Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lol. I've played a DH psyker recently. Blew myself up too, but survived. A couple of Dark Eldar nearby didn't.

But I do agree that I'm getting an uber-powerful vibe from our ork. I don't mind a powerful character, but I do want it to be logical for what he would be capable of.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 8 days ago

Since everyone else is throwing their two pence into the fray, is it not technically true that Gork and Mork still watch over the crazy Shaman-Sorcerer to stop him being too crazy? Because if it is, and he's still got the gestalt field bending to his beliefs somewhat, it's perhaps plausible that his own belief in their protection is what's actually protecting him from most negative side effects of being a sorcerous heretic, thus reinforcing his faith in their protection. Certainly, he's very powerful as a character, but in my mind, you don't hit Mary Sue levels of characterisation unless their abilities in whatever form (be it powers, social skill/status, intellect, etc.) aren't justified, and the justification I just provided seems quite reasonable for the time being. (Though a threat sufficient to fight evenly with him despite his power would also be appropriate at some point. Really, psykers in general have major advantages over non-psykers, so.)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Hank Are you ok if I have Xeph "negotiates" his way into one of your parked shuttles? It would be a method to follow the rogue trader group. If you don't feel that's possible or appropriate for a techmarine, then I can make another entry.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Necroes
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Necroes Dice Lord

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Well, if everyone absolutely must know, and wants to spoil the surprise, the true source of Urgruggs unique abilities lay within his very DNA. I can elaborate, but again, that would be telling.

As far as bad things not happening when he uses psyker abilities... that's exactly why I asked @Jbcool what source we're using to take precedence. Like I've mentioned, a great deal of what I know about the setting comes from the tabletop game and the associated codexes. Generally speaking, the only time anything bad happens to a psyker while manifesting is if he draws on too much power to cast a spell. Both spells he's used are relatively easy to cast, with a very low chance of anything bad happening. I've never used any system where psykers had potential to cause other issues. Going forward, I can work that in, but from what I can find it's generally not common, and most of the side effects are largely irrelevant. Creepy, sure, but they'd have no real impact on what occurs.

In the context of the setting, nothing bad has happened to him because he's a powerful, experienced, and largely unchallenged psyker attempting to use spells he's cast hundreds of times before. The important thing to keep in mind about him is that he's more like a chaos sorcerer than he is anything. He no longer has a connection to the Waaagh, he's just a powerful psyker who's made deals with any number of daemons to increase his powers further. Psykers manifest powers all the time, with generally little issue, so long as they have proper training. That's how astropaths are able to use their powers to reliably guide people through the warp, and how librarians or the like, despite useing psyker abilities on a very frequent basis, live for hundreds to thousands of years.

To put it in a more meta perspective:
He's the only psyker in the group. We're facing the imperium, tyranids, other chaos factions, and apparently even eldar. Urgrugg isn't meant to be so much a marry-sue who's just better than everyone else, so much as he's an easily manipulated tool who just wants to please his gods... by fighting. His defining attribute as a character is that he represents a great deal of power to anyone who can control him. Yes, compared to others in the group, he's on a different level in terms of potential for raw destruction, but that's just because he'll have to stand as their only defense against things with similar powers. To quote a favorite novel, 'If they're doing their job right, you'll never know that a wizard took part in a battle. However, when one side waivers, the enemy will know pain like no other.'
Really, @BCTheEntity had it right. Psykers, in general, are just more powerful when compared to non-psyker equivalents. From an in-universe perspective, the only thing that gives others a chance against them is technology, and surprise.
Though, to be fair, killing him would be a simple matter of sneaking up behind him and blowing his head off with a melta gun. Any given power weapon with a blade could also be used, just take his head off with a good, swift swing and don't put it back on.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Anataros the Wanderer

Gender: Mentally Male

Age: Technically, over 100.000 years old.

Faction/Race/Species: Necron

Sub-Faction: Outcast

Rank/Position: Previously a high-ranking Commander

Mental and Physical Traits:

[Necron Physiology]
Far superior to the crudely altered designs of the Astartes, the Wanderer is outfitted with a body fit for a low-ranking Necron Lord, given to him in exchange for his years of loyal service and prowess on the battlefield. It is in fact this advanced body that has allowed him to retain his personality. It also grants him vastly superhuman speed and strength, immense durability, large stature greater even than that of an Adeptus Astartes, and the ability to regenerate from seemingly fatal wounds. He is a machine, caring not for the fragile needs of mortals. Things such as poison, the vacuum of space, starvation and age do nothing to him. He is untiring and relentless, feeling no pain and little to no remorse.

[Master of War]
Long before the Emperor of Man first created his Thunder Warriors and when the Eldar were young, the Necron tore across the skies in great battlefleets to do battle with Gods. The flames of war raged across the galaxy in a conflict compared to which the Long War of the modern era is but a small skirmish. Such is the fire within which Anataros' battle prowess were forged, and in the centuries since his awakening he has practiced often, shaking off an eternity of rust. He is a master at both personal combat, battlefield tactics and large-scale strategy, although many of his skills are dependent on Necron technologies.

[Madness of the Great Slumber]
Left to dream for an eternity, the Necron were drawn into madness by their self-imposed exile. Many lost much of their personality, their being, turning into little more than mindless puppets. Luckily the Wanderer got a much better deal: he has more personalities than he started with! That is a better deal, right? He finds himself with conflicting sets of memories, and has occasionally been known to forget what time he's in, who he's fighting, and even what species he is. This ever-changing personality is the result of a hundred lifetimes of living coupled with severe brain damage, and may perhaps be a symptom of the madness that will one day claim him. However,

An inhumanly tall figure clad in several layers of dingy brown robes. Below the deep cowl grey 'skin' can be seen, but it's difficult to make out any defining features. He wears an odd amulet of unknown design, strange black metal encased in the skull of a humanoid from an unknown xenos species. On his back he wears what appears to be a glaive of alien design, wrapped in tattered pieces of brown cloth and hung with trophies from defeated opponents. This strange figure moves with a certain inhuman grace, an efficiency of motion reliant upon a system of joints and 'muscles' entirely different from traditional human physiology.

Necron Warscythe - a lethal bladed weapon that uses multi-dimensional phasing technology to cut through most armour like butter. Due to it's nature it is able to completely ignore force-fields like the one projected by the Iron Halo.

Shadow Ankh - A miniaturised Gloom Prison, this small amulet-like device projects an anti-warp field. Those who move too close to Anataros are forcefully seperated from the Warp. Psykers will have a much harder time calling on their powers, Daemon will find themselves weakened, and Psyker powers have less effect on Anataros himself.

What appears to be a yoyo with an Eldar face painted on it. Referred to as 'the Eldar' on a frequent basis.

A forgotten dynasty, Anataros' people were doomed to destruction from the moment of their slumber. The Nekthyst forced them to use a location near a star doomed to explode, and the resulting red dwarf expansion event eliminated most of the inactive Necron a mere 38.000.000 years later, more than halfway through the Great Sleep. Left without a leader and heavily damaged, a few moons remained, now managing to maintain a semi-steady orbit around the resulting white dwarf. A solid 13 milion years later the exposed moons were discovered by the Eldar, who sought to swiftly eliminate the Tomb World and it's inhabitants. The moon Anataros was interred in began the awakening process as it's defenders were swiftly eliminated, but it would take far too long to awaken any significant portion of the Necron Warriors, and those that did awaken were slow, confused, and without structure. Anataros himself was awakened more swiftly than most, and did so in a state of confusion, not knowing who or where he was. All he had were memories of the Eldar dying before his blade, and these new visions of those same space elves slaughtering his allies. Unable to fight off the invasion force by himself and in no state of mind to take command of his barely awakened forces, Anataros fled from the moon using a Dolmen Gate. Even as the Eldar deployed en masse he slipped past them using their own Webway system.

For a long time after, Anataros sought nothing more than to return to his slumber. He wanted nothing of this reality, and those memories that he did regain filled him with nothing but dread. He had been reborn into an alien and hostile universe, and longed for the quiet comfort of his dreamless sleep. Many times did he find a secluded spot to go to sleep, simply stopping where he stood and waiting for thousands of years on end. Even though he could not return to the deep stasis brought to him by the Tomb World's systems, he could approximate it, a 'sleep mode' of sorts. Unfortunately he was constantly disturbed. It might take a thousand years before his silent and unmoving form was found, and a hundred more before he noticed and awoke, but every time he was discovered. He was worshiped by ancient tribal peoples, studied in the labs of up-and-coming xenos empires, and on occasion eaten by some large predator that had mistaken him for a tasty treat. Eventually he began to talk to himself, starting with snide remarks regarding his situation and ending with extensive and elaborate conversations on a variety of topics.

As time passed and memories resurfaced regardless of Antaron's wishes he gave up on his dream of sleep. Or at least some of him did, because at this point there was more than one mind in charge of his decisions. He often argues with his own perceived self, having created a variety of imaginary entities that he constantly refers to. Wandering across the universe his experience became ever odder. Once he was an angelic being from an ancient prophecy, and lead a species of desert-dwelling slug people to victory over their psychic oppressors. On another occasion he crash-landed on a world of sentient micro-organisms and entire civilisations that had never conceived of any being more than a millimeter in length, spending over a hundred years just learning to communicate with them. He fought in the Horus Heresy and saw the Eye of Terror. Events that he recalls with varying levels of clarity (and often varying viewpoints). According to some recountings he's even been on Terra, long before the time of the Emperor. While the other Necron Tomb Worlds have finally also started to awaken, he barely finds any common ground with them anymore, considering the amount of things he's been in his considerable lifespan. Other Necron recognize his insanity and his odd mindset, often avoiding him or straight-up kicking him off their planets.

Now he finds himself somehow embroiled in his conflict after so many others, quite probably for reasons he barely understands himself. But he's learned to roll with it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 10 days ago

@Necroes i hope you don't feel attacked with what i wrote.

And the dark heresy comparrison isn't 100% either, since during the releases, they changed their psyker system.
So you're probably going more with the later systems.

Where there are 3 ways to cast a power.

Normal. With the psykers normal psy rating. There is a chance that a phenomena happens.

Half. With half the psy rating, the power is weaker but there is no chance of phenomena.

Push. Double psy rating, dang powerful. Phenomena happens automatically!

Which is closer to the tabletop. And kinda closer to how it works in lore. I just dislike the system for other reasons. Not related to this RP.
So going with that system, the power was more akin to sending an invitation to the deamons in question, not summoning them in the classic sense.
Combined with the psyker being very powerful, he could do it with a Half. Since he's powerful, used to the power in question and the deamons stand for a lot of the energy in this case.
So i'm fine with this.

Although, technically, you are not the only psyker. True, the only psyker in the group. But i might join in later! >:D
(Depending on how much NOPE the characters feel about my character.)
However in a vs firefight my guy is kinda boned :P
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

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@Necroes@Klomster To wit, it does bear mentioning that, at least regarding Imperial psykers, a talent exists called Rite of Sanctioning, representing exactly what it sounds like, that essentially grants the bearer the ability to pick one Psychic Phenomena to suffer from in place of whatever they initially rolled, as long as they didn't roll Perils of the Warp. Even then, manifesting a Peril is 75+ on a 1d100... which is a 1-in-4 chance of a Peril instead if you get the Phenomenon, admittedly, but having three out of four rolls on that chart automatically result in a comparatively harmless effect is better than nothing, and if you roll at Unfettered strength, you still only get a Phenomenon if you roll doubles, i.e. about 10% chance to get a Phenomenon.

That said, it ought to be the case that a xeno psyker of equivalent skill to a Sanctioned Psyker is more than capable of doing a similar thing, essentially apeing the Rite of Sanctioning feat in a sense. So, if Urgrugg does manifest a Psychic Phenomenon, it could well be something minor consistently, such as all noises echoing bizarrely for a few seconds, or a faint breeze blowing past everybody and briefly making them feel like doom is about to befall them. On the other hand, if he manifests a Peril, he rolls the same as everybody else, whatever might happen.

(Oh also Pushing a psychic power only grants +3 Psy rating, not double Psy rating. So you know, Klomster.)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jb
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Jb Because we're here lad

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You may create a character from more-or-less any sentient and independent-minded race (no Tyranids or Necrons therefore!)

Faction/Race/Species: Necron

Character not accepted, good profile though, just not for this RP.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jb
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Member Seen 20 days ago

Though, to be fair, killing him would be a simple matter of sneaking up behind him and blowing his head off with a melta gun. Any given power weapon with a blade could also be used, just take his head off with a good, swift swing and don't put it back on.

I'll accept your explanation(s), although I fail to see how that would happen, he'd already burnt a group of armed assailants to a crisp with no effort. Yet, if you say that's how it goes down, then that's fine with me. I'll just need to get the Grey Knights in later.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Open invitation for anybody to run into Xeph. Otherwise, I will find some trouble in my next post.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necroes
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Necroes Dice Lord

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Klomster I don't feel attacked. I just like making myself clear.

<Snipped quote>

I'll accept your explanation(s), although I fail to see how that would happen, he'd already burnt a group of armed assailants to a crisp with no effort. Yet, if you say that's how it goes down, then that's fine with me. I'll just need to get the Grey Knights in later.

Don't overestimate his abilities. Murdering a bunch of idiot mercenaries who had shown open hostility towards him the entire time they'd interacted with him, after hearing them receive orders to capture him, is one thing. Reacting to immediate and overwhelming force without any warning, that'd more than do it.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sophrus
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want a giant retarded intelligent ogryn with yah?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Sophrus I have to say I have never interacted with an ogryn, so, sure. I'm also hoping we run into the Rigged Fortune fools... I mean traders. Perhaps some noise would draw their attention.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sophrus
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sounds good, He has a thing for space marines so you will make fast friends with him lol.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necroes
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Necroes Dice Lord

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

It looks like the last ones to post are @DepressedSoviet and @Hank. Neither of whom have posted in over a week, either IC or OOC.

Anyone heard from them, by chance?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Guys, need you to post something before you get murdered by bugs.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 11 hrs ago

Had to prioritise which roleplays I posted in this week. Now it's the weekend again and I suspect I won't have time to post until next week, but I'll try to find some time.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jb
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I sent a PM to Soviet, if he doesn't reply in a day or so, we'll just get him eaten.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


He is an Imp guard. He had to know that this was going to happen sooner or later.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jb
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Jb Because we're here lad

Member Seen 20 days ago

@Bright_Ops That's very true, and a Penal Legionnaire...so doubly damned.
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