Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gredy Silvertongue

Rubbing his head a little as he looked at the Weedle, Gredy glanced upwards for a moment to ensure that there weren't anymore falling bug pokemon to have to worry about before looking back ground wards. Taking the time to check out the Weedle's wounds, he considered his options for a moment before quickly coming to a decision. "Hey, I want to get you to a pokemon center to get healed up but I don't want to pick you up and risk hurting you further. Would you be against me putting you in a pokeball so I can move you safely? I can always release you again afterwards if you like."

Weedle nodded weakly to Gredy's pokeball suggestion. Of course, Weedle had no idea what getting put in a pokeball entailed, but he believed that any option that ensured safety was a good option. He looked up at the human with pitiful, weepy eyes that were asking to be pampered.

@Holy Soldier
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gredy Silvertongue

With permission granted, Gredy tapped the pokeball against the Weedle in order to capture him. Even as the ball wiggled in the way that it always did when a pokemon was going into it for the first time, he turned his attention back to the authorities to see if he had permission to make for the pokemon center to not only get both of his new pokemon healed, but also to get the hell out of there before the freaking riot started.

@Stern Algorithm@Holy Soldier
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Meintja gave a laugh, and shook her head, "Not even if you were the last pokemon alive, crap for brains" Se rolle her shoulders, wagging her tail back to front for a moment. She noddded at Rasa, and waited a moment, trying to time the situation perfectly so she could do the full amount of damage and help her team mate-even if the team mate didn't seem to even know the meaning of the word team. She leaped onto the Yungoos, she flexed her claws, and put her strength behind the scratch, using her momentum to push Yungoos out the way, leaping of the other pokemon to leap towards Zigzagoon, aiming a scratch towards them as well.

If she missed, Meintja would land smoothly in front of her partner, claws out, ready to scratch either opponent if they came close, shooting a glance at Lavitar either way. "I haven't really heard you speak, but...lets go at this together, hm?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiser Van Deathclaw


His foe did prove to be slippery indeed as it used approximetly the same tactic as he had himself earlier, even if Kaiser had been unable to fully dodge the attack this foe of his had full awareness of it coming and had no problem in doing so. However, it was not fully unexpected that it would, while getting out of the way, it also separated from the Yangoose which was the intent to begin with so even if it didn't get hit, it wouldn't be able to heal further. It Launched a counter tackle towards his legs, now with the size difference and being in the middle of an attack Kaiser moved his leg out of the way before treating the pokémon as one would a soccer ball, namely punt it in the side to get it off balance towards his other foot and then kick it as hard as he could towards the goal. 'The Goal' being a tree in the distance.

He hadn't quite noticed Meintja trying to attack the same opponent as well, and even if she prevented the Yangoose from attacking his flank he didn't quite expect Meintja to come bouncing towards him in an attempt to scratch the Zigzagoon. Having moved forward even if just slightly Kaiser realized he was right in the path of Meintja. He planted his feet, caught the fire type while skidding back a bit, then he quickly spun around using the recoil and swing to throw Meintja high in the air above the Yangoose. "Tar... Larvitar, tar -I Larv!" 'Fine... Then be useful, and Strike from above!" he called out as he shifted form and charged towards the Yangoos'es feet as a distraction, forcing her to pay attention to both the sky and the ground.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

Member Seen 37 min ago


Shinx 's awestruck demeanor had all but disappeared as the Noibat shot down each one of his questions. The first thing to fall victim was his 'stupid' questioning, he did feel slightly idiotic when the Noibat pointed out how pathetic a single caterpie was. "W-well yeah I guess they are kind of... pathetic." he responded in an uncertain tone, while trying to ignore the embarrassing fact that even the caterpies knew more moves than him. Feeling embarrassed would be the least of his worries though, as Shinx quickly found himself on the receiving end of a threat. "Please, I don't want to fight. So I'm really really sorry for whatever I did to make you mad!" He had to wonder though, what was it that he had done wrong? Did I say something nasty? Did I do something mean? It didn't matter however, as no matter what he had done, he still had a rather angry looking Noibat looking right at him.

Embarrassed, intimidated and drained of his enthusiasm, Shinx was about to turn and walk away from the whole situation, but a glint of shining metal upon the bat's arm caught both his eye and his interest. "What is that?" he said as he advanced and hastily grabbed at a part of the glinting metal. Upon closer inspection the shining metal turned out to be a watch. "I've only seen humans wearing these before, Did someone give it to you?" He asked genuinely, as his imagination ran wild with possibilities that he had to try incredibly hard to keep himself from blurting out.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 9 days ago


I also wasn't such a little whiny bitch. Noibat noted internally, rolling her eyes at the other pokemon's cowering. No longer seeing the Shinx as a possible threat, she was thinking of just ditching him a heading off, seeing as she didn't have much longer before she had to go back to Rasa. However, the inquisivtive questions of the electric-type brought her thoughts back around, along with a narrow glare at their insinuation. It was instinctive, the thought of getting anything from a human being enough to make her blood boil, but she schooled herself in her response, not wanting to explode on the brat for something that wasn't his fault.

"No, no one gave it to me. I nicked it off a human in the city. Can't really read it or anything, but it's nice and might sell for some good money." The lie flowed off her tongue as fluid as the truth ever did, Noibat's pride being too great to allow her to admit to the fate that she was some trainer's pet. Besides, the likely hood of her seeing this whiny little electric type were incredibly low, so she saw no problem with lying to him about how she came upon the watch. "Anyway Sparky, anything else you want to ask me, because I've got places to be and your taking up my time here. Perhaps you should get to kicking Caterpie around, might toughen you up a little bit. . . or they might start kicking your ass." Noibat chuckled to herslef as the thought of the kid getting beat up by Caterpie of all thins popped into her head. She doubted he was that weak, and she knew she was being a total bitch right now, but the kid had chosen the wrong time to bother her and his ego was going to have to suffer for it.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seth Halen, Jaden Locke, & Pikachu

Seth looked around, trying to find the trainer he’d crossed paths with earlier that day to see if his Vulpix was with him or not, but search as he might the boy was nowhere to be found. Just as his concern mounted, however, he had a sudden feeling of dread coupled with a minor headache. He turned around to find, of all things, an Alakazam standing behind him and sizing him up. Before he could say anything, the Psi pokemon gripped his shoulder and the vertigo associated with teleportation overtook him.
He half expected to be greeted by Pokemon Club members in some dark, foreboding place when the sensation wore off. What he wasn’t expecting, however, was to come face to face with the very man he’d been looking for. Something was wrong, however; rather than the brash, bullheaded demeanor he’d shown earlier, the boy was almost trembling in fear and worry. Was it because he knew what had happened? Or… was it the Alakazam causing this? Moreover, what was going on?
The Alakazam soon answered his questions; he was a servant of the uncle to Jaden, which was the boy’s name it seemed, and he was here to enlist Seth’s help in retrieving a Pokemon he’d just lost. So it HAD been his Vulpix after all! Seth felt his blood begin to boil. Underhanded trade-ins were one thing, but outright stealing someone else’s Partners?! It was inexcusable! “I’d help him even without the reward,” he replied, “Nobody deserves to have that happen.”
What happened as a follow-up, however, was nothing short of horrifying. Seth was no stranger to psychic attacks- Dad raised and trained Ralts as a hobby, and Seth himself had grown up around several of them. But as far back as he could remember, he’d never seen a Psychic Type unleash an assault on a trainer like this! And Jaden had just taken it, like it was expected and perfectly normal! Just what kind of man was this uncle of his?!
Seth shook his head back and forth and rushed to where Jaden had practically collapsed. A few checks told him the other boy wasn’t in any long term danger, but he was pretty shaken up. Wait, Seth thought, didn’t he have…? He quickly slung his backpack off, opened a smaller pocket, and dug around in it. His eyes brightened as his hand wrapped around and pulled out a small glass container full of a dark pinkish gelatin and a small spoon. In seconds the lid was unscrewed, and Seth plunged the spoon into the gel and held it out toward Jaden.
“Here, eat this- it’s a Payapa Berry Jam. My dad grows them to snack on when he tutors Psychic types, and he makes them into all kinds of things. It’ll help, I promise.”

“I’m f-fine, don’t w-worry about it.” Jaden waved Seth off as he slowly made his way to his feet, wiping the blood from his face as he took a moment to steady himself.

Pikachus large ears twitched as he heard the words berry and jam. He then worked on wiggling out of the bag with the on bulbous cheek. He made some chewing sounds and the large bulge seemed to disappear as he made space for jam. He slowly made his way to Seth clearly cautious but also very hungry still. The yellow fuzz stopped in front of Seth and looked from the spoon to Seth then back.
He was clearly showing what he wanted from the other trainer with zero use of words. It was curious how he didn't, but misty would look past that considering he was basically begging right now.

Seth's eyes widened as the bulge in Jaden's backpack started to squirm, then poked its yellow head out of the top of the zipper. It was a Pikachu! And from the way he was looking at the jam in Seth's hand, he was very hungry. "Okay, one second then," Seth said as he reached back into the backpack, pulled out a slice of bread, and spread some of the jam on top. Once that was done, he held the jellied bread out toward the Pikachu. "Go on," he said, "You can have it."

Pikachu twitched his ears and watched as Seth grabbed some bread and smeared the jam on. He tilted his head and looked up at Seth. He then looked back at the bread...a hint of distrust shot through those beady green eyes as if he expected Seth to try to grab him..or hit him. His ears swivled down as he reached at the bread then grabbed it with small racoon like paws. He then held the bread a moment before looking up at Seth again. Large ears swung back up and he actually shot a small smile at Seth before chowing down on the bread with enthusiasm.

As Jaden got himself back into sorts, Maximillian nodded towards Seth, his expression once more calm and gentle, a warm smile on his face.
”I’m very glad that you feel this way and . . . well, seems we may have run into a bit of a pickle.” The Alakazam turned to towards the direction of the coming law enforcement officers, eyes gleaming somewhat as he heard the announcement, clearly sensing the tension and anxiety in the air. Jaden watched them carefully, worried of what the Alakazam might do in this situation. While he may seem cool and collected, Jaden had seem more than enough of Maximillian’s otherside to know that, if a fight broke out, he’d be the the first one to enter and the last one to leave.

Seth glanced at Maximillian distrustfully, but soon turned his attention back to Jaden. “Alright, easy does it, take it slow for bit…” he said as he put the jam away and helped the other boy up. Then he turned his attention back toward the Lodge and the apparent pickle. The first things that caught his eye were the flashing lights that signified the police. Perhaps someone had grown a conscious after all.
“Possibly. If the police are there for the Club, they might shut down and shove off before we can get to wherever it is…” he said with growing concern. "Wait, look over there! Isn't that...?" He pointed with a finger just over the road, where another van was starting to pull off and away- leaving a lone man desperately trying to keep up on a skateboard and falling ever behind despite his efforts.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Route 1


The tackle the Yungoos aimed at Larvitar never reached it goal as Meintja leaped towards her and with a scratch throw her off balance. She skidded a bit, the claws have ripped the hoodie she was wearing and beneath it the skin was cut, a bit of blood visible. "Tch, fine stay a stupid pet, such a waste of a cutie. "

Zigzagoon on the other hand was having a really bad day, instead of hitting him in the knee like he planned, the ground type instead managed to barely sidestep him and use the movement to kick him. The kick landed in the same place previously the bite did. And that hurt him a lot, thougth he was kicked into a tree it was the better option, his puffy fur some bit easing the hit. If the scratch had landed he would have fainted, like this he was barely hanging on. Any type of hit would knock him out now. So he decided to growl as loudly as he could, affecting both of the pokemon they were fighting, to at the very least help his partner. They used the only oran berry they had already.

On the other side the yungoos switched to her smaller size and jumped head on towards the fire type in the air. With that movement avoiding the ground type attempt of tackling her for a hair. Her own tackle on Meitja was quite strong, showing Meintja that the yungoos was not a complete noob. And while in air neither was unable to maneuver out the way, until they land on the ground again.

Rasa was happy to see Meitja helping Thore out, though when he all but throw her in the air, was quite a surprise. The trainer was too late to stop the tackle from hitting her pokemon. Calling instead. "Contra it with a scratch of your own!" Rasa looked back towards Thore. "Keiser, finish the Zigzagoon behind you with a bite! Stop him from growling any more."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiser Van Deathclaw


The yangoose seemed to play nicely into his plan to focus its attention on one of them and need to make a choice. It chose to leap inti the air, meaning it would not be able to dodge again, with him below and Meintja above, the Yangoose would be pinned as the Zigzagoon was to far away to prove proper assistance. Yet a gnawing voice told him to go for the Zigzagoon.... It was Just growling... Although it was distraction he doubted it would come back...

He grunted, his thoughts was not in sync with Rasas at all... A shut of his eyes, followed by a snort... And then suddenly. He turned tail and charged towards the tree deeply hoping not to regret missing the opportunity to strike... Changing form to Pokémon he pounced for the bite on His opponent, it was the only attack move he knew after all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Meinjta let out a cry as Kaiser all but blasted her into space, she twisted, so she could see just what the hell was going on. Spreading her arms and legs, she caught the air around her, slowing her fall as she quickly tried to assess just what she needed to do. For one blessed, sweet moment, Meinjta could almost feel what it would like to fly, and her heart ached for the no doubt far away evolution of her final form, Charizard.

She turned her gaze towards yungoos, she aimed a scratch at the on coming pokemon, trying to use the force at which she was falling to add more power to the attack, shifting her body ever so slwoly to be able to land smoothly, hopefully without breaking something. Cursing Kaisers actions, without telling her so she could prepare, Meinjta just hoped with all her heart that this wasn't going to hurt.

"Hey, Goosy, break my fall and you might just get a kiss" She yelled at the pokemon, flashing him a quick, sassy smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 9 days ago

Jaden Locke

Jaden eyes turned to the Pikachu as it wiggled it's way out of his bag, barely noting it's apparent feast upon his rations as he lifted himself off the ground, rubbing his head as the pain dissipated. As Seth drew his attention to what appeared to be a club member making their way down the road on a skateboard, Jaden felt his anger take hold of him again. If those thugs thing they could take V and get away with it . . . He made to run after the cretin, but the sudden movement caused his head to flare up in pain once more, causing him to almost fall to the ground. Glaring after the retreating figure, he turned to Seth, fist tightening as he realized he had to reel himself in for this one.

"Seth, what do you think we should do. . . if we catch the guy, maybe we could get him to tell us where the base is. . . but I doubt either of us could really do anything to make him talk." In his mind, a voice poked at him about someone who could certainly do that, but he ignored it. It likely didn't even come of his own volition to begin with, and the sudden increase in his headache served to affirm that feeling. [color-Ivory]"But the only other option would be to follow him, but we don't have any modes of transportation that could let us easily stay with him, especially me with this blasted headache."[/color] Jaden clenched his teeth, watching the skater get further and further. If Seth didn't respond soon, then he'd just start chasing after the guy, though he'd do his best to remain out of sight, as well asreturning Jacqueline and Azzie to their pokeballs.

As he ran, he suddenly felt the weight on his brain lighten and he'd offer only a momentary glance towards Max, who merely waved him off with a wry smile, before continuing on is way, confident he'd be able to either catch-up or keep pace with the skater now, but not sure which plan he'd stick to at the moment. While he could catch the guy, the problem of his own nature led him to wonder if he could get anything from him that way, but while he was a good runner, he also doubted he'd be able to keep pace forever with the skater, and depending on how far away their base was, he could very well end up loosing them long before then.

@Saltwater Thief
@Holy Soldier
@Feisty-Pants Hold on tight, Vix, I'm coming for you!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As Gredy's ball touched Weedle, Weedle felt himself be whisked away in a warm glow to a dark stasis that he found oddly comforting. He could feel his wounds stabilizing somewhat, and an overwhelming sense of trust for Gredy, the man who was now his trainer. Gredy had saved him, and in a way, Weedle saw Gredy as his white knight in shining armor. I'm going to be strong someday, Weedle thought to himself, Someday, I'm going to be a knight!

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

Member Seen 37 min ago


Shinx released the watch and braced himself for another threat as the bat glared at him with great intensity. Much to his relief however no such threat came to be, although part of the answer he received instead stuck with him. She nicked it off of a human? What's that supposed to mean? This Noibat was starting to seem more and more dangerous the longer Shinx hung around her, but what was he to do? If he just suddenly ran not only would it be awkward, he'd just be cementing his own weakness and fears, but if he decided to stick around he ran the risk of getting beat up by an annoyed and dangerous bat. Neither option was ideal but Shinx had to make a choice.

His internal debate was cut off by the Noibat herself announcing her own intentions to leave. She'd brought up the idea of training himself against caterpie in order to 'toughen up'. What perfect timing! Not only was it a perfect excuse to leave the situation, but it was a good way for Shinx to try and overcome his own weakness. I am NOT pathetic! he thought to himself, slightly mad at the idea of him getting beat by caterpie. "I don't think I got any more... I kinda need to get going too, So see ya!" With that Shinx turned and shifted into pokemon form before taking off into the forest with newfound motivation.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Route 1


Zigzagoon yelped as the ground type suddenly turned towards him not letting him alone. He tried to escape and avoid the larvitar, but his sides hurt and reacting slower the menacing pokemon was on top of him. A strong jaw biting on his back, the teeth sinking through the fur and into his spine. Zigzagoon cried out and the following moment darkness claimed as he fainted becoming limp in Thores jaws. One opponent down.

As the yungoos tackled Meintja returned with a scratch it was a strong hit as gravity aided her. Scratch marks were now gleaming on her back. Both of them falling down. "Dont mock me." She called out to the fire type words, getting more irritated, barely orienting herself to land on the ground and roll away from the red head. The fall on itself hurt, but it wasnt too bad. The yungoos saw that her partner was defeated, and the more logical part of her told her to take out the weakened ground type, he was fighting longer, he was exposed to more growls but... she was just so irritated at Meintja that she wanted her fainted and on her own mercy. "Going to make you beg!"

So that was what she did. The yungoos tackled Meintja once more this time though she shifted to her bigger form as she ran proving that she was quite fast and she was aiming for the tail. The fire on the tip of the tail, her goal.

Rasa watched with pride as Kaiser turned around and went for the Zigzagoon. One bite was all it took before the pokemon fainted. "Great job Kaiser!" Now there was no chance that pokemon would attack her team from behind or keep on growling. She would have ordered him to use leers and lower the other pokemon defence while she was this focused on Meintja, but seeing how the fight went she opted to go for a more aggressive strategy hoping it would be easier for Thore to follow it. And did yungoos focused on Meintja, so much so that the wild pokemon was going for the flame on her tail. Rasa heard the flame was the life of this type of pokemon but had not yet had the chance to confirm if this was true or a rumor. Better not risking it. "Meintja roll backwards towards Thore!" Rasa really hoped she was agile enough to do it. "Kaiser use bite and hold that yungoos in place!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiser Van Deathclaw


It was over in a near instant, crossing the field and pouncing the opponent whose injuries was too much for it to be able to avoid him. It was with a vicious sanctification that his mouth encased the back of his opponent and then as the taste of iron as he bit down upon it. His Jaws shut close, and soon the opponent ceased to move. No more would it wiggle, no more would it struggle... it had fallen. Kaiser let go of the Zigzagoon and only looked to the body on the ground as he realized it was his first taste of true victory. He reveled in the moment, breathed the feeling inside and then as he let out his breath he felt nothing but pride. He had wonm the battle might not be finished yet, but one of his opponents laid by his feet, now only the other two remained.

His senses calmed, his breathing slowed and as he lifted his head to watch the others battle only a few thoughts crossed his mind. Who was this Rasa?... Who was Meintja?... and why did they accompany him now?... the Zigzagoon might not be dead, but it was no longer a threat in this battle, however Both the Yangoose and the Charmander remained, two possible opponents. He felt tired, this battle had taken a lot out of him already and he didn't quite feel to be in a rush to continue... The Charmander might have arrived at an opportune time to even the odds against the Yangoose, yet now the odds had changed and thus Thore didn't feel any obligations to intervene in their duel.

He glanced to the Zangoose, his left arm remained idly by his side, yet his right touched his own forehead in a silent salute to his opponent before he swung it out to the right in the air. "Tar I Tar. Lar-vitar..." 'I have vanquished. The enemy'... he said before turning around and walking the other way, away from the battle. Away from Rasa and along the road... he didn't seem to really care about the direction either.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Bright_Ops@Stern Algorithm

Dante sucked his thumb and quietly watched as Gredy captured the injured Weedle. He couldn’t believe that such a pathetic Pokemon was bullied, but then again, the pidgeys were always so aggressive and bossy. Weedle was lucky not to be eaten. Dante hadn’t been wild when he was with his old trainer—whose name he wanted to forget—so he knew that if Gredy got the Weedle to the Pokemon Center, then he would be all right. Lowering his thumb, Dante peered up at Gredy and asked, “What are you gonna name him?”

It seemed abrupt and too soon of a question, but Dante assumed that Gredy had just caught another Pokemon for his collection. Well…maybe not another, he and Gredy were just “friends.”

“He looked weak. I think that’s why they picked on him,” he observed, but he was one to talk. He didn’t deal with conflict any better. The only difference between them was that his fear made him more violent. He became afraid to get hurt and to be hurt. He then glanced down at his shirt, staring at the footprint where his previous trainer had kicked him.

Frowning, he asked, “Do you think I need to go to the Pokemon Center too?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 9 days ago


Well, glad he knows how to take a hint. Noting the other kid's flight into the underbrush, she took a moment to stretch and clean herself up a bit. After that, she started to make her way back to Viridian City, once more feeling a bit irritable about everything that had happened to her in the past few days. Her thoughts were disturbed, however, by the sounds of fighting going on nearby. Too curious for her own good, she glided on over to a nearby tree overlooking a battle, one involving a pair of familiar faces. Well, ain't this convinent. Noibat had swung around what looked like the beginning of the fight, watching how things played out without interfering so that she could get a feel of everyone's competence. The judgmental charmander bitch was okay, but nothing to run home about, while the other one that the trainer had caught earlier seemed to be a real fighter, but also a bit of a lonewolf with how he decided to just march off, much to Noibat's amusement.

That was dropped soon, however, as she turned her attention back to the charmander and her little lover's quarrel, only to not with some shock that her opponent, some sort of weasel or something, was going for their tail. Noibat wasn't any stranger to the rumors about Charmander tails and how important they were, and she doubted that the weasel was any different. The thought that this bitch thought she could try and kill another pokemon, or endanger their life in some way, pissed the small bat-dragon right the hell off. She may not like the Charmander, but she wasn't about to set back and let her get killed off if she could do something about it.

With that in mind, Noibat launched herself out of the tree, zipping forward with a bit of a flip as she transformed into her human form in order to give a Tackle-infused kick to the Yungoose's face from the side with both of her feet.This would hopefully send them flying while Noibat turned into her pokemon form to avoid flying along with them, flapping her wings a bit to slow herself down and land between the Yungooze and Meintja.

"Now look here you weasel-faced bitch, only one who gets to kick the shit out of this Red-head is me until I don't feel like pounding their face in anymore. Until then, don't get to thinkin' about tryin' to off her like that, or else I'm going to give you another taste of my boot! Now then, run along like a good little weasel, okay? Your buddy's out and you should probably get him some berries or somethin', lest you want to get caught by that trainer over there?" Noibat crossed her arms while taking a cock-sure pose, tilting her head towards Rasa with a bit-shit-eating grin on her face as if to say 'What're you gonna do now, bitch!'


((Bit of a meh post, but Noibat/Grazia's back from her moping. WOO!))
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

A lot seemed to happen at once, and Meinjta found herself being attacked, perhaps the only weak part of her anatomy being under attack, the flame on her tail. Meinjta took pains to always protect her tail, the flame was her life, essentially and Meinjta snarled, rolling backward at Rasa's command, rising to see that the Noibat, Grazia, actually defending her. Amused she said "Ah, Grazia. Careful, or one might think you actually cared" Shaking herself to get the dirt off of her, and watching Kaiser walking off, frowning, bbutt she did havvve more pressing matters to deal with.

Turning to the Yungoss, she chuckled. "Why, goosy, I might just make you beg" She gave the other pokemon a bunny eared kiss-kiss, making a peace sign with her fingers, slightly curled over and blowing a kiss towards her opponent.

The sassy pokemon laughed, keeping her tail close to her just in case.

Without waiting for a command, Meinjta charged towards the pokemon, watching incase Yunagoss leaped away, ready to follow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Route 1


The moment that happened was one of the most intense and the biggest emotional roller coaster Rasa ever experienced. In one and the same moment the trainer feared for her pokemon life, trusting her team and the pokemon to protect each other. Disappointment and a wave of panic washed over her as instead of assisting his teammate Thore started to walk away not carrying, leaving Meintja to her fate.


Rasa hand went into h0er bag fingers reaching for the right object. As her eyes were glued to the scene in front of her.

She couldnt do anything as a trainer, helplessly reduced to watch Meintja starting to roll away, but knowing it wouldnt enough to fully avoid the blunt. Yet something else happened than the absolute worst thing. Grazia happened. The amount of gratitude Rasa felt and happiness was over flemming. She wanted to hug and snuggle the life out of the dragon in thanks.

Out of nowhere the purple bundle came swooping in, and gracious like last night she transformed mid air and kicked the wild pokemon out the way. Making the blond girl skidd away but she managing to stay on her feet, instead now shaking her head to clear it up from the tackle.

Rasa fingers found the object and pulled it out, a pokeball. Thores pokeball.From the corner of the eye she could see where he was. Aiming the balls she wordlessly called him back. The light burst out like a snake and attached itself to him. Enveloping in seconds and pulling him back inside the pokeball. She will have a talk with him once this is dealt with. She was vastly disappointed in him and will show it to him. That she awaited something more from the brave natured fighter.

What no one noticed during the mess was that a rattata poked his head out of tall grass right where the fainted zigzagoon was left. The rattata bite into the tail and silently and surprisingly fast dragged the Zigzagoon into the grass and out of everyone view.

Grazia was talking, telling the wild to run. Rasa doubted that would work. ...lets you want to get caught by that trainer over there?" Rasa blinked at that.

"Eh?" Was her intelligent response to that. She was about to say thank you, or tell Meintja that Grazia wasnt all that bad. She just proved she carried enough to protect her teammate. But the idea of actually catching that yungoos was just so weird to Rasa that it made her confused. Why would she caught her? She only had one pokeball left and a normal type was not a good fit for what she had... plus she already felt like she had hands full with the current team. She definitely didnt want to make her life even harder.

Rasa was saved from responding and snapped to the fight at hand, as Meintja decided to go for another scratch. Rasa took a breath in it. The faster it was over the better. "Grazia, use tackle to cut her way of escaping... and thanks." Rasa smiled at her trying to show she valued the decision to help even if Rasa was sure her free time was not over yet.

She should have stayed asleep. The yungoos was thinking to herself after her attack failed because of yet another pokemon tackle kicking her away. She didnt await that, how many stupid pokemon did the trainer had? Apparently more than she firstly awaited. One easy peasy, two she could do it. Three was a bit too much for her. Shaking her head she payed little attention to the bat. Eyes looking around the field. At least some idiots were useful she thought, as she noticed her Zig friend was not in the view.
She licked her lips, the ground type was nowhere in sight either, so the trainer called that one back to have a fresh pokemon to fight. She herself felt tired.

"Why, goosy, I might just make you beg"

She snorted as the fire type words, seeing her rushing towards her. "Would like to see you do. Maybe ask your deformed Zubat lover to save your skin again when you fail.~" The Yungoos girl used leer, glancing with a teasing smirk at both of the trainer pokemon. She attempting to avoid the scratch by jumping towards the left. She didnt manage to get fully out the way and felt her leg getting scratched. She didnt look all that good. Her breathing was getting louder.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
Avatar of Iatos

Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiser Thore Van Deathclaw


He felt content as he walked off into the unknown, he didn't feel happy... nor did he feel sad. In one way it was curiousity that brought him to move on, another was because his battle had ended the moment he defeated the Zigzagoon and now he was going to seek a new one. He didn't look back, and didn't even notice that Grazia arrived. He didn't hear the words of Rasa any longer, and for a moment he missed that feeling of having someone behind him, it was a strange new feeling to have someone watch his back, even if this person had said strange things he didn't quite understand, even if it cheered for him and told him to show off his skills... wanting to see his bite on one opponent and been very happy when he did so, it was strange... he didn't dislike it.

Yet he pressed onward, freedom... and an ever expanding world laid at this feet. He didn't know where his path would lead, and he wanted to find out he wanted to keep going a while, then perhaps rest, eat.... and then find a new opponent. It felt like a quite good cycle to him... and then as he grew stronger he could challange more and more opponents. One had been enough for not, he was weary from battle... yet he could feel that he had grown stronger from it even if just slightly.

He walked, minding his own... and suddenly, ever so suddenly.... he felt something hit him... a strange red light that encased him... forcing him to stop... forcing him to follow. It was like a chain suddenly had been throw around his body, and someone was yanking at the other end for him to follow it. In an instant as his gaze turned towards it, wanting to see what it was that made it... what had done this to him... With widened eyes he saw.... Rasa.

It was Rasa.

The few seconds it took for some turned into an eternity for the Larvitar.

He felt a sharp pain as he came to realize that the Dagger in his back belonged to Rasa, that she was the one Yanking on the chain trying to force him to follow. As he were forced into the void his entire world crumbled around him, the last he saw was Rasa's dissatisfied expression as he was pulled back into his prison.

It was painful... so ever painful, it hurt... hurt so bad. The Dagger was there, he had been stabbed in the back by Rasa.

The trust he had felt for her, however how small was now Betrayed. It was a sharp sting to him as everything suddenly started making sense.
Rasa was not something friendly... she was His Warden, and he... her prissoner. It was not cheering she had given him, not wishes of performance of abilities... it was commands, commands that she expected him to follow.

To her he was a Slave... a possession, a Item to be used and discarded as she saw fit... and She expected him to go along with it.

This Void was his prisson, and Rasa was the one causing it.

The corners of Thore's eyes grew wet, and soon wetness streamed down them and with it even further pain. The Pain of Betrayal, the Pain of realization... The pain... oh the Pain.

It hurts...

Kaiser was Crushed,Split and torn... Ravaged and pieced together once more...

His body quivered, Quivered with pain as the ground below him grew wet from the tears that fell. Such was his pain, the Pain of Rasa's betrayal... The pain of the Larvitar's realization.


His breathing picked up after a while of sniffing and sobbing... the pain fueling him... he bit down... gritted his paws... and then his blood boiled...

Anger, Wrath... Hatred.

Rasa would pay... Pay for what she had done, Pay for her Betrayal... Pay for his captivity.

He was Furious, and he channeled all that wrath towards Rasa... She Restricted his freedom, she restricted his choice... She was the enemy, She was the one needing to be defeated.

His Mind was set, His emotions hardened... his Resolve renewed.

He Might have been Bent... But he was Far from Broken.

He would Fight...

He would not give in... Not Yield, not Surrender.

He would Shatter the chains, Break bonds, Brake Body and Bones...

He would Fight her with all he had, Until his body was broken, until his soul was shattered...

He would Fight

He would Fight...

Until he Died.

If the world outside was dramatic, it would probably have ressulted so that one could see how the Ball in Rasa's hand exploded with Kaisers anger as he channeled all he had to break free once more, not caring if he was tired... or if he was wounded... he came out of his Pokébal, Spun around until his eyes landed on Rasa... then his eyes would narrow, Before He went on the Attack! without hesitation. "TAR! he roared mightly as he leaped up to bite her, to fight her... and if needed too... end her.
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