Avatar of ActRaiserTheReturned


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7 yrs ago
I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit I did not hit her I did not! Oh, hi Mark!


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@ActRaiserTheReturned Cason kinda mentioned it already

Yeah but I didn't think the Winchesters really trusted witches at all.
SO who's going to question Benjamin about being a witch first?
@ActRaiserTheReturned We can figure out how much healing can be done if you want. As I said, just dot touch her eyes.

I'm curious, what about a healing spell that lets her technically see, but leave her still blind, allowing her to see shapes and colors, but not in fine detail?
Benjamin can also heal very well.
((I apologize, wrong section))
"What the hells was that?" Natalia asked, looking primarily at Cason and Benjamin as it seemed they both knew what Samael was.

"That was a corrupt Angel, Samael."
"He wants to kill Sam and Dean or something. I wasn't sure. I got the vision to get here as soon as I can, since I didn't know if Samael would just kill you all."
"Unfortunately, he had more power than even I could imagine. I was powerless to stop him once I got his attention." Benjamin looked nervous, hoping they wouldn't ask him about him being a witch.
Edited my post by adding a bit, as @ActRaiserTheReturned your posted ninja'd mine as it wasn't there when I was posting XD!

thanks! And sorry. lol
I'm not sure but maybe you should check my last post to see if you need to edit it.
The witch, Benjamin Lee cast his spell so he could intervene in this situation and save Sam. "Salire per Spatium!" He teleported in the room with Sam and the others, and his skin tight forcefield covered his body, shielding him from the glaring power of Samael, for now.
"Samael! I demand you stop this at once!" He raised his right hand, ready to cast a spell that could banish Samael's vessel to the darkest ocean depths. He gestured with his left hand and attempted to slam Cason through the Hotel wall, causing him to fly scores of feet outdoors. His sense of danger was a strong sensation, and he knew that if this didn't go well, then he was dead.
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