Avatar of Ammokkx


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8 mos ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
1 like
10 mos ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
1 yr ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
1 yr ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

on another note, I have finally learned that Ethel is from Fairy Fencer F. Am I so incredibly knowledgeable or what? :P
I'm so stupid

I'm just gonna-
I'm not objecting. Honestly I was starting to worry about this one because no ones said anything in the OOC recently.

I've been lurking both the thread and the discord. Haven't had a reason to say anything, but I have been watching.
Blackstar - Dealing with the last turret, then going in.
Eiswolf -
Hou Yi - She can't believe she made it through that. Neither can I.
Ranius - Blowing open the front door with excessive force and extreme prejudice.
Paladin - Priming the nuke
Prometheus - ded
X-7 - Priming the other nuke
Yeager - retreated

AA-XOTRY - Also ded
Caretaker - The only one inside doing something productive. (repairing whatever she can on AA-XOTRY, making sure everyone's okay)
Neo Angel - im crying rn
Weissritter - "Jesus Mai get your shit together"

Speed Duel Skill:
 Whenever a "Turtle" monster you control is destroyed you may special summon another "Turtle" monster with a level equal to or less than the destroyed "Turtle" monster.
Deck Master Ability: Whenever a "Turtle" monster you control is destroyed you may special summon another "Turtle" monster with a level equal to or less than the destroyed "Turtle" monster.

Not the GM, but I'm going to point out that neither of these says where you're special summoning from.

Haas waited at the entrance of arenas K and L for Nathan to arrive, leaning against the wall. He didn't really pay much attention, only occasionally glancing at the doorway to see when the other earth dorm would arrive. Luckily for him he didn't have to wait too long as Nathan walked through the door, and past Haas.

"Nathan! Over here!" Haas called out to the other boy, giving a brief wave before walking up. He covered his mouth to hold back a yawn, then lazily pointed over to the teacher on the other end of the room with his right thumb.

"Aah... sorry about that, exams are taking a toll on me. We should probably hurry on over while there's still an arena free."

Nathaniel raised an eyebrow as the first thing Haas did was belt out a yawn. It looked like Haas was not feeling too rested. Not that Nathaniel really minded, since that probably meant an advantage for him. Still, it was pretty jarring to have someone greet him with a yawn.

"Yeah, no problem. Let's go." He said as he followed Haas over to the arena.

The both of them swiftly arrived at the teacher who was in charge of monitoring the arenas at this time, Mei Rayne. She primarily taught Fusion theory and wasn't really all that involved, but her easygoing nature made her less fussy about the administration of using an arena than some other teachers at this school. Arena L-1 was still ready to be used while the other three currently had other examination duels going on, so the duo made their way over there. About halfway to the arena, Haas suddenly stops and turns to Nathan.

"Wait, where's Megan? Wasn't she coming too?" he asked briefly, glancing at the doorway.

There was a flash of red hair as Megan sprinted straight past the doorway and out of sight, before audibly skidding to a halt and coming back, walking through the doorway casually, "Oh it was this one after all." she said cheerily waving at Nat and Haas. Looked like they'd managed to get one of the chill teachers to supervise, nice. "This should be exciting, good luck to both of you." Megan said as she grabbed the nearest seat available and waited for the duel to start. She'd be beaten before by both Haas and Nat, it would be interesting to see which of them won this. Haas looked a little bit drained but it shouldn't matter very much, a good rousing duel would wake anyone up after all!

Haas briefly laughed, muttering "Guess that answers that..." before turning back towards the arena. He stretched out his arms and casually walked over to one of the ends, taking his position and waiting for Nathan to do the same. Once both boys had taken their spot, Haas started grinning despite his still-tired posture.

"Ready, Nathan? I might be a bit out of it, but I'm not going easy on you!"

"I wouldn't expect you to." Nathaniel smiled, and raised his duel disk in front of him. "Ready when you are."

Haas slotted his deck into his own Duel Disk and the machine sprung to life, the compartment he had shooting his blade up into the sky. Haas stretched out his arm to catch it, creating a nice and straight playing field for him to work with. Winning this thing in that swimming contest was worth it after all! Once he had readied up, both boys yelled in unison:


Finished the duel with Lunarstandard, waiting on Eklispe for if he wants to add more additional comments.

By the way, people, I'd like to point out that nobody has started a duel after I started Maisy and Nathan's duels. The point of the event was to get some points flowing into your characters, so you might want to start challenging each other to duels. Otherwise we're stalling this out for no good reason.
So does anyone know what's up with hiders and why they break half the time?

Well, if you've screwed up your code then it's no wonder they break. Everything's gotta be correctly typed out first.

However, if the thing shows up 'no error' and you still don't get a hider, that means one of your [ or ]'s is glitched and has to be re-typed. I wish I was joking. Something to do with it having an extra character or something. Stuff's weird.
Maybe you can do something with Ian. I'm currently still waiting on Vietmyke to continue the collab.
Do you hate Amorphages because they suck, or because they're low key broken?

I hate floodgates and I hate that they made it into an archetype even if the archetype is shit.

I uh, still don't know what you want me to do with the skill and custom card.
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