Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiso
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Kiso Yasogami's Steel Council President

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"kufufufufuhahahaha very well than let us go all out!" This she had to admit was something that she missed going against another where nothing was at stake and she could fight to her hearts content. With these thoughts in her head dodged some of his blows but still suffered from some of them. "Very well let me show you why they call me the wind god girl" she said as she threw eight more pinwheels to generate more wind. Using new source of wind she increased her speed to as fast as she could while still being able to control when she turns. Point her right hand out once more she created another wind blade this one though was longer and with a slice of her hand she sent out multiple wind blades at Dylan. Before charging forward once more "You hear it dont you a voice that is the voice of the wind calling out with its screams and shouts this my friend is the iron bottom sound" She said as a fake out before using her speed to get behind him and released a cut on his back before kicking him away.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

For a moment Wataru looked like a child again, boyish enthusiasm filling his eyes. 'Voltron was cool, but the original Gundam with the xerox dri-' He pulled up short, clearing his throat in embarrassment before moving swiftly along. Otonashi was easily impressed by his ability, even though it really wasn't that useful in practice; sure, he had a good track record with combat assists, but without any real striking power, Wataru would never excel enough to be promoted up JUDGEMENT's ranks. In truth he used it more to avoid or troll people than anything else... 'You're generous, but right. Overconfidence is one of the only things I can take advantage of.' And it was true at that. Most espers has such unshakable faith in their abilities that they trusted their senses without doubt; being able to manipulate what they could see and hear was a powerful tool, at least until they figured out his trick.

There was a brief lull in the conversation, just enough for Wataru to press on with his reason for approaching the poor girl. But just as he opened his mouth to speak, she cut him off with a stuttering confession. A mix of surprise, guilt and approval made Wataru look away for a moment, before returning his gaze level with Otonashi's eyes. 'That's a very brave thing you just did. Not many people would come forward like this. And so, I uh... have my own confession to make.' Bowing his head slightly in apologetic shame, he tried to give her a guilty smile. 'I knew you had it, someone reported you. But don't worry; before you panic, I'm pretty sure you're not to blame. After all, you were talking to me the other day when the alarm went off and there aren't any other reports of a missing fire hammer.' He took it gingerly from her bag, turning it over to find the serial number in the haft; it corresponded to the code from the alarm. It would need to be confiscated, Otonashi would need to write an official statement, he would have to file a report... Somehow it didn't seem worth all the hassle. 'Tell you what...', he said slowly. 'I'll just keep ahold of this for the time being. Just between you and be, eh?' Sealing the deal with a cheeky wink, Wataru slipped the hammer away into one pocket, privately determining to pretend he had found it randomly. Quite aside from keeping the presumably innocent Otonashi out of trouble, it meant that his report only had to be a few sentences long, thank God. 'So, now that that's taken care of, mind if I ask what you were making? I'll need to resume my patrol soon, but I'm due a break anyway.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Styrgwyr
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Styrgwyr Golden Apple

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Tea huh...hmm"

Yuuma looked thoughtful as he took in the sight of the Metropolis.

"why not?"

He shrugged and smiled. He took note of her cute reactions, what an interesting person.

"Do you have some with you? Or should we go to the Cafeteria?"

He gestured towards the general direction of said establishment.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"The choice is none of the above we are headed to the kitchen area which I have reserved for use at least a hour a day" Kishio said. Plus school tea is really bland in taste she added with another sage like nod. "Still with that said do you prefer a specific type I mainly carry black tea but im sure I can scrounge up some other type of tea if you prefer." She said she lead the way towards the kitchen area which was deserted at the time since not a lot of people really goes there to cook.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kyun
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nishihara Kei
Cafeteria, Hybrid Academy

My classmate did not seem to mind my presence, and, thus, I got myself comfortable in the seat, relieved not to be a nuisance. So, my classmate's name was Seiji, and, for some odd reason, he had some small electrical arcs around him. That did make me a bit uneasy, but I believed I had managed to not let it show on my face. He seemed to be a fairly nice, polite person.

"Understandable, but being picky is no good. You'll need that energy." I chastised him with a slight smile so as to make sure he knew I was just joking. The cafeteria's selection did indeed leave much to be desired, was what I thought as I sipped my tea. The tea combined with the dying out of the electrical sparks soothed me a bit.

At his mention of buying ingredients, I'm sure my eyes were sparly. "Would it be a bother if I accompanied you? I haven't learned my way around yet and I also wanna prepare something." I asked without really thinking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Sounds like a plan then. I'll foot the bill and you lead the way," the tall young man nodded in approval. Though it wasn't his preferred method of meeting new people, it was rather convenient that the duck boy had decided to ram full force into him. Well for him, not the dazed-looking duck boy, "If you're alright, let's get going."

The taller of the pair pushed open the door for the smaller one and his duck. Besides noting that he really needed to ask what the deal with that thing was, that there was a girl eating pineapple in the corner and a middle-schooler speaking to the Level Five Absolute Zero, Sasaki said, "Alrighty, ah... " It occurred to Sasaki that, though he was buying lunch, he had yet to note this duck boy's name. Calling him duck boy just wouldn't be polite to duck boy or Sasaki's own sensibilities. "...Just get food for you and your animal, and I'll pay," he finished neutrally, "Don't need to worry about cost. Between stipend and job I've got more than enough to throw around for meals."

'Considering my own ravenous appetite' was left unsaid, though that fact became evident with the sheer amount of food piled up on Sasaki's tray by the end of the selection process. Sure he was a big guy, but he was pretty lanky for that much food. He waited for duck boy to pick out his selection. Once he did so, Sasaki approached the cashier and removed his wallet from his pocket, slapping down banknotes like nobody's business. Though electronic banking was probably more convenient, nothing beat being able to see the fruits of your labor. That, and you couldn't hack into banknotes.

Though there was plenty of free space in the almost empty cafeteria, Sasaki gestured with his head to the worried looking girl all lonesome before walking there whether duck boy chose to or not.

"Ohayou, ojou-chan, do you mind if me and my acquaintance sit with you?" the bespectacled teen asked, holding up his almost comically oversized pile of food.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kazeno watched as Sasaki piled all manner of meat, rice and vegetables pile up on his tray, it was amazing how one tray managed to hold it all. Jeez, this guy is like the Battleship Akagi for christ sake, ignoring the similarly large amount of food on his own tray. If he wasn't flying all the time, he might have easily become a blob of flesh. Thank god he wasn't paying for it though, it would save his trust fund for a day or so he presumed.

He followed the towering figure over to the table we he asked if they could have a seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Ah... Yeah, you've got a point there." Seiji said, letting out a little laugh before looking at his cold breakfast again. Though he did seem to be making an offhand remark, Kei definitely had a point- he probably wouldn't make it through the day without any food in his stomach. Though the idea of a cold bowl of rice was definitely not something he'd have preferred, he'd have to eat it...

Seiji immediately turned his attention back to Kei as he mentioned coming with him to buy some ingredients after school today. Well, there was no reason to not bring him along- after all, his classmate seemed to be enthusiastic enough.

"By all means, tag along after school. We're still heading to the dorms in the end, so there's no big deal with that... I think. You going to bring anyone else along with you?" Seiji asked as his eyes drifted over to the vending machine nearby. Wait... That was an option.

"'scuse me a moment." he said as he got up and walked over to the machine and purchased a can of warm green tea from it. Taking the can, Seiji walked back to his seat and opened up the can, pouring the tea over his rice. Perfect.

"Ah, the wonders of ochazuke." he said, smiling as he began to eat. "By the way, what is it that you'd like to make anyhow?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago


Dylan smiled as Justeaze got serious, watching her zip around at high speeds with her wind before closing his eyes. As she sent her wind blades at him, he snapped them open, calculations running through his head at insane speeds, estimating where and when they'd hit through sight, hearing, and touch. The moment they were about to hit, he quickly avoided them by just a hair, chuckling a little at the feel of passing air on his skin.

As she came at him, he didn't move an inch in defense, trusting in his refexes, so he didn't fall for her feint. As she came at him from behind, he turned to take the slash on his arms, then moved to catch her foot by the ankle.

"I do hear the voice of the wind, and it gives me all the information I need to defeat you."

Dylan would then pull Justeaze off her feet, swinging her around a couple times befire throwing her in the direction of the track-field, breathing a little hard as he felt the adrenaline pulsing through his veins.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kotori Namashiya - An Invisible Songbird

Content with her small little breakfast arrangement as she was, Kotori snaked her hand inside a back to deftly snap open a book with one hand. Leafing through the pages, she once again found her place where she had left off the night before. Coming to the climactic moment where the Witch was about to deliver the poisoned apple to her unsuspecting and innocent rival, Kotori popped a bite of egg between her lips and became immersed once again.

From a distance, there was movement. There were other students piling into the cafeteria to get their morning meals. This time however, she didn't worry. These students would also likely ignore her presence so at first she paid them little heed if at all!

This was a mistake, one that was to be her undoing.

Across the cafeteria, two boys were walking in her direction. One of them being monstrously taller than the other with a proverbial mountain of food piled haphazardly onto his tray. Pulling up the book so that it covered her face except for her eyes, she guardedly observed them from over the tome's edge. The moment she realized that the taller one was looking at her, Kotori's skin rapidly paled as if she had seen a ghost!

The boy leading the two with an Everest of food was monstrous! What did he want?!

Rapid fire troubling thoughts tore through her mind, each of them more worrisome than the next as he drew closer. Closing her eyes tightly and silently praying to herself that his gaze being affixed upon her was just an illusion her nervousness had created, the dreaded truth came out footsteps came to a pause at the side of her table and he asked if the two of them could...she heard quacking, did they have a duck? Why, why did they have a duck?

What fowl trickery was this?

No matter, she had to answer his question. This was her chance! An actual opportunity to make a good impression with those who might be future classmates! So, swallowing a pill of courage and straightening her posture, her worrisome state turned to one that could have almost been considered enigmatic! Good! This is good! She thought, gathering what little confidence she had to speak.

Snapping the storybook shut and settling it down upon the table to the side, she softly nodded to the request. With her melancholic voice reaching out to address the two. "I am not one to stop either of you, feel free to take a seat."

Coolly, well, as coolly as she could, Kotori then plucked up the last piece of her delicious home-cooked eggs and ate it. Using the chewing of her food to buy her time and glancing to the two as they sat down, she bit her bottom lip briefly, thinking of exactly what to say next. How did normal conversations go? Exactly how did they function? Oh yeah! Introductions! That's usually what happened next, right?

"Um, well good morning! ...My name is Namashiya Kotori, what is both of yours?" She requested hesitantly at first, still trying to think deeply on how people normally talked with one another.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiso
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Kiso Yasogami's Steel Council President

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I see its heightened instincts and a innate trust in them" Justeaze said casually as she finally figured out how he kept dodging most of her attacks as she got up from being thrown. Though even as she said this a large smile was on her face as she was breathing a bit hard as well this had to be the most fun she had in awhile. "hahahahaha this has to be the most fun I had in ahwile" she exclaimed as she increased her speed once more it would a bit harder for her to turn but it was worth it she thought. Charging forward once more she did a stabbing motion with her hand that had a small wind blade before switch it up to her foot as she went for a kicking attack once more. This time though due to the increased wind at her feet she would be able to react without falling down fully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Otonashi Shizuka

Shizuka heard Wataru say 'Gundam', she'd definitely have to engage him in conversation more in the near future.

When Wataru showed amnesty and confiscated the hammer, Shizuka was a bit flustered and relieved at the same time. "Th-thank you. I hope you won't get in trouble on my account. As for what I'm building, it's technically just a tiny speaker. But the point is I'm making a bunch of them. Shizuka waved an arm at the workbench to bring Wataru's attention to about a dozen small, white cube-looking devices. "My reason for making these, is because I'm interested to see how I can take advantage of acoustic concepts; for example, constructive and destructive interference, to increase my sound intensity. Have you ever been to a concert, and found that depending on where you are, the volume of the sound changes? I want to take advantage of this concept, which is also the same concept behind the double-slit experiment and cymatic patterns. If I can place these around at strategic locations and have them emit whatever frequency I want them to, I think I could make my ability significantly more versatile. It would be my own personal concert hall, the Lonely Orchestra. The thing about waves is ultimately, synergy; each individual speaker may be weak, but their combined intensity is proportional to the square of the sums of their amplitudes." Shizuka suddenly froze as she caught herself spouting sound-related techno-babble. Even though she expected that, as an Esper, Wataru had the intelligence to understand what she was saying, ultimately, she couldn't count on him being at all interested. She suddenly clamped down and looked away in embarrassment.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Of course thank you very much." Ria said hesitantly but at the same she sounds moody and mood swinging. Absolute Zero and Handler, seems like Level 5's do get along with each other if pride is set aside. Truth be told as recurring study of Aleister Crowley, the ability of an esper is modeled after their personality; the perfect example is Ria being a Type A Tsundere to the extension of a Kuudere, ice persona with temperature gag jokes though not intended, she still pulls it. "You taught me well, I suppose having a meal with Lolicon-sensei will please him but on the other away around, in that form of yours. You're making me look like a shotacon." Ria ordered an ice cream parfait so early in the morning and they sit down on the nice couch.

The two begin to converse; "Simultaneous murder case have been happening recently, three days ago I took down one of the Akurans as well as yesterday..." Not too happy about it.

Tsurara said nonchalantly and even if a teacher like Taiki who is about 3-4 years older than her, she's just being the usual Tsurara; Their relationship is odd but friendly. "Yeah I know, it's not my fault that a lot of people are picking up fights with a Level 5 and Judgement has to put me on tight provision. I also have schedule on stupid perverted scientists checking up on my body. Anyways, I'll cut to the point. It's not like I'm asking you to keep a secret nor bail me out. These Akurans, they claimed to be working for a hitman. Who knew that reckless Yakuzas are rising here in Academy City, all I can say with my deemed expression is using a meme from the internet called, 'ALIENS' meme and replace it with 'JAPAN' meme." Ria jokes along the away as she expresses her dismay to Taiki.

Trivia: It has been 15 years and in that span of years, certain groups either fall or rise, the Yakuza happens to be one of them and till now; Not much activity are occurring in the city. The Yakuza are claimed to have many hideouts. District 9 is where the most activity can be found.

Nagatenjouki, one of the top five most prestigious schools in Academy City and the best school in the city rivals Hybrid Academy. The school shares good relationship with Hybrid Academy not only as rivals but allies especially Judgement. Nagatenjouki is the school of the strongest level 5, Accelerator.

Daihaseisai. is an annual city-wide interschool sporting competition that takes place September 19 through September 25 in Academy City.

Underground Battles. As illegal activities grow in AC such as smuggling etc. The Underground Battle is a place of bets where normalish, Esper, and magicians bet about things especially. An entertainment for the Yakuza and whatnot.

Ria sighed; "That reminds me since when are we close? Address me as Tsurara, you shorty pants dweeb." Rolling her eyes, Taiki can call her by her first name is just that the moment they are having can be considered outright and automatically scandalous in everyone's eyes in the campus. Then Ria whispers, "By the way. Can you come to my apartment later, I need to show you something." Then she paused and look at the girl with glasses. "Mishima-sensei. That girl looks my type." Ria and her yuri jokes.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Styrgwyr
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Styrgwyr Golden Apple

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I'll have green tea please~"

Yuuma chimed with delight as he followed his new potential friend into the Kitchen area. Entering the room, He looked around. Besides them there was no one else. He involuntarily remembered his mother's words about the stuff regarding events that lead to a boy and a girl being alone in a room.

He very briefly blushed at the thought before shaking it off. He couldn't just simply forget about it because of his eidetic memory. Both a boon and a curse that inborn trait of his.

His eyes darted across the room, best way to deal with an unwanted memory is to distract himself.

"You reserved the kitchen room for an hour everyday just to brew tea?"

He couldn't help but ask after realizing that this place was probably the room used for the Home Economics class.

"Don't you just love misunderstandings?"

Taiki quipped as he ordered a Drumstick chicken leg, a beefy burger, a bowl of potato salad and some mash potatoes. Then he payed for all of them, Ria's order included, with his stash of food tickets.

After getting a table, Taiki briefly noted the comfortable couches they sat on. Thinking just how well off this school was.
Then they started to talk. Despite the age gap and their position as student and teacher, the two level 5s were pretty close.
Although some people might think otherwise in their position, Taiki saw Ria as an equal. Senseless pride because of seniority is beneath him.

"You know, you could've just made a quick impression instead of explaining the darn meme."

Ria had an opportunity for humor there, and she ruined it! Taiki mentally swore, Ria and him are gonna have a long chat about delivering jokes in the near future.

"Aww, but 'Tsurara' reminds me too much of Ice ladies that trick men on snowy days. Although you technically fit the "Ice Lady" part, it's just not the same."

He shrugged.

"But okay, Tsurara-kun it is"

He could just feel the metaphorical distance between them growing wider. Minus five friendship points for you, Absolute Zero.

"Apartment?... Sure, why not~ I don't have much to do today anyway."

Then the girl's eyes got caught on something. Taiki followed her line of sight.

"Your type?... I didn't know you were a lesbian."

He turned back to Tsurara, his face showing honest confusion with a hint of surprise.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tsumiki tilted his head back in surprise, touching the sore part of his hand where the blood was coming from. "Oh," He said lamely, feeling the wetness. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Is it bad enough to need bandaging?" He held out his hand to Ray for inspection, waiting calmly while blood continued to drip from the gash.

Sometimes being blind is inconvenient, He mused to himself as he stood there bleeding.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 23 days ago

"Sure, confidence in comrades is important, but there are certain situations were you may lose faith in your comrade." Ray said coldly. Anderson had lost a lot of Ray's respect with the act that he put on inside the lab. There was no legitimate reason for the teacher to pay for information she already had. Not only that, he was willing to sell it for a small $50, which if the math was done correctly, would amount to 6,000 Yen. So it's the illogical offer that he made that has you all high-strung. "Yes, his stupidity had gone a long way to making me a bit mad." He though to himself.

Ray sighed anf looked at Tsumiki, who held his hand out for Ray to inspect. Ray raised and eyebrow at that, why would he be the one to inspect such a wound. He is most likely blind. Ray was puzzled, the student did not look blind, but if JUDGEMENT was willing to accept him, then he must have been extremely skilled. It's only a hunch. Ray smiled and inspected the Tsumiki's hand for a few seconds. Once he was satisfied he let go of the boy's hand and let his fall to his side. "There's no need for such things. Just wipe the blood of and you'll be fine." He said with a hint of exasperation.

Ray started to walk away but right before he passed Anderson he placed his hand on his shoulder. "Next time you want to make a money offer, make sure you understand the concept of Exchange Rates. In this country, $50 is worth 6000 Yen, enough for 3 bowls of ramen. Use some logic next time." He said sarcastically before he walked off twoards the school entrance. "Meet me at the front of the school, Tsumiki!" He yelled as he walked away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Aahh, what a day. Noboyuki was caught up in his Judgement assigments for a good part of the day. He was beaten up by a gang of Skill-Out punks that just overrun him, then caught their leaders isolated and beat the living shit out of them, then more Skill-Out guys caught up to him. He ran so they wouldn't catch him, tripped over a rock, hit his face rather badly and then beaten up again by the Skill-Out punks until he could no longer feel the most part of his body. Anyone should have died there, but what made everyone back away from Noboyuki was the fact that he started moaning with pleasure after taking one too many attacks. It had been a good day, definitely. And going to the doctor so he could fix his broken nose with a pencil was like a bonus for him.

He then arrived to the campus only to find Ria trying to flirt with some girl. He decided to include himself into the conversation, and then get out just as fast. Seemed funny enough from his perspective. After Taiki said it was a surprise to actually find out that Ria was a lesbian, he decided to appear, mostly out of nowhere and without making as much as a noise, and say, "She's a bi, though. Well, she'll attack pretty much anything that moves." With his piece said, aiming to rather scare the guys in there rather than actually saying something funny, Noboyuki thought of it as mission accomplished, as he walked away. If any of the two level 5's decided to get back to him after scaring them, then all the better for him. In fact, he awaited that outcome.

He would still continue on walking and head to a chair so he could sit down. It was a good day today, but that didn't mean it didn't exhaust him. He sat down in a little bench he found in campus, let out a sigh and decided to relax a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Why wouldn't I after all isnt that a good way to make sure the tea is up to your standards?" She asked back as she went about boiling the water and setting out the tea leaves. "It is my opinion that you have to make time for tea time since it's a good time to relax and calm one's self." She added continuing on as she went about to collect the cups and some small tea cakes along with the sugar and cream as well. Setting them up she sat down and poured the boiling water into the cups along with setting the tea leaves aside the one on the right is black she said and the left is green tea soaked in ginseng extract she pointed out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tsubasa Minami


Tsubasa slowly found himself sliding out of the tape. After struggling within the duct tape's grasp for so long, he finally began to pry away from the adhesive material. He pulled a bit before tearing himself out of the tape, falling on cheek-first before crawling under the table.

The red-and-orange-haired student soon stood up, finally free of his friends' ridiculously powerful tape prank. For a prank, it seemed quite over-the-top.

...I'll give them a word or two, he thought as he walked within the library. The boy soon began to search for books.

Bang Constantine

Bang soon found himself leaving the gymnasium to take a restroom break. With his required training for the day finished, he began to plan on extra training methods to work his body out. Until his next class period arrived, he would do nothing but training tirelessly.

Sure, it did make him sound like a boring man, but he could not care less about how appealing he seemed to others. As long as he could improve himself, he did not argue with how his schedule went.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Much thanks, ojou-chan," Sasaki nodded, taking the seat before the meganekko hiding behind her book of fairy tales. Was he really that scary? Sure he something like at least a foot taller than his companion - and the girl herself - but he wasn't that scary... anymore, at least. Well, so he'd hoped. "Good read?" he asked in an attempt to make himself seem less intimidating.

"...My name is Namashiya Kotori, what is both of yours?"

"Kirima Sasaki," the person in question answered simply, seat taken and edible mountain laid out before him. His voice and expression were impassive, though he eyed the food before him with something similar to anticipation as he took hold of the chopstick package provided to him. He tore open the top of the paper package and allowed the utensils to slide out into his free hand. "So," Sasaki continued, placing both hands on either of the conjoined pair of chopsticks and looking straight at the person sitting in front of him, "you guys espers--" He split the chopsticks with a satisfying SNAP! "--or magicians?"

Not waiting for a response, he looked back down to his food, and, with a downright malicious grin on his face, said "Itadakimasu."

The tall fellow downed his first bite quickly enough, though had this minor look of dissatisfaction on his face, as if the food was missing something. "...Needs more spice..." Sasaki murmured. Traditional Japanese dishes, such as the ones he had chosen to eat, typically didn't come spiced unlike other varieties of Asian food. He down a few more portions quickly enough before pointing his chopsticks at duck boy. "Also, what's up with the duck?" he asked, lowering his utensils and having at his quickly diminishing pile. Where did all that mass go anyway?

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