Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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*Xan sees the look in Zeta's eyes and though she doesn't quite understand everything in them, she gets the jist. She rushes over and does her best to help, not knowing really what to do with the ears biology. She really wishes she had a few herbs that she knows would help and makes a plan to start a garden in the near future. As it is, she quickly patches up any other wounds Eustace might have and helps Zeta however she can*
Xan: Meadowleaf... King's Foil... Garia...
*She mutters under her breath as she works, trying to think what she might need in the future*

*Jilial doggedly helps carry Horus. Tears still stream down her face but her expression is blank, eyes once so full of mirth and joy, now just dead inside.*

*Hanna probably books it away from the smell of blood*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sgt Vandingo
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Sgt Vandingo Grammar Nazi

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*Zeta finishes, with the help of Xan after a while, and especially after Vaseraga made sure Eustace was out cold with a couple fierce hits to the head to keep him out, and he assumes Eustace will forgive him when he wakes up. Zeta drops whatever tool she was holding in her shaking hands, and leans over to plant her forehead against Eustace's chest, cause she was in a kneeling position. She likes him a lot, btw, but he doesn't exactly share those feelings, sadly. Vaseraga leaves her for the time being, knowing about young love, cause he was once a young whipper-snapper himself. He stands and waits against a wall, watching Zeta and Eustace at the same time. He doesn't worry about Beatrix cause she's probably more capable than Zeta in the wild(Eustace and Vaseraga beat the shit out of the wild so they don't count in that technically), and easily sneakier than Eustace or himself, so she wouldn't have much trouble running from something.*


*Beatrix gives Jilial some space, because having to carry your lover is obviously a hard thing to go through.*
Beatrix: ...Gomenasai...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John shrugs, not knowing what to say.*
John: I think so.
*He does his best to help drag Horus, and remains quiet.*

*Sasha draws her sword, which crackles with energy.*
Sasha: Alright Taboo shut the fuck up, or I will gut you! *She rounds on Merg.* Put that fucking rusty sword away before I break it.
*She turns up the Amperage on her sword, which seems to spit more energy.*

*Jillian watches Zeta and Vaseragea work on Eustace, and remains silent.*
*When Vaserage leaves she leaves as well, and watches the giant scythe dude leave.*
*She then lights a cigarette, and sits outside where ever the surgery was.*

*Gordon casually walks into the room, and goes into the kitchen.*
*He looks in the fridge, and starts looking at what is there.*
*After finding a large chunk of ham, he grabs it, and stabs it with a strange mechanical device into it.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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*Lecter nods and stays silent, focusing on his surroundings for now*

*Finnick suddenly sits up and rolls his shoulders*
Finnick: Should go make sure that girl's insides didn't melt from the Dragonthorn. Eh, sure she's fine.
*Instead, he decides to head towards the kitchen*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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*Major walked into the bar earlier wondering what was going on. *

*keeps laser pistol held and loaded*
(9mms equivalent but also full auto and reduced recoil as energy weapon)

*plasma is. 44 mag equivalent *

So, what going on here?...
Who needs shooting to end this racket...

*looks between the mutant, barbarian and hightech woman showdown *


*Dr notices the two people who just walked in and looks over from the sofa noticing the strangers different attire. Random mechanical tools and other etrcities*

So what brings you to this crazy place?

*seems open but keeps a hand near her lab coat and a hidden laser pistol*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

*Taboo falters slightly, realizing she's losing the upper hand in this situation. She shuts up for now, peeking her head over the top of the table*

*Mergoux flat out ignores Sasha, seemingly driven into a rage so intense it blocks out all external sound and vision. She lets out a roar of vengeance-filled fury and leaps at Taboo, aiming for where her head peaks over the lip.*

*Xan cautiously steps back, knowing that she's done her best for Eustace. She looks between Zeta and him and realizes how Zeta seems to feel about the strange man. She kneels next to Zeta and puts hand on her shoulder*
Xan: We do all we can, to save ones we love, yes? Well, then we did best we can. Now it up to him to heal good.
*She nods once then stands back up*
Xan: I go... err... what is word... for-ag-ing? I look for... plants... herbs. Healing things. I be back quick-quick okay?

*She pats Zeta's head and walks towards the front door just in time to leap back with a start as Jilial drags Horus through the door and very nearly collapses. She seems to recognize where she is and stops. She looks down at Horus again and is about to say something when Hanna comes into the main room. The ancient being and the young woman exchange glances for a moment before Hanna bursts into tears and runs to Jilail, hugging her so tightly that the Dragon-lady's face creases in pain beyond the emotional. She kneels down and holds her adopted daughter close, her hot tears still rolling down her face. She still hasn't spoken for the hours it's taken them to bring Horus back, or given any real emotional reaction to anything other than her tears*
*Her tail curls around the sobbing young girl as Jilial slowly falls on her side, her expression remaining blank as she seemingly holds on for dear life.*

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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2BlackJack1 Night Hawk

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*Lecter grunts as Horus is set down, and just shakes his head at the sight*
Lecter: Deserved better.
*He then draws a cigarette and lights it, staring off into space as he does so*

*Elewynn hears the crying and heads over to investigate. She just frowns at the sight, but recognizes Horus and Iris by Merg's description*
*Deciding not to gape and stand dumbfounded, she steps forwards*
Elewynn: What happened?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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*Dr watches as the wounded and battered up people return, a dragon lady carries in what looks like a dead body of a Gaint mutant, and several others carry all likely nurse a wide collection of wounds*

*keeps her distende from Iris but is curious what happened. *

What happened out there?
Is it over or are they coming here next?


*Major watched the two primitives go at each other and mutant and barbarian fight*

*tries to cause a pause by firing a burst of laser shots into ground between them making large burn marks and small glowing creators with a burnt aroma*

*louder *
Now. Back off.

Back off. Quit acting like degenerates...
Or I might just kill one of you so I can get some peace and quiet round here.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*John simply carries Horus into the room, and wordlessly walks off to the bar. He takes a seat, and pours himself some whiskey uncaring of the fighting Merg and Taboo.*
*Sasha is about to explode, but then spots John forgetting about the worthless (in her eyes) quarrel.*
Sasha: John? Is it done?
*John sighs, and hands Sasha her lance he picked up.*
John: Mission accomplished.
*Sasha nods, and can easily tell John is in one of his moods. So he walks out to Lecter, wanting to ask him for more information. Notices Horus is dead, and seems a little pained to see it.*
Sasha: What happened.

*Gordon's crazy enhanced hearing hears John and the rest of his party walk in. He peaks out from the fridge, and looks up to see Finnick.*
Gordon: Oh look, we meet again! Funny.
*He straightens himself, and leaves the piece of ham with a mechanical device in it in the fridge.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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2BlackJack1 Night Hawk

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*Lecter takes a drag from his cigarette, and nods to Sasha*
Lecter: A Praetorian exploding did him in. But we did it, the portal is shut. He didn't die for nothing.
*He retells to story of the fight from start to finish, and Elewynn listens in to the conversation as well, though she doesn't know Jack shit about the portal or the Otherworld creatures*

*Finnick smirks at Gordon*
Finnick: Long time no see. Next that limping circus animal will stop by.
*He chuckles slightly*
Finnick: Probably addicted to Lyrium by now. Not that I'm gonna give him another handout of it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

*Taboo screams as Mergoux charges her. She transforms and dodges the Warrior's charge before sprinting past John to diver behind the bar*
*Mergoux is roaring in unending rage as she runs after Taboo. She's completely lost all sense of anything else and focuses entirely on the Weretiger*

*Jilial doesn't seem to pay attention but Hanna listens closely. However, the smell of blood is beginning to overpower her as Jilial and now herself are both covered in it from Horus. She trembles in Jilial's arms and asks to be let down. Jilial doesn't pay any attention, forcing Hanna to forcibly break her adopted mother's grip. She runs to her room and eats a hand or two to sate her hunger.*
*After Hanna leaves Jilial gives a little whimper and curls up into a ball, her broken wings still hanging raggedly from her body. She seems dead to the world and doesn't pay any attention as Xan slowly walks to her and carefully starts trying to help her by working on her wings*
*Xan works carefully, her face full of sympathy*

*Tiaz is rather busy trying to figure out what Lyrium does without actually taking any. After having forced a re-captured slave to take it, he experiments on her to see what, if any, her reactions are. Afterwards he smiles to himself and tucks the rest of the bag away, knowing Taboo would enjoy it.*
*He finally hobbles out of his cave and heads into the woods, following the scent of blood*

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John is in no mood, he draws his pistol, and fires at the roof.*
John: You stupid fucks take this outside, stop making a fucking mess.
*He glares daggers at both of them, not in the mood for their quarrel either.*

*Sasha nods, and has a look of determination.*
Sasha: I will be the one to jugde that, and the void wyrm still lives. That must die for us all to be truly safe.
*She don't bring up the faceless creature but is confident on how to deal with it.*

*Gordon yawns, and shrugs.*
Gordon: Oh yeah... that... thing.
*He folds his arms, and starts walking towards the main room. He listens to John yelling at Merg and Taboo, and grins happily.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

*Taboo yelps and rolls under another slash from Mergoux. She nimbly darts between the Warriors legs and slashes with her claws as she moves. Mergoux growls in pain as a deep cut is opened on her left foreleg and continues to limp after Taboo. Taboo for her part is trying not to both scream in terror and laugh her head off. She loves seeing the sight of Mergoux so infuriated, but isn't dumb enough not to be scared by her, knowing that if Merg catches her it's all over.*

*She leaps over the bar but mid-air is startled by the gunshot and stumbles clumsily. She lands hard on her arm and winces as she feels her wrist burn with pain. "Sprained..." she groans and scrambles to her feet only to be thrown back by Merg bodily slamming into her. Taboo crashes into a table and lands in a heap, dazed. Mergoux smiles, and it is terrifying. She grins with a look of utter insanity on her face as she approaches Taboo to rain down the final blow.*


*Xan finishes binding Jilial's wounds and sadly pats the dragon woman's head. Jilial doesn't react what-so-ever, instead just sitting curled in a ball, her face blank and seemingly dead to the world around her.*
*Xan stands up and sighs, then walks over to Lecter, Sasha and the others*
Xan: She not bad hurt in body... but mind hurt bad...
*She looks back at Jilial and her shoulders slump*
Xan: I no can help... You know her? Maybe you help?


*Tiaz wanders towards the smell of blood and death, finding the battle site after several hours of wandering. Once there he looks around at whatever is left and frowns to himself, then starts searching remains for any sign of someone he might know. If there are still demon-bodies left then he takes some chunks of meat to experiment on and taste test later*

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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*Major aims and fires a burst of shots into mergs leg that hit painfully burning chunks out but instantly ate qauterized by the lasers and smell of burnt flesh if hit*

You idiots.... Cease your attacks...
Stop acting like primitives. Anyone vote on disarming em till they can learn to act like they got a degree of intelligence?


*Dr looks over at the group and sad dragon mutant*
He was her..
*relies quickly that they where very close and that it's a enormous loss*

Is there any other family... Kin... Anyone here to help her, or whom can be contacted?

*sighs at the trouble in the bar, and opinion of the two fighting is pretty low*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sgt Vandingo
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Sgt Vandingo Grammar Nazi

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*Zeta sleeps with her head resting against Eustace's chest, who is awake, but doesn't say anything nor make it apparent that he's awake, because he has the itching feeling to snap Zeta's neck, but he knows he probably shouldn't.*


*Vaseraga watches both Zeta and Eustace, and has the itching feeling to snap Zeta's neck, but knows he'd get yelled at from Eustace if he did.*


*Beatrix goes to get wasted. She walks in to the bar and is confronted with the scene, which she responds to with a shrug, and sits down on a stool and instantly orders something classy, like a mug of beer, and I mean like full-on mugs the Scottish use to get pissed off their tits, and watches the chaos, definitely not willing to interupt unless she is put in 'danger', or something that can be perceived as danger, cause she is pretty confident in her sword arm.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John is honestly annoyed at Merg and Taboo's fight, but let's the major handle it. He sits drinking his whiskey, and stares at his glass.*
*He also holsters his pistol.*

*Gordon walks into the main room, and peeks into the bar. He seems more interested on what John is doing, instead of the random fight going on.*
*Gingerly he walks into the bar, and makes his way towards John though he absently watches the fight as he walks.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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2BlackJack1 Night Hawk

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*Lecter nods*
Lecter: I'll help you finish this. This shit needs to end.
*He sighs and takes another drag*
Lecter: Will the storm end, at least?

*Finnick nods and starts looking for some food for himself*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

*Mergoux screams in pain and staggers, crashing into the table next to Taboo as her leg crumples out from under her*
Mergoux: AGH! YOU BAS-UGH!
*She chokes as Taboo launches a punch at her throat and scrambles away. Taboo runs for the main room, sees the congregation around Horus's body and takes a sharp turn into the kitchen, where she desperately looks for a place to hide*

*Mergoux spends almost a solid minute trying to breath through her damaged windpipe before struggling to her feet, breathing raggedly*
Mergoux: YOU!
*She points at the Major with her sword*
Mergoux: You're dead!
*She takes one step, falters as she puts weight on her shot leg and falls again. She roars in fury and pulls a small hand crossbow from her bag, then fires it at the Major's chest*

*Jilail doesn't move at all*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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2BlackJack1 Night Hawk

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*Lecter sees Taboo sprint past and immediately draws Karma*
Lecter: I'll take care of it.
*He follows after Taboo, ready to cut the beast down and finish his half sister's job*

*Finnick whirls around and frowns at Taboo*
Finnick: The fuck you want, Cursed One? Get out, before I ward this place enough to level a mountain.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

*Taboo skids to a halt and holds up her hands to Finnick*
Taboo: Woah woah woah! It's me Taboo! Don't hurt me okay!?
*She doesn't notice Lecter coming up behind her, so just to prove who she is to Finnick she transforms back into human form*
Taboo: Can you help me actually!? There's this psycho b&@^@-lady trying to spill my guts!
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