Avatar of Almalthia


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Two more days to a year that I'm not supposed to be counting. The little Tom Hanks in my soul is marking days without you. Castaway on an island surrounded by an ocean of tears getting deeper daily.
6 yrs ago
Want a Slice of Life? Sol City is your ticket! Large, friendly group always room for more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
November 10th, 2017 4:30 pm CST. You let go and I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready. I miss you.
6 yrs ago
Two months and a week. I miss you. This sucks. Is it bad that I pretend that you PCS'd and will be back before long? Then I remember you're gone and won't be back even if I wished it. And I do. Daily.
6 yrs ago
Two months, four days. I miss you. Can't listen to Mike and the Mechanics "In The Living Years" anymore. It came on at work yesterday as the last song and I cried.


Ugh...I hate this part. So I'm super into Sailor Moon...which no one else is...and that's okay. I also really love Items, Escaflowne, Vampire Knight, Fushigi Yugi, Ah My Goddess, K Dramas, Chinese and Tiwanise Dramas as well. I torture people by making them read the TV.

Oh this is where I tell you I'm American...and I just lost a few people but oh well. Trust me if I could afford to live overseas I would. So yeah...that's me.

Most Recent Posts

Jasper hadn't expected an actual suit, not out of the blue anyhow. She leaned over the trunk, having walked over to see what Cleo had been fawning over and ran away with. She grabbed the one with her name on it, and fucked back into the back seat of the tesla. Suiting up inside, she left her clothes on the floor of the vehicle and leaned over towards the center console. Holding a hand to it, she licked her lips and a white-blue crack of static danced along her fingers before being absorbed.

Not long later, she stepped out of the car again to find the others staring at something. Or someone apparently. Electricity danced along her fingers, making her practically glow with the fresh influx of power. She shrugged, settling on hand on her hip while playing with the static on her fingers.

“I wonder what happens when you magnetize bullets…”

Lex smirked. “Are you really going to risk Red here on a whim? I don’t think so. I think the boy, and the rest of you want her alive. Which means that I hold on to Red and I stay, well from the look on his face, alive. What do you care about her anyway?” Lex maneuvered Uná in his arms and smirked at Nik waiting for his reaction.

Uná ’s eyes fluttered and opened. She blinked a few times and saw Nik realization kicking in. “Demo, what’s going on?” She looked up at Lex and paled. “You have to let me go.”

Lex looked at Uná . “Sorry Red not gonna happen. Your little ‘friend’ has evil intentions with my person if I don’t keep a hold of you. Besides you’re quick to change your tune. Didn’t say that while in my arms at the club.

Nik reached into his pockets, pulling out a few strips of cloth and wrapping them around his fists. The cloth began to glow, and his jaw remained clenched as he knew there was nothing he could do quite yet. They would have to get Uná out of her grasp. But as Nik’s eyes trained on his target, he reached into his pocket to fetch something small he grabbed from the club: a chunk of splintered wood.

Until recently you were just a run of the mill kid, or maybe you were a troubled teen, or even perhaps a college age young adult just trying to live your life, but not anymore. Now you're something else...something different; you are gifted.

This story will be set in the X-Men fandom where you will take on your own unique characters. My intention is to set this RP in a world where mutants are still relatively unknown to the masses, where the "gifted" are feared and looked down upon by society, and where it would be detrimental for the public to find out the identities of those that are known about. The idea is this: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters has been a haven for mutants for a decade now, but one school can only do so much in a world where there are new mutants popping up all the time. So, Charles Xavier has entrusted one of his good friends, Malcolm Ashford, to open a new school to help ensure more mutants find the help they need. We will be the first class of students at the Ashford Institute for the Gifted, and will live the lives of mutants in a world made for humans. We together will learn how to control our gifts, find out who we truly are, make friends (and enemies) along the way, and train to one day join the ranks of the X-Men.

This RP encourages building relationships between characters, both romantic and platonic. At its heart this game is going to be about character development far more than combat and stuff like that (though there definitely will be some action). Mature themes may be explored, and things like sex may come up from time to time (within reason...explicit stuff should fade to black or be handled in PMs).

This is the official OOC for this RP; a place for us to get to know each other and discuss the game and our characters. Feel free to contact me for any questions or additional info you would like me to provide.

At this time we will not be accepting Avalonian Characters.

Ask if you want to join the Discord

This is a continuation of a good friend’s, ShieldsOfWar, RP

The suits in Elijah’s trunk are quite apparently expensive. They have names pinned to each one with a safety pin and a small piece of paper. Each person has a suit. They are mostly black with an X in a specific color on them. Charcoal belts with the same color reflected in the background of the buckle that is in the shape of a circle with a black X in the center. There are domino masks available with each one. If you chose to suit up you can.

Just as you get suited up the front doors open and spill light into the parking lot. You see two silhouettes one much taller than the other. As you try to see who it is that is there the click of a gun is heard. The taller of the figures bends down and picks someone else up with flickers into reality.

Now that I have your attention…

It is the man that had taken off with Uná . This close up you can see that he is a rather dashing figure and is obviously albino.

Meanwhile back at the car...

Kaylee looks at Cleo as the girl speaks. “Incy bit? Well Cleo those look like Elijah designed X-Men suits.” She looked at Nathan who was already pulling his out of the trunk.

Nathan was totally putting the suit on. Save the girl with kick ass suit on check. Beat that Nik.
Jaslyn Dayne

Location: Tython; Silent Desert; Chamber of the Mind

Interaction: Selene @Ruby; Tau & Shea Koda

Mentions: Shea Koda and Tau

Jaslyn stepped into the chamber holding Selene’s hand. Something passed between us there. How odd that someone so beautiful could be so lonely? Jaslyn let go to investigate more. There were those oddly familiar symbols. Walking toward one she touched it and heard that voice again.

“There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.”
“There is no fear; there is power.”
“I am the heart of the Force.”
“I am the revealing fire of light.”
“I am the mystery of darkness...”
“In balance with chaos and harmony, Immortal in the Force."

Turning slowly she saw a man with blue eyes, black hair, fair skin with a light purple Xesh marking on his face. The mark started in the center of his forehead and angled down to just under his eyes in parallel lines that were connected across the middle of his nose. It resembled a rounded triangle with no point on top just a line.

He held no weapon but was wearing deep charcoal colored armor. His coal black hair was about the length to just brush his shoulders. Jaslyn squared her shoulders and stood back from the symbol that she was touching. Which took her closer to the man. He wasn’t threatening her so she was leery but calm. “Who are you? What do you keep repeating? It sounds like the code but it’s not quite right.”

Suddenly there was a redheaded female next to him. Jade green eyes smiled at Jaslyn’s shock. She wasn’t there a moment ago. The woman’s mouth curved into a smile.

“She reminds me of you. And not just the hair color or eye shape. She has your same stubbornness.” He turned to the woman and smirked.

She smacked him lightly, playfully on his arm. “She has your eyes, but you haven’t introduced us to her. Diplomacy was never your forte.”

“She’s still struggling with all the new information that she’s already been told Shea.”

The redheaded woman, who looked suspiciously like Jaslyn except for the color of her eyes, stepped toward Jaslyn. “Jaslyn you are one of our descendants. I am Shea Koda.” She indicated the man. “This is Tau. You are the first one to be most like us. Balanced. Or as balanced as this world would allow you to be. The Code you were hearing is the true Je’daii way. Balance. No one believes this anymore so your way will be hard. I do not envy the path you are on.”

Jaslyn looked around for Selene. “This is an illusion. This…”

“Can’t be true? You don’t really believe that deep down do you? Jaslyn you know what is truth and what is a lie deep down. You know the difference between something that is repeated till someone believes it is true, and the truth spoken once and heard.”

“We will be with you if you have need of us.”

The couple faded into nothingness. Jaslyn was suddenly left in the chamber with Selene. Was that real? Is any of this real? Maybe I hit my head and I’m just dreaming. But Tau was right. Let me just clear my mind.

Jaslyn closed her eyes and began to put the puzzle pieces together. This meditation was different than what she normally did, moving through the forms losing herself in the movements. No this was the “normal” meditation that you expected of a Jedi. Closing her eyes she reached deep and held onto the Force. The utter stillness bothered her. She was one of those people constantly on the move.

The words of the Jedi Code were not the comfort that they normally were.

There is no emotion, there is peace. Flashes of countless times that Jaslyn herself had been told this in the face of emotional situations as well as seeing others be told this. Why? We’re not born that way. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. Knowledge to combat the evils in the universe. There is no passion, there is serenity. Jaslyn remembered how hard it was to curb her own nature. She had seen it firsthand in her Initiate Trials. The dark reflection of herself that had gone down a different path. She’d barely made it through destroying that part of herself. No be honest with yourself. You didn’t destroy her you buried her. In some ways you have succeeded since you haven’t thought about it for years. But you know she waits on the other side of a locked door. There is no chaos, there is harmony. Chaos exists in nature. Some of the most beautiful flowers are surrounded by sharp thorns. One can’t exist without the other. Don’t we create chaos when we take children from their families? There is no death, there is the Force. So it sounds like the Order was plucking what most fit their beliefs to justify what they do. Which was so long ago that we could never really know.

Jaslyn shook her head. Her concentration broken by her introspection, which only left her with more questions than answers. She found that the new code, or rather older code, spoken by Shea and Tau resonated with her more. It rang truer and seemed to swell with the Force. Possibly due to where she was. Or maybe because it was the original one. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no fear, there is power. I am the heart of the Force. I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness. In balance with chaos and harmony, Immortal in the Force.

Colab Jaslyn & Selene

Turning back to climbing up the ledges and getting to the surface Jaslyn pulls herself up to standing. The wind whipped her hair back like a flag as Jaslyn planted her feet and looked over at the shuttle. The lights on the shuttle are on and they weren’t on when Jaslyn had passed it last. Breaking into a run Jaslyn makes for the shuttle to stop the survivor from leaving the rest of them stranded. “NOOOO!!!! STOP!!!!”

Amazingly keeping her feet under her Jaslyn makes it to the shuttle. Diving for the door she manages to get inside just before it closes and the locks are engaged. Pushing up off the floor of the shuttle Jaslyn scrambles to her feet.

The shuttle tilts and Jaslyn braces her feet and manages to stay on them. Getting to the cockpit Jaslyn opens the door. She sees the dark haired person and tries to appeal to their compassion. “Wait!! There are others!! One of them is hurt!! We have to wait for them!!”

Jaslyn’s face is utterly truthful and not malicious in anyway. Her large gray eyes are fanned with thick long eyelashes and are pleading. The dusting of freckles across her face are as numerous as the stars in the heavens. Her mouth slightly open so you can just see her straight white teeth. Her hair is a coppery-red and still mostly in a high ponytail. She looks a little wild and wind-blown but unharmed.

“Look, I know that you want to get out of here, so do we. It’s just three more people. Just three.”

Selene barely spared a side glance to the Jedi. She was preoccupied; with having to get there before the wyrm did. She had to be ready. Even if she wasn't exactly sure how that was going to happen. None of it made sense, but then, she had chased Tython on a dream. A literal dream of Ramal speaking to her, seated side by side next to the fireplace in the King's Bed Chambers, the very chambers that later became the Queen's Bed chambers. The very chambers her sister wouldn't let anyone enter when Selene wasn't home.

Sela. When Sela wasn't home.

The name made her twitch, even echoed as it was within the walls of her own locked room of a mind. A mind that wandered and weaved, even as her body all but flew up the Rift, energized with a power she had never felt before. She leapt over the last fifty feet cliff, like it was a hop, a cascade of blue lightning illuminating the windy darkness just in time for her to spot the shuttle. The shuttle was Republic based, Jedi model; she knew the type. In preparation for Tython Selene had purchased just that type of shuttle and personally modified it to be as close to a Jedi shuttle as it could get. She did the same with the overly numerous Defenders; it was easy to buy one that had been battle damaged and patch it up enough to learn it's systems.

When you were alone in the Galaxy and hunted, you either stayed prepared or got lucky. Selene liked to think it was all the former, but Tython was quickly turning her to the idea of the latter as she stepped into the shuttle the Jedi literally left wide open for her. She was in the pilot seat and cross-bleeding the engines with fuel when she felt and heard the uninvited passenger. Selene visibly winced when the Jedi started blathering about others, someone hurt...whatever.

The Dark Sider hit the auto-pilot, and stood from the pilot seat, turning as she stood to face the Jedi. Her face was still, flat, and seemingly unimpressed. "Where this shuttle is going isn't any safer for them. Tython wasn't meant for one side of the Force to dominate. It has two moons, not one, each aligned to their side of the Force and that isn't an accident if you've read the early Je'daii surveys. All I did was remind the planet of that."

Selene looked for the first time at the creature in front of her. Not the red hair, not the robes, not the distress...but deeper. Down past skin and bone and ligament, past heart and straight to spirit and soul. What she saw made her smile the smallest smile, a mere twist at the corner of her lips. She could use a Jedi. The Light was awash in the woman, but there was a shadow under that Light. Not darkness, but shadow. Grey shadow. What the crystal had given her, whatever it was, had made seeing such a thing simply a matter of looking.

"The Kwa didn't bring the Force Sensitives of the Galaxy here and divide them into Light or Dark. It was only after the weakness of those Force Sensitives, their greed, their fears, their desire to be comforted by the idea of righteousness that your 'Jedi' and their 'Sith' came about. It had nothing to do with Tython, and it had NOTHING to do with the Force," her voice picked up steam, as irritation began to bleed into her tone, "so sit down, strap in, or I'll throw you out of this shuttle myself."

Jaslyn off handedly noticed the blue eyes, high cheekbones and realized the “person” hijacking the shuttle was a woman. A lone woman who freely admitted to being a Dark Side user. I am missing something here. Why is she freely admitting to the use of the Darkside? I recall seeing something in the sky that seemed to draw the eye. What is going on here?

Jaslyn didn’t see the deeper observation that the woman gave her as she was to busy wrapping her head around the minuscule amount of knowledge that she was just given and how it just tilted her world. Jaslyn narrowed her eyes at the woman. “Just how do you know this information?” The truth of it rang true in the hearing it. Not to mention the fact that the outside forces were literally bearing down on them.

Jaslyn wondered if they truly left the area if the weather would calm down. Can I risk putting myself in a situation where I might not be able to get away? The lives of the many outweigh the few. I really have no choice. Jaslyn sat down in the copilot chair and started to strap in.

“Good girl.”

The comment was accompanied by a supremely confident, even smug, tone. There was absolute confidence in everything she did...mostly anyway. It wasn’t by accident; she had been tutored and trained in most fields as a child. When she grew into adolescence her interests just rocketed it off in so many varying directions.

She learned to lie and spy because of the intrigues of court.

She learned to fight and to kill because of the results of courtly intrigue.

She learned how to repair and fly speeders and shuttles and starships because it interested her, and because of the self-reliance it allowed. She hated people. She hated dealing with courtiers and the academics and the pushy Republic envoys. She hated people because her own family tried to kill her and her sister. Not once, but nearly twenty times over the course of their childhoods.

She learned to command because she was not just a royal, but THE sovereign. She WAS the state. No one could understand, not even her sister, not even the Republic’s politicians and generals. And certainly not the Imperials with their Sith and their extremes. The Emperor? Possibly.


“How? Because I’ve broken into and searched more vaults and crypts than you can imagine. Because I spent my entire life training for the life I live now. Because I spent my entire lifetime up to now studying and ready everything I could find. And when I couldn’t find it or buy it with a very impressive banking account then I just stole it.”

Selene had the largest collection of artifacts and knowledge relating to the very early periods, when Tython was most active and the system around it, populated by non-Force Sensitives in the area so various histories told her, because they were tired of the wars, some said (though the timeline didn’t seem to match in her opinion), or because Tython didn’t like so many on it’s surface.

THAT even Selene could see as wisdom before today. Now? She knew it was true. She absolutely knew it was true. Selene didn’t sit back down, instead she took the Jedi by the chin using the Force with a twist of outstretched fingers and stared her in the eyes. “What’s your name? Do you like the Jedi Order?”

Jaslyn looked out the cockpit window as the woman listed admitted to pretty much being a criminal. She could only hope that Kyla would understand her reasons. Assuming that is if Kyla remembered Merrian was Jaslyn’s Master. Merrian was formidable in the setting of debate and discussion. Being a sought after mediator had it’s benefits, especially to one’s Padawan. Jaslyn had been a fly on the wall for more than one discourse. Jaslyn wasn’t stupid she was rather bright and learned quickly.

Jaslyn jerked her head around at the comment that was on the patronizing side. “Takes one to know one.” First step unbalance your opponent. The statement was thrown out with a mocking humor and stated quickly.

Jaslyn gripped the harness as she felt the Force move her chin towards the woman who asked her name and if she liked the Jedi Order. Jaslyn didn’t appreciate the use of the Force on her person. She didn’t fight it but her grey eyes flashed with annoyance for a moment.

Burying the anger Jaslyn smirked at Selene, but without real humor. She’d been manhandled with the Force before, normally it was to teach a lesson. Block here not there, kind of thing. Selene was getting under her skin. Quickly at that. The woman is smart, I’ll give her that. Smug on top of all that knowledge. Brat, spoiled one too, possibly. Something tells me there is a story there. If her wealth is to be believed. Freely admits to stealing artifacts, or suspected artifacts.

Jaslyn looked at the sky then back at Selene. “So where are we headed?” Jaslyn hadn’t actually moved her head she had used her eyes. One corner of her mouth pulled up in a smug smirk. “And my name is Dayne. Jaslyn Dayne. Do I like the Jedi Order? When it’s all I’ve ever known? All I remember? How can one say that they like or dislike something when they have nothing to compare with? That’s like asking a blind person what their favorite color is. Odd question, and to what end I wonder? And what’s your name and problem with the Jedi?”

Selene was left smiling--and rolling her eyes as she moved to the opposite side of the cockpit and looked down. There her smile only grew, as the ground below rumbled and shook, the very top of the giant wyrm breaking the surface like a whale breaking the surface of the waves before rolling under the surface again and continuing on.

The wyrm was following Selene. “Our friend is finding it’s way nicely. Was a little worried the Jedi would try to stop it, but I suppose that’s hard to do when a thing is that size, moving that fast...how does it make sense the Jedi would never twist or use life?” It was random, but only in how she approached it. The Jedi would damn the wyrm, but it wasn’t the wyrm’s fault some Dark Sider had twisted it eons ago. That was the Dark Sider, true enough, but she wasn’t about to allow the Jedi to present themselves as innocent. “What else do you call stealing babes from their mothers?”

She sighed, speaking to herself, not so much to the Jedi present. Of the Jedi’s answers...she all but ignored. They weren’t useful. The girl was playing at some game, and Selene had more important things on her mind. Her words were genuinely felt, and went far deeper than indoctrination. “You were stolen. Your life, your fate, your dreams...gone. Replaced with whatever the Jedi Order deemed necessary. I would never say the Sith were any better, but even you have to admit: taking a young child from their mother is unnatural and violates the natural flow of life in the Galaxy. This is the planet the first of the wars between Light and Dark were fought. You know who got caught in the middle? Those in the middle. The gray and those not attuned to the Force. History tells us those not attuned to the Force were simply kicked off the planet and sent to the surrounding systems to make do, many and more dying from trying to start new lives on new planets. What about the gray?”

Selene snorted, hard. “History says shit all about them, because they were lost in the fanaticism of Light and Dark, between extremes. Except today, down in that Rift...I learned what happened to them. They hid. They fled. They were left for dead by their own kind and they STARVED or were hunted down by the Light too afraid of a Dark Side shadow. And now their spirits will haunt this planet for as long as there is a Tython. So EXCUSE ME if I dare have issue with the Jedi Order. Come on. We’re leaving, or you can stay and follow this shuttle’s programmed flight path right into the side of a mountain. Doesn’t matter to me.”

She shrugged, lying, and left the cockpit to make her way to the back of the shuttle, so the ramp could be lowered once more. So she could prepare to jump down over what appeared from the view provided by the quickly lowering ramp at the aft of the shuttle to be an endless desert. Noise seemed quiet even high in the air on the shuttle. Below was only silence. The air mixed from desert and shuttle, making sounds loud and quiet at odd intervals with no explanation, making the mind question the ear.

A perfect time and place to introduce herself, her head turning to see the ginger Jedi follow, “My name is Selene. Let me show you the real history,” she said, offering her right black gloved hand out to the Jedi.

Jaslyn looked over and saw the wyrm breaking the surface and paled. By the Light I pray that thing doesn’t turn around! It seemed her prayer was answered as it went back under.

Jaslyn blinked in surprise as much for the wyrm as for the next words that the woman said and in response Jaslyn couldn’t help but speak. “I never thought of it that way. I don’t remember my parents. There were other Younglings at the Academy that did, but I never understood why. I suppose that’s why they had a harder time of it. And why I felt drawn to comfort them. I was always told that it was a blessing for the family if a child was chosen. I took comfort in that, after a while.”

Jaslyn was floored by the accusations that she was stolen and that her ancestors and the ancestors of those who raised her continued to have blood on their hands. Even if it for lack of doing anything. She was an extraordinarily compassionate person and the thought of her being lied to did not sit well with her. Nor did not helping others in need, regardless of what side of the Force they claimed.

All of this introspection distracted Jaslyn from the changes in her surroundings. Unbuckling from the seat she followed the woman who introduced herself and volunteered to show her the real history. Determination to seek the truth made Jaslyn’s choice unhesitatingly easy as she took Selene’s hand.

Pulling up to the front of Nocturne you’re greeted with empty black high class SUVs, three of them. All are empty. There is light spilling out of the side door on your left, but the front is dark. The feeling of eyes unseen watching you is overwhelming and the menace pouring out of the building just adds to that feeling. A warm wind blows catching your hair, jacket, shirt or anything lose and ruffling it in its wake. The acrid scent of smoke is present, as if somewhere there’s a fire or there was one here but has since been extinguished.

You hear the hum of a fluorescent light that’s ballast is off and the flicker of it attempting to stay on. The traffic in the distance might as well be on another planet; you strain to hear it’s dying echo as the city seems to settle. It doesn’t help that Nocturne is off the beaten path for a night club. The street is dark and deserted. But you prefer it that way, less witnesses.

That feeling of fate comes over you and you know that this is no coincidence. All of your life so far has been building up to this point. Whether it was that you strive to be the “good guy”. You’re out to prove your own self worth to family, friends, even just yourself. You’re out to harness your gifts before they consume you. Or simply because you believe that you can make a difference and find where you belong. A sense of urgency and rightness prevails in you and rings through the air.

You are X-Men and you are here for each other and yourselves.

Colab with Kayla, San & Jaslyn

Kyla gripped her lightsaber tightly as she turned around, finger hovering off the ignition. She did not initially recognize the voice until she saw the familiar face of Jaslyn Dayne in front of her. The battlemaster let out a breath, relieved to see another Jedi. Though she was slightly confused as to why the red haired padawan was in such a dangerous place alone. Any help was help in such an extreme situation.
“Jaslyn, where did you come from?” Kyla asked curiously.
Jaslyn looks up. “Well from up there of course.” Looking back at Battlemaster Kyla and the look seems to say she didn’t know why she was asked such a question. “I was outside the temple checking sensors when everything went sideways. I saw the ship on a crash course and then saw the shuttle going the same way I was.”
San Anin gazed at Jaslyn, confused as to why she here and not at the safety of the temple like most other padawans were. She would have had suspicious, narrowed eyes at Jaslyn had her goggles not blocked the view of her eyes. With a huff, the Kel Dor thought of all the different reasons that the other padawan could have been in the Rift but San already guessed that the other padawan was just as inquisitive on what was happening as they were.
The weird feeling of something slimy or distasteful was present and Jaslyn rolled her shoulders looked around then focused on Kyla and the Knight. What was his name? E...E-something… I haven’t been this distracted since... Jaslyn’s eyes widened. Initiate Trials. Something is wrong!! This is just like the feeling where I had to face my darkside.
“It’s good to have another friendly face here, bu-” Kyla began to say as she heard lightning crack in the sky above them.
The sky turned an eerie shade, as the wind above them whipped ferociously. The Rift itself shook, as a piercing shriek echoed through the canyons. The ground around them quaking even worse than it had been before. The Force screaming out to the Jedi as a massive disturbance occurred. Kyla’s eyes went wide with confusion, as Elav looked ahead with a look more akin to shock, flicking on both of his lightsabers. His hands shaking as he tried to compose himself. The ground continued to shake terribly, rocks kicking up and breaking off to the sides of the Jedi.
“We’re not alone. Look out!” Elav hollered as six lumbering Terentateks appeared in their view. Assembling a short distance from the gathered Jedi, ready to slaughter and feast upon the outnumbered lightsiders.
“Jaslyn, San, get behind us now. Those things aren’t natural. The dark side surrounds them.” Kyla stated, removing her outer robe as she activated her own lightsaber. The pulsating blue blade igniting with ferocity as the armor clad battlemaster crouched in a striking position. Lightning and thunder pounded in the sky, lighting the canyon a fierce blue.
“Can either of you padawans fight? I’d wager those things can. What the hell are they?” The twi’lek asked, a tinge of fear inching through him as the beasts drew closer. Elav had faced his fair share of tough enemies in his time as a Jedi, but these creatures were something else entirely.
Jaslyn saw something out of the corner of her eye. Turning toward it she watched the Terentateks closing in on them, pushing the fear down. Beyond that someone climbing up the side a bit farther up than the four of them. “I suggest moving since it’s about two to one odds at best. Unless San has been brushing up on her forms and miraculously can fend the...things off a fight would be a liability. I say retreating is a great tactical move.”
“I-I will have you know I am c-capable of handling my self,” San Anin grumbled rather awkwardly, igniting her weapon as she stood ready to fight alongside her master.
Jaslyn didn’t wait for the go ahead she just started moving toward the ledge she had come from. Even Battlemaster Kyla would know that fighting them isn’t a good idea. I wonder if I can get to the survivor from here. Jaslyn leaps up onto the ledge and gauges the distance. Too far. But they have to be headed for the surface. They don’t know that we’re not here to hurt them.
Looking back over at Kyla and Elav. “Higher ground is normally better to fight on anyway. I have some training but I’m not liking the odds.” As she reached for her lightstaff to pull it apart Jaslyn kicked herself mentally. No!! The shuttle!!! We can’t all fit on that speeder!! We need to leave. Twisting the staff at the middle she was holding two saber hilts. “You know I’m right...but I stand with you, Battlemaster.”
Traffic is brutal since the incident at Avalon and you find yourselves fighting the stop and go of LA. Hurry up and wait seems to be the consensus. The Tesla is currently stuck surrounded by cars on all sides and Elijah’s car driven by Ms. Everose is a ways away stuck in traffic just as you are. With Nik, Jasper, and Aya in the Tesla the air is tense. The atmosphere in Elijah's car isn't much better. Cleo, Nathan, Elijah, Khloe and Professor Everose are all tense. With the monster, sluagh, disappeared the club could be vacated and move on to chasing down the lead they had on Uná.

Kaylee looked in the rearview mirror and gnashed her teeth. Waiting sucked. She needed to get to the other car. Aya was still using her power for some reason. She had to find out why. Maybe moving her shook her up and now she's lost and if so she needed to bring her back.

Nik’s teeth were grinding together as they continued sitting in standstill traffic. His hands began clenching into glowing fists of energy, with small streams arcing off into the air. He sighed as he turned his gaze towards his driver. ”We need to find a way around this, or we need to clear a path.” He looked expectantly at the stranger, still not entirely trusting her motives at this point but far too angry to care about his safety or Aya’s.

Jasper, who had been sitting in the driver's seat concentrating on their situation, let go of Aya and turned in her seat. Usually blue-grey eyes glowed emerald, illuminating the car where street lights and headlights failed. “What do you think I'm doing.” The look she gave him was deadpan but annoyed. Sweat beaded on her temples and neck from the force she was putting behind finding a way through. With a huff, she turned back up front, but shoved her jacket off before closing her eyes again. “I can't move traffic if there's nowhere for it to go. Even if I made every light green down the street, it wouldn't make it much better.”

Kaylee cleared her throat. “So anyone want to help me understand what is going on? I can just ask Aya when I get to her in the Astral Plane but I wanted to let everyone have a chance to say something…”

Nathan and Elijah looked at each other and Nathan’s jaw tightened and he looked out the window. Pushing down the feelings of uselessness down he grunted and kept his face turned away.

Nik gave a slight sigh as he stepped out of the car, cracking his knuckles as his hands still radiated raw energy. He rubbed his hands together as he stood between the two cars. He noticed a motorcycle coming in his direction and smiled. It slowed down upon approach, and the man on the motorcycle seemed frustrated to find something in his way. Nik just slowly walked towards him as the rider got off the motorcycle to confront him. Nik’s hand slipped into his pocket to grab a single small marble, and pulled it out just as the guy on the motorcycle raised his hands for a shove. The mutant slammed the small marble into the guy’s chest, and the detonation threw the rider back diagonally and into the side of a car.

Nik rode the motorcycle ahead a little to get next to the driver’s side door of Jasper’s ride. ”Keep her safe. I’m going to find Una.” And with that, Nik rode off in Nocturne’s direction.

Suddenly Aya was awake. Her eyes snapped open, once again black instead of glittering silver. Her spine arched in the seat, straining against the seatbelt across her chest. She inhaled in a loud, strained gasp. Tears immediately started trickling down her face, her expression one of shock and pain, the events of the Astral Plane finally catching up with her body. Then her muscles seemed to release and she relaxed back into the chair. Her eyes fluttered closed, her head rolling to the side and then all Aya knew was blackness.
Jaslyn Dayne

Location: Tython

Interaction: Master Kyla Vondin; Knight Elav Chiyoa @Heat & Padawan San Anin @Lauder


Jaslyn's progress was slowed by the turmoil that ensued planet side. Repeatedly she dodged small fauna and had to scramble, backtracking to get down the mountain. Finally getting to the base as safely as she could she looked out over the stretch of plains before the Rift. Thunder rolled over head and with her view clear of the canopy she watched the massive storm rolling and boiling in the sky.

I've never seen a storm come up so quickly and violently here. Is it responding to the crash? Who is in that ship? Just as that thought crossed her mind a shuttle passed over head. And the cavalry has arrived. Good I don't think I want to be the only one here. Hopefully they have a healer.

Gunning the speeder Jaslyn flew across the plains. Miraculously, or not so miraculously considering the fact that the Force was with her, Jaslyn arrived at the landing site of the shuttle. Hopping off she looked around. And this is where I wish someone just left bread crumbs.

Suddenly an earthquake rocked the terrain. Bracing her feet apart Jaslyn rode out the quake. As it passed Jaslyn shrugged and investigated the area. She nodded as she saw boot prints in the dirt. Pulling out the communicator Jaslyn looked around at the Rift edge. If it were me down there I’d like to know if someone was coming in behind me.

Jaslyn brought up the communicator and relayed. “This is Jaslyn Dayne can anyone hear me? Over.” Waiting for a response for about thirty seconds Jaslyn is drawn to the site where, unbeknownst to her; Kyla, San and Elva had started their trip down the side of the gorge. “I say again, this is Jaslyn Dayne can anyone hear me? I will be investigating the crash site. Respond… Over.” The silence over the line was poignant and heralded disaster.

Although a foreboding thought was not lost on her Jaslyn pushed it aside and hooked the communicator to the front of her robes under her cloak. Taking out her twin hilts Jaslyn connected them together. “Alright I gave you long enough to respond. Seems like going down into the Rift is going to happen.” Climbing down she easily maneuvered quickly down the ledge to the last one before the canyon floor, that she assumed the others had used. Nearing the ship Jaslyn swayed as the Force nearly overwhelmed her.

Rage. Darkness. Pain. Fear. In overwhelming abundance. Jaslyn had never felt such strong emotion from someone that she couldn’t see. The emotions blocked out everything else. What is going on?! This hasn’t happened for years! Why now?! Fighting the overwhelming emotions for what seemed like an eternity, in reality it was about a minute, Jaslyn was finally able to separate her own emotions from the other entities emotions.

The rage and darkness dialed back. The fear was still present but not as pronounced. Finally the fog cleared and Jaslyn recognized Master Vondin, Knight Chiyoa and San all turned toward the tunnel which was the only one that made sense for someone in the wreck to have gone.

“Wonderful weather we’re having isn’t it?” Hoping that was innocuous enough not to set them off.
Jaslyn Dayne

Location: Tython

Interaction: Open

Mentions: Battelmaster Kyla @Heat

Jaslyn moved through the wilderness while practicing her forms without her weapon drawn. The dappled sunlight glinted off the metallic shine of the deactivated sabers at her hips. Her long coppery red hair was pulled back from her face and smoothed into a tight ponytail that rested high on the back of her head. Not surprisingly that fiery waterfall of hair fell to her waist. It caught the sunlight and shone like a patch of sunset in the middle of the morning.

Her outfit was simple and lightweight paired with her olive green cloak that would keep her warm and dry if the weather turned on her. The weather was pleasant so Jaslyn had left the cloak with her speeder bike. Barely making a sound as she moved from one form to another fluidly blending the two. Soresu to Ataru and back again as she made her way up a rise.

Jaslyn executed a particularly complex maneuver that she had been working into The Way of the Hawk Bat after seeing Battlemaster Kyla perform the maneuver more than once. Adding in a front flip to the spinning flourish, courtesy of the Battlemaster, Jaslyn moved over a log in her path and narrowly missed slamming into a tree as she continued her moving meditation.

Jaslyn loved to combine meditation and her forms about as much as teaching the younglings. Maybe a little bit more than teaching. Thankfully I’ve never been in battle. Rare as that is I’m no fool and am glad for the lack of lethal combat. I have a feeling that it was not to stay that way for much longer.

Getting to the rise that was clear Jaslyn looked over the valley she was fond of exploring. She pushed the boundaries with the fact that she hadn’t told anyone that she was going out again. Granted she was going to check some of the sensors so not a big deal. Maybe get closer to the Rift.

She wasn’t a youngling. Practically a Knight, or well on the way to be one. She could take care of herself and others. The fact that she was taking her time to do it was not one of those things that you readily admit before going out. Besides she was almost a Knight. Jaslyn was just waiting on her trials.

Goosebumps ran across her whole body. A wracking shudder that crawled up her spine plus a high pitched scream of a vessel in the atmosphere, made for an eerie feeling. Jaslyn’s eyes snapped to the sky and followed the path of a vessel as it came down. “No no no. Please not the Rift. Stay together and out of the Rift.”

Jaslyn tracked the vessel’s crash. Yes crash. That is exactly what it was, a crash. It went down behind the mountain range on the other side of the valley. The Rift was on the other side of that mountain range. The resounding screech of metal hitting earth made Jaslyn jerk out of the stupor that the sight of the careening vessel across the sky had put her in.

Dread of finding someone dead because she had hesitated moved Jaslyn into action. She knew that if she reported on the communicator that they’d tell her to come back to the temple. Someone could die if she did. Torn she looked down at the communicator that she’d instinctively dug out of her robes.

The flicker and pull on the Force in the direction of the crash made up her mind. Jaslyn put the communicator back in her robes and headed toward the crash site. Whoever it was Jaslyn was sure they needed help. Perhaps a Jedi that was late was in trouble and that is why she seemed drawn to the crash site.

Backtracking to the speeder bike that Jaslyn had taken out earlier that morning from the temple she activated the tracking device on it. Pointing the nose of the bike toward where she felt the pull she kicked it into gear. It would probably take her a maybe an hour to locate the crash site but hopefully whoever was in the vessel would be alright.

Topping the rise she had just been at now on the bike she pressed her lips together and leaned the bike forward and started the descent into the valley. Jaslyn had some hard riding and maneuvering to concentrate on. Well here goes hope this is worth it.
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