Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Emmie Adams

Location: 7th Floor Coventry Hotel (December 29th, 2016) -> Attic Coventry Hotel (December 29th, 1929)
Interacting With: @Morose Aloise Zamora, Andromeda Aldrich, Fairfax, Folly Valeska & @Witch Cat Eudora Erebus.

Once Emmie had opened the door she looked at it with a very confused look wonder how this was even possibly or why there was a portal was like something out of a scifi movie to her. As Emmie stared down into the portal she felt a slight pull coming from it, but she remained pretty still, as Emmie slowly turned her head to look at Andromeda and then Aloise. Emmie gave a slight nod, she wasn't sure about it at all as Emmie was about to take a step back she could hear the portal screeching and then witnessed Andromeda suddenly getting sucked into the portal. Emmie was about to turn and make her way to Aloise, screaming as she tried to reach for Aloise before being sucked into the portal herself.

Emmie continued her scream as she was spit out of the very same wardrobe landing onto the floor, feeling completely disoriented and confused. Emmie's eyes slowly started to scan around the room it felt like the room was a lot younger then it actually was she saw that the hole in the floor was gone she was actually back in the attic.

Emmie then flinched slightly when she heard a man's voice and then a woman's looking over seeing Fairfax, as well as Folly and Eudora stand in front of them. Emmie looked completely and utterly confused at the whole situation that she found herself in looking at Fairfax, his clothing looked completely different from everyone elses. "What the hell is going on? And no not really I don't know them well." Emmie asked as she stood up dusting herself off, then looked back towards Folly remembering what had happened to Alex earlier in the day. "You were in that dumbwaiter weren't you?" Emmie asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lilith St. Sebastian

Location: Cirque Anomaly
Interacting With: No One

Lilith watched the Lab Coat and was instantly creeped out. Not only that, but he winked at her. That sent a strong chill up her spine. Normally she loved attention. Craved it, really. But there was something off about him. Who the hell wears a lab coat outside of the lab? Then she remembered. Lots of crazy things happened here. She shouldn't be so surprised. She hoped that his VIP badge meant he was here to see someone else perform instead of her. She didn't much feel like entertaining some nerd.

Speaking of crazy, she kept an eye out for Boris. Who knew what the man would do with a tent full of people? It was bad enough he set it on fire first, but give him time and he may turn this circus into a bloodbath and if that happened, she didn't want to be near. She worried about Folly, not altogether surprised that the girl ran off now. She would continue the search after their performance maybe. She wondered if she would wait for Thalia. Did she need the woman? It wouldn't hurt to have back-up, she supposed.

Either way, her thoughts had to be on her performance. It was showtime!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Thalia Maehers

Location: Cirque Anomaly
Interacting With: No one

Looking for Boris was tiring, and it annoyed her to know that she couldn't find him. The man ran around just about everywhere, and currently his mental state was debatable, making her brush off finding him. There was no way she could worry about it now, especially once she felt something familiar and strange. She started working her way towards a tent, and the feeling kept getting stronger. The wardrobe within was strange, and the strange aura seemed to be coming from it. Thalia didn't really recognize the wardrobe, but the fact that it was a temporal disturbance was odd. The thought that she hadn't noticed it really before meant that it usually was not there, but the thought of one being so close, and in the circus grounds was strange.

She thought back to her conversation with Lilith, about Folly's diary. The girl had mentioned a wardrobe, and suddenly, here was one, at the heart of a temporal disturbance. Thalia knew that she needed to tell Lilith about it, but the performance was going to be soon, and there is no telling how long it would take them to learn more about the disturbance, or what it had to do with Folly. She decided to tell her after the performance, but right now she needed to get ready, and maybe find Boris afterwards.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: The Police Station
Interacting With: Me, Myself and I

Liam groaned in agony as the pain ran through him. For the most part, he'd grown relatively used to the agony which came with every vision, but, usually he got them one at a time. He gasped, eyes going wide as the pain ripped through him, as if he was being beaten, stabbed and shot all at once as they flashed before his eyes, none of it made sense to him. It was as if the big man upstairs had accidentally spilt his diet coke all over the controls and was frantically hitting every button while he tried to wipe it up. As soon as they stopped, he panted heavily and tried to gather himself, trying to pull the air back into his lungs. He opened his mouth for a smart comment, but just as he did he was hit again, guess the man upstairs had decided to smash the keyboard with a hammer, just for good measure.

He appreciated at least that this one made sense, it confused, even scared him that previously he hadn't understood a single one of the visions he'd gotten, but at least this one he could make sense of. As it disappeared, he panted, remaining where he was for a few moments. "You know what, fuck the deal I made earlier, i'm so never quitting drinking." He groaned painfully to the big man who didn't even seem to listen any more. Knowing what he had to do next, Liam fought harder, struggling to break free of the chains as well as he could, relying mostly on brute strength as he pushed against the wall, hoping to get loose enough just to slip out, he had to get to the train station.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Coventry Attic
Interacting With: Basically, everyone there. @Morose @Nallore

Eudora paused for a moment as a sudden horrid thought struck her. Folly warned her of time being distorted with their actions, but what if time had already been distorted? What if Eudora was meant to die yesterday but the only reason she lived was because Folly stepped on a butterfly in the past which prevented it from annoying a worker, which in turn stopped him from falling over and dying, which in turn assured that the construction of whatever he was building would be completed which was key in causing an accident which would cause shrapnel from the accident to hit Eudora directly in the head killing her instantly. And this hypothetical timeline spawned thousands more in her head, and a thousand more questions and worries. Was her time hopping disrupting whatever plan the Universe had for her, or was this all just part of its plan? Were they really time hopping, or where they alternate universe hopping? If it was the latter, does that mean it would be possible to control the wardrobe to send them to another universe where none of this happened in the first place?

And as Eudora went back on her promise of not prodding anyone, including herself, with 1,001 questions and to just "go with the flow", a mental switch flipped inside Eudora. She was no longer Eudora the elderly witch who just witnessed all these things happen passively, no, she was Detective Eudora, here to solve the mysterious cases of the murders and this magical wardrobe. Now, knowing that she knew nothing sparked within her an exhilarating feel of curiosity and adventure, she already felt centuries younger.

"I understand your worry, dear," Eudora said with a nod towards Folly, "But I can't help but to wonder, how much control do we really have over time?" she purred, taking relaxed strides towards one of the attic walls as she entered this state of Zen.

"For example," she began, "If I were to, say, break a hole into this wall. Would the people in the future suddenly have their memories altered into thinking that hole was always there? Would they ever be able to recall a time when they were sure that the wall was not broken? Would they see the wall suddenly having a gaping hole in it and have no explanation as to why?"

Eudora knocked on the hollow wall, sending particles of dust flying and an ominous echo throughout the room that spoke to them about how ignorant they truly were.
"What do you think Fairfax?"

Eudora bent over and picked up a loose piece of wood, her face betraying no emotion other than calm as she readied the plank as if to strike the wall to test her hypothesis. But then, a loud crash snapped her out of her trance. She dropped the plank with a clatter, forgetting all questions as she scurried over to the wardrobe where the two bodies fell like sacks of potatoes. "Oh no, are you O.K.? Nothing's broken I hope," Eudora cooed over the two ladies as she helped them up, her tone carrying the soft touch of a worried grandmother.

All ambitions of messing with time for science were brushed away. For now. Just long enough for her to ensure the pair were alright. "My name is Eudora Esmeralda Erebus," she introduced herself, rolling the r's in her name perfectly, a slight accent in her voice that clued the listeners into her mysterious past. "But you may call me Eudora."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

December 28th, 1929 - Coventry Horrors, Attic

Fairfax perked up the moment Eudora asked him for his opinion. Holding up a finger for her to give him a moment, he hurried over to a trunk--the same one that Andromeda had opened in 2016--and pulled out the first book he could find. It was the diary of a Ms. Coyne, but he hardly paid any attention to that. He then rushed over to the nightstand next to the bed and snatched up a pencil, drawing a line on the side of the book, marking each page.

"My colleagues will likely dispute with me over this, but time is a human construct," Fairfax explained. "It's how we perceive the fourth dimension. So imagine, if you will, that we are the pieces of paper in this book." Fairfax then opened up the diary and held a single sheet up for demonstration, before closing the diary again. "As time passes, the paper accumulates."

He then opened the book again and grabbed that single sheet of paper. Next, he allowed other pieces of paper to fall against the first piece, growing larger and larger in number until his crudely drawn line in pencil was once more visible, formed by the edges of the paper. "This line, while we cannot see it, is time...It's the fourth dimension. No matter what we do, we can't change that line. So....time is fixed, then."

Folly gave Fairfax a confused stare, while Andromeda nodded. "I disagree," Andromeda said. "The theory is sound, but...But we have events like gravitational microlensing that can only be observed because of warping in spacetime. Mass, energy, matter...It all constantly distorts time. Time is the fourth dimension, but it isn't fixed. It can change, constantly even."

Fairfax's mouth dropped slightly. "Pardon me, miss, but are you a scientist?"

"I minored in Astronomy," Andromeda said, with a slight blush from the way Fairfax was looking at her. "But my point is...Einstein rings and all wouldn't be able to exist if what you're saying is true, Fairfax."

Folly shook her head. Everything Fairfax and Andromeda were discussing had started to give her a bit of a headache. She was almost grateful when Emmie reminded her of her murder from earlier, to which Folly could only nod. She didn't regret shooting Alexander in the slightest. In her opinion, it was self defense. A demon was hunting her, after all.

"Andromeda Aldrich," Andromeda introduced herself, nodding at Eudora. "Now we need to figure out how to get back, before more people die...Something's happening at the circus tonight. The demon who killed my father? He's going to be there."

Folly paled slightly. It wasn't clear if it was from the mention of the demon or going to the circus. Fairfax, bless his heart, seemed a bit oblivious. "Well, Folly's an acrobat in the show! I'd love to see her perform, you know."

December 28th, 2016 - Cirque Anomaly, Main Tent

By now, most of the performers have gotten themselves ready and made their way into the main tent. A few of them have liberal amounts of make-up applied, while others are still crying softly from the events of the day and will go into make-up later, once they've calmed down. Boris dragged himself in towards the tail end of the crowd, keeping an eye out for his assistant, Thalia. His costume is in tatters and a knife twirls in his hand. Thalia would recognize the knife as the one that almost killed Folly ages ago.

"Glad you could all be here!" the ringmaster calls out, his voice booming as he laughs a bit. "We have a special guest here this evening," he paused, gesturing towards the lab coat wearing man, who gave a bit of a wave to the performers. "And remember, this is our first show since the Christmas break. Let's make it a good one, eh?"

"So, for today's rehearsal...Let's have Lilith up first, with Boris and Thalia waiting in the wings!"

December 28th, 2016 - the Police Station

Well, holy shit. Liam, the lucky fellow, rolled a perfect twenty. Those chains practically fall off of him, as adrenaline courses through his veins and helps him to use his strength to the best of his ability. Glancing around the room, he won't see anyone else coming in. Curiously, however, the hooded figure's cloak has vanished. No one could have taken it. Liam didn't see anyone come in or out of the room. But either way, it's gone. There's nothing to suggest that anyone else was imprisoned in the room with him.

However, as Liam moves around the station, he'll notice every cop held in some sort of trance. They aren't dead and they aren't unconscious. It's as if they've been frozen in time. Some were holding their guns, aiming at something Liam couldn't see. Others were on the ground, staring blankly up towards the ceiling. They were hardly even breathing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Emmie Adams

Location: Attic Coventry Hotel (December 29th, 1929)
Interacting With: @Morose Aloise Zamora, Andromeda Aldrich, Fairfax, Folly Valeska & @Witch Cat Eudora Erebus.

Emmie simply just moved over to a corner of the attic leaning up against it as Andromeda and Fairfax started to talk about time, and what not stuff that Emmie wasn't at all knowledgeable with. Rubbing the bridge of her nose slightly letting out a sigh as she got up and started to slowly pace around the room before turning her attention to the group around her. "Okay, so I don't have much of a high school education or college education so can we not talk about scientific mumbo jumbo. Do we just simply go back through that wardrobe or something to get back?" Emmie finally asked, all she cared about really was just getting back home. Though at the moment was up in the air, her closest friend someone that she looked up to as a sister died right in front of her.

Emmie then looked over towards Folly as she nodded to the answer her question, so she was the one that did kill Alexander right in front of her. If she came into the room first she would have been the one to most likely have taken that bullet. Emmie didn't trust Folly as far as she could trust her, but Emmie remained quiet about it. Then she turned her attention back over towards the elderly woman, Emmie did remember Sera mentioning that name once before. "Emmie Adams." She answered the elderly woman in the room who approached the two of them to see if they were alright. "I'm fine, really." Emmie said running a hand through her hair wiping the last of the tears from earlier, looking over at the others in the room.

Then Andromeda brought up the circus tonight, well back in their time the future that is maybe the one who killed Sera would be there or at least someone who knew who did it would be there. Then Fairfax, being interested in the whole show as well he probably didn't know that Folly was a murder suspect in the present. "I don't think Folly would be interested in performing." Emmie said looking over to the girl who was also her age.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lilith St. Sebastian

Location: Cirque Anomaly
Interacting With: "The Audience"

She was often asked to lead the show. She wasn't the main act and that suited her just fine. She knew she wowed the audience with every performance. So she stepped up to the center of the ring. A target placed across from her. She tried not to look at the man in the lab coat. He still gave her the creeps. So she pretended to be in front of a live audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I have with me some very sharp, very dangerous knives. They can easily cut anyone who gets in their way, so for your safety, I ask you remain seated unless you really want a haircut for cheap." She let the imaginary laughter die down before she continued. "Now, I would like to ask for a volunteer from the audience. Could be anyone. Big, short, man, or woman. Anyone brave enough to face me?"

She eyed the man in the lab coat. This would have to do. She beckoned him, "You sir! How about it? I promise I don't bite. Much." She grinned wickedly. If the man did have any weird things going on, she hoped this would settle him down. Perhaps even scare him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Thalia Maehers

Location: Cirque Anomaly
Interacting With: Boris @Morose

Thalia had to suppress a giggle as she saw Lilith easily start in on her performance. It was just a rehearsal, but she clearly was getting into it, acting as though there truly was an audience, and it kind of impressed her at how strong Lilith's imagination could be. The woman was approaching the man in the lab coat who the ringmaster had pointed out to all of them, and was drawing him into her act. Thalia smiled as she watched, but she really should be preparing for her own performance.

She was surprised that Boris had even shown up, but the circus was his life, so she shouldn't be too worried. However she was a little frightened by the fact that he was a mess and was waving around a knife. Thalia hoped that he wouldn't do anything too stupid, like attack people randomly during the performance or something. Suddenly she found herself worrying about her own safety as she approached the man. "Hey, ready for the performance?" she asked as she walked up to him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: The Police Station
Interacting With: Me, Myself and I

Liam had not actually expected that simply pushing his body against the chains would work, however, with enough force and a reasonable effort, he fell face-first onto the floor, groaning softly as he glanced around, back to the wall where he'd been held. "Jesus, i've been working out." He groaned as he pushed himself to his feet again, moving out through the hole in the wall and into the station proper. He glanced around curiously, taking it all in as he now kept a firm grip on his handgun, keeping both an ear and an eye out for the nerd, who he figured may not be pleased with his escape. Hopefully, at the very least if he was still around, he hadn't heard the chains.

Looking at the cops, he raised an eyebrow, it was strange to see them in such a trance, but he'd seen enough movies to realize the trance could end at any time. Carefully, he made his way toward the closest exit and outside, being careful to avoid stepping in the crosshairs of any of the cops' as they stood there, he'd have preferred not to be accidently shot if they suddenly woke up after all. Once he found a door, Liam knew he'd be out of there, his first stop would be the train station, he could call Aloise on the way to let her know he was still alive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Coventry
Interacting With: Everyone (@Morose) (@Nallore

Eudora, while a little disappointed she was unable to bust a hole in a wall to test out her hypothesis, actively listened to Fairfax's rushed explanations of his theory on time. "Oh Fairfax," she begun, "Your unmatched wit shines yet again-"

Eudora was interrupted as Andromeda began correcting Fairfax, yet Eudora didn't feel any frustration, only mild intrigue. The big words,
deep subjects and the promise of more to be discovered made Eudora's opinion of the world shift a bit. Eudora was always a romantic, longing for days where humans and nature lived together as one, a time where everybody would dress in pretty white linen and dance around fires while singing hymns and beating drums as dark clouds swirled above. Of course, Eudora knew such a time never existed, and most likely never will exist, but Eudora still found the idea charming. However, Andromeda's ability to so easily dissect and explain the strange and unknown sparked something within Eudora that made her not only lust after the unknown but also understand it. Why not make the supernatural natural? Like, is the Devil the true source of magic? Could there be something greater than him in terms of sorcery? Why do angels have wings and not webbed feet? Why is Heaven portrayed white and gold and Hell black and red? Is there a God above God? A million and more petty questions started to pop into her head. Eudora took pride in her quiet mind, achieved by years of meditations and cleansings. And now she couldn't get it to shut up.

"Well, your wit is unmatched in this time period, John. But that's still a feat to be proud of." Eudora cleared her throat, nudging everyone to the next topic. And thankfully, they did.

After a few introductions and making sure everyone was alright, the topic naturally shifted towards the supernatural, as they usually do when Eudora is around. The very mention of a demon set Eudora's mind ablaze again, but thankfully, not about the nature of the Universe anymore.

Eudora's fisted instinctively tightened as she briefly remembered the time where she had to murder a child in cold blood, fight off Satan, and just barely escape death. Eudora swore off demons and demonology for what felt like years, and now she was about to be thrust back into their world again.

"Alright then," Eudora beamed, her cheery tone not betraying the flurry of emotions within her as she clasped her hands, "Seems like our goal is clear. Find and kill the killer."

Eudora revealed the knife stored away in her sleeve, so smoothly it seemed rehearsed, her tone just a bit too excited. "Now let's go hunt us a demon."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

December 28th, 1929 - Coventry Horrors, Attic

Fairfax couldn't help but blush at Eudora's comment. Of course, he knew that Miss Aldrich was quite right about time not being a fixed dimension, but waves in space time hadn't been observed yet back in 1929. They were a cutting edge discovery in the modern day, with scientists just only beginning to detect them. Had Andromeda not studied astronomy in university and her mother not emailed to her each paper she found to be interesting, Andromeda wouldn't have known either.

"It's good and proper to meet another mind, even if they best me," Fairfax said cheerfully. "I'd hate for scientific process to stop here. I'd be gutted if that was the case." His eyes widened slightly at the knife that Eudora produced, while Andromeda seemed intrigued and Folly appeared almost entirely unfazed.

"That's the idea," Andromeda agreed. "We put that thing down...make sure it can't hurt anyone else."

Folly sighed slightly, half tempted to dash out the window and vanish. She knew they wouldn't be able to follow her if they did. She had a unique skill set, able to scale almost any height, make any leap, and trust in her body to get her to safety. Some would have found the risks she took insane, but it was a cultural thing for her. The circus was all about risks.

"You'll get yourselves killed, but you know that already," Folly said quietly. "I can draw the demon out...It wants to kill me, for some reason. That and probably the entire population of Coventry. They think I'm a murderer...Which I suppose I am, but I didn't kill the people they think I did..."

"We know it'll be at the circus tonight," Andromeda added, mulling over Folly's offer. "If you show to the performance, we can draw the thing out. Keep it away from innocents and bystanders. Then, Eudora and Fairfax can get the jump on it. Emmie and I will be sitting in the audience, we'll come and join you when we hear your signal."

December 28th, 2016 - Cirque Anomaly, Main Tent

It's currently fifteen minutes into the mandatory rehearsal. And for those of you eager mathematicians, that means it is 5:15 PM. Showtime isn't until seven that evening, but it'll take at least another forty five minutes to get a rough run through of all the acts complete. Not to mention some issues with Fiodora and Folly not being present--the acrobats are one short and the star contortionist has been murdered.

The ringmaster appeared less than pleased with Lilith's choice of act. While the woman was skilled with knives and throwing, he had higher her as a medium and a fortune teller. He expected some sort of supernatural gimmicks and tricks, perhaps even put on a show and pretend to be possessed. Bring up an audience member and predict events of the past, present, and future. But throwing knives? There were hundreds of people in just Massachusetts alone who could do such a thing. But he held his tongue, not wanting to give a bad impression to their honored VIP.

The man in the lab coat shrugged slightly before pulling the coat off and setting it on his chair. He made his way up to the stage and put on a winning smile. "Please, call me Faust."

Meanwhile, Boris jumped at Thalia's words, his hands springing out and grabbing her by the neck. There was a demonic anger in his eyes and he took a knife, bringing it up towards his assistant's face. "I should carve a smile onto you," Boris said. "You'd look prettier if you smiled." He held his position for a moment before dropping the blade and dropping Thalia in turn, shaking his head.

"You're so boring, child."

December 28th, 2016 - the Police Station

Outside of the records room, the location of Liam's makeshift prison, the front entrance to the station is rather clear to find. Among various brochures and papers for applying for licenses and the such, there's a helpful map of the local transportation network. The Amtrak station most used was actually in the nearby town of Salem, according to the map. And as Liam will recall from his vision, the train in question was headed to North Station, located in Boston.

While the map lists the city as being Uber friendly, it may be quicker for Liam to dash back to the hotel, grab his bike, and make a move on. Or, of course, he could always take Aloise's bug if he could find the keys to it. It may be easier for dragging a culprit home by force. Regardless of what decision he makes, it'll be at least 15 minutes until he can get to the station in Salem.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Emmie Adams

Location: Attic Coventry Hotel (December 29th, 1929)
Interacting With: @Morose Aloise Zamora, Andromeda Aldrich, Fairfax, Folly Valeska & @Witch Cat Eudora Erebus.

Emmie continued to lean up against the wall looking at everyone in the room, she couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable around Folly still, even though she didn't murder Sal or Fiodora. Emmie knew she did kill Alex however, as they went over the plan to kill the demon that will be making its appearance at the circus tonight in the present. Emmie looked over towards Andromeda for a moment as she started to come up with a plan, the old lady Eudora and the man known as Fairfax. She didn't know anything about Fairfax, and Eudora at least to Emmie looked like she could just simply turn to dust at any moment due to the woman's age. And Folly, Emmie looked over towards her, everything seemed to be pointing to the girl she wasn't sure if she would just simply turn and run the first moment she got.

And she would be by Andromeda's side, someone that she now did consider a friend being up in the audience next to her though she did know a little bit of fighting, and always had a pocket knife on hand with her at all times due to being a former street rat she was at times called that. Emmie was up for a little bit of revenge, she wasn't sure who was the one that killed Sera but maybe the demon that everyone spoke of did know who killed the only person that she ever did consider family. "Sounds like a plan to me." Emmie said looking over at everyone else in the room she was on board with the plan.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Thalia Maehers

Location: Cirque Anomaly
Interacting With: Boris @Morose

Thalia had expected a not so nice reaction when she approached him, but that was nothing compared to what actually happened. She hadn't expected him to lash out like that, even though the knife had worried her to start with. Him grabbing her around the neck made her begin to panic, even more than she already had. Thalia half expected him to actually cut her with that thing, and the fact that he got that close to her with it was a terrifying experience for her. She eyed the knife as he lowered it, and let her go, stuttering, "I-I-I'll take that under consideration". She wondered if she should try to get it away from her before they were due to practice their performance, the thought of him waving it around while they were up there scared her even more after he threatened her.

She looked away from his face. Thalia couldn't bear to look in his eyes after that, her eyes were focused more on the knife that was in his hand. Any thought that he might at least be somewhat mentally competent was banished from her mind. The man scared her, and she couldn't stand the idea of performing next to him. Yet she didn't really have a choice in the matter, the circus was her life and she couldn't abandon it now, especially with shows lined up already for the troop. Looks like she is going to have to stick it out with Boris, at least for now. Hopefully he didn't try anything during the performance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lilith St. Sebastian

Location: Cirque Anomaly
Interacting With: Faust

Lilith eyed the man up and down. He would make a fine test subject for her new act. She knew it seemed like she was just going to do knife throwing, but that was boring. This was supposed to be fun! She turned back to her "audience" "Faust, it is. Let's give him a round of applause everyone!" She let the imaginary applause die down before she continued. "All right then Faust, it may seem like I'm going to have you stand at that target over there while I throw knives at you, narrowly missing you each time. We've seen that done before. Booooooring! No no, Mr. Faust, today I am going to call on some more help. Today, I am going to have the spirits help me predict your future while I throw these knives."

She took out her Tarot cards and shuffled them. "What I'm going to do is call on the nearby spirits to help me. Then, I will toss three cards into the air. The spirits know all, you see, so I will ask them to help guide my knife or the card. I will then throw my knife and strike one of the cards. That card will be yours. You will, of course, still be standing at the target. Gotta give the people what they love, right? Danger ane excitement! What do you say Faust, ready to hear your future?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: The Police Station
Interacting With: Me, Myself and I

Making his way toward the exit of the station, Liam took a moment to look over the map he passed, noting the transport networks. Salem was where he'd have to go, when all of this lovely supernatural stuff was starting to kick up out of seemingly nowhere, quaint. Shaking his head, he sighed as he moved out of the station and started to head down the road back toward the hotel. He'd have to go up to the room again to grab his keys and things, but he didn't plan on sticking around long. Grabbing his phone, he started to dial Aloise, feeling that he should probably give her the heads up that he wasn't dead. He waited for her to pick up her phone, or for it to ring through to her voicemail before he spoke up.

"Hey, it's me, not dead, don't worry. I just got held captive by some dick in a labcoat who's probably a demon, but that's fine." He moved into the lobby as he said this, starting to head up the stairs toward their room. "Listen i've gotta go to Salem, had another vision and i'm pretty sure one of our killers is heading to Boston, so, just figured i'd give you the heads up. Kayloveyoubye." He said, hurrying through the last part as he hung up, moving into their room as he glanced around, unsure if she might have actually been there by now as he started to collect his things, grabbing his bike keys and his helmet and jacket, putting it on and restocking in holy water and ammo before he started to head out and back down.

He wasn't sure how much time he had exactly to get to the station before the train showed up and he missed her, but worse came to worst he figured he might just have to head on to Boston. It wasn't often that Liam ever felt particularly compelled to follow up on one of his visions, but this one just wasn't like the usual vision, he just had that kind of a gut feeling he wouldn't have been able to shake otherwise.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Coventry Attic
Interacting With: Everyone (@Morose) (@Nallore)

Eudora scoffed as Andromeda suggested putting away the blade. "I'll have you know I killed the Devil's son with this blade." She boasted, waving it around a little too freely before quietly slipping into her robes. She didn't want to cause any of them to fear her, with tensions this high, it wouldn't be hard to spark another witch hunt.

"Well then, if we ever wish to take down this beast, we must hurry," Eudora proclaimed while edging closer to either the cupboard or the door leading out, it wasn't clear which. "We know very little about time, but what we do know is that it is of the essence!" She chortled at her own joke, before clearing her throat and muttering an apology.

"Only another problem is that I have no idea where the circus actually is, so Folly," she said as she shifted her gaze towards her, "Mind doing us the honours of leading us there? And please stick to the floor, not all of us are as gifted as you in traversing the skies, which is ironic because I am a witch. You'd expect me to have a flying broom."

Eudora seemed to be in a very cheery mood, obviously. But, it seemed out of place for her. Normally she'd scold the person who'd dare make light of this serious of a situation, was she a hypocrite? Or perhaps it was the nerves of having to face off a demon again that were causing her to act batty. Well, battier than she normally is. And besides, the idea of fighting a demon is as exciting as it is nerve wrecking. In many cultures, demons are seen as being this ultimate trickster spirits with immense power, so no wonder they were feared. But Eudora was a witch, and also fought the Big Baddy Satan himself (sort of), she knew how vulnerable demons truly were. But society as a weird power of being able to leave its mark on you no matter what. Her mind was flip flopping between security and anxiety with no in between, and despite her usual calm and cool outward experience, it seemed evident to Eudora there would never be a second in her life where her mind would be truly clear.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

December 28th, 1929 - Coventry Horrors, Attic

Andromeda's eyes widened slightly at Eudora's boast. She hadn't been asking for Eudora to put the blade down, with thing referring to the demon, but she still couldn't help but be impressed. Not much was known about the survivors of the Altsoba massacre. They tended to be quiet, keep their identities secret. It was understandable and O.M.E.N. tended to help them vanish as well. To be standing in the presence of the woman who killed the antichrist, well...Andromeda felt a bit out of her league.

"The devil's son?" Fairfax inquired, his eyes widening as well. Only Folly seemed to hardly care, shrugging as if anyone could kill the antichrist these days. But perhaps, it was more that while the others had underestimated Eudora, Folly recognized a powerful witch when she saw one. She knew that witches were always more than they appeared to be.

Folly chuckled slightly at Eudora's comment about the floor. "The wardrobe doesn't work like a doorway," Folly explained, with Fairfax beginning to pay close attention to her words. She never spoke too much of how the wardrobe worked, determined to keep Fairfax from using it for one reason or another. He never could get a straight answer out of the girl.

"It'll always change your time, but only sometimes your location," Folly said, before eyeing the wardrobe door. "It isn't even always a wardrobe. If we go through, there's no telling where we'll come out. I've found three different locations so far, but there could be more...All are in Coventry and not too far from the circus grounds."

"Let's all go together," Andromeda suggested. "Hold hands, so that way no one ends up leaving at a different spot...I do wonder if there's a reason why most of us turned up here in the attic...Is there a probability, perhaps, that dictates the end result?"

December 28th, 2016 - Cirque Anomaly, Main Tent

The ringmaster looked visibly relieved as he saw the twist in Lilith's act, clapping excitedly as if she had already won him over. A few of the other performers gave him a bit of a look, a bit dismayed by the lack of faith the man had in all of them. They weren't all as messed up as the Valeska family, after all. Boris seemed entranced by the act as well, his hand clenched tightly on the handle of his knife. He had practically forgotten Thalia, giggling to himself like a little kid.

"Three death cards," Boris muttered, before practically clicking his heels together and jumping into the air. It might have been insanity and madness, his words, but they were unsettling to say the least--as if the man knew something no one else did. But after everything that had happened...would that really be so hard to believe, that another death would happen before the performance that night?

"Who do you think it'll be, Little Dragon?" Boris cackled, eyeing Thalia. "Lilith or the nerd?"

Faust, the nerd, paled slightly at Lilith's description of the routine. It could have been nerves, understandable with such an act, but the nerves were odd. He kept glancing in Thalia's direction, for some reason, before settling himself in front of the target. Lilith could begin.

December 28th, 2016 - Coventry Horrors, First Floor

The ling rings three times, before the answering machine clicks. It's the standard message that Aloise leaves--an explanation that she is likely out on a case, she'll get to the call when she can, and to contact Liam Matthews if it is urgent. It's brief and to the point, succinct and clean...unlike their hotel room. While all of Liam's things are there, Aloise's items are almost all missing. Sure, her clothing and such is there -- but her weapons? All gone. It's a chaotic mess, as if someone left in a hurry.

And as Liam heads out the door and shuts it behind him, a note flutters to the ground. It had been taped to the back of the door, now joining the chaos of the room. Should he return to retrieve it, his name is written simply on the outside in Aloise's handwriting. Once more, it'll be at least fifteen minutes until he arrives in Salem, and the traffic is relatively clear for the moment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Emmie Adams

Location: Attic Coventry Hotel (December 29th, 1929)
Interacting With: @Morose Aloise Zamora, Andromeda Aldrich, Fairfax, Folly Valeska & @Witch Cat Eudora Erebus.

Emmie looked over towards Eudora as she boasted about killing the antichrist, she remembered that Seraphina rarely ever did spoke about what had happened at Altsoba. But she did remember all of the news stories that would always play on the news the days after that, and aside from Aloise and Liam Sera didn't really mention anyone else or talked to the other survivors. Emmie looked over towards Fairfax for a moment seeing the look on his face as Eudora bragged about killing him, Emmie was also surprised about it as well but she didn't really want to express it.

Emmie then turned her attention towards Folly as she started to speak about the portal, though it was all really confusing to her she still wasn't expecting to be sucked into the wardrobe and being sent to the 1920's. Emmie nodded slightly towards Andromeda's suggestion holding hands and going through the same time so that they wouldn't end up getting separated. "Sounds like a plan I guess who should open up the wardrobe first?" Emmie asked, she learned from the first time to not open it or you would end up getting sucked up into it. And Emmie wanted to immediately go over to Aloise and tell her what had happened, and also to find out what happened while they were away.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lilith St. Sebastian

Location: Cirque Anomaly
Interacting With: Faust

Lilith wouldn't admit this, but she was excited to see this act come to fruition. She practiced enough, but spirits were fickle things. If you got one that was helpful, it was easy, but other times the spirits liked to play games. Sometimes they were even angry to the point of violence. But then again, she worked alongside Boris, so violence was something she was accustomed to. She could tell Faust was nervous. "Have no fear, my dear Faust, I am a trained professional. So long as you believe, you will come to no harm. Now, let's get started."

She took out her Tarot cards and fanned them in her hand. She folded her hands and closed her eyes before she spoke, "Spirit world! I call upon your help! Aid me at this time to help predict my friend's future! You know all and see all! Spirits....come!" The room grew noticeably more colder as the spirits entered. She opened her eyes and could see them floating around. Various forms of garb adorned them all, but they were here. She continued, "Spirits, I thank you. Please, help me aid my friend in his journey to discover his future." Lilith took out her pink sash and tied it around her eyes. It was time to begin.

She shuffled her Tarot deck. When she felt a cold sensation on her hand, almost like another hand stopping her, she pulled out the top card. "This is your first card, Faust." After she spoke, she flung the card towards him, quickly drawing a knife and spinning it in her hand before flinging it at the target. The spirits held the card in the air, however briefly, before the knife plunged it and it hit the target by Faust's left armpit. She did it again, drawing a new card and throwing it along with her knife as it plunged into the target by Faust's right kneecap.

"You are doing spectacularly Faust, and you as well spirits. This is the last one." This time, however, she fanned the cards and threw them all in the air. She took out her last knife and waited a few seconds before she felt the cold embrace on her cheek, a whisper in her ear. She flung it and it pierced its target before sending it through the end. She heard the flutter as the other cards hit the ground. She took off her blindfold before bowing. "Spirits, you have helped me greatly. I send you back into the void with my thanks." The spirits left one by one, some looking a tad annoyed, but she could tell some of the others had a bit of fun. She looked over to Faust with a grin, "Shall we read your cards now Faust?"
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