Avatar of 6slyboy6


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9 mos ago
Current Potato
1 yr ago
I'm alive
5 yrs ago
Status updates, huh? Who needs those anyways, pfft
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6 yrs ago
I figured I should update my status. Tada!
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6 yrs ago
What IS on my mind?



Loves Teddy Bears|Twenty Something|Can't Speak Russian|Is Potat


Let me properly introduce myself. I am Sir Spud the Fourth, and I have been a potato for the longest time ever. I never denied it to be completely honest, but it is only recently that I embraced it. Now I have evolved from a simple couch potato to a fully grown royal potato. A dapper kawaii potato. And I dare say, knowing that you are a spud, makes life a lot easier. Just chill and let everyone else care about all their meaningless things because at the end of the day you'll know: chilling is the way to go.

I try to spend minimal effort on things that I don't care about, and procrastination might as well be my middle name. But that doesn't mean I ONLY rest. Sometimes a 'tato gotta do what a 'tato gotta do. And if that something happens to be things I like, then you cannot find anyone better than me. I am an omnipotent being capable of virtually any task to a limited degree, and I am not shy to admit it. I may not be the MOST AWESOMEST in a thing, but I am sure as hell MORE AWESOMEST than most people are at everything. But hey, I'm not here to brag, even if I am probabaly better at it than you


All those nights laying in my couch, I thought about the cool shit that I cannot do. That I cannot see. But I pictured them in front of myself like they were real, and that infuraited me. Then I found the Guild, and I lived happily after. I have been on the site for 2 years now, and I have seen many RPs, and played with many people. I wish I have found the site earlier, but I am glad that I've even found it. Now all those fantasies can be written down and my mind can rest at ease at night, without being constantly troubled by ideas.

When I RP, I love myself some good Sci-Fi or Fantasy. But hey I am filthy casual, I can go for anything with an interesting setting. I don't trouble myself on small details if the plot is good, but if you get somwthing wrong you can expect me to tell you about it. Some even go as far as to think that I am angry or something, but I am too chill for that. If anything I'm more of the funny type, so you can expect me to try and write some shitty jokes or post memes I found on the internet. Anyways, you'll see what I mean when we RP together.


Used to be something else here, but I'm happy to say that it's replaced because of a positive change. I now work as a full-time 3D artist in the animation industry, churning out shot after shot for some of your favorite game intros and trailers. Can't say anything about them before you even ask, and even though I'm still new to the industry I love it and I already know that this will be my passion for a long time. So hopefully in a few years I'll have a proud portfolio of animations that were done by yours truly that I can show off to all the lovely people of the guild.


Now I may have hobbies like the above mentioned, but there are some more things that I love in life. Here is a handy list of things you can always talk about with me:

  • Gaming: This one I am quite proud of, I'm a serious gamer with capital G. Not as much time for it nowadays, but still true.
  • Music: All kinds of electronic music, but I am a sucker for Queen and Powerwolf. Or Breakbot... anything music.
  • Anime: We all have an Otaku in us, but it's bigger for some people. For me it's just big enough.


Be chill folks, getting fed up about stuff is a recipe for disaster. You gotta learn to be patient and let things go, or you'll end up a wrinkly old man/woman with only bad memories about life. Even if you do fuck-all every day, you can live a content life by taking things easy. With that said, as always, stay safe and stay classy.

Most Recent Posts

Amy tried her best to listen in on everything going on inside of the room, but it was quite a lot to take in even for her. Still, she tried to pick up on as many emotions and pieces of conversation as she could before the captain got her attention. She began to talk about a short and long route, things that Amy didn't fully understand the context off. Indeed, despite not caring all that much about the mission she couldn't help but feel unnerved about some of the things that were being said. So, much like a kid copying the answers from an exam she made sure to quickly peek into the mind of the nearest person she could find actually paying attention to what was being said: in this case the one she found was Avelyin, the girl who seemed to always have a lot to say and remain serious. It was nothing more than just quick peek, but Amy felt a little jolt go through her mind while she got the information she needed. "Hmmm..." She hummed to herself quietly as her eyes turned to the girl, sizing her up for a moment. There was something distinctively different about this girl, at least as far as Amy was concerned. Maybe another Zvezd that she couldn't identify at first? No, it can't be... then... maybe a psychic?

She was ripped out of her thoughts when she heard the hologram thingy call out her name, and she let out a stifled gasp as her eyes jumped back on it while she tiptoed to try and get a better look. Apparently she was to take care of the children's mental health, which made Amy smile happily and clap her hands together excitedly. "Excellent!" She explained in a cute voice as she looked around the room quickly to remember the face of all the kids in it. She already wanted to do that, but now that it was official it made her even happier. She was so excited to finally get to know everyone and talk with them about who they were and what they liked.

However, it seemed not everybody shared her excitement as quite a few people began to leave the room as soon as the meeting was adjourned, including some of the kids as well. She was quick to seize the opportunity while there were still people in the room listening as she hopped up and held her hand up high with a high pitched yelp. "Kids! Amy has something to say, so if you can just stay for another second please!" Of course, she was Amy so it might've seemed weird to call herself out like this, but she wanted to make sure everybody would know what she was talking about. She always had trouble remembering voices in such a short amount of time, so she hoped it would help some people out. And of course, it was something that she had gotten used to back when she was with the Zvezd, and it took quite some time to get over it. Indeed, she still had a lot to learn about the way humans and other alien species talked.

Once she saw that everyone who was interested turned to him, she smiled happily and made a small little wave to the kids with a cheerful expression. "Alright children, it seems I have the task of making sure you are all having a good time and don't stress about the past! Remember, you're crew on the ship now and members of this little rebellion, but you're still kids at heart, I'm sure of it! So if you have anything weighing on your hearts that you want to talk with about someone, or just need a hug and a place to relax away from anyone else, you can always find me in my room! It's just down the hallway to the left, last room at the end of the corridor!" She explained with a happy chuckle as she beamed a warm smile at everyone while she reached into her bag and pulled out a box of butter cookies that she originally intended for the other crew member and quickly opened it. "I know you all had a bit of Abaddon's amazing lemon cakes, but I insist you have a bit of my favorite biscuits too before you all leave to your rooms! And remember, Amy always welcomes anyone!" With that she would chuckle softly and smile happily at everyone in the room while holding out the biscuits for anyone who wanted one.

At the same time she looked over at Narvia with a little wink. "You can keep Cuddleton for as long as you want to, alright? You can borrow her any time you feel like crying and having something to hug again." With that she smiled supportively at Navi before she gently patted the girl's shoulders with her tail.


Things were starting to get out of hand in the room as Amy was concerned, the amount of voices and faces slowly overwhelming her ability to just focus on a single thing. Of course, it was also aided by the fact that she no longer had any cats to pet: though as it turned it she never really had one to begin with. She certainly expected weird things once these magical kids joined them, but it made her chuckle a bit nevertheless that one of the kids was the cat and that the large boy so easily gave him away. Clearly they weren't above being playful, and she really admired that in them. She certainly hoped that they could get along, and it made her job of making sure the kids were alright a whole lot more easier that they didn't seem to be too moody.

Before she could learn the name of either the small girl that the larger boy was patting or his own name, a third girl came around with tears rolling down from her eyes. The people in the room close to her were quick to flock to the girl and try to cheer her up, though some had more success than others. At the very least it helped Amy with some of the names as the two girls hugged each other cutely, making Amy smile softly. "Phi... Tarak... Navi..." She mumbled to herself quietly, counting to three on her fingers as she memorized the names of the kids for later. She found their names to be quite unique, wondering if it was her name that was too common or something that not a lot of people had. Humans were still so confusing to her, seemingly going against their common wisdom at every turn, but she found it quite enjoyable to learn about them in such a way. And, well, seeing the two girls hug each other with Tarak close was kind of heart warming.

Despite all of the chaos going on regarding either Navi or the plan of attack (something that Amy completely ignored up until now and had no idea what it was about), she slowly walked over to the two girls with a smile on her face and crouched down next to Navi, looking up at Tarak for a moment before she turned back to the girl. "Awh, sorry to interrupt cutie, but I couldn't let a crying little girl carry on like this!" Amy explained with a warm smile on her face as she reached out with one hand to gently wipe the tears away from the girl's cheeks before she chuckled happily. "Don't ruin a cute face like that with tears! Hmmm... I think I know just what you need right now to cheer you up!" She explained, giving Navi a playful wink before she turned off to her side, opening up the bag on her side and reaching inside before she pulled out Mr Cuddleton from inside and held the plushie up with a quiet giggle in front of Navi. "I know it's not quite your lovely seal plushie, but Mr Cuddleton is just as fluffy and huggable, I guarantee you! If you want it, he is yours until you feel better! Deal?"

@Landaus Five-One@Jade Kiyo@Th3King0fChaos

Amy was completely lost in her thoughts as she was petting the cat sitting on Tarak's shoulder, too occupied even to notice as Navi began to cry. Normally it would've set off just about every single red flag in Amy's brain and sent her into full on pamper mode, but she wasn't quite tuned into the happenings of the room. She did hear Tarak's response though, giggling quietly as she heard his rather funny remark about why he was so big. She would flash another big smile up at the boy when he complimented her smile and he would blush ever so slightly as she swiped some of her hair out of her face while she tiptoed a bit to get a better look at Tarak. "Hehe, you're gonna make a lady blush like that! But thank you! Keep eating your greens and you'll be an outstanding gentleman in no time! A strong one at that, I'm here to root for you!" Amy explained as she made a little reaffirming node, moving back and forth on her toes as she was ready to give one of her pep talks to Tarak about being a gentleman and all that.

But then she was given the cat all of a sudden, and Amy froze up completely as she now held the fuzzy cat in her hands. Her lips parted as she let out a small gasp, her childish stare turning towards Finn as she adjusted her hands to comfortably hold onto him. "Oh my god! He's so fuzzy, and cute, and fuzzy and warm! Aaaaaaaa, I'm dying of cuteness~" Amy explained in a cheerful tone and let out an excited whine, biting her lips afterwards as she softly hugged Finn against herself and began to scratch the cat's head slowly and carefully. After a few moment she looked up at Tarak with a beaming smile, her face showing the true joy of a little kid who just opened their Christmas present. "Thank you! You're already making your o-nee-san Amy get all worked up!" Amy explained with a happily giggle as she closed her eyes for a moment and nuzzled her head against Finn's before she looked back up at Tarak. "I'm Amy by the way! But uh... I think you knew that already, heh, I'm silly... But how can I call you, hmmm? Don't want to be the girl who learns the fuzzy furball's name before anyone else's, hehe~"

Slowly Amy would fall silent as she kept her ears perking up while she looked down at Phi besides Tarak, smiling cutely as she stopped petting the cat in her hands for a moment. "And while we're at it, what's your adorable little sister's name? I want to make sure I remember them for later, in case there is a hug or cuddle emergency that needs big sis Amy's direct attention!"

@Th3King0fChaos@Jade Kiyo@The Man Emperor

Sitting in the cockpit of the Xuanzang's shuttle, Amy reclined in the comfy pilot chair and closed her eyes as she snuggled up against the time worn but still relaxing fabric. Her tail swung lazily by her side, swishing against the metal plates of the floor as her hands hugged her tiny plush friend against her chest. Quiet moments like this were quite the treasure when one usually travels with groups of mercenaries or adventurers that can always run into troubles, but not a lot of traders are willing to take on any random person who wants to travel the galaxy, and Amy wasn't exactly swimming in cash with which she could fuel her curious nature. Besides, tourist attractions wasn't what she was going for, she wanted to know the galaxy for what it truly was and the people who lived in it. And uh, as far as searching for that true, unfiltered view of the galaxy went, she really did it this time. A bunch of rebels who wanted to oppose to Ascendancy... "You really did it this time Amy." With a tired sigh, Amy would let out a quiet whine as she clutched her plushie a bit more while she let the auto pilot of the shuttle take her back towards the Xuanzang. And not even that, she failed her first "mission" of sorts too! The contact Natasha said would be here simply never showed up... and Amy was waiting there for at least an extra hour! She was super excited to meet one of her new crewmates, she even bought an extra pack of biscuits to share! Oh well, sometimes plans don't come together like they are meant to be, but now it seems like she would be late to the meeting with the kids they were going to take aboard. Some... super soldiers with magic, Amy believed. The idea certainly raised her attention, and despite this rough start to a day she was looking forward to meeting them. It was definitely a new side of the galaxy she hasn't seen yet, and she was hoping they would share some of the biscuits with her.

Her train of thought was cut in half as a beeping sound emitted from the terminal in front of her and Amy gasped quietly as she opened her eyes and leaned forward to check what it was. "Ah, it seems like we're close Mr Cuddleton!" She explained quietly to her small teddy bear and lifted it up to her face to nuzzle it before pushing the small bear back into her bag with a chuckle. "Don't be like that, it won't be for long! Besides, I'm sure at least some of the kids would love to play with you!" Slowly he closed the bag back and shook her head with a smile as she leaned forward and grabbed the flight stick with one hand, and switched off the auto pilot with the other. "Alright, time to get back to the ship. Hope I'm not too late..."

7 minutes later

Back inside the ship, Amy walked through the quiet corridors of the airlock as she left the shuttle behind. Taking a deep breath from the recycled air inside the ship she could feel the smell of freshly baked treats and... people? No, that wasn't a smell, that was more of a presence that she could very faintly pick up. "Aaaaaaah, damn! The kids are here!" Amy whined in a distressed voice, quiet angry at herself for being late to meeting them. She really wanted to be here by the time they came back, ready to greet them all with a hug and give them some biscuits before they started to deal with the serious stuff again. Kids have been through enough to be given some time to relax and unwind before briefing would start, and she felt kind of guilty for not being able to deliver that.

"No matter Amy, you can do it! Just gotta go in there, report to the captain and then make sure everybody is okay! You got this girl!" Amy told one of the sheet metal walls lining the corridor to the briefing room, watching her own reflection as she made sure to adjust her clothes and hair. First impressions matter quite a bit to humans, and the last thing she wanted was to make a bad impression on all of the kids who were coming aboard their ship! It was such an exciting opportunity to learn more and have a fun time, ruining it already because of a stray strand of hair sounded like a terrible way to kick things off! It took Amy about an extra 10 seconds to realize that she didn't need to adjust her hair like this and she could just as easily have used her mind to change the illusion, but when this is the image you see every day it gets to your head and you start to believe it a bit too much. Who knew if those stray stands were real or an illusion after all.

After staring at her own reflection for long enough Amy would let out a small sigh and close her eye for a moment as she prepared herself for meeting all of the kids. Then she would open the door to the briefing room and step inside with a smile on her lips.

"Oooooh, look at all of you! Welcome aboard the Xuanzang you cuties! Don't mind me, just passing through~" Amy spoke up with a small giggle as she pushed into the room towards Natasha, making light steps that were almost hops as she zigzagged her way through the gathered people while her tail swayed from side to side behind her like a snake. She would stop besides the boss lady herself and tiptoe up beside her with an apologetic smile. "Sorry for the interruption and for uh... being late... Gabriel didn't show up, and I wanted to wait to make sure I didn't miss them on accident. Apologies..." She explained quietly, not wanting to cut into the ideas that the kids were putting forward and she took a step back to make an apologetic bow in front of Natasha.

Moments later she was up and standing again, her eyes excitedly scanning the room as she examined every one of the kids that have joined them, as well as some of the crew that she didn't see on her first visit aboard the ship before she left to pick up this supposed crew member. Part of her wondered if he even existed, or if Natasha just sent her out for some other reason... but no, she wouldn't do that! Besides, Amy could tell what she was planning, unless the captain turned out to be extremely good at resisting mind reading.

Well, whatever the reason was, she beamed a happy smile at everyone as she looked around at the kids gathered in the room. Spotting Tarak and knowing that the large boy would provide ample cover for her to lay back in the shadows and wait for the briefing to be over, she quickly slinked off to the side, cheerfully hopping past Abaddon as she grabbed a lemon bar and held it between her lips as she winked at the large crystalline construct before continuing her way over to Tarak. On the way she quickly devoured the lemon bar, sending a quick message in her mind to Abaddon, complimenting his cooking with all the positive words she could remember. With a content sigh now that she had her belly full, she stared up at Tarak for a moment, then back at Natasha and the kids speaking, then back up at Tarak again.

"Wow, look at you! How come you're so tall?" Amy asked quietly as she giggled and tiptoed up to compare her height with that of Tarak, barely able to contain her excitement as she waited for the moment when the briefing was finally over and she could talk with all of these wonderful new people! Who knows, maybe some of them would be up for playing some games with her!

Just as she opened her mouth to ask another question from Tarak, clearly already throwing away her bold and implausible plan of simply staying quiet and still, she noticed the cat that was sitting on the large boy's shoulder and Amy fell silent with a small gasp forming on her face. Her eyes sparkled in excitement as she reached up with her hand and gently scratch the neck of the kitten, looking at it with a childish wonder one would more likely expect from one of the kids in the room. "Oh my god, you have a kitty? Awh, he's so cuuuuute~" She explained quietly and chuckled, already forgetting all about the meeting and the mission as she now only wanted to pet the cute kitty. If she wasn't to easily distracted, she could've probably noticed that said Kitty was actually one of the kids, but there was just something about having so many people in one room and that absolutely soft and fluffy fur that made her oblivious to that fact, or the scene she was making in the background. But it couldn't be helped, that was just how Amy was when she was excited.

@Letter Bee

I know this is kind of stupid to ask, but I'm not entirely sure... would being specialized to this extent in Mind Magic protect Amy from other's Mind Magic, or do I need Exceptional Willpower for that?

If she does still need it, I might ask for those skills after all, just to keep the character's flavor together.
Alright, here goes nothing! Time for a new crewmember!

And here goes the custom race description, just so it's obvious what it is :)

I created this basically to the template of a child soldier since it is them who mostly use spells and I didn't want to do anything fancy with it. Wasn't sure how to handle skills and spells, bee went to sleep before he could tell me. Still, I hope you will find this space tiefling enjoyable ^^
@Lunamaria Hawke@past3lp3ach

As it currently stands, the RP is on an indefinite hiatus. I definitely plan on coming back to it with some new plans, but I want to find my footing once again. It was a bit ambitious of me to plan it out so soon after I came back to the guild, but it's a nice learning experience.

In case you are still interested, I can send you an invite link to the Discord. If there is enough interest, I might try to find someone to help me Co-GM when I have busy projects to do at work, so we can keep rolling forward.

It is now the 26th century. Humanity has left Earth behind hundreds of years ago, spreading out across the infinite dark of space in a frenzy not seen since the discovery of the New World. Human inhabited space is so large now that the human mind simply cannot comprehend the distances, a map showing it's entirety too dense to make out individual planets. Yet for all it's worth, we are barely grasping the straws when it comes to knowing more about the universe and exploring it. As far and wide as the colonized space reaches, it is so sparsely populated that between cultural and economical hubs there might be dozens or hundreds of star systems that have only token infrastructure.

But there is a new frenzy on the horizon. The constant of life has been the same since the colonization frenzy of the 23th century, but it seems that there is a new wave on the horizon. On the outer reaches of human space, on a colony world much the same as what you and I come from, some farmer dug up a piece of stone in their backyard that promises to change history. That farmer was Max Irving, now the head of the Galactic Commission for Alien Life, an entity that brew new life into space travel. And that stone? He named it the Rosetta Stone, just like the rock we found back on Earth that helped us translate ancient languages. Except the languages we found on this one were far, far more ancient than anyone would've ever dared to guess. Because scientists are known for their originality we've named the aliens who left it behind "Precursors", though we're not even sure if it's just one language or more.

That was all over 50 years ago now, and as a civilization we stopped covering the discovery of alien life all over the news. Mostly because we've never found any of them, just the relics that they've left behind. The hunt for knowledge about these ancient aliens, has been out of the public's attention for a while now, but that hasn't stopped intrepid explorers and daredevils from pushing the boundary of space even further than before. The GCAL offers bounties and commissions for exploring new and uncharted star systems and galactic formations: something far easier in the technologically advanced ago than it was for those who laid down the first houses in the city worlds of today. With enough money, just about anyone can buy a used cargo ship and jump around from one system to another with their Setter Drives. Insurance companies make an absolute treasure out of these poor folks, most of whom end up going missing without a trace, only for their bodies discovered a few years later inside their now dead spaceship.

But of course, there are those who are more prepared than these jockeys hoping to luck upon alien artefacts and then sell it to GCAL for a fortune. People like me. We don't like to call ourselves anything, we don't do this for the fame or recognition. But if you ask about the Seekers in any local bar, you'll be sure to happen upon someone like me. It is us, the most daring and adventurous that go out expedition after expedition, making a living by selling charts to investors and colonists. Of course, we all work for GCAL still: they make selling the data much easier, even if at a fee. Of course, we all find bits and pieces: a piece of ceramic in space from a long gone ship, a forgotten amulet on a planet covered in lush greens or just some metal shards from god knows what. While valuable in their own right, we don't get anything for these, not anymore: most people choose to adorn themselves with it while they hope for the next breakthrough with finding something bigger. Something more... expensive.

That's where I come in. There's a system not far from here, goes by the name of Vodyani V, and I got a hint from one of my contacts that it might have something in there. How do they know? I didn't ask and they didn't tell, bartering with information is something that I can't afford. But I'm not in the business still because I don't listen to advices. So, I know my next target. A week's travel in FTL to get there, and then a few more weeks to explore the system. It's a real beauty she is: plenty of planets and gas giants that could hold troves of treasure, not to mention countless moons. Even if I don't find a thing, the charts will sell for a pretty buck. But if my sources are good, and they have been so far, I'm looking at buying a luxury retreat for every month of a standard year, spread out a few parsecs apart so I can enjoy travelling between them on my luxury yacht.

Of course, I can't do this all alone, too much space to explore and not enough eyes and hands to do everything. Got gaps in my crew, and that is where you come in. I've been telling you my story this whole time, but what about you? Join my crew and get rich with me, if you dare.

Welcome one, welcome all! I invite you all on a sci-fi mystery adventure that I am certain you will enjoy if you've enjoyed playing Duskers or if Edge of Tomorrow is one of your favorite movies. But I might've revealed too much already by just saying that, so I will keep quiet about the plot for now!

As I've mentioned already, this RP is to be an adventure with a mystery that needs to be uncovered. I invite you all to become crew members aboard the repurposed patrol ship "Maiden Voyage" to join Sarah Ashton, a renowned Seeker in the sector who is looking for more brave souls to join her on her newest adventure into an unknown star system. This is your chance to make good money by hopping into a dangerous but at times lucrative business, or if you are already a member of the crew, then to add one more tale to your long list that you can tell at a bar once the mission is over.

I'm mostly looking for people who enjoy exploring mysteries and have always liked the idea of exploring and discovering new things in space. While the game won't be about surveying landmasses as I plan on very early on introducing an overarching story, there will be plenty of magnificent things to look at and explore between the close shaves with death your characters will undoubtedly have. The universe is out there to kill you after all, and that is something I want to hammer home as the story progresses. That said, this is also a space drama of sorts, and the relations between crew members will play a large role as the story progresses further towards the end goal, so I'm mostly looking for people who want to experience a story and interact with it, rather than people who want to blow stuff up.

In the end, this RP is more of an experiment. There is a set beginning and end (though if we do finish, I am open to continue it), something that I feel is lacking in a lot of RPs. Hopefully the mystery and the story I'm telling is enough to keep everyone interested and engaged until we see the conclusion of the story. Besides, the most fun in an RP is always interacting with others, so I'm hoping for a diverse cast of characters :)

Now that you've made it past that large volume of rambling text that I can't seem to leave behind, here is a list of crew roles that I think might be important for an expedition like this. Not all of them need to be filled up, and you might have your own ideas as well. It's absolutely feasible that nobody is a "specialist", just knows a thing or two about an area. Still, it might give you some ideas.

  • Medic
  • Technician
  • Xeno-Archeologist/Biologist
  • Astrophysicist
  • Security/Survival Expert
  • Navigator/Co-Pilot
  • Linguist

Once you have a basic idea as to what role you might want to fill-in on the ship's crew (maybe I left out something pretty obvious, I'm writing this pretty late after all), here is a handy dandy sheet reference with the most basic details filled in. Feel free to modify it however you like, a good looking CS is always going to impress everyone.

[center] (Name comes here)
[img](Insert image here for shock value)[/img][/center]
[b]NAME:[/b] (or it can come here. Or both. You choose)
[b]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE:[/b] (everything about the looks of your character comes here that a picture may or may not be able to convey, such as weight, height, but even skill or hair color if you want it changed or specified)
[b]CHARACTER DESCRIPTION:[/b] (Never been a fan of "personality" groups when I've barely known my character. Just give us a basic idea of who your character is here, what they do, why did they join and what they are usually like. Really, just a brief or not-so-brief description of your character. But whatever you want here from skills, through personality to relationships)

Pretty simple, right? I always prefer that the IC speaks for itself rather than the CS, but if you wish to add more to it, then feel free to do so. This is more of a suggestion than a strict guideline.

Since this is just the interest check, no need for a full fledged CS if you don't want it. As it stands I'm running out of time for the day to make an example with the character I will be portraying, but that shouldn't be relevant in your interest. If you've red this far I'm willing to bet that you are at least somewhat interested in the idea. I can guarantee you that I will keep everyone occupied with plenty of events in the RP, and that it won't be a super duper moody plot like Duskers or anything from HP Lovecraft, mostly because you won't be alone. But if the people I've already told the story to for review is anything to go by, I'm certain that there will be plenty for you to think about and try to solve, while having exciting plot twists and revelations along the way to want you to keep exploring.

Anyways, that's it for me. You know what to do, if you like the idea then leave a post and I'll be sure to reply to everyone once I wake up. I wish you all a great day/evening/night, and I hope to see you guys in a bit :)

EDIT: Reworked the brief, so it ACTUALLY explains what this is. Hopefully that should clear things up. I'll be inserting the CS for Sarah very soon, so that I can cover most of my bases.
Hello there good sirs and sirettes of the interweb!

Indeed, today is a good day to be alive. And nothing better to do with a fantastic day than to share it with someone!

It is upon that basis that I once again come froth from the mystical shrouds of my personal life, to unveil my burning passion for roleplays like a flickering candle on a stormy night. Indeed, the world might be going to hell all around us, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be able to enjoy ourselves while the moment lasts. And while that moment is very limited, as work and personal life takes away from our enjoyment of all things written and fantasized about, I have decided to dedicate that small amount of time to play with someone.

About me

I'm 21 and doing a full day job, thought for the rest of this week I am on vacation. I enjoy playing all sorts of characters and scenarios, though I get the most immersed when I can spend some quality time brainstorming and world building with my partner. I greatly enjoy adventure and action roleplays, but I personally find that no roleplay is truly complete without at least some romance thrown into the mix, be it between the main characters or some side character. As they say, art mimics real life.

As such, this is truly an open ad: pairings can be just about anything, MxF, MxM, FxF, ?x?, you name it! I'm mostly looking for someone that I can chat with even outside the bounds of the RP and create a pet project between us that we pour our ideas and feelings into. Something to help put us at ease after a long day, and something we can share with someone else who helps us build it. As such, the only thing that I will refuse to do is fandom stuff: that simply takes away from my preferred way of going about an RP.

Finally you can read my bio if you want to know more about me, but really, I'm just a chill guy. Zany, yes, but never childish. I can fully immerse myself into a shootfest of an RP and have fun, though I personally prefer RPs with some deeper emotional ties to them, where working on and helping your characters achieve something feels like a true success. I'm also down to making good friends with anyone who writes, so don't be afraid of me, I don't bite :D

This ad is for you-

- If you too have wished for ages to build a world and play it, but never found the right person or group of people to try it out with.
- If you have been looking to immerse yourself in someone else's world, but found that group RPs die too quickly.
- If you just want a partner with whom you can write an intricate plot, filled with emotions and free from edgy powergaming.
- If you want to play something that can be both lowkey comedy at times, while at others deadly serious.
- If you too have the craving at times to just sit down and plan for hours at night when you cannot sleep.
- If you are looking for someone who is willing to try out wacky or niche ideas without the fear of being judged.

Or really, if you are just looking to have a fun, engaging time with someone.

For the closing words, I'm not too specific the length of posts. I prefer to do them in either DMs or over on Discord (where I prefer chatting with people), but I've played with as many complete beginners as absolute pros. As long as your posts make sense, we will be good friends.

And finally on the topic of 18+ stuff, well... I don't particularly have anything against it. I enjoy it as much as everyone when it is applied in the right amounts and at the right times, but due to forum guidelines I'd only really do such a thing in an RP over on Discord. Would hate to break the flow by breaking some rules ^-^'

I uh, I think that is it. I've never been good at making these really long explanatory posts, I'm the sort of person who enjoys saying these things "in person". So if you have any questions, or if you are unsure after reading this post whether or not I'm the person you're looking for, my DMs are always open :D
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