Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Azerus Jr

Feyhollow poke'center


Bidoof used rollout and slammed into Azerus's rhyhorns face.
The attack seemed to do little but anger rhyhorn, but it was not over. The little bidoof had bounced off and was still spinning, picking up speed it charged at the rhyhorn again. "Harden!" [/I] Azerus yells. Hoping his pokemon can withstand the attacks. Rhyhorn is hit again and groans from the increasing power of the impact. The bidoof bounces off once again and continues to spin, continually gaining more and more momentum. This time as rhyhorn recovers from the last attack the wild bidoof comes hurtling towards his side. Stepping forward without instruction the rhyhorn swung its heavy tail and battered away the oncoming pokemon.

"nice work!" [/I]
As the small rodent sailed through the air and hard into the trunk of a wide tree. Azerus's growing concern subsided and his confidence returned. Rhyhorn seemed pretty proud of itself too. Before they could rejoice in turning the tide, two more bidoofs rolled out of the surrounding shrubbery. In an instant the three were on him, launching head butts, scratches and bites from all over.
Azerus could only watch on, they moved so fast, every move supporting the others, battling with a perfect team unison. Rhyhorn was taking a heavy bombardment.
Things did not look good.

(Journey to Atana Mountain Range-a wild overwhelming battle.)




Vivian said her good byes, as did her parents. Embracing and fussing over the girls as if they were all their own children. After ensuring the girls would be careful they finally let them go.
"Alright, we gotta do this but be careful at the same time. " Vivian said aloud, seemingly informing herself.
The tire marks were not hard to follow, the damage they left was obvious and clear.
Vivian pauses and addresses her friends.
"Hey, maybe if we are gonna get out Pokemon to help we should let them know what's going on?" she asks.

(For the first part it will be a clear uneventful trip, feel free to engage your Pokemon or each other as they walk towards their destination. A bit of free form.)

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

— Feyhollow Town —

Although she’d been slightly embarrassed at how much Vivian’s parents had fussed over her, Leisy was a little wistful to leave the old couple. A glance at their interaction with their daughter showed how much they loved and cared about her, and while Leisy hadn’t exactly grown up without love, her parents had never been ones to fuss and coo over their child.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Leisy said, retrieving her Pokeballs from her bag. There were four of them—four classic, red-and-white spheres that she’d only ever dreamed of owning a few days ago. “C’mon out, all of you,” Leisy said, pushing buttons one at a time.

Out popped Bidein, followed by Naunet and Devinco. Leisy knelt down beside them, looking each of them over with renewed awe that she had managed to gather such amazing creatures to her side. “Hey Dei, Naunet, Devi,” she said, letting their names roll off her tongue. The Pokemon looked at the trainer curiously as she thumbed over the last Pokeball.

“Devi, you’ve already met her, but not really,” Leisy said, popping the last ball open as well. “Meet Cassia.”

@dark light @luckyblackcat

Shanae Eller

— Atana Mountain Range —

Physically, Arons easily weighed upwards of one hundred and thirty pounds, and even when he was young he easily surpassed Shanae’s weight. In fact, now that she thought about it, Shanae realized that Turris had always been heavier than her physically.

Easily the heaviest of her Pokemon, the steel-rock dual type had weighed almost forty pounds heavier than Shanae at first, having been caught when his trainer was still a growing teen. Flash forwards a few years, both had matured in size and now differed less in weight than before. Still, the Aron remained too heavy for the woman to lift—she could hardly have lifted him back when he was but eighty-something pounds, much less now that he weighed upwards of one-thirty.

Still, with the Pokemon’s big blue eyes staring up at her, Shanae felt not sadness but rather happiness that her life had been graced with such a constant, lovably lazy Pokemon that stood ever steadfast—a paperweight she could cling to in times when life flew by like sheets in the wind.

“Thanks, Turris,” Shanae said, standing and hopping up and down to warm herself back up for the trek. “Let’s keep going.”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Juana Perez

-Central City, Riverside-

Dewpider leaned away from Archie, its water bubble swaying. Bounsweet urged it to play with Archie, but before Dewpider could react, Archie sped off to aid Tora with the Basculin.

Juana stood up; having lived in Unova for some time, she knew quite well how violent Basculin could be. She started running to the river, but she saw that Tora had managed to get out of the situation all right.

"¡Arceus mio! Are you alright?" Juana asked as Tora came walking back. She exhaled heavily. "Basculin are vicious monsters, what with their teeth and hard bodies... Fishers in Unova were always told to watch for them."

Juana looked at Sirius. "That's a healthy Staryu... well, aside from the missing arm. They grow back, I think."

Bounsweet bounded up to the Staryu. While the red core of the Star Shape Pokémon did not indicate any emotion, Bounsweet still made effort to greet Staryu. It raised its sepals in a sort of greeting.

Dewpider on the other hand stared at the torn stump and shook its head. The rivers were a dangerous place; thankfully Staryu found a trainer who would keep it safe from tearing Basculin jaws or the lashing tongues of vicious Politoed, or the monstrous schools of Wishiwashi that tore apart their enemies like an oncoming cyclone.

Dewpider clearly had a very graphic imagination.

Juana breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, I'm glad that pez chupacabra didn't get you or that starfish," she continued, smiling at Tora. "Especially not with Final Gambit."

Juana sat back down and stroked Bounsweet's stem. Bounsweet enjoyed the touch. "So when do you think we should head out? Unless you'd like to keep chilling here for a bit; it is a nice river."

Juana unwrapped the Rare Candy she purchased, and Bounsweet stared at it intently. Juana was about to accidentally eat it herself (having not read the note that it was not for human consumption), before spotting Bounsweet. "¿Quieres tu, amiga?" she offered. Juana held out the candy to Bounsweet. She fed the candy to the mangosteen Pokémon.

Bounsweet hopped up and down happily, full of energy. Juana's Pokédex buzzed, and she read the notification:

"Bounsweet grew to Level 2!"

"NICE," Juana said, offering a high five to Bounsweet. Bounsweet received the palm with its sepal.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Shanae Eller

— Atana Mountain Range —

The cavern ahead of Shanae split off into two forks. Left and right, just like the movies, she thought in amusement. One leading to what the seeker seeks, the other to…

Shaking the thought off, Shanae turned her attention to Turris who was… Already moving along like the impatiently lazy buffoon he was, the woman thought in amusement, jogging to catch up with the steel-type Pokemon. “Left path it is,” she said, slowing to her regular pace beside the Aron who didn’t bother looking up from his path.

Soon enough the cavern opened up to a cold cavern whose walls were coated with thick sheets of hardened frost. In fact, now that Shanae examined the walls more closely, it became apparent that the leftern-most face of the cavern was in fact made of ice. “Hold up, Turris,” Shanae said, walking over to the ice-blue wall and looking back at her Pokemon with a grin. “Look! It matches your eyes!”

Turris rolled his eyes, turning himself forty-five degrees to face his trainer when it became apparent that they were going to go off-course from now on. The quickest way to the deeper caverns was clear in the Aron’s mind, having walked it so many times as a young hatchling, but he wasn’t as familiar with the higher caverns. However, being metal, the Aron had a miraculous sense of direction underground and was sure he could find his way back up. Thus, he decided to indulge in his trainer’s whims.

“I don’t suppose you’re afraid of the ice?” Shanae teased the steel-type.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tora Azure

- Central City || Riverside -

Tora gave a sigh a relief then a reassuring smile towards Juana. "Don't worry, I'm alright. And looks like Sirius will be alright as well, the Basculin didn't get its gem, so it should regenerate pretty quickly." the black haired woman said, glancing to the starfish's missing appendage, the stump already mended and slowly growing a bit larger.

"Basculin are quite vicious, but I suppose it's one of there ways of getting food too." Tora mused thoughtfully.

Sirius turned slightly downward to face the Bounsweet, jumping a little before timidly hiding behind Tora's legs. Shaking a little, still a bit shaken up over the little event and being around strangers. Archie on the other hand, nose twitched as she slowly snuck up behind her newly acquired teammate, giving a loud bark. The Staryu gave out a surprised scared 'HYAH' before spinning away and smacking right into the tree, gem first. Then falling on the cool grass flat on its back.

"Archie!" Tora spoke in a firm, calm, but scolding tone. The Growlithe's ears lowered and gave a little pout before looking to Sirius as its limbs flopped about on the ground in a panic before managing to stand again. The fire type gave a little whimper sound in what might be a apologetic tone, while the water type starfish slightly shuffled its standing limbs against the grass nervously before giving a gentle pat on top of the fluff on the Growlithe's head in reassurance.

Tora sighed in relief before smiling thoughtfully at the question. Well... She got some rest in while sitting here, and she should really keep moving and get out of Central City before her parents find out what she's up to. "Mhm we should probably leave soon, I'd like to be at Feyhollow before dark at least." she answered, turning towards her new and first human companion before freezing in place as she saw what appeared to be the green haired girl about to eat the Rare Candy. The taller woman was about to reach and snatch that the Rare Candy, but to her relief, Bounsweet's longing looks seemed to allow Juana to give up the energy filled candy to the grass Pokemon.

Taking a deep relieved breath, placing her right hand on her chest to calm the spiking panic throbs that emitted in that short of time, she gave another smile. "Lady Juana... Please try not to ingest Rare Candies. Human's who consume it get dreadfully sick." she warned, before packing up her supplies back into her bag. Mentally dreading the thought of what would have happened if Juana did eat it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Azerus Jr

Feyhollow forest


The bombardment from the three bidoofs continued. Rhyhorn roared his name as he awkwardly stumbled around trying to catch one. Every now and then he would slightly graze one with an indirect hit but not enough to take it out.
It was a battle to see if his hard hide could hold out until he landed such a hit. His frustration only lowering his chances.

"Uh, ah, umm." Azerus stammered as he looked on helplessly. Feeling the full weight of his uselessness, unable to form a solid thought or action.

It was roggenrola who acted first. Launching into the fray with a headbutt to intercept an attack.

"Right!" Azerus yells as he snaps out of his befuddlement. Choosing to help his Pokemon he grabs his main and biggest possession, his guitar. Stepping on into the battle, giving his guitar a mighty heave, he swings at a flying bidoof mid attack. A loud crack snaps through the forest as he catches it mid air and sends it hurtling into the nearby lake with a big splash. With the distraction rhyhorn caught one of the others on his horn and it soon followed its friend with a loud 'splash' as it finally plummeted into the lake.
Azerus with his now broken guitar slung over his shoulder, his very frustrated rhyhorn and a pumped up roggenrola nearly ready to explode with how hard he has made his skin, surround and stare down at the last bidoof.
Wisely the pokemon retreats, scampering towards the lake where it eventually throws itself in.

Once again there was no time to rejoice in victory or even catch ones breath. After the bidoofs popped their head out the water so did a bibarel. Just as Azerus pulled out his faulty pokedex to check it out, another popped its head out, then another and another swam into view from down stream. Suddenly there were so many. They screeched and chitterd angrily to one another and Azerus grew very nervous. Rightfully so. At once they all turned to stare at Azerus and his companions. Their cheeks puffed up and one by one they all began to blast a powerful jet of water from their mouth. Each time a new one joined its own water gun combined with the others forming into one heavy powerful blast.

Roggenrola was the first to get swept away, crying as he got washed away into the bushes. Azerus was knocked off his feet but managed to cling to his rhyhorn until he two fell to his side and groaned as he was shoved by the immense water pressure through the forest. After what could only be described as a fast paced, heart pounding, dangerous, life threatening, crazy waterslide ride, did the duo come to an eventual stop against a rocky cliff wall.

(Journey to Atana Mountain Range-Wet, separated and lost.)

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SillyPhilly
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SillyPhilly The Mythic Radiance Dragon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Central City

Orange streaks of sunlight cascaded the city and clouds with purplish hues hung in the sky, signalling the fast approaching sunset. The shadows of the trees and buildings and anybody still out and about were elongated, stretched out parodies of their true selves. One such long shadow was headed in the direction of Tora and Juana. The figure was back lit by the setting sun, their true form unable to be discerned by the sun's glaring light. The figure's shadow gave no clue either. As it approached the two trainers, a feminine form emerged. Tall and lithe, short hair with a parting on the left side of her head, bangs framing a a stoic face. She wore a black trenchcoat, underneath which one could see a long red skirt. She moved gracefully, almost gliding along a pair of black high heel boots. In her right hand she carried a big heavy brown suitcase and adorning her neck was a long, white scarf.

She stopped in front of the pair, eyes moving between both of the girls before resting on something. Her expression was narrowed, focused. With purpose she marched forward, dug a hand into her coat and pulled out...a Growlithe treat.

"...Good doggy?" she said, offering the treat to Archie.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Tommy chuckled and pulled out his wallet, pulling out a fair amount of the spare cash he had on hand. "Here, get some food to last awhile so you can focus on your training first. Anyways, I was just gonna hit the cafeteria here in the center, then head out hunting." He lead the way and got some food for himself and Amica before taking a seat.

The pair conversed for the duration of breakfast before Tommy finished his food and streched. "Well, if it's alright with you, I'm gonna head out and about, try and find that bulbasaur and maybe see if I can find a Fairy type that I want. Meet back here just before sunset?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Azerus Jr

Feyhollow forest


A familiar screech caught Azerus and rhyhorn's attention. It was followed by an even more familiar cry. With out needing to acknowledge one another the duo gathered their strength and charged after the sound into a nearby cave entrance.

Drawing out his water soaked, cracked, pokedex for its faint illumination, Azerus finds his roggenrola a short way into the cave getting swooped by a Zubat. Azerus instantly runs and dives over his pokemon, creating a barrier around it and taking the bunt of zubat's attacks.
"You ok buddy." he asks. Roggenrola gave a faint nod. "Alright mate, let's do this. Iron defence."

As roggenrola's hide took a metallic sheen Azerus stood up. "Rhyhorn, rock throw!" with that he holds out roggenrola who jumps down onto rhyhorn's waiting head and springboards back into the air as rhyhorn launches him at the Zubat. Roggenrola spins like a bullet towards the Zubat. A direct hit had them both falling to the ground.
Azerus moving quick, dove to catch his rock pokemon before it hit the ground. At the same time he launched a pokeball to catch the zubat.


(Azerus caught a Zubat)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Juana Perez

-Central City, Riverside-

Juana picked the wrapper up and read the warning. Yep. Not for human consumption.

"Nnnnnduly noted," Juana replied, crumpling up the wrapper and shoving it into her pocket. She got up and adjusted her tool belt. "If we start now, we can probably get to Feyhollow without much trouble. Bet there's a center there where we can get our Pokémon back in shape." Juana looked at Sirius and Corphish. "I know at least a couple who could use the ol' fixer-upper."

As Des approached, Juana perked up and smiled at the newcomer. "Hey, I like your style; you kind of remind me of some of the women I've seen in Unova," she complimented. Internally she was thinking Cobalion's corn, am I really the only kid around here?!

Dewpider and Bounsweet turned their attention to the other woman. Corphish on the other hand looked enviously at Growlithe's doggy treat.

"My name's Juana, and these are my Pokémon. Bounsweet's an old friend, but I just picked Dewpider and Corphish up today at the river. Tora and I were just on our way to the next town over; we wanted to get to Feyhollow before it got too dark. Never know what kind of vicious Comfey would posy-pick us into submission." She laughed.

Juana put her hands on her hips. "So, what's your name?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Azerus Jr

Feyhollow forest


Azerus gave a shiver as he slumped against the hard stone wall and slid down to the dirt ridden floor. A cool breeze signalled the start of night fall and had an icy bite as it pressed against his wet clothes. The water accentuated the red streaks patterned across his torn pants from all the fresh scratches below on his shins and calfs. He looked to his exhausted pokemon who had also collapsed on the floor. It had been a full-on day.

"Good job guys." he says proudly as he gives them a thankful nod. "Treats for you both when we get to the next town. If we ever get there..."

As much as Azerus wanted a proper rest, the night was not over and there was still much to do and ground to cover. With a groan he slowly got back up and made his way to the entrance of the cave. A short while later he found remnants of his guitar case and some of the packed supplies from within it. After collecting some dry twigs he returned to the cave and used his salvaged tools to start a small fire and prepare a little meal.

"Now let's meet our new friend." He says finding a cheery voice amongst all his ache. Tapping his pokeball, Zubat appears before them in a bright red flash.

"Zu, zu!" it called out.
"Hey! You will all get along. Alright. Azerus sternly warns. As he cooks his simple canned meal and shares a taste with his pokemon, they busily chat amongst themselves, enjoy the small fire and occasionally search about, never going too far. It was a good bonding moment as they shared each other's company. Zubat was still the outsider and Azerus wondered if it was just because he was new or because both the other pokemon had had bad experiences with zubats before. Either way it seemed to strengthen the rock pokemons bond.

"Alright guys, time for you all to get some rest." One by one he petted and zapped them back into their pokeballs. Gathering the remnants of his stuff, once again he headed back out into the forest. Heading towards the nearest train station. It had been one hell of a day, he was once again battered and bruised for it but his pokemon grew closer and he had a new member to his team.

(Journey to Atana Mountain Range-on the right path.)

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tora Azure

- Central City || Riverside -

Tora nodded in agreement, glancing toward the sun as it started to dip behind the horizon, indicating sunset was now beginning. Feyhollow wasn't too far of a trek, but it was still a bit of a walk for Tora. If she wanted to get there before dark, she better not take any rest breaks. Hopefully the Pokecenter wouldn't mind them staying or something.

"Yeah... Hope they'll be okay." she murmured with concern over the two water types. Sirius just kinda shuffled a little, the limbs using as arms lightly poking together shyly. The gem in the center glowing a glow, slightly blinking.

Archie eyed the stranger who neared, once again standing and puffing out her fur. Growling at the newcomer before hear ears perked at the treat. Relaxing, the puppy Pokemon sniffed at the treat curiously. Fluffy tail giving a few ways every couple of seconds. Soon enough the Growlithe gave a happy yip before happily munching on the treat.

Tora smiled before looking at the woman. She looked around the same age as Tora but she wasn't sure. The black haired woman couldn't help but wonder what brought another young adult here. "Salutaions Mademoiselle, my name is Tora. It is a pleasure to make your aquiantance. This is Archie and Sirius... Archie seems to like you already it seems." she chuckled as the Growlithe's tail was now a constant fluffy happy wag.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪

Location: Feyhollow Town


"Ok. And thanks for the cash," Cici said, her warm smile masking how bad she felt about relying on Tommy. The previous day's conversation with Sarah replayed through her mind. Three days and she was already nearly out of money. Was her former friend on the right path after all, leaving her on one that would lead her nowhere?

Something soft bounced against her leg, distracting her from her worries. "Iggly!" the newly-caught baby Pokemon squealed as she bounced uncontrollably off chairs and tables. The Kricketot waddled over to try to catch her, only to be bowled over, making her usual xylophone sound as she fell.

"Ligeia! Cadence! Are you ok?" Cici jumped up to check on both her new Pokemon. They were thankfully alright, just a little shaken. "C'mon, all of you, return." Once she'd returned all four of her Pokemon, who had just finished breakfast, she glanced around. A few people glared in her direction.

"Ehh, sorry about that," she said, taking a step back. At least Ligeia hadn't knocked anyone's food or belongings over. She turned back to Tommy. "Yeah... Maybe we really should make a move."

After she and Tommy had headed in their separate directions, Cici sat down by a patch of flowers near the Pokemart, took out her guitar and started strumming a gentle tune. She hoped her music would not only please the passers-by, but soothe her own nagging thoughts.

♥ Ellanor "Ella" Beaufort ♥

Location: Feyhollow Town

@Dusksong @Dark Light

"Yeah. I hope Treasure's going to be ok doing this..." Ella said, glancing at the Pokeball containing her first Pokemon. "Come on out." Pressing the button on the Pokeball, she let out her Trubbish. At the sight of Leisy's Ekans, Treasure backed away, but when it became clear that the snake meant her no more harm, she visibly let herself relax.

"Hey, hey, it's ok," Ella reassured Treasure. Picking up another Pokeball, she looked at it with uncertainty before shifting her gaze to Vivian. "Uh, you going to be alright if he's out too?" she asked. After what had happened earlier, she didn't want to make Vivian uncomfortable. Especially not at a time like this.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago




"I almost forgot about them." Vivian says with a feint laugh and a cautious eye. Vivian frowned for a moment as she eyed her friends latest pokemon. It's not that she had anything against it but she was worried. She ponders on the small pokeball in her hand. "I'll be fine, I just wonder about this one though." and in a bright flash Petilil came out into Vivians arms. It squealed lightly as it snuggled into Vivians arms and she laughed at its playfulness.

Suddenly it noticed both the ekans and fright took hold of its face. It cowers into Vivians arms and borrows its face into her chest, trying to hide from the snake Pokemon.

"Oh dear..."

( )

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

After he and Cici split for the day, Tommy wasted no time in getting back out into the forest, determined to find the Bulbasaur at the very least. Anything after he would think of as just a bonus. Stopping at a small shop to buy some easy to eat snacks for himself and Amica, the pair set out to find their future friend. The first few hours were fruitless, with any Pokemon that Amica saw fleeing before her trainer could catch up to the nimble water type, and those that Tommy saw fled if he so much as moved an inch in their direction; or any direction for that matter.

Leading into the sunset hours, with Tommy already exasperated by the events of the last few hours, a sound of hope reached the ears of Trainer and Frog alike. [DarkGreen]"Bulbasaur!"[/color] Tommy and Amica exchanged a brief look and nod before both dashed in the direction it had come from. Amica found it first after a fifteen minute sprint and uttered a startled cry to it's trainer.

"Froakie!" Tommy slid to a stop in sight of the Pokemon he'd been searching for, under assault from a trio of Spearow in the middle of a clearing. The Bulbasaur was haggard, with the leaves surrounding the bottom of it's bud torn and ripped and numerous scratches across it's body. If the trumpet player had to guess, the poor Pokemon had been running for some time, but even with as haggard as it looked, the brave little Bulbasaur was putting up an impressive fight.

"Amica, help it out! Bubble!" The Froakie obliged, rushing into the battle and leaping into the air to unleash it's attack, catching the three Spearow off guard and scattering them. Landing next to the Bulbasaur, who was wary of another attacker.

"Froakie Froak Froakie." The Bulbasaur hesitated a moment, looking at Tommy, who had run over to join the pair before the Flying types returned, and then at Amica.

"Bulba. Saur Bulba Bul." Amica nodded and smiled encourageingly.

"Froakie!" By this point, the Spearow had returned and Tommy grimaced. Three on two weren't ideal odds, especially since he knew that Bulbasaur was at a type disadvantage in this fight. Still, he couldn't afford to hesitate and before the trio attacked again, he called out to Amica.

"Amica, use Ice Beam!" Amica obliges, if a touch hesitantly, and blasts the lead Spearow with the Ice type attack, sending it to the ground with a frosted wing. The other two, sensing that they may be outmatched, fled quickly and the third followed as well, though at a much slower pace. Tommy smiled and turned to his partner, who was panting. With a facepalm of realization, he picked the Froakie up in his arms and smiled at her. "Good job, Amica. Take a rest while I speak with our friend here." The Froakie nods with a weak smile as her trainer retrieves her Pokeball and she disappears in a red light. He then turns to the Bulbasaur, who was panting heavily now that it could rest. Slowly reaching behind him, he pulls the potion he'd bought in Central City out and holds it towards the Grass-Poison type, who growls softly at it's sight.

"Easy buddy. I can help with this, and if you let me, get you to a Pokemon Center. In fact, I can even offer you safety from those bullies if you join me and Amica. How's that sound?" The Bulbasaur eyed the person and potion in his hand warily, but there was a look in it's eyes saying it was contemplating the idea before it finally nodded.

"Bulba." Tommy smiled and approached carefully, spraying the worst of the wounds with the potion until it was gone, then pulling out one of his empty Pokeballs. The Bulbasaur appraised it before one of it's vines snaked out and tapped the button, pulling the new member of Tommy's team in in a burst of light. It wiggled three times before the red light in the center flashed to signify the capture, and, after a short jump of victory, Tommy ran for the Pokecenter. He knew that the Potion had helped his new friend, but he needed to get the Bulbasaur to the Pokecenter for proper treatment.

The run took less time than the walking and wandering searching for Bulbasaur had and within an hour, just as the sun was truly starting to set, he reached town. He spotted the Pokecenter and ran to it, pulling out his occupied Pokeballs and nearly throwing them at the nurse. "The Froakie, Amica, she's just worn out, machine should be fine. But the Bulbasaur was under attack from Spearows, looked like it had been on the run awhile. Needs more than the machine." Tommy spoke the words both fast and out of breath, so he had to repeat himself twice more before the nurse nodded, having him bring out the Bulbasaur, who was looking only slightly better after Tommy's help, to take it back for more extensive treatment. A short time later, Amica's ball was returned, but the Bulbasaur would require overnight treatment. Thanking the nurse, Tommy took a seat in the front area, exhausted, and let Amica out, who took a place next to her trainer and making sure he didn't keel over from gasping for air.

Tommy caught Bulbasaur!

NOTICE: The math for my points is counting the posts Bal didn't count before he left.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SillyPhilly
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SillyPhilly The Mythic Radiance Dragon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Central City

"Hello Archie, my name is Des..."She said, almost completely dismissive of the two other humans present. She gives Archie a scratch behind the ears as she turns her attention to other 'mons present.

"Greetings to you, Sirius, and my what a healthy looking Corphish."

She offers the Corphish and the Staryu a treat as well.

"You must be famished. And...?" Her head tilted quizzically at the Bounsweet and Dewpider.

"Don't think I've ever seen members of your species before. It's a pleasure." Treats are offered.

"Say, Archie, would you like to help me?"She asks the dogmon, producing a beat up pokedex and opening up the entry on Azurill.

"I saw this little guy not an hour ago. It was attacked on the riverbank by a pack of Persian. I interjected and the poor thing escaped downstream. I'm sure it doesn't have a family. Could you help me please?" She gives an expression of genuine concern.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

With breakfast disposed of, Olivie set her sights on the next task in her mental checklist: shopping. Seldom did the nineteen-year-old frequent marts, stores, malls, or other retail outlets, for she did always seek to contradict typical teenage stereotypes, but this morning a quick pitstop could not be avoided. On the way out of the Pokemon Center, she met Bernard, already showered, dressed, and ready for adventure. A few moments of conversation led to the construction of a quick and informal plan for the young man to have his own meal whilst Olivie took care of her boring errand. Having had her full of the nice scenery during her earlier battles, she let no element of the quaint town distract her as she made a beeline for the Poke Mart. Once there, she snatched two pokeballs from the shelves, and one transfer later she could boast of a full compliment of six. All that remained was to fill the remaining three with Pokemon, and now that Olivie would be accompanied by someone less inclined to wander the forest in circles for hours, she knew just where to capture some.

A scant few minutes later, the duo departed Feyhollow Town, and disappeared together into the surrounding woods with three Pokemon each by their sides. Naturally, Olivie brought Verrine, Gespenst, and trusty Buck, but in addition to Painkiller the Bisharp, Bernard selected two new companions from his store the likes of which the brunette had never seen. One, who he referred to as Romeo, acted as bizarrely clownish as he looked, but aside from his antics seemed pleasant enough. The other, a rabbit named Gretel almost as tall as her trainer, radiated an aura of gloominess. Olivie's pokedex dutifully informed her that they were a Mr. Mime and a Lopunny, respectively. To her, neither looked particularly tough or cool, but with such a dweeb for a trainer it could hardly be helped. Thus, the entourage of eight began their adventure for the day, strolling with wide eyes beneath the dappled, verdant canopy.

Today, however, the Pokemon seemed scarce. Perhaps Feyhollow's creatures, so active and mischievous during the night, remained tucked away in hidden resting places during the daylight hours. Eventually, the group stumbled upon a trail. The dirt path before them lay in disarray, thoroughly marked by the scuffle of tiny feet. Unafraid, Olivie put on her fighting gloves and along with her team abandoned the path to forge her own way through the underbrush. Bernard and his own Pokemon followed. For another twenty minutes or so they followed the winding trail across the grass, through the bushes, and around the trees, until they came upon a large mound of earth sitting in a little clearing amongst the trees.

Immediately, four Pokemon burst forth from their burrows. As the little beasts growled threateningly, Olivie made sure to frame them with her pokedex for a quick readup. ”Nidoran♀ has barbs that secrete a powerful poison. They are thought to have developed as protection for this small-bodied Pokémon. When enraged, it releases a horrible toxin from its horn. Nidoran♂ has developed muscles for moving its ears. Thanks to them, the ears can be freely moved in any direction. Even the slightest sound does not escape this Pokémon's notice. ” Olivie looked up from her device to find the micelike creatures unmoved. ”Territorial, huh? You think just because this pile of dirt is your home, you get to act like tough customers when I come around? Huh!?” She pointed a finger, and together Buck and Gespenst leaped in front of her. Laughing, Bernard told Romeo and Gretel to join them. The four squared up against the four enemy Nidoran, each finding a target.

”Don't touch 'em directly! Buck, use Round! Gespenst, Energy Ball!”

”Psyshock, Romeo. Gretel, use Swift for me, okay?”

Olivie's Bidoof set up a hideous chatter, the sound from grinding his teeth manifesting as a wave of force that blasted into one of the male Nidoran. Repeating his turret-esque setup from earlier in the day, Gespenst planted himself before charging up an energy ball. In the time it took for him to do so, the female Nidoran he opposed darted in and scratched him, using a horn to deliver the Poison Sting. Meanwhile, Bernard's Mr. Mime just obliterated one of the other Nidoran, fainting it instantly. The last one, however, didn't receive an attack from Gretel the Lopunny; in fact, the sullen rabbit didn't lift a finger. Only after the wild Pokemon attacked her with Poison Jab did she even halfheartedly hold out her paw. A bright yellow glow shone from the fur that shot a burst of starlike darts at the Nidoran, but they barely even fazed it. It began to attack again, but at Bernard's command Romeo stepped in to lift the purple beast up with his Psychic powers and slam him into the dirt mound.

Soon, only the Nidoran attacked by Buck remained, who the chattering hadn't greatly affected. Instead of telling her Pokemon to strike again, Olivie jumped past her partner to slam a pokeball into the surprised poison-type's face. Before it could counterattack, it dissolved into a red stream of light that disappeared into the ball, and seconds later the deal was done. ”Man! Talk about easy pickings. I hope this thing ain't a wimp for long.”

She looked to Bernard with accomplishment, but her rival seemed bothered by something. He scratched his chin, saying, ”I dunno. Usually, if there's this many Nidoran in one spot, it usually means an nest, but the mom and dad should have appeared by now.”

Before he even finished the ground began to shake, and with perfect comedic timing, the earthen mound burst apart. From the dust emerged two larger, formidable Pokemon, which managed to look very mean despite being only about four feet tall. Erring on the side of caution, the trainers and their Pokemon opted to book it. As Olivie sprinted, just ahead of Bernard and very glad he didn't get to see the vigorous situation happening with her front, shouted, ”You just had to say it, dumbass! Why are you runnin'? Painkiller could take 'em!”

Already breathing heavily, Bernard yelled back, ”Don't wanna risk it! Those were Nidoking and Nidoqueen, poison-ground types! If they both used Earthquake, we'd be screwed!”

”Upht!” After opening her mouth to reply, some kind of bug flew in, and Olivie hurriedly proceeded to spit it out before shutting up and focusing on running. She'd had enough protein for one day. All six Pokemon were hard on their heels -even Gespenst and Gretel- as the group ran deeper into the forest.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Shanae Eller

— Atana Mountain Range —

Huffing, Turris made his way over across the icy floor, maintaining a precarious balance of walking and sliding across the ice. He’d always hated the way ice felt under him—fragile, breakable, weak. By extension, standing on the flimsy surface made him weaker as well, drawing away the strength he usually possessed on solid, non-slippery ground.

On the smooth surface, Turris lacked the balance he needed to perform many of his more heavy-hitting moves as both jumping and landing on his feet proved to be a challenge on the miraculously smooth surface. The sound of metal on ice produced a dull clinking sound that was lower when heavier and softer and higher when he tried to lighten his steps.

But, no matter how much he tried, Turris couldn’t be silent on ice. His presence would always be announced by a shade of clinking, and his heavy weight threatened his safety more than helped him maintain it. And Turris hated feeling weak.

“Hurry up lazybones,” Shanae joked, jolting the Aron out of his dazed stupor. With a kind grin on her face, the trainer waved her Pokemon towards her. “C’mon.Enough standing around. Want me to push you across the ice?”

With a huff, tbe Aron whirred into motion, light clinks marking his progress across the ice.

Leisy Takigawa

— Feyhollow Town —

A pair of frightened eyes looked around, flicking from the four faces around it—Fletchling, Piplup, Larvitar, and a human. Behind them, the Ekans only spotted more humans, and it scared her immensely. Cowering, the snake Pokemon receded into a curled ball on the floor, hiding her head within her coils as she peered up with a frightened eye from inside the ball.

“Oh,” Leisy said, despaired. She’d really messed up with this introduction, hadn’t she? “Shh, it’s alright,” she told the coiled Pokemon on the grassy ground as she waved her other Pokemon away. “You’re fine now. You’re safe. Nothing’s going to hurt you.”

The Ekans looked up at the trainer with distrustful eyes, narrowed and sharp and filled with both fear and defiance. Leisy’s spirit wilted slightly at the Ekan’s blatant distrust of her. All her other Pokemon had trusted her at least somewhat, be it Bidein’s initial attachment to her after she’d first seen him on a branch or Devi’s slight acknowledgement of her. Sighing, Leisy bent down and rolled Cassia’s Pokeball over to her.

“I’ll bring you back soon,” Leisy promised the Ekans. “Right after I help my friend out.”

The Ekans’ eyes narrowed further, and the red flash that followed was followed by a Pokeball that rocked to a stop only made Leisy’s spirits sink further as she retrieved the Pokeball, holding it close but loosely at the same time.

@dark light @luckyblackcat

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Juana Perez

-Central City, Riverside-

Bounsweet looked over to Archie expectantly, shrugging its sepals. Corphish, on the other hand, eagerly gnawed on the treat, but perked up at the thought of bigger creatures to pince in glorious combat. Dewpider had the complete opposite reaction, scuttling behind Bounsweet and peeking out from behind the mangosteen.

Cold shoulder, huh? Juana remarked, giving a passive concerned glance to Tora. "I mean, I think it's on the way to Feyhollow anyway, and it's always good to do a good deed for anyone. Corphish looks like it's ready to get all up in some angry cats," Juana suggested, doubtful that Des would address either of them at all.

Bounsweet gave a nod to Archie, and then turned back to Juana.

"You think you can all take on a bunch of Persians?" Juana asked.

Corphish waved its claws like "LEMME AT 'EM! I'LL CLIP THEIR WHISKERS!" while Dewpider gave Corphish a look that said "Do you want to end up as cat food with buttersauce?"

As the sun dipped over the mountaintops, setting a golden halo around the ridges, Juana noted that her Pokédex buzzed.

"Bounsweet grew to Level 3!

"Corphish grew to Level 2!

"Dewpider grew to Level 2!"

"Huh," Juana remarked. "All that scrapping by the river must've done some good for the Pokémon."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cillian Weiss

— Feyhollow Town —

Cillian sighed, frowning and setting his hands on his hips as he realized that he’d managed to accomplish nothing this morning. Sunset was already upon him, and he hadn’t even managed to make it out of town yet.

It was time to step up his game.

“Hey Damian, I think I’m going to have to go out on my own from here,” Cillian said, sighing and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “It’s been really fun journeying with you, but...” Cillian paused before sighing. “I made plans, Damian. And I’m off-track now. I need to catch up,” he said, looking at his friend with a sad smile before it brightened into a grin. “And, we need to have our battle someday. So you need to up your game as well.”

With the grin still on his face, Cillian waved goodbye to the brown-haired boy and led his orange and blue Pokemon away, journey outside to Feyhollow’s outskirts.


Shanae Eller

— Atana Mountain Range —

The Icy Atana Caverns are even prettier than I imagined, Shanae thought with a thoughtful frown as she slid a hand against the ice-frosted cave walls that were more ice than rock anyway.

Her early adventures were clear in her mind when she called them up, but when she spent more than a few seconds pondering Shanae quickly found that they were in fact quite undescriptive. For example, she remembered that there was a group of Aron around where she’d met Turris, but she didn’t exactly recall how many there were.

How many were there anyway? she wondered, her frown growing deeper as she continued over the slippery floor. Four? FIve? Perhaps even six? Sighing out loud, Shanae discarded the thought with a shake of her head and focused back into the cave around her. The muffled rays of light from her flashlight that she was covering with her hand provided adequate lighting for her journey, but… I wonder what would happen if I—

Shanae pointed the flashlight up at the cave ceiling before lifting her hand. The solid beam from her flashlight shot up towards the ice-coated ceiling, glistening off the ice and reflecting all over the cave. The rays flowed from corner to corner, surface to surface, illuminating it from all directions in a dazzling display of light.

“Wow,” Shanae breathed, impressed. Turris grunted in agreement beside her, eyes flicking up before drifting to his right, seizing on something in the distance.

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