Avatar of Aces Away


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2 mos ago
Finding good lines from your older RPs and seeing your current writing ability shining through in its early stages is such a good feeling.
3 yrs ago
I love when I feel motivated to write so much 😍πŸ₯°
4 yrs ago
All my recent RP's are in PM's so if any of my old writing pals are checking out my page make sure to hit me up 'cause I'm still here!
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5 yrs ago
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Hey guys! I'm Aces Away, you can call me Ace or Aces!

I was a member of Roleplayerguild before that crash or whatever where all our stuff was erased. I've been RPing since I was like...I think about 13 or so. I'm 26 currently.

Most Recent Posts

Location: Woodworking Club Room

Micha spent his time on the way to the other club wincing and rubbing at his ears. All these clubs were extremely loud, or rather...lively, much unlike theirs. He hasn't been around so much noise in years, and it was starting to get to him. All the chaotic energy of the school was making him extra testy, only for it to be increased upon their meeting the Club President, especially after he had apparently stopped the club to meditate.

Then he had to talk shit about Micha's energy, and honestly if his day wasn't going the way it was, Micha wouldn't have cared, but it wasn't exactly going well, or even any semblance of positive.

"Look man, I'm sorry not everyone has time to meditate their problems away or whatever, but if you're gonna be rude to guests then I'll make the fucking door myself." He was scowling, brows pulled close together and arms crossed in front of his chest. He had stepped in front of Siera and Haruka, protective instincts not caring that he didn't really even know him.
The crossbow was new, Chasa thought as the older vampire brought it out. Her real attention still remained on Josip and DarnDarn. Luckily, the Hunter was doing the opposite of aggravating her charge now. Darnies's blade slowly lowered the longer the Hunter rambled on, ad she could see his shoulder begin to hunch with boredom, his head ticked to the side in confusion. It was hilarious that the Hunter believed Darnies to be drawing his attention for self centered reasons, because quite the opposite was true; there were families in this bar, little werepups and ankle biters that really did bite your ankles. There was a pregnant Succubus in the back corner with her Human wife, arms tight around each other. Darnies has in fact always taken it upon himself to protect this bar and the patrons within, and hearing Josip wax poetic with vile words set off his protective instincts so intensely that his Old Magic bled out. They'd have to look into that later.

"This dude is like...crazy crazy, huh?" Darnies spoke up as the man fainted. "Last time i heard a monologue like that, Aharon had seen me get thrown through my first window."

"I still do not like that it's a recurring theme with you young one," Aharon spoke up from beside him, having come over at the sound of his name. He knelt down and scanned a hand over the man's body while Simon contained his own emotional blow up at Bonnie. "The Human is fine, I don't even need to heal him. I could heal you though." He made the offer knowing the young Witch wouldn't accept, he never does.

"Thanks man, but I'm not a fan of the way Angel Grace feels, no offense."

"None taken," The Seraphim answered. "You're Earthen energy reacts to my own Celestial, it is nothing to feel offended over." He went back to his stool at the bar, picking up his book and giving Akseli an exasperated glare when his Charge offered him a shot glass. With a grin Akseli then pulled out the frsh steeped tea he had hidden behind his back and gave that to the Angel, who took it gratefully.

Simon's attention had returned to the Hunter, throwing out ways to deal with him with an almost cold joy. Well, he was a Fae, and obviously by the smoking and bar-inhabiting, he wasn't one from the forests. He was probably Wild or nomadic.

"Actually," Chasa cut in, bending down and throwing the body over her shoulder like it was nothing. "We have a good place for that."

"Yeah, and I'd love to leave the torture-interrogation to you, that shit makes me queasy." Of course, the reason for that is because he himself had been chained up and tortured and now he has panic attacks whenever he's too close to the subject of it, but he wasn't about to tell strangers that. "Baby Vamp, Ms. Mysterious, you're also welcome to join us, as we all seem to have some questions. Shall we?" and him and Chasa began walking out the door and down the alleyway, Darnies twirling his fingers a bit and making Josip invisible to any but their group, who had already perceived him.

Location: Writing Club Room

Micha took everything in with a rueful air, nodding to Kevin when the boy asked after him. He closed his eyes and listened to Seira start her history lesson after introductions had subsided, only to be startled alert by the door slamming open as another Writing Club recruit shot through, giving an analysis of the club as enthusiastic as his own had been before the door itself finally gave up its ghost and came down to the floor with a harsh rattle as it settled.

While he and Haruka had a similar distaste for the club, it seemed, their opinions diverged from there. He was not a fan of how she spoke to Seira and shittalked the place. He had made it clear that he didn't want to be in the school at all, Haruka was showing specific distaste for the club based off the way the room looked and he wasn't a fan of that at all. Him and Boaz had been extremely productive in some of the places they had found shelter in, and those were far shoddier than the sort of dusty Writing Club room. Call him biased, but it wasn't that bad.

The thoughts had been lazily drifting through his head as Seira turned attention back to her and he tuned back in when he heard her pull out the blackboard, and enjoyed listening to Jing's little additions as she steadfastly ignored them. The scratch of chalk continued for a few moments before stopping, and Micha took that as his time to stand up, giving a short stretch of his back before looking at what she had been writing.

Well, she wasn't wrong... it would kill two birds with one stone to reach out to the Woodworking Club for both relations and a first request already at hand. Something tells him none of the other clubs would be surprised by such a request on the first day if they knew where the Writing Club was situated.

"Okay..." Micha muttered. He spoke up to Seira for her to know and anyone else that was listening so they didn't mix ideas. "Hey I'll hit up the Woodworking club and see about maybe getting us a new door, or at least someone's reject that can hang straight on a door hinge," he paused for a second before rolling his eyes. "though I've been told I don't have the most welcoming personality so someone should come with." the people who told him that were abusive rich assholes, but he can't say they were all too wrong.

Interactions: @Rithas, club as a whole
@CosmicVixen definitely accepted!

Everyone, see discord soon for a #worldbuilding thread because it'll help yall follow the plot soon too!

Location: Writing Club Room

Interactions: @Rithas and Others, indirectly

Micha listened to the roughshod opening to his new daily life and restrained himself from using his foot to lean back the chair; he had tried that when he first arrived this morning and the legs had given a frankly terrifying creak and wobble. He watched a bit dispationetly, foot up on the chair and arms crossed at their wrists on his knee. A glance at his desk in front of him had him suitably distracted with trying to figure out what the hell 'The Capitalizards want your granny's paycheck' meant.

He was so focused he almost missed as the first person stood, giving her idea and introducing herself as Yvonne, soon followed by Naoko; the pink haired girl to his right from where he was sat in the fourth seat down from the front. She was an odd sort of bubbly-nervous that he wasn't sure he was fond of. She seemed enthusiastic of Yvonne's idea, though didn't give one of her own. When the girl settled herself back down he raised his hand up off his arm a bit.

"I'm Micha, I'm not really in the market to give a shit about parading our usefulness to the people here, I'd rather be sent home anyways." he introduced instead of throwing in his own idea. Then the thought crossed his mind and he looked up to the chick that seems to have everything together. "We do get kicked out if we fuck up this competition thing, yeah?"

As he asked the last part, his stupid brain decided to forget about the ominous creaks and he used his planted foot to push the chair back just a bit and-



His shoulder met the floor as the chair gave out beneath him, falling to peices and throwing him off. He pushed up from the floor and gave an aggrieved sigh, thinking of Boaz and the fact that he doesn't even know if he can contact him from this hellscape.

"Please tell me we can fuckin' go home." He grumbled quietly as he returned to his spot and sat down on the floor after clearing the pieces out of the way. This effectively cut his vision off from everyone, and theirs to him as the desk was suddenly the same height as his face.

'This is fine.'
Silence reigned over the bar as Josip's speech unraveled. There was no scraping of utensils against plates, no card shuffling or tiles clacking, no glasses clinking nor feet tapping. Just absolute silence as fear and worry permeated the air.

Had anyone's sights been on Darnies's booth instead of the man still outside the bar proper, they would see his form hunched angrily as he stared blankly at the table before him. The air around him seemed to thicken and gain weight, feeling almost oppressive. But it also felt alive, almost like you could be suffocating for an eternity under the air yet never find the release of death. It radiated out from him slowly, but soon the whole bar could feel the weight of his energy as he stood and made his way slowly to the doorway with heavy clacks of his cane.

Chasa watched him pass her and followed up his rear, ever the stalwart support he needs, and ever ready to be his shield despite him not needing one. Her body vibrated with his energy and was responding in turn, her gray eyes shifting to a natural green and her tattoo shimmering in its place on her chest. It was nothing compared to Darnies, however. When the Witch looked to the Hunter his eyes, normally such a dark brown, were alight with a bright green glow. Lightning seemed to dance across his pupils and cast shadows across his face, which was disturbingly blank. The skin below his eye seemed to crack and dissolve, exposing a tattoo that was no longer thought to exist. The wards shimmered between him and the man like a wall of glass casting rainbow light.

"Well, you certainly seem to have us all figured out," He began, head tilted to the side like he was entertaining an unruly child rather than a man over twice his age. There was a strange echo beginning in his voice as the air around him continued to vibrate and spark. "Obviously, formalities have been dropped. That's not the fastest a human has thrown himself into a lion's den but you most certainly were attempting to contest that record, hm?" The latch of his cane was flipped and he quickly slid the blade out; electricity sparked off the metal as it passed the threshold and wards, the energy making the blade hum with life as it was slowly leveled to Josip's chest.

"As we have dropped formalities, I don't believe I'll give you any other chance," His voice warped again, now no longer seeming to be just his; several voices spilled out of a single mouth as the voices of Witches long since gone joined in a chorus. "You have no welcome here, you have no prey here and you have no safety here. Should you choose to stay and continue these baiting harassment attempts you will find yourself dealt with swiftly and with extreme prejudice, as you seem to hold so much prejudice of your own already."
@ESMicha loves good pens, Naoka like good stationary in general and spinning pens...they might get along lol
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