Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Blazing with intense heat, the twin suns of Tatooine, Tatoo I and Tatoo II, radiated from above Mos Shuuta. Situated on the top of a tall, rocky bluff, Mos Shuuta has nothing but endless desert in every direction around it. This city is run by Teemo the Hutt, a Cartel gangster, and not a Hutt to be trifled with, and thanks to one slimy double-crossing Trandoshan, an unlucky Mandalorian bounty huntress, did just that.

Narrowly escaping the Hutt's servants and henchmen, Ruusaan Kyr shot out of Teemo's Palace with her unlikely allies: Sektor the hunter, Arla Sion the slave, and Cor the smuggler. The temperature was testing the limits of her armor's environmental controls, but that was the least of Kyr's worries. She ran through the streets outside the palace with adrenaline rush giving her a boost and amazing time for a woman in full kit and armor.

"Utinni" a Jawa cried as Ruusaan shoved it out of her path. It was a matter of time before Teemo the Hutt's Gamorrean goons would catch up with the rouges, and Kyr wouldn't last sprinting at full speed much longer. "To the cantina," she cried. Spotting the cantina, Ruusaan seized the opportunity to hide before their enemy arrives. The Mandalorian huntress stepped down a short flight of stairs into the cantina's shadowy common room, the cool air a blessed relief from the scorching heat of Tatooine. Removing her helmet allowing her sweat-drenched blond hair to air-dry, Ruusaan took the moment of relaxation to catch her breath. Ignoring the fact she didn't look her best, the huntress scanned the inside of the establishment.

A Devaronian bartender paused in his chores to stare at the newcomers, particularly at Ruusaan, his devilish features intimidating. The huntress responded with a glare. On a stage on the far wall, a Twi'lek woman danced to recorded music, a familiar galactic hit. Private booths lined the walls, and the cantina floor is scattered with tables and chairs. Patrons gambled, squabbled, and laughed with one another. A few patrons turned from their seats to stare at the group. Ruusaan was receiving much attention from the male patrons, which continued to piss her off. The only other exit she could see from the room is what looks like to be a storage closet in the corner and a doorway behind the Twi'lek dancer. The arched roof above is supported by thick, heavy struts.

Ruusaan knew they only had a few moments to find a hiding place before Teemo's thugs arrive. What does one do in this situation? She walked over to the bartender and sat down at the bar as if nothing was wrong, because only a madwoman would do that. "Water, please."

"That will be five credits," he said with a devilish smile. Ruusaan begrudgingly obliged by setting a five credit-chip on the counter after the Devaronian handed her a cold glass of water. "Mos Shuuta's finest for only the finest lady ever to visit this cantina." Ruusaan rolled her eyes at the bartender's comment, avoiding the sappy pick-up line and the fact this creep was hitting on her, in different circumstances she might have ripped out his trachea. The Mandalorian slowly drank the entire glass as a patron in the booth behind her watched silently. He reached in his pocket and quietly pulled out a comlink whispering commands to an unknown source.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sektor was the last one to enter the cantina, strafing in with one sharp eye on the doorway for any Gamorreans ready to split their skulls with vibroaxes. Only when the trio had fully entered the cantina had he holstered his blaster at his hip. Steam was currently emanating from his armor as it struggled to control the internal temperature systems. Already at the lower-corner of his vision could Sektor see a screen detailing the internal heat levels lowering slowly but surely in the cool, air-conditioned cantina.

He looked about the bar slowly, receiving a few confused glances in return. No doubt these fools knew who he was. 'Teemo's Thug' they called him, among others either more or less noble in stature. Indeed, his reputation preceded him, especially in Mos Shuuta.

He watched Ruusaan take off her helmet with a mixture of surprise and reproach. He wouldn't let any civilian see him unmasked. His identity was a secret, and that kept him alive. He hadn't operated under his real name in some time now, and indeed would sometimes not even respond to it when a close one was speaking to him.

"As much as I'd enjoy riddling Piggies with holes, I believe it is past our invitation to leave." He said to Ruusaan. Though his words were 'meant' possibly as humorous, his tone was cold and dull, revealing no emotion except disinterest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was a hard knock life for him it seemed. In a better world Cor would be home on Naboo. Sitting by the canals in Theeds or working as one of the Queen's men. If he was lucky he would be on his family's estate in the Lake District. But no. Here he was in some scuzzy bar on some backwater world. He walked in behind the woman. He was not shocked by her at all. Female killers were always dangerous. His parents would be so proud as he consorted with murderers and thieves. He was a honorable smuggler. He did not kill lest he had to. His companions seemed to have little care for killing. The funny thing was they both had climate controlled suits. He did not yet he felt fine. It was not Naboo but it was not Mustafar either.

Cor was known in this bar. It was his favorite haunt. He was Teemo's best smuggler. He could get anything anywhere. Except for slaves and drugs since he had standards. Oddly the Slug respected his request. He did not sit at the bar with his back to the rest. His companions were a bit sense it seemed. Great. He turned and noticed someone talking into a com device. One of Teemo's sneaky men no doubt. "As funny as that is, my dear killers, we have a problem. The guy behind us just talked into a com device.Teemo is no fool. He knew we would hide here. The goons will be on us soon if we dont move. . It seems you two aren't the best at hiding so it is up to me. . I might not be a killer but hiding is what I do best." He boasted, his accent clearly Naboo and posh. "We need to get out of here. Now. Before the Pigs get here. I suggest a bar brawl. " he said motioning to the guy next to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Arla's head spun about the establishment. It was, it appeared to be, some form of gathering place like a chieftain's largecave. The woman in the armoured shell quickly stalked over to a tall wooden barrier that also served as a table of sorts and asked for a glass of water, looking for all the universe, as if she weren't the object of a manhunt. The others milled about, concerning themselves with how they might ask next. With the pig men behind them Arla considered one of two possibilities. She could easily bound up into the rafters or...

One suggested leaving but going out through the singular doorway would lead them straight into the clutches of the cumbersome Gammoreans. Meanwhile, the other one of the men she'd freed from their cells suggested a bar brawl. Well, if he wanted such a thing she was going to take advantage of her second idea. It would not do to be struck down before their enemies even arrived. She would instead hide in plain sight.

Striding across the room as if she worked there Arla mounted the platform upon which the Twi'lek woman danced to the music of an unseen band. With little more than a nod she began to dance in tandem with the girl, blending into the background. The other dancer adjusted her performance to accommodate and the pair began to move as one, slender limbs and lekku intertwining. One dark eye Arla kept on the doorway as she danced, watching for the Gammoreans sent to recover Teemo's lost property.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Before Ruusaan could finish her glass the other hunter, known as "Sektor", voiced his concerns about staying in the cantina with sarcasm, "Oops! My apologies to the bartender, I didn't realize I wasn't welcome here," she said with sarcastic enthusiasm, but it seemed the smuggler, "Cor" they called him, was not the sharing the hunters' love of irony as he sat facing behind them watching somebody in the booth behind them. Apparently Teemo has an informant in the cantina, no surprise there, technically Teemo owned this place. Now he was talking about hiding and starting a brawl as a distraction, now, you're getting nasty; although Ruusaan had given up the idea of hiding, starting a cantina brawl was a better suggestion. "Watch and learn boys..." she said putting her helmet back on and walking around the smuggler.

"Ladies first! What gentlemen you are," she said as she knocked out a scruffy looking man into his one-armed Aqualish counterpart. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't notice you sitting there! Wait-a-second... If I didn't know any better, I'd say you both were wanted men?" She guessed as they appeared to be the criminal types probably accruing a death warrant in a dozen systems by now.

Ruusaan couldn't help but chuckle as she made a scene, all eyes in the room were on her so the huntress decided to play dramatic. Music still playing, the ugly, short human growled and yelled at bounty hunter and his partner. He stood up and cursed her to death as he reached for his weapon. "I don't like you! You angry, little, nasty man!" Ruusaan jeered as she sent the man sprawling out of consciousness with a one punch knock-out. She hoped he forgot his name whenever he would wake up. At this time the Aqualish was scrambling for his weapon, but with his single non-firing arm, he couldn't unholster the weapon. "You know what? I don't like you either... Mister Walrus Man," and with a single kick she sent the Aqualish thug into a table of patrons playing of sabacc.

Now three more angry Aqualish thugs and two unhappy men appeared reaching for their weapons. The cloaked Kubazian informant was no longer holding a comlink but a hold-out blaster aimed at the renegades.

"No, blastersss! No, blastersss!" The Devaronian hissed as he pulled out a large blaster from under the counter also aimed at the group.

Ruusaan suddenly had a bad feeling about this whole brawl thing when they were clearly outgunned. "Any more brilliant ideas?" she asked the smuggler.

Moments after words left her mouth, a small troupe of four pig-like Gamorreans carrying heavy, bone-breaking clubs stepped through the door - Oh, perfect... Teemo's enforcers are here! They blinked their beady little eyes in the gloom, peeering about - and one lets loose a piercing shriek! They've all been spotted!

"Hey Sektor, your friends are here," the Mandalorian said surrounded by eleven enemies, no doubt things are about to get violent... and messy.

The enemies began their attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Well, I was hoping for a challenge." He responded dryly as he quickly drew both his own pistols. There was silence...the calm before the storm as everyone dared each other to fire, and yet no response. Sektor looked about slowly, his expression hidden beneath the face-less visor of his mask. He kept his posture ready, stabilizing his balance in preparation for the massive firefight that was about to ensue.

"Well? Not everyone at once now. Who wants to go first?" He hissed. As if in response, one of the large Gamorreans, one who felt himself better than the others charged in; his club swinging down with the force of his momentum.

Sektor barely had enough time to jump back, the large club creating a moderately sized hole in the ground. The pig was subsequently met with three bullets in his large head, toppling down like a sack of feed as the life fled from him.

That was the catalyst: everyone began shooting at one another, though all had their blasters aimed for the two hunters - and one smuggler.

Sektor wasted no time in continuing the firefight, using a mixture of his own speed and agility, coupled with mild thrusters on his jetpack to practically dart around the small cantina, firing off in every direction.

One of the Aqualish thugs clutched at his smoking chest, riddled with burning holes before falling with a deep, throaty noise that sounded like both a roar and a gurgle at the same time.

The Gamorreans began attacking the other patrons in order to have a chance at the escaped prisoners themselves, causing even more confusion as to who was firing at who.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh the Goddess of Safety was laughing at him right now. It would be too damn easy for him not to get his head kicked it. When he said make a distraction he meant to hit and run. But no... The Mando had to punch the guy and get them into a fire fight. He looked around for something to do as he drew his pistol. Like his accent it too was Naboo in every way. He aimed it at the goon next to him. "You stupid Mando... You were suppose to punch and run. Now we are dead. Unless we can distract them enough. Not all these guys like the Slug. Follow my lead. Also we have one card to play. The slave. No one noticed her. We could use her to escape." He hissed back at the girl.

He set his blaster to stun a fired it at the closest goon. He went down like a bag of rocks. No killing. "Run you fools! We can use this distraction!" He yelled making a move to the back door. He was not dying here today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ruusaan thought about punching the Nabooian in face, but her instinct said reflexes first, there was danger if she didn't act quickly. The Mandalorian dove for cover as bolts sprayed from five active shooters. She thought about using her flamethrower but decided against it, because she couldn't see the Twi'lek slave, and didn't want to harm her... not that she cared, but the Nabooian seemed to since he was firing at their enemies with stun-bolts. Sektor seemed to have no problem flying around the room picking off Teemo's thugs, like she wanted to do; but, the smuggler could prove to be useful in this escape.

It frustrated her that this space-jock was more concerned with saving lives than saving their own lives, but he seemed to have a plan. Biting her lip to help make a decision between setting the whole cantina on fire and following the smuggler. He was pretty attractive, she had to admit, but the whole not-killing wasn't her style. Still she continued to think about him. He was right, they were outgunned and outmatched. It wasn't worth the effort to die in here.

"Fierfek it!" she set her dual pistols on stun and sent bright flashes of blue light of the stun-bolts at their enemies. Ruusaan dropped the Devaronian and Kubazian with her steady trigger-squeeze before they could return fire, but the three remaining angry patrons fired a volley back; which Ruusaan had to be light on her feet to evade. Diving over the bartop as blaster bolts shattered bottles of various booze and ale, the Mandalorian found temporary cover. Like a cat she crouched in a ready position to pounce. She was not going to die, not today.

Ruusaan jumped up and activated her jet-pack she soared over the bar-top pistols blazing she dropped two more and flew to the back where Cor had mistaken for an exit. It was only a back room for the stage.

"Looks like the entrance is our only way out, and there are still four of them left," the Mando said pointing to the three Gamorreans and human gunslinger standing in their way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 11 days ago

At Ruusaan's statement, Sektor stepped forth; a small swagger to his step as his posture/pace seemed completely disinterested. "Allow me." He said, his voice sounding tinny and intimidating through the vocabulator inside his helmet.

Without skipping a beat, he hot his arm straight out in front of him, lowering his hand at the wrist as a small, sharp ping sounded as one of his concussive missiles loaded into place. Within seconds it fired off towards the four remaining combatants, instantly blasting one Gamorrean to pieces and blasting the arm off another while leaving a nasty burn on his face.

"It's time to leave!" Sektor shouted as he sprinted towards the front door in all the commotion, looking back shortly to see if his companions were following.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cor was not in the mood for this... His companions were way too violent. He grabbed the woman's arm. He could not remember what he name was. "You heard the man. We need to get out of here." He said still trying to joke. He turned his pistol and stunned the last two standing goons. He clearly hated killing and was curious as to why they had not brought it up. With the last two down he dragged the Mando out the door at a sprint. He grabbed the slave's arm as he ran out the door. Might as well be a gentleman.

Once they were all out he pulled the three of them into an alley. He looked at three of them. "So can we go over what when went wrong. First missiles inside. Not a good idea." Second we need to get the hell out of this place. Get a ship, which I have, and flee the planet. Teemo will kill us all." He said looking at his companions. "So uhh why were you two in the slammer? I was there since I lost a cargo." He said with a shrug.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Arla had simply cowered when the fight broke out. It seemed prudent for the moment. Once the battle was fully engaged most of the Gamorreans would be distracted. It also didn't help that, thanks to the plan, the entire establishment plus the man-pigs were fighting Teemo's former prisoners. The light sticks flared, sending out a number of bolts back and forth. In addition, few of the fools were taking cover. One would think they'd at least kick over a table. One even fired a one of those flying sticks which detonated amidst them.

With most of their attention on the others, Arla took two steps and leaped from the stage and landed atop one of the Gamorreans. Her makeshift shiv flashed as she plunged the blade into the man-pig's thick bullish neck. Locking her legs around the creature's girth she continued stabbing while searching the battle with her eyes, looking to see if any of the Gamorreans were turning about to see what had happened to their rearmost ally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sektor's expression was hidden behind the visor of his helmet as Cor, the smuggler, spoke to them. "Concussive mini-rocket. It got the job done, didn't it?" He asked dryly, his voice more cruel than humorous. "If we can get to your ship, that would definitely be an advantage against our enemies; who no doubt won't sit still for long after that adrenaline rush."

Sektor tilted his head to the side slightly, as if gauging the man in front of him. "You're a pacifist, yes? We'll have to fix that. Our enemies will not share the notion of stunning us in favor of execution. You must learn the same. Kill, or be killed." He said, his voice turning dour as he spoke.

"But now, there is no time for long conversation. We must get out of here, now. How are we going to get to the ship and escape the guards?" He asked, looking around to see who would respond.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Kriffing pacifist," Ruusaan muttered in her helmet. The Mandalorian was irritated that the Nabooian was dragging her around."I'm here because my karking, double-crossing partner framed me for stealing; and when I find that Trandoshan son-of-a-bantha, I'm going to kill him!" she vowed smiling behind her tinted T-shaped helmet view-plate. She thought about physically beating the osik out of Trex in her rage and how good she would feel once accomplished.

"I'm on Sektor's side, killing is a necessity in this life. Certainly any attempt to reach your ship will be thwarted. Better plan is to hijack a ship that is less defended," the huntress took charge before having a gut feeling that someone was watching her.

Allowing her reflexes to kick like a wild predator she spun around drawing her blaster in the process ending with her pistol's muzzle pressed against the head of an old man, and stopped short of pulling the trigger. The smuggler was watching, and for some reason she kept fighting the urge to act natural. Ruusaan is an aggressively violent woman, a Mandalorian female for-destroyer-god's-sake! And, a member of the Death Watch - who had their own fierce reputation among the clans of Mandalore. This man is lucky to be alive, if it weren't for her own selfish desires, she would have put a bolt through his head.

"Please, I mean you no harm!" The man cowered.

"Give me a reason not to kill you, and I might let you live," she scowled in her own anger.

The silence that follows is broken by slow, unamused brittle little laugh that was more of a nervous response. "I guess you're folks who need to get off the planet in a hurry. The good news for you is that I happen to know that there's a freighter in Landing Bay Aurek right now. The bad news bad news is that its captain, Trex, is an associate of the Hutt's and won't just let you on. The other bad news is that the reason I know this it's still in the landing bay is that it has a broken hypermatter reactor igniter and it won't be flying anywhere until it gets a new one installed. I bet Vorn over at the junk shop has one."

Ruusaan's blood boiled at the mention of Trex's name, but after hearing the old man out this was fantastic news for her ears. I can finally get my revenge, and make that Trandoshan wish he had never hatched. She turned to the others holstering her pistol back at her side. "Alright, I'm going to that junk shop, you can follow me or not; but its our best bet off this rock." She began searching for the junk shop. Driven with anger and vengeance she stormed off ready to start a killing spree.

The junk shop was immediately obvious by the scrap-yard adjoining the low pour-stone building. As Ruusaan stepped inside, she saw a hunched old human male lurking behind a low counter covered with disassembled droid and machine parts. The man glances up at the visitors, then turns to a garbage can-shaped R5 and shrieks "You're supposed to tell me when I have customers, you bucket of bolts! Go outside and finish stripping that speeder bike wreck." The droid trundles off with a surly "boooop" and the man turns to the guests. "Welcome, customers! As you can see," he points at the racks and shelves and enormous buckets full of scrap metal and parts, "I have anything you could want... for the right price."

"Hypermatter reactor igniter, do you have one?" she rudely cut the merchant off.

"No, I only have one, and it's already promised to Captain Trex of the Krayt Fang."

Without hesitating from the amount of anger rising in her, Ruusaan quickly drew her blaster and aimed it at the merchant, 'You will give me what I want or I will blow your miserable head off and take what I came for."

"Alright, look I meant no trouble. I'll get what you want, just don't shoot me," Vorn said with an innocent posture as he walked over to where he kept hidden his hold out blaster, he picked it up and spun around, but the bounty huntress was too quick for the old man. Ruusaan shot first. A single bolt between the old man's eyes sent the merchant tumbling backward misfiring a shot at the shelf wall which unhinged a whole shelf sending scrap and machine parts crashing into each other.

"So does any one know what a hypermatter reactor igniter looks like?" Ruusaan admitted to the others. The huntress didn't notice the hidden holo-camera behind her, recording the whole scene.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

He really did not like these killers. All up on their high speeders. Acting like murdering people who were just doing their jobs was the noble thing to do. "Why am I not surprised. I kill people. It's just that brutally murdering people is tasteless. Sorry if I was raised better than that. " He shot back not going to be bothered or pushed around by his companions. He was tougher than that. He followed her as she got the information from the man. Poor guy. " No. Our best bet is to avoid that hunk of junk freighter and get a ship that can really fly. But no! Let's go steal a ship that is broken more than it is fixed." Cor grumbled as he followed his companions. He was not enjoying this.

He watched her yell at the old man. As she did he started digging around the shop. "Hey. Wait!" He yelled a little too late. He watched the old guy die. The murder count keeps on climbing. Cor looked at her with a shake of his head. "Really? You could have wounded him. Now we have to find the part on our own. Luckily for you two, I know what part we need." Cor said grabbing a part about as long as his arm. It looked beaten up. "It's from an old liner starship. Did I mention the Krayt Fang is a worthless ship. I mean we should not even try to use to get put of this planet. Maybe flee to Mos Eisley. I've got friends there. Here is the part though. It's gonna take a bit to put it in. But I can do it. " Cor said hefting the piece over his shoulder. He was useful it appeared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Arla cleaned off her bloody hand one the skirt of one of the fallen Gammorean. Her allies were lucky to be alive. The Gamorreans had the advantage with their melee weapons in such tight quarters. A good knife or axe was always better than one of their light sticks in such situations. Grasping one of the fallen light sticks Arla turned it around in her slender green hands awkwardly, at one point tapping the metal with one black painted fingernail. Looking at how the others held their weapons she at least knew which way was front and she grasped it in the same manner they would and looked down the top of it. It didn't seem so bad, not too far different from their spear casters.

Her allies seemed fairly typical of the slavers she had met. Murderers and vile to their core. She understood that. They turned on each other all the time. This was well known among her people. The best way to fight those with their light sticks was to turn them against one another. Rushing them as they did during the early days, was near suicide, and then there was the matter of them being protected by other Twi'leks, those that received preferential treatment.

It was the last one though that confused her. He had caught his name, Cor, and he seemed different. The others talked far too fast and she didn't understand everything said but it seemed that he was angered by the killing. Was this not what humans did? As far as she knew they attempted to own everything and what they could not own they destroyed. It was their way. Shamefully, she'd like to say her people were different but they were much the same. The humans had infected them with their greed. Now there was only the tribe. You could trust the tribe and none else.

"Next time," the Twi'lek said in heavily accented galactic standard, "hide. Shoot lights. Live longer."

Following the metal head woman, Arla padded silently along on her bare feet, moving through the streets. They received plenty of stares, the two warriors, scruffy looking pilot and a nearly naked twi'lek moving in a tight group. Arla meanwhile marvelled at the great expanse of sky that the humans took for granted. It was so large and it bothered her, making her uneasy. She'd been off her home planet for some time but she still hadn't seen much of the sky when she was ushered quickly from the prison ship straight to the slave cells and finally to Teemo's near windowless palace. There were also so many different "things" walking the streets, things she wouldn't even know how to describe and such a variety of clothing and junk... By the gods... there was so much metal! The junk they threw away here was worth entire harvests of Ryll.

When they finally arrived at the junk man's building Arla had to admit she had no idea why the metal head woman was yelling at the old man, nor did she know what they were doing there. Her demands for something, a "hopper mother ig-night-er" meant nothing to her. Then, when the old man went back to find whatever it was the loud angry woman wanted he turned and fired, the light stick almost striking her, missing her by mere inches. She then had to leap away from the collapsing junk.

Glaring at the metal head woman, her head tails writhing behind her head, Arla cursed Ruusaan, letting out a long epithet in the Twi'lekki language.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sektor remained silent, emotionless as the group continued on; simply watching as Ruusaan conducted 'aggressive negotiations'. "It would probably be best to keep a low-profile while we search. The last thing we need to hear is common rabble complaining of a trigger-happy Mandalorian pointing a gun at everything she sees." Sektor stated cooly as the trio kept walking, a few beeps emanating from his suit as it was monitoring different levels, the interior heat systems, vital life systems, the such.

Sektor let out a small sigh as they entered the small scrap-shop, free from the scalding sun if only for a temporary reprieve. He leaned up carelessly against one of the walls, his arms folding over his chest in waiting for the piece they sought. Likewise, his eyes were still active; constantly searching about for any Gamorreans or otherwise would-be assassins hoping to make a quick credit with Teemo.

He stood up sharply as Ruusaan shot the shopkeeper dead, unable to help a small smirk behind his visor as he knew this girl had her uses. Stepping forward, he noticed something else; a holocrama. In one swift, fluid motion he procured his vibroknife and drove it deep into the hull of the droid, watching it clunk to the ground like a heavy sack.

Sektor spun the blade around between his fingers before sheathing it on his calf once more. "Well, it appears we're quite famous here. Now that we have the part. Let's get the hell out of here." He growled, looking about for anymore assassins or cameras in the area.

He cocked his head to the side sharply as the Twi'lek slave dancer began shouting in a frantic tone towards Ruusaan. "Miss, do you know Basic?" Sektor asked sincerely to her, tilting his head calmly to the side; a habit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ignoring the smuggler's reprimand and the curses of the Twi'lek slave, who she didn't mind tagging along up until now. Apparently she didn't like the fact the shopkeeper was killed. Now Ruusaan contemplated silencing the slave for good, or throat-punching her, but she shrugged the notion off. It would only upset the smuggler, who was being useful right now. He found the part they needed, and if they were going to get off this hell-hole, she needed him to install it as well.

"Good thing we have you around. Right now best option is to go to spaceport control and disable the docking clamps, we can worry about finding a better ship after we get away from here." she said ready to bounce out the junk shop.

She glanced to see Sektor throw his vibro-knife at a holocam, watching the espionage droid fall with it. She smiled, at least there was someone she could count on in this bunch. Ruusaan wondered what he looked like outside of his armor, not that she didn't like men in battle armor. Mandalorians revered it in tradition and heritage, though the tradition was becoming an endangered species. Mandalore is not what it once was. Civil war had divided its people. The clans were seperated. They haven't had a strong leader is ages. Even the Death Watch had fallen from glory. She turned her thoughts back to the mysterious bounty hunter. "Nice work, now let's get out of here."

Stepping outside, Ruusaan caught glance of one of Teemo's Gamorrean troops headed right towards the junk shop. It was most likely a response to the cantina incident. There were a dozen guards headed for them. Great. more pigs. The Gamorreans weren't alone. Their leader was followed by a familiar old man, the very one she threatened earlier. This time I won't make the same mistake twice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Yes. Know your tongue. Not well. Speak better Hutt," the mostly naked Twi'lek replied. "Maybe give jewel next time? No get shoot at?"

The green skinned twi'lek gestured to one of the many ornaments that she bore to appease the eyes of her former Hutt master, Teemo. They may not have been enough to purchase a planet, just a few thousand credits but that would be enough to cover most sundry expenses for a short while or some bribes. That is, if they didn't rely upon it too much.

"No like being shoot at." she added, "prefer hidey sneak stab stab."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cor adjusted the part on his shoulder. It must have weighed about 150 pounds but he kept it stable on his shoulder. "He threw a knife. Not exactly killed Teemo. If we can get my pilot droid Wrex we could pilot the ship easier. Luckily for us I know he is in the spaceport. " Cor said watching the outside.

He had to agree with the slave on this one. "Wow. I was worried everyone here was a gun rotting mad person. I agree with her. We need to stop leaving a trail of bodies. They can track us that way. But again let's just ignore the guy who hides for a living! What would he know about evading goons. " Cor said getting bothered by how they did not listen. "Oh I forgot to ask your name. " He asked the slave with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Then Ruusaan's demeanor changed. The metal head woman was looking out one of the junk shop's sand rimed murky windows and her following urge that they leave the vicinity immediately. Apparently the warrior had seen something through the window and Arla didn't like the woman's reaction.

"Arlas'eon," she answered the question and then simplified the name, "Arla."

While she didn't agree with Ruusaan, she didn't quite agree with Cor. She appreciated the need for violence and for killing, but at the same time every battle involved risk and why enter into battle without necessity?

"We go?" she asked, pointing her blaster at the doorway leading out back to where giant towers of spare parts were arrayed haphazardly. After all, going out the front would likely mean encountering whoever it was metal head had seen.
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