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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Akira looked up at Hoshira-sensei, quickly standing up as the two on the floor seemed to be fine at the moment, and gave a firm nod. He didn’t really care for the power boost, he was in this to keep people safe from this maniac. At least, that’s what he told himself, but deep down, Akira knew why he was truly after this monster, this Ghoul.


Flash back to the night of the second day since the incident

Akira was rushing through the back alley ways of Academy City, dressed up in his full vigilante ensemble, a sense of urgency and panic in his movements as he tore through backstreet after backstreet. His squad, 3 other vigilants consisting of an Esper, a magician, and a normalish, were struggling to keep up with him, but voiced no complaints, that same sense of panic present in their own furious pace.

Tonight he was supposed to be meeting Akane, the youngest of the founding members of the Vigilants at the age of 13 and one of his top information gathers, she was a level 3 Invisibility Esper that was supposed to have met him in a secret location to hand him some info she’d gotten on the White Chapel Ghoul. However, when he arrived at the meeting place, all he found was a pink cellphone with a little green frog keychain on it. That was Akane’s phone, but where was Akane?

A feeling of ice cold dread had entered his veins as he picked up the phone, his eyes widening as he saw the lockscreen. It was Akane, a petite girl with mid-length black hair, her body crucified to a wall and covered in cuts and bruises, a phrases carved into her stomach.

Better hurry, she doesn’t have long

Photoshopped into the picture were coordinates to what he guessed was her destination, and he gave them a passing glance before he bolted off, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn’t be too late. But alas, it was for not.

He arrived to the grisly scene of Akane’s bod, except she seemed to be missing both her arms and legs, what looked like teeth marks edging the wounds, and numerous holes in her body. Only the shallow rise and fall of her chest let him know she was alive, if just barely. Akira was at her side in an instant, looking down at her with a look of helpless sorrow as he knew their was nothing that could be done. Her head turned as she approached, a pained smile coming to her face as she saw him coming.

“Hi, Aki-nii,” Her voice, while light in tone, was weak, every word she said seeming to be a struggle. The others arrived, including Akane’s brother, Kenshin, who froze in shock as he saw his sister’s condition, falling to his knees with tears falling from his eyes. Their magician came over, hands out as he used his healing magic to ease her pain and allow her to say her final words. But before she could say any more, a voice called out from a near-by alley.


A boy and a girl of around high-school age came out, both showing their Judgement-seals. “Halt, what are you doing-” The boy was suddenly cut of as a sterm of red bolted out to strike him hard in the gut, smashing him into a near-by wall and leaving him unconscious. The girl screamed out, turning to face the foe, only to come face to face with a single red orb of intense rage, and underneath that, a deep sorrow, before she was grasped around the throat by a tendril of red, being lifted way up high, then thrown back down hard enough for her to bounce, the pain causing her to scream in silence before she too faded into unconsciousness.

Akuma stood before them, four tendrils out and pointed at the two, ready to let out all of his rage and frustration on the two and leave them as nothing more than a bloody mess, when he felt a hand grip his shoulder, He spun around quickly, grabbing who ever dared to stop him by the throat, his tendrils turning to them. But Kenchi was resolute, pointing to his dying sister in silence.

“Akuma,” he said, knowing like the rest of the vigilants about Akira’s condition, “she doesn’t have long left, and . . .she wants to speak with you. I’ve said my good-byes, time for you o say yours.”
Akuma didn’t move for a moment, but he eventually released his grip, pushing past Kenchi to cooly walk over to where Akane lay. She smiled at him, a shadow of the cheerful grin she always brought to the hideout. She was always the little trouble-maker, always abusing her ability to play pranks on them all, Akira and Akuma especially. Even now, she seemed almost like she was going to spring up and say, ‘Fooled you!’. But even Akira wouldn’t be that optimistic about this situation.

“Ohayo, Aku-nii, I haven’t seen you in awhile.”

Should’ve tried harder to get Akira mad with your stunts he thought, but from his mouth came nothing but stone cold uncaring, he refused to admit how much he was hurting right now.”If you’re going to die, then hurry up and do it already. We have better things to do than moan over your useless carcass.” He was the true devil, the evil half, the sadistic killer, he wasn’t supposed to care if one of his pawns died. Kenchi and the others seemed to get pissed at Akuma’s words, but Akane only chuckled in response.

“Aku-nii, you’ve got to learn. . . how to be more honest with yourself. It’s not healthy to keep all that emotion bottled up inside of you.” Akuma offered a ‘Tch’ in response, turning away from the group.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, you little brat, you were nothing more to me but a pawn and a tool, nothing more. No use getting depressed over a broken tool, just like their is no use getting emotional over a failure of a pawn.”

“A pawn, huh,” Akane took on a weak, yet still very mischievous grin, “then how come I found a poem you wrote about me in your room at the base. Doesn’t it go, something like this:

You are a light in my life, a joy that I cherish
You I would protect with a burning passion
You, who accepts both sides of me with open arms and open mind
It is you that helps keep me sane, you that keeps me from the depths of despair
If I lost you, I don’t know what I would do
So never leave me, Akane, for I truly care for you`”

Akuma said nothing, his one visible eye over-shadowed by his hair, his shoulders shaking ever so slightly.

“Akuma-nii,” her voice was so weak, it could barely be heard, “It’s okay to cry, you need to let it out.” aNd with that final word of wisdom, Akane passed on.

For a long while, there was nothing but silence, the shaking of Akuma’s shoulders becoming more violent as sobbing could be heard. Tears flooded from his eyes as he fell to his knees, releasing all of his anger, hatred, and sorrow out in one painful burst, before he sunk to the ground, Akira once more.


End of flashback

In that memory, which had only taken up a split-second of real-world timex Akira and Akuma found a strange form of synchronization, as it was one of the few times they shared emotions so whole-heartedly, and everything that Akira knew about the past few days was transferred to Akuma. He knew everything, so he found no need to say a word. But his entire demeanor had changed, going from kind and caring, to dangerous and unstable. Thee way he held himself was like that of a hunter, his eyes becoming sharp and piercing as he glanced at everyone in the room, before focusing on their blue-skinned teacher.

“So then, when do we start hunting down this White-Chapel bastard,and how many pieces do I get to cut him into before it’s deem torture and I have to stop, Causing in truth, I’m hoping to carve him into very small pieces, right after I make him chug a pint of Acid- blood down his gullet. Sure that would be a fun sight to see.” Akuma chuckled darkly, barely contained rage shining in his eyes as his foot began to tap wildly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Excuse me?" Tsumiki said, pushing himself off the doorframe. "I must have misheard what's going on here, because to me it sounds like a teacher is trying to gather students in hunting down a mass murderer, and the students are planning to torture and kill him." He stepped into the room and tapped his arm where his Judgement band was secured.

"I know some of you are from outside the city, but I'm sure you know what this means. It means I'm part of the police force here, and It's my job to capture criminals. I don't know how things are done where you're from, but here we do not torture and kill people based on what we think should be done, and we do not recruit students under our care to find killers. This is a job for Judgement and Antiskill, and if I hear anything more about this unsanctioned manhunt from anybody, I'll be taking the lot of you into custody for interfering with an active criminal investigation. Do I make myself clear?" A small spark jumped from the hair at the side of his face, and his expression had passed from slightly annoyed to severely pissed off.

"And sensei? If I hear anything else about you experimenting on students, we're going to have words. Just because you're an adult doesn't mean you're exempt from the laws, and human experimentation is very specifically against the law in Academy City."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tsurara Ria

Alright that flamed her a little, Taiki's words were like fire heating her cool barrier, "You do realize, I'm not naked or anything right now right." She said coldly but the heck, she was in her underwear to begin with anyway and looked behind her, it was her school uniform and bag scattered messily. "Fine on second thought......" Embarrassingly she gets dressed. Few minutes later, "Yeah I'm late.... I've been having a lonesome day but whatever, I don't play well with others, I prefer to chill on my own." As expected, the direct response from an Ice Esper then switches off, "But since you're here, Lolicon-sensei. You have warmed up the conversation, I'm looking for Kurogane-sensei but I can't find him anywhere. Let's go and grab some food... more like I'll grab some." She takes his company reluctantly and at the same time welcome from a hot and cold perspective.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Ooooooh, a spark, how terrifying," Akuma chuckled, thinking it was cute that the little blind boy though he was intimidating anyone. Akuma could launch a tendril right between his eyes, and he'd probably wouldn't be able to react until it was too late. How this waste of space got into Judgement was a mystery to Akuma. He took out his notebook, making his own, less than flattering notes about the boy next to Akira;s, his writing harsh and jagged next to his other half's neat, flowing script. "And it's really cute that you think you are better equipped than me to take down any criminal, much less the nut job that we want to go after. Firstly, you're only good if you can get close to your opponent, and if you were to try that with this guy, you'd be as good as dead. Secondly, we aren't planning to capture him, as a psychopath like that needs to be killed as soon as possible, no trial, no due process, no nothing. Finally, go get yourself a real ability, Sparky, then I'll consider respecting your piece of shit authority, but as of now, I think not."

Akuma was currently across the room from the little goody-goody, and was sure he'd be able to react fast enough to anything he tried to pull in retaliation. Much as he mocked it, the ability did have some uses, and was good in closed-in areas, but it had an extreme lack of versatility that made it highly unsuitable for fighting.



Dylan was slightly caught off guard by Justeaze's speedy-charge, but reacted fast enough to block the axe-kick, quickly pushing the Aerokinetic off him and throwing off her close-range strikes. When she performed her signature move, Dylan gave a grunt of annoyance at the tears in his clothes. That's the second uniform this week, and the year had just begun, god dammit. And if Justeaze was pulling out signature moves, then she shouldn't complain if he turned up the heat a little bit.

Dylan dug his feet in to the ground, before bounding off towards Justeaze with an impressive burst of speed, striking out with a barrage of high speed attacks, faster than usually because he wasn't putting as much force behind them. They'd still hurt a bit, but no where near as much as they could have if he went all out. During this barrage, he was constantly scanning his opponent's movements and defenses, countering an predicting movements through use of his sense and his own combat experience. He might not get all of his blows through, but he'd definitely get some of them.

"Come on, Justeaze, stop holding back so much. I'm not afraid of a little pain."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Styrgwyr
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Styrgwyr Golden Apple

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Taiki couldn't help but chuckle, Ria was the same as ever. Her and her fondness of temperature related words as well as other Ria-ish things.

"Now, now~"

He started to walk alongside the Cyrokinetic towards the cafeteria.

"Even though I'm like this..."

He gestured to himself with both his hands almost exaggeratedly.

"I can still eat food you know, just for the taste if nothing else~ And..."

He beamed a smile to Ria as he took out several food vouchers, he got it for free from some of the students. Taiki was actually pretty popular with the ladies. Particularly those ones with weird tastes. The ones who like "youthful" looking men.

"I'm the adult here, so it's going to be my treat~"

He winked as he waved the food tickets and opened the door to the cafeteria.

"Ladies first~"

Yuuma applaused when the silver-haired girl finished her song.

"That was an interesting song. And your voice! It's beautiful!"

He honestly praised her with awe. Yuuma didn't know why she simply just got there and sang but he wasn't gonna complain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kotori - A Songbird

Her day always started early, at the crack of dawn in her small dormitory room. Never once did it have the comfort of her own apartment, but at least here she didn't have to constantly work to keep her home. It was a blessing that she could appreciate, and as her glasses floated over from her bedside table and gently landed on her nose, everything came into focus.

Her main window always faced east, and with it the golden glimmer of sunlight's warmth beginning to reach through the curtains and onto the floor. Stretching lightly and ruffling the length of her black hair, she tip-toed her way lightly to the shower and soon after warm steam filled the small room.

Some time later she emerged from her dormitory dressed in the school's standard uniform. Lightly slinging her book bag over her shoulders, Kotori half walked-half hopped her way down the stairs towards the nearest bike rack. Parked there was a cherry red bike, chained to the rack itself and subtly the digits turned themselves while no-one was looking. The lock popped open and then wrapped itself and the chain about the midst of the bike tightly.

With the hint of a mysterious smile lining her lips, she hopped onto the bike and made way towards the school's main grounds. Upon nearing where she was to leave her two-wheeled method of transportation, the quiet girl smoothly transitioned from her seat into walking alongside the bike. Perhaps her feet fell too slowly, perhaps not, it mattered very little as the bike found its proper place.

As she walked away, the lock and chain positioned themselves where they belonged to secure her only bike while the grounds were still empty.

Today was an important day, a day where she walked into the school absurdly early. It was always important to make a good first impression, and she was determined to at least try to do just that. Sitting warmly in her bag was a home-made breakfast and lunch, down to even a freshly cooked omelette neatly decorated in various herbs and spices and filled with delectable vegetables and meats. A neatly cut pyramid of rice, and a light assortment of freshly cut and arranged fruit. Oranges, Grapefruit, and Pineapple arranged in a floral pattern.

Lunch was for eating later, she needn't dream about it now.

Wandering through the hallways, she found that which she had been searching for. The Music room! Quietly opening the door and peeking inside, the sight that greeted her was a magnificent one. Sitting in a corner near the open window was none other than an absolutely awe-inspiring Grand Piano. Settling the fluttering excitement in her heart, she fought the urge to sprint over to the instrument.

Instead, she walked alongside it for several seconds. Admiring the craftsmanship amorously as her fingertips gently ran alongside the polished lacquer. Silently, she slid to sit in front of the ivory and obsidian keys, lifted the guard that protected them in their vigil, and settled her slender fingertips atop them.

Slowly, she began her day with a melancholy but hopeful tune.

Eventually, her morning became encompassed in music. Relishing each press of any key and loving it more each and every second, the little Songbird quietly hummed to herself a softened tune of an unknown lyric as she continued to play as the sun came over the horizon at last and the school began buzzing with the sound of other students. The moment the sound of another singing atop the roof above her made her immediately halt however, and the protector of the keys quickly snapped shut.

Looking hurriedly to the door, she could see the shadows of other students moving outside of it, probably readying themselves to enter their first class of the day! She needed to hurry and escape before she was seen!

Quickly spinning out of the chair, she was helpless but to watch it tilt and fall in her poorly adjusted haste. As quickly as it had fallen, the chair suddenly stopped in it's collapse and floated back to where it belonged. A sigh of relief escaped her, and she bound in a long stride for the exit of the classroom. Smoothly opening the door and sliding out unnoticed, she hurried her way through the halls and into the empty cafeteria.

Closing the door behind her then, she finally managed to breathe again.

Finding a chair in the vast, but empty room she had found solace in, Kotori reached inside her bag and unveiled her carefully wrapped breakfast. Plucking up her personal chopsticks, she smoothly picked up a piece of deliciously golden pineapple from her wonderful-smelling breakfast to take a bite...

And then the door handle jiggled.

She froze in panic. Her feet screamed to fly instead of remain, but then two students walked in. One was closer to her age but the other looked like a middle schooler? Perhaps brother and sister she surmised; thet wouldn't bother her, and a breadth of elation escaped her for now. Quietly she finish taking a small bite out of the pineapple, while she watched the two others distantly from the corner of her eye.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Ray as getting tired of all the argument going on. There was no point for anyone to argue over a straight forward situation. It's not that illogical, some students have pasts that involve this beast. Ray chuckled to himself. "If they have crossed paths with this beast, then they should not be complaining about such details. They would just want fight the man." He said coldly in his head. Ray sighed, why were students so naive? He had to wonder why they had to argue over such simplicity's. The teacher had given them a clear cut explanation, yet they were still arguing uselessly.

Ray ignored the student and duck flying into the window situation and focused back on the teacher when she began to make her explanation. He did hear Tsumiki from the door, but he simply waved him off. Ray knew what time it was, he was here for a reason. Ray smiled at the teacher question and offer, none of them were appealing or necessary. "I'm interested, this is part of my investigation. If we can capture or kill him, this investigation is over. As for the reward, I will have to decline, there is no need for me to inject myself with an unusual from of steroids." He said sarcastically. He would have rather stayed a Magician, it was a much better power than the Esper.

Unfortunately, Ray's joking attitude changed into an angry one. This guy who was standing at the door with him was a bit to sadistic for a simple student. This led Ray to beileve that this man did something more than he was leading on. Ray smiled, both this guy and Anderson were both worthy of investigation. Ray opened his eyes when he heard Tsumiki's unusual demand. This is what annoyed him at times, a student who got to big for his birches. Ray tensed up a bit before taking a breath and relaxing. He opened his eyed and glanced back a Tsumiki with a cold expression. "I'm sure the teacher has all the proper authorization to do this. And if I'm not mistaken, your still to busy trying to solve the Fire Alarm case. This is the a perfect opportunity to close this case for good. Your demands are illogical and stupid, it may be your job, but your forgetting that is the teacher was not strong enough to beat it on her on. No amount of uneducated Anti-Skill or JUDGEMENT can take on this beast." He said coldly. "If your not here to join, then go wait for me outside, I'll join you in a bit." He said waving him away.

Unfortunately, his requests were ignored by the other guy activated his ability. A tendril of blood was pointed directly between Tsumiki eyes. "Blood." he mumbled to himself with vague interest. Ray was fascinated and angered at the same time, could these students not handle themselves in a responible manner. Fortunately, Ray would not interfere, not unless things got worse. He also did not was to get in trouble with the teacher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tsumiki ignored the arguments and veiled threats and kept his features composed. "I have given you due warning," He said flatly, turning around to leave. "If anybody not sanctioned by the proper authorities is caught trying to track, kill or capture the criminal in question, they shall be detained without further discussion." He put just a little extra emphasis on the word 'caught', as if he was trying to hint at something. As he walked out the door, he had one further thing to add.

"Ray, if you don't think Judgement or Anti-Skill, the people trained to hunt down criminal espers, can handle this person, what exactly do you think a ragtag group of untrained highschool students is going to accomplish? Be careful, this is real danger. It's easy to get in over your head." Without waiting for a response, he pushed his way back outside.

Once he was far enough away, he leaned against the nearest wall and held his hand up to chest height. Focusing a little bit, he stood still as sparks played across his fingers. His hair raised up around his head, and all of a sudden he turned and slammed his fist into the wall.

"That was stupid, what was I thinking? They're going to get themselves killed, and it'll be my fault for not stopping them." He turned and slumped against the wall, resting his arms on his knees, unaware that a trickle of blood was winding it's way down his fingers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I'm not here for drugs miss, I do well enough without abilities." Anderson dropping his respectful tone, "I'm just here to turn a profit."

Kazeno and Chi Ni neverously picked up the duck and shuffled out of the room as they saw Ray and someone else having a fight right outside. Kazeno would usualy intereject, but right now he just felt like getting the hell out incase things got ugly. 4 incredibly powerful people in on spot doesn't bode well for anyone who gets caught up in their fight.

"There is much more to know about Jack then most people ever want to know. For example, he was never human to begin with. He was created a monster." Anderson ignored the duck quacking about as Kazeno went past him, thinking, Why the hell is he still carrying the duck? He took out a notecard and wrote down the bill for that bit of information, "$50, if you don't like the price you can go find someone else to get it from, but I will say, the chances of that happening are slimmer then your waist."

Anderson walked out and walked towards the boy who run out earlier, telling Ray off about how only Judgement and Anti-Skill should deal with Jack. He laughed, "The only thing they're going to get is a bunch of dead bodies beyond recognition."

A few strides later, he came across the boy with a bleeding fist slumped against the wall, Everything is set, all flags have been cleared. He cleared his throat and put on a smile, "Tsumiki-kun, have more faith in your classmates. They won't die like this."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Ah arigato" Kishiko said softly surprised more than anything she thought the roof was abandoned and honestly did not see the person already there. "Im glad you like sorry if I bothered you was just looking for a empty place to sing. she said with a small bow in order to apologize. "Ah how rude I forgot to introduce myself my name is Kishiko Tachibana its a pleasure to me you." She added while looking at her guest and impromptu audience which in all honesty was not meant to happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Styrgwyr
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Styrgwyr Golden Apple

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yuuma became increasingly flustered when the girl bowed to apoligize. That was the 2nd time this particular hour. He briefly wondered if this was some kind of omen before shaking the thought off.

"N-no! You weren't a bother at all! If anything, I should be paying you for the show."

He smiled at the girl as she introduced herself and looked at him. As if expecting something.

"Oh! I'm Mishima, Yuuma. Likewise~"

He bowed in the Japanese way of greeting.


Yuuma awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he shyly tried to make conversation.

"Do you sing here often?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


More and more people came into her office. Well, Kae was pretty sure that the reward said 'a boost in power'. What other ting did they expect? And not to say anything about the guy that just came in, he was part of Judgement, and that somehow made him think that he could order her around. All of them were cheeky brats. She let out a heavy sigh. First, to answer the killing glare from Akira, her own yellow and black eyes posed over him. Over everyone. They were lifeless, they were the eyes of a killer who has seen a bit too much blood in their lifespan. "Then, if you do not search power, I have nothing else to offer you. If you want money, I do not have any. I agree with Tsumiki-kun that it is a dangerous feat for just high schoolers. Thinking a level 5 is an easy prey is where you are mistaken. None of you have enough power." She explained, before getting to the heart of the matter.

"As Judgement and Anti-Skill, they do not have what it takes to take on this person. While they play heroes of justice, I plan on capturing this person for my own needs, so there will be no killing, rest assured." Kae slowly regained her cool that she had lost, even if for a little bit and even though it didn't show on her face. "So, Tsumiki-kun, please butt out of this. Official business and all." Kae refused to speak any further than that, though. There were better people after her head, so it was plain impossible that someone who didn't even know how the system worked could do anything against her.

Still, the boys seemed to have more interest in fighting each other rather than listening to her. She sighed yet again. "I will send all of you the info necessary. If you want to come, come, if you don't then it is as simple as staying in your house. Have a good day." Kae turned to her computer and started typing away, after she had finally gotten into the database. She also pushed the people that may have remained in her office using a large shadow wall. Well, that was exhausting, even for Kae. She couldn't stand dimwits and hotheads anywhere she went. She thought she'd find less people like that in Academy City, being the city of technology and whatnot, but it seemed her expectations were off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bang Constantine

A few more punches were sent at the punching bag he had been using, and soon, his training session came to an end. Bang backed away from the punching bag and sat on a nearby bench, resting as silently as ever. Another decent training performance.

The man turned and decided to watch some people spar. It was interesting, considering how most of them seemed amazingly skilled and beyond his skill, yet his friends still claimed that he could stand a chance against such people. Now that he thought about it, they always said that he would win, even if he lost...

Maybe I need less humble friends, he thought as he turned away from the sparring students and blanked out. He remained still, sitting on the bench.

Tsubasa Minami

Tsubasa was taped underneath a table in the library.

Now, first things first, he did not find pleasure in taping himself to random objects. In fact, he preferred being able to move rather than being completely idle.

So when some of his new friends happily taped him underneath a table, Tsubasa silently flipped his shit and remained stuck for twenty minutes. His friends were, by no means, bullies, but they were pretty annoying once in a while. He would give them a talk... if he was able to move.

Interesting, he thought to himself. This is a very awesome situation I am in.

For some time, he had been attempting to reach out for his daggers to cut the duct tape used to attach him on the table. At this point, he actually was nearing the stage where he could grab his daggers and free himself. But the hard part in that was actually being able to reach out for his weapons.

Using Friction Manipulation on a wooden table also sounded like a horrible idea due to his power's fire-generating trait. Not that he would be able to move that much in the first place...

Thus, several students walked and gave him a weird look. Some did think about helping him, but he looked too relaxed to be considered as a person who hated the entire situation.

This is so awesome, Tsubasa thought pessimistically in the most optimistic way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Ah dont be so nervous I wont bite" Kishiko laughed and motioned him to sit with her a free hand. "To answer your question I dont sing in this particular area often but I do sing quite a bit it helps me to calm down and think." She said as she stretched out her arms into the air. "I haven't found a good place where I can just sing so I thought the rooftop was a good place as any though with that said still I don't think that this is a bad place either its quiet and you can see the city expanse below you is quite a experience no?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Logical thinkers don't make mistakes easily. Ray gave the President a side ways glance and chuckled. He had to wonder if the fame of being the President had gone to the kids head. Ray shook his head, it had only been 3 days since the start of school, there was no way that was possible. Unfortunately, the altercation between him and Tsumiki left Ray feeling guilty. Tsumiki left the room probably feeling angry, which left Ray feeling a bit nervous of going on patrol with him.

Ray focused back on Anderson and the teacher's conversation. Unfortunately, Anderson still felt the need to get something of of this. Could he not just give something away from the goodness of his heart? Ray felt that Anderson was giving Americans a bad name with his actions. He does not necessarily give them a bad name. He just enforces there stereotypes. Ray agreed with that, the guy was willing to sell all the information for $50, which was pitiful. Ray also had to wonder if Anderson knew of the American - Japanese Exchange Rates. $50 would only by the teacher 3 well made bowls of noodles.

"Thank you." He said to the teacher as he was pushed out of the lab. Ray smiled and walked away, he had safely gotten the information that he needed, which meant mission accomplished. Not only did this give him the possibility of solving the case, but this also gave him a chance to test out PEM. Ray finally found Tsumiki slumped on a wall bleeding with Anderson. Ray sighed and walked up to them, he didn't want Anderson feeding him things he did not need to hair. "Tsumiki-kun, you should clean yourself up, were heading out." He said calmly, although there was and edge in his voice twoards that end that was directed and Anderson.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hello there Ray, what bring you to this corner of the neighborhood?" Anderson turned around a spread his arms out side was as if he was confused although the tone of his voice sounded like he aleady knew the answer.

"I was just telling my friend here that he ought to have more confidence in his classmates. Surely you also don't belive that we will all die this quickly, no?"

Anderson grinned as he thought, Of course, this time I got everything right so nobody will die.

Kazeno was still holding the duck as he ran around the campus. If he ever felt more stupid in his life, he must not have been remembering it. Running around while having a bad hair day and a duck in your hand and being late to school, Kazeno, you never fail to impress yourself.
"Don't worry, you've had worse moments, remember when you ran around nak-BUPHM" Kazeno stuffed the duck into Chi Ni's mouth before she could finish. Today might have been the second stupidest moment in his life discounting that time. Kazeno also remembered how much he hated the fact Chi Ni could read his thoughts.

As he attempted to once again bury those memories, he dived headfirst into someone else, "S-sorry, I should seen where I was going."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Styrgwyr
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Styrgwyr Golden Apple

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yuuma chuckled, his unease completely fading away as the girl motioned for him to sit. Taking his place beside her, he listened to her answer.

"I see..."

He smiled

"I agree... Academy City is impressive as always. But as for a place to sing... Have you tried the Music room?"

Yuuma tilted his head in his inquiry.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The tall, dark-haired young man sighed as he exited the headmaster's office, having just given his valid reasons as to why he'd not managed to attend classes in the past few days. He was clad in the school's uniform with a laptop bag slung across his shoulder. He looked at the handout given to him, making his way around the campus to get a feel for the layout and eavesdropping on random conversations. The washrooms were there, the field in which two students were doing battle was out there, his classrooms were there, and so on.

And on his self-guided orientation, Sasaki noted the obvious flyers displayed around the campus. Upon closer inspection, he noted they were recruitment posters for a manhunt for that 'Whitechapel Ghoul' fellow sponsored by a 'Hoshira Kae-sensei'. Wasn't that the name of his homeroom teacher or some such? Moreover, didn't she know there was a law about the illegality of such vigilante actions?

Not that he disagreed with that course of action, even if he likely wouldn't participate himself. Judgment and Anti-Skill were both rather unreliable and inconsistent organizations when it came to dealing with important operations, as recent history involving a certain hybridized faction demonstrated. Nevertheless, he opted to tear down the flyer and any others he'd end up having come across, if only to save Hoshira-sensei and any of the people who'd opted to play hero from legal repercussion. That, and the visceral tearing sound was like music to his ears. Rip. Rip. Rip.

By the time he finished his round, he'd had a nice big stack of paper for the nearest recycling bin. Though he'd not managed to reach every single one, just the ones on his path. Now that he knew what he needed to know, he found himself lacking for something to do. Perhaps he'd go to the library or the cafeteria and wait for lunch to roll around.

Sasaki's stomach rumbled loudly.

"...Or I could go now, I guess," the bespectacled boy noted. He looked back at his handout, noting his current position in relation to his objective. As he did so, he felt a light thud! against his torso. Of course, to Kazeno, the unfortunate individual who'd done the bumping, it was definitely not a light thud, but more like running straight into a wall. In short: not a good feeling at all. Still, he managed to apologize, or maybe had yet to feel the pain.

Sasaki lowered his paper and looked around, before looking down to the ground and seeing a strange young man holding a duck. Did he... bump into him? He reached down Kazeno and pulled him up by the back of the collar, raising him up before gently placing him back on his two feet. "Ara, you alright?" Sasaki asked, giving the kid a once over before hearing his stomach growl again, "...I'll buy you lunch to make up?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kazeno nodded as the duck pecked at Sasaki's feet, "Sorry about that."

He picked up the duck, Kazeno didn't recognize Sasaki at first, he seemed large and almost menacing in a way, it was like he had the blood of giants in him. He sure felt like he did though, Kazeno actually worried he might have gotten a concussion from ramming into him and wondered if Darwin would approve of a human having the skin of a rock. At any rate, he didn't see him in class but did see his picture and name, "Kirima Saski if I recall? I'll take you up on that offer, I'll show you the way to the cafeteria."

Jack sat atop of pile of corpses, some idiots from Skill-Out he was just another dumb esper and attacked him. While they were stupid, they did taste good. They also proved to be good test subject for the stun shot he had fixed into his claw hand. He gnawed on a shin bone before he threw behind him, further into the dark alley way, "What do humans love?"

Picking up a dismembered head, the face still stuck in shock and regret, "Atlas poor Horatio, I knew him well"
Jack held it to the sky before crushing it. The day was still young, and he would hopefully find something to do. Maybe tie someone to a monorail track and see what happens when a monorail train runs over them.

He laughed as he walked away from the pile of half-eaten corpses, "This was truly a great show put on tonight."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Ah I haven't thought about that" Kishiko said with a look of revelation on her face as Yuuma brought that up. "Perhaps ill try that next time" she added while pounding her fist into a open palm. Looking out into the expanse of the city she couldn't help but smile it was nice here at times she concluded when she was being poked and prodded by scientists that is. "So she said how about we get to now each other a bit more over tea? Always have to make time for tea time after all." She said with a sagely nod looking completely sure that it was normal to do so and not odd she asked someone she doesn't know for tea.
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