Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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@t2wave@Caits Kijani smiled at Connor. She wasn't in agreement with him, but she didn't have the energy to argue. To Kagerou, she nodded and shook the other's hand weakly. "An instructor?" Surely there was more to this woman than she was seeing, but Kijani couldn't bring herself to care. "Yes, you can watch me. I don't think I have enough energy to do more than sleep, though." She chuckled, trying to push back her hair into something resembling order. "Connor... thank you. I-" She reddened, her gaze darting to Kagerou. But then she shrugged, figuring the woman had already heard far more worse things in this hour alone. "I love you, Connor. Very much."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Z2010Deadmeat
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Z2010Deadmeat Time Lord and Leader of Team Gurren

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Lee leaned back in his chair as he listened to Flood speak concerning the bullies attacking him already. "It would not surprise me they attempted such, this group is weak and directionless. Only content on pinching whatever small change they can from these students they give thieves a poor representation." He said with disdain while Flood look over his list of names and mention Lee's efficiency. "Rule 7: Work quick or don't bother. Its easy enough to figure out the dumb brutes who do the front work of mugging students, its a such an easy trail it may as well had an actual line to lead me to the 'model' students." He explained leaning forward as he tapped the several names on the list. "They are the ones controlling the whole operation. You see my dear fellow it is one thing to acquire the merchandise but some it takes skill to turn a profit. Plus from what I gather...they don't trust each other none of the three big guys on this list do. I can tell you right now that they don't trust each other to the point all three of them are constantly aware of the source of the loot. Common bandit tactic, they'll share some of the profit with each other but just enough to keep someone from squealing. Though if something bad does occur they will be more preoccupied dealing with the squealer than anyone else." He said "I do have a plan, we will hit all three of their stashes at once. To do that...we are going to need your paint bombs...some medical supplies from clinic on the back of the list, and a few other items I'll pick up." He said
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

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@Z2010Deadmeat "And I will have to ensure that you don't." She laughed, taking a napkin to clean the small knife. When she heard his mention of artifacts she quirked an eyebrow, and as she slipped the knife into the top of her boot teasingly said "Let's hope your evaluation is correct then, it would be a shame for you to return to it and find only destruction. Besides, lunch is near finished and it would not do for you to be late to your first class." She stood and threw the apple core away, beginning a slow walk out the cafeteria to allow Kaden to catch up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

As Estella steps into view, Ben begins smiling and becomes noticeably relieved. "I think I remember you," he says, "You're the girl from another planet that crash landed here, right?" What should have been a fifteen to twenty minute walk to the principal's office was reduced to a mere ten minutes by Anthony's rapid pace and long strides. After taking a minute to regain both his composure and his breath, Anthony enters the lobby outside of Wayne's office and stops at the secretary's desk. "Is Mr. Wayne for some reason too busy to see me?" he asks calmly, his expression making it clear what he expected to hear in response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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As Estella steps into view, Ben begins smiling and becomes noticeably relieved. "I think I remember you," he says, "You're the girl from another planet that crash landed here, right?"
"That's what I'm told. I don't really remember much. My brain has been scrambled all up. And I kind of have..." Her smile wilting slightly Estella looked around a bit. Should she mention having some of his memories. It might be best to be upfront with it. "I'm not sure how to say this without it sounding weird. But somehow I have memories that are yours. I was talking with Jack not that long ago about it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Bruce could hear his secretary's reply, and settled back in his chair. There were, of course, two ways to play this. Keep Anthony waiting, or pander to him. "Mr.Wayne will see you in five minutes, Mr Luther" The secretary said, in a calm tone, clearly unphased by Anthony's expression, and making it clear that they wouldn't tolerate anything other than waiting. Bruce took the time to turn his computer off, put some papers away, and then leaned over, pressing a batter, "You can send Anthony in" -------- Connor smiled, "I love you very much too" to him, it was just an acknowledgement of his feelings, but the words held feeling, and he reluctantly stepped away from the bed, grabbing his pack and suit, stopping and looking back at Kijani, smiling again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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@Mistress Dizzy Watching the two confessed their love for each other brought a smile to Kagerou's face. From experience she knew it was a very powerful bond that could lead many different directions. For herself it was an emotion she had to keep in check. Outliving anyone she ever cared for made it difficult at times. Immortality was not as fantastic as people always made it out to be. But it was a reality she had come to terms with. Connor having moved away she took a seat again and responded to Kijani's comment. "Well if you end up sleeping the whole time then so be it. But I'd be more than welcome to keep you company if you don't."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

After what seems to be an eternity, Anthony receives the go ahead from the secretary and lets himself into Bruce's office. Once inside, he immediately sits down, not bothering to wait for permission. "Well Mr. Wayne, I'm sure you know why I'm here." Ben frowns, obviously puzzled as he asks, "How is it even possible tht you would have my memories?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Ben frowns, obviously puzzled as he asks, "How is it even possible tht you would have my memories?"
Estella shakes her head and frowns slightly. "I don't know. All I can remember is this place, a few faces, and things that you knew. Something major had to happened to imprint your memories to me. Is there anything significant that happened between us that you can think of?" Right now she was grasping at straws. There had to be an answer that she just couldn't remember, which was frustrating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Bruce turned towards Anthony, and said "Well, it could be a number of things. But why don't I tell you why you are here?" He said, leaning back in his chair, appearing relaxed. "to be convinced to continue the funding your father offered the academy. I'm sure you wish to see and have a say in the going ons of the school. And I'm sure if your father can see the value of funding, then you certainty can"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"If you don't mind me asking, what have you learned to do with your powers so far?" she asked, hoping then to provide suggestions or support for her friend.
"I am great with ice. I have managed to make ice slides, ice ball, and ice spears. I prefer to use my powers as a defense rather than attack but Mimic is going to expect me to try to freeze him. I doubt I could freeze him completely quickly enough for him not to be a threat. It takes me too long to build the layers of ice thick enough to contain him. I would like to try to use a different tactic. I would like to blind him with snow but my control of snow isn't as good as it is of ice." Katherin explained.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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@Z2010Deadmeat Flood carefully considered the plan. He flipped the list over and memorized the supplies needed. He got up and flipped over his mattress and dug through a hole on the bottom. "Damn it. I'm missing the third and seventh thing on the list." He said out loud. "The medical clinic right? I'll get on it when I have the chance."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

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Makoto thought about what Katherin had said. "It sounds like you can really manipulate ice." she paused thinking of how to help Katherin succeed. "Snow is kind of a separate kind of precipitation... if you have trouble with it why not make, like, ice sand." Makoto knew it sounded strange so she paused and tried to formulate her thoughts yo explain further. "I mean, if the snow doesn't work... then you can try to make small grains of ice. The classroom is rather bright and it could work the same if the edges of the ice reflects the light?" Unsure if she had done a good job of explaining herself, she looked for Katherin's reaction to her suggestion of a backup plan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Z2010Deadmeat
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Z2010Deadmeat Time Lord and Leader of Team Gurren

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"Agreed" Kaden said rising from his seat tossing his own trash away as they exited the cafeteria. "What should I expect from Mimic? A rough experience?' he asked curious how the curriculum changed in the last two years since his attendance.

"Alright but be quick about recovering them. Time is of the essence." Lee said to Flood as he rose from his chair. This little heist they were putting together was small and petty to say the least. Considering Lee's last heist involved him stealing the Night Phantom and now he was going to rip off a couple of small time punks in a school. However if things did work out he would make a invaluable ally out of Flood and should things work out with Kat he may make an another friend. In addition this small time score will at least provide him with some of this world's currency he can use. "After your next class meet me in the library." he said taking his leave from the room.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood looked at his watch and frowned. He was most likely going to have to take the stuff sooner rather than later. He turned off the looped video feed and headed towards the clinic. He saw the loose vent cover from earlier and crawled into it. After doing so he crawled into the clinic and landed on his feet silently. He stood in a camera blind spot and looked for what he wanted. He also pulled out a small tazer as well, just in case.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony shrugs slightly while retorting, "I can find something positive in just about any situation, so of course I could come up with a reason to continue the funding. However, I want to be convinced. Why should I continue funding an institution staffed by a faculty so inept at their jobs that the school is invaded nearly every month, destroyed several times a year, has students attempting suicide, and has at one point lost half the student body because one student convinced them to start their own academy? You're a businessman, Mr. Wayne, so tell me. Does this little experiment seem like a success to you?"

Ben clicks his tongue thoughtfully then excitedly asks, "Do you remember when we found your ship? I remember you finding something in there and then you started acting really weird."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Her ship? She still had her ship. Maybe there was something helpful in there that was somehow missed. Sadly though Estella could not remember the encounter Ben was referring to. After a minute she visibly showed for frustration by running her hands through her hair and groaning ever so slightly. "This is stupid. I can't remember anything about me and all about you. I hate it." Taking a moment to reflect on her words she held her hands up. I mean, I don't hate the memories it's just... They're not mine and it's really confusing. I'd like to know where I'm from and why I'm here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

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"Well it's not like he could get any worse, he stabbed me, remember? Sure, he healed the wound immediately after but still, he stabbed me." Kat said, clearly still bitter about the whole experience. "That said it would appear he has been forced to.. take a gentler approach, shall we say. There was an accident, he pushed someone too far and it didn't end well. I wasn't here to see it but that kind of thing is not so easily hushed." She explained, taking a more somber tone. "Yet he's still here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Bruce sighed heavily and seemed to ponder what to say, but only for a few moments. "I consider it a success. Here, we do not pressure the students into one way of thinking, or one side. We let them explore their powers, what they wish, hope that yes, when they graduate they sign the treaty or go and maintain secrecy while they use their abilities. If a student wished to start their own academy, so be it. If that's what they see as what they want to do, who am I to stop them? It doesn't mean I don't have people there."

He leaned forward slightly and said after another pause "I would be worried if the school wasn't being invaded. It would mean that we aren't doing our job. We do not risk students lives, and they all can handle themselves after a time. As they had done, with the magneto incident. Among others. In such a school, such an institution, with the use of powers by novices, if never surprises me that the school is damaged on a regular basis. But better it's done here, in a control environment, then out where normal humans can be hurt. I'm sure you are aware of incidents with students before they come here. Damage and deaths to humans, to communities, buildings and such. While here, there is no risk to the other students or the general population. As for suicides, I think while we can predict such incidents, the human psychology can be difficult to understand. And in such an extensive student body, it is excepted that such things will occur. And yet, rarely does it occur. Ms.Rayne's incident is something, I asure you, that none of us expected. I imagine it even took you by surprise."

Now, Bruce leaned back in his chair, his expression blank as he pondered another moment. "Given that the expectation of this school is to train students, to give them a place to do so without any expectations on them, but rather to give them safety in which to practice without exceptional harm to others, then I would have to say that yes, this experiment is a success and will continue to be so. After a few loose ends are tied up, I expect the school to run exceptionally well, with the issues of security fixed, as I am already taking steps to fix such issues. But tell me, Anthony, would you rather a world without the school, with situations and bad consequences of people developing and practicing their powers? Can you imagine the problems of that? I did, as did your father, although a times I wondered if it was just for him a way of watching the upcoming competition he may have. In anycase, the school for me is a success"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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@Hidden Lilly

Katherin considered it. It made sense. "I never thought about that. I will try. I have been working with ice on a large scale. You know slides and freezing people." She explained she tried to envision using her ice smaller portions. Sand rather than cement. Making it smaller would take practice. But she could do that. It would give her something to do. And maybe this weekend she could ask her dad for pointers.
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