Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EviiPaladin
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EviiPaladin Generating Dank Memes Since 1993

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Megan flinched a little at Camyrn's harsh rebuttal, a bit surprised. The other girl was right of course. And the word choice reminded Megan that she was still Earth, nothing special. Not that Nate seemed to mind the staring and looking again Megan wouldn't have minded staring a little longer, only this time at him. "Ah, erm. Sorry, lost in thought. Performapals normally use pendulums right? I'm a little curious to see your deck in action. Though I don't know if Snipes is allowing any more action duels so you might have to settle for standard. Ah but only two of us can duel, Camryn would you like to give Nate a chance to show off his deck or shall I?" Megan needed to take notes on her last duel anyway since it had gone better, and she wouldn't mind taking notes on another duel as well. The idea had only occurred to her partway through the duel. Though of course with the thrill of the last duel still running through her she felt like she couldn't wait for another one. Still Camryn had lost and was wind dorm, so it was her right to decide who dueled Nate. Either way Megan would be content.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vincent Gulfus

Vincent had been looking for a place to open this haul of cards in his hand and pockets, his eyes glancing around for a place to open them with such anticipation of what he would pull from them. Neither the less he still needed to find a place to sit to actually preform the act of opening his packs. Either way Vincent just wanted a place to sit down. Then his train of thought was suddenly ground to a halt by someone bumping into him. Causing him to fumble with the packs in his hands in a effort not drop them on the floor. After a few moments of the fumbling he turned and faced the person whom had bumped into his back.

It was some girl whom he had never met before either that or he didn't remember their entrance exams because he was distracted. Either way he noticed that she had dropped a few packs and was apologising to him for bumping into him before she went and picked them up. Of course 90% of Vincent felt guilty for the inconvenience, the rest was laughing at the clumsiness of the girl. "I should be the one apologising for being in the way" Vincent said with a honest look on his face. "I haven't seen you around much before, so what's your name?" Vincent asked pausing for a moment before continuing "And do you want to open packs with me? maybe we could judge what each other got, and maybe trade? I mean I don't know what deck you play but I play Chaos, as such being The Chaos Ambassador has kinda grown on me." Vincent said with a grin of invitation.

Meanwhile in the depths of Vincent's mind the perverted side was commenting on how well endowed the girl was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Huh" Tsukiko questioned overwhelmed by complete surprise as she saw Hayato had entered the room. Her tears had dried up by then though she was a bit embarrassed to see Hayato was there and she was clinging to Ben for comfort. She immediately let go of Ben and told him that she was thankful for his assistance in helping her feel better. She noticed Hayato was exhausted, but when she put her hand on her upper part of her chest where her neck was located she noticed the shiny object that hung around it had gone missing.

"Oh no!" Tsukiko exclaimed when she had just realized that her locket was gone. She immediately fell into a panic since that was given to her by her own mother when she was born which included a special key inside of it. She didn't know what that key was for, but her mother did tell her when the time was right that she was to use it. She never told her what it was for though so she would most likely have to find out on her own or inquire about it through her brother; however, how her brother was acting as of current might not be very useful toward finding out its purpose.

She turned toward Hayato has she stepped away from Ben giving her and Ben a few feet of breathing space where she nodded at him, "Thank you for comforting me, Ben. I really do appreciate all that you have said to me. I won't give up finding the answers I seek and I'm sure one day I will find an answer to all the problems that trouble me so." She concluded abruptly smiling toward him before she turned her suspicion toward Hayato who had just came in unannounced. She sighed as she tried to be polite toward Hayato despite being a bit irritated with him for seeing her like she was a moment ago. She hoped he didn't hear everything the two discussed as she walked by him, "I'm going to find my locket. Hopefully if I retrace my steps it will be easy to find." Tsukiko replied as she excused herself from the room which would leave only Ben and Hayato there unless one of them were to try to stop her from leaving.

"Why did you catch me...?" Hayate asked in a soft slightly scared voice. Shinrei noticed that she was a little frightened by his company when she asked her question. She asked him 'why did he catch her' which wasn't a question that he could answer easily. He remembered she overheard him talking to Ethel about how he might be cold, but he wasn't dirty. It would have been bad for his image if he had just let her hit the floor and only recover himself. He knew Ethel was disappointed she didn't get her laughs and the people in the arena seemed a bit disappointment that he was a killjoy. Personally, he didn't really care, because they could have what ever opinions they wanted of him. He then decided he would tell her the truth since she did bring him back to his senses and prevented him from going into his dangerous state. "Because you resemble someone I once knew." He answered in a polite and rather casual tone though there was still a chill behind the voice though it sounded a bit more friendly than his usual voice.

Shinrei listened to Hayato's story though he didn't seem to be really interest in it. Not that he was trying to be selfish, but it wasn't really any of his business. Despite that, he decided to listen to her all the way through rather than ignore her completely like he did with Ethel. When she started off asking if he was going to scold her he shook his head. "It wasn't your fault and even I know that. I know exactly what happened so there is no reason for me to say anything vulgar toward you." Shinrei reminded her with a reassuring warm nod even though his eyes never did change some of the features on his face showed some more light. Seemed the man wasn't completely a cold-hearted bastard even though he did usually always come off as one.

When Hayate mentioned the name 'Natsuki' it hit him that name was very familiar. He couldn't quite put his finger on why he remembered that name or why it rang a bell inside his mind. All he remembered it was someone that a person close to him knew. He wanted to believe it was his mother, but his memories were so clouded that he just couldn't remember at all. Whenever he tried to remember his thoughts were overtaken by a thick fog which veiled over everything making it impossible to see the memories he had inside his mind. He didn't really know why he couldn't remember, but he did recall that his sister Tsukiko suffered from the same problem. Somehow both of them became amnesiacs though they didn't really know how it transpired. He was guessing it had to do something with that accident with Tsukiko a long time ago and the darker side of himself.

"You said Natsuki was your mother though not your biological mother? That name I recognize but I don't know how I remember it." Shinrei said as he stood up from his seat and came to the bed and knelt down beside Hayate. He thought to himself as he looked at the photograph in his hand and her face. She did resemble his mother though not completely since she did have different colored hair and eyes. She couldn't be related toward his side of the family because most of them had blue or red eyes. Shinrei had red eyes just like his sister Tsukiko which were a trait from their father. Their mother had blue eyes, but they did get her silver hair. He remembered it was in front of a shimmering water lake that his mother got Tsukiko's name while enjoying the moonlight gaze upon the silver shine of the lake at night. It was also at the moment that he saw another woman with silver hair, but this couldn't be one of his memories. He wasn't born at the time this happened. The woman said to her, "Such a beautiful Moon Lake." His mother agreed and the memory vanished where he returned to where he was at Hayate's side. He wondered if Hayate just saw the same vision he saw just a moment ago. "Another woman with silver hair?" Shinrei mumbled to himself as he slipped the picture back into his wallet which he pulled it out of. Who is this other silver haired woman? Why was she standing with my mother in front of a lake in the moonlight glimmer? Did this girl beside me see that same vision? He questioned toward himself as he stood up to listen to what Hayate had to say as he could sense she was about to say something to him.

She informed him that she had a bad dream where he remembered he had a dream that was causing him sleep deprivation problems too. That's when he wondered if her dream and the one he had were somewhat related. He noticed she was a still on edge after waking up which was understandable, because she probably had no idea where she was right now. "I wouldn't worry about that dream you had. All you saw was a side of myself from the past that has long died." He kept his reply toward the matter blunt since he didn't really want to go into details about that side of him. It was a part of his part that haunted him like a shadow which he wanted to put behind him and move on. After all, it was that own reckless nature which brought harm to his sister and he was sure as hell not going to allow it to happen again. He would do everything to prevent that tragedy from repeating itself.

"I'll always be alone won't I...?" Hayate asked Shinrei not knowing what to think of her dream. Shinrei looked at her as he closed his eyes after she said that. He really didn't have an answer for her when she asked him that and he didn't really want to talk about the subject since it deeply related to him and his past experiences. He would at least try to enlighten her a bit to try to ease the worry that plagued her mind. "You'll never be alone unless you choose to be Hayate. If you do not want to be like me then never choose to be alone. Choose to be with other people and remain true to yourself and your resolve. If you do that, eventually you will find the answers you've been looking for."

"D-do... you want to play a game with me...? all you need is two mini solid vision projectors... i got a spare one after all... it will keep things off my mind... Hayato came up with this game when we first got it..." Hayate asked explaining how it always calms her mind when she plays it. Shinrei opened his eyes as he noticed she wanted to play a game. "Here." He said handing her his set of cards which he pulled out giving her the chance to sort them out for the fact this was her game, but he did not carry on him his a duel disk it appeared. Why he didn't have it was unknown though it seems he knew where to go to class even though he did not carry it.

Personally, he preferred his black and dark purple duel disk which was custom built for him that was very special toward him. Where that duel disk was only he knew and he wouldn't even reveal if it was with him or not. It was that special that he would keep it a complete secret toward only himself. The duel disk he had to use was quite primitive which made him not like it at all. It was nothing like the one he valued so much since it wasn't custom made with the features he valued the most. It didn't even have cloaking mode which hid it completely out of sight. He decided to leave it in his room since he had no intention of dueling anyone on the first day though he did carry his cards around. Besides, if he carried his personal one he used people might be able to connect the dots and figure out who he was. Guess I'll have to use the one they provided. Not my style, but I cannot have people finding out who I am. Keeping my identity secret is of the utmost importance. They say, a duel disk represents one's status. My status within my company is still very much a secret. I intend to keep it that way too. Using a custom duel disk would let people know that I am from the a professional caliber. I guess I'll just have to make do with what resources I can use for my own personal benefit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ben left the room as quickly as he could soon after not out of a need to get rid of Tsukiko or get away from her or Hayato but because he needed to sit down. He needed to take a freaking shower and breath in and bask in the glory that only being by himself could bring to him. For once in his life so far Ben had enough of people talking to him. And knowing HIS luck that wasn't going to happen so he quickly hustled towards the shower in the Wind dorm and he didn't even bother getting new clothes. He quickly jumped into it and got to work it was a better feeling than he knew. Maybe it was because of the extra work he put in today with his work out or the recent incident with Tsukiko but it let him chill out and find 'The Ben Zone' where he could just think about himself for a couple minutes. Wow did he really just think about 'The Ben Zone'? His brother Andre was right he really was a tool.

Regardless Ben quickly got done his shower and put on his clothes, which made him shiver because they were quite the opposite of his body now cold, sweaty, and wet. It was like he had been out in the rain. Ben quickly decided to throw his clothes in the laundry after a quick visit too his room for his casual clothes so he could wear those while his uniform was in the wash. So far Ben felt a whole lot better now. The relative quiet as few of his dormies were around the dorm meant he could be left in peace to his own thoughts; and he didn't need to worry about Andre because he could take care of himself at his own dorm. Besides who would want to bother Andre? The dude was the most inhospitable person he could think of. He'd be lucky if Andre could find himself an acquaintance here let alone a girlfriend or a real buddy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 3 days ago

"...Eh?" Haas got cut off in the middle of his second sentence against Cassie, whom had simply turned to face him once she took notice someone approached her. And all that, just to immediately challenge him to a duel. And she's a wind. I have a feeling this is a terrible idea... Haas mulled over inside his head, now having a very confused expression plastered across his face. The boy figured she was bored, but come on, not this bored! "E-Erm... Sure! What's the worst that could happen?" Haas replied cheerfully, even if he knew the answer to that question full well.

There didn't seem to be very many students around the audience seats anymore, and it'd be pretty silly to go outside just to duel... Hell, why not do it right here? Haas took a step back, then flung the backpack hanging on his shoulder to his front. Searching around in it for a bit brought forth and empty academy disk, before securing it on his wrist. The boy took a few steps back, staring at Cammie with an excited grin.

Ethel groaned as she had to make her way back through the desert to get to the main building. As much as she didn't like to show it, the heat was insane. A few drops of sweat finally started to gather on the top of the girl's silky skin, though it still looked flawless for the rest. No seriously, how was she doing that?! After what felt like an agonizing stroll through hell, Ethel felt relieved to feel cool air around her again. She honestly didn't quite know why she decided to come back, but staying around the Action Duel arena after the humiliation with Andre wasn't exactly an option either. She walked over to a part of the wall to lean against, pondering over what to do now. Conveniently, Ignia was next to Ethel. Not so conveniently is that she didn't notice her. So the boredom remained.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 days ago

Vincent Gulfus & Michelle Kine

"I haven't seen you around much before, so what's your name?" Vincent asked. Michelle had a blank look on her face as she thought about how to introduce herself. She wanted to create a good first impression, but she wasn't sure how to properly introduce herself. A few seconds passed, with her playing out different scenarios in her mind, before she finally said, "Michelle." Vincent also invited her to open their card packs together, and it took a few more seconds for her to say, "Sure. I use a Lightsworn deck." For the entirely of this exchange, Michelle had not made eye contact, instead looking off to the side, on account of her shyness. She cleared her throat, then asked, "So... where should we go?"

"Honestly, I have no clue," Vincent said in response to Michelle's question of where to actually go and open packs, maybe they could go find a table or something on this floor, Vincent honestly had no real clue. What intrigued him about the girl was that one, she played Lightsworn, an archetype known for being heavy on the whole Light aspect as well as self-milling, and two, she was shy. The latter part making him chuckle a little inside, but looks can also be very deceptive. Honestly though, Vincent thought he should make friends with the girl, she was in Wind, so that was something they could both relate to. "So Michelle, is your deck pure LIGHT or are you running any other Attributes?" Vincent asked almost as a offhand question.

Michelle gave the question a few seconds of thought, then replied, "There are a few DARK monsters in my deck. They look like they're best used when they're in the Graveyard, which does help a bit with how Lightsworns are used."

"Ah so you're running a little bit of DARK on the side, reminds me off my own deck," Vincent said as he tapped his deck which was in his pocket. "Chaos is all about filling the graveyard for their stronger monsters," Vincent said with a grin. Chaos had been proving to be a fun archetype for Vincent; nevertheless, Lightsworn seemed pretty cool as well. "We still really need to find a empty table" Vincent said as he peered outwards towards the rest of the room, his eyes scanning like he would scan the female form, accurately, he had a childhood friend to thank for that abilty.

Michelle looked around the room as well, then said to Vincent, "There's one in the far corner." She then walked over to it and sat down at one of the inside spots for the table.

Vincent followed his companion and sat down at the spot opposite to her, his eyes glancing at her face every so often while he put his massive amount of packs onto the table. "So why did you come to this academy?" Vincent asked her quizzically.

Michelle looked in surprise to see such a large amount of card packs, compared to her two meager packs. She then thought about how to answer the question Vincent asked while absentmindedly opening her packs. Eventually, Michelle responded with, "Well, it seemed fun, and, um, my parents encouraged me to." After a short pause, Michelle continued, "What about you?"

Vincent paused for a moment not entirely sure of how to answer the counter question. "Er, I came here because I like this card game and I thought it was a good idea," Vincent said muttering something under his breath. "So about we both dig into these packs we brought and compare and contrast, eh?" Vincent said with a grin as he picked up a 'Time's Running Low' pack from his pile of boosters.

Michelle completely opened up her packs and examined each card from them. Very few cards were actually useful to her deck, and some were completely unrelated. Michelle figured that that would be the case, considering how many other archetypes were in the pack she chose. "Hmm..." Michelle thought out loud.

Vincent tore into his trove of packs, not looking at any of the cards until he was done. Placing them on the table he looked at each one with a look of glee on his face as his mind filled with the decks he could make with the cards. Of course the crowning glory of his pull was the Legendary 'Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning'. Vincent also noticed he had pulled a Lightsworn card. "Here," Vincent said as he gave 'Celestia, Lightsworn Angel' to his newfound compatriot.

Michelle looked up from her collection of cards to see Vincent offering her a card. "Oh, um, thank you," Michelle said as she took the card. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel, Michelle thought as she read the card name. She placed the card in her collection, then wondered what he had. "Hey, um...." Michelle started off. "Do you, have anything else to trade for?"

"Eh not really. I mean I could give you this, free of charge," Vincent said as he handed her a Chaos Emissary, Lux. "Just know that if you take that card you're swearing allegiance to the Chaos Embassy, and by extension its Ambassador, me." Vincent said with a grin.

Michelle gave the offer some thought. It was a "free" card, and Michelle was pretty sure Vincent was joking. On the other hand, Lux wasn't very useful in her deck right now. Unlike Vincent, she didn't have Chaos monsters to summon, and by extension, nothing that could be consistently recovered from the banished pile. "Thanks, but no thanks," Michelle said, turning down the offer. "I'll earn it when I'm ready."

Vincent was obviously hurt by the rejection of his offer. Most of him felt like crying; part of him wanted to kill the girl. Shaking it off, Vincent placed his deck on the table showing every single card as he began to get to work adding or removing some.

Michelle couldn't help but look at Vincent's deck; she was too curious not to. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise upon spotting a Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning among his collection, but she decided not to comment on it. Taking out and looking over her own deck, she wondered what could be done to improve her deck with what little additions she had now. Eventually, though, she determined that there wasn't much that could be improved on for now. Returning her cards to her deck slot in her Duel Disk, Michelle got up from the table, saying, "Well, I should get going. Thanks again for Celestia."

Vincent was getting sad to see the endowed female leave. His mind quickly formulated a idea. Vincent grabbed Michelle's arm to stop her from going any further before he asked, "How about we add each other in the D-Cievers?" Vincent asked her.

Michelle looked back when Vincent grabbed her arm. "Oh, uh, sure," Michelle said, taking out her D-Ceiver. A few button clicks later, and the two were added to each other's friend lists. "There we go," Michelle said. "So, I'll, uh, see you again soon. Bye." With that said, she began to walk away.

Vincent just sat at the table thinking of what the hell he would do next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

"Actually I'm looking for the dragunity knights. They are the best forms of my deck after all." Angelo said smiling taking his hands back. This guy was able to give Angelo a real run for his money and it was really close. Still it was a little sad that Angelo hasn't been able to win a single duel here yet but it was still so fun just to duel this hard. He never got to duel with people back home since he was in the country side after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ignia Nosfera

Ignia was in the middle of her brooding when someone decided to lean beside her of course Ignia looked at the person whom had sat so close. Ignia began her analyse of the blue haired female wearing the revealing rabbit costume. Fair silky skin, Always a bonus for guys, revealing skin again points for the guys, a look of indifference definitely a turn on for some, blue hair and blue eyes points in that category, defined mammaries on the lower scale again more appealing to the pervert nature of boys, The sweat also helped alleviate the girls charm as weird as it sounded, Ignia could think of a dozen ways this girls picture could be used as a bargaining chip. This girl was definitely a worthwhile target now the final factor would be what underwear she liked to wear otherwise, she was a 9/10 would pervert again.

Ignia continued to view the girl with a glint of perverted malice in her eyes, drooling slightly at the prospect of what she could do with this girls image. Ignia wiped away the drool before she decided to make herself known to the stranger. "Why hello there 9/10 what brings you here today" Ignia said with a grin as see continued looking at the girl. "Say, are you all right, I mean you seem a little sweaty which just helps to alleviate your charm meaning more guys are probably pour on you any minute." Ignia said not even flinching at what she said. "I mean a light dorm girl like you must get a lot of attention." Ignia said trying to be friendly. "Though I must say though that outfit really does suit you." She continued complimenting the blue haired girls choice of clothing. Ignia paused for a few moments before deciding to introduce herself. "The name is Ignia, I am just a lowly wind girl pleased to make your acquaintance" Ignia said as she awaited a response
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Camryn pondered a bit. "Hmm... How 'bout we flip a coin, and whoever calls it right gets to duel Nate? That seems fair to me. As for whether or not the Colonel's allowing more Action Duels, since ours was allowed, I think he'll allow another one. It's free time right now, anyway."

"Ooh, wait! We could grab someone else and have a Tag Duel with them! ...Are Tag Action Duels a thing?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SillyPhilly
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SillyPhilly The Mythic Radiance Dragon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cassie smirks.

"Alright. No gab, just business. I like your style kid, though the stuttering is a bit of a disappointment."

She walks back through the stands a bit then turns around and puts her own duel disk on.

"The name's Cassie, Cassie Kuma .Sorry if I seem hasty. I got an itch and quite frankly you're the only one that seems to want to scratch it. Who do I have the pleasure of trouncin' today?"

She gives her deck a quick shuffle then slots it into her disk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Megan grinned, "That sounds fair, hold on a sec." Megan said as she reached into her pockets for a coin, something any aspiring duelist should carry on them. "I call heads." she annouced and flicked the coin into the air, easily catching it and slapping it onto her arm. "And it isss... heads! Nice, alright Nate get your deck ready to go, I'm gonna see it in person." Megan crowed excitedly and ran over to Snipes again, calming down as she got close to him. "Colonel, can you please open up another action field so Nate and I can duel?"[/color] she asked very politely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hayato was about to open his packs Hayato heard Tsukiko mention a pendant and he remembered he had picked something up after his duel and got up and walked to up to Tsukiko "I'm guessing this is yours then..." Hayato said taking everything out his usually empty left pocket and handed it over and walked back to his packs and sat down at the desk he put them and pulled out his deck just in case "Now shoo... I don't feel like talking anymore" Hayato said ignoring everything Tsukiko would say in response and started opening his packs, as he started opening his packs while skimming through his new cards he spotted 8 cards he wanted in his deck straight away though some of them are duplicates. This way, it makes his deck a little more duel worthy where he smiled as he added 2 new samurai into his deck as well as adding 3 new spells he could use despite them not being too strong. He got up slid his deck back into his duel disk whereupon he left to go back downstairs. Opening those packs finally lightened up his mood where he decided it was a good time to finish up on a few loose ends he had in his room. He decided to make his way to the elevator kind of hoping he'd run into Leander again. He kind of wanted redemption after losing his other duels moreover he wanted to repay Leander for his rudeness earlier.

Hayate smiled at Shinrei's answer and started explaining the rather simple rules, it was a game they played when they first got the projector after all "Rules are pretty simple... how do I explain this... you see this button here? this button reveals the card on top of the stack of cards on the projector, before you press the button me and my brother would declare Defense or Attack, highest number wins... first person to get 5 cards wins... I like playing it because you get to talk while you see the monsters fight or defend... it may be a little boring but its a fun way to kill time..." Hayate explained as best as she could "I don't know why... but these monsters still follow orders even though they are not in a duel and can tell when there is another nearby... it was designed as a display so it was a little weird when we first discovered the feature..." Hayate explained as she shuffled her own monsters into a neat stack and started to talk a little more mom comes up with great prototypes... but they are always rejected like the solid vision binder... she is always told people wouldn't want that... or the pack opener... well i guess Hayato would call it a card shooter" Hayate said finally done shuffling the deck and set it on the table beside her mini projector "So... you have any fun memories? unless... you don't have any... i would be a bit sad to hear that... everyone has a good memory or two... it is never good to let go of the past no matter how much it hurts... "Family should never be forgotten. moreover old memories with family that should never be forgotten either." is what Hayato would say... but i think he is being weird... papa is just on vacation after all... he said he'll be back..." Hayate said mentioning family and memories unsure if Shinrei would be mad at her for mentioning her brother this many times
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I'm guessing this is yours then..." Hayato said taking everything out his usually empty left pocket and handed it over. Tsukiko immediately turned her attention toward Hayato then noticed he was holding a chain which resembled her locket. When she got a closer look at it, she noticed that it was in the shape of the moon and that glance is when it hit her. It was indeed her where she took it from him wanting to thank him for finding, but then she noticed he wanted to be alone. Tsukiko decided to return to her room where she would change her clothes since she was tired of wearing her uniform.

She went back to the Earth Dorm where she stripped out of her shirt and skirt laying them on her bed so they could be put in the dirty laundry later. She then pulled out of one of her fancy looking dressers with a mirror on it shaped like a moon the clothes she was going to wear for the rest of the day. She stuck with her choice of panties which were striped just like the ones she wore earlier and so was the bra. "Hopefully, I don't have to deal with any perverts today." As she refrained from wearing some of other pairs of underwear which were a little more provoking than her usual striped ones.

She also pulled out a dark red blouse along with a pair of dark black denim shorts. She slipped on a pair of thigh highs and then put on her tennis shoes. She decided to also put a new pair of fingerless gloves which she slipped onto her hands. After she was done putting her new set of casual clothes that she would wear for the remainder of the day, she neatly stacked her cards together before slipping them into her duel disk card holder. Afterwards, she slipped the duel disk onto her wrist that way in case someone wanted to challenge her they could. Before she left she noticed that the lighter shirt choice allowed people to get a better view of her bust size which she didn't entirely like, but if she hid it from people they'd just continue to harass her until they knew how big they were. "The way this shirt shows off my breasts..." She complained as she wasn't sure if the clothing choice was the right one, but if she spent too much time trying to find a set of clothes to wear the day would be over. Hopefully she wouldn't get too many unsuspecting eyes and get too much attention like she drew yesterday when she went to supper with Haas. Well, she didn't hang out with him but she did accompany him after the two bumped into each other.

Tsukiko walked out of her room then locked the door as she made her way toward one of the lower floors. There was no reason she needed to return to the Fusion Room nor was their any reason for her to confront Hayato about his troubles. It wouldn't help either of them and she had troubles of her own that she had to deal with. One being her brother who has been nearly completely ignoring her all day. The only time she saw him was during classes and during the time she went to eat breakfast where she thought she saw him watching over her. Other than that, he hasn't been around to keep her company and she was a little bored. She also noticed that he left somewhere with Hayato's sister which did strike her as surprising. Being that her brother hasn't done anything like that before in the past except with her. Something about that Hayate girl must have triggered something in her brother. it was the only explanation she had. She would ask him about that later. For now, she would try to enjoy the rest of the day and try to follow Ben's example of not letting herself get so down. It was challenging because the emotional problems that she faced overwhelmed her by staggering odds where it was heard to keep her composure. I wonder how brother is handling the painful memories that are carved by blood into his soul. He won't talk to anyone about his past. I don't know how he lives with himself looking like a dead ghost for almost the entire day.

Tsukiko took the elevator all the way down toward Floor 7 after a voice told her to go there where she would also check out this new card trading device she had heard about. Hopefully, she hoped that this person who told her about didn't give her bad information. When the door's to the elevator opened bringing light to the scene in the room she noticed there were a few students already there. There wasn't really any students on that floor that she recalled from the classes which were held earlier. The top card in her deck which was 'Void Dragon' glowed for a brief moment which struck her as strange. Was the card trying to tell her something? She wasn't sure why it glowed like it did for a moment then just went dim and dormant. Hopefully nobody in the room just saw what just happened, because not even Tsukiko had the words nor the answer for what just happened a moment ago. She grabbed the card off the top of the deck then flashed it in her direction toward her eyes where she mumbled hoping no one else was paying any attention to her. She didn't know if her eyes were playing tricks on her mind or if that card really did just glow a moment ago. "Void Dragon... Did you bring me to this floor? If so, why would you bring me here? What is it that you want me to learn here or see here?"

Tsukiko decided to take the card she held in her hand to a table where she would sit down and analyze it more. She was hoping that what she just saw was just her imagination. She thought it was just a mere exaggeration of thought, but if other people it saw it they might ask questions about what just happened. She looked around while she set the card on the surface of the table she took a seat at and noticed the rest of the students were acting normally. Didn't look like any of them saw what just happened. "I really need to get more sleep. I'm starting to see silly things like cards glowing." She sighed in relief since she didn't have to go and explain to anyone in the room what just happened, because she really didn't have an answer for what happened. She did remember someone earlier she met as before she went to sleep had informed her that certain cards choose their owners and those cards are stronger in the hands of those owners than anyone else. Was that actually true? Did cards actually have minds of their own? Tsukiko found that ridiculous since they were just inanimate objects. All they are were objects that projected images from the face.

"Huh, this isn't where the card trading machine is? This area looks like..." She paused for a moment as she surveyed her surroundings noticing some students were wearing their bathing suits. She gave off a long deep sigh, because one someone had given her a bad piece of information and secondly that voice sounded like it just wanted to deceive her which she just heard a moment ago. "This area looks like where there's an indoor pool." She said disappointed as she remembered she had left her swimsuit in her room. She had a variety of them to choose from, but had she known that Floor 7 was where the indoor pool was located she would have at least brought it. Besides the clothes she wore right now were normal for anyone going to the pool.

"Looks like I need a new travel adviser. That last one ripped me off." She said shaking her head in complete discouragement which gripped her tight like a hand-crushing blow from a giant being such as a golem or titan. It certainly was a delivering defeat toward her trying to enjoy the day as she had just went to a room by mistake. She decided she would hang around for awhile anyway as she continued to sit at the table she sat at. "Well, at least I'm wearing clothes that are suitable for someone that is going to the pool so I doubt anyone would notice my mistake. Just by coincidence too..." She mused as she would try to blend in with the other students while she made her next plans. One of them was finding where this card trading machine was actually located. It'd be a bit awkward if it were on the same floor as the pool area, that's for sure. It had to be on some other floor she hadn't been to yet she assured herself.

Shinrei once again closed his eyes for a moment to collect his thoughts before opening them again as he collected his thoughts of what he just saw earlier while Hayate explained the game to him. He listened to her rules as she sorted out his deck handing him back just the monster cards in his deck. He noticed the girl was a bit troubled judging by the expression on her face. Still plagued by loneliness, huh? He thought to himself since she was the same way he was despite he would never actually admit that himself.

"So basically, we draw a card call out ATK or DEF and the person who draws the higher number wins? Simple enough, correct?" Shinrei answered as he thought he had just put her rules into words that were more simple to understand. He could have been wrong by how interpreted them, but judging by the way she explained the rules it sounded like his observation was spot on. He then noticed she showed some hesitation as he realized she was resisting to answer, because she felt a little afraid. "If you're afraid that your words bother me then just cease thinking that way. I will let you know when you say something which I do not approve of." Shinrei said in a reassuring voice though it was still cold, but it certainly was more friendly than how he approached other people. He would call this his casual tone since he spoke to Tsukiko in the same exact tone usually.

Shinrei heard Hayate say that her father was on vacation which made him sigh deeply and it was a very long sigh. He didn't want to alarm the girl from what he knew since the document he had was about the World Circuit duels since there is something he was investigating himself. He wouldn't say what it was he was investigating, but it was obvious that it had to do something with her father. That boy hasn't told her yet, has he? It's not my place to do so either. It might be cold, but this is something she is better discovering on her own. He said as he shook his head in disappointment when he thought about the fact Hayato just outright lied to his sister about her father. It was cruel for him to keep the truth from her, but like Tsukiko he didn't think she had the heart to handle the truth and it might affect her in a negative way which might drive her into the same madness that pushed him nearly into the void of nothingness. I don't know why I care so much about this girl, but something inside me doesn't want her to experience what I had to go through. It's probably better that way too. He to himself as he shuffled his cards then put them on the table when he had finished. It was ready to start this game she wanted to play with him though he found it rather peculiar that she didn't just leave or at least complain that he brought her there against her will which was the epitome of kidnapping. The girl wasn't upset at all and looked to be more dazed and confused than anything. Hopefully keeping her company would brighten her day like he did with Tsukiko.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 days ago

As Michelle waited for the elevator to arrive, Michelle looked at her D-Ceiver, pondering the fact that she could call up Vincent at any time. She didn't know how she should feel about it. Even back home, she had no friends' numbers on her phone when she was younger. As the elevator arrived, Michelle walked in and absentmindedly pressed the button for Floor 7. It wasn't until she got out and the elevator doors closed did she realize what it was she was doing. Michelle facepalmed, mentally chiding herself for doing something so stupid. I'm such an idiot, Michelle thought, then she decided to make the best out of it by sticking around for a while before moving on.

Looking around, Michelle noticed that there weren't that many students in the room they were in. It seems that the main attraction of this floor was an indoor pool. Quite nice, but not something Michelle was all that interested in. Plus, she was still wearing her Wind uniform; not something meant for going into a pool. Lost in thought, Michelle wondered how she was going to spend the rest of the day. Michelle thought about Dueling someone to gain more points, but the thought made her hesitate on actually doing so. Maybe another day, Michelle thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 3 days ago

Colonel approved of the way the second duel between the two girls went down. He'd not seen any foul play, though the hardness of the solid vision was... A little concerning. It should not have been able to create wounds of that magnitude, and especially not lasting ones... While the duel ended and the two of them returned back to the audience, Snipes started giving out commandos through his Microphone. "SYELL! Reduce the Solid Range from 86 to 78!" Some typing was heard from the other side of his eyepiece, right around the time Megan dashed back up the stairs. They wanted another Action Duel, huh... "ALRIGHT! I'll allow it, but this will be your last one. I want others to experience the thrill of an Action duel as well." they instructed Megan, then motioned them to go to the field.

When both Megan and Nathan were in place, the speakers flared up with Snipes' voice again. "Action field, ON! Acrobatic Circus!" As Colonel announced it, what materialized on the field was, as the title suggested, a circus. Various balloons floated in the air alongside two ladders on opposite ends of the room, connecting to a long tightrope. Various trapezium's were around as well, and a few nets scattered around for in case the actors fall.

An annoying buzz sounded from next to Ethel, whom looked out of curiosity where it came from. Out of nowhere there was a rather... energetic girl who tried to bug her. Ugh. She had enough of these types, honestly. Hell, the first sentence annoyed Ethel already. Her name wasn't 'Nine-out-of-Ten'. She's not some kind of number on a wall, so what was this girl thinking by addressing her like she was one? It got even worse, honestly. Ethel pulled away her body from Ignia when she commented on her sweat of all things, finding it creepy on how Ignia compliments her for being dirty. What was her problem? And what was with the comments about guys pouring on her?! What did Ethel care, she wanted people to leave her alone for crying out loud! "Stop being so creepy!" the girl nearly yelled at Ignia, having an expression of genuine fear on her face.

Though it didn't stop the little ball of energy, who proceeded to introduce herself as 'Ignia'. What a weird name. Well, considering they told Ethel their name, she might as well say hers... "...I'm Ethel. And stop staring at me." the girl quickly blurted out, regaining her composure a little. The mechanical look came back in her eyes as she scanned Ignia herself. Average in every way, probably just some common street girl. "What do you want, anyway?" she asked, raising a single eyebrow and crossing her arms. Now that Ethel thought about it, she was actually a lot taller than this girl... The other one seemed to only reach her neck if they stared straight forward, though this was probably due to the boots Ethel was wearing. Heightened soles did wonders like that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ignia Nosfera

9/10 in the heightened shoes (the height annoyed Ignia a little but no matter.) finally gave themselves a name. Ethel was what 9/10 referred themselves as and as such Ignia thought it in her best interest to refer them as the same. Never the less with her excitement slowly decreasing after the initial meeting. Ignia stilled ignored the girls request to stop staring but she obliged to lower down the comments on 9/10's form. She had scared the girl after all and that was never her intention. "Sorry for scaring you, I just get a little excited at meeting new people, they give me a sense of bemusement that you might now experience in the same way." Ignia said. Her face changing to reflect a more intellectual personality before she continued. "The reason I am currently here at this academy is to learn, like any respectable person would be if they choose to come here. To learn the game we come to refer to as duel monsters" Ignia finished as her face switched back to its happy go pervy self.

"So Ethel, hows the light dorm, you must be strong very strong to be in such a placement" Ignia said happily in a sing-song voice her green eyes never leaving the blue haired girl. "You had asked me what I want and what i wanted was someone to talk to you see, I don't have any friends here and you looked like someone I could approach" Ignia told Ethel, her voice lowered in volume. "And to be honest I think halve of the guys here don't have their brain in the right place." Ignia whispered as her voiced rose back to standard levels. "who am I to be so intrusive though, you looked in thought and I kinda broke that with my excitement so... I guess I am sorry for what I did" Ignia said. In her mind she was only apologising for the interruption not for the creepyness, but Ethel didn't need to know that. "So come on Ethel my icy friend, you don't look you have many actual friends either so... Do you want to be friends?" Ignia asked looking at Ethel with a honest human look in her eyes, none of that over happiness or coldness. Just a honest look for a honest question.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While Megan went to ask the Colonel about their duel, Camryn said "I'm gonna go grab a seat. See you after the duel, Nate!" She ran excitedly to the bleachers and took a front-row seat to the Action Duel field. This is gonna be so cool! I'm not sure who to root for, though... On one hand, Megan beat me, and with my own Solidarity no less, but she's also the first friend I've made here. But on the other hand, Nate seems like a nice guy, and I'd love to see his Performapals in action. Eh, I guess whoever wins, I'll be happy for them. I just hope it isn't over too soon! she thought, as the Colonel set up the Action Field. Aloud, she shouted "Heeey! Good luck, you two! Have a good duel!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 days ago

Duel between Michelle and Tsukiko

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LunarStandard
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LunarStandard The Highest Standard

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