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Josephine Randolph Prendick

Life finds a way, but if it can not I will

Full Name: Dr. Josephine Randolph Prendick
Nickname(s): Dr. Snake
Gender: Female
Age: 40

Species: Human?
About Species: Josephine has made so many surgical modifications to herself that even she admits that the nature of her humanity is up for debate. She is stronger and heartier than a woman her age should be, with extremely well honed eyesight and reflexes. Her skin oddly cold to the touch, which she states is a result of more efficient heat regulation and blood flow.

Weapon(s): As handy with a knife as she is with any scalpel, she keeps two on her hips for personal protection when traveling. Her pack contains an assortment of cures, antivenoms, and seditives that can be made lethal in the right dosages. Finally, there's her bird. Phoenix is a specially modified peacock capable of generating antibiotics within its body with the right feed. Each snake head represents a separate one, capable of injecting it like it would venom, and all together these five head are capable of curing the three most common diseases in the world, with the other two heads set aside to inject sedatives and pain killers.

Abilities: Josephine may just be the greatest Doctor in all the land, capable of creating miracles with nothing more than sheer skill. She can re-attach heads, combine two beasts into one, discover the cure to even the most virulent of plagues, and perform surgery on herself. All with hands so fast and precise that she could stab a man through the eyelid during a blink and not damage his eye.

Reason: Professional Pride.

Brief Personality && Biography Description: A cold woman from a distant land, driven out of academia for so called mad theories. She fell in with a group of fanatical scholars looking to see how far they could push medicine. On the cold, dark Isle de Monde they carried out numerous and horrible experiments upon the local wildlife and one another. After a few years of this the remaining doctors went their separate ways, scattering to the four winds to practice medicine out in the wider world. It was a relief to Josephine, who felt that her skills were being wasted on the island when she could be saving lives.

She wandered the world after that, solving problem. She saved the city of Rivenbrook from the mutagens that tainted its river. She cured the Vipsanian plague. For the Kings of Nanto she repaired the shattered fists of their crown prince. For the people of the Ifrities river she shaped men from elephants. But for the first time, here in Naviance, she's tasted the bite of defeat. Though called upon to do so she could not cure the King.

Additional Information:

  • She keeps in touch with the other members of her old cabal. They send letters to areas of plague and warzones on the chance that one of them will be passing through there. There are eight of them, including her.
  • Pheonix's father was Josephines longest companion, a sacred bird said to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune, and paymeant for her service from the Nanto Kings.
  • The fee for Josephine's service is "Whatever I wish to take from the largest room in your home." Depending on the client this can range from priceless treasures to a single breath of air.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Malakaus Ralthavar Vorinclex

“If it don’t work, yer just gotta try it diffent!”

Full Name: Malakaus Ralthavar Vorinclex
Nickname(s): Fusion, Mal
Gender: Male
Age: 21

Species: Half-Orc
About Species: As far as half-orcs go, they’re usually watered down versions of their fully orcish kin, but with the mental capacity of their other half. Malakaus is perhaps a unique specimen for half-orcs because his half is not human, but elvish. While not particularly smart even among his other half-orcs, he does seem to have an instinct towards crafting and engineering.

Mum - Malakaus’s signature weapon made in honor of his mother. It is basically a double barrel revolver shotgun. The first of it’s kind and fairly primitive, prone to misfiring and jams, but at least it’s sturdy enough to beat someone to death and works a good 85% of the time even after said beating. It can be used in three separate modes: Safe, where it won’t shoot even if you pulled the trigger, single where only one barrel would shoot at a time before the cylinder shifts, and double where both barrels are fired at once. Malakaus also carries two separate types of bullets for his gun: Punch Shots are large caliber bullets capable of smashing through armor and being used for longer-range confrontations, and Shred Shots utilize smaller pellets that spread out over an area to rip apart lightly armored targets and/or push them back.

Prybar - A versatile weapon and tool, this steel stick is roughly three feet long with a hooked end and a slightly bent end. The bent end can be edged in between thin spaces and used as leverage to remove objects, while the bent end can be used to hook or bash things. Truly a weapon with many uses.

Splitting Maul - Another Malakaus original, this splitting maul is a weaponized version of the tool of the same name. Instead of a hatchet and sledge hammer on a single head, it has a battle axe and Warhammer on the same head. Fairly weighty, but in Malakaus’s hands he can use it with a fair amount of ease.

Machete - A bushing whacking, monster hacking big knife. It has an inwardly curved blade to accommodate a slashing motion, but is capable of stabbing as well. It is made of alchemical silver, allowing it to do extra harm to creatures with silver as a weakness.

Stick Bombs - Otherwise known as dynamite, Malakaus can often rig these sticks to explode under certain conditions. Some explode after a set amount of time, others upon impact, and some can even be activated by proximity if he has the time and trinkets to rig something up.

Sling - This primitive weapon meant to throw rocks is mostly used to launch his stick bombs farther than Malakaus can throw them.

Fisticuffs - If deprived of his weapons, Malakaus can brawl with the best of them. While not exactly a martial artist, what he lacks in technique he makes up for in efficiency. Common maneuvers he employs are grapples, strangling, headbutts, and elbows. Doesn’t really have many kicking techniques, mostly reserving those for when his opponents are already near his feet and within stomping distance. Does use a knee when the opportunity presents itself.

Magic Resistance - A blessing and a curse, Malakaus has a great resistance to magical effects, and even spells that can affect him often don’t last as long, aren’t as potent, or at the very least, it’s possible for Malakaus to overcome it. However this power isn’t without it’s drawbacks; Malakaus also resists beneficial spells such as healing spells, and Malakaus himself has such a difficult time casting even the simplest spells he may as well be unable to use magic. He can still use magical devices as long as they aren’t reliant on his spellcasting ability.

Alchemical Intuition - One half of Malakaus’s gunsmithing abilities laid in his intuition for alchemical concoctions. Being incapable of magic himself, he sought alternative means through chemical reactions, which lead him to inadvertently discover the power of controlled explosive substances. It’s thanks to this talent for alchemy that Malakaus is able to make bullets and bombs, and with the right ingredients and directions he could make other things as well, such as potions or poisons.

Tinker Talent - The other half of Malakaus’s gunsmithing ability. A combination of mechnical expertise and metallurgy, Malakaus has always been able to tinker with things and turn them into something new or at least useful. He often took tools and weapons from around the village and tried to combined their traits together, thus gaining the moniker “Fusion”. While most of these combinations failed to yield any useful results, he has made quite a few successes. It’s thanks to this talent that Malakaus was able to develop a primitive firearm, and when that started to show success, Malakaus went utterly bonkers and created his signature firearm.

Malita Trained - Having joined the militia back at home since a young age, Malakaus is no stranger to combat. He often utilizes his strength to make use of big weapons, however is is no slouch with his gun either. Malakaus was the best marksman back in his village, be it with his gun or simply throwing objects.

Brawler - Less professional training, Malakaus is no stranger to simply punching out his enemies either. However while some may think that hand-to-hand combat in the domain of martial artist and other monk archetypes, Malakaus considers himself capable of unarmed combat, but without the usual philosophies or techniques. Instead he specializes in efficiency and pragmatism, that is to say, between punches he may grab an object or even his enemy’s weapon and use it against them.

Tough - To put it simply, Malakaus is tough. As a half-orc, he has his orcish kin’s well-known endurance and durability, allowing him to weather his enemies’ attacks until he can land a decisive blow.

Camp Cook - His actual role in the militia, when it’s time to cook Malakaus is considerably more skilled in the culinary arts than that of battle. He favors meat dishes, however he is capable of cooking and foraging whatever ingredients he can obtained, either from the markets or the wilds. He has experimented and has some success in cooking even wild monsters. Makes a decent moonshine too.

Reason: Whimsy

Brief Personality && Biography Description:

Some would call Malakaus crazy. He considers himself experimental; only fools deny they have never done as impossible. While he has standards and morals, they can change overtime, some more quickly than others. Still, he has enough sense to know that there is a time and place for his madness, and generally behaves himself in civilized company. A talkative fellow with a taste for blonds, green eyes, elves, or any combination of the three. He does have something of a temper; he can often ignore threats and insults under the impression that they are not threats and insults, but when he does notice he has a short fuse and will quickly resort to violence. Indeed, Malakaus is a bit of a sociopath, and can be surprisingly accommodating to acts of murder, theft, and other heinous crimes as it suits him. He blames it on being half-orc.

As for his life’s story, he considers much of his life before leaving the his home to be inconsequential. While it has given him the skills he needed to make it on his own in this world, his time back then was naught but a tutorial for the true game of life that he embarks on right now. Nowadays he quests for glory, though fighting a good fight and making good friends is also a grand reward of their own. With his rifle, wits, grit, and a whole lot of luck, Malakaus seeks to carve his name into legend.


Additional Information:

Malakaus keeps everything he needs is his only magic item, a Bag of Holding.

Malakaus has no idea what causes his Magical Resistance. Neither of his parents have showned any resistance towards magic, and neither of their ancestors had ever been known to possess it. Malakaus hopes to find an answer in his travels.

Plays the bagpipes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vox Angelis

Vox Angelis Dust in the wind

Banned Seen 3 mos ago

Illistrianna Alderine

The night is just as beautiful as fearsome. Bewitched by the resplendent moonlight, but in the deepest darkness lie dangerous beasts.

Full Name: Illistrianna Alderine
Nickname(s): Anna (mostly for Humans) / Sister
Gender: Female
Age: 113 years old (about 20 years old for a human)

Species: Moon Elf
About Species: Elves said to have been touched by the moon goddess’ graceful light. They mainly worship the moon as it is the very symbol of their patron goddess. These elves are particularly religious and zealous in their practice. Their dogma is to bring light in the night just as the moon does, and to smite down the terrors lurking in the darkness of the night. Moon Elves are matriarchal and while most men are either warriors or scholars of magic, females become priestesses and paladins.

-Silver Crescent: Representing a crescent moon, this 6 foot scythe is the bane of the strongest monstrosities lurking in the night - Vampires and Werewolves. The shaft has been crafted from Darkwood – oak that has turned black due to being alchemically enhanced to become as hard as steel – and the blade is made from refined silver and blessed by the church to become what Elves would call “Moonsilver”. This weapon is a symbol Luna Priestesses proudly display and bear in battle against the creatures of the night. The scythe has magical properties that allows it to penetrate with ease the hardened hides of both Werewolf and Vampire, as well as prevent their regeneration. Otherwise, the blade shines softly in the night, providing practically no light, but flares in a blinding flash when clashing against the forces of darkness.

-Full Moon: A chakram that holds the same properties as Silver Crescent, however used only when the scythe is unavailable to use. With the flick of a wrist, the handle comes loose and is tied to the blade by a retractable chain. With enough skill, one can effectively throw a chain chakram to strike from afar or use the chain to trip or disarm a foe.

Abilities: As a Luna Priestess, Illistrianna has access to a repertoire of spells drawn from the moon’s purity. Such spells are mostly supportive and aiding, which include healings, blessings, lighting and smiting night creatures.
However, due to extensive research made in secret from the Luna Order, Illistrianna also masters the dark side of the night. Those spells are more aggressive than its Luna counterpart, ranging from summoning dark and shadowy creatures to demoralizing and even fear-inducing spells.
Note that almost none of her spells are direct attacks against foes. Her selection of spells are mostly indirect attacks.

Reason: Believes it is her duty to find a way to cure the monarch that represents his kingdom’s order. Should he fall, Illistrianna fears the land might be thrown into chaos.

Brief Personality && Biography Description: Illistrianna is a fair maiden, plain and simple. She loves life and do her utmost to help people around her. She is by nature of her kin very generous and a naïve goody-two-shoes. She lacks awareness, and is very curious, often too much for her own good, which led her to several problems in the past. She will however never tolerate harm to come in her friends’ way.

Illistrianna was born into a secluded tree-top village of Elves deep into the forest of Sylvyst. While she never knew her father, her mother was a Moon Elf that raised her in the way of the Luna people, of her people. She had a childhood akin to the children of monastery, spending her days studying the ways of Luna and praying to the goddess every night. It had been quite boring for her, being of a curious and enthusiastic nature. When her prayers were answered and finally the graces of her deity was bestowed upon her, she couldn’t be more enthusiastic. As soon as she could master the innate healing powers of a Luna Priestess, she would go out her way to actually find every little scratches to heal on people. She would often get scolded to have depleted her mental reserves before night-time ceremonies, but she couldn’t care less, as long as her people would be well.

As time went on, her curious nature took her over towards the other side of the Night, forbidden by the Luna church. At first, it was a Dark Elf scholar that piqued her interest with dark magic. Her inquisitive nature wanted to know more about the night in itself, and so she took upon the stranger’s offer to help her better understand the other half of Night. Doing so led her into understanding many things that Luna couldn’t teach her, such as night creatures, dark magic and secrets kept by the higher authority of Luna.

However, one day, she got mixed up in an incident. The very Dark Elf that taught her of the night’s darkest aspect had attacked the Luna church after using Illistrianna’s trust. Feeling betrayed, she lashed out at him violently, killing him accidentally. Afterwards, the Church condemned her actions and her forbidden research. She was banned from the Luna Order, stripped of her status and powers.

Illistrianna roamed the land ever since, still bearing proudly the symbol of Luna. She helped people whenever she could find those in need of healing. Despite having been exiled, she still held a strong faith to her deity, for she believed no church could represent wholly the goddess. Be it because she was such faithful to Luna, or perhaps because she was considered a very young prodigy, but eventually her powers as a Luna Priestess would return to her. And mysteriously, one night, even her sacred symbols were returned to her. From that day on, her faith grew only stronger, and she continued to roam the land, practicing what SHE believed was the true teachings of Luna.

Themesong:Lake Hylia

Additional Information:
• She loves flowers and sweets, ESPECIALLY sweet. Almost addicted to them even.
• Not physically strong, but trained in combat with her weapons.
• She highly dislikes salty food, and refuses to eat anything sour.
• Has a large “mana” pool. She is mainly a caster-type, with some combat expertise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Character Name: Alexander Shade

Have you ever felt something for evil..?

Full Name: Alexander Shade
Nickname(s): Lex
Gender: Male
Age: 27

Species: Human

Weapon(s): Alexander is equipped with straight sword and twin daggers forged from steel. He also keeps a scoped crossbow, created to shoot targets as far 500 meters.

Abilities: As far as natural ability and talent go, Alexander is great at acrobatics, tracking, and being a smooth talker at timesome. When it comes to being stealthy or using trickery, Alexander is the man you can count on.

Besides his natural talent Alexander has a few things going for him that are more supernatural in nature. Alexander has a higher pain tolerance than usual. He can also use enchanting magic to make his weapons deal varied effects. So far he is able to curse his weapons which will allow them to make a target weak or ill when struck. Think of it as a really bad infection. He's also vee able to imbue his weapons with fire to burn and electricity to stun. Last but not least, Alexander has a bond to a malevolent creature from a place he knows little about. The only certain things he knows is that she or it is always there, hiding within his shadow. He has seen this creature in two forms. One form is of a pale half-naked woman with long fingers and sharp nails. Her her black glossy hair usually comes down to cover her face. Her teeth are like small razors in her mouth and her eyes are totally black. She extremely fast and it's hard to track her quick movements. Her scream is high pitched and almost deafening if too close and she has the strength of at least three men. Though she aides Alexander, she antagonizes and scares him from time to time. Her second form she is reptile-like. Her skin is black and scaly while her eyes are yellow and piercing like a snake's. She has a long prehensile tail. Her claws and teeth remain the same except they're black. This creature is able to vanish in the shadows and is only present when the sun is absent though she can whisper to Alexander. It also is able deal an infectious curse on victims of its bite or scratch similar to the curse Alexander can imbue in his blades.

Reason: Claims to want a reward

Brief Personality & Biography Description: Alexander can't think back on whether it was his greed or poverty that got him started up as a small time theif. In the beginning, he stole for necessity, but he also liked to take what he could. He was an orphan to war, so he never worried about parents questioning him. It was not until he stole from a man who was a veteran in what Alexander did "sloppily." Alexander might have died that day, but he was able to beg the man to not only spare him, but to take him under his wing. Though the experienced theif thought of the cons, he figured the boy could fence in some extra coins. And so, Alexander learned from the theif who only allowed Alexander to call him "Friend." Alexander thought it was odd, but the man explained that authorities could not track a man without a name for long.

After years, Alexander traveled with the man conning and stealing from others. They stole from the rich, they stole from other thrives, and they even stole for others who for some reason or another could not do it themselves. Meanwhile, Alexander learned of world. The two eventually had a partnership. It was the highlight of Alexander's life, but was short lived.

The two thrives were going to steal from a band of cultists. It was easy. The cult had no means of fighting, so there was no backlash if they were caught. Unfortunately, their pride meant the end of them. The cult possessed magic that was said to be fanatical. They worshipped gods that were unheard of and we're looked upon as insane, but this cult had tapped into a very ominous world. The cultists trapped the two using a large crystal. The same one the two were going to steal. When they awoke, they found themselves in a hell fit for no man. Alexander spent three years in this realm. This is where he learned his magic and this is where he met the creature who made it out with him. He named her Wisp as she is thin twisted image of a woman. Only Alexander knows of what happened in the realm he was trapped in, a he was the only man to make it out. From then on he made it his goal to do more good than he did bad. Wisp always lured him to the former. Even then, he began to make a better name for himself as a bounty hunter. He had been doing it for a few years until he was contracted to an odd job regarding the kingdom he was laying low in. He was promised a reward, but he wanted something more lasting. For a man without a name could never be... remembered.

Themesong: Kid Cudi - No One Believes Me

Additional Information: N/A
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Full Name: Astiroth
Gender: Male
Appearance: Astiroth stands at 6'7 feet and has a lean muscular build. He posses red skin, long black hair that goes down to his waist, and black horns that resemble deer antlers though they aren't as big. His eyes resemble a bright yellow with a tint of orange. His hands are covered in black scales and posses six fingers, two of which resemble thumbs, and have black claws. He does not wear any armor on his upper body except for his cloak. He wears plate metal on his legs that go from his waist to his knees and does not wear anything to conceal his feet. His feet are covered in black scales and resemble giant talons that have six digits.

Species: Demon

Weapon(s): Demon great sword made in a one handed style. The sword is named Morrath. He also possess a cloak named Vurros that can take the form of extra limbs to aid him in maneuverability.

Abilities: Possess enhanced physical abilities and senses. Has extensive knowledge of dark magic but can't use them. Has control over hell fire and demonic magic. Is a seasoned warrior that is skilled in hand to hand combat and with a sword.

Reason: As the demons are a dying race and on the verge of extinction. Astiroth stands as the last line of royalty and seeks to save his people by making a pact with the neighboring people. He believes helping them save the king will open up terms for negotiation.

Brief Personality && Biography Description:
Astiroth serves as the last living demon with royal blood. Due to this, he is very caring for his people and only seeks to save them. He can often be seen as a cold individual on the surface and appears to have no real concern for others. On the inside however, he is a caring person who despises conflict. Astiroth served his early life among his people during a time of upheaval. His people were plagued by a disease that began to take them on the verge of extinction. Day by day, his watched as the numbers of his people dwindled from millions to only hundreds. His father, who was the current demon lord and leader of his people fell ill and told Astiroth to take his people and leave their plagued land. Astiroth took what little remainded of the demons and left in search of a new home. As the years went on, Astiroth searched for refuge and even confronted kingdoms for aid. Stating that he simply looked for a home for his people and did not desire conflict. He was always turned down however because demons were despised. Though he has currently found a temporary refuge for his people bordering a small kingdom. Word had reached him that their king had fallen ill. He sought to help save their king in hopes that it woukd grant his people a peaceful home.

Additional Information:
While Astiroth boasts a large amount of raw power. He is still young and does not posses the refined skill of seasoned demons. Despite this his power normally shows itself in times of great stress. Astiroth, at the request of the kings adviser, wears a necklace that keeps his power in check and cannot show his full might unless it is removed. He cannot remove it however and it must be removed by a another individual who trusts him.

Side Note: Any form of divine magic can severely cripple Astiroth for so long as he is around it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LitCabbit
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LitCabbit Awfully Dragged

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I promise to live another day"

Full Name: Artemis
Gender: Female
Age:around her 20s

Species : Human

Weapon(s): Two main weapons, her long rapier and and a thick width sword. At least 4 blades hidden on her, most likely stolen. Makeshift sling shot if she wants to participate in hunting
-Photographic memory (helpful if maps are lost)
-Can smell some basic poisons
-Knows what to eat in severe situations

Reason: Wanted to make use of her skills and will do anything to earn, many clients tried sending her so they could earn the reward

Brief Personality && Biography Description:

Edit: Artemis wants everyone to know her as a vexing person. She lands as an alpha when starting a conversation and topics she mentions are experiments to get people heated. She loves messing with those who are easily angered, but would never attack serious complexes. By Pushing buttons, it seems easier to get an answer. In her jobs, she tends to become quiet and focus everything she's got but with a smile on her face. Under control, she can kill quick and painless, but if seems to get serious, she gets a bit psychotic. Her tactics are a little rash but she believes she gets results dealing with her jobs or with relationships.

After being raised on the streets, Artemis had practiced pick pocketing as her only way of living in an old famous trading center. When her "home" was burned down by barbaric groups, she became separated from those she knew and traveled with a group to a nearby kingdom. Later on she would take up "odd" jobs, increasing her skill set. Often, she'd traveled place to place trying to find clients. Artemis would then know how to fight, kill, seduce, compromise, and steal from with those she worked with. Though intelligent, she had no understanding of reading and her vocabulary is a slightly short due to the fact of the amount of education she could afford.

Additional Information:
-Apples are the best
-befriends the birds
-Has burn scars scattered all over her body
-seems to like grey
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Polaris Yukon

"Tell me a piece of your history that you're proud to call your own.
Speak in words you picked up as you walked through life alone."

Full Name: Polaris Yukon
Nickname(s): None.
Gender: Male
Age: 28

Species: Human
About Species: A somewhat frail, yet idealistic species. Typically without abilities and overall seen as "ordinary" by other races.

  • Farkas - Polaris's signature weapon as indicated by the fact that it is nicknamed. Farkas is a regular Ahlspeiss.
  • Grappling Hook - Aside from being useful for exploration, the grappling hook is also useful for grabbing and pulling enemies.
  • Gauntlets & Boots - Having hand-to-hand combat experience, Polaris can hold his own without relying on weapons.
  • Knife - While Polaris's knife is primarily used for hunting, this doesn't mean that it can't double as a tool used for self-defense.

  • Tracking - Like most Glacerian people, Polaris is quite skilled at tracking animals. It's possible to use this to track people as well.
  • Hunting - Hunting is a requirement for surviving within the Glacerian Tribe. It also happens to be Polaris's specialty.
  • Survival Instinct - It can be said that Polaris will do anything to promise himself survival. And he likely will.
  • Combat Experience - Polaris has both training and experience with polearms and hand-to-hand combat.

Reason: Loyalty to Naviance and its king. In short? It's basically his job.

Brief Personality && Biography Description: Polaris can be considered the perfect representation of his homeland: cold and distant. Hailing from the Glacerian Tribe, Polaris is not originally from Naviance despite what others might assume. Although he holds a respectable role within the king's army and is always willing to fight valiantly for the country that he has come to love, he has always identified with deep-rooted Glacerian traditions and talents. Perhaps it is his foreign ways that make him so well-fitting for what he does best: fighting and exploration.

Or perhaps it has moreso to do with his beginnings. Polaris often neglects mention of his early life which include the fact that he was orphaned at a young age due to other traits that his homeland is commonly known for: harsh winters and killer diseases. During his late childhood, it seems that he was also stricken with a fatal disease and that he was able to survive with enough willpower and the support of those in the tribe that collectively took care of him and the other orphaned children. His near death experience with the illness, Polaris claims, made him to be a stronger individual in the end. It may have also hastened his need to escape his homeland and before long, he found himself drifting hopelessly in search of work or a "new life". It was during his late teenage years that he wandered before eventually landing himself in the kingdom of Naviance. Before long, he found himself being recruited for the king's army, charming recruiters with his unique techniques and fighting style. It has been about eight years since then and Polaris often denies that his past is currently affecting his life. It's unknown by all whether this is the truth or not.

It is known, however, that Polaris has trust issues and a rather guarded nature. This does not seem to be exclusive to him, however, as his comrades occasionally express distrust towards him as well. This is likely due to his unfriendly or possibly even foreign nature. Whatever way people ultimately perceive Polaris does not seem to matter to him as he seems generally uninterested in appeasing others and cares little for gossip. Or, rather, he cares little for talking in general and seems to be rather laconic when conversing with others. Polaris always finds it much easier to focus on a task than to discuss it and prefers to work in his self-selected solitude. Although he won't admit it, Polaris often strives for absolute perfection with his work which is much easier said than done.

Although Polaris has always taken his work extremely seriously, the urgency of his work has increased within the past month or so. Following the announcement regarding the king's health, Polaris was tasked with the responsibility of learning more about the whispered talks of rebellion. These "whispers" seem to have become much louder over the past two weeks or so. This very reason explains his confusion for suddenly being recruited to do a completely different task instead. His quickly changed task? To help find a cure for the sickly king. It should be said that, regardless of whatever the task may be, Polaris intends to "get the job done" and "get it done right".

. . though it seems that he isn't too keen to be traveling with other people quite yet.


Additional Information:
  • Allergic to garlic.
  • Absolutely despises humidity.
  • Has a slight accent that occasionally reveals his Glacerian heritage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Taimane Hoshi

I will slay any enemy that means me and my friends harm

Full Name: Taimane Hoshi
Nickname(s): Tai
Age: 20

Species: Werewolf (no one knows)
About Species: A werewolf is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shape shift into a wolf or a therianthropic hyrbid wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction (bite or scratch from another werewolf)

Weapon(s): This sword https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ca/2e/c9/ca2ec9d00b0d4696f93a14d364cc983f.jpg

Reason:She doesn’t like to stay idle in one place for long period of time and she is loyal to the king, so any quest he has, she is willing to take.

Brief Personality && Biography Description:
She is a very serious person and tends to take her missions very serious. She can be fun once they have downtime during a missions. She is from a town called Voleros and lived there with her family and when she was done with her mercenary training with her dad and he took her out on a mission, he was killed in action and that same night she was attacked and survived a bite from a werewolf. She left a couple years after she was turned going on missions.

Fight song by Rachel Platten

Additional Information:

  • She is scared to transform in front of anyone so she runs during the nights of the full moon to do it in private
  • She loves swords and any weapons that have a sharp blade
  • She loves to drink of special occasions
  • She wants to find her special someone for herself
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Selene Dubois

"God damn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in Control?"

Full Name: Selene Dubois
Nicknames: Witch/Maiden of the Forest, Selly, Folle
Gender: Female
Age: 24

Species: Witch

Selene uses the staff shown in her picture and a magic tome.
Folle uses a scythe formed from Selene's weapons
Selene is a white magic and ice magic user, usually using barrier spells, healing, and ice attacks to injure multiple foes at once.
When she's Folle, her magic turns to necromancy and black magic. This includes poisoning, curses, and summoning demons and the dead to fight for her.

Selene is one of the court's healers, and one of the best at that. It angers her that her magic couldn't cure the king, and so she has set off on this quest in a form of making up for her uselessness. She also hopes this cure could heal her own 'illness.'

Brief Personality && Biography Description:
Selene is a very playful person, like any witch a trickster and a spirit of energy and manipulation. She is very sarcastic and loves to tease people about most everything. Selene isn't really shy or really friendly, she will try to befriend those around her so as not to be awkward but will not reach out to create bonds. Selene prefers to be alone with animals and nature for the most part, because she finds people destructive and careless.

Selene has been sent on many missions for the king before, originally recruited at sixteen after being found illegally living amongst the woods near the kingdom and selling potions to travelers. This earned her the nickname "sorcière de la forêt" or "witch of the forest," some preferring to call her a maiden rather than witch.

On one mission, she had to break a mirror, a portal to the underworld. This task could only be performed by a witch. During the incantation, something went horribly wrong and Selene was split into two personalities: her true self, and her demonic form. The demon was named Folle, and this split in the royal Mage was hidden from her employers. Ever since then, Selene has lived in fear of Folle and anyone finding out about her.

Folle is a crude, sly person. She is incredibly violent, and can go from giggling joyfully to pure anger within seconds. She is highly unstable, and very aggressive. Folle has no friends, and only cares about herself. She is sadistic, and simply insane. When Selene becomes Folle, her hair turns pitch black and her eyes fade into a metallic grey color. She looks like this. (Save the wings/halo/clothing.) Folle only appears when Selene feels extreme sadness, hopelessness, anger, or pain. Folle constantly whispers in Selene's head, and gets louder in her times of doubt.

Themesong: Control by Halsey
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LissaLu
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LissaLu Sad Nerd

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rem Saurpelt

(Human form)

(True form)

I can assure you I'm not in the slightest bit sketchy

Full Name: Rem Saurpelt
Nickname(s): Remmy
Gender: Female
Age: 23

General Appearance: Differs slightly from the picture. Rem has a long, choppy bob the color of her fur and amber eyes. She has a slim, athletic build with toned arms and legs that help her move as a brisk pace in combat. KItsune's, however, are not known for their height, so she stands at a modest 5'4" in height. If discovered to be a kitsune and generally comfortable around her company, she will sport two fluffy orange and black ears on the top of her head, and a orange and while tail with black accents.

Species: Kitsune
About Species: A fox creature of legend, known to have shapeshifting abilities and a mischievous personalities, these creatures, like dragons, grow in power as they age. Each tail they grow is a sign of their power, only for them to die after growing their tenth tail. Most kitsune hide their true forms in favor of a human shape due to them having a bad rap for being seen as untrustworthy creatures with the ability of witchcraft.

Glaive- The favored weapon of her father, so it was the first thing e taught her how to use. Rem likes her glaive because it allows a safe distance between her and her opponent, typically making her get hit less. She can't do any fancy tricks with it or anything, but it's sturdy and does it's job well.

Swords: As a defensive fighter, Rem uses a long sword in her left hand (her dominant hand) and a short sword with her right hand. The dual weapon stance allows her to act nimbly, disarm her opponents, and block. Though it is harder to catch an attack aimed at her ally with sword than with her long glaive, she can now easily duck in front of them with a much greater speed.

Long bow: Though it's not her go-to weapon, Rem does carry a long bow. She hadn't used the weapon in a while since her gigs as a bodyguard had required her to stand IN FRONT of people rather than a distance behind them. However, she's far from rusty with it since her kitsune eyes are as accurate as an eagle when it comes to locking on to targets.

Shield: She carries a simple wooden shield on her back to avoid getting stabbed there.

Abilities: shapeshifting (it's not very powerful since she has only one tail, she can shift between a human and a fox with relative ease, but once she grows another tail, her fox form will be larger and more powerful), minor illusionary magic, and the ability to see through illusions (magic induced darkness, other shapeshifters, ect.)

Reason: Short on cash, body guarding jobs haven't been paying as well as they used to.

Brief Personality && Biography Description: Rem has an overall lax personality and an aloof disposition. She's not rude or anything, but you can tell she put up a wall, making her hard to read or connect to. There's a slightly mysterious air about her, and that cheesy smile she always has plastered on her face along with her carefree attitude makes people wonder if she's actually taking her job seriously or not. She has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor and a rather defensive fighting style, opting to act as back up or defending wounded party members rather than charging up front and getting off big hits and glory. Rem had to move around a lot as kid, since every time her family would be discovered as kitsune, it would be near impossible to find business in that town. Her father adopted the career of a bodyguard while her mom settled into working as a merchant since she could lure customers in with her smooth talking and personable smile. Both her parents taught her the art of their trade so she could make it out in the world once she got old enough to leave home, so not only can she fight, but she knows her way around the market and get the best deals.

Additional Information: Rem normally stays in her human form, but will reflexively shift into a fox if she feels absolute fear in order to make her self a smaller target that's far more nimble. If she feels comfortable around the company she's in, her fox ears and tail will show, but will disappear when strangers arrive.

  • Fried tofu is her favorite food. It is an absolute staple in the kitsune diet.
  • she hates green tea and is a big baby when it comes to eating bitter things.
  • she's allergic to bee stings, she can remain calm around honey and bumblebees, but any insect in the wasp family makes her hide behind anyone close to her.
  • She'll attempt to laugh like a regular human most the time, but when she's caught off-guard by a joke, her laugh becomes the raucous chittering noise foxes make when playing with each other (I think it's called gekkering).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LitCabbit
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LitCabbit Awfully Dragged

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I promise to live another day"

Full Name: Artemis
Gender: Female
Age:around her 20s

Species : Human

Weapon(s): Two main weapons, her long rapier and and a thick width sword. At least 4 blades hidden on her, most likely stolen. Makeshift sling shot if she wants to participate in hunting
-Photographic memory (helpful if maps are lost)
-Can smell some basic poisons
-Knows what to eat in severe situations

Reason: Wanted to make use of her skills and will do anything to earn, many clients tried sending her so they could earn the reward

Brief Personality && Biography Description:

Edit: Artemis wants everyone to know her as a vexing person. She lands as an alpha when starting a conversation and topics she mentions are experiments to get people heated. She loves messing with those who are easily angered, but would never attack serious complexes. By Pushing buttons, it seems easier to get an answer. In her jobs, she tends to become quiet and focus everything she's got but with a smile on her face. Under control, she can kill quick and painless, but if seems to get serious, she gets a bit psychotic. Her tactics are a little rash but she believes she gets results dealing with her jobs or with relationships.

After being raised on the streets, Artemis had practiced pick pocketing as her only way of living in an old famous trading center. When her "home" was burned down by barbaric groups, she became separated from those she knew and traveled with a group to a nearby kingdom. Later on she would take up "odd" jobs, increasing her skill set. Often, she'd traveled place to place trying to find clients. Artemis would then know how to fight, kill, seduce, compromise, and steal from with those she worked with. Though intelligent, she had no understanding of reading and her vocabulary is a slightly short due to the fact of the amount of education she could afford.

Themesong: Vagabond by Misterwives

Additional Information:
-Apples are the best
-befriends the birds
-Has burn scars scattered all over her body
-seems to like grey

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Cassius Alexandros Lumya Svent

You are the Ocean's Gray Waves, Destined to seek like beyond the shore, just out of reach.

Full Name: Cassius Alexandros Lumya Svent
Nickname(s): Cas, Kitty Cas.
Gender: Male.

Species: Lumyian
About Species: This species is a Felinoid race who channels powers from the Abyss. They are known to possess complicated magic by standard definition; even if it is only natural for them.

Weapon(s): His body, and a Revolver.


  • Focus - This let's him gather energy from the abyss. Said energy lets him cast magic and give it form.
  • Endow- He envelopes his weapon, or limbs in any given element so he may get devastating blows with his body. Endow can fill the bullet slots in his revolver. He can also power an ally's attack up temporarily.
  • Calm- Cassius meditates, this helps uses Focus in order to heal himself from negative effects, to just replenishing his stamina.
  • Abyss Charge - Cassius places an Aura around himself as he charges forward. The aura shield him as he takes half damage during this attack. Upon contact he staggers the foe in question. His element active element will discharge on impact.
  • Battle Tracer - When endowed with an element, if he does a swiping or thrusting motion, the element will dash across the ground in the general direction he is aiming; though it can be avoided rather easily to the attentive. To those staggered onto the ground however, they may have a hard time dealing with such.
  • Summon - Cassius channels an element to craft a familiar for a single attack, this however requires higher states of focus, usually the familiar in question will take the form of something that most are acquainted with in nature.
  • Burst - Cassius strikes into an enemy, erupting the element in his hand. Requires the use of Endow.

Reason: He wants to believe even he can do something noble.

Brief Personality & Biography Description: Cassius is a firm believer of trying to do the right thing; it was his motto since he was a child. Because of this he can come off as idealistic, innocent even. Because of this, he can seem quite childish; but don't be fooled, he is quite intellectual, even if he can seem nervous around others. Despite this, he is very confident of his capabilities. But he is quirky; takes interest in the unusual even if seen as a taboo. As an open minded person, he does try to see all angles if possible, though he is stubborn to opposition at times if he fails to see logic. He is very passionate, though he yearns for companionship to one degree or another. Such is to be expected from a lonely traveler with a romanticized vision.

Battle Theme:

Additional Information:

  • Cassius' middle name "Lumya" is actually the name of his homeland; Lumyians who leave their place of birth, have their homeland for a second middle name.
  • Despite Cassius' looks, he is quite feminine as a person, it goes with many of his gestures.
  • Cassius has a noticeable lisp, this makes his rather nervous to speak to others, despite this, once he starts talking, he tends to ignore it.
  • His Magic is meant to be Combo Orientated as a battle Mage; a Mage who uses a mixture of Physical strikes accompanied with fast spells.
  • His Mask means he is respected in his culture as a powerful individual.
  • All of his attire reflects Lunar Symbolism.
  • All his attires share the same color palate as his standard outfit.
  • Loves to make cakes and other sweets, hates alcohol. Has a tolerance to spicy food.
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