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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Lance Banner

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A

"It's alright, don't worry about it. And yeah well, I know that's a problem Carolina, but I also didn't think that I was going to do something like that!" Lance said, and it was even more evident that the whole thing that just happened was freaking him out. Truthfully he was feeling the anger, or more of panic and frustration, starting to build up yet again, and he was practically beating it down with a baseball bat. He wasn't all too sure what to really say as he stood up off the ground now, looking at the others as they indicated which direction they needed to go.

Thinking for a moment, he looked at the others, "...You might not have to carry me. I have another idea on how I might be able to keep up and get around..." he said to Carolina, before he took a deep breath and a dim light seemed to surround him slightly, but it was only barely visible. After a moment, they'd be able to see that he actually wasn't touching the ground any more, but seemed to be hovering in the air.

"...So apparently surrounding myself with light and trying to fly that way seems to work, come on, we're running out of time let's hurry up," with those last words, he started heading down the direction that the others had indicated as being the way towards the device. Eventually, they'd find themselves in another room that on all sides had doors, and they'd have to choose one if they wanted to move on with everything.

The device's signal was coming from the door on the left now, but who knew what was waiting just behind it. "Okay... So anyone know which way to go?" he asked, since he still didn't know where the device was.

Marygold Isley

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, recommendation? Don't mess with them, they've tried to kill a lot of people... Several times... And something involving the Phoenix or whatever and them then wanting to kill Jean for something or whatever... The details are lost to me, I only was half paying attention to that conversation aside from Shi'ar, bad. Think their Empress or whatever had a relationship at one point with Xavier, but that was only rumors..." Mary explained somewhat when Bethany teleporting them back out of the room with the Shi'ar and she walked over to Allison, Guin and Pietro.

The robot in front of them looked up slightly, and it actually looked like he was smiling. "You know self friend Danger? How is she? Is she with you?" he said, looking at everyone around. "Oh yes, self does knows X-Mansion, that is where self friend Danger is. Also where self friend Doug is!"

"...Doug, as in like, Doug Ramsey as in Cypher?"

"Yes, that is him! Do you know self friend Doug?"

"Uh, no, I haven't actually talked to him, but I know who he is, he sometimes hangs around the mansion on occasion. The power to understand literally any language, no matter how foreign it is, or how alien it is to him... Some people think it's a lame power, but honestly that would be a cool thing to be able to do if you ask me."

"Yes that is him! And his powers are not lame! Oh self friend Xavier was nice to self, even though self was scared and frightened when first arriving on Earth and attacked people. Self friend helped to ease self's worries and make things right. You see, self is also a mutant, just a mutant for my race."

"The Technarchy, which is ruled by the Magus."

"Yes them."

"So... They did pose an interesting thing. Will you help us out? Since those you mentioned are all on Earth right now, and if we don't stop Galactus they and everyone else will die."

"Oh self can't allow that to happen. Self will help!"

Oh great, another toaster to deal with... And why is he just constantly saying self? Doesn't this guy know anything about personal pronouns?

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: Sonic Screech

"You need to get one thing straight, the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, you need to get your head out of the clouds and into damn reality. Weet jy wat jou idioot is? U is ernstig op my senuwees, as u die feit in ag neem dat u nie een van hierdie dinge ernstig opneem nie en u waarskynlik sal doodmaak. Eintlik, gaan voort en doen dit, want as jy dit oorleef, sal ek en jy meer as 'n paar woorde hĂŞ, geen magte nie, niks nie, en ek sal jou gat in 'n Danger Room-sessie skop." Mira didn't even really acknowledge the fact that she had changed what language she was speaking, it was clear though from her tone that she was clearly pissed off at Iris' entire existence at this point.

Most people where she came from were either really good with tech, or really good fighters, and sometimes they were both. Iris didn't seem to have any of those qualities as Mira followed after the others to the circle of hallways down below. When she heard Iris' suggestion of splitting up, that annoyed her even more. "In what reality does splitting up ever end well? Usually when the group splits up, someone tends to either get severely injured or dead. I can go through just about everything in case you actually care about that. Sure, I wasn't on the team the entire time for things, but I heard about things. Group split up at Magneto's base, a team member died. Team essentially splitting up, half the team got caught by a group known as OMEN, and then a future version of one of our team members died. Then the Mesmero thing happened where everyone was divided because of mind control, and several people ended up with severe injuries in some capacity or another. We only split up into smaller groups of 4 or 5 this time, since that made some sense, but splitting off now into just groups of 2 would be suicide. So got any other bright ideas on how this will actually work out if we did that? Since yes, the one smart thing you said was that it was a bad idea."

Mira thought for a moment, before flipping up the face plate of the helmet, looking around a little bit for a moment, before walking over to one of the two, and tapping it ever so slightly. Putting a hand against the wall, she let out a very loud shriek down the hallway, the sound vibrating along the walls, and she closed her eyes. Once the sound stopped, she walked over to the second hallway, before proceeding to do the exact same thing. She stumbled slightly though, getting a small dizzy spell as a pain sort of shot through her chest. Catching herself on the wall, she pointed towards the first of the two hallways.

"That way," she managed to more or less croaked out. Her throat was burning, which made it hard for her to talk at this point, as well as her knowing perfectly well that most people who have a pacemaker in their chest would not be doing anything strenuous or something that would fall under contact sports. Like fighting, saving the world, minor details like that.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: Telepathy
Her assumption had paid off, then - not too long after they left, Mary and Beth reappeared by shadow travel. It was a pretty cool skill for Beth to have, reminding Guin a lot of the son of Hades (Nico) from the Percy Jackson novels. When she had been stuck in rehab, she read (inhaled) the entire first series before moving on and going through the Chronicles of Narnia in chronological order. "Careful, my fiancé likes to beat up people who make fun of me," Guin joked, after Allison called her a nerd. Yet a minute later, Allison revealed that Jenny the Teenage Robot had spent time on Earth before at the X-Mansion. "Okay, what're the actual odds of that?" she muttered. Had she not been living it, she would have called it a sin of convenience.

One, he's not a toaster - apparently he's an alien. And two, if he were a robot, he looks more like a blender to me anyways, Guin commented to Pietro. She knew that he was feeling salty about his sister's boyfriend, but it wasn't like Wanda approved of Pietro's fiancée anyways so the two siblings were even as far as Guin was concerned. Though she did agree with Pietro - it was really weird to know that Wanda had joined the West Coast Avengers and was dating the Vision.

Eh, toaster, blender, same thing.

... Uh, no. Have you ever tried making toast in a blender? Guin asked, raising an eyebrow as she turned and gave her fiancé a look. You'd get a disgusting bread smoothie, not a nicely crisp piece of toast.

Most electronics to me are toasters or whatever, especially robot looking things.

She couldn't help but laugh slightly, as much as she was biting the inside of her cheek in an attempt not to. It wasn't really the time to be laughing when the weird alien had agreed to help them, especially with the fate of the world in their hands. Okay, we are definitely continuing this conversation later, I have a lot of follow up questions.

What sort of follow up questions? And should I be concerned?

Nope, later! I gotta focus! You're playing into my ADHD! Guin protested, before looking at the alien again. She had already offered to build the alien a girlfriend, but it seemed just taking the alien back with them to Earth would be enough of a reward. The being had friends there anyways (one of them being the sentient Danger Room). "So we need to steal the Ultimate Nullifier, only problem is the Silver Surfer is guarding it. What can you do with that?" she asked the alien, figuring there was no sense in beating around the bush.


Neil Spellman

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: N/A
For a brief moment, Neil fantasized about them receiving a message over their comm systems that one of the other teams had secured the device and that they could go home - that the pressure was off, the planet was no longer in jeopardy, and they could go back to being teenagers. But as Sara dictated that they couldn't split up for this plan, the fantasy faded away. Iris immediately contradicted Sara, suggesting that they do split up and Neil winced. He ran a Dungeons and Dragons campaign at the X-Institute and one of the main rules was to never split the party. They were already at their minimum party size. Despite the strain to her vocal chords, Mira seemed to have found her voice as she chewed Iris out over it.

He wasn't sure whether or not to feel second hand embarrassment. Yes, Iris was super weird - but Mira was also being incredibly harsh on her. Maybe being alone in a group with Sara wouldn't have been such a bad idea after all.

Mira's makeshift sonar ended the need for that sort of discussion though. "Let's go then," he said quietly, before moving down the hallway Mira had indicated. The hallway seemed to go on forever, to the point that Neil was about to stop and ask if they needed to go another direction, when it finally terminated at a door. He tried the door, only to find that it was locked. "Mira, do you mind?" he asked. His use of his powers to unlock a door earlier had set off alarms - so this time around, he was going to let the techie take a look.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: Astral Projection

Carolina watched as Lance started to hover off of the ground seeing the tiny glow that he made as he hovered slightly. "Well looks like we both found some interesting ways to use our powers." Carolina said towards Lance, at least they figured out the problem now since Lance didn't have a suit anymore to travel around quickly. She looked at Annie still happy that she was doing alright still, and quickly used the iron man suit and flew forward catching up to Lance, when they reached the room seeing several doors and the signal leading to the door on the left.

"Give me a second." Carolina said, as she quickly left her body and astrstral projected herself through the next room, and started to look around seeing the large number of Chitauri on the other end. Before quickly returning to her body and looked over at the others, remembering them from the Battle of New York years ago. "So, the signal leads to that room." Carolina said gesturing towards the left one before speaking again. "But theres a bunch of Chitauri on the other side, you know the aliens that invaded New York way back when." Carolina said looking over at Thor who had fought them before, and wondered how they even got in there in the first place.

Bethany Bell

Location: Galactus' Ship,
Skills: Shadow Manipulation

Bethany looked towards Mary as she explained a little bit more on the Shi'ar, which she didn't really want to meet them again, and hoped that they didn't decide to hunt them down after coming into their room. "They don't hunt people who go into their 'territory' as they called it right?" Bethany asked her since Mary seemed to know them pretty well, and she cringed slightly when Mary said something about a rumor with their leader and Professor X having a fling or something.

Bethany looked up at the robot looking alien for a moment as he started to speak and smiled slightly, at least he seemed to actually be willing to help them out. "We just need to outsmart him or distract him something along those lines, we obviously cant really fight him since The Silver Surfer is really powerful." Bethany said, hopefully they would be able to figure out a good plan and then snag the Ultimate Nullifier out from under his nose.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 23 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Galactus Ship - (Group 2) -- SPACE

Lance didn’t seem to answer Antoinette but that didn’t bother her too terribly much. She was feeling better and hoped nothing would act up, like a severe headache or any other concussion or whiplash symptoms while on the mission. She watched Lance start to hover by use of his light and managed a slight giggle at the sight before they all hurried forward. She looked around the hallway they stood in, seeing multiple doors with multiple possibilities. The signal for the object was leading her to the room on the left.
Carolina asked them to hang back a moment and so she stopped walking and waited. Once she returned Antoinette sighed from her information. She remembered that attack as she was sure all of them would. That would be a lot of power against them but they had more power with the suits on hand. The only problem was Lance. She looked over at him, vulnerable now without an Iron Man suit. ”I know it will be hard to think of something, as you’ve only hulked out once in your life but do you have an idea of how we can get you back, should you hulk out again? If I am being honest, that may be in your best interest to do so. Unless we can find another suit for you,” Antoinette said, watching Lance through her helmet.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 7 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Galactus' Ship (team 2)

Lance without a suit was something that should be fixed ASAP, as it stood now, if they had to get off this ship, Lance could be in trouble. "I'll give a call down to Earth, we'll see if there's anyway we can get a suit replacement, one minute." With that, she started a call, hoping to connect with Tony Stark, and luckily, it she got through to him. "Mr. Stark? It's Eli- I mean Alchemy." Eliza said, getting used to using her call sign, though it did feel a bit silly, "Lancey hulked out and trashed the suit you made, leaving us in a bit of a pickle. I don't know if there's anything you can do, but I figure if anybody could, it'd be you."

"...Wait did you just say that Lance hulked out?" Tony responded to her.
In the background, she'd be able to hear someone who sounded like Bruce Banner, "WHAT?!"
Eliza paused for a moment, but said, "That's right, it surprised all of us too, but we dealt with the situation well enough, he's back to normal now. Everybody is fine though, more or less."
"Okay, well that definitely is a good thing, hold on one second," Tony said, before she would be able to hear him essentially repeat those words to someone else (probably Banner in an attempt to calm him down).
Eliza thought for a moment, hoping Banner wasn't about to freak out back on Earth. "If you - Do you want me to put Lance on? I'm sure we'd all appreciate him learning a thing or two about this, hulks and pressurized cabins don't mix well, and I'm sure Doctor Banner might appreciate hearing about it directly from him."
"Uh no. The ship first of all is way too big for that sort of thing for him to be able to destroy it... Umm... Not sure what you guys can really do about that sort of thing now anyway..."
Eliza had been more concerned about the prospect of eventually getting Lance home, and him hulking out on the way back, but in any case, it sounded like there wasn't much that could be done. "That's about what I figured, yeah. Well, if there's nothing that can be done, we'll have to see what we can do with the resources we have. Thanks Mr. Stark."
"No problem."
And with that, Eliza ended the call. "We're on our own for finding a suit, Lance you uh, might wanna talk to talk to your dad sometime." She said awkwardly. She didn't mean to break to break to news to Doctor Banner on his behalf, but it seems like she did. "It was my bad, honestly, I didn't think he'd be right there next to Mr.Stark, I'm sorry." She flashed an apologetic smile, and run her hand through her hair, giving it a little bit of a twirl.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)

Iris winced as her attempt to defuse Mira's disliking of her only caused to girl to launch into another heated tirade. But this one was different, as for a majority of it, she didn't even understand what was being said. She kept her head pulled back as Mira berated her with words she didn't know the meanings of, unsure of how to respond. So she didn't. She kept her mouth closed, hoping that the usually quiet girl had run out of fuel. But she hadn't, instead immediately going on a rant on the dangers of splitting up. This lecture was also one that Iris didn't entirely understand, not because it was in a different language, but because it referenced numerous things that she knew nothing to very little about.

Without a response, Iris let a frown clearly decorate her lips for a moment, before allowing the helmet of her suit to rise back up, hiding her head and crushing the flower crown ever so slightly. She watched as Mira walked to the entrance of one hallway, letting out a scream, before doing the same to the second hallway. As Mira moved, though, Iris saw her stumble, her body looking like it could fall. The blonde girl took a worried step forward, reaching a hand towards Mira's shoulder in attempt to keep her up, only for the girl to catch herself on the wall, causing Iris to drop her arm. When Mira pointed down the first hallway, Iris pushed her concealed lips into an exaggerated pout.

"Well if I knew you could do that, I wouldn't have suggested we split up..." Iris quietly mumbled, a mock tone of dejection in her voice as she followed her group down the hall.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: N/A

Allison was mildly impressed as the robotic man began to relay his history with their Disaster Room voice, or Danger as he called it. And she thought it was kind of cute how he referred to himself as "self" all the time. Though Allison had to agree with Guin's sentiments. What were the odds they would find someone like him all the way on Galactus' ship? Still, one did not look a gift horse in the mouth. If he could help them, they would need him.

"Not to mention those other aliens. Mary and Beth transported into their room so now they now we are out and about and might not take too kindly to our interfering on this ship. Just a thought." She waited to see what the robot could do and she would help. "We have abilities of our own if that helps you in any way. I can see the future, and apparently the past sometimes now, as well as telekinesis. She can manipulate plants, she can manipulate shadows and is clairvoyant, he can run super-fast, and she can swap minds and is telepathic. So yeah, pretty cool set of skills here."

Allison rocked back and forth on her feet. "Oh! And we have Iron Man suits. I don't know the full extent to what they can do, but Iron Man is pretty fricken' awesome so I assume they can do something cool."

Sara Grey

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: N/A

The in-fighting in their group was reaching a point that could be considered "bad". She knew she had handled the situation with Mary before poorly, though she still held that she was right, this was not good either. They had to work together if they wanted to succeed here. "Look, guys, we need to work together if we want to get through this. We don't need bickering or fighting and I know that sounds rich coming from me. Look how we handled that gorilla situation back there. That was epic! So, let's try to continue understanding that we are on the same team." She shrugged, looking over at the two girls.

She didn't know how to respond as Mira used sound waves to determine where to go. Sara, also, had admittedly not known she could do that. "Ok. That was cool. Good use of powers there Mira." Sara soon followed behind her. "Iris, you're new to the group so I imagine there's a lot you don't know about us all. I can fill you in for me. Name's Sara. Power is replication. I like rock music, crazy fashion, and being sarcastic. Oh and Neil is my boyfriend, so hand's off." The last part was a joke. She didn't even know if Iris was into guys, but it didn't hurt to say it out loud. She still enjoyed hearing it.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Lance Banner

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A

"Aye, I know them well. Stark, the bastard, managed to dispel a large quantity of them with a nuclear missile. Fortunately for you, my hammer is stronger than any bomb Midgard could manufacture," Thor boasted with a grin.

"Okay... I didn't live in New York at the time, but weren't the Avengers losing before Tony sent the nuke through the wormhole? Since that's what resulted in the nuke being sent to Manhattan in the first place."

"We had it handled, young Hulk!" Thor protested.

"No you didn't... And don't call me that!" Lance instantly snapped, getting more than slightly annoyed with Thor's choice of nickname. He also wasn't too thrilled with the comments that Annie more or less was making. Just because he didn't have one of the Iron Man suits didn't mean anything. Of course, she did have a point about how to get him to switch back, but he honestly had no idea how to do that at will, considering the fact that he wasn't even entirely certain what had caused it this time around in the first place. Those moments before it happened were kind of a blur, he remembered Carolina accidentally shooting him, and that was about it.

"I honestly don't want to think about the need to switch back, since I would prefer to not have that happen again. So we don't have to worry about it. And as for talking to my dad when we get back to Earth, I was already planning on doing that, figured we might want to have a conversation about it... Since well, it's kind of a big thing..." he said, saying the last sentence towards Elizabeth as he went over to the door that Carolina had indicated.

"Alright, since there isn't really any other way to go, get ready for a fight," he said as he went over to a panel and opened it up. There were a few sparks before the door opened up, allowing them to enter the room with the Chitauri.

Marygold Isley

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A

To say that she personally thought that Warlock's way of talking was a little bit weird was an understatement, since apparently he didn't know what personal pronouns were. However, the idea that of all people they would meet on board this ship, they ran into Warlock, that was a bit surprising. She knew that the odds were that most beings were going to be more like the Shi'ar when it came to temperament, but they luckily ran into Warlock of all people, someone who knew X-Mansion and was actually friends with people on Earth. That made it easier to convince him to help them, and luckily for them, he seemed happy to help.

"Oh, self knows about the Surfer man. He not so bad once you know him. He's actually nice to self, and more of is stuck here as much as the rest of us. He has no choice but to help Galactus. He doesn't want to, and partially why he tries to direct Galactus towards planets without much life on them. Guess he wasn't able to direct him away this time around."

"Wait, so you are saying that for a fact, the Silver Surfer can be reasoned with?" Mary asked, this was something that could definitely change things.

"Maybe not at first, since in order to make certain that you won't easily back down from Galactus, so he'll likely fight you first. Especially considering the fact that if he doesn't fight back odds are that Galactus will kill him. But self knows the way to the device you are looking for. Follow self!" With those words, Warlock headed out of the room ahead of them.

"...So, what are the odds we can trust the weird robot thing?" Pietro asked.

"I think we can, since Warlock has fought on our side before. He's best friends with Cypher who usually helps out, and Danger well, you all know her, so fairly certain he does actually want to help us."

"Come on new friends! If we need to fight Surfer we need to get moving now! Earth won't still be there forever if we don't hurry up!"

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: Hacking

"I didn't even know I could do that... It was a theory around echo location, since odds are if I was in water I could act like a sonar or something," she managed to croak out, coughing slightly from the strain on her throat. She fell silent, choosing to not strain her voice any more, since otherwise it would make things more difficult in the long run for her if she couldn't really use her powers when they actually desperately needed them or something. She decided that now might be a good idea to ignore Iris' existence, since the girl was insane in her mind and really needed to learn to shut the hell up.

It wasn't too difficult for her to go quiet, that tended to be what she did on a daily basis, and this was the most she really spoke to anyone in any given amount of time. Usually she spoke this much when talking about technology, or when playing Dungeons and Dragons with Neil and the others. Nodding her head slightly at Neil, she eventually was able to pop open the panel next to the door and cause it to open, allowing everyone to go inside if they wanted to.

Once more, they'd find themselves in a jungle like environment, but this one was oddly different. This time, the trees appeared to be moving, and figures turned to look at them, seeing the group at the doorway. They didn't attack them or anything, more of just tilted their heads to one side to look at them, more curious then anything as to who was at the doorway.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: Telepathy
You know if things with your sister and Vision don't work out, maybe she can rebound with Warlock? Guin teased Pietro gently. It was a pleasant surprise to see Warlock so eager to help them, even if Guin wasn't too thrilled at the idea of the Silver Surfer testing them with a fight. It reminded her a little too much of Danger Room sessions with Wolverine. She hadn't even known her body was able to be that sore until Logan put her through her paces. For a brief moment, she wondered what he was doing. He was probably off with the others, trying to draw out the herald - the very person they were about to face.

You are so nice to me Guina.

I love you! Guin replied. I love you more. She had to bite back a slight smile.

"Sooo fun fact, since the Silver Surfer is here, that means all the grown ups could just be chilling and sipping pina coladas outside - which is so unfair," Guin pointed out to the rest of the group. She was definitely going to make her father pay for a few dozen drinks after this. And maybe another crate of Twinkies for her fiancé. Maybe they could go to Vegas! Vegas was always fun, especially after trying to prevent the Earth from being eaten by a giant purple people eater.

She mentally slapped herself, trying to get her mind back on task. Despite the perilous circumstances around them, her ADHD was acting up. Guin wasn't sure if that was an improvement or not from how moody she had been during the entire Mesmero affair. "Alright, we're coming," she called out to Warlock, taking Pietro's hand and she headed off after him. She really hoped that the Silver Surfer's test wouldn't involve one of them getting seriously injured or worse, but from what she had been told... She tried to shake those thoughts off. She needed to focus.

Neil Spellman

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: N/A
Neil hadn't known that Mira could do that either. Despite all of the time at the mansion they spent training, he had only ever really seen Mira use her voice as a weapon. He hadn't seen it as makeshift sonar before. It made him wonder for a brief second if there were some non-violent uses of his own mutation that he hadn't considered yet. After Mesmero controlled his mind, all Neil could really think of using his powers for was destruction. "Her aunt's the Phoenix," he boasted slightly to Iris. Sara came from an incredibly powerful lineage of mutants.

"I'm Neil, or Solstice, or whatever... I can destroy things with my mind..." he added quietly. It was the best description of his telekinesis, which tended to rip or pull things apart, and his minor combustion power. Mira's voice sounded horrible, but at least it seemed she had decided to stop fighting with Iris. He didn't know if that was because of what Sara said, though, or just because Mira's voice was worn out. As Mira opened the door and revealed another jungle environment, Neil quickly braced himself for more killer gorillas.

Instead, there were... tree ents? He relaxed slightly - the tree ents had always been the good guys. They helped battle Sarumon's forces. He knew that logically these aliens hadn't come from the pages of fantasy novels, that they were probably distinct beings and had their own culture, but he just saw tree ents when he looked at them. The way they were tilting their heads with curiosity at them reminded him a bit of kittens, too. He awkwardly raised his hand slowly and waved hello at them.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: Astral Projection

Carolina looked towards Elizabeth and Annie for a moment, she didn't think that they should really worry about Lance not having an Iron Man suit on hand for him. They were just made for them to move around the ship a lot quicker, unless there was for whatever reason a hull breach in Galactus' ship that could cause them all to be sucked out into space. "Unless we are actually all going out into the vacuum I don't think Lance having a suit right now should be something we worry about." Carolina said, Lance was perfectly fine with fighting without one anyway and she was pretty sure Lance was alright without it either.

Her eyes turned towards Thor when he brought up New York, and shook her head slightly, he was kind of getting a little bit on her nerves right now. "I could ask my sister for SHIELD files on what actually had happened you know for what actually did happen back then, but i'm pretty sure we were going to lose if Iron Man didn't fly that nuke through that portal." She watched as Lance opened the door to the room with the Chitauri in it, they didn't really happened. Carolina stood there for a moment before letting her soul leave her body again and it went flying over towards the closest Chitauri that was there, and forced it to turn on it's closest friend and fired the laser staff weapon thing that they had.

Bethany Bell

Location: Galactus' Ship,
Skills: Shadow Manipulation

Bethany crossed her arms over her chest and looked towards the others and then over at Warlock as he mentioned the Silver Surfer, who could possibly be reasoned with which she did hope that they could do it. Though she wasn't really sure, but since Warlock had been to Earth and the X-Mansion before as well in the past he was more than willing to help them all out by saving their home from getting eaten by Galactus. "I still think throwing Pluto at Galactus would be a much better idea." Bethany said giving a slight shrug as she looked at Pietro.

"He seems friendly enough, he hasn't attacked us or anything and seems to be more than happy to help us." Beth said she turned and started to follow shortly behind Warlock and looked towards the alien robot like man for a moment. "So, how did you end up here anyway?" Bethany asked, she wasn't sure how he ended up being trapped in Galactus' ship all by himself. "And how long have you been here as well?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 23 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Galactus Ship - (Group 2) -- SPACE
Skills: Illusion Casting

It wasn’t that Antoinette wanted Lance to lose control, to lose himself, she just wanted him to be safe. Sure the suits had been designed for speed primarily but they also served as extra protection. The shell for a turtle if you will. If it wasn’t for the Iron Man suit when Antoinette hit her head, she probably would be in a worse situation right now. Antoinette looked at Elizabeth and Carolina, nodding slightly before the door to the next room was opened and they all ventured in.
Antoinette shuddered, seeing those awful creatures again. She had been in Maine when everything had happened in New York but she saw the news reports and the media. She didn’t have to be there to see the fear. Using her own fear, Antoinette mustered up a solid illusion of roughly 200 rats. They scurried around the others, wiggling their noses as they raced for the chitauri and climbed up a few of them. They started biting and gnawing on whatever they could in order to damage the creatures and weaken them. A few were even managing to squeeze their way under the suits to get to the flesh of the creatures. It wasn’t pretty and it was more violent that Antoinette was used to being but she had to protect her friends.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 7 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Galactus' Ship (team 2)
Skills: Arm shift, energy weapons.

Moving towards the Chitari room, Elizabeth shrugged at Lance. "Yeah, sorry. Hopefully this gives him time to process a little." She tried to at least make him see the bright side of it. Learning he was a hulk couldn't be easy for him, she didn't want to make it harder, even if she didn't know him too well. As they neared the door, Eliza frowned. She'd heard of these things, given the damage they did the New York a few years ago. The thought of fighting them filled her with a kind of pride, almost like the world was giving her a chance to punch back at the creatures that struck her planet.

With that in mind, she stretched her new arm out, trying to shift it into a weapon so she'd have something to fight with. Frowning when it refused to listen to her, she flexed it a bit, and then remembered the lesson she learned earlier; Stark tech was responsive to percussive maintenence. Smashing her arm into the wall, it shivered for a moment, and then morphed into a blaster. "Alright, let's show these guys what Earth can do." She remarked, as the door opened. Quickly, she scanned for a target, and found one: A console that would hopefully go boom when fired at. Leveling her arm at it, she took a deep breath, and focused on her target. Firing away, the energy blast slammed into the console dead on, eliciting a few sparks. Disapointed in her shot, she frowned for a moment, before the console exploded, sending metal across the room. Her face broke into a grin as she saw some shrapnel smack into the Chitari. That wa smore of what she was going for.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)

A smile began to crawl back onto Iris' lips as Sara stepped in between Mira and her, though it wasn't visible behind her metal mask. She was glad that someone else was stepping in. She had no intention of fighting with a teammate. She didn't see the point, especially over something as petty as the other girl not liking the cut of her jib. But any attempt of Iris' to dissuade Mira from arguing was only met with more arguing, so to see someone else take care of it brought relief to her. Her smile widened when Sara went on to make an effort to make her feel more welcome.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about me and your man. If I'm good at anything, it's keeping my heart on a leash!" she said, the amiable tone returned to her voice. She then turned her head to look towards her and Neil. "Thanks Sara. And you too, Neil Solstice Whatever. As she finished talking, the sound of Mira opening the door caused her to turn her head towards it. She shuffled into the room after Neil and Mira, softly mumbling, "Damn, I wish my aunt was a phoenix..." as she went. But any previous thoughts were struck from her mind as she caught sight of the creatures on the other side of the door.

"Woah...they're tree people! Treeple!" As she spoke, the metal encasing her head lowered, revealing her grinning face under her mostly-still-intact flower crown. Her eyes were full of wonder as she stared, following Neil in attempted somatic communication with the beings, waving her own hand. "They're not trying to kill us, so that's a good sign."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: N/A

Allison kept her squeals internal as Warlock spoke. She couldn't help it, he was so fricken' cute! The way he spoke and the fact he was so on board helping them cemented himself in her eyes. As he left, she bounced a bit on her feet. "He's adorable! And helpful. If Danger trusted him, I trust him. And we need all the help we can get right now. Silver Surfer is no joke." With that, she followed Warlock out of the room.

She wasn't exactly thrilled with going toe-to-toe with the Silver Surfer, but maybe they could appeal to him? If he was trapped too, and it seemed like he was, then maybe they could find a reason for him to not be indebted to helping Galactus. "Wouldn't Galactus just eat Pluto anyway? It seems counterproductive to what we want to achieve here since he would just eat the rest of the planets like a buffet." She giggled a bit at the mental image of the planets on a buffet table before she resumed. Now was not the time.

Though she often felt that maintaining her optimistic attitude was, sometimes, more helpful than any vision she would get. She also needed to practice seeing the past, since that was now a thing.

Sara Grey

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: N/A

Sara flinched at Neil mentioning her aunt. She had intentionally left that part out. She didn't want her aunt's reputation to influence her going forward. People either walking on eggshells, worried about bringing it up, or others who were super fans and wanted to meet her or talk to her. Wanted to ask if she shared her powers or ask her what it was like growing up with her. She hated all of that. She was not The Phoenix's niece. She was Sara Grey and she was her own person, dammit!

"It's not all it's cracked up to be." She let those words hang a bit as she walked with the others. "But you're welcome. We're a team now, we need to act like it, so you may as well know who we are and what we can do." As Sara finished, they came across a figure. But it wasn't a gorilla or anything else similar. It was a tree. Or a person. Alien? It was tree things. And they were, quite frankly, adorable.

"Ok, so is it me or are they adorable? And good, right? Since they haven't attacked yet."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Lance Banner

Location: Galactus' Ship - Chitauri Room
Skills: N/A

"Well I mean... Yeah, though hopefully we don't have a shouting match back on Earth or something, been trying to be better about arguing and whatnot," Lance said with a slight shrug towards Elizabeth, not really wanting to worry about it now. Especially since they were going to have to deal with the Chitauri in front of them. His hands started to glow once more, as the aliens started firing shots off towards the group, clearly trying to more or less kill them. Lance was going to try desperately to avoid getting hit, since he one, didn't want to potentially die, and two didn't want to shift again.

The first few shots from their weapons missed the group entirely, however another few ones managed to hit their targets. They seemed to be ignoring Carolina for the most part, since she still is in control of one of them, and their shots instead fly at the others. One shot slammed into Annie, but the suit she was wearing absorbed the hit, not causing much damage aside from a slight shock that sent her backwards. Another two blasts slammed into Elizabeth, one of them actually was powerful enough to cause a few small burns on her body that she would be able to feel, and not really see. The other shot managed to hit Lance, knocking him backwards, but luckily it didn't cause too much damage, and he took a few deep breaths to remain calm.

He sent a few blasts at the nearest Chitauri, the bright light was powerful as he managed to instantly knock one down. Sending another blast he knocked another one backwards, so at the least they were unstable on their feet. "I'm about ready to suggest we just book it to the other side of the room, since I'm not sure we'll be able to keep fighting these guys off."

Marygold Isley

Location: Galactus' Ship - Hallway
Skills: N/A

"Oh not necessarily!" Warlock said instantly in response to what Guin had said about the adults probably sitting around doing nothing. "Surfer can do illusions and stuff, so who knows? They could be fighting the real one and you all could fight the fake one, or the other way around!"

"...So, that's certainly something that I didn't expect... Alright, so we might be going against the real deal, or an illusion, but odds are the illusion would still be able to hurt us."

"Oh certainly!" he said as they reached a hallway that had several observation like windows into the rooms near them. Mary recognized one of the rooms, seeing the Shi'ar guards that she and Bethany had run into earlier. "Ooooh, they aren't too nice, self doesn't like the Shi'ar, and they don't like self friends at the mansion," Warlock said as he glanced slightly towards the aliens. The area was definitely familiar to Allison, as it looked like the area that she had seen in her vision of them leading up to the device.

Though Mary was only partially hearing and paying attention to what was going on, as she was hearing the little annoying voice in the back of her head again. Can we please just blow up the robot who is sitting there constantly saying the word "self"? Since let me tell you, that is really starting to get annoying!

Shut up already, you aren't exactly real, and no killing anyone!

Can we kill the Silver Surfer at least?

Hell no! Especially since it sounds like we can actually reason with the Silver Surfer!

You are no fun.

"The Surfer is not going to be any fun to go against, but pretty sure we're almost there!" Warlock said happily as they walked along. The group would be able to see a lot of different alien creatures everywhere in the different rooms, considering the fact that they saw the Xenomorph earlier, they would see another creature that looked almost like the Predator. Certainly made for an interesting thought overall.

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Galactus' Ship - Flora Colossi Room
Skills: N/A

"...Okay, this is definitely a bit weird in my mind..." Mira mumbled out, looking at the trees who weren't attacking them or anything, which definitely was a good thing. Who knew that there were such a thing as an alien race that looked like Ents from a fantasy setting in a book or in Dungeons and Dragons.

The tree nearest to them looked at the group curiously, "I am Groot?" it said to them, and the others among him nodded their heads in agreement. "I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot." He then raised his hand and waved slightly in response to Neil's wave.

"...Sounds like their vocabulary is limited. Meaning who knows what they are saying... For all we know, they could have just insulted us." Mira pointed out, her voice still sounding more then a little bit hoarse.

"I am Groot!" another one said, looking at the group, and walked over and somewhat poked Sara. The group would be able to see that the signal for the device went through the door at the far end of the room. However, one of the trees brought what looked almost like a bowl of water, and offered it to Neil. If he looked, he'd be able to see that there were some forms of herbs or something in the water as well.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: Telepathy
"Pluto's only a dwarf planet, we need to send something meatier at him," Guin joked. "Maybe Jupiter. I think it'd have a good crunch to it, leave Galactus satisfied and smiling." Of course, she was also certain that removing a gigantic planetary body would most likely have long term repercussions for the Earth. The cosmic physics might alter to such an extent as to change the orbit of the Earth around the sun - she'd have to do the math to confirm her hunch, however. Allison's concern was compelling too though - Pluto was probably just an appetizer.

She raised an eyebrow, hearing that the Silver Surfer had powers over illusions. "So we are going to be fighting a roid raging magician?" she scoffed. "Does he do birthday parties?" she asked Warlock, not expecting a serious response from him. He was cute, acting like a toddler. The fact that he was a robot didn't bother her too much - she had been partially raised by an AI after all. She peered through the gigantic windows they were passing in the observation area of sorts that they had entered. She could see a few more aliens, some of them looking almost birdlike. The predator lookalike sent a shiver down her spine.

We could book him for the wedding, Guin nudged Pietro, trying not to let herself wallow in uneasiness. It felt like it had been an eternity since they started looking for the Herald but also at the same time hardly seconds.

Bad joke there Guina, Pietro said with a small laugh.

I'm serious! He even has a stage name and I bet Galactus could be a reference for him.

Neil Spellman

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: N/A
"They are kinda cute," Neil agreed with Sara. He kept expecting the Lorax somehow to burst out from among the tree people and lecture them all about sustainable living habits. The ents only seemed to be capable of saying one sentence, with Neil having trouble detecting any variations in tone or meaning. Mira was probably right, that they were somehow saying more - like how cats were conveying different messages when meowing - but he didn't hear it. They had returned his wave and they hadn't attacked, so maybe they were friendly?

He flinched slightly as one of them poked Sara, but it didn't seem like they meant any harm by it. They brought him over a bowl of water with some herbs floating in it as well. "Uh, thank you," Neil said awkwardly, accepting the bowl of water. His gut was telling him that it probably wasn't poisoned. They seemed nice and friendly. "We're trying to get through to the other side," he said, hoping the ents would part to allow them passage through. He forced a smile and took a tentative sip of the water from the bowl. "Could we pass, Groot?" he asked, assuming that might have been the tribe name of these ents or something of the sort.

With Mira's voice so hoarse, they were already at a disadvantage if they needed to fight their way on through the ents.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: Astral Projection

While Carolina possessed the Chitauri that she was controlling she watched as one of them managed to get a lucky hit on Annie as well as Elizabeth as well. Using the weapon that the Chitauri had she was controlling fired off a few more blasts, managing to take out two of them without any issue at all really. There was a lot in the room, and she was pretty sure that they wouldn't last to long if they did try and take out the entire room.

"I wouldn't be opposed to running to the other end." Carolina said, though she was talking through the alien that she was using right now, they just needed to get through the room. "The sooner we leave here the quicker we can get the device and get back home." Carolina said hopefully the Ultimate Nullifier was actually on the other end as well. She started to wonder how the others were also doing as well and if they were any closer than they were to.

Bethany Bell

Location: Galactus' Ship,
Skills: N/A

"Oh yeah Mary and I ran into them earlier, they aren't really nice people." Bethany said as she followed Warlock and the others, and seeing the observation room seeing the familiar guards that were there, she decided to give them the middle finger with both hands. She was still a little bit annoyed that one of them punctured her suit. Bethany shrugged slightly, he wasn't sure how many planets he could actually eat in one go, and she didn't really want to know either and smirked a little bit at Guin's suggestion.

"Wouldn't Jupiter just give Galactus bad gas, because it's a gas giant?" Bethany said jokingly, she looked over at another of the observation windows seeing a Yautja or otherwise known as a Predator in the Predator movies which were really cool movies in one of the windows. "Okay, so is Galactus a fan of scifi horror movies or something? Since we saw a Xenomorph earlier." Bethany said, remembering ejecting that one out into space earlier.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 23 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Galactus Ship - (Group 2) -- SPACE
Skills: Illusion Casting; Intuition; Fireworks what?

When Antoinette was hit again, her mind flashed to her most recent hit but this time she recovered quickly. She let out a little breath, feeling relief from that feeling alone and jumped back into the fray. Luckily, the blast she received didn’t bother her illusion and the rats kept up their work. They weren’t doing any serious damage but they were definitely qualifying in their role as pests to the Chitauri. Both of her eyes started to glow as she tapped into her intuition now and reached out to the Chitauri hoping she would pick up on their language and see what their fight patterns were. All she seemed to be able to get was that these creatures had 192 ways to say “hate”. These creatures didn’t seem very loving at all.
She glanced at Lance, seeing he had gotten hit as well but seemed to be faring okay and he hadn’t shifted into the Hulk again so that was a good sign. She had to admit that running looked like a fairly good idea. They were barely making a dent in these creatures as it was. Antoinette saw a flash and looked down, seeing her hands spark and release what looked like mini fireworks. Her eyes widened, although no one would see her facial expression due to the face mask. What was this? Was it part of the suit? But Mr. Stark had said he hadn’t had time to weaponize the suits. Antoinette looked up to see if anyone else had seen what just flew from her hands.

Anyone who would want to would be able to see Antoinette's new power.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 7 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Galactus' Ship (team 2)
Skills:Energy weapons

Elizabeth rocked back as she was shot, burns on her body writhing in pain. A part of her had been wondering what it actually actually felt like to get shot with one of those weapons, and now she wish she didn't know. Burning pain sucked, in that it had a kind of duration other types of pain lacked. Her skin felt hot, and sat in a discomfort that refused to fade. The fact that one of these things hit her pissed her off to no end, and without really even thinking about it, she drew her arm, and went ballistic, firing shots at the Chitauri that left her feeling like this. As the monster fell, she fired again at its corpse out of pure anger; even if it wasn't practical, it felt good as hell to do that.

"Evacuating sounds like a good idea, yeah, can anybody cause a good distraction to get us there?" Holding her gun arm with her other hand, she looked at the group. She didn't have much in the way she could do right now, but the fireworks that just went off seemed like as good a thing as any. "That works!" She decided, and ran through the room to the other end, slamming her body against the door. Instinctively , she reached for the door handle with her gun arm. Unsurprisingly, she wasn't able to get it open with it, and she instead turned her back to the wall, and moved out of the way for the next person who made it to this side, so she wouldn't be in the way.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: Precognition

As they walked, Allison tried for a vision. She was getting better at recalling them when she wanted. In it, she struggled to see it clearly. It was as if someone or something was trying to prevent her from seeing it. But in it, she saw the Silver Surfer. He reacted to something and sent an energy blast, but she could not see who it was directed to. It was better than nothing, she supposed. "So, vision check. I think someone is preventing me from seeing a whole lot. Could be the Surfer himself. Anyway, dude reacts negatively to someone and sends an energy blast at them, though I do not know who. So be on guard."

Allison glanced around the room, spotting the mean-looking aliens from before as well as recognizing the room. Something clicked. "So why are all these alien species on board this ship? Do they serve Galactus? Or is he keeping them as trophies for his conquered and devoured planets?" It served to reason that there were many different species on board. If they were trophies, did Galactus plan to take humans on board to serve him?

Guin's joke made her feel somewhat better though as she gave a light chuckle. "Book him for your bachelorette party maybe."

Sara Grey

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: N/A

Sara kneeled down to be on almost the same level as the little tree people as they poked her. They seemed harmless, though that didn't mean they weren't deadly. Still, they were beyond adorable. "They are so cute! And I think their vocab is limited in our sense, but perhaps they are speaking volumes in theirs. Too bad we don't have translators in these suits. I'm curious about what they are saying."

Sara was tentative about the offering to Neil, but she didn't figure these beings as enemies. "Groot? Sara." She pointed at herself. "We are trying to help our planet and need to continue going forward. Is that all right?" She didn't know if they understood her, though it seemed they kind of did, at least a bit. If matters of the Earth being destroyed weren't present, she'd be content to hang out with them a bit longer. This was far better than the giant gorilla jerk.
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