Avatar of A Lowly Wretch


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It would seem that Reinhardt and Vyrell had arrived ahead of her. Alas, the other knights and the queen herself were yet to show. Until the queen arrives though it was no issue. She would not show the queen disrespect by appearing late to a summon such as this and she expected much the same out of the other knights.

“Ah, Od, you are here too.”

Nod simply gave a short nod to Vyrell's greeting, her expression distant and thoughtful as always. She briefly wondered if the queen had sent summons for him as well to this meeting. There wasn't a chair set aside for him, was there? Did it matter?

“Good to see you in one piece as always. Question for you, Od. You’ve not seen or heard from lady Elnith, have you?”

The greeting, much like always, went over her head. A simple pleasantry, no reason to think deeply into it's nuances. The question however got her attention as her eyes locked on his.

"No. Is the queen asking for her?"

Her question for him was not unusual for her train of thought. If there was an issue her first and main concern was how it mattered to the queen first. Naturally she didn't find a reason for Lady Elnith to be absent as her first assumption, hence her path of thought leading her to believe that they were trying to find her at the queen's behest. If her absence were to cause the queen disquiet then it would be under Od's prerogative to immediately rectify this. She hoped it wouldn't come to that since her strengths were not in searching out missing personnel. That would be something better suited to others such as Lady Luna or Lady Fio.

Nonetheless Od would not hesitate to undertake such a task if she so much as even suspected that the queen would desire it so.
@Rune_Alchemist Here's an updated version of Mathy with some changes to help her fit the world better.

Hope she sparks your interest.

"Thank you Od but, I'll be fine. You're not the only one here that can heal you know. I'm just thinking while I fix myself up."

Od's expression was inscrutable. Like a mask it moved little, showing none of the feeling that went on behind it. Inside she was a labyrinth of deep running thoughts and feelings. While she felt that Luna could just be speaking true of what's on the surface there was the possibility that she was simply being polite, shouldering the burden of her own care to not take advantage of her. Perhaps this reluctance to accept Od's help could be born from a distance between the two of them, rejecting Od's offer not out of kindness but out of a desire to not keep in her company.

Od didn't know what to make of it. This wasn't something she was good at, reading people that is. She always felt a distance between herself and those who were cultural natives to this region. As a result of her minimal levels of socialization it made it hard for her to know in truth what one's words meant beneath the surface. It was hard for her not to read too deeply or even not deep enough sometimes.

Od had been standing there stiffly with her hand out, lost in deep thought when Reinhardt passed her by.

"You might be able to regenerate from any injury... I'd advise you stop hurling yourself at the enemy that recklessly. You expose yourself to unnecessarily taking blows that reduce your combat effectiveness to land attacks you should be able to manage regardless. It's unbefitting of a knight."

She was stirred from her thoughts, turning to face him but he was already on his way past. Her flat distant stare was broken, giving way to a more perplexed expression. She didn't really know what to make from what he said.

But the only injury I sustained was from ambush fire???

She wanted to say but the moment had passed and it felt like it would be awkward to stammer her thoughts towards his back. Instead she simply looked on as he left before turning to the castle proper. In truth she had felt somewhat useless in the battle against the elder beast but not because she was injured. Her left eye had already grown back for the most part and the cut on her neck was little more than a sliver now. What stung most however was how useless she was against the beast. Reinhardt had managed to all but fell the beast on his own for the most part and what had she contributed? A shallow poke and a cut on it's trunk. The bloody trunk hadn't even gotten severed in full, it was embarrassing just how poorly she'd performed against it. She felt like she had spent more time being tossed about than she had been in the fight proper. The queen should not have needed to intervene on their behalf and it was a failing on all the knight's parts for letting the battle last that long.

In her doldrums she had failed to notice she was already at the castle, ready to proceed in towards the strategy room where their queen needed them. She would obey her queens command and obey without fail, there was no doubt of that. Even still, she cast her gaze briefly to the cursed blade, wondering to herself how truly needed she was in all this. In the end was she just holding back everyone by trying to join the battle instead of just letting them use her blood as the fomorians did? What was her purpose, truly?

In the end, as it always was, silence was the only answer.

Here's my main character, placing my moth as a substitute just in case. Hopefully Mathy is fine enough to make the roster.

@Rune_Alchemist Here is my character. Hopefully he is acceptable.
I'll be signing up. I'll begin character construction shortly.
Martin Hollowsland

It was definitely concerning to see the knight straight up reattach his own head before marching off to the side of his lady. He knew well what magic was capable of given what he has learned himself but the dangers of what this could mean were very readily clear, another reason for why he had to be as careful as he has.

Meekly he scurried out of everyone's way as a standoff seemed to be brewing between the knights and this other character. On one hand he loathed to insert himself into a growing conflict, even if it hadn't yet come to blows, however he knew that by choosing this path he'd be thrust into conflict sooner or later. Swallowing his fear he slowly minced his way up to the renown knight captain herself, Knight Captain Fanilly Danbalion.

"H-hello captain Danbalion. I- I- I'm Martin, a healer t-that was dispatched to your unit." It was clear he was very nervous speaking to someone as important as her, stuttering and tripping over his own words whilst he was unable to even look at her directly.

"I- if there is a- any need for my service p- please let me know. I'll try and h-help however I can." With that said he bowed deeply, eyes shut tight. He tried to hide the fact that his hands were shaking but it seeped through all the same.


It was somewhat satisfying to have her blade finally leave a lasting mark upon the beast, severing it's trunk as it pierced through before slicing free through the side with a draw cut. She looked down upon the creature despite their size disparity as it was brought low by the efforts of her comrades. Her icy stare lingered upon the beast before immediately snapping over to the queen as she spoke.

Od's reaction was immediate, dropping to a kneel and bringing an arm across as she listened with her head bowed. This might not of been the standard the queen operated on with others but Od had been raised to act as such with the king she last served. Old habits were hard to break.

While she would have pressed the attack it seemed the queen had other plans, talking Luna down to keep her from pursuing her foes no less. While it stung to know that the mammoth rider still drew breath, leaving her words unfulfilled, the queen had offered them the privilege to flee which they had accepted. Od would not dare contravene her queen's wishes, purging the very thought from her mind. With a flourish she sheathed her blade, it's sheath being the only thing the blade welcomed. She did not need to even clean her blade for it abhorred letting anything touch it, cutting away at the world in every sense of the term.

During the queen's congratulations of her knights she seemed to express gladness towards Od being in one piece in particular. This seemed to befuddle her, her head tilting to one side with a quizzical expression as she blinked several times in confusion. Had the queen been particularly concerned regarding the possibility of her dismemberment? Od was hardly even aware of the deep slice in the side of her neck. It hurt, yes, and it made her breathing raspy, her voice hoarse as her vocal cords were still recovering alongside the rest of her neck. None of that really impacted her tremendously. On top of knowing that she'd be good as new as early as five minutes from then such wounds were things she had grown accustomed to living with. The Fomorians were always doing far worse to her before and even after she was freed from their cruel grip she knew nothing but war. Wounds were just a facet of living, a sight no less common than trees in a forest or bodies in a battlefield.

After all was said and done the knights seemed to part for the time being, returning to town where they returned to their various concerns. Od's concerns were with the health of the soldiers who guarded the walls. She went over them to confirm that none were harmed during the arrow fire the walls sustained during their battle. Seeing as most if not all the soldiers were fine this led her back to Luna who seemed to have born the brunt of the damage from this battle. Out of all the knights she was the one who seemed to have had received the most lasting wounds, the others either not taking any or simply recovering from them.

Upon approaching Luna she only slightly unsheathed her blade, lightly placing her palm upon the glassy metal which left a long fine yellowish line upon the skin of her hand. She extended this hand towards Luna in a silent offer of healing, sap-like blood oozing from the cut down onto her fingers. She didn't trespass Luna's personal space for this, staying a respectful distance back until her fellow knight consented to her treatment.

No words were exchanged at this time. Od was never much of a talker, the lingua franca of this land still being her second language with her native tongue being fomorian. She can hold her own in a conversation but the intricacies of this language and her own accent often tripped her up. Such was the reason she was so laconic.


Again this beast tests her patience. The ice knocked her back, having been thrown clear once again. This time was even less impactful than the last blow to have sent her clear from the ongoing struggle. It didn't kill her, little could, nor did it really hurt her but the delays meant the queen would have to continue dealing out blows against this chaff alone. These bandits weren't worthy of challenging her and the shame of having it come to this only continued to build alongside Od's ire.

The beast guarded it's legs and left pools of ice where it walked. Meanwhile it fought in struggle against Reinhardt as he attempted to strangle the beast. While it's attention was focus was on fighting him it served as the ideal opportunity for her to try and score a blow of lasting consequence for once.

She quickly skirted the borders of the frozen zone as she rapidly dashed up front where the mammoth was attempting to toss her fellow knight off with it's trunk. With focused intensity she poised her stance, bracing her palm against the jeweled pommel of her blade as she readied a thrust. In one long smooth step her place stabbed up at the base of the mammoth's trunk. Though muscular and with hide it's trunk was unable to be armored without losing it's pliability. Neither ice nor steel could guard something that was required to be prehensile.

It was time to finish what she started and finally sever that damn trunk.
Magnificus the Ingenious
\\: Location: Sen Rynta | Windy Plains - Outskirts

He nodded sagely as the still unnamed knightly lady recommended the safer path of simply camping outside. Seems they weren't the only ones around here who took that route either. It made sense for folks to just camp by civilization though. Any adventurer worth their salt would be prepared to spend a night or three camped out in the wilds which really seemed to call to mind just what on earth these noobly players he had shared the road with were planning. He wouldn't be surprised if they had set out in foolish haste, their preparation inversely proportionate to their eagerness to explore.

Ah well, it wouldn't matter. After tonight he'd be back on the road, off to find Sen Rynta's mines so he might plunder them of precious minerals. With that in mind he set down his turrets, the disc bound orbs chiming to attention and placed down his shield generator which resembled the turrets except instead of discs this orb hovered atop a small engraved pillar of black stone with a mana gem set in a recess right in the center of the pillar. As the shield generator activated it projected it's mana blue semi-transparent film across a twenty meter in diameter dome, the borders clinging to the contours of the earth's dips and grooves. The shield generator is capable of creating a full three hundred and sixty degree sphere of protection however it's unable to bisect solid matter present in it's borders, limiting it to the unoccupied spaces it can fill until more space is opened up for it to occupy.

Now that he was protected from outside intruders, attacks and even certain weather conditions like rain he simply pulled out a foldable lawn chair he had built for comfy camping times, laid back and breathed a nice long sigh of relief. Life as a technomancer really was a treat. It didn't matter if you were pretty or even likeable, with smarts beamed directly into your head by the game itself you could carve your own luck out. All you needed was some spirit, creativity and an eye for opportunity. At least, that's what he told himself.

Speaking of opportunity an old man of eastern garb resting against the nearby tree which was partially clipped through the force field stirred.

"Aah... Sorry 'bout that. I thought I felt something off just now. Need to go check the source of that out tomorrow..."

Magnificus grinned, rising up from his lawn chair before folding it up and tucking it under his arm. With chair under arm he approached the old man, wearing an intrigued yet friendly-ish smirk as he came to a stop at a socially acceptable distance.

"Ah, a fellow hat aficionado I see. A fine choice indeed..." He opened the conversation, trying his best to sound mysterious and/or cool despite being really neither as he awkwardly leaned on his lawn chair that was just a bit too short to really lean on evenly.

"No need to apologize, one should definitely trust their instincts, especially in a world such as this." Deciding to give up on trying to lean on the lawn chair he simply quick-flicked it back into his inventory, standing back up straight before offering his hand forward in an offer to shake.

"My name is Magnificus, Magnificus the Ingenious as nobody calls me. Feel free to call me Mag."

In truth there wasn't too much reason to get all caught up in some old guy talking to himself but quite frankly any company would be preferrable to the knight of cold shoulders and that sour patch kid.

@PKMNB0Y@Operator Luna@Hammerman
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