Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~|Day 2, 18:11-18:19 GST|~
~|Corr, Sith Quarters Level|~

Corr waited with his hands behind his back as the turbolift sped downwards. He needed to report to Sish before Jayda, he had no doubt she would paint him in a bad light. Such a narrow view of things, failing to see the information the Jedi practically gave away. Koren Omi-Ren was defensive in combat and Corr could make an accurate assumption that he would rather disarm his enemies than kill them. He cares for everyone friend and foe, as proven by his gentleness with the troopers, though after he used them as human shields. More than likely, using the threat of torturing or even killing another prisoner because of him would likely cause him great distress. The Jedi managed to recover the blasters and fired a few shots at Corr, but then dropped them, most likely to get out of reach of Corr's force choke and put some distance. He made no move to hold on to the blasters after Corr had destroyed them either, which further supported Corr's theory that he was anti-violence.

Another thing Corr noted was as a Jedi watchman, Koren said 'fallback' planet, which told Corr something happened on his original planet. Maybe the order, or the planet's inhabitants, but something happened. Something they could exploit, The turbolift stopped abruptly and Corr stepped out into the Sith Quarters level.

He quickly walked down the halls, nodding to several troopers. He knew Sish was probably in his quarters, but he doubted the Trandoshan would be asleep. After turning a few corners, he ended up in front of Sish's private quarters. He knocked respectfully on the door and said "My Lord, I have information that might interest you. It is about the Jedi who took your eye." Corr stepped back and waited for an answer, it was paramount that he got here before Jayda could slander him. Foolish Zabrak. Though, knowing Sish's reputation, it might have been ill-advised to come at this hour. But it wouldn't be worse than what he would do if Jayda spoke to him first, most likely describing as weak and unable to control the jedi. And while the Jedi was slippery and it was a mistake to leave him out of his chair, Corr would make the best of the situation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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|~17:42-17:49 GST~|
|~Nazca, Prison Complex~|

"I have plenty of finesse Koren. It just so happens it'd be useless here with the Sith, so I decided 'fuck it'. Finesse just isn't as much fun." She smirked at the older Jedi before turning to the Red Sith. "Too late you dumb piece of Gunsos. She's already decided to start experiments. But at least when I die I will never have whored myself out for power." She made a rude gesture at Corr with her robotic hand, muttering more curses under her breath as he left. She lowered herself down, sitting back down on the ground with her back against the bed frame. For a few moments she dozed off, having nothing better to do with her time since Nyiss didn't deliver anything to occupy themselves with. Then she heard a familiar beeping sound and Khan talking. Her eyes snapped open and she glanced over. "Yeah, I can speak robot. Well, understand it. And I can understand that insulting little bastard very well."

Nazca clambered to her feet once more and made her way over to Navi and Khan. She listened to Navi's beeps and and whistles for a bit. "Okay, that was just uncalled for, you little bastard." She smiled as she said it, before turning to Khan. "The annoying little gunsos wants you to hide him under your shirt, I can't since I'm missing my shirt, which was a bloody mess anyways, and take him to the bunk. From there he'll sneak way. While we play patty cakes or something to cover him." She raised an eyebrow at the Echani, suddenly uncertain if he knew patty cakes. "You do know how to play patty cake? Slap hand? Any games that will keep us occupied so that Navi, Xid's droid, can sneak by? Also, when Koren gets back I might need your help to go get to him if you won't mind."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 31 min ago

~|Day 3, 20:25-20:42 GST|~

~|Mos Eisley, Tatooine|~

Fa stepped out of the shop quickly, so as not to get caught behind Melloch while he tried to squeeze through the door. Since it was close to where she and Vebra had first arrived on the planet, she actually knew off of the top of her head where she should be going. She did not particularly care which of the Jedi joined her for her part of the search, so as soon as everyone settled into their groups, she set off back in the direction from where they had come.

It was a fair walk through Mos Eisley’s sandy streets to get back to the docks. Compared to other places on Tatooine, it was a large city, but it was a veritable ghost town next to some of the other worlds Fa had visited. Nevertheless, there was enough of a crowd that Fa felt she could adequately blend in. Her cloak hid most of her more unique, and potentially intimidating features. Although, Mos Eisley was a diverse place, with no shortage of dangerous characters no different from herself. She doubted that she had too much to worry about in that regard, but it was in her best interest to avoid frightening away her quarry.

Arriving at the docks, Fa found that it was reasonably crowded, by Tatooine standards. A cursory glance across the area revealed several Twi’leks, varying from dock workers, to passengers either boarding or unloading from their ships. She did not immediately spot her target with her eyes, but the scent was definitely present. Although, the trail she found first was an older one, so she did not yet know if her target was still there. She would need to look around, but discretely. Most of those around Fa paid her no mind, but that could change if she loitered too long. She would need to move with crowds, find ways to appear busy, and keep attention away from herself in general.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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|~Day 2, 17:49-17:54 GST~|
|~Nazca, Navi, and Khan, Prison Complex (Aurek)~|

Navi buzzed in annoyance at Nazca’s statement. His legs wiggling but since he wasn’t on the ground, there was little chance of him going anywhere. Again he buzzed something about escape pods and the fact he hadn’t seen Xid since he got here, his tone despite being automated was clearly rather pissed at that fact. However, Navi was at least smart enough to allow the two Jedi to hide his presence when the camera rotated their direction.

“Whoa, whoa, slow down you little scrap bucket. One thing at a time.” Nazca replied, smirking. “First, are we even near a planet to make those viable? Floating through the dark, cold, abyss of space is not appealing to me. Second, Xid’s in the Kolto tank. Turns out trying to be the hero generally gets you beat up and injured, and the Sith finally repaired it so he wouldn’t die. If you’d shut up and and be a good little moving pile of rust we’ll take you to him.”

Khan sighed as the droid and Nazca argued back and forth, the meaning mainly made clear by Nazca’s annoyed body language and half of the conversation. Apparently there were escape pods involved and the little droid knew their location? But judging by how angry both of the participants aside from him seemed, they probably weren’t getting any information until the droid saw Xid. He made sure to shield the droid with his body from the camera in as natural-looking a way as he could manage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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|~Day 2, 17:54-18:07 GST~|
|~Nazca, Navi, and Khan, Prison Complex (Aurek)~|

Khan shivered a little as they walked toward the Kolto tank, the droid all cold and clammy against his skin. Hiding the droid under his shirt might have been effective, but it sure was unpleasant. He scanned the area as he did under the pretext of working some stiffness out of his neck to make sure the robot was concealed from the cameras by his body before he lifted his shirt to set the droid down and hugged himself squirming all over now that the metal was no longer chilling his torso. “R-right, Xid’s in the tank like we said, now what?”

“Now, Navi tells us if we’re even near a planet to make these escape pods useful, and then we play patty cake or something so he can go...do something, I didn’t catch what.” She raised an eyebrow at the robot. “You’re not going to check on Xid when we’re not here.”

Buzzt. Whirling, click. Navi said in a cold tone, his little body walking up to the Kolto tank a bit to touch out a single leg. There was little he could do with his creator currently floating in the murky tank and that alone depressed the little droid, feeling guilty for not being there when he should’ve been. Gently he kept the leg on the tank while he relayed the fact the ship’s current course was to dock at Tatooine then stay to renew supplies. It stated the time for the maintenance and even the location of the escape pods. Several minutes had passed while it relayed all that it knew, the lift on the other side of the prison returning Koren and unexpectedly… Jayda as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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|~Day 2, 18:07-18:09 GST~|
|~Nazca, Prison Complex (Aurek)~|

Nazca promptly stepped in front of Navi, blocking him from the Zabrak's sight, a grin on her face. She still felt like shit, but this did wonders to raise her spirits. "*Res kasluat hiso vint!" She called out cheerfully in Ul'Zabrak, watching as Jayda picked herself up. "I warned you, didn't I? But you didn't want to listen. Now you're here and whoever threw you in is likely expecting you to do something stupid or us to try and kill you. Something like that. Fortunately for all involved, we're much more civilized than that and I'm sure Koren here would just like to have a lovely chat. Isn't that right Koren?"

She winked at the man who was teaching her the nuances of the Force, before turning back to face Jayda. "My, my. Evidently your master was just as displeased by your lack of murdering that self-assured, charismatic fucker as I was. Where is he, anyway? I figured he would have been following you around like a lost Gizka. Aside from betrayal, what brings you to our homey little part of this ship? Koren's lack of snark, my wisdom, Tolun's charm, or something else?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

~| 17:52 - 17:57 GST |~
~| Denso, Aboard the Kaggath: Prison complex |~

The Kiffar had returned to his bunk after his encounter with the twisted Sith lady. Once he had returned, he decided to rest, as he laid on his bunk he had felt himself fall asleep. Even a Jedi knight needed rest sometimes. His dreams were dark and nightmarish, ugly sights and sounds, the first being of his capture at the hands of the Sith. The sounds of blaster fire as all of the soldiers under his command were cut down like animals, like how he had cut those captives the wretch of a Sith forced to fight him. He had failed them, led them right into a trap, the Empire's soldiers came out of nowhere, they didn't stand a chance.

Then the dream shifted to the final soldier under his command, a lieutenant, he still remembered the dead's man name, had known him for months. Rafan Grenko, the last time he saw Grenko it was with a pulsing red lightsaber through his heart. The smile on the Sith bastard that slayed the lieutenant lingered in his dream. Then his nightmare intensified, an exaggeration of him fighting off seemingly endless waves of soldiers.

Each of his lightsabers cutting down phantoms of men, righteous blue blades of justice, then the weapons turned to dust and he had to fight them with his bare hands. He smashed a helmet in with his fists, his fingers torn open with glass, he could see the bones, but did not care, the bones turned red with blood, not his own, but the enemy's. The dream went darker, the bright green grass which he fought upon now black, the sky an even darker shade.

Then intense pain, his eyes had focused on Alih. He had almost forgotten about her in recent days, how could he? She had occupied every one of his dreams. She was in this one too, he had stopped fighting, felt his figure frozen solid as if stuck in ice. He could only watch as she fought off shadow men, but she too froze solid but not before the shadows got to her. Her weapon was knocked from her, and she fell to the ground, a boot on her neck.

Her hand had reached out to Denso but she was too far away, his frozen form broke away and he could move again. He sprinted towards Alih, her hand still raised as he ran. With every footstep he was only getting farther away from her, then one terrifying scream of a female origin, and Denso awoke, breathing heavily.

The Kiffar looked around, his eyes wide open, he was more than relieved to find that he was awake and well, still in the place he had fallen asleep. As his heart beat slowed, he placed his hands on his head, staring at the ground. Denso had no idea how long he had been out, he only remembered the dream. An image of Alih's beatiful face in a look of pure terror etched into his mind. He regained his composure with another deep breath, then decided he needed to get his mind right.

Denso rose to his feet, he was still in the robes Lady Lansha had provided to him. The clothing he had killed men for her in, he wished he could rip the robes to shreds, then light them aflame. But he could not, they would be a reminder of his foul deeds for as long as he wore them. He glanced around, then caught sight of a young Jedi, a look of annoyance and disappointment on her face. She looked like she needed to speak to someone else and he hadn't met her yet, so he approached her.

"Are you doing alright? You have a troubling look on your face, if you wanted to talk about it then I'm here. My name is Denso Halsa, what is yours?" He said to her, putting a friendly smile on his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~| 17:56 - 18:03 GST |~
~| Lea Rahn, Prison bunk room Aurek |~

At first Lea did not realize she was being paid attention to, but she quickly pulled herself together upon realizing that fact. The one who spoke to her was a considerably taller and older man, a Jedi Knight. Her answer was mildly irritated, though the irritation appeared mostly to be focused at herself, not at the Jedi Knight. “Darth Nyiss did something to me. I’m trying to figure out what.”

Using one hand to keep herself steady, Lea used the other to prod herself a bit more. It didn’t hurt any more when she did, so at least she appeared not to have any blatant internal injuries. When the Jedi introduced himself, Lea grimaced a little from a twinge in one of the numerous places her body hurt. “Name’s Lea Rahn.” She poked that spot, but could not feel anything different. It sure hurt, though. But she had no intention of letting the pain control her.

With a grim determination, she steeled herself against the pain and aches, refusing to give them power over her. She was not really interested in discussing what Darth Nyiss had done to her, as she did not like showing anyone any hint of her not being in control. But she also realized that she probably wouldn’t be able to get the conversation over to other topics without saying anything about her condition. “Whatever she did, it is making my body hurt and ache. But I refuse to let that stop me. What about you, have the Sith done anything to you?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

|~Day 2, 14:38-18:09 GST~|
|~Kara, Hallway~|

The hallway was cold, very cold. A feeling of dread had snuck up onto Kara, dread and guilt. She felt guilty, guilty of killing an innocent, guilty of giving in to the Sith… Guilty of disappointing her master. The walk back to the turbolift seemed to last like an eternity and all that Kara could think about was that woman crying in front of her over her lost loved one. It made her think about the grief she must have caused to Imperial families. Those were the enemy, they deserved it! Or did they? Were all Imperials as evil as she was always told? The Sith surely fit that description. But the civilians? The soldiers? Were they really that different from those back at the Republic? Or is the only difference between them the uniforms they wear?

She continued on this train of thought until they finally arrived at the cellblock. Denso went his own way, they hadn't talked much after what had just happened at the arena and Kara wasn't really in a conversational mood anyway. All she wanted to do now was just rest in peace and quiet. She remembered that she could take the bunk above Xid’s bed. It wasn't occupied back when she first wanted to take a nap on it, so why would now be any different?

As Kara made her way over to her bunk she noticed some people chatting. Some voices were familiar, others were not. In another mood she would have joined them, but for now all she wanted to do was to be left alone. So she silently got into her bunk and curled up against the wall. After a few moments she fell asleep.

The sleeping wasn't much better than being awake. Kara had always been restless in her sleep but with what happened in the last few months, losing her master, temple being sacked and now this, she was restlessly moving around all the time. That is, until she saw the face of the Sith that had killed her master in her dream. The smile that this bastard wore on his face as he hacked her master down… And the feeling of taking his life. Experiencing that again, even though it was just a dream, calmed Kara down somewhat.

Several hours had passed by the time that Kara awoke from her little nap. As she stepped out of her bed she still could feel herself being sleepy. She could probably sleep for another while but she didn't think that it would do too much good. It would probably result in more nightmares anyway. So Kara decided that she had to find something with which to preoccupy herself and take her mind off of the depressing things. Maybe a shower would help? Were where the showers anyway? Let's find those.

As Kara stepped out of her prison quarters and made her way to what she thought were the showers, Kara could hear a lot of talking going on in another room. Being curious, she decided to have a look at what all the commotion was about. As she walked in Kara saw a group clustered around a kolto tank. She hadn't met any of these people yet so she didn't know who was who. That being said, one older looking gentleman did seem familiar to her, but she couldn't quite place it. Another one of those present, a Zabrak, seemed to be frustrated by something. Kara didn't know if this Zabrak was a Jedi or member of the Sith. Yes, she did wear the apprentice uniform… But so did Kara. So that didn't really mean anything about someone’s allegiance. After all, she had learned the lesson to not judge someone by their uniform only a few hours ago.

Kara got curious about what her fellow inmates were doing. But she did'nt want to disturbe whatever they were doing. Besides, she did'nt even know any of them, so just walking up to them and disturbing their discussion would be rude and probably not leave a good first impression. So Kara opted to stick to the sidelines and leaned against a wall, observing the group from a distance. While she did'nt get directly involved, she wasnt that hard to miss, what with her dark grey apprentice uniform and such.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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|~Day 2, 18:07-18:012 GST~| Khan Sainen, Prison Complex|

The sudden reappearance of Koren was certainly welcome, though the Zabrak from earlier tagging along was much more unexpected. Her stance seemed tense, defensive, clearly worried even before she got pushed into this situation involving taunting by Nazca. Maybe she was right and her master was displeased with her. It might explain why she'd been pushed out along with the returning Koren. Still, if she was in danger or vulnerable like that he supposed that taunting and fighting her would only be counter-productive, at least unless they were going to try and take her captive or something which seemed both difficult and not very effective to him.

To that end he kept his stance open, neutral and curious rather than guarded, though he still made sure to keep it combat worthy in case a fight broke out though he hoped more in a way that conveyed respect for her as an opponent rather than hostility. He was curious as to what had happened and saw no reason to just ask so...

"What happened? Your Master survived his injuries before, but your stance is even more disturbed than before. We're not going to actually attack you" He glanced over at Nazca to confirm she wasn't about to launch into violence anyway "So it's not like you have anything to worry about. Unless we're...supposed to fight you? Are we supposed to fight you, 'cause I totally will..." In fact he was kind of looking forward to fighting someone who actually knew the first thing about proper combat and adjusted his stance to reflect as much even if it wasn't out of an actual hostile impulse. "What do the Sith want with us anyways, I haven't even gotten properly interrogated yet y'know and I thought that's what being a prisoner of war was all about!" He meant it as a joke obviously but he was definitely confused. "Also um, who's your friend?" He nodded his head over toward the other person in grey Sith apprentice robes without taking his eyes off both Jayda and the center of the room to watch for attacks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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|~Day 2, 12:30-12:50 GST~| Zanna and Nyiss, Nyiss's Quarters|

Nyiss was relaxing in her room when a chime sounded indicating that someone had entered the entrance hall of her quarters. She did not immediately stir from her rest, it was not as though she owed anyone aboard this ship a swift audience. In short order, there was a knock on the door. Nyiss rose from her cross legged position sitting on her bed and smoothed her flowing black robes as she stood.

A quick stab at a button opened the door, revealing the apprentice Zanna standing in the entrance hall. She was by far the prettiest of the apprentices aboard, largely by virtue of her red skin. Nyiss had checked the records - the girl was very pure. She was also interested in Alchemy and the development of Force powers over physical traits. She reminded Nyiss of herself when she was young in many ways - a great deal of promise. “What brings you here Zanna?” Nyiss asked in a neutral tone.

Zanna froze for the tiniest second, her nerves convincing her Nyiss wasn’t there, or wasn’t interested and she should leave. Thus, she was surprised when the most powerful being on the ship suddenly appeared and spoke to her. And she felt Nyiss’s power. Oh did she feel it. It scared her just as much as the unexplained traces of power and the Dark Side had.

One hand began to pull on her face tentacles in a nervous gesture as Zanna smiled like a chick trapped in front of a cat. “Darth-Lady-My Lord,” Zanna stumbled over the proper title before continuing. “My Lord, as you most likely already know I’m a budding Alchemist. Which will undoubtedly be of help getting information from or converting the prisoners. Unfortunately, I had to leave most of my lab equipment back on Korriban. While I’ll be able to make some basic drugs, I won’t be able to conduct tests to see which works best on and won’t accidentally kill the prisoner.” A bit of venom entered her tone and she seemed less nervous. “I, unlike Lord Sish, know the value of caution and control.” The venom bled from her tone, but she remained a bit more confident.

“My point is that without the proper lab equipment I’ll have to be unnecessarily cautious. You have the best labs on the ship because, well, it’s your ship. I’m requesting access to your labs so I can both further my own, private, research, and the public goals of this ship. My Lord.” Zanna paused, nervously waiting for her rejection or acceptance.

Nyiss couldn’t help but smile at the young girls fumbling attempts to find the right title. She was clearly incredibly nervous, Nyiss didn’t need the force to know that. “Is that so?” She said raising an eyebrow.

She made to move forward, expecting Zanna to step out of the way. She didn’t really fancy having a conversation at the doorway. The girl moved as expected, and Nyiss strode casually to the comfortable chairs at the side of the entrance hall. She motioned to Zanna to take as seat as she herself did.

“Yes…” Zanna replied uncertainly as she moved out of the way, not entirely sure what Nyiss wanted from her. She had already explained all of her reasoning behind her request and there wasn’t anything else she could add to the request for aid. She sat down, nervously pulling on her face tentacles and twisting the rings on them.

Here she was, in the room with the most powerful being she had ever felt, with nothing else to do. “So...My Lord. Do I have access to your labs? They would be most beneficial to helping me complete the objectives you set out for us.”

“I’m sure they would.” Nyiss stated. “But what makes you think I would grant access to such a dangerous environment to one so timid and lacking in confidence.” Nyiss knew well that Zanna was capable, and that it was only in addressing a superior that the girl was clumsy and nervous… But she wanted to see how much she could push Zanna into standing up for herself.

Zanna’s mouth dropped open, ever so slightly, before she closed it. Alright. Time to put on another act. That’s all this was. Another act. She’d been acting her entire life. She put on a mask of confidence and relaxation. “Some Darths and Lords prefer a timid and scared servant. You, apparently, do not.” She, despite all her misgivings and suppressed fear, met Nyiss’s eye. “If you allow me access to your labs I’ll push the Jedi into acknowledging the powers of their emotions, and further my own research. If not, I will simply have a longer time period before I can do that. One way or another, My Lord, I will get what you requested done.”

“Better.” Nyiss said. Better indeed - though she could still feel the girl's emotions, and understood that this was a facade. But it wasn’t really about whether Zanna was truly confident around Nyiss or not. It was about how far Zanna would go to get what she wanted. The drive was refreshing, even if the groveling wording was mundane. “You’re almost convincing.” Nyiss said in a slightly playful tone, before continuing with a tone more suited to teaching. “You’re passion for your work is commendable… But you really should find a way to alleviate your nerves. Timidity and other displays of weakness are unbecoming of…” Nyiss paused for a moment, looking up and down Zanna’s form. When she continued it was with a slightly suggestive tone in her voice. “Such a luxurious crimson complexion…”

Zanna couldn’t help a small smile at Nyiss’ praise, before it disappeared at the Darth’s next words. She gave a shrug. She knew that Nyiss wouldn’t have fully bought the act, given that she was so much more powerful than Zanna that she could easily sense whatever emotions the younger Red Sith was hiding. What happened next blindsided her completely. Zanna had always been too busy in her pursuit of power and generally not being killed by her fellow apprentices to explore the more physical side of social relationships. Or even the more romantic side. But that didn’t mean she was completely oblivious, especially when it was this obvious.

Zanna blushed furiously, only barely able to keep meeting Nyiss’ eyes. “I...wha...what did you have in mind, m-my Lord?”

“You can start by calling me Nyiss… ‘My Lord’ is such a boring title…” Nyiss found Zanna’s surprise quite amusing. The girl really was quite naive. “And then perhaps… I can teach you of passion.” With that, she stood and turned towards the door to her quarters, casting a glance back over her shoulder at Zanna, flourishing her robe to show off her figure as she did so. “Or you could go back to your under equipped lab and let your nerves run wild.” Nyiss’ tone made it clear that she thought doing that would be pathetic and disappointing.

Zanna found that she couldn’t take her eyes off of Nyiss’s figure. She was flushed with a not unpleasant heat, her usually sharp mind tripping over everything that had happened in the last few moments. It took her a moment to catch on to what Nyiss was saying, the younger Sith quickly getting to her feet as it hit her. “No my...Nyiss.” It felt strange, to be this casual with the Darth. And...intoxicating. Is this what it feels like, to have some modicum of true power? She wondered, slightly hazily. “I wouldn’t like or want that.”

Nyiss smiled. “Of course not.” She said, back to her sultry, suggestive tone. She continued towards her room, Zanna following, loosening the fastenings of her robe as she went. Normally Nyiss didn’t bother with the inexperienced, but this girl was just too pretty not to teach.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~| Day 2, 16:00-18:15 GST|~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Sith training room|~
~|Corr and Sish|~

After the training session, Sish spent a while longer making sure his arm wouldn’t be a weakness. Satisfied, he headed towards the camera room. If the way his new apprentice was acting was anything to go by, he’d certainly be heading towards the prisoners in a moment. As the one armed Trandoshan entered the room he glanced towards the camera in the prison. Just on time to see Corr start pulling Koren out. He continued to track the Red sith’s movements, speaking out only when he saw Jayda get involved. “Interesting. Finally getting involved is she?”

Sish watched the following events impassively, a tightening of his jaw the only indication of his displeasure. Lack of control. Arrogance. Misplaced arrogance. Foolish. It will be corrected, nonetheless. He kept watching as the Jedi was finally taken away, evidently having given all the information he was going to give. Everything was going fine until they got to the end of the turbolift. As Sish watched Corr throw Jayda out into the Jedi prisoners, his claw tore into the console with a shrieking sound.

“Foolish. Arrogant. Stupid.” He hissed, turning on his heel and heading towards his quarters. The Red Sith was heading there, he seemed to be very..by the book.

He was there before Corr, opening the door and listening impassively to his report. “Tell me all you’ve come up with.” Sish gave a sudden, predatory, grin. “And then I’ll give you a lesson on what you did wrong.”

“The Jedi has nothing useful to give about republic information or information about the Jedi Order. He said he was a watchman, assigned to a planet to guard. Except, he said Coruscant was his ‘fallback’ planet, which tells me something happened on his original planet. Perhaps the order pulled him out for some reason, or the inhabitants forced him off, or something else. Regardless I believe if pushed about it enough, we could elicit a response.”

Corr could feel Sish’s anger, no doubt due to the interrogation and him pushing Jayda out of the lift. “He fights defensively and seems to take care not to kill his enemies and help his allies. I imagine if a prisoner was threatened or harmed in his name, it would send him closer to his breaking point. He is cocky and polite, but that may be a front for his true emotions, which he is skilled at hiding.”

Corr finished with “If we threaten or torture another prisoner, perhaps one he’s grown close to, he could tell us about his original planet and any other information he might have been withholding.” He puts his hands behind his back, knowing he would likely be punished.

“Well, you came away with one useful piece of information.” Sish replied listening interestedly. He did come up with some useful information, to his credit. However.. “The rest of it is your average Jedi actions. If they’re a Jedi, they act like that in some way. Most of them at any rate. The only ones who do not display that are their Shadows. And the only prisoners who don’t are the Kaminoan and the Kel Dor. I suspect they’ll require a more..hands on, approach.” The Trandoshan waved his remaining claw. “Regardless, you did two things wrong.”

Sish’s claw stretched out, the force slamming Corr into the wall. “You had no control over the Jedi. If he wanted to, he could have taken you, lightsaber or no lightsaber.” Corr was slammed into the floor and ceiling. “Control them, or they will control you.” A few more times the Red sith was slammed into the floor and wall. “As for your second mistake, let me make a small revelation to you.” Corr was held with the force around his neck against the wall. “You have no allies here. Every other Sith views you as competition or prey. The only one who doesn’t is Jayda. And you’ve decided to burn that bridge before you even crossed it.” Sish’s remaining claw rose and dug into the side of Corr’s face. He dragged it down, leaving bloody furrows. “Ruthlessness I approve. Stupidity will get you killed. She was your only ally. Now you are alone. Lone predators die when surrounded by other predators.” He dropped the Red Sith. “I’m going to go get her before the Jedi kill her or she kills them.”

Corr struggled to his knees, holding back several curses. His face was covered in blood from the scratches, they would definitely leave scars. He rose to one knee painfully, keeping his head down. While he was angry, he reflected on what the Trandoshan said. Sish was right that he had probably ruined his chances with Jayda, but there was one other person whom he could ally with, a fellow Inquisitor. Zanna. He kept his head bowed and watched the blood drip onto the floor, not saying anything. Corr braced himself for another round of punishment, but he personally felt like he had learned. He was certain several of his bones were at least fractured and it hurt slightly to breathe, but he endured no pain without gaining something and with this he gained insight.

Corr was sure Zanna would appreciate an extra ally and considering the fellow Sith’s mindset, she could be a formidable opponent. Jayda was on a course for disaster anyhow, considering how fast Sish had breached his own force defenses to grab hold of him and throw him around like a ragdoll. She would need to become as powerful as a Sith Lord if she wanted to kill him. And he could not allow that to happen. Finally, he said in a slightly pained voice “I will reflect on this, Lord Sish.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

~| 18:03 - 18:06 GST |~
~| Denso, Aboard the Kaggath: Prison complex |~

"I just recently arrived on the ship, but as soon as had my feet in the cells it seemed one of the Sith came for me. A female, told me to call her Lady Lansha, she was powerful, could just sense it. Made another captive and I fight several men unarmed, it was a brutal encounter." Denso replied, his friendly smile fading as he remembered the very recent incident. He didn't want to speak of the exact details, especially to an impressionable padawan. What he had done was something a Jedi should not do.

His mind flashed to Kara, she had taken the after effects of their deed far worse than Denso had. The last time he had seen her she was in tears in disgust over herself. He would need to find her, speak with her, try to calm and reassure her. It was something they both went through, talking about it would help heal the open wound.

"My body is fine other than a few aches, but you should consider resting. The Sith will have more in store for us both, especially if the Darth personally dealt with you. It means she is interested in you for some reason. I very much doubt that will be the last time you will see her." Denso said, his words going into a sort of warning. It was troubling indeed that Nyiss herself had interacted with Lea, the Sith wouldn't just leave her to be without turning her, or whatever the scheme was. There always was some scheme with the damn Sith.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

|~18:12-18:15 GST~|
|~Koren, Prison Complex~|

Koren nodded at Kara. "It has been a long time, I'd say Padawan though I would have thought that you would be well past that stage now. Well met in either case. Had I not known you I would have worried about your allegiances from your garb. I am afraid I cannot offer you anymore appropriate robes." He then turned his attention to his Padawan as she finished her own comment. "I have plenty of Snark young-one. I just save it for special occasions, and while being on this ship is indeed Special I wouldn't really say that it is special enough." He gave Khan a polite nod before turning his attention back to Jayda.

"The Sith currently in our presence was having a nice chat with me and a fellow named Corr when I was returned here it seems that he felt she could benefit from our hospitality. Though if her master is as ruthless on this ship as he was in our fight in the Jedi Temple I wouldn't give it too long before he comes looking for her." He gave Khan a warning look as he moved into a more combative stance. "So I would not recommend attacking her for we aren't really prepared overly well to fight the Trandoshan." He gave Nazca a coy wink. "At the moment anyway, I mean it does take soo long to plan an escape after all. So much to plan, what are we going to use for weapons? How to bypass security. If you have any tips my kind Zabrak I would be more than willing to listen." He clapped his hands as he could feel the tension in the room, it wasn't to make people jump on purpose but if it did it was a nice side effect.

"So, what's been going on here while I was away? Hope you haven't been getting into any trouble or anything."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~|Day 2, 18:15-18:18 GST|~
~|Jayda, Prisoner Complex (Medical Bay)|~

Jayda was nervous, her fist retracted after the numbness settled into her hand and fell back to her side. The bastard, Sish’s newest apprentice, was already giving her a taste of what it was like to be back stabbed. Worse part, she had let down her guard and for that, Sish was likely make sure she would never make that mistake again. Her still healing wounds ached as if to remind her she was still too far from being completely healed. Jayda’s teeth gritted tightly while she heard Nazca’s words address her causing the Zabrak to pivot on her heel, pressing her back against the only solid surface near her. The younger girl’s expression was one of cocky and smug, her words pouring salt into Jayda’s wounds.

Naturally, the Zabrak’s pride wasn’t too fond of being mocked. Selectively ignoring the mention of her likely to be scar, she replied. “ I doubt you’ll be seeing him again, and personally I rather not be here at all. “

Her words rang truthful while she held eye contact with Nazca, seeing little point in bending how she felt about this area of the ship. Personally if it wasn’t for Sish, she wouldn’t have ever been here in the first place. So she was buying out time for as long as she could kill him and leave this hellish ship, vanishing somewhere no one would ever find her. Her eyes caught movement just outside the medical bay causing her head to dart into the direction, seeing a blond haired female also dressed in apprentice’s dark garb. She meandered in, her clothes smelling of burnt flesh and sweat, to settle against the wall while she observed them at a distance. This only made her more jittery since she felt like prey being watched by a savager.

Jayda’s heart sank a bit when the child approached her, his figure removing himself from the now fixed Kolto tank and stepped toward her. Like a frightened and unsure animal, she tensed harshly and pressed harder into the lift. Her eyes easily caught his stance casual and curious , a mistake around a future enemy, causing her to immediately relaxed on impulse. Something she knew wasn’t an ideal thing since the cameras were likely fixed on their direction.

At mention of her wound by Khan, her right hand slowly edged up and touched it. The skin was creased and gorged out where the Trandoshan had dug his claws in and marred away her tribal design upon her cheek. It was gone. Gone like her brother and her life, unable to get it back again. At the boy’s mention of fighting, Jayda chuckled slightly, a soft and amused sound rippled from her lips which hadn’t been heard in a long time. The sound felt like it didn’t belong on the ship in her ears, turning her chuckle into a bitter one when he asked who her friend was. Jayd had never seen the apprentice nor recalled her appearance in any of the videos she had watched, through there was a vague familiarity about her.

She had been about to answer no when Koren decided to enlighten everyone over who their mystery watcher was: another Jedi prisoner.

Jayda stored the information away while silently waiting for the older Jedi to finish, her head tilted in his direction but eyes still focused intently on Khan. He was so much like Kaet at this age that her heart twisted to think of him in this place. They were already plotting an escape and deep in her heart, she was hopeful they would success. Mainly since the less Jedi on the ship meant the least likely she would be forced to endure watching them suffer under her own doing, disliking Sish’s determination to twist her into him. Koren’s clap caught her off guard nearly making her visibly jump , her hearts rattling hard and lips pulled back in a reflexive snarl. When she realised what she had done, Jayda’s eyes shifted to the ground for a brief moment then turned to Khan.

“It’s not as simple as that, I’m afraid. And yes he survived, but his appetite for violence and blood will most likely get him far worse reprimand in the future. If I was you than I would be grateful and hope that my luck holds out, little one. Else you might find yourself as Sish’s next victim, left in worse condition than when you left.” Jayda said, the words carefully rolled off her tongue in a neutral statement. However, Khan would notice her body shift from one leg to the other nervously. It would be obvious to him, she didn’t like the thought of Sish getting his claws into him.

“Your friend is correct, Sish won’t allow me to stay here for very long and most likely come to get me. His fury, however, might vary depending on what the other apprentice told him and my own words. No matter who he believes, I doubt I’ll come off without a punishment of some fashion.” Inhaling a moment, she then added in a lighter tone. “Besides, I don’t think you’d want the match interrupted would you?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~| Lea Rahn and Denso Halsa, Prison bunk room Aurek |~
~| 18:04 - 18:20 |~

Though Lea did not know who this Lady Lansha was, she knew there were several sith she had yet to encounter, so it came as no surprise. She had a vague feeling there was more to the tale, but Denso seemed unwilling to share, and Lea did not feel like pushing at this time. She had far too many things to think about already.

Standing in silence, she thought about what Darth Nyiss had done to her. There was a distinct plan to it. She could not remember everything, but she could faintly remember the rage that had somehow flowed through her, how the Darth had turned the lightning Lea had somehow summoned back on her, yet it had done no visible harm to her. Having been tortured with it in the past, she knew well it should have left marks. She had even seen how it affected individuals tortured for a long time with it, how it left its scars. The duration she had gone through must’ve been at least that long, yet she could find no scar tissue, no marks. Her body was simply too limber still to have the amounts of scarring she should have had from it.

It was impossible at this point to say what Darth Nyiss was doing to her, but it was not the casual torture she had tried to break her with early on. There was more of a purpose to this. And then there was that injection before her emotional self-control had been shredded. Nyiss had drawn blood in the past, but never injected things other than truth serums. Whatever the black fluid was, it was not some normal sort of drug.

At that point, she realized that the Jedi knight was speaking again. She shifted her focus and caught at least parts of it. Something about aches and the need for rest and Darth Nyiss’ plans. She looked up from her self-deliberations before responding. “I have rested. I don’t know exactly what Darth Nyiss is planning, but I know she doesn’t want any of us dead. If she had, we would already have been dead. While rest is important, I can’t simply rest all the time. I need to do stuff. We need to find a way out of here.”

She decided that she would take whatever the Darth unleashed upon her in stride. It had kept her sane these two months, so even if the Darth’s methods had changed somewhat, it should still work. She pushed the aches and pains down. They were there, but she refused to let them control her. She would move more carefully, more deliberately, but she would be the one in control, not they. That would be enough for now.

Over the coming time, she would have to try to find out what Darth Nyiss was actually doing to her. Having even a basic understanding of that would make it a lot easier to deal with. She had no illusions that she could prevent it, but understanding would be nice. “Where are the others?” she asked, her tone clearly indicating she was more in control over herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~|Day 3, 20:42-20:45 GST|~
~|Location: Mos Eisley, Docking Area (District 5), Aaran, Roth, and Bol|~

The docks were extremely busy by the time the Jedi separated. Workers, crew, and passengers all moved through the area with intended business as goods were loaded and unloaded from various ships while night was edging in. Many ships were considered higher class for this area, through those who emerged were far from it and looked more intimidating than anything. A few glared at Fa when she paused to examine something, their eyes sharp and hand twitching until she moved on. Some even growled in alarm for their goods were illegal within the Republic systems, fearing their crime would be noticed. One or two were even paranoid enough, believing Fa an inspector, to consider threatening her off. Thankful none did.

However, a small pair of eyes held their interest upon Fa.

A bothan, a year shy of becoming a teenager, watched the Tiss’shar wade through the thinning crowds. His own body easily darted and ducked through the figures as he had done it all his life, careful not to be completely seen. His body was covered in shoddy tunic and pants that had seen better days, announcing his life on the streets since his mother had died. He easily ducked into the doorway of a local storage room while he continued to keep tabs on their would be target. Roth, his name, scanned the streets for his companions. Shortly he found them, a young human boy and a Rhodian, their names Aaran and Bol respectively.

Bol, being the middle child, was holding the young eight year and passed by the Tiss’shar. The youngest slowly reached his hand, a trained and precise movement, to the usual location of credits might’ve been. When they approached, Fa would immediately get a whiff of the scent she had been tracking off the youngest. It was pretty fresh which would mean Jiek had encountered the boy recently and the odds were great he would know where she went.

~|Day 3, 20:25-20:40 GST|~
~|Location: Mos Eisley, Fel’kaw (bar)|~


It was an infamous bar and local watering hole, rumored to have drinks strong enough to knock even a Wookie on his hairy ass. Currently the place was a hotspot for anyone from a messenger to mercenaries, all of unsavory origins, who came to drown their day’s hard earnings. Their scent would mingled heavily with the heavy dust, sweat, and vomit in Vebra’s nose, the intense smells trying to blot out the recent Twi’lek’s own trail which led in. On approach it seemed like any other desert worn dwelling, the elements continually beating away the outside and the stone barely holding up. A carved sign above the open door way read in several alien symbols the bar’s name. Just outside the door, two burly men, one a Zabrak and the other a Trandoshan, stood watch. Their eyes narrowed and backs against the wall, waiting quickly as they glared at each individual edging in and out of the building. At the belts were two blasters seemingly recently being fired.

Through only a creature with a sensitive nose could tell this since the heat was faint, getting stronger the closer he got.

Several humans and aliens quickly by past them, unfazed by their daunting appearance. When Vebra entered past the doorway, the interior was as elegant as the outside. The walls were made from the same yellow colored sand stones, their smooth surface stained by dried blood stains and slight scent of vomit wafted through the heavy air. In the center were several humans mixing numerous drinks then setting them on trays which several different colored Twi’leks, all dressed in bare modesty outfits, retrieved. They skirted through the crowds to the correct tables, each one hidden in a hole within the walls before quickly returning to the bar.

Several white head and black, bug eyed aliens tooted away on their instruments while customers drunkenly bellowed for more. There was too many scents for Vebra’s nose to be effective and by the time his nose would’ve sorted it, it would be hours unless he got close to each individual. Through Vebra wouldn't see it from his location at the door, there was about four green skinned Twi’leks total within the bar.

One was sitting her pretty ass on the stool and arguing at the bartender over her drink’s cost.

Two were flirting about the crowds, doing their job as they picked up empty glasses and chalices before dropping new ones.

The last one was nearest the band where she seemed to hang on handsome human, her fingers toying with his hair then whispered something in his ear.

The the only question remained was which one was his target?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

~| 18:20 - 18:24 GST |~
~| Denso, Aboard the Kaggath: Prison complex |~

"You are correct, we should try to find a way out of current predicament." Denso said, the younger Jedi was correct. Though he was unsure if she was just trying to avoid listening to his words. He didn't think they should try to rush an escape though, none of them had any weapons, nor in depth knowledge of the ship. They would have to figure more out first about the ship or pray for rescue.

"I fear the Darth is planning something sinister, as they most often do," Denso said with a smirk. Then his expression changed to one of seriousness. "I would venture to guess that they want to turn us to their twisted side. That was what the goal was on my last time on held captive in Sith hands, that and extracting war information, but I doubt the second is why we're here."

"I'm not sure where the others are. I can sense others in the cells and around them, though I'm not certain who is missing. I only recently arrived after all, have no introduced myself to many of the other Jedi." Denso said. It was the truth, he wasn't all that certain.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~|Day 2, 18:45-18:50|~
~|Xid, Prisoner Complex (Medical Bay)|~

The kolto swirled and fogged over his head, his eyes rolling under his eyelids then opened slightly. It wasn’t quite like water, but it followed the rules of it. It magnified his heart beat until it seemed to drown out all other noise coming from outside the tank. His hands at his side and body floating within the murky fluid, he seemed to be in complete tranquility while a tingling sensation spread through his skin. It started to concentrate on his wounds in the highest density . They felt like little, tentative prickles from electricity, that neither hurt nor were ignorable, flooded through his surface.

In addition, it seemed the kolto made him drowsy. Something had to be added to the tank’s contents as his mind hazily tried to lift his hand upright, testing his theory. It did nothing as he expected. Likely sedatives were placed alongside the liquid causing his mind to want to edge back to sleep, yet he resisted for a moment longer. Heavy lidded, Xid’s hairs floated danced like wisps, darting into different directions, when his head turned to the shadowy figures at his side.

The mask was fixed firmly on his face with straps prevents him from speaking, telling he was still alive through why it mattered he wasn’t sure. He had been passive earlier and allowed himself shoved in the tank without a fussy because he knew starting another fight was a rather bad idea. His fingers itched to scratch away the thick material pressing the hard breathing device to his face and poured continual air into his lungs, encouraging him to breath deeply. He tried to shake his head, hoping his grogginess would fade, as he tried to focus. It didn’t work. Slowly, his eyes closed causing him to fall asleep once more.

His mind darted back to his lessons of earlier, his own voice starting the lesson.

Xid’s breath was laborious, but he didn’t feel pain like he did then. His hand pressed into the wall where he asked the young Echani to set him and used his back to brace himself upright, trying not to pass out. After several moment, he managed to catch his breath enough to speak in a calm, steady voice. “Force use, in theory all are related to each other. I say this, and keep in mind it’s only my thoughts on how to explain this, because they stem from the same source. So it's reasonable to believe and accept that one can learn other skills.”

Lowering his body to sit upon the floor, he continued. “The function is simple. By applying similar, basic principles, you can calibrate your basic skills into achieving different purposes. Like exchanging one part from a droid and replacing another as long as their designed purposes are closely related. The only difference is in the scale, pressure, and direction you intend to use it. In this case we change how much power we draw from the force and how or where we apply it.”

Xid blinked then chuckled to hear how he sounded. Inhaling a bit, he tried to adjust his meaning into easier to grasp terms. “You can use the basics to achieve different effects than you originally learned them for. Anyway, you know how to do a force push right?”

After both answered, he nodded then continued. “Good. there’s a switch on the interior door lining where they seal shut of this model. You press that trigger with just the right amount of force push and you can open them up. You can gain the same effect with force push to pry the doors open but that wastes a lot of energy and time, not to mention there’s a slight warning when you do. The doors tend to jiggle before popping open so it’s much easier to coax them rather than force them.”

Slowly Xid lifted his hand to demonstrate to the two, his thoughts reaching out and pressing the very area he was speaking about. The lift doors slide open rather easily then slowly closed again. He was still feverish as he smiled, sweat gliding. “This requires more delicate and gentle applications of the force push on device which is located to the top. Can you do it?”

The memory faded on him watching the other two starting to practice. Time held little sway on him while he settled into the tank and what seemed like moments, was really much longer. Several times he drifted in and out, once awoken by the glass being tapped on causing him to jerk at who was spying at him through it.

~|Day 3, 01:00- 01:20 GST|~
~| Prisoner Complex (Medical Bay)|~

Finally the sound of something draining made Xid aware something was happening. His eyes snapped open and he felt the kolto start to drain. Gradually his feet started to lower to the tank’s bottom and his knees were wobbly that his hands started to press outward in order balance his weak frame. His head felt dizzy and sick, his legs unable to hold him upright for very long before they crumbled into what remain of the liquid. Immediately he dropped to all fours just when his re-breather stopped pouring oxygen into his lungs. Feeling nothing fill his chest, his right hand jerked upward to seek the straps. His fingers fumbling over the fastenings until he grasped them then jerked it free enough that his mouth could inhale the air from the prison. Promptly, the sudden breath caused him to cough as he curled into a ball, his lungs refusing to cooperate while stomping footsteps reached his position.

He shivered like a wet rat, the prison air slightly colder than the kolto coating his frame. His eyes raised and met the four troopers’ approaching figures, their blasters at the ready. Quickly two men branched off toward the tank and started to open the sliding door, their hands reaching into haul him outward and back onto his feet. Xid was slightly surprised they were so gentle with their handling as he cradled his side still flaring with pain, his feet half a sleep during the whole time in the kolto. His robes and skin were drenched, causing him to tremble more when he felt himself guided back to the turbolift. The troopers didn’t reply to his shivering nor did they seem to care, his body held upright between two of them whole time.

Xid watched the doors closed when the last of the troopers entered, the turbolift moved to bring them to the next level.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~| 18:23 - 18:41 GST |~
~| Lea Rahn & Denso Halsa, Prisons: Aurek |~

“Oh. She’s not merely planning something. She’s doing something. I don’t know exactly what, but I intend to find out.” Lea was about to say more, but at that moment she felt a sudden twinge of pain her lower back, as if something was wrong there. She winced momentarily, but pulled herself back together quickly. “Its hard to say exactly what any of the Sith are planning. They don’t want us dead, though.”

Just after he had said the stuff about the others, Lea sensed movement from the turbolift. Without even needing to think to react, she spun around, and saw the door open. But there was no Sith within, no troopers. What met her eyes was a half-familiar droid, one she had seen on numerous occasions during her captivity - The Utility droid from whatever deck the mess halls were on. Unlike the previous times however, the droid was fully laden this time around. Back then, it had only been to provide her food, now it was loaded to feed them all.

“Looks like there’s food. Which is a good thing, as that pillow was starting to look tempting…” Lea said with a slight grin, pointing at a pillow on the bed.

“Indeed, let’s just hope the Darth didn’t poison the food with any dark side spices.” Denso said as he returned the grin, he was also very hungry, he was surprised the Sith actually was feeding them. On his previous capture he had barely been fed at all, starvation was its own unique form of torture.

“Dark Side spices? That one’s new…” Lea didn’t wait any longer, as the droid had already put down some of the food. While her balance was still a bit off, she did not run, but she did not walk slowly either as she moved to the tray of food. Between mouthfuls, she answered his obvious question, “Darth Nyiss doesn’t want us starved to death.”

Denso followed Lea, his eyes on the droid as he seemed to inspect it more than the food that it was carrying. Perhaps it could aid in their escape, one of the Jedi hopefully was skilled with machinery. They could grab the droid, then rig it up as a distraction, draw away some of the Sith. He wasn’t focused on an escape plan, instead he reached forward to grasp a piece of fruit which he took a bit out.

“Well, it’s not poisoned.” He said through chewing.

“I told ya, the Sith don’t want us dead.” Lea mumbled as she continued eating, her hunger not really abating significantly despite how much she devoured. As she had come to expect, the food was not only nourishing, but also rather good-tasting. She did not speak further, focusing instead on the food.

After a while she looked over at Denso, “Should we inform the others about the food?”

“That would be the right idea. I’d assume they haven’t eaten in some time either. If we’re to get out of this damn prison then we’re only going to be able to do it on filled stomachs.” Denso replied as he took a few more bites out of the fruit, his hands grabbing for another food item. He would try to only eat his fill.

Lea took a good bite out of a piece of fried nerf, then swallowed quickly before shouting out of the room “THERE’S FOOD!”. Having done what she considered sufficient of a duty, she continued eating. Her body was still demanding more. The food did feel good, like it was just what her body wanted right now. Considering that it was only food it wanted, she did not mind letting it have it.
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