Avatar of Almalthia


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Two more days to a year that I'm not supposed to be counting. The little Tom Hanks in my soul is marking days without you. Castaway on an island surrounded by an ocean of tears getting deeper daily.
6 yrs ago
Want a Slice of Life? Sol City is your ticket! Large, friendly group always room for more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
November 10th, 2017 4:30 pm CST. You let go and I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready. I miss you.
6 yrs ago
Two months and a week. I miss you. This sucks. Is it bad that I pretend that you PCS'd and will be back before long? Then I remember you're gone and won't be back even if I wished it. And I do. Daily.
6 yrs ago
Two months, four days. I miss you. Can't listen to Mike and the Mechanics "In The Living Years" anymore. It came on at work yesterday as the last song and I cried.


Ugh...I hate this part. So I'm super into Sailor Moon...which no one else is...and that's okay. I also really love Items, Escaflowne, Vampire Knight, Fushigi Yugi, Ah My Goddess, K Dramas, Chinese and Tiwanise Dramas as well. I torture people by making them read the TV.

Oh this is where I tell you I'm American...and I just lost a few people but oh well. Trust me if I could afford to live overseas I would. So yeah...that's me.

Most Recent Posts

Jocelyn Victoria Beatrice Harmon AKA Tonic

Location: Work, Bar called The Rum House; Westside of the Theater District, East of Hell’s Kitchen

Interaction: Patrons, Coworkers, Supervisor

May 5th, 2012, 09:45

“Schedule says 10:00 Mick; it is just now 09:45. If we were that bloody busy; one you would have called me in and two you would not be out here waiting for me and staring at my ass as I get off my bike.” I say in my crisp British accent as I swing my leg over the Ninja and pull off my helmet and shake out my hair. It’s a platinum blonde in the purist sense of the color. Cornsilk, platinum, moonlight; I’ve heard it all. I also heard Mick when he asked me out within the hour I was promoted to bartender from waitress. I flat out told Mick no. Not because he was a jerk, which he is. Not because he isn’t good looking, because he is. But because he’s a Norm.

See I’m not what I seem. I’m a mutant. Mutants don’t date Norms, don’t fall in love with Norms, and really don’t...well you know, with Norms. But that is neither here nor there. So multiple reasons not to date Mick. He’s a jerk, I am not attracted to him, and he’s a Norm. Multiple can be more than two. Don’t judge me.

I glare at Mick, narrowing my hazel green eyes I brush past him so I don’t have to tilt my head awkwardly. I hate being petite and at 5’0” I am the definition of petite. Petite and curvy. It sucks. I look like Marilyn Monroe just not as tall. “If you are done. I will go clock in after I get touched up.” I brushed past him and walked into the back of the bar and shedding the black leather jacket I opened my locker and grabbed my outfit. Pulling out the black low cut tight tank top and black leggings. I turned and hustled down the hall to the bathroom and changed. It was all skin tight and I was glad for my high metabolism that kept me slim but toned due to the athletic routine that I had. I learned sexy sells in my business so I didn’t complain that I had to wear a cheap knock off of what looked like it amounted to a “Cats” post production costume. At least I got to wear my own choice in shoes. Pick your battles and be thankful for small favors. Pulling on my bright red high top chucks and lacing them up I ran over to the mirror and touched up my matching lipstick.

Thankfully I was one of those that didn’t need more than eyeliner, powder, and lipstick or gloss for work. Mascara was overkill since my lashes were so long, dark and thick. I wasn’t leaving my hair down tonight. I was wearing bright red lipstick for Christ sake and I was not smearing it across my face. I put it up in a high ponytail like Genie in “I Dream of Genie” and it still fell to my mid back. If I had a vanity it was my hair. Thick and straight as a pin to my waist.

Done at 09:59 I clocked in at 10:00 and all Hell broke loose from the sky…

May 5th, 2012, 14:37
Someone burst into the bar that I was still manning and was dead except for Jimmy. Jimmy the on the wagon off the wagon boozer but who always paid his tab and always tipped well. The guy was distraught and ran up to me breathless. After all the explosions that had rocked the city and most of the staff praying that nothing would come our way it had started to quiet down. I kept my head down and stayed out of it. I hadn’t survived torture and mutilation to be back on government radar so that they could do it to me all over again.

The guy was wide eyed as he took gulping breaths and I slid him a water on the house as he white knuckled the bar. “My wife..pregnant...accident...two blocks...east.” He rasped out. “Help.”

I looked over at Jimmy who turned a whiter shade of pale and knew that I had to do something. “Jimmy you know I know exactly how much money is in the register and how much alcohol I have on hand and in the back. I will ring you double...no triple till the day you die, if I find one drop or one penny missing.”

“Now Miss Jocy ya know I wouldn’t do that to ya. Ya get your keys and lock us in and me and the Mister here will wait for his Misses and ya to come back.”

I nod and take down my hair putting it in a low ponytail so I can get my helmet on. I click off the OPEN sign and lock the door running for the back door and grabbing my helmet. I have never run so fast in my life. Hopping on the Ninja I gun it and go two blocks toward the chaos that was reigning.

May 5th, 2012, 14:43

I almost passed the accident and jerk to a stop as I survey the scene. It’s like something out of Steven King’s Christine and a splash of Lovecraft Horror added in. I hear faint moaning and kick the stand out and run over toward it. I see a very pregnant woman with her arm broken in a compound fracture and she looks like she’s in pain. A lot of pain. I pull of my right glove and talk to her. “Hello lovely. Your husband sent me. Is it just your arm that is broken?”

“Y-yes. But I think I’m having contractions.” She groans deeply.

Yes because this is what I bloody well need. “Okay dearest. Can you move?”

“M-maybe. Oh God it hurts!!” She cries out in pain. As I open the door and unbuckle her. If she’s gone into labor there is nothing I can do about that except deliver a baby. Hopefully not here.

“Alright pigeon we’ll need to get you on the bike…” As I say this I reach out for the fracture and the instant I put pressure on it she passes out. Well that helps. With her passed out she won’t realize I’m a mutant and that I can heal via touch. This is the reaction I was hoping for and it seems like I have some run of luck sometimes. She whimpers as I heal her and within seconds of the healing a contraction hits hard and she’s awake screaming. Great. “Okay everybody on the bike. I am taking you to your husband and we are going to have a baby. Just not here.” I reach up and snatch the helmet off my head and put it on hers. Then snag the baby bag that they had stashed in the car. Thank god for prepared parents.

It’s awkward but we get her on the bike and off her head back to The Rum House.

May 5th, 2012, 14:55

I park the bike and get the helmet off her just as another contraction hits. “Breath through it. Come on love, inside.” I unlock the door and get her to the office she’s yelling the whole way and her husband comes running. “Look stay with her I’ll get what we need.” He nods as I pass him and run to grab the clean towels, a bottle of our best vodka and brandy. I toss Jimmy a clean bucket. “Fill that 3/4ths of the way with hot hot water then come cold water.” I don’t wait for a reply I move on to sanitizing my hands Then putting on gloves that I keep for sanitizing.

May 5th, 2012, 15;27

“This little man wanted to see his parents” I say cleaning off a squalling newborn. I take off the gloves but manage to keep my left hand from being touched. That could kill someone with all the toxins that are built up in my system. Over the years I’ve managed to isolate and concentrate them to my left hand. I shake the dad’s hand, mom’s hand and heal her and manage to chase away an infection that could have killed their baby boy. I feel good about myself as I turn them over to the ambulance that came finally.

“You’re a-a what ya call those...a mutant!!!” Jimmy whispers in disbelief from behind me as the new family leaves. I close my eyes for a moment cursing the fates that made me the way I am.

I turn around and give him the look of you-just-said-too-much. “You’re drunk I’ll call you a cab and you can go home and sleep it off.” I reach for the phone and he grabs my left hand. My bare left hand. Quickly I reach out and grab his left wrist which completes the circle. This kills me to know how this feels I felt like this for years in Canada while a war was raging and I was being experimented on. “Jimmy you dumbass. Yes you are correct. I am a mutant. And yes I know the agony you are going through right now. Imagine that for years at the tender age of six till about sixteen. Ten years. Years Jimmy not the few minutes you will have to endure. It is truly amazing that I did not snap. Now just to let you know I am very resilient and I will find you so this is what you are going to do. You will quit drinking. You will turn your god forsaken life around and you never, and I mean NEVER talk about this conversation we had. When people ask you why you changed your lifestyle you will tell them you had a come to Jesus moment and that you realized that at the age of 43 you could do better and you set yourself on this course. You will say NOTHING about me. I hope we’re clear because if you do say something, ANYTHING, about me to ANYONE I will find you and you will see your death that day. Are we clear? If we are let go of me.” Jimmy let go and moments later I let go with my left hand. He then scrambled to the wall and pushed himself off the floor. “Oh and by the way this is a blind spot in the camera so don’t think to threaten me.” He nodded and took off. I sighed and cleaned up the mess clicked the open sign back on and pulled on my black leather gloves and pulled a brush through my hair and put it back in the I Dream Of Genie ponytail and wiped down the counter and waited to see if anyone else was going to come in.
<Snipped quote by Sewer Rat>

sure man. like I said before as long as we make it work in terms of story im down for any characters meeting.

@Almalthia i just posted a prologue for my character but if the timing works im still down to help. your character may also have at least heard of my character given his boxing background.

I was thinking that. I was also doing research on where the "Incident" was filmed and what portions of NYC and Manhattan would have been effected...since I picked a bar before doing research and it was just outside of the filming area so I'm assuming that the bar would still have been standing. The MetLife Building was turned into Stark Tower for the film and they quartered off 45th to 38th near Grand Central to do the scenes and The Rum House is on 50th. I got pretty freaking lucky.
<Snipped quote by Almalthia>

Sounds good to me. we'll just have to find a way to have them in the same city. shouldn't be to hard considering Boston and New York aren't that far from each other.

Mind if I go meet up with you guys?

Sounds like a plan. I'm hammering out an intro so if you want ya'll can jump in.
Ill get a prologue up in the next day or 2. if anyone has any suggestions on the possibility that our characters have met im open to hear it or ideas of how to intertwine the characters in the future.

Hi your local sexy blonde bartender in The Big Apple...everyone loves meeting in those, bars that is. I'm down to meet characters.

Location: Sol City Market

Interaction: Joel @Pilatus

Siobhan had spent two weeks either with Paige on the phone, at the gym, after classes, on the weekend; pretty much making sure Paige was okay. She was pretty sure that Paige was about ready to kill her.

So giving Paige a break and avoiding the jerk that she mouthed off to she decided that it was about time to see if Joel wanted his first payment. Going over to the bank she took out the first deposit on Karen. Stopping by the market and getting some fresh salmon she decided that she’d cook for him. Salmon, some soup, salad and rice. Maybe. Unless Joel was allergic to something. Nodding to herself she pulled out her phone and walked to an isle that was clear. Nothing better than coming home to a great meal. Picking out some ingredients she quickly dials Joel’s number she waited till he picked up.

“Welcome home stranger. How does a home cooked meal of salmon for your first night back sound? I picked up a few things and I have your first installment. Do you have any allergies and what kind of wine do you prefer? One last question, my place or yours for dinner?”
Name: Jocelyn Beatrix Victoria Harmon
Nickname (if any): Lyn, Vic or Bea
Title or Hero/Villain/Code name (if any): Tonic
Species: Human-Mutant
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Age: 85 but looks in her 20’s
Birthday: March 24th
FriendlyClosed OffListens WellOpinionatedHonestPacifistOutgoing

Jocelyn is friendly and a good listener as her current profession entails. She is very withdrawn when it comes to herself. She has trust issues with others men in particular. She is a pacifist and will try to talk her way out of a confrontation.
Appearance (description, doll-maker, or face-claim):

Affiliation (if any): None
Powers (if any): Tonic’s abilities are a healing touch and a healing factor as well as a poison touch. Due to the toxins that she was experimented on with. She has been able to push them to specifically her left hand. She wears a glove on that hand. The healing does not mitigate pain from the injuries but as long as the subject is still alive; heart beating even faintly, she can heal them. Her healing factor can heal non-vital injuries within minutes but takes longer on mortal wounds. Consequently she can heal and harm at once. She is practically immune to poisons, diseases, and aging; which is reduced to a fraction of what it should be. Unfortunately it is also practically impossible for her to get drunk or high; she tried that route to deal with her nightmares. This also applies to fatigue poisons which gives her increased stamina and endurance. Which in turn allows her to run for longer periods of time, not faster just longer.
Weapon(s) (if any): None
People that are injured or Tortured
Good looking intelligent men

Likes (optional):
Downton Abby (Reminds her of her youth)
Helping Others
Fast Vehicles

Dislikes (optional):
Narrow Mindedness
Experimentation on animals or people

Current Residence: Apartment in Manhattan, NY.
Backstory (if you plan on revealing your OC's backstory in the RP, either skip this or keep it vague): Jocelyn Victoria Beatrix Harmon was born in 1933 and on her 10th birthday she fell down stairs getting to a bomb shelter in the town house they were living in. her mother broke her ankle for all of a minute. Jocelyn used her powers to heal her mother. As her powers presented themselves her parents were horrified. Turning her over to an agency that stated that they’d take care of her and that the “incident” would never be spoken of. Jocelyn was taken to Canada and experimented on as a side project of the Weapon X Program. She was genetically manipulated hundreds of times but the only one that took was a healing factor from another experiment. She was then put through more experimentation to see how well the healing both her original and the added gene worked. Needless to say she was tortured and saw others tortured. She escaped as one of the other experiments destroyed the place and somehow by luck was not discovered. She was 16 at the time but looked like she was 12. On the run she went from Canada into the US and went from school to school running just as she managed to find out someone was after her. She had a hard life but things got easier in the 1960’s about 20 years after she got into the US. She started waitressing to earn money to keep moving from town to town about every 7 to 10 years or so on the outside; at times she had to move sooner. She made sure that she was paid under the table so that she could disappear if she thought things were getting rough. Jocelyn realized that she’d have to get an identity every so often and knows a few people that she keeps in contact with and every so often she’d have a new identity made up. Eventually when computers were the new thing she started to learn how to hack into systems and be able to produce her own identification and background information that people were asking for. She attended a small colleges and has several degrees in computer technologies, C++ and Programing. She also has a Nursing Degree. Sadly even though it’s all her it is under pseudonyms. She was able to finally track down what happened to her in Canada and after almost 65 years she has a clue and that is the name “James Howlett”. When that name lead her on a wild goose chase she gave up. She applied and works as a part time bartender for a local bar.
Special Skills (if any): Dancing, Tai Chi, Judo, Karate and Parkour.
Other: Alias; Lynn Hamm, Victoria Joy, Joyce Han, Beatrice Harmon, Vicki Harmon, Joyce Victory most recently Joy Harmon

<Snipped quote by Almalthia>

Indeed I am. :)

Excellent. I am interested.
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