in with Kai and immediately turned her attention back to the table she was cleaning.

Jae walked over. "Hey, Aud. Any chance that there's still food left?" he greeted.

Aud looked up and then shook her head. "JJ, you do realize that coming in here at this late hour would mean that there's no more food, right? Everyone's eaten and most have gone out to try to find more food." When Jae frowned, she chuckled. "But I knew you'd be late so I saved you some." She looked shyly at Kai as she tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Hey," she greeted.

Jae grinned. "You're as cool as always, Aud. Thanks. But...Is there a possibility that the food you saved for me can feed us both?" he gestured to Kai. "This is Kai Funches, by the way." He looked at Kai and then gestured to Aud. "And this pretty lady is Audrianna Kent."

Audrianna's cheeks flushed a bright pink at the complement. She murmured something inaudible and then excused herself. She came back a few minutes later carrying two bowls of watered down soup. "Don't complain. That's all we have," she warned as she placed the bowls onto the table. "I'll just be in the kitchen if you guys need me, okay?" She said and then hurried away.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 9 days ago

Kai Funches

Interactions with: @Kyrisse

Walking along with Jae, Kai nodded to what Jae was suggesting Tch, you and me both. I'm already tired of getting my skull close to being busted wide open. So....no thinking of hoppin', jumpin', runnin', or any of that until I go outside....actually....if we have rope....tie and ankle up to something that can anchor me from going too high up until I get this floatin' thing down. he said. Thinking about it... have you gone outside yet butt ass naked and tried learning to control it that way so you wouldn't have to worry about clothes? he asked.

When making it to the cafeteria, Kai notice a female who was cleaning the tables and greeted Jae. Friend? girlfriend? a silly acquaintance? Well whoever she was, she seemed friendly.....cute even. When speaking about the food, Kai was close to getting upset thinking that there were none left but there was light at the end of the tunnel upon hearing there was something left but seemed only for Jae. When Aud looked to Kai and greeted him, He gave a simple nod Sup... he said with a smirk.

Hearing Jae ask if there were enough for both himself and Kai, Kai appreciated the concern of getting his new acquaintance fed too. With the formal introduction of the two, Kai smirked of how cute that name was....Audrianna. Nice to meet you Audrianna.. Kai said as she flushed from the compliment and left to get food. When she came back with the watered down soup, Kai was thankful that it wasn't cockroaches again. He sat and watched the lady leave and turned to Jae Hey I have no complaints here and good lookin' out on the food....and uh.....no bad man...not bad at all...lucky man to have a dime piece girlfriend, Bro. he said complimenting Jae about Audrianna, assuming they were together.


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Venku
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex awoke surprised he wasn't feeling lightheaded or having difficulty breathing for the first time in five days, in fact he was feeling much better. Since he was feeling better he started to do his morning training, push-ups, sit-ups, the works. He then started to do some shadowboxing, as he did this he noticed whenever he did punch or kick the lighter items in the room started to move. 'What's going on, I definitely am not capable of producing enough force to shake the entire room. Am I somehow manipulating the objects?' He reached out toward a rag on the ground, as he did this he noticed he felt a breeze blow past him and was amazed to see the rag float up slightly. 'Not telekinesis it seemed that i caused that breeze, aerokinesis then I should go see if anything similar is happening to anyone else.' He headed to the showers to wash up as he remembered he hadn't taken one in the past three days. After he was clean he grabbed his gear from his room before heading to the cafeteria to turn in the food he found and see if anyone else got any powers. When he got there he noticed a girl he had crossed paths with quite often over the past year, Harley was her name if he remembered right, sitting at a table with her head down. "Hey you ok?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@Metronome@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189

She moved in rushes stopping in the lee of buildings and walls using the shadows to improve her observational abilities knowing as she did that looking from shadows into the light gave better definition. She saw animals and no people but considering that the city had suffered disasters such as earthquakes and tornados leaving few buildings intact it really wasn’t surprising.

She didn’t spend too long there in the ruined city choosing instead to head back out thinking that the city required more detailed surveying and the help of others especially to cart away useful things. So she swung out of the city and ran in a circle of about 6 miles out till she came back to the river and decided to run the bank till she reached the bridge she’d crossed earlier.

She headed back towards the Bunker and stopped by her peach trees and refueled with a few of the succulent fruits used a piece of tarplin that she found to make a carry bag into which she put about 50 before slinging it over her shoulder and heading back to the hole in the ground she now called home. She gave the door guards a few peaches before taking the rest to the cafeteria and fetching a box to pour the fruit into so the others could enjoy them as she had.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jake Evanston

Meating the Other Supers

Interacting with : @King Tai @Kyrisse

Day Five : 3:42

Jake was started walking around calmly because he was in all honesty feeling like he was going crazy. So far today he hadn't seen anyone else with powers since a majority of people went outside or were still out of it. He decided that he should check the cafeteria despite the fact that most would probably be gone by now.

When he got to the room he noticed a few people were still hanging around. He didn't really know the ones in the room to well but he saw Jae and Kai. He remembered how Jae had helped on the first day with the ones who had died when the doors were first opened. Jake didn't know that they were experiencing the whole 'superpower' thing like he was so he was going to just walk up and chat at first. Walking over he waved his hand and said, "Hey Jae. Kai right? What's up with you guys today? Y'all been outside yet?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Venku
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Harley raised her head and smiled at Alex slightly. "Yeah, just a headache. It's starting to go away. I haven't figured out the limits on my powers yet and the lake isn't filled yet but I was messing around before that and then there was a tiger like cat and....yeah I'm babbling. So how are you?" She stood up to go back outside. "You heading out?"

"I'm fine much better now that I know I'm not the only one who woke up with powers. Mine is Aerokinesis I can control the air to an extent, I haven't gotten used to controlling my power yet. Well I wasn't quite planning on going outside, but I don't have anything better to do so sure." He put his bag with the food on the table and turned to follow her.

Harley pulled the gun from the table and stuck it in her waistband. She patted her pockets and after confirming she still had her knife she headed out with him. Before she could take him to the lake she had to get him there. "Take my hand and hold tight, this is going to be weird." She rose the water up and it lifted her up and she realized she had to hold onto him or he might drown in her power. Together she lifted them both up and over the side of the cliff and down into the valley where the lake was partially filled already. Harley put him down on the side of the lake while she started filling the lake again. "You okay?"She asked Alex.

"My plan is to get the animals to come here and then shoot one and take it back. We need meat."

"I am fine just impressed and a little envious of your ability to control your power. Well as long as there aren't too many I can take care of them no need to use ammunition." He kept an eye out not noticing any animals but he saw a few unusual plants. He began trying to use his power to move a large rock at the edge of the without success. "How do you use your power so naturally?"

Harley smiled, "The first time I tapped into my powers I got blasted across the showers into the knobs and spigots. It hurt like hell but I figured out how I did it and started out little using only a finger to fill up a cup til I could start and stop at will. I realized it was tied into my emotions. Fear triggered it the first time. I wasn't alone in the shower and was afraid the other person would see me naked. Which of course happened when I went flying backwards across the room. Earlier today when I came out here I misjudged how much power it would take to fill the lake. I would suggest start small, try and make the air around you swirl a little, just no tornadoes ok?"

""The moral of your story is not to be afraid of being seen nude and know your limits, right?" Alex laughed at his own little joke, he always liked to tease people. "Thanks for the tip I'll try not to send us to the Land of Oz." He began to take her advice, noticing that the wind was much stronger the more he relaxed his body and concentrated.

Harley chuckled a little, "Yeah I guess you could say that." Harley saw something that looked like a wild boar getting a drink of water. It had tusks and everything. She raised her gun and aimed it and fired. "Ah, Crap! I MISSED!" Harley hurried and chased the creature with the water and she trapped it in a wall of water. Having mastered that from earlier she was pretty proud of herself when she brought the pig in water back to Alex. The pig was literally drowning all she had to do was leave it that way and she wouldn't have to do anything else.

"I need to get this thing up to the bunker. You coming?" She said looking a little tired.

"Here I think I can bring us there though I would suggest you hold onto me so my hands are free." He caused a whirlwind to form under him and waited for Harley to grab on.

Harley grabbed onto him around the waist and laid her head on his shoulder and wagged her finger at the pig and it followed them.

The whirlwind lifted them up and carried them straight up for a while, giving them a great view of the area, before Alex figured out how to steer. He then brought the right outside the bunker.

Harley didn't realize that she had been holding her breath til she let it out. "Nicely done Alex. The pig is dead unless he is really good at holding his breath." She grinned but the wear was showing in her eyes. She was really getting tired. "Maybe the commander will let us bar b q?" She leaned up against the bunker for a minute. "I need to sit down." Harley sat down a moment and closed her eyes.

@alexfangtalon@RumikoOhara@King Tai@Kyrisse@Wick@Aeternum@Metronome@December@Spinosaurus
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park

Jae watched Audrianna hurry back into the kitchen. She really was a shy girl and the entire year they had been locked down in the bunker, she had spent most of it in the kitchen. She had taken the responsibility of helping their old chef, Gregory, feed all the survivors. But now that he had passed on, kitchen duty would fall fully on her shoulders. Jae made a mental note of asking her if she needed help later. He turned to Kai and chuckled. "No, she's not my girlfriend. I don't think I'm her type," he said as he removed the spoon from his bowl and lifted it up to his lips. It didn't take long for him to finish gulping down the watered down soup.

"You know, that's a good idea. Find a rope and tie you down so that you won't float away. I mean, you'd look like a stringed balloon but that's better than floating and crashing who knows where." He looked up just in time to see the Commander give them a wave of acknowledgement. Jae lifted a hand to wave back before he continued his conversation with Kai. "And no, I haven't tried my pyromancy outside these walls yet. No, no, I think I'm okay trying to keep my clothes on. It'll be singed here and there and would probably be perpetually wet but that's better than running around butt naked. I mean, I don't wanna offend anyone," he paused. "Do you think all the survivors developed powers like we did? Maybe I should go look for someone with a water ability. That would really be convenient."

"Hey Jae. Kai right? What's up with you guys today? Y'all been outside yet?"

Jae turned his head towards Jake. "Hey, Jake. No, we haven't been outside yet. What's up?" he greeted and then looked thoughtfully at the Caucasian. "You don't happen to have developed some sort of power connected to water, have you?" he asked.

And then the dressed up Chinese girl walked in. Jae's eyes followed her movements. She was placing something inside a box. Something that looked like..."Hey, Kwan!" he called out. "Are those peaches?"

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189

Kwan was looking at the peaches and thinking how she’d love to know how to make them into peach cobbler when she’d heard Jae Park speak to her

They taste like peaches Mr. Park
I picked them about 6 kilometers from here though the feral pigs at first didn’t want to share
Dam how I wish the world still had film, with my ability I could be a golden star

Please have a peach, sorry one to a customer because I only brought back 53 and I’d like everyone have at least one apice
she said her expression friendly and her tone soft and sweet but her eyes are startling in their heterochromia state one eye being red and the other deep blue.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 9 days ago

Kai Funches

Interactions with: @alexfangtalon & @Kyrisse

Kai started using his spoon to sip the watered down soup once Jae started speaking. Kai was hungry as hell and when he noticed Jae lifting the bowl and placed it on his lip, Kai shrugged and quickly placed the spoon down FUCK IT!! quickly lifting the bowl and guzzled down the watered down soup and placed the empty bowl back down and looked over to Jae Damn, that was good!! *belch* Not her type? What type is she into? he asked Nevermind, doesn't matter. Yeah if we do have rope, that's the best bet. May need someone around just in case something happens. he said

Kai looked up to where Jae was looking and gave a slight nod to the commander as well. Continuing the conversation and chuckled This world is shit now, I highly doubt there many people left to offend but just lookin' for ya to make things easier. For a moment Kai thought about the next question Honestly, I was thinking of figuring that out too. And what kind of powers others have. I mean...we need to know who are the most dangerous, the most useful, and the most pathetic....like me.... he responded but paused to look over at another who approached them.

After Jae spoke, Kai spoke next Yeah, it's Kai and like Jae said, nah...but we were talkin' about goin' outside. Some weird shit is goin' on....I can float....and Jae got a better ability than me. He said Also we were trying to figure out if others have powers like us. Do you? what can you do? is it badass? he asked and stopped talking the moment he heard peaches.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Commander and Audrianna

collaboration with @kyrisse

Day 5 4pm
Cody was concerned about the amount of food left and after checking on Harley and waving at Jae and Kai he walked into the kitchen. He saw the pretty blond that always is always so quiet around him. He smiled to himself a little and opened the door to the walk in refrigerator. His smile disappeared immediately.

Cody closed his eyes momentarily and sighed to himself. "Audrianna? Is this all that is left? Out of everything?" He already knew the answer but asked anyway in hopes that there would be just a little more. So far there wasn't much if any luck outside the bunker. He was getting ready to kick people out and make them go look for food.

Audrianna was busy washing the dishes when Cody walked in. She gave him a quick glance and then as always, remained silent. When he spoke to her, she immediately looked up. "Y-yeah, that's about all we have. But with so few of us left, that should last us for at least another week. I can probably stretch it to a week and a half." She replied and then dutifully turned back to the dishes she was washing. The commander was a handsome man and she would have liked to watch at him a bit more but she doubted that he would appreciate being stared at.

Cody wondered why she was so quiet. He'd noticed the way she looked at him before. He had taken his time and mourned Samara and all of the other lives lost and he was starting to notice Audrianna more and more. There were other pretty girls in the bunker but there was something about her. Cody came over to Audrianna and said something a little odd.

"So if this was before the asteroid and there were movies and restaurants and places to go and things to do and I asked you to go out to dinner with me would you have gone?" His slight blush was obvious but the look in his eyes said he was attracted to her and was serious.

"And please, call me Cody, Commander is my day job."

Audrianna blinked. She avoided looking at him. "Why would you even want to ask me out?" she mumbled. She always thought he like outgoing girls. Maybe Harley. Or maybe Andrea from... wait, she died the day the doors were opened, right? She cleared her throat awkwardly. "I know your name, Commander. Just didn't think it was appropriate to just call you that." That and the fact that he was 11 years older than her. She continued avoiding his gaze and washing the dishes.

Cody was a little confused. "Why wouldn't I want to ask you out? You are nice and pretty...ahh I see. You think I'm too old for you." Cody was a little irritated by this. "Well, maybe I am. I'm sorry to have bothered you. I should be hunting now." Cody turned and walked out the door and headed for the weapons they had set out near the exit of the cafeteria. He grabbed a couple of guns and some ammo and walked out the door.

"Uhm...no...I...' Too late. Cody had already walked out. Audrianna hastily wiped her hands on her pants and ran after him. She caught him just as he was walking out the door. Taking a deep breath, she called out. "I would go out with you. It's just that I don't think I'm...pretty enough for you." Realizing how bold she was, her cheeks flushed pink. She averted her gaze, looked down, sighed and then turned to walk back to the kitchen.

Cody already a little frustrated grabbed her by the hand and tugged her after him a few feet away from the door. He turned her towards him and leaned her up against the wall gently. "How could you think you aren't pretty enough for anyone?" Cody looked at the wall for a moment. "Are other guys just blind and stupid because if they are you shouldn't give them the time of day and you certainly shouldn't be listening to them. I'm not other guys and you are more than pretty enough." Cody knew he was blushing a little again.

"Are you okay?" He put one finger under her chin and lifted it to see her eyes. "Audri, are you ok?"

Audrianna kept her eyes down as Cody spoke to her. She felt a little embarrassed at his words but at the same time excited that she was hearing it. She had always admired him from afar and while she hoped he would notice her, she didn't really think it was possible. Her cheeks flushed a darker shade of pink when he lifted her chin up. She blinked as she looked him in the eye. "I...uh... yeah..." she muttered.

Cody seemed to relax a little. He looked at her a little and he stared into her eyes for a few minutes before he leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. "Do you want to come hunting with me?"

The kiss completely took Audrianna by surprise and all she can really do was stand there and let him. "I-I'm n-not very good at combat..." she stammered, still flustered by the kiss.

"You don't have to be. I want you to go with me to keep me company. Come on, dishes can wait. Please?"

Audrianna couldn't really say no to that. She glanced towards the bunker and figuring they wouldn't miss her too much, she meekly nodded.

@Aeternum@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@kyrisse@king tai@rumikoohara
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jake Evanston

Meating the Other Supers

Interacting with : @King Tai @Kyrisse @RumikoOhara

Day Five : 3:54

Jake was close to ecstatic that he wasn't the only one experiencing 'changes'. However, he had no idea how to explain what he could do. What could he do? He honestly had no clue, "Man guys. I'm happy I ain't going crazy. I'm not sure what it is I can do though. I guess I'll just have to show you."

Jake was about to place his hand over the table to 'push' it through when Kwan came in the cafeteria with peaches. What she said puzzled him though. "Your ability? So, how many of us can do things? And thanks for bringing some food back, Kwan" Jake reached in the box and pulled out a peach. He tossed it in the air but when it came back down the peach went straight through his hand. "Crap! He bent down to pick it up. "Eh, still good."

With the peach in hand Jake walked over to the table to sit. However, as he lowered himself down he went straight through. Jake got kinda angry and said, "OH, COME ON!" He slammed his hands down onto the seat causing it to bend slightly in the area of impact. Jake made his way out from under the table and stood up saying, "This is gonna be freaking annoying."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Rumikoohara@venku

Day 5 4pm
Harley walked passed the Commander as he and Audrianna left the bunker together. She stopped and looked at them and smirked as she noticed he was holding Audrianna's hand. She shook her head smiling and walked inside and went to the cafeteria. "Kwan? Do you know of anyone who can butcher a pig? I got one outside we need to get cut up and frozen asap and some of it cooked. I can smell the bacon now." She said wistfully. "I left Alex outside guarding it from the other animals. Can you guys hurry?"

Harley went into the ladies room and when she got out she went to the outside where the pig was. Harley went over by Alex and waited. "I can try to butcher it if I have to but I've never done it before and I am certain to make a mess of it."

@Aeternum@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@kyrisse@king tai
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