Avatar of AHeartlessNobody


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2 yrs ago
Going on vacation today until Wednesday! Will be rolling out posts when I get back!
2 yrs ago
When is Mahz coming back home with the milk?
3 yrs ago
Will be on vacation from July 7th-12th! Will try to post but no promises!
3 yrs ago
People who don't take care of their responsibilities irk me to no end. Auntie (aka me) to the rescue again. Just give me the adoption papers already 🙄
3 yrs ago
Bored as ever. Check out my slice of life plots roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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Still looking :)
@VenusSTAROpps, I always seem to forget tagging people XD My reply to your mention is in my post above.
It would be mainly MCU, but some things could be changed a bit too to fit our plot. It doesn't have to be the kid he already has (heck, if you want to create a new backstory fo him and his wife I'm all for it XD). Anyway, just feel free to pm me if you wish to discuss.
Hi! I'm looking for someone who has the capability of playing multiple characters and likes to work together on plots/ideas :) I've had this idea for a while, but have been looking for someone to try it out with. This rp would basically have the main characters of this story being the children of the Avengers. The Avengers themselves would be in the story as well, but the kids would be in the main spotlight. Also, keep in mind that this would be going off fo the idea that the ol' Cap tried recreating SHIELD, and though Hydra is no longer a threat, there are always going to be double agent and backstabbers in any organization that big.

Before I lose anyone's attention, I suppose I should go ahead and give everyone the basic idea for this rp would be:

The Avengers were living happy lives with their significant others and children. While on missions, their wives tend to stay together and talk, as a way to cope with the long missions their lovers/husbands always go on. Sometimes even they would take turns watching the kids while the others go out. But, something terrible happens. The Avengers return to find the mother (or mothers depending on who all was left watching the children) is dead, and the children are missing. The Avengers search and search, taking out villain after villain, being lead on wild goose chases, only to have hardly any signs of their children. Time passes and they lose hope of their children's survival. Years pass, and it turns out SHIELD has double agents in its midst. These double agents consist of over a quarter of the SHIELD agents and have created a department of their own. A department of experimenting and training mutants and supers from young ages. And unfortunately, unknown to the Avengers about any of this, their children are the lab rats. Going undetected for many years, things go well for these agents, that is until the kids manage to escape. In a desperate attempt to cover their tracks, this department of SHIELD sets up plans and makes it seem as though these kids attacked SHIELD and fled, sending none other than the Avengers to take them out, calling them a homicidal threat(as they had accidentally killed a few agents in their escape). But in the chase, though nothing is really said between the two groups of supers, the Avengers begin to see strange similarities in these young teens' abilities and their own. When the kids get away, things really begin to boil as SHEILD scrambles to get rid of the 'failed experiments'.

That's the basic gist of the idea I had. Now, obviously, some of this plot can be changed up and worked with depending on what my partner has in mind. I love working with people to build plots and make them better. So, if any of this even seems just slightly interesting, feel free to pm me. ;)

I'm going to keep this short and simple. I'm looking for someone who is a high causual to advanced rper, who can post at least three paragraphs per post. It is also preferred that my partner post at least a few times a day so that we can keep things going, though if there are some busy days when you can only post once I completely understand as well. I just finished my semester and don't have college until mid January, so I'm looking for some on-going rp action to fill my free time XD

Anyway, I'm looking for a partner to play an older Hiro in a Big Hero Six rp with me. I don't really have full a plot quite yet, but I do have my character worked out, as well as some ideas we could possibly use in the rp. That means my partner and I would come up with the main plot together. Anyway, I leave you with some pics to make up for lack of plot lol. PM me if you are interested, as I WILL NOT be replying to posts on this thread ;D Thanks for reading!

@SummerSounds good.
@SummerHmmm I think I would like to try and continue the rp if you're good with either xD

Also, if there's ever a long gap in me replying to either the OOC or IC, feel free to shoot me a reminder over email (domisoalto@gmail.com ) because I don't check the guild as often as I should for messages and so etudes for to do so for long periods of time lol
@SummerNo Problem XD I know how life gets.

We can do whatever you feel up to. We can continue this if you want or start a new one if you like.

I'm going to keep this short and simple. I'm looking for someone to play an older Hiro in a Big Hero Six rp with me. I don't really have a plot quite yet, so that means my partner and I would have to come up with the plot together. I'm looking for someone who can write thee or more paragraphs per post with few grammar or spelling issues. If anyone is interested, just shoot me a PM, as I will not be replying over thread. Thanks :)
Bump. Still looking. Especially for a Pokemon rp.
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