Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 30 min ago


While the whole situation of who to go with had not become any clearer, today Howlite had learned a very important fact about her kind that neither her inherent knowledge or the kindergarten had told her. Gem where apparently really fond of shouting. First Seraphinite, then the crystal gem Cavansite, Clinohumite and even little Marnie all created a massive ruckus that echoed through the cavern. Through it all Howlite just stayed back, putting one of the legs of the spiderbot in between her and the rest in case things kicked off. The leg was probably not the safest place to hide, but she took some reassurance from the feeling of size she got when she linked into its systems, looking down at the gems through its mechanical eyes rather than up through her own.

She tried to block out the noise till final part of Marie's heartfelt speak caught her attention.

”The in the past? You have no idea how much these two groups hate… actually you're both being remarkably civil about this whole thing. I was under the assumption Clinohumite’s violent attitude was the status quo. What on earth has happened since we were inserted into the ground all those thousands of years ago?”

Not that barely veiled threats and spitting bile at one another was the height of polite conversation but they weren't instantly trying to shatter another which was an odd state of affairs if they were still at war. Tugtupite even offered to leave anyone who wanted to stay with the crystal gems without contention. It was bizarre.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 8 days ago


Seraphinite’s attempt to leave the scene was halted by the assault of the orange gem who had brought her into this room full of chaos in the first place. As her hair was yanked by the roots and words thrown at her, laced with poison, all Seraphinite could really focus on through the pain and fear that gripped her that she was being threatened. When Clinohumite tossed her to the side, her physical form would bounce a few times of the ground before coming to a halt, laying still against the ground as the wings of light upon her back dispersed.

It was not by choice that she lay still, but by a strange sensation that spread through her body, seeming to numb the feeling in every molecule of her being as hollow words spoke out in her mind.

. . . Threat levels in current area have reached suitable threshold. Running Seraphinite Combat Protocols. Prime Target: Clinohumite. Status of Target: Healthy, but status of gemline shows that they are considered defunct. Temperment is faulty, hostility is high, best course of action is permanent disposal via shattering of the gem body. Any other lifeforms that get in the way are to only be poofed until further threat is found.

Seraphinite had no clue what this strange voice was talking about, yet it still filled her with a resounding sense of dread and apprehension. Even more than that, however, was the fact that her mind seemed to be slipping away. With each passing second, though she tried to fight it, her thoughts were growing fuzzier and more distant. Cavan’s voice, Aqua’s thoughts, anything and everything around her was muffled and incoherent as she felt herself falling further and further into this deepening haze. Cavanite, and possibly Aqua, would notice the change before anyone else as Seraphinite, who had been filled with anger, frustration and so much fear for the world she’d been thrown into, suddenly seemed to be empty of it all. In fact, as she quietly rose into a crouching position, it would be hard to find any emotion within her cold blank expression.

Her gem would glow again, this time taking on a darker, more subdued coloration as streams of light would pour out over her form, integrating itself into her body and covering it in a flexible metallic shell. The transformation was quick, and what happened afterwards was even quicker. While all of the attention was focused on Aqua and Marnie, Seraphinite would decide to make her move.

The sound of a loud boom was the signal of her approach as a dark green blur rocketed through the air, a stream of liquid metal leaving her body to form a giant blade around her one hand. Taking the most direct route possible to her target meant going through one Marnie, so Seraphinite would do just that, her launch sending straight through where the gem was standing. If Marnie didn’t react fast enough to move out of the way, then she’d find herself cut down by the giant blade as her attacker passed, the momentum causing her to land with a roll a short ways after the attack.

From the roll, Seraphinite would be quick to rise up to her feet again, the liquid metal streaming back over her form, left hand turning into a sharp spear point that she would drive into the the homeworld gem’s shield with a great deal of force, like that of a car going fast down the highway. While that in and of itself might not be enough to break the shield, the concentrated nature of the spear thrust would likely allow for them to break through given its weak nature, which would then allow for Seraphinite to rush in for an attempt to poof the older gem with a follow-up slash with her right hand. If this succeeded, then it’d only leave her prime target left, with no one else in her way.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chloe Clinohumite
Gets Serious...

Interactions: @Raijinslayer@Archmage MC@rocketrobie2

Chloe was taken aback as Tugtupite suddenly scolded the orange gem for her reckless behavior, flinging her alongside a pink, hexagonal dome shield towards the other newborns. What was most surprising, however, was the reason for her scolding; attacking the Seraphinite? If anything, Clinohumite would have expected fault for her rashness and lust for battle, but instead she is verbally assualted her abuse of the tiny shouting gem? Was that not proper punishment for traitorous behavior in a gem, or had Homeworld educated her insufficiently? Furthermore, what was this talk of "Seraphinites aren't a gem to be thrown around!", but the great super-soldiers of the Clinohumites are? It was all just such a confusing mesh of punishment for such a weird reason in the clouded, strictly loyalist eyes of the orange gem.
As the shield engulfed the Newborns and their Homeworld protector, Clino could hear fragments of the rebel's dialogue as Tugtupite tried to retreat as best she could. First was the blabber from the Aquamarine, a senseless essay on how personal freedoms blah blah blah. If anything, personal freedoms is what leads to such traitorous ways and deeds! Second, was the Moldevite's shameless try at insulting the orange gem and her gracious superior. "Hey you Tugtupite. I'd recommend dropping that shield of yours. It wont protect you from us and giving those little ones a cage to fight that bear of a Clinohumite who looks like shes ready to shatter a few of them. Get her to settle down before I have to come down there and discipline the lot of you with science." Such a statement only fueled Chloe's scalding, emotional flame, bringing her to shout a biting response. "And how many gems have you 'accidentally' shattered with your perverted science, traitor!?"
Clino would've continued if it were not for a certain, emerald blur flashing throughout the cavern. Its speed and ferocity was impressive indeed, causing Chloe's fellow newborns and even Tugtupite to dodge quickly in order to avoid being poofed. Razor wings and deadly weaponry flashed about as the protecting barrier surrounding Clino and her colleagues disintegrated with ease, leaving only the orange gem and her opponent standing; Seraphinite. Chloe was nearly speechless, suddenly realizing the power that she had been messing with before her outburst. It was no wonder she was so severely scolded. Putting her head in her hands and chuckling loudly, Clinohumite greeted the green gem with muffled, anxious happiness. "Oh, goodness, you really don't pull any punches, do you? Straight to your 'final form'. I really like it Seraph", Clino complimented, her eyes gazing over the waiting gem with a more respectful viewpoint this time around. "I'll be careful to not disrespect you so hard next time", Clino said as she graded up her enemy. The Seraphinite was almost soulless this time around, but from this unnatural callousness their rose such a singular intensity; so much like that of Clinohumite's want to destroy the rebels in front of her. All of this passion, from a thing that was so confused and sassy before? Something so confused about where they are? What they are? What their going to do? What they... they...
Chloe teared up a little bit.

The Seraph had been feeling so much of what the Clinohumite had been feeling, hadn't she? So confused, angry, and now in such a mixture of both. What a shameful thing was it to arrogantly disregard those insecurities and just yell at the vulnerable gem. How could she have done all that, just out of frustration and anger towards someone other than them? The Clinohumite's pride fell away for just a moment as she talked to the Seraphinite gem. "Hey... I-i'm sorry for what I said and did. You've obviously been through a lot... a lot that I have been through also... maybe... I really am at fault here... And, really, I deserve what's coming..."

"But... Damn it, you know what, let's blow off all that steam right now! We'll start off clean, and have an equal chance to injure each other all we want. We both need something to punch at, and we're both riled up, so let's get to it! Don't keep anything back, and I won't either!"

"Tugtupite, regard this as my punishment for disobeying orders and attacking a colleague"

"You filthy rebels also should keep your heads out of this. Science won't be able discipline two, angered battle-ready gems. I assure you of that"

The Beautiful~ Battle Begins!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

Everything was moving along very fast for Tugtupite. First there was the appearance of Auqamarine whom belittled her much like the rest of her rebellion gems calling out her lack of compassion which Tug was compelled to disagree with as she was currently holding up a forcefield in an attempt to help one of the Newborns. What these gems clearly lacked in loyalty they clearly made up for with their conclusion-jumping attitudes. Then the sweet Marine tried her hand at diffusing the situation which was admirable but likely wasn't going to do much as the two factions had been at odds for decades. Eventually Tug was going to need to help Marine grasp the reality of the Earth situation but maybe she'd keep the gem blissfully unaware for a time, allowing her to hold onto her peaceful naivety. Next the Howlite posed a question that Tugtupite was eager to answer.

"No one wants to make the first move Howlite. That would be akin to an admission of guilt and Homeworld is only guilty of fighting for our fundamental ideals." Tugtupite said as she saw the Seraphite rise from the ground and sprout it's mighty wings. Well lets see if these shields are still up to snuff then Tug thought as the Seraphite charged at her shield, breaking one of the many hexes but getting pinned in the process. Tugtupite used all the strength she could muster to keep the shield up and fixed while the Clinohumite spoke with the Seraphinite and dissed the rebellion gems. Tug couldn't help but smile.

At the suggestion of having the two Newborns duke it out, Tug's smile quickly faded. She really didn't want to see the gems get hurt but perhaps the Clinohumite was right. Maybe they just needed to beat one another to blow off some steam. Tug's hexes were beginning to run dry but looking back at the Clinohumite Tugtupite gave the smaller gem a reluctant smile.

"You are not to shatter the Seraphite SHOULD you-" Tugtupite paused for a moment to recompose herself as keeping the shield up was taking a lot out of her "...get the chance. Also, my last condition, should you feel yourself begining to lose your ground you will notify me immediately. A shattered gem has no use other than as a reminder." Tugtupite spoke sternly but gave a small smile at the end as she patted the gem on the head once and took down her shield. Tug quickly grabbed ahold of Marine before the Seraphite could attempt to strike her or Marine down and got the two of them back behind the Spider-bot to allow the newborns to duke it out. Tug watched intently as she summoned one of her Eskirma sticks and prepared herself should she need to leap to one of the gem's rescue.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Small Scared Indicolite


The gem spooked by the sound of Seraphite rushing towards her and then Tug grabbing ahold of her she quickly curls up into a little ball shaking out of fear has darkly coloured yet crystal clear water slowly began to form and bubble from her gem and surrounded itself around the small trembling gem. Once the water had completely surrounded the gem in a bubble like way on the outsidr it was rippling and waving but had a maginifying kind of effect of Marnie to make her look bigger meanwhile on the inside she was curled up into a tight ball hugging her knees close to her chest.

Marnie still filled with dear stayed like that has multiple thoughts begans to fill her mind only to cause her fear to grow more and more. Her gem slightly shaking has well has if it was trying to suck Indicilite back inside to stay safe away from everyone but she refused to let that happen so she just laid there on the Spider Bot trembling in fear has everything around her was muffled and jist looked out through the water trying to conpose herself which looked as if that would never happen.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spinna
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

White Spinel

Spinel left without a word upon receiving Bloodstone's order, assuming that he knew she knew what to do. She was in the Kindergarten within seconds. It wasn't long before Spinel spotted what she was looking for, several new gems emerging from their places, several centuries behind schedule. Spinel ceased being visible, deciding that more information would be necessary before attempting any type of contact with the new gems. Spinel's appearance, when she had one, was very similar to what the humans referred to as a 'ghost,' an immaterial being that couldn't be seen, but still possessed some implacable yet undefinable presence which you couldn't seem to escape from once it was felt. This was fitting, because Spinel's function was also very similar to that of a ghost. Spinel moved in on her objectives and listened to what they had to say. It was about what one would expect in this situation, the young gems asking each other where they were and what they were supposed to expect to happen. Spinel picked out two anomalies and committed them to memory for future study, a human who appeared to be there for a reason and a Howlite who from the sound of things had been there for much longer than the younger gems.

Spinel was preparing to call in what she had observed up to that point to Bloodstone when her partner showed up and began addressing the new gems. Tugtupite is performing her job as expected. Good. Tugtupite made an attempt at diplomacy that probably wouldn't have worked as well for Spinel, since relating to others was fairly out of her realm of expertise. Spinel found a suitable rock to hide behind while she went visible for a few moments before continuing to shadow the young gems, and now Tugtupite as well. She wasn't feeling tired just yet, but she wanted to make certain that her invisibility power would be there if things really got serious and she needed it. She heard talk of the rebel leader Aquamarine as she came back. She could prove a significant threat depending on how many recruits she's managed to assemble, I'll start compiling potential strategies to deal with her if need be.

Tugtupite seemed to be doing a good job of establishing herself as a supervisor to the new gems, and Spinel had seen very little reason to interject so far. However, it was reasonable to assume that Tugtupite and Bloodstone would likely be wondering where she was at this point, considering that she hadn't exactly given them any feedback or indication that she had received her orders. It started to dawn on Spinel that this may have been bad. Understanding what was expected of her socially, and communicating with others in general was always one of her greatest weaknesses. After years of having her call in only to report pertinent information, usually right before going silent again for weeks at a time while she performed reconnaissance, was something that wore on most of the gems she was assigned to work with, and almost certainly played a part in her being expelled from Homeworld to do relatively menial work here on Earth. Without any warning, or announcing her presence in any way, Spinel appeared next to Tugtupite. "I think that I'd appreciate seeing a fight, comparing their respective styles to the standard for their types could prove most useful."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 8 days ago


Seraphinite glared at the Tugtupite as it's shield trapped her arm between to hexagonal energy plates. With a low growl, she slipped her hand in between the gap her bladed arm had created and sought to pull the shield apart. However, despite making some progress in pulling them apart with small cracks beginning to form in the energy construct, the voice of her target caused her to freeze momentarily. Looking up at her, Seraphinite listened to the Clinohumite speak with what could be considered rapt attention, her features hidden behind the glossy metallic green of her armor. After they finished their speech with a threat to the rebellion gems, she stood there for a bit longer, seemingly to process everything the other gem had said.

It was only after Spinel appeared that she acted, first only swiping her arm-blade through the air in front of her, then taking a low stance. "You seem to have misunderstood my directive, Clinohumilite, or more accurately, you seem to believe that the current Seraphinite unit is still functioning in Sensory mode and capable of understanding the impact of your words. This is not true. This unit is currently in Combat mode, which means all personality, memories, and other such distractions have been shut down to redirect energy to destroy the current target: Clinohumilite. You have proven yourself to be a threat to this unit's well being, and as such, must be eliminated via shattering." Seraphinite's voice came out in a calm monotone, never once letting out even a hint of emotion as she laid out the details for her opponent. There was no malice, no anger, nothing but a cold logical reasoning that spoke of an gaping emptiness where there had been a grand flame of frustrated emotion. And yet, a question hung in their mind, resonated within each resonate word they spoke. Why is this unit informing the Clinohumite of this? Why does this unit . . . feel like it's obligated to clear up their misunderstanding. Whatever the case, it's something to be dealt with at a later date. This unit's current objective is to destroy the Clinohumite and nothing else.

"Due to the fact that your line has been declared both defunct and slated for disposal, you've been deemed expendable and your passing of little consequence." With her piece finally said, Seraphinite once again burst into action. She lashed out with her armblade, aiming a fast stab straight for Clinohumilite's gem in order to finish the fight as fast as possible. . . or so it seemed at first.

In truth, this was just a feint to draw away the orange gem's attention while she shifted her other arm into a hooked blade. Before the first attack was going to hit, Seraphinite would pull it back, suddenly lashing out with a quick slash at the gem's chest, angling it so that it would dig deep and, if she was lucky, would catch inside of the construct, allowing her to swing them into the air before slamming them into the ground. Failing in that, however, Seraphinite would quickly back away, taking a defense stance as she waited for her opponent's response and prepared their next counter attack.

@Gutshot ((After your response, wanna take it to the pm's for a collab?))
@Archmage MC
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