Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Styrgwyr
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Styrgwyr Golden Apple

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mishima, Yuuma


His senses debilitated, Yuuma didn't even had the chance to notice the girl running towards him before they actually collided and even landing in what you might call an indecent position. Yuuma's face paled as he realized that he was on top of a lady. He quickly sat up and backed away with both of his hands repeatedly gestured in a placating manner. Expecting the girl to be very much mad.

So it came as a surprise when he saw the girl bowing and apologizing.

"ah, no no! I was the one who wandered into the field. I'm the one who should apologize. Please stand up, sorry about this."

He offered his hand to the girl. Having someone bow before him made him really uncomfortable.

Just then, another guy approached them amd greeted the girl. Yuuma noticed the shoulderband on his arm, immediately recognizing the emblem of Judgement.

"Ah, hello!"

Yuuma bowed and greeted in the Japanese way to both of them.

"I'm Mishima, Yuuma. Nice to meet you."

When the guy suggested a fight, Yuuma was quick to show his reluctance to the idea.

"a fight!? I'm sorry I have to decline..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiso
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Kiso Yasogami's Steel Council President

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I see well at least your not hurt right?" Justeaze asked she might not like boys but she was the culprit in this case with her running into him. Watching the new person enter she recognized him right away the mad dog of judgment huh? "So you wanna play huh very well a single one on one duel nothing lethal that could injure each other at the outdoor field. Though to my knowledge there has not been a sanctified duel yet so it might become public." Justeaze said while laying down her terms for the duel match he wanted should give her time to work out some kinks in her fighting as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago


If Dylan had a tail, it would've been wagging right, hr was so excited.

"Done, done, and done. Thank you so much for this Justeaze, I owe you one." And then he was gone, running around the fiekd until he found one of thos flying bots that had the authority to sanction duels, and brought it over to the field.

After imputtiing the conditions of the duel, the bot ran it through the registery and with a beep, announced the duel had been sanctioned and they were free to begin when they pleased. Dylan took a stance in the center, bouncing on the balls of his feet, a wolfish-grin in his face and a feral gleam in his eye, he looked every bit the part of the "Mad Dog."

"I'll be a gentlemen and let you go first, Justeaze-san, so do be sure to make it count."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"On a dark silent night, not a single soul in sight, was a girl in the woods, so alone in fright."

Yamada Yui ran down the twisted maze of alleys against the voice. A seasoned Anti-Skill veteran didn't help with this situation, no amount of training could have prepared her this, no amount of experience could tell her what to do. Cursing with every step, she desperately thought how on person could possible kill nearly a dozen Anti-Skill officers in a blink of an eye. Yamguchi was impaled on about fifteen stone spike at once, Mino had been locked in a room and then had the wall squish her to a tiny, bloody cube, Hitako was ripped in half before he could even screen and she had found Kaguya's body half consumed and full of holes with her organs spilling out, her wide eyes saying "help me" as she was eaten alive.

"HQ, this is command, requesting a ETA on back up!" Yui yelled into her radio but there was no answer. Only white noise and radio static. "Please, tell me someone is coming!"

With goosebumps on the back of her neck and her forehead drenched in sweat, she felt a haunting presence behind her. One false step and she could be dead. In one swift motion, she pulled out her hand gun and turned around, aiming at the presence behind her, "Who's there?"
"Just me, Hayate." the figure replied, "Thank god you're safe."
"Oh, thank god, do you know when back up is coming?" Yui walked towards her comrade with open arms.
"W-wai, what?"

At that moment, light shown on her comrade to reveal that he was nothing more than a barely-alive corpse, whispering with blank eyes, "Private Hayate Asakura, 5 regiment, 4th battalion." over and over again. As Yui reeled in from the shock, Jack appeared from behind the dying man, "Good Morning~"
"H-h-h-h-h-h-h" Yui could barely get the word "how" out.
"Other you mean like this?" Jack was speaking exactly how Yui remembered Hayate's voice, calm and cheerful, "I gave myself an implant to my throat, its now literally a voicebox."

Yui walked backwards in a mix of fear and defeat, they had been sent in on a classified mission to deal with just one kid less than ten minutes ago and now the entirety of her 25-man team was dismembered and mauled beyond recognition. Even if their bodies where found, they would be unrecognizable for burial.
"Oh, was he someone you knew?" Jack looked at Hayate who was still chanting his survival mantra, "Here, let me return him to you."

With his left hand, he grabbed the man's face, sinking his claws into his eyes. The man stopped chanting and let out a bloodcurdling freeze and each of the muscles and bits of skin was being ripped off by Jack. Then, there was a snap as Jack quickly ripped the man's head off from the neck up, Hayate's spine dangling, dripping with blood and spinal fluid. Jack smiled as he threw the head over in front of Yui who promptly collapsed, unable to deal with the situation and broken.
"I never say in one piece love~" Jack's right arm transformed into his gruesome steel saw, blood from hundreds of previous victims polished the blades. Without turning it on, he stabbed the headless body of Hayate before turning it on. Blood sprayed everywhere as the body danced like some puppet, shaking violently as the saw exited the other end of the chest, covering Yui and the head of Hayate in huge raindrops of blood and gore.

Yui finally broke and screamed, "D-d-d-don't c-c-c-come any c-c-closer! I h-h-ha-ha-have a fucking gun! Y-you're s-s-so d-dead!"

Shots rang out as Jack rasied the body high off the ground, letting loose more blood until the saw had carved its was through the body, leaving a carcass split like a banana on the ground, "And I have a steel saw."

"D-DON'T FUCK WITH ME!" Yui reloaded her gun with shaky hands and let loose again.
"Such a fragile thing humans are." Jack sighed as a bullet harmlessly bounced off of him, "They make wonderful targets though."

His left-hand claws, still dripping with the blood of Yui's comrade tuned blue and electricity was seen pulsing through his arm and sparks flew from the ends of the metal tips.
"This is another toy I 'found', I hear it can paralyze and cook people from the inside." Jack calm walked toward the desperate woman who was still firing off crazed shots, "I want to test it on some one as beautiful as you."
"LIKE HELL YOU FUCKING WILL YOU BITCH!" Yui threw down her gun and charged Jack with her knife, landing the blade right in his eye.

She thought she had finally won a victory as Jack stumbled backwards, the sparks in his claw faded. Unfortunately, she was wrong.
"My, my, so this is what it feels like to loose an eye." Jack stoped stumbling and looked up, Yui gasped at the ghastly sight of Jack's "eye". The area her knife had landed in looked like it had just pierced a china doll and the eyeball was suspened in places by a metal ring with blood vessels and wires leading out of it.
"I'll just have to use your's then." Jack rushed forward with inhuman speed and grabbed her with his now human hand, "Don't worry, I'll leave the rest of your face relatively intact as I feel it would make quite a nice wall mount.

Yui screamed as Jack stabbed her with his claws. Within seconds, the electrical charge ran through her body, roasting her from the inside as she was helpless to move. Barely alive, Yui fell to the floor, shuttering in fear, H-how?.
"Do you want to know why I'm better than you, human?" Jack leaned forward and whispered into Yui's ear, "Its because I gave up being human a long time ago, in fact, I was never human to begin with!"

Jack laughed as he plunged his fist into Yui's stomach and turn it into saw mode at close contact. "Itadakimas." he laughed as Yui writhed in pain and and geyser of blood shot out of her, "Oh, but don't worry, I'll still keep your eye after I've eaten, and mount your head on my wall." Somehow, God decided that it would be appropriate to curse her with life, she wanted to die. She screamed for one last, futile time as Jack began to slow, agonizing process of eating her, limb by limb, piece by piece, one bite at a time. Nobody would find enough of her to even cremate her remains.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


More than one recruit had shown up in her office already. It made her happy, to be honest, the more cannon fodder she had at hand the better. Besides, it seemed as if slicing people was that guy's hobby. The brats, though, thought they had some kind of upper hand. Anderson offered her a deal, info in exchange of a reward she was already offering in the poster. She was composed as ever, her poker face persistant. She sighed at the suggestion of Anderson. "What makes you think you have more information than I have, Anderson-kun? I have access to most files of students and know just about everything about their abilities and whatnot. Not counting, this..." She was working on a computer before the boys arrived. She took the screen and turned it so that the group could see it.

"I already have enough information at hand. If you want to make a deal, you'll have to try harder than that." The screen showed various processes of information. It seemed that she had hacked into something. Most probably, a database of someone. Another of her abilities as a self proclaimed genius. "And the boys over there. Drop your respectful act. I might get you suspended just because of your eavesdropping, you know." She raised her voice to Ray and Akira, who were poorly hiding behind a wall.

"If you want to know that badly, just come in. I don't mind a crowded office." Kae said. Still, the brats were underestimating her hugely by the looks of it. "With the three of you cann-, no, I mean supports, we may have a better chance at this than I initially thought. You are way better than what I expected." Of course, she had read the files of everyone, so she knew just about everything about their abilities and who they were. Still, a level 5 was nothing to toy with. She had already prepared some papers she'd hand them and make them sign so that, just in the case they died, their families would not hold her responsible for anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

One two.
One two three.
One two three four.
One two.
One two.

A dark-haired man with blue boxing gloves pummeled a heavy punching bag.
It had been some time since he decided to attend Hybrid Academy, and the first important thing he found himself doing after the Entrance Ceremony was punching an inanimate object... and even now, he punched inanimate objects. He had no objections to his schedule. He did, however, feel both unnerved and amazed at the people who fought strange things such as drones. Nevertheless, he paid little attention to his surroundings and focused more on balancing his speed and power.

Jab. Jab, jab.
Body blow.

Constantine Bang threw his torso down, taking a few steps to his right before delivering several more hooks at the punching bag. He was not the fastest thing alive, but he surely wasn’t the slowest. He continued to pummel the punching bag with a combination of hooks and jabs as he practiced positioning himself.
His feet sliding through the ground each time he made a step, the man used a Shoeshine Combination against the punching bag. Bang seemingly shuffled his feet as he slowly moved around at least thirty degrees around the cylindrical sandbag before punching the object with an uppercut.


Raising a fist behind his chest, the man swung an uppercut at the punching bag, propelling the bag away from him as it remained hooked to a punching bag stand he set up earlier. He stepped out of the way, letting the heavy punching bag swing past here he once stood.
He certainly did not lose his touch, but he still needed to further push his limits.
Taking a quick break, he picked up a water bottle that stood all by itself on the ground. A drink was all he needed before continuing his relentless training.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Kae-sensei, there is much to Jack you don't know," Anderson helped himself to a candy on the desk, "If you're only jacking school computers, good luck. I came to make you a deal since I know more about Jack then-ALHDFGJHRKTJKFJAL!"

Anderson gagged as the candy suddenly turned incredibly sour, then bitter, then spicy, then back to sour, then to just tasting like shit, "What the fuck lady? What the hell did you put in here?"

Anderson rushed over to the sink and spat out a small, bluish orb that was half digested and looked deceptively like the top of a lolipop. Anderson wondered what the hell was that as he thought he felt Kae giving him a "and that's called karma" look.

Anderson regained composure and resumed his speech as if nothing had happened, "I know Jack's backstory, all of his powers, his location and more importantly, his weakness. Plus I can offer more 'cannon fodder' through mercenary contracts."

Anderson hoped in a chair and leaned back, resting his smug face on his hand, "Let's make a deal."

Kazeno dragged Chi Ni along as he zoomed through streets to get to class. The ghostly spirt had obviously seen better days judging by the appearance on her face.
"You're going to fast-desu!" Chi Ni fell into her virbal tick that only happened when she was under stress.
"No I'm not!" Kazeno air-dashed right at the last second before they would have been hit by a train, "Don't worry, I got dis!"

God must have an ironic sense of humor as the second after Kazeno said that, a duck was flying by and decided to fly toward the flying human, and odd sight that must have been for the duck. Kazeno hit the duck at incredible speeds, loosing control and he flew towards the school.

Anderson had created the perfect setting for himself, the right mood, the right amount of tension, the right posture, everything seemed to go well.
"So, you offer Kae-sensei?"

Kae appeared to be opening her mouth to say something, but all that came out was screaming. For a second Anderson though Kae had finally let loose the souls of her guinea pigs but then he noticed something flying towards him from the window. He squinted to take a look, but by the time he recognized what it was it was too late.

Kazeno and Chi Ni, and the random flying duck, landed on Anderson in the most awkward position possible. The end result seemed like an incredibly disorganized threesome, with a duck.
"Oh for Christ sake..." Anderson slapped his forehead as Kazeno was trying to get Chi Ni's ghostly ass out of his face and the duck waddled around, oblivious to the mess it created.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Seiji's body immediately tensed up when the newcomer approached him and introduced himself as a member of his class... and as a magician. It made his previous lamentations amusing in hindsight, but at least he could laugh about his own misgivings later.

"Go right ahead, Kei-san. My name's Seiji, family name Matsuda. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." he smiled before he noticed his stomach growling. The small electrical arcs near him died out as he scratched the back of his head nervously. Looking at the food and back to Kei, he let out a little laugh before continuing.

"Ehehehe... I was so worked up about what happened a few days ago that I haven't eaten much of anything for the past few days... Not to mention, the school food isn't much to my tastes. I should probably go to the store after school today to pick up some ingredients on the way back to the dorms..." he trailed off before noticing he had gone off on a little tangent.

"Oh, don't mind me and my rambling. Take a seat."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He didn't miss the startled movement and since Wataru had already seen the hammer, he was inclined to let Otonashi believe she had hidden it safely. Truth be told, he didn't want to do this... The chances of this girl being guilty of anything worse than abusing her club budget were near non-existent. And yet duty compelled him to continue the gentle interrogation. 'Really? I had you pegged for a book lover; shows what I know, eh?' Nothing in his manner showed any scorn for her choice of hobby; it was a damn sight better than his own knitting... 'I used to love mecha anime too, at least the classics.' Wataru's eyes glossed over for a moment as he smiled in pure nostalgic bliss... The old series, classic Gundam... Masterpieces, all of them.

His curiosity peaked as Otonashi gave a demonstration of her power and it set his mind at ease too; there was no way an acoustokinetic could set off the alarm without physically being near one and the hammer in her bag made even less sense considering he was her alibi. She probably had some other reason for stealing it or else it was dropped there by someone else... Either way, Wataru would have to confiscate it... But in the meantime, he was more interested in the girl herself. 'Mine isn't too dissimilar actually. I can change how people see and hear things, though I can't do touch... yet.' He concentrated on the tools before them, warping the hot soldering iron into a mirage of a small rabbit, complete with little anime-like chirps to demonstrate sounds. 'It's kinda useless, but fun too.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiso
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Kiso Yasogami's Steel Council President

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Sigh yare yare very well than let me make you regret your choice" Justeaze shouted as she charged forward with her left arm trailing behind her her right hand having a large wind blade covering it. Reaching Dylan she quickly went and started attack him with her right hand going for non lethal spots with the wind only being enough to cut clothes. Jumping back she grabbed a few pinwheels and threw them into a diamond formation and with that the blades started to spin generating wind for her to use a bit more she increased the length of the wind blade around her right hand and went forward with a stab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Styrgwyr
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Styrgwyr Golden Apple

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yuuma, not wanting anything to do with the duel, quickly left the very eager duo to their own devices and continued his self-tour.

Yuuma made his way towards the rooftop and took in the view from the vantage point. He could practically see the whole Academy from up there, including a great deal of Academy city itself. The giant city-state was simply breath-taking.

"The wonders of Human innovation and engineering..."

In the middle of the hallways, standing in front of the bulletin board was a boy. He looked like a middle-schooler. And in some angles he could even be mistaken for a grade-schooler. Taiki Mishima, he was and still is a teacher of Hybrid academy. He could not attend the first day of school and a couple of days that followed because of... Various circumstances.

Taiki looked at the eye-catching poster with apparent amusement.

"Recruiting people to fight a ghoul-boss... Pffft AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA"

He laughed so loud and hard and so suddenly that it startled the students passing by.

"What is this? An RPG!? Pffwahhaahahahha"

He continued to laugh as he walked away from the bulletin board, briefly thinking about who mistook Hybrid Academy for a mercenary guild.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Ray stood in front of the lab door without much of a sound emitting from his body. He was still, with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, listening to the ongoing conversation that ensued between the teacher and Anderson. Ray could not understand what exactly Anderson wanted from this deal. He was slightly afraid that he would ask for information about the students and the school. Unfortunately, that was a situation that could compromise many of the students, but hr was sure the teacher would not accept of such a deal.

Ray did take notice of another Judgement member waiting in front of the door as he was. It's illogical to have to people do the same job in this situation. Ray sighed. He wanted to tell the guy to step off,but he choose to remain quiet and concentrate on the mission at hand. Ray was not so sure he had spoke with this student, which was normal for him. Ray had been so involved with his work that he did not even take the time to talk to other students.

Ray smiled when the teacher responded. Anderson no longer held a powerful bargaining chip, which left him with no deal. This also meant that Ray could get his information, without having to listen in. You think she would give you that info? Ray frowned, that, he did not know, It was up to the teacher wether or not she would give out classified information. Ray shook his head, he was here to fight the Ghoul, why would she not give them the information that could help them during the fight.

Ray walked into the room and smiled when the teacher told them to come out. "Technically I was not really hiding." He said light heartily. He immediately went back to his original position, hands crossed and eyes closed. Apparently, Anderson still had a bit of fight left in him, Ray could not help but chuckle. Why they needed all that information about his life was past him, but how exactly did he know all this himself. Fortunately Ray kept quiet and grabbed the papers from the teachers hand. He quickly sighed the papers and returned them to her. His parents already lost there son when he left home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ria Tsurara/Absolute Zero

Passing by the hallways,wanting to go to the cafeteria. She quickly recognized a familiar face of a young boy. "And I never thought I see you in this place, #3 Mishima Taiki." Ria has an aloof display upon meeting Taiki. She waits for his reply.

Kihara Eita

Boy. He have been following Anderson like a shadow. And he doesn't like being ignored. He speaks in a loud and fine tuned voice. "Ignorance is a bliss and curiosity kills a cat. Are you trying to say that with your package of information. You can be unstoppable? Just to know that a snake is opportunistic but a hawk is just as one as the snake. Anderson-kun. Don't get too cocky." Kihara as a snake like motif is still giving vibes that of ominous aura around him. Whatever he has in mind is vague for now. "By the way I'm sure you know about the White Chapel Ghoul.. Say what if I tell you one of the students have had been in contact with such person. I'm pretty sure that the fire alarm and the sprinklers three days ago weren't for nothing."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Styrgwyr
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Styrgwyr Golden Apple

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Taiki stopped and turned to the voice. A grin grew on his face at the sight.

"Ah, if it isn't the stripper lady~"

He looked her up and down.

"It sure is a rare sight... Seeing you wearing anything besides underwear."

Now if it was anyone else but him and Ria, those words would've been scandalously suggestive. He was a teacher and Ria was a student after all. Good thing he looked even younger than her at the moment. Not to mention this was that Ria.

"So? How've ya been, Ria-kun?"

He inquired, still wearing that signature grin of his.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Otonashi Shizuka

"Classics? You mean like Voltron?" Shizuka asked, her eyes lighting up. People probably thought concepts like five lion robots combining was corny, but Shizuka loved that kind of stuff, which spilled over into a love of Super Sentai and all things tokusatsu.

When Wataru demonstrated his ability, Shizuka looked on in awe, but when he said that it was kind of useless, Shizuka shook her head vehemently, "Just because you can't directly hurt people with it doesn't make it useless. People, especially people who are over-confident, trust their own senses above all else. I'm sure that as a member of JUDGMENT, you've used your powers in really helpful ways..."

Bringing up JUDGMENT reminded her of the hammer, and the possibility that he was investigating her. Her first instinct was to continue to hide it for fear of being implicated, but the more she thought about it the more the tension build up in her anxiety became unbearable, she figured it might be better to present the evidence, come what may. "Umm...Satou-san? H-here..."

Shizuka pulled the fire alarm hammer out of her bag and showed it to him. "I-I don't know if you'll b-believe me, but I didn't do it! I-I j-just found this in my bag was all!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Sigh been here a few days and still cant find anywhere to go for peace and quiet" Kishiko muttered to herself as she walked towards the rooftop it was her last option hopefully it wouldn't be crowded. Reaching her destination she didn't notice the other person there before she sat down and started to sing.

Asa no hikari mabushikute
Weigh anchor!

kotoba mo nakute tada nami no oto kiiteta
kioku no imi tamesareteiru mitai ni
yami no naka demo omoidasu
mae ni susumu no miteite yo

So repeatedly, we won't regret to them
sonna fuu nimo kangaeteta no
akogare batsubyou mirai
zetsubou soushitsu betsuri
ikutsumono kanashimi to umi o koe


sekai no subete ga miiro ni toketemo
kitto anata no koe ga suru daijoubu kaerou tte ittemo
sekai ga subete hanten shiteiru no nara
soredemo anata to massugu ni mae o mitete
ima negai kometa ichigeki hazeta

She was splendid like our flagship,
but it's all in the past
She never gave up hope even
till the end, only the sea knows
dakara nuritsubuseru wake mo wasurenai
kojia keru no miteite yo

So foolish, don't repeat the tragedy!
sonna kotoba ni sugari wa shinai
kirameki aozora kibou
haiboku minasoko nemuri
ikutsumono namida no umi o koe


watashi no subete ga kakkou ni kietemo
Zutto kitto tomo ni aru tte
Itsu no hi ka kawareru tte temo
Watashi ga subete maboroshi da to shitara sou
Sore demo anata to kiseki no yo wo kono toki ni
Ima inori kometa ichi geki

Sekai no subete ga miiro ni kietemo
Anata wo wasurenai
Sekai no subete ga miiro ni kietemo
Watashi ga sagashi dasu

“Daijoubu” ”Kaerou” tte demo
“Daijoubu” “Kawareru” tte ima
“Susumu no yo” “Yareru” tte mada
Zenbu sou, kore de owari…

Ima watashi no subete ga miiro ni toketemo
Fukami he ochite yuku
Soshite kioku no subete ga miiro ni natte
Hikari ni kiete yuku


sekai no subete ga miiro ni toketemo
Kitto anata no koe ga suru
“Daijoubu” “Kaerou” tte temo
Taisetsu na anata ga umarete kuru nara
Sou watashi wa aruki daseru
Saigo ni nee kono negai
Ima nori koe mirai he to
Weigh anchor!

something about singing she mused as she finished her song made her feel at peace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Sigh yare yare very well than let me make you regret your choice" Justeaze shouted as she charged forward with her left arm trailing behind her her right hand having a large wind blade covering it. Reaching Dylan she quickly went and started attack him with her right hand going for non lethal spots with the wind only being enough to cut clothes. Jumping back she grabbed a few pinwheels and threw them into a diamond formation and with that the blades started to spin generating wind for her to use a bit more she increased the length of the wind blade around her right hand and went forward with a stab.


Dlyan smiled as Justeaze came at him, eyes catching every movement she made as she came after him with quick strikes with her right hand, dodging each and everyone one of them at the very last second with little effort. He may not be the fastest, or the strongest, but his reaction time and reflexes were second to none, his body constantly feeding him a wealth of information through all five of his senses, this battle having him rely more on his sense of touch and sight more than anything else.

When the wind user came at him with her stab, Dylan dodged again, this time launching a counter offensive of his own. He would grab her arm just behind were the blade formed, then give her a solid elbow to the body, nothing that would hurt too much, but enough to knock the wind out of her(heh, wind). While he did this, he'd position his foot behind her back leg, bring them in close for a split second before he let go of her hand to perform a spinning leg sweep, the leg continuing upward, before coming down to a stop right over her throat. A shit-eating grin on his face, Dylan would then do a quick backwards cartwheel away from his fellow judgement member, stopping in another upright stance a few feet away, continuing to bounce on his feet as he made a "get over here" gesture with his hand. He'd shown that he could've ended it right there, technically ending the spar, but no way was he going to let it go over so easy. He wanted to drag this out till he felt like he'd had a good fight, or had been beaten.

Which ever came first.


"Suspension seems a little much for eavesdropping, and didn't want to interrupt your conversation with Anderson-san. I do try my best to be polite and considerate to all people."

Akira walked in, only to blink as another student and a duck flew into Andeerson from the window, though he quickly recovered and acme to assist them both out of the jumble they had been in. Once they were separated, he'd back up a bit, a look of concern on his face as he checked them over for any injuries. Two tendrils of blood would slip out and solidify to form a pair of hands, which would grab the duck and give it a light toss out the window, allowing it to fly away to do what ever it is that ducks to. The tendrils would then slip back into his back with a 'slick' sound.

"Are you okay, do you need any assistance? If you're injured any where I may be able to provide some assistance." Being a Haemokinetic and having an O-blood type, he could use his blood to heal skin deep injuries, though the down side being he could only use the blood of another O-type to heal himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tsumiki found his way to one of the teacher's offices, following a specific bioelectric pattern. Standing in the doorway, he sensed several people in the room, but only one who he really needed.

"Ray," He said, just a hint of annoyance in his voice, "It's almost time for our patrol, are you ready?"

He leaned back against the door frame, obviously a little impatient since he had to come searching.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiso
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Kiso Yasogami's Steel Council President

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Trying to scare me are yah well it wont work its spar we cant go all out" Justeaze yelled before charging ahead once more using a quick burst of wind at her feet she increased her speed by a large amount not her normal top speed but enough to make a difference in the battle. Once more creating a blade of wind around her right hand she went for axe kick her leg raising all the way up before slamming down on him hitting his should from the unexpected move. She than followed it up with quick strikes with her wind blade on the shoulder and chest leaving his clothes torn in those areas. Jumping back she muttered quietly to herself "fear the end and its Iron bottom sound" before doing a quick dash forward leaving three cuts on his back before swiping her arm to the side and settling herself into a defensive posture.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Why did people, everywhere they went and when she was around, liked to make comedy routines, or at the very leas,t make a fool out of themselves? Kae let out a heavy sigh when, somehow, a duck and another guy came straight from the window and crashed into Anderson. He was still the same cheeky brat as before, trying to offer a deal. He got what he deserved two times when he took some of her experimental candy that emulated the effects of the Capacity Down. Right now, her research had bore no fruits, but it was a good trap for people who taught they were above her. "I'd go as far as to say that I want his position at the very least, unfortunately for you, I got his position right now. There's no way we can make a deal. It is something simple. You work for me, I give you a reward, just as the poster said. No more, no less. Stop trying to make senseless deals in here." Kae said, not even bothering to pick him up. It was the kind of brat she hated the most. One that thought they were beyond the actual authorities.

"I know it isn't that deep of a problem, eavesdropping, I mean, but you got no way to know these days. The ghoul isn't the only one I have to watch out for, after all." She turend the screen away from Akira. She had heard of his memory, and it wasn't like she was about to let him know some deep secrets. Still, he may have gotten a peak of what her screen said. 'Hacking into Imaginary Number Institue database'. He may or may not what that was, it didn't matter. It wasn't as if they could do anything against it, and Kae wasn't afraid of them, she already had enough people tailing her to worry about some more.

"SO, let's get this straight already. Does any of you have an actual interest in working alongside me or do I need to kick you out and keep searching? There are plenty of Espers out there that'd help a little, sexy smurf in need. I also have plenty of followers that like my experiments, so I've got just about enough cannon fodder." She decided not to let it sound pretty anymore. If Anderson already knew, then what harm did it have, saying the actual word. "This is a give-take thing. If you do this for me, I will allow you to test my newest prototype of a 'Level Upper' shot. As someone with esper abilities, it might give you a boost in power for a few minutes, as a normal student or a mage, it will unlock your potential as an esper and let youuse those abilites, even if at level 1." She explained her reward. Of course, she didn't tell them anything more than that, like, the fact that it might backfire and leave you without powers for a while. But hey, it had improved. Before, it left people without powers for the rest of their lives, now it had been shortened to a little while.
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