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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Dorian nods in response to the young one's observation. 'Indeed, she is not related to me. It is good he recognizes that, however I find it odd that he did not first notice that she does smell like him vaguely' He smirks at her accusations but chooses not to respond. Instead he relaxes into a more open stance. 'Do not want to scare her away. I am far older and stronger than she. I bet I could spook her quite easily should I wish it' When James begins snarling Dorian smiles but keeps his eyes on the woman. Bringing his fingers up he brushes them gently through his hair to try and calm him down a bit. 'I'd rather not he attack her, however he is good to recognize the threat she poses' Stroking his head a few more times he finally responds to her.

“I am Dorian Alex Helvek, first class in the order of Darkra, of the Villius clan. I am an official investigator for the order and have myself come here to investigate the mass killings.” He watches closely as she tenses and stops her advance. 'Good. Be as obvious as you like little lady' “Since it is obvious you know not who I am nor why I am here I know you are not here under orders from a major clan, seeing as they keep up communications rather well. Though I could give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you were sent out before receiving word of my involvement in this case?” Her mouth opens and closes a few times, his rather direct attitude throwing her off a bit. Instead of waiting for her answer he continues.

“As for this Little One, he is indeed rather feral at the moment, his training stunted due to his abandonment so soon after being turned. I have bonded him to me, and as such will not allow him to come to harm nor will I allow him to be taken from me.” Taking an unnecessary audible whiff of the air he smiles coldly. “It is my duty to find the one responsible for the havoc this child wreaked, and seeing as he can hold no fault, being feral as you say, fault falls instead upon the one responsible for his turning and abandonment.” Raising an eyebrow his cool smile widens. “You would not happen to know anything about that, would you Miss?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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Dorian's stroking fingers calm James and his growling tapers off as he presses into the petting hand blue eyes still fixed on the woman who poses a real threat to the young vampire. He wraps himself around Dorian in a way that keeps their bodies close and intertwined while allowing Dorian easy movement should he need to fight or defend them.

The woman straightens up looking between the two other vampires. "Why should I know anything about it?" She adjusts her skirts checking them for blood. "I travel far and wide for my feeds so as not to draw attention to myself. While I was here I heard about the killings. I am young but I am not so young to be stupid. I recognise a Vampire attack when I hear about it." She has already sniffed the air and identified there was a link between herself and James, the woman quickly makes the decision not to say anything, she senses Dorian's strength and power, she wants nothing to do with him if she can help it. "I wish you luck with your mystery. I believe I should be moving on." She steps forward.

James starts snarling viciously at her, something about her scent making him uneasy, it is almost familiar and it unsettles him greatly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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His fingers continue to run through the boy's hair, his close proximity making him sigh on the inside. 'I recall this clingyness. Felt different when the child was my own. I guess I will have to adjust' He watches her closely as she formulates a completely reasonable response, however her rather stiff movements and short clipped sentences speak to the contrary. 'It is likely that she may have no direct knowledge of James directly, however I can tell she is no fool.' He shifts slightly as her eyes travel once more over the newborn. 'She knows they are connected somehow. I must know what she knows' He lets out a sigh as she moves to walk past them again, setting James off like a guard dog defending it's master's home.

With a light shushing sound he looks down at the boy, tugging on his hair gently. The woman sees her chance and tries to walk swiftly past them, hugging the wall furthest from the two of them. However Dorian expected such a move and is ready to counter. Slipping carefully from the young one's grasp he turns on the spot, his sword clearing the scabbard with an audible metal scraping sound. She freezes at the sound, his blade stopping less than an inch from her throat barring her path. “Forgive my lack of patience Miss, however I need for you not to leave just yet.” His voice is low, far cooler than usual, and his eyes flash in the moonlight. She swallows hard, looking at the two of them through frightened yet defiant eyes. After a moment she decides it's in her own best interest to cooperate, at least until she can flee safely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James automatically responds to Dorian, he growling snarls turn into soft submissive whines before he falls completely silent and returns to standing docile by Dorian's side. Unlike Dorian who has aclear distinction between his own Childer and James, James has formed the bond with Dorian as if he had created him. He is not there for long, Dorian pushes him aside to draw his sword and use it to intimidate and control the woman. James stays behind Dorian watching on with interest as he wonders why Dorian has become so obsessed with this vampire.

The woman forces herself to be less tense as she looks at Dorian, but she is ready to flee in a heartbeat should the oppertunity to do so arises. "Very well Sir, I don't know how I could possibly help you in these matters,I am just passing through on my travels." Not a lie, she had not come here because of the rumours, rather she just happened to stumble upon this situation as she journeyed towards he destination.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Dorian raises an eyebrow, however does not question her honesty. His sword tip lowers ever so slightly, allowing for her to step back slowly. Keeping it at the ready of to his side he once again looks her up and down carefully. 'There is a base level of ware on he hems, so I believe she has indeed been traveling' His gaze returns to her eyes. 'However there is no denying that she has some relation to this young one' Shifting his weight he brings one hand up to his chest and gives a slight tilt of his head. “Forgive the abruptness Miss, I simply have a few questions for you, then you may be on your way.” His hand falls back to his side where he brushes back his sir coat and takes hold of his hip. She watches the gesture and swallow hard, her own body shifting restlessly.

Keeping his blade at the ready Dorian slides back over to the boy and wraps and arm around his back, slipping his fingers beneath his arm so he can grip his ribs gently. His cold smile returns as he looks to her with a harsh yet subtle curiosity. “The first question is rather simple, and will help me assess how much I can trust your words.” Her eyes narrow but she remains silent. 'Give a little, get a little. You know the game Miss' “What brings you to this town?”

Her eyes stay focused on Dorian however her expression makes it obvious it's not the question she was expecting. After a moment of silence she begins playing the game. She adopts a false smile of her own and shifts into a more casual looking stance. “I was simply passing through on my way to Fendree Port, two towns over.” She shakes her head slightly, her hair shifting back and forth in the moonlight. “Since I have no major clan I belong to, I have to take meals where I can find them. The pickings on the road were scarce so rather than passing right through, I stopped for a little snack.” She raises an eyebrow, questioning if her response was good enough with her expression.

The elder vampire watches her closely, not moving save to sooth the boy with soft petting motions to keep him calm. “She is no expert at the game, however she has been coached in it's basic structure. She gave me a bit of information I did not ask for. This is a ploy so that she may pretend to be rather greener than she truly is'[/i] He gives her a slight nod and watches the subtle movements of her hands as she relaxes ever so slightly. 'She needs much more practice. Such a ploy only works when done with more emotion, more nervousness' Taking a breath he drives on to the next question to throw her off balance. “I see, then perhaps this is a lucky coincidence on my part. See, I must learn all I can about this boy, and one such as you passing through out of pure happenstance give me a chance to ask about your family.” He motions to James with his head. “You have surely noticed that you share a close enough relation to share the same scent, so please, tell me of your lineage.” She indeed looks thrown off balance by the sudden onslaught, however Dorian refrains from any show of triumph.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James watches cautiously as the two speak, Dorian dominating the conversation and clearly manipulating her although she does not realise. The young vampire purs as Dorian wraps an arm around him and holds him close, his eyes gaze at her feeling far less threatened with Dorian holding him and the woman clearly uncomfortable.

The Vampiress had hoped Dorian would not notice the similar scent between herself and James, she honestly knew nothing about the fledge she definitely had her suspicions. "My lineage? I was sired two hundred years ago in England I spent fifty years with my Sire and his mate and then I left to make my own way. Twenty years ago I decided to find myself a new life in the Colonies. That is all there is to tell. I know nothing about this Childe, could be a brother, a nephew, a great-nephew or even an uncle. I don't know. But I wish you luck in your venture to find out. Now if you excuse me I was hoping to get to the next town before dawn."

James looked up to Dorian wondering if he would let the woman go now, he certainly did not want her around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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With a discontented sigh the woman moves to pass the male duo once again. However Dorian raises his sword ever so slightly, bringing her to a stop. She whips around to look at him directly, her fear and patience peaking. “What the hell do you want? I told you what I know, there is nothing else I can say to aid you in this, now let me go!” He voice is slightly shrill and Dorian takes a tighter hold on the boy should he choose to respond to her sudden action.

His expression remains calm as she lashes at him with her words. He lets the words hover in the air for a time, the silence between them becoming more tense by the second. 'Two hundred and still this level of reaction to simply threats. I can believe that she spent such a short time with her sire, however she is lying about telling me all I can learn from her that would be useful' With a faint smile he lowers his blade a few inches, still not enough to let he walk by easily but enough to make it less threatening. He replies quietly, his tone soothing. “I will let you go Miss, however I have but one more question.”

She takes several more deep breaths, however his word that she will leave this place by his leave allows her to regain her composure. Bringing a hand up to he hair she brushes back an imaginary strand that never fell out of place, however the action calms her. “Is that so? Then what question may that be good Sir?”

He gives her a slight nod and replies, “What, may I ask, is your Sire's name?”

Her body tenses, her gaze dropping as her throat catches. Though vampire have no need to breath, the habit of doing so causes them to have the same breathing troubles humans do in tense situations from time to time. Dorian raises an eyebrow at her actions, however he remains silent as he waits for a response. He mind casts about, trying to find a way to not have to tell him the truth. 'I know Master would not like to be connected to this situation, and this vampire is obviously one who may recognize my Master. But, I can not lie to him out right, he will know, then he may revoke me my safe passage from this place' Her eyes come up to meet his and after a few more silent moments she lets out a sigh and stands tall. “My Sire's name is Father Julius. Now, if you don't mind.” She steps forward and this time Dorian lowers his sword so she can pass. She moves rather swiftly out of the alley and makes haste to the place where she stabled her horse.

Dorian showed no physical response to the name, however on the inside he can feel him muscles tighten across his stomach. When she is out of earshot he lets out a long sigh, his grip on the boy relaxing as he moves to prop himself up against the nearest wall. “Julius, it would figure you would have some part of this. . . .” he murmurs, looking to the sky as a cloud once again blocks out the moonlight, casting the town into deep shadows where the human's lights do not reach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James kept his cheek pressed against Dorian's chest as he continued to speak to the woman trying to get more information, with the name of her Sire revealed Dorian let her leave. At first Dorian did not seem to care but after a moment he released James and propped himself against the wall. "Who s Father Julius?" The young vampire asked, Dorian had so far seemed unshakable but this Julius had defenitely changed things.

The fledgling took Dorian's hand and gently pulled him upright. "Maybe we should go back to the inn?" he suggested. "And we can talk in private." After all the last thing they needed was people listening in and discovering they were vampires, James was not as stupid as he looked and already Dorian's guidance was letting him let go of hs pure instincts which had kept him alive since his rebirth.

Pressed against Dorian, James held his hand as they moved through the town which had fallen silent. The lady at the Inn made a small noise as they were passing and it took all of James' self control not to flash her some fang as they went upstairs and to their room.

"So, who is Father Julius?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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His eyes come down at the question, however he does not reply. His mind is now abuzz with so many more puzzle pieces than there were mere moments ago. In almost full 'think mode' he simple looks back at the little one with a soft expression on his face. 'There is no point not to tell him about Julius. In fact it may help should he recognize anything about the man. If he has any direct involvement, the possibilities . . . .' He lets out a faint sigh as James takes his hand and begins leading him through the streets back to their temporary lodgings. So engrossed in his thoughts he takes no notice of the owner once more expressing her distaste in their perceived relationship in her subtle not so subtle manner as they pass through the lobby.

Closing the door softly behind him Dorian walks over to the chair and removes his sir coat along with his cravat, placing them on the back so they do not wrinkle. He stretches a little, his full stomach still filling him with a warm sensation so he does not bother with starting a fire. Instead he moves over to the young one and takes him by the hand. Leading him to the bed he mounts it first, his back against the the pillows along the headboard. With a tug he pulls the newborn onto the covers in front of him, his back flush with Dorian's chest so he can wrap his arms around the younger one's middle. With another fain sigh he rests his head on the youth's shoulder and closes his eyes, his mind sorting out the details of just what information he needs to tell James and what has no baring on the situation. 'Well, what I do not believe has no baring. . . .' he muses.

When at last his eyes open his gaze is steady and sharp, the strength behind it returned to full power. “Julius, or Father Julius as he prefers, is the first spawn of one of my oldest. . . Acquaintances. She was a rather arrogant young thing when first I met her, and her first could not have appeared more different.” Slipping one of his arms from around the boy's waist he brings it back and up so he can run his fingers through the soft tresses. “At first glance he was a simple thing, following his Sire around like a devoted puppy. However after a time one would notice his eyes. . . .” His eyes cloud over with the memories his mind drudges up from his past. Memories he had long suppressed. “His gaze, hard to notice because of how he would keep it most often on his own feet, was far sharper and more adept at pick out details than any before him I have ever seen. I myself have keen eyes, but mine developed with practice and necessity, however his were innate. He never missed anything, he never was at a loss.”

His eyes focus on the present once more, though his thoughts remain in the past. He looks around the room, his gaze never settling on anything for more than a second. “After a mere hundred years with his sire, about thirty years after I met he, he left her side. After that day his eyes were never downcast again. He was strong, and learned swiftly, however he refused to take to any clan. He moved on alone until he made his first.” His fingers move smoothly along James's neck. “He'd picked one, very young, and he turned him. He picked the boy because he was damaged. He told me, in one conversation I had with him long after, to see what a twisted mind would do with eternity. He kept the child in his home, but he did not bond with him. Instead he watched him. . . .” Biting his lips Dorian looks down at James. “He did not care very much for any he made, however that first one was the most cruel. I doubt however that he made you. I would recognize his scent a mile away.”

Bringing his fingers up he tousles James's bangs. “You are no direct relation, and that girl is indeed very long from him, most likely bonded to another clan to not smell of him, if indeed she was made by him. However, since you share a scent, it is most likely you were made by one of his brood.” Shaking his head he looks to the window. “He has never taken to keeping track of them after they leave him, however, so he would be little aid in finding your Sire. . .”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James stripped off his own cravat and coat throwing it aside carelessly letting it crumple on the chair not caring if it wrinkled, the young vampire was too focused on Dorian. The older vampire had taken his hand and gently pulled him onto the bed. The young one began to purr softly as he was held close to the older vampire. He closed his eyes to listen to Dorian filling him in on Father Julius while gently petting him. He was an affectionate young vampire and responding well to Dorian's touch, the bond between himself and Dorian was obviously doing wonders for him. So much of his savagery had melted away in the past day.

James did not even realise he had passed into a half dream state his mind invaded by Dorian's words and images came to him like dreams. The stroking of his hair continued as a new voice broke in.

"He was fun, think father will like him?"

"No, he is nothing more than a toy. Not worthy of our father. Leave him, he won't last a week on his own."

James jerked into wakefulness as Dorian tousled his hair and assured him that he doubted the young one was direct lineage of Father Julius. James rolled over so he was face to face with the older vampire, blue eyes gazed deeply into Dorian's . "I'm glad you found me then," he whispered softly before nuzzling into Dorian's neck. His mind going back to the two voices in his head as he desperately tried to recall images and faces to go with those voices. "Sire... What if I am his Childe?" It did not sound as if Father Julius was a desirable Sire to have, although James hoped he would recall such a man he remembered nothing of his turning or the days prior to it. The young vampire pressed his face firmly against the soft flesh of Dorian's neck and his fangs scraped the skin seeking solace in the older vampire's blood he sank the sharp short fangs in and began to lap gently despite already being full.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Dorian's head tilts to the side as the young one pulls away from him. When he turns around, still laying flush against his chest, he cocks an eyebrow curiously. 'Well, something seems to have sparked' He hums softly as James nuzzle against him and he brings his hands up to rest across the arch of the newborn's back. 'I like this. He seems to be settling quickly' His mind drifts a bit, his full belly and close quarters to another body calming him. However when the boy poses his question his mind snaps back to it's usual sharp state. He tries to look down at the young man in his arms, however just as he moves James snugs up even closer limiting Dorian's head movements.

'Something definitely sparked. That tone, his clinging, I can almost feel his fear of the possibility' A low growl finds it's way out between his lips as once again James sets fang to his neck. The growl however isn't threatening and devolves into a hum as he lets the boy drink while he thinks. 'Perhaps something about the story reminded him of his own life, or the actual trip here to the colonies. I can feel the bond between us strengthening with each drop of my blood he consumes, and his mind will become clearer as we become closer. However, that does not mean his memory will return readily. I know many a vampire who have that moment in their unlife, their rebirth, sealed away in a place they can not access'

Running his hand up James's back he takes a gentle hold on the back of his head and pulls him from his neck. Pulling him back just far enough to look into the young one's eyes he smiles, leaning in to lap away a stray drop of blood from the corner of his mouth. As he leans back he says in a soft, low voice. “If he made you, or one close to him, does not matter. You are mine now, and all this hunting will not change that.” Bringing his hand to the boy's forehead he brushes his bangs back gently. “This hunt if for my job though, so if you are recalling anything, no matter how small, please tell me Little One. . .” He continues to smooth his fingers through the young man's hair as he waits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James is far gentler than previously as he drinks from Dorian, he does not tear or tug at the skin and as Dorian pets him, he purs softly. The blood is sweet and comforting, it ties him closer to Dorian, James thinks of Dorian as his Sire, he has no bonds to any other vampire. The young vampire releases Dorian when he is pulled away and his fangs retract. Blue eyes flick up and Dorian's smile warms and assures James of his safety as the older vampire promises he will look after James who he sees as his Childe as much as the young one sees Dorian as his Sire.

James swallows. "I-I don't know if it is a real memory or if I am just making it up. "But I remember voices, a man's and a woman's..." The blonde blinks his eyes. "One wanted to show me to their father but the other called me a toy and wanted to leave me behind. I guess she got her way." Biting his bottom lip James managed a small smile. "So where do we go next?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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A few ideas flicker through his mind as the boy reveals the new tidbit of information and for several seconds he remains silent in thought. 'What he says implies that the Sire of the one who made him was most likely coming to the new land to meet up with their own Sire. If their maker was already here and they on their way to him I may be able to find some information on the arrival from the local chapter of my order. I know there is one not too far from here, a nights ride at most even with a passenger' His fingers still for a moment and he lets out a faint sigh. 'And if that does not work, I will have to begin my search manually. Going from town to town seeking out new arrivals and others who share his scent' Looking down at the boy, his eyes coming back into focus he tousles his hair once more.

“Good job, that is very helpful. We shall not leave right away tonight, however we should wake early tomorrow. We will need the full night to reach our next destination.” Shifting the young one off to the side, setting him gently on the mattress, Dorian stands and begins removing his clothes in preparation for bed. He lays each piece out so that they do not wrinkle, and with a sigh he likewise sorts out James's clothing. “I know it is early, however I am feeling quite settled at the moment and it would be nice to get another bath before we leave.” Once free of all his clothes Dorian returns to the beds and crawls beneath the covers. Stretching he lays so that the boy will have room beside him and settles back into the mattress, his hair splaying out over the pillow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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The praise makes James glow glad he can be of use to Dorian. The young vampire strips off his own clothes not taking the same care as Dorian, he does not even notice the older vampire tidying them up. Yawning widly James scratches his belly and pulls sheets up around his waist blue eyes following the older vampire around the room until he is joined in bed. Smiling James curls up against Dorian. "Bath when we wake up," he insists softly closing his eyes. "I just want to lie with you." One arm lazily comes over Dorian's chest and he slides himself so he is flush against the other vampire. It is not long before James is asleep, his breathing stops and he lays as still as the corpse he now is.

It was just before sunset when James rouses, he untangles himself from Dorian and climbes out of the bed. He is a little hungry but does not try to leave the room like the morning before. The young one climbs back on the bed and crawls over to Dorian nudging him awake. "I'm hungry," he whispers his fangs coming out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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With a chuckle Dorian murmurs, “Yes yes, bathing tomorrow.” His fingers come up to comb gently through the boy's hair, his arm partially wrapped around the smaller figure as it presses in close. The feeling of James's flesh against his own relaxes him enough so that soon after he settles Dorian himself falls to sleep. Even in his sleep the sound of the ocean washes over his ears, like a roaring lullaby bringing forth dreams of it's depths. The colors and movement beneath the waves cascades through his mind, memories of walking along it's sandy depths in the night giving him a very relaxing rest.

With a faint jolt at the young one's dismount Dorian takes a breath, his lungs protesting slightly after not being used all day. 'I know it is far in the future, however I can not wait until I bring him home with me and he finds other amusements during the night so I may sleep in a bit more. At this point however, I suppose his sleeping pattern is a good thing' A faint chuckle finds it's way out from between his lips as James crawls over the elder. 'He is much like a giant puppy' Without opening his eyes he cups the back of the boy's head and tilts his own back a bit, stretching out his neck a bit. “Take a little, then we shall bathe and prepare for our departure. I will procure us a quick meal before we head out.” His voice is a little raspy at first, but it smooths out with use.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James compliently lets Dorian guide him down so he can sink his fangs into his throat and began to drink, his tongue gently laps at the blood. He purs softly as he drank and then licks the wound so the blood clots. Feeling satisfied the vampire rolls off of Dorian and starts to collect up his clothing. "I'm going to take my bath now." He pulls on his linen under garments before padding across the hallway and into the bathroom where the water is steaming and there is the scent of lavander. Pulling off his clothes James quickly gets into the water.

Soaking in the water James closes his eyes and relaxes. He turns his mind back to before he was a vampire, hoping that if he can remember that he can work his way to his turning and help Dorian. He recalls London, the stench, the people, he remembers working on the docks hoping to save enough money for the journey to the new world. James even remembers getting on the ship, but then nothing. Growling in frustration he hits the water with his hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Dorian lays still as the young one feeds, the feeling of his tongue a vaguely pleasant sensation after the shark cutting fangs. As the boy rolls off and makes for the door the elder tenses slightly and sits up. His eyes snap open and focus on James's retreating back. 'Should I just let him go? He is only couple days out of the woods, I am not sure he is safe on his own yet' A fang comes out to chew on his bottom lip as he vanishes from view, but after a few seconds he lets the abused flesh go and lets out a sigh. 'It is only across the hall, and I will be joining him soon' Standing slowly he stretches, working out the little kinks that the unfamiliar bed put into his joints and after a few short exercises he feels ready to head out. Scooping up the bath robe from two nights before, now dry, he puts it one and carefully scoops up his own clothing.

As he steps out of his room the innkeeper passes the top of the stairs on her evening rounds and with a faint smile Dorian calls out to her. She looks at him with a falsely polite smile and comes over to him quickly. “Yes m'lord? How may I help you this evening?” Her tone is sickly sweet, as if she knows she's been more than a little rude and is trying to make up for it.

He smiles back at her with his own false smile and replies, “I will be leaving very soon, and I was wondering if you would be able to procure me some supplies before we go?” Her eyes light up at the request, the service obviously taking the form of something she can charge him more for.

“Yes, of course sir! What would you like me t'fetch for you? I can have one of the night maids run for them lickety split!” There is real excitement behind her words and Dorian has to fight to not turn away in disgust.

“Just a few fresh fruits, the juicy kind, another outfit for my young friend, and some pocket handkerchiefs, if you would my dear lady. Oh, and please have them delivered to me in the stable. We should be there shortly.” He manages to not choke on the words and as she bubbles over in excitement and bows herself away to fulfill his order he wanders into the bathing area before rolling his eyes at her greediness. His head snaps around as a loud splash comes from one of the tubs and after a few seconds he chuckles as he realizes what caused it. Setting his clothes safely away from the baths Dorian pulls off his robe and lets it drop to the floor.

“You should relax Little One. It is not good to be so wound up this early in the evening.” he murmurs and makes his way over to the free bath. The floral scent makes his nose wrinkle but he climbs in none the less. The hot water envelops him and he relaxes against the side, getting comfortable on the bench before looking over to the newborn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James turns towards Dorian a pout clear on his face as he watches the older vampire crossing the bathroom to get into his own tub. "I'm trying to remember what happened on the boat, but I recall nothing after leaving London." Grabbing the soap James begins to wash his body and hair. Feeling fresher and cleaner the vampire climbs out of his tub and begins to pat himself dry.

"Do you remember before you were changed?" James inquires as he begins to re-dress himself in the fine clothes Dorian had provided. Even with the clothes he manages to look like a ruffian. The shirt is uneven and the jacket wrinkled. With his hair damp and loose around his face James goes over to Dorian and crouches by the tub.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Carefully keeping his hair on the outside of the tub, feeling it not dirty hence not in the need of a washing, Dorian smiles at the young one as he begins scrubbing his body. “It is all right Little One, it is not as if we need all the answers right away. You have done well, so let yourself be content with that for now.” He gets a good lather going on his arms before moving on to his chest and neck. “If you try too hard you may find the truth fleeing before you, escaping your attempts to capture them. You must let such thoughts come to you naturally.”

He only spare James a glance as he exits the bath and begins getting dressed. The question thrums around his mind a bit, tugging at his chest ever so slightly. 'I do indeed recall before I was made. Before I was re-born. However I am not sure I wish to share such things as of yet' When the boy draws close he peeks over the edge of the tub to where the boy crouches below. With a faint sigh he replies, “I do recall the time, however I do not wish to think on such things now. Perhaps some other time I will tell you of who I once was Little One.” With that he rinses himself off and climbs out of the hot water into the steamy room.

Drying himself carefully he pulls on his clothing, making sure everything is in order before turning to the young vampire. Making sure he standing tall he straitens the smaller males clothing, tucking here, tugging there, until he once more looks like a respectable young man. With a smile he ruffles the boy's hair and slips an arm around his waist. “I have arranged for a meal in the stable, however I wish for you to wait until I quite it down before we dine.” Giving him a quick squeeze he looks James in the eye and speaks carefully. “I am going to grab my bag from the room, I want for you to go to the stable and wait for me. Remember, keep you hands off of the human, and if all possible, ignore them until I get there.” Fixing the ruffling he did earlier so that his hair is sleek once more Dorian scoots him out of the room before making his way across the hall to the now vacant room holding his travel bag.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

James frowns when Dorian refuses to talk about before he became a vampire, but he does not press the matter. Instead he compliantly straightens his posture and lets the older vampire straighten his clothes a pout on his face as he is restricted in the aristocratic clothing. The pout vanishes as his hair is ruffled and he is pulled in against Dorian's body, making a soft keening sound he presses against his adopted Sire. Blue eyes look up at Dorian listening intently to the other's instructions, the promise of a meal makes his urge to feed stronger but Dorian's authoritative voice makes it clear he will have to wait. James nods his understanding before he is released by Dorian and shooed towards the stairs.

Alone the young man descends the staircase and goes to the stables, stepping inside he is hit by the scent of their meal, he feels his fangs trying to slide out but manages to stay in control walking over to Dorian's horse. He softly pets the beast while trying to stay in control, the human smells so good and before he knows it he slips his hangs into the horse. Dorian's mount rears and shrieks, its hooves strike James' chest and he falls to the straw ridden floor shuffling away to avoid getting trampled by the horse.
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