Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Vuduin Alimore

So cool! Acting all modest and stuff only made his skill more obvious. Even the rather odd Professor Palm noticed it, though what was even more surprising was his acknowledgement of the group of three he was in. They'd done nothing except accept the stickers, though for some reason Vuduin seemed to sense that the professor knew that anyway. Those eyes of his were disconcerting. Still, they were being given a chance to be honored. Already Vuduin's journey to become a hero had started off well, receiving thanks from a prominent professor! This day was shaping up to be better than Vuduin had dared to hope. "Thank you for your kind words sir, I think I can safely say that we'd all be honored to receive your thanks tonight for our small contribution." Vuduin said elegantly. Budew stared at the professor with unveiled interest. Apparently it found him to be quite interesting. "Dew." it said quitely to itself in a sort of musing way.


~Current Team~

Palm Pokédex
Potion x1
Palm Ball x1
500 P (Pokédollars)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tesh Yama


Kaz trembled. The pain was beginning to overpower him, but before the little Meowth could Topple over, Tesh was by his side, supporting his weight with both hands. The man scooped Kaz up and cradled the little pokemon in his arms. "Good job," Tesh whispered, scratching behind Kaz's ear. The Meowth twitched a few times in protest, but eventually gave up all his chances of escape and sunk into his trainers arms, completely exhausted.

Tesh barely turned his head to acknowledge the two girls that had fought 'with' him against this amateurish brats. When Lynn acknowledged him though, he shot her a glance and shrugged the veiled compliment away. "They are children after all. There's not much pride to be earned in stomping brats," He scoffed, "If my Meowth wasn't so hot-headed he might have escaped this battle unscathed." When Abigail waved him over, Tesh hesitated for a moment before slowly making his way across the dirt road, with his Meowth clutched carefully between his arms. Kaz shuddered when he was moved even a little bit. "Admittedly, I didn't see much of your Deerling... Abigail? My eyes were set on little sneasel, here," Tesh said softly, peering down at the friendly-looking Sneasel with a soft grin.

500 pokedollars
Ficus Pokedex
1 x Potion
1 x Ficus Ball

Pokemon Team
Kaz ~ Meowth ~ [PSN]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
Avatar of PlatinumSkink


Member Seen 3 days ago

Rowan Branchers


Dewmeadow , Outside Dogwood's Lab

It would seem that the kids were as excited as he was about the concept of battle. Rowan had no trouble with this, but then there was a little complication.

Rowan stared at the Caterpie for numerous moments, his fists clenched. Then he looked over at the other battles that were going on. He hesitated a bit, unsure if this was supposed to be a team-fight or if it was three one-on-ones, but…

‘Yasha!’ He called out. ‘They’re using type-advantage against us!’ Lulu the Yanma was Flying, so Mareep was super-effective against the bug. In addition, Caterpie was Bug, which was super-effective against his beautifully Dark Purrloin. He didn’t even know if these Pokémon were at a level where they even knew moves to take advantage of this, but right now it felt quite wrong. This felt really odd to say in their very first fight, but…

‘L-let’s switch opponent!’ He’d suggest, looking at him with somewhat wide eyes.

Should Yasha acknowledge, Rowan would dart over to take Yasha’s place, Purrloin turning her head curiously and then dashing along as she got the message. If Yasha didn’t acknowledge, then Rowan would feel dejected and then continue along with the current fight.

Regardless of what Pokémon Rowan and Purrloin now faced, if it was the Caterpie like before or the Mareep Yasha was facing…

‘Purrloin! Use your speed and keep just a little distance away from the opponent, then Scratch Attack when you see the opening!’ He’d call out, and a more pumped up, sneakily grinning Purrloin acknowledged.

‘Purrloin!’ Stating her full name, the cat-Pokémon dashed forward, intending on employing Rowan’s little strategy using her speed to her advantage against whatever Pokémon she was facing, scratch-attacking from just a little too far away…


Key Items: Dogwood Pokédex
Items: 1 Potion, 1 Dogwood Ball
482 P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 days ago

Mara Scelus

Mara glanced over, watching as Yasha and Rowan bickered about type advantages. She glanced down at Kira, before throwing a glance over at the Oddish. She hadn’t the faintest idea what types they were. Maybe I have some sort of advantage? Does… purple…. beat… plant?

She shook her head slightly, resolving that that was ridiculous. At any rate, she’d be able to find out soon enough. All she’d need to do would be to experiment—and what better way to do that than in a battle! Her purple, almost mystic eyes narrowed into slits, as she stepped back into her own unique battle stance.

Junior Trainer Jane lowered herself to the ground, beginning to sway with her feet tucked into her body. Mara eyes widen and she took a step back, as if she were physically repulsed.

"What sort of battle stance is that?” Mara blurted, frowning sharply. “This is a battle, you need to be… serious…Can you even hear me?”

Sniffling a bit, some sort of sickeningly sweet scent filled the air. Mara’s mother would have loved it, but being paranoid, she couldn’t help but wonder if it was some sort of attack against Kira. Glancing down at her espurr, she nodded, regaining her confidence as she flung her finger out into the air, pointing at the oddish.

How in the world am I going to get rid of that scent? Well… It has planted itself into the ground… Perhaps if I cut at its legs, it would disrupt it? …. It’s worth a shot!

"Kira! Use scratch and unroot that oddish!” Mara stated firmly. She then glanced in her bag at the Pokedex—perhaps, if she had a moment, there’d be some sort of tip in there for dealing with an oddish! But at the moment, she needed to concentrate.

She had a battle to win.

Location: Dewmeadow, Outside Dogwood’s Lab
Current Team:

  • Kira the Espurr

    Status: N/A
    Level: 5
Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (500), Dogwood Pokedex, Dogwood Ball (1)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Lynn Haywood~

"I'm Abigail! And of course I'm not half bad! I always try my best. If I was gonna be bad, I'd be way worse than half bad! I'd be like...One... Two... Um... Three! I'd be three halves bad! That's one hundred percent!"

Lynn fell silent, a small disbelieving looking appearing on her face as Abigail spoke. The cigarette in her mouth burned idly as she tried to process what Abigail was doing. Was Braids being serious? She was a complete ditz, if she was. Lynn could understand not being good at math - hell, she was terrible at academics, but even she could count to a hundred.

"I got distracted, didn't I? Sorry! I can tell that we're gonna be great friends though. Ooh, caramel flavour!"

That statement elicited a small laugh from Lynn. Friends? Please. She had no intention of being 'friends' but if this chick wanted to delude herself into thinking that, sure. She could mess around with her at least, if she ended up tagging along for whatever reason. She didn't get much of a chance to reply though, the guy Abigail waved over had started talking.

"They are children after all. There's not much pride to be earned in stomping brats, If my Meowth wasn't so hot-headed he might have escaped this battle unscathed. Admittedly, I didn't see much of your Deerling... Abigail? My eyes were set on little sneasel, here,"

Quill gave Waffles a friendly smile, before noticing the newcomer. She turned her head towards Tesh, and walked over to him. The dark-type returned the friendly grin, the feathers on her back ruffling slightly as she did so. The Sneasel definitely didn't mind the attention, and the guy looked like he was an alright sort. Seemed like he had a bit of a better attitude than Lyn as well. That said, he also looked like he'd be fun to mess with.

"A win's a win, isn't it?" Lynn replied with a huff. "Those brats picked a fight. They lost, we won. He should be lucky I didn't make him give me that rattata of his, he can't even use it right." She coolly replied to Tesh. Perhaps that was going a bit too far, but eh. As she spoke, Quill tilted her head quizzically up at Tesh, before jumping up, and wrapping her arms around his neck, giving him a quick impromptu hug that lasted only a few seconds before she released him, and landed on the ground not that far away from him.

He probably didn't notice, but on her way down she managed to deftly reach one of her claws into his pocket and take that empty pokeball of his.

Before he could notice though, she walked over to Lyn, pokeball in her claws. She leaned against Lyn's leg, crossing her own legs and began spinning the pokeball on one of her claws like one might a ball. She gave Tesh a playful seeming smirk. If Lyn noticed the pilfering, she didn't say anything.

Location: Red Orchard
~Current Team~

Quill the Sneasel
Status: Perfectly fine!
Level: 7

Notable Inventory:
Potion x1
700 P (Pokédollars)
Ficus Pokeball x1
Ficus Pokedex
Lighter x1
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
Avatar of Remram


Member Seen 17 hrs ago


Pokedollars: 500

Yasha almost melted from the absolute cuteness of the Mareep walking on its stubby wubby little legs. To hell with battling, all he wanted to do was to snuggle with the Mareep forever and ever. He would've been forever enthralled by how cute the Mareep was until Rowan had called out to Yasha. The kids certainly were using pokemon with different types that held a large advantage over their own so it would be logical if they decided to trade opponents.

Still, should he trade opponents? Wouldn't it be better for them to stick with their opponents now and use these adversities to grow stronger? And were these pokemon at a level that they had type advantage moves? It wasn't like their opponents were very threatening at all. The Mareep was going to give Lulu a hug and Rowan's opponent was a Caterpie, a pokemon that was at the lowest point of the food chain. And Mara...well, God knows what's going on with her opponents.

Ugh, Yasha was much too indecisive. He had no experience with battles and had no idea how to react quickly with these kind of situations. What should he do? Should he listen to Rowan and change opponents? Should he stick with the same opponent? What the hell should he do? Well, Lulu was less indecisive about the situation.

Lulu, being the speed pokemon that it was, quickly dashed around Mareep so that it was behind the woolly electric pokemon. "Yan yan." Translated, Lulu said, "Eat shit." and flew straight to Fluffy's back for a hard tackle.

"Uh, um, hey! Lulu! Good job!" Yasha cheered, turning his focus back to the battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
Avatar of Whimsley

Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


@Rune_Alchemist @Lasrever @tex

The Youngster had nothing more to say, only able to retort with a shaking fist and muffled grunting. You figured they were vows of vengeance, or some sort of basic insult, as he sprinted away towards the lab with Poké Ball in hand.

The three of you were united in your first victory. A small crowd of younger trainers had formed around the match, and they were all vehemently discussing the battle. Who their favorites were, talking about the Pokémon each person used, everyone wondering one way or another where that sly Deerling went. Some of the conversations could be picked out, as their volume crushed the others:

“And then Nidoran was all ‘NYEHHHH I’M GONNA BE A FATSO AND CRUSH YOU’ but Meowth was all ‘NAH I’M THE BEST HOMIE’ and Nidoran was like ‘WHAAAAAAT’ and totally wimped out! And he did it while POISONED! His Meowth is amazing!”

“I didn’t even see Rattata move. I thought the Sneasel was gone for sure, but she knew where the Rattata was all along, she was just waiting to attack. And in one hit, she took him out! I’ve never seen a Pokémon land a hit that strong before. I’m gonna go catch a Sneasel too!”

“Honestly I still don’t know where that Deerling is. He vanished from everyone’s eyes like some kind of ninja or something. The other guy thought he saw him, but when Nidoran went to attack nothing was there. I mean honestly, like, honestly, I’m not even sure if that Pokémon ever existed. Hm. Is Deerling a ghost type?”

Among the ruckus and tomfoolery was a taller woman, even taller than Lynn, who had been watching behind a white picket fence near the lab. Her long, caramel hair grazed the top of the fence as she escorted herself around it. Her hair reflected the sun’s gleam, the act creating a highlight of purest white down the middle of her locks. She wore a long, white robe and cradled a bundle within her arms. A little head popped out of the bundle, arms stretched high and face full of laughter.

“Well, well, well. You kids aren’t that bad. Rue here is a big fan of yours. Yes she is!” Ficus cooed as she tickled the baby’s face with a dancing finger. Rue giggled in response, attempting to catch the finger with her uncoordinated hands. She smirked as her sharp, cutting amber eyes returned to the three of you. They were surprisingly alert and intimidating, for a mother. Or, perhaps, not so surprising. “I’m Professor Ficus, I run this lab. Well, when Rue lets me.” Ficus let out a single, soft laugh and caressed the baby’s face, and Rue’s cheek began to snuggle against the palm of the professor’s hand. “I’ll be keeping an eye on you three. I want to see what you can do against real trainers.” Her attention turned to the three of your Pokémon as she began to rock Rue side to side. Her motherly smile became more atoned to motherly concern.

Her right eye twitched. “And I’m HOPING you weren’t going to just stand around and let your Pokémon stay injured? Your Meowth is POISONED, you know?” Her eyes scared fire and her voice spewed thunder. Everyone in the vicinity decided it best to cower behind the nearest object between them and Ficus. Rue sucked on her thumb and was fast asleep. The professor’s free arm sliced upward, a cutting, trembling finger pointing towards the lab. “Lab. Now,” she said.


@Xan the G @BlueSky44 @Eklispe @SleepingSilence

“Mhm,” Professor Palm said, in response to all of your replies. He had not commented on Arren’s silence, so you weren’t quite sure if it was an invitation or he expected you to be there. Nevertheless, Palm said nothing more as his broad shoulders turned as a barge may in riptide waters. His raised hand parted a white sea of uniforms, men lining up to make way for the professor to walk through. His metal boot continued to collide with the ground hull of the ship, the sound fading as he ascended the stairs.

CLANG. CLAng. Clang clang….

The suits followed suit, in linear fashion, at attention. Their shoulders were square and their bodies were rigid. Not a single individual fell from formation as they marched in the path of the professor. There was something to say about the order and regiment these sailors followed. Though their uniforms were in the exact same shape and color, the diversity of the crew was abundant. And that spoke wonders to the way they were able to move as a single unit. Once the sailors had left the room, there were few things remaining. The ticking and tapping of keyboards. A collective blue hue overwhelming the walls and ceiling. Digital letters flashing across screens. Researchers tapping chromatic buttons.

It was time to move on, unless the three of you had a better plan.

~Assuming you moved forward…~

You made your way to the top of the metallic stairs, following the path of many before you. The end goal was to reach the deck, where Holly made the claim you would be able to catch Pokémon, as odd as that sounded. A hallway separated you and the main floor. Unlike the terminal room below, more hardwood covered the surfaces of the ovular hallway. Round, bolted windows with thick glass stuck out between solid oak doors. They gave a view of the wild blue horizon, between guest rooms, closets, maintenance, and other miscellaneous.

Your steps echoed halfway across the hallway, when…


A broad man in light blue uniform stuck his head from an open doorway, broad jaw nearly colliding with the doorframe. His wide-legged saunter brought him directly in front of Vuduin. The blue trim and hue of his uniform was unlike the white suits you had seen before. His meaty, sausage finger slowly rose at an angle toward Budew. His mouth remained agape and one of his eyes closed.

“Is that a Budew? That’s, like, my favorite Pokémon.”

He flicked a Pokédex similar to your own from his front pocket, waving it in the Budew’s face trying to get a read. Finally, after many unsuccessful attempts, a Budew appeared on the screen. Everyone could hear the log, in a pixelated voice much alike to Palm’s (admittedly, without the accent):


The Sailor’s eyes brightened and he laughed in a boisterous manner. His neck pulsed in turning, and you could see the very veins beating blood.

“BRO! You’ve got to check this out!”

Another head appeared, just as muscular but with blonde hair and beard instead of brown.

“What’s that bro?”

“Bro, check out this Budew.”


The second, blonde-haired sailor behaved in a similar behavior, showing child-like intrigue in Vuduin’s Budew. A stroking palm proceeded to caress his beard, and his pupils looked to the ceiling. He hummed inquisitively, as a sailor might.

“Bro, you know who likes Budew more than me and you?”

“BRO. I almost forgot!”

The same neck turn, the same voice.

“YO BRO! You’ve got to check this out!”

And in a complete twist of events, a third sailor stuck his head from a door at the end of the hallway. His beard and hair combo was a fiery red, of course. But they all wore the exact same type of uniform.

“B. R. O. Is that-“

The other two sailors nodded.

“You know it Brohammed.”

The final, red-haired sailor laughed in excitement, waving his Pokédex even more ferociously than the first sailor to gain Budew’s data, and for twice as long. His mouth was permanently upturned in an agape smile. His twilight eyes turned to the brown-haired sailor.

“Broski, I owe you one.”

“I’m not the one with the Budew, Broseidon.”

“King of the brocean,” the blonde-haired sailor muttered under his breath.

The red-haired sailor bowed to you, in a surprisingly formal manner. His head bent so low to the ground, you were sure his significant upper body mass would topple him over. Though, his center of gravity was deceptive, and only an elegant thanks was given.

“Bro, I am in your debt. If you could broffer me a battle with your Budew…”

He unhinged a Poké Ball from behind his back, revealing one with the same, large P on the front of it.

“I would bro you two solids.”

The blonde-haired sailor nudged the other with his elbow, and they too revealed similar-looking Poké Balls that were tucked away in their belts.

“We want in on this brodeo too!”

“The Broletariat fights as a group!”

“So what do you say, brotato chip? Will you and your friends hang?”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
Avatar of Whimsley

Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



The utterly defenseless, baby Mareep fell prone to the brutal assault of cold Yanma. A strained bleap escaped Fluffy’s lips as its soft fur collided with the hard, unforgiving grass of Dewmeadow. Its limbs flayed out in the compass rose directions.

“Noooooo! My Fluffy!”

The lass fell to her knees, covering her round face with her tiny hands. She began to make sobbing noises. A not so keen eye could see the girl create a space between two fingers. A curious eye looked back at Yasha, to see if he was buying the act.

Mareep feigned being knocked out, tongue sticking out and occasionally opening one eye to survey the scene. And stuck in the bountiful, limitless fur of Mareep was none other than Lulu. A course of electricity could be visibly seen coursing through Lulu’s body, her head stuck in the cloudy fur of Fluffy.


If that weren’t enough, a column of sticky, white web came cascading onto the area, covering the surrounding prairie and the two Pokémon in its trap. The bundle of fluff, electricity, and web was a ridiculous combination. This likely didn't happen very often. Though, that sweet scent that had just passed by was nice. It reminded you of… honeysuckles? Yeah, that was it.

“Waaaade! You caught Fluffy in the stupid web!”

The lass miraculously recovered from her crying fit. She pouted, throwing her fists down in a tantrum. Her cheeks puffed out and turned a bright red. She appeared to be distracted from ordering Mareep to do anything else.

“S-sorry! Uhm…”

Wade looked at his shorts. His shrug was the only condolence he could offer.


The confusion of the battle was apparent, but at the moment it appeared you were stuck with your current opponent. As such, Purrloin charged toward the Caterpie, who stood its brave, foolish ground. Her claws met the bug Pokémon dead on, sending its body into the leg of Wade. Wade grit his teeth, bags appearing under his eyes.

“Hey, come on Wiggler! We’ve still got this!”

Wiggler struggled and shook, eventually rolling onto its many, suction-cup like feet. Its body heaved in exhaustion, obviously having taken a lot of damage from that last attack. Wade put a fist to his closed mouth, humming deep in thought. Suddenly, he hunkered down and pointed a valiant finger forward.

“Wiggler! Use that String Shot all over the battlefield!”

Caterpie shot the web in bolts, capturing the battlefield and nearby Pokémon in a layer of the thick, disgusting resin. Caterpie hunched over after the massive web was complete, breathing heavily and unable to move for the moment.

To your delight, though, the scent of honeysuckle and Spring overtook your scent. It was incredibly nostalgic, reminding you of several days about the Dewmeadow prarie, picking plants from the outer edges of town. Elders had always told you that the scent attracted other Pokémon, which made sense as you often saw Oddish and other, curious Pokémon show up when you smelled that sweet scent.


Jane continued her odd (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I’m sorry) tactic, merely sitting there with her eyes closed. Her body seemed to sway with the wind, almost involuntarily. Her uniform caught the wind, clothes ruffling as a flag at high mast. Her stance was much more peaceful than her Oddish, though they both took to the ground. It must’ve been the eyes, Oddish refusing to blink. His beady eyes continued to stare at the oncoming Kira, who unleashed her most potent scratch attack on his being. He didn’t show any signs of dodging, the white gleam of Espurr’s attack digging deep into the Oddish. The ground noticeably rose in Kira’s attempt to uproot Oddish, but it appeared his legs had grown in size since planting. As such, a scratch was not enough to uproot him.


The glowing leaves of the Oddish seemed to absorb the sun’s energy. They were much brighter than before, and moved about as if they were alive. Tiny, green orbs flowed from the tips of Oddish’s petals toward Kira, surrounding her. They seemed to drain some sort of force from her, the green orbs returning to Oddish’s petals much brighter than before. The mark from Kira’s strike noticeably sealed, as if it had been stitched together by invisible methods.

In-between the Oddish’s petals, a keen eye would notice a bright, blue berry hiding in the midst of the greenery. The sweet scent continued to purvey the area, now wafting toward your friends in battle. Though, you had other problems, as Oddish’s petals reignited into neon green once again.

A shadow being cast from above also caught your attention. A tirade of confetti-like web was crashing toward you, soaring through the sky. You noticed it had already covered the area of your two allies, and was fast approaching your own location, with little time to react. Your glance would find that Caterpie was to blame for this catastrophe to the plant life, and nearly everyone in general.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
Avatar of PlatinumSkink


Member Seen 3 days ago

Rowan Branchers


Dewmeadow, Outside Dogwood's Lab

Rowan was momentarily stunned by the actions of Lulu, but it would appear they were stuck with their current opponents. In that case, he just had to finish this quickly before the enemy could use any Bug-type moves... if it knew any, that is... String shot!?

'Purrloin! Dodge!' Rowan commanded, having seen the apparent success of Purrloin's first attack. Purrloin, standing on all fours with her head held high in pride of her first attack, was more than willing to turn this into a total victory.

'Purr!' She responded, starting to do her best to jump back and forth to attempt dodging the strings. Regardless of if she succeeded or not, she'd be extremely disgusted by the web covering the area, and more than intending on ending this disgusting little creep of a bug and get on with her life. This opponent... wasn't WORTH her...!

'Purrloin! Jump and scratch your way past the web, and attack the source! Let's win this!' Rowan commanded, staring wide-eyed at the battlefield.

'Rrloin!' The Pokémon responded, now annoyed with her opponent, and quite intent on making the Caterpie pay for webbing the place. She'd attempt finding holes in the web to make her way through, test her luck scratching through webs that was in the way, attempt dodging her way through any additional web shot at her in order to come up and scratch-attack Wiggler once again, intending on ending the battle.

The sweet scent. Rowan confirmed that it was, but didn't have the additional focus to confirm what was going on. Eh, th-they're doing fine, right? He saw the Mareep's attack and the Oddish doing that to Kira... Eh, f-focus on the battle at hand, he mentally told himself as he turned forward to watch Purrloin's dash for the target...!


Key Items: Dogwood Pokédex
Items: 1 Potion, 1 Dogwood Ball
482 P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
Avatar of SleepingSilence

SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 27 min ago

The Outsiders


Myles jolted up from where he previously sat, suddenly filling with rushing energy and a very queasy stomach. He started coughing profusely, shifting his face away from Bartholomew, sitting leisurely on the other side of the wooden table. Under a large oak tree taking advantage of the shade. Myles rushed himself to a nearby drinking fountain, starting to gulp water just to swish it quickly in his mouth then spitting it out. Myles letting out a mild groan, rubbing his temples as his head to alleviate the pain caused by his headache that was pounding like a bongo drum. Using the water, which happened to be rather cold, splashing it across his face. Standing their silently, starting to regret his decision, pulling out a silver coin flipping it and smacking down his hand. Revealing the tails side up just staring at the coin momentarily.

Turning around quickly feeling the back of his shirt being gently tugged seeing a young girl looking up to him with a smile. [color=grey]“Are you alright mister?”[/color] The young girl asked with in a gentle and innocent tone of voice. He smiled back at her and patted her head which made her giggle. “Of course, little boy I'm doing perfectly fine.” He replied leaving and sitting back down, as the girl pouted some.

“Were you trying to poison me?” Myles complained. “What the hell even was that?” Myles questioned as Bartholomew just gave him an effeminate laugh.

“Certainly not, if I wanted you dead, we wouldn't be surrounded be in a public park surrounded by possible witnesses.” He replied in a tone that Myles couldn't quite place if it was fully sarcastic or not. “That was simply, an extremely caffeinated coffee drink. Always helped me when I was hungover, even acknowledging that I'm aware that coffee doesn't scientifically have any benefit and it's merely a placebo effect.” He continued.

“Well, I don't like coffee. It tastes rancid, one of the things me and my mom actually have in common.” Myles interjected looking as a couple of children ran past seemingly chasing one another, laughing with their Pokemon. “When I was a kid, when others were chasing me around. Laughter wasn't the first thing that comes to mind.” Myles muttered to himself seeming to stare at them. As Bartholomew covered a soft sneeze into his handkerchief, wiping his nose.

“Lots of pollen in the air today...” He thought to himself barely listening to whatever he was going on about. Watching his colleague seemingly have a flashback. “Anyway, let's get back to business. Your finally sober enough right? If not I can try giving you slap across your face.” He stated slightly louder to grab his attention.

“Yeah.” Myles replied looking at him straight in the eyes. “I'm sorry for missing the meeting today. I promise it won't happen again and you have no idea how much I appreciate what you've done for me.” Myles said rubbing the back of his head.

“I never meant to order anyone around, I've said since the very beginning when he all founded this together, that we we're equal. I won't do anything if you break that promise, other than be disappointed.” He commented. Myles looked down and nodded his head.

“I like the plan just fine. But why did you pair Charlotte and Elle together?” Myles questioned.

“What's wrong with that?” He asked shifting his position, leaning forward.

“Well, I mean...they really don't seem to get along.” Myles replied quietly. Bartholomew simply crossed his arms and shrugged his shoulders.
“Oh, really? I didn't notice.” He replied as a sudden gentle breeze blew past them both. “Nor, do I honestly care.” He thought standing himself upright before starting to walk away. “Come, walk with me.” He added as Myles stood up and started to follow beside him, accepting his offer, deciding to drop the subject.

“Hey, wanna hear a really good bug joke-” Myles started to ask.

“No.” Bartholomew quickly interrupted.


Elle was sitting on the grass leaning against the tree, glaring at Charlotte who was playing hide and seek with her Pichu and other young kids and their pokemon. Charlotte running around with a joyful expression, with Pichu hopping into her arms as she started playfully spinning holding her with outstretched arms as it squeaked happily. Waving goodbye to the several children that got called over by their parents, as she started to head over. Elle rolled her eyes some seeing her behavior, just staring up at her as Charlotte stood directly in front of her standing on the tip of her toes, with a smile while holding her Pichu in her arms.

“Could you act any more like a child?” Elle sneered, just standing herself up. The Pichu stuck her tongue out as Charlotte watched Elle turning her head seemingly fed up. Trying to ignore her quickly walking past, purposely clashing shoulders while continuing to walk away. Charlotte turned around and promptly followed her. Elle just needed to anywhere but there, grinding her teeth as she could hear Charlotte's humming behind her, turning around clenching her fists. “Stop following me!” Elle shouts as Charlotte stopped humming as the Pichu gave Elle a mild growl. Charlotte's smile remained on her face.

“What's the problem with having a little fun every now and then? You don't always have to act so disgruntled, we're on the same team aren't we?” Charlotte questioned as Elle shook her head taking a moment to look around seeing nobody around them then turned her head to spit.

“You really don't belong here, your immature and I find you insufferable. You treat pokemon like their something more than tools to be used, which only further shows your naivety. Why did he have to suggest we work together?” Elle retorted in a harsh tone. Charlotte just silently listened putting Pichu back inside her pokeball as she starting to get restless, squirming in her arms likely to give Elle a shock.

“Please don't-” Charlotte quietly protested.

“Why should I listen to somebody that's probably never even faced any hardship?” Elle snapped back to drown out her words, smirking seeing Charlotte's smile being wiped off her face. “Why should I take you seriously?” Elle continued to criticize. Charlotte put her hands in her pockets looking down not answering her. Elle scoffed and started to walk away once again, while Charlotte clenched one of her pokeballs and took it out of her pocket.

“Hey.” Charlotte calls out which causes Elle to annoyingly turn her head. Noticing the pokeball in her hand, causing her to turn around, fully aware she was about to be challenged. “I'll show you exactly what happens when I'm serious.” She adds in probably the coldest tone Elle had ever heard come out of her mouth. Sending out one of her pokemon, an Arcanine, letting out a thunderous howling as it stands directly in front of her, stomping his front paws upon the ground. The look in his eyes while going into an aggressive stance made it clear that it was very eager to battle. Elle remained where she stood, not threatened by how large he was, pulling out a pokeball of her own.

“I never deny a challenge, but I can tell you right now. I never lose.” Elle commented with a smirk equally ready to fight. “And I don't plan on starting now. I'll prove that you're nothing more than a pretty face.” She thought to herself.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Abigail Lowe

Location: Redorchard

Abigail was confused by the guy's statement. Of course he hadn't seen Waffles much, that was like the entire point. She was about to mention that, but Lynn started talking before she got the chance. Thinking about it a bit more, she decided not to say anything anyway, realising that maybe the poor guy just wasn't that bright. She didn't want to make him feel bad about it right after meeting him. Not everyone could be smart with things right away. Waffles however, looked a little affronted by being overlooked.

As it turned out, there wasn't really a chance anyway, as a really tall woman - compared to Abigail anyway - came through the crowd towards them. Hey, I never realised there were so many people watching! suddenly, she was even more glad that they won. Maybe it explained why the kids got so weird after they beat them. It would make sense, being upset about losing so bad in front of a big group like this. What was happening again? Oh, yeah, tall lady.

“I’m Professor Ficus, I run this lab. Well, when Rue lets me. I’ll be keeping an eye on you three. I want to see what you can do against real trainers." Abigail beamed at the praise. She'd probably seen the professor around Redorchard before, but she honestly didn't remember. Aww, but the baby was just so cute! It was all happy and everything! Distracted by the baby, she failed to notice the change in Ficus' expression as she looked at their Pokémon. Until the shouting started. She just about choked on the candy she was chewing in shock when the professor turned back to them.

"And I’m HOPING you weren’t going to just stand around and let your Pokémon stay injured? Your Meowth is POISONED, you know?” Nope, never mind, not okay! It wasn't cute, nothing was cute! Abigail squealed slightly, trying to find an object to hide behind. Failing to find an object, she went for the next closest thing, which happened to be Meowth's trainer, firing out words like a machinegun. "Ohmygod please don't kill me I'm sorry professor! I didn't even leave Redorchard once yet I have so much to live for!"

The professor pointed towards the lab, ordering them to go. Abigail decided to listen, slightly afraid that the professor might kill them all just by looking at them. She didn't want to be incinerated today! Or, you know, ever. She walked over to Waffles, holding out the Deerling's pokéball with an apologetic wince. "Thanks, Waffles. Um... Sorry you got hit out there. I'm gonna try even harder next time, okay?" she said, quietly. Waffles locked eyes with his trainer for a moment, before nodding, trotting forward a few steps and pressing his head against the ball, returning himself to it.

Abigail stood up, and started to walk towards the lab looking a little more subdued than normal. She really did feel kinda bad about it. Not because she hadn't managed to heal him right away, but because she hadn't even thought about it. She'd need to make sure to pay attention and look after her Pokémon if she was gonna be a master properly.

Pokedollars: 700

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 days ago

Mara Scelus
For the first time, Mara desperately wanted to talk to Rowan.

She bit her lip hard, as the opposing trainer continued swaying with the wind. It hardly made any sense to her. Kira scratched at the oddish as much as he could—yet there was no point to it. The oddish rose upwards with the ground, only proving to grow.

Not one to curse, Mara couldn’t help it this time. Shit. The leaves absorbed energy, plucking it out of the sky, and then little orbs surrounded Kira. Mara’s eyes widened in alarm, imagining thousands of horrific scenarios that could happen to her dear espurr. Kira stumbled slightly, his eyes drooping, as energy itself seemed to be sapped away from him.

"Kira!” Mara cried out, her hands shaking, her eyes wide. She felt entirely powerless, as if the mareep had paralyzed her as well.

All she could do was stare forward, desperately trying to think of some method to best the oddish. The petals began to blow, and Mara glanced around frantically, hardly noticing as Kira bounced and attempted to gesture at some object hidden in the middle of the oddish’s petal storm.

“Kira, what is it?” Mara whispered, staring at Rowan, as if a look could communicate to him that she hadn’t the faintest idea what to do.

"Espurr!” Kira practically shouted, staring intensely towards the oddish. Despite being unable to communicate with more than looks and phrases, Mara nodded at her pokemon, deciding to trust. She couldn’t see the berry. She could only hope that her espurr knew more about battling than she did.

“Rowan, what’s this sweet scent?!” Mara asked, as Kira rushed forward, attempting to use covet and steal the berry away from the oddish. It seemed to be important.

Location: Dewmeadow, Outside Dogwood’s Lab
Current Team:

  • Kira the Espurr

    Status: N/A
    Level: 5
Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (500), Dogwood Pokedex, Dogwood Ball (1)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Vuduin Alimore

Vuduin was a little startled at the sudden excitement of pop-eye #1 and pop-eyes #2 and #3. Budew was initially similarly surprised but once he realized he was being admired quickly began preening, wiggling back and forth and making various faces for the Pokedex, which might've been part of why it took so long to scan. Though the mixing of 'bro' into every other word they said made it a little more difficult to understand, Vuduin followed along well enough. It appeared the three of them wanted a battle, which worked out conveniently enough since Arren and... Ninja guy, made it a three versus three. His very first battle! Vuduin nodded eagerly, setting Budew down and taking a few steps back, Budew understood his intention and waited, looking fierce and for battle. As fierce as what amounted to a small unbloomed flower could look. "Of course, I'd never refuse a battle. What'd you say guys, up for hanging with the Broletariat?" Vuduin asked his two companions cheerfully. No better time to start training than now after all! Even better if he performed well in front of his damsel, maybe even save her Pokemon in battle. Today was going so well!


~Current Team~

Palm Pokédex
Potion x1
Palm Ball x1
500 P (Pokédollars)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 day ago

Arren Malla

The three guys were a little creepy in her mind. The just sort of ran up to them and started blurting out words. The only words that she could clearly hear were "Bro" and "Budew".

She looked over, and Vuduin looked excited about something. Arren wasn't sure to trust these people. Especially what happened to the last person they had trusted, and he had tried to steal their Pokémon.

The first of the guys pulled back his coat, revealing a Palm Pokeball. The other two followed suit. Now she could see why Vuduin was excited, this was turning into a Pokémon battle, their very first one.

“We want in on this brodeo too!”

“The Broletariat fights as a group!”

“So what do you say, brotato chip? Will you and your friends hang?”

Vuduin looked over at her and the other guy, and had a grin from ear to ear.

"What'd you say guys, up for hanging with the Broletariat?" he asked them.

She rolled her eyes slightly, kind of annoyed that he started talking like them. Arren looked over at them, and then looked at the Pokeball she had. Training now and getting stronger would be better than sitting around and wishing I had done it earlier, she thought to herself.

Arren smiled at Vuduin, and said "Sure, that sounds fun. Lets see if we can show them a thing or two. This maybe our first battle, but lets go for it!"

Location: Gleampier

Palm Pokédex
Potion x1
Palm Ball x1
500 P (Pokédollars)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tesh Yama


Tesh exhaled through his nose with a smile as Quill made his way towards him, but glared at Lynn as she mentioned the very prospect of stealing the youngster's Rattata. What nerve! Something about the way she spoke made Tesh's neck crawl with anxiety. Her attitude was familiar, and it didn't take the over sized trainer long to immediately label her as a bully. Perhaps he was just being judgmental, though. He'd just met her, after all. He bent his neck away from Lynn and kissed his teeth, but when Quill jumped up to give him a little hug, he staggered back and gently rubbed the little gem on its forehead. If he remembered correctly, that was where they liked being pet the most, or maybe it wasn't? The little pokemon hopped back down and headed towards Lynn again, with his Ficus ball in Tow. He was about to comment on Lynn's apparent lack of expertise in the last battle, considering that she hadn't really commanded Sneasel to do much other than outright attack. But he wasn't very involved in his battle either. His Meowth acted on its own accord until he was pinned down. That was the only impact Tesh had on the fight. Meowth winced in pain, prompting Tesh to rub his neck gently. He had to get him to a poke-center ASAP.

But before he could, Professor Ficus made her way over to the group from afar, passing by a group of bystanders who were wailing about how cool the battle was. Feh, it was hardly anything to marvel at, but Tesh couldn't hide his ego swelling the tiniest bit. His mouth curled upwards into a smirk. But wait, Professor Ficus was here?? Apparently she'd been watching the entire time! The realization made Tesh uneasy, but he clung to Kaz regardless, not letting his cat-pokemon fall. She mirrored him, holding her baby Rue, whom Tesh had not even known about until today, close to her chest. Tesh averted his eyes subtly, but nodded to acknowledge everything the woman had said. What stood out more though, was the eccentric little girl, Abigail. It was extremely obnoxious to behold her vapid nonsense. Tesh had no intention of traveling with the two trainers, but if they happened to find themselves on the same path...

Oh boy, the headaches were sure to come. It would be like hitting his head against his over-head shelf... Except... Every day, all the time, 24/7...

Kaz coughed, snapping Tesh back towards Ficus as she dominantly pointed towards her lab. Without a second thought, Tesh obeyed, giving Ficus a curt nod before heading towards the lab's entrance again. He hadn't noticed the little Sneasel snatch his Ficus ball at all, but it wouldn't be long before he looked into inventory again.

500 pokedollars
Ficus Pokedex
1 x Potion
1 x Ficus Ball

Pokemon Team
Kaz ~ Meowth ~ [PSN]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 6 mos ago

~Havoc Matsuda~

Havoc took his place at the rear of the group when they initially set off once again to the upper deck. In quite the ironic turn of events, Havoc went from wanting to play an active role in events and being sidelined by the arrival of the guy with the fiery dog pokemon to now simply wanting to hang back and being called to the centre stage for a battle. At first, he just watched from a few steps back as Vuduin was set upon by the three frat-stereotypes. Once the challenge was made to include all six present parties, Havoc had no intention of letting the side down.

Havoc walked around from behind Vuduin and Arren to stand on Vuduin's open side as Arren agreed to participate. Havoc reached at his side, withdrawing his pokeball with a similar "P" insignia and began tossing it up and down in one hand.

"I'm game." he added with a soft, acute smile appearing on his face. He had never actively watch a pokemon battle before, nevermind participated in it, but he imagined after seeing what the fiery dog of the other guy could do that maybe his own flaming hound might be similarly effective, and he was quite honestly excited to find out.

Location: S.S.Expedition

Current Team:

Rook the Houndour¦Status: N/A¦Level: 5

Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (500), Palm Pokedex, Palm Ball (1)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 27 min ago

Kristoff Wise

Kristoff silently watched the gentleman wearing the thick yellow coat leaving, along with all the other individuals, including the three trainers proceeding to follow directly behind him. Hesitating to follow along, first looking at his Cyndaquil wanting his pokemon's approval. Seeing Char staring back smiling seemingly eager. “Well I guess we should catch up.” He commented aloud with nobody else around, looking at and petting Char's head. It didn't incredibly long to already be right behind the rest of them. Heading up some metallic stairs and then through a hallway. While his Cyndaquil was looking around everywhere curiously on top of his head. Kristoff's attention was entirely focused on the man who he assumed was the captain of the ship, he smiled some greatly admiring how he seemed to be highly respected and admired by the looks of his crew members, it reminded him of the women who raised him. But quickly changing the subject in his mind before he dwelled on his past for too long.

“Hey sir, I'm afraid I didn't catch your name.” Kristoff addressed the Professor not recognizing him, being normally just terrible with faces. However that was suddenly interrupted by the several people that appeared one after the other. Who all started to speak, as he thought they sounded quite peculiar. Seeing them challenging the three trainers to a battle, which peeked his interest right away. Always enjoying a friendly competition even when he wasn't participating. Noticing his Cyndaquil had retreated back into his shirt shivering a little, seeming to be quite overwhelmed from the amount of strangers he was around. Watching the other trainers seemingly enthusiastic for a fight, it was the kind of attitudes he liked, making him smile. Comforting his pokemon and eagerly waiting for the battle to begin expressing intrigue plainly across his face. While simultaneously expecting his question to be answered.

“Are you alright?” Kristoff asks sounding concerned, prying open his shirt to see Char curled up inside. “Quil.” Char replied softly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Lynn Haywood~

Lynn hadn't noticed the crowd of other trainers gathered either. When she did, she did was smirk idly as she enjoyed the attention. Wow, added insult to injury to those brats. Lynn chuckled quietly, though didn't say anything at first. They were being approached by some tall woman. She was even taller than she was, and that was saying something. Goddamn, it had been awhile since she met another girl that was as taller or as tall as she was. She had to admit, she liked the woman. She got a good feeling about her, at least.

“I’m Professor Ficus, I run this lab. Well, when Rue lets me. I’ll be keeping an eye on you three. I want to see what you can do against real trainers."

And then she noticed the baby and she started speaking. Lynn frowned, biting the end of the cigarette with some disdain as she narrowed her eyes at the thing. She had never been fond of babies, not to mention Ficus' voice reminded her a bit too much of her own moms. Not that she hated her parents or anything, she just got the feeling this woman was gonna boss her around and try to tell her what to do. News flash, people who did that ended up gettin' shanked.

"And I’m HOPING you weren’t going to just stand around and let your Pokémon stay injured? Your Meowth is POISONED, you know? Lab. Now,”

Yep, the bossing around started. Lynn sighed, somewhat unimpressed. She admitted, the woman had a voice that made even her think twice about disobeying, but well, if she obeyed she'd have a bit of a problem with her reputation, wouldn't she? Besides, Sneasel hadn't gotten hurt at all in the fight, so that really couldn't have been directed at her, could it? Lynn winced slightly as Quill began climbing on her, finding a resting spot as she threw her legs over her shoulders. The Sneasel placed the recently pilfered Ficus ball on Lynn's head, and rested her claws on it, seemingly waiting for Tesh to notice or not.

"Yeeeah, you guys have fun with that. Nice meetin' ya professor, but I've had enough of you nerds for today."

At least, that's what she started to say, and she almost started walking off but a small poke from Quill followed by a quiet, somewhat strained sounding noise caught her attention first. She couldn't see the Sneasel from where she was sitting on her shoulders, but that definitely did not sound like a noise a pokemon that was perfectly fine would make.

"Quill, you seriously wanna go back to that lab?" Lynn replied. The Dark type simply gave Lynn a poke on her head, and a quiet cry of confirmation. Lynn frowned, a bit displeased that her pokemon wanted to hang with these nerds. She almost said something, but a thought occurred to her.

Had Quill taken a hit during the fight? She hadn't seen the Dark-type take one. Still, if she had been, it was a pretty stupid idea to waltz out of town with her being injured. She didn't have anything that could heal her, after all, aside form one potion that may or may not have been illegally obtained.

Ugh, damn it.

Taking the cigarette out of her mouth, she dropped it on the ground, crushing it under her boot as she started back towards the Lab.

"You know what? Fine, lady, you got it." Lynn put her headphones back around her ears, not really caring what any of the others would be talking about at this point. With hands shoved into her pockets, she walked back into the Lab.

Location: Red Orchard
~Current Team~

Quill the Sneasel
Status: Somewhat injured.
Level: 7

Notable Inventory:
Potion x1
700 P (Pokédollars)
Ficus Pokeball x1
Ficus Pokedex
Lighter x1
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Rowan Branchers


Dewmeadow, Outside Dogwood's Lab

Rowan blinked when he realized he was being spoken to. Mara? She asked him a question. She actually asked him a question. A mixture of happiness at being needed and doubt about if he could actually be of use flowed through him. He HAD studied extensively, so… time for that to be of use! It had to be! He cast a quick look forward at where Purrloin was fighting her way through the web, afraid he’d miss something while explaining. No matter. He had to focus. Alright. Sweet Scent?

Yeah! He remembered! He had read about it. In the “techniques for capturing” section, that is. It was used to attract Pokémon. … But why would you ever use it in a battle? H-he… he had no idea! But, would he actually say that? That he had no idea what it was used for? … Mara was depending on him, suddenly. If he said he had no idea, she might feel even more confused, which might be bad for the battle. Making a swift decision, Rowan chose to make up something that sounded likely.

Don’t mind it! He started, giving her a determined look. ‘Pokémon are sensitive to the scent! It’s meant to daze the opponent, making the fight easier! Don’t mind it, fight through it! You can do it!’ He encouraged, hoping that he hadn’t taken too long so that he hadn’t end up in a mess of his own by not focusing on his own fight, before turning back to his own fight. Hopefully… hopefully that helped…!


Key Items: Dogwood Pokédex
Items: 1 Potion, 1 Dogwood Ball
482 P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago


Pokedollars: 500

Team: Lulu the Yanma
Status: Paralyzed

Oh, oh crap. Lulu's head was jammed into Fluffy's fur and to make it worse, the little girl was crying from her Mareep getting a hard blow to the back. What should he do? Should he stop and try to calm her down? No, he couldn't let his teammates go on without him. It was a battle, it was the nature of things. Still...he felt awful for making her cry. Perhaps he would buy her ice cream later? It was a nice hot day for it! Yeah, he could definitely do that!

Well, he was going to until he saw the facade of the girl fell through. Both Lulu and Fluffy were covered in a sticky web that the Caterpie from the other boy owned and the girl flipped on him, stopping her alligator tears. Yasha looked just shocked at what the girl had done. How dirty could someone get?! "Ya darn youngin'! That was cheap and ya know it!" Yasha's face puffed up and he held a fist towards him. "Lulu, get outta there!"

Lulu didn't need to be told twice. Despite being caught in multiple obstructions, the grump Yanma began to tug and tug away with a ferocious tenacity. "Yan yan yan yan yan!" With eighty three pounds of pure muscle and grumpiness, Lulu burst out of the myriad of obstacles and flew high in the air, looking even more pissed off than before. "Yaaaaan." Lulu glared at the Mareep and Caterpie, but cringes from a surge of electricity running through her body. Damn, that paralysis was going to be bothersome.

"That Oddish's Sweet Scent is gonna be a pain in the long hull. Lulu, tackle that Oddish!" Yasha ordered the foul mood pokemon. This was his first time he actually had commanded a pokemon in battle. Please, please listen!

"Yan!" Lulu flew straight towards the Oddish though there was something off about her movement; it was slightly slower. Wait, she must have been slowed down by paralysis somewhat. Dammit, this was bad.

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