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1 mo ago
In the mood for a non human fantasy setting.


I dont feel like posting this in 1x1 though it is a 1x1 concept. I crave a rp where MC is the sub to YC. I want it dark and mature themed. It can be any pairing though mxm and fxf are more desired.
A second idea is shy vulnerable MC is bullied YC in any setting or pairing. Maybe this could be a Stockholm situation, or taboo. I would prefer this to turn into a slow burn, love/hate relationship where YC like MC for some reason but due to social norms or maybe public opinion you cant out right admit to the attraction.

I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

Thanks for stopping by.

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In Fight Club 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Miku was at home sitting in the sofa after doing the usual time consuming choirs. She made the bed, vacuumed, and checked the fridge with a pout on her face. It was mostly empty save for two beers and some condiments. Straitening up from bending over to inspect the fridge she smirked. Getting out of the house might just be what she needed.

Walking quickly to the bedroom she opened the closet, it was time to do a little dressing up. Picking out a yellow blouse top with spaghetti shoulder straps and a knee length white skirt she also went with a white pair of stockings with some lacey top for confidence. A small spritz of perfume about her neck for no real reason. Biting her lower lips Miku had gone a step further and wore the garter piece that went with the stockings and a lacey white bra. It had been a while since she wore it remarking the top was a little tight. Giving the thought of gaining weight a sigh she shook the thought from her head. The bored housewife felt a little more optimistic as she reached the front door stopping to gather her purse and put on some very modest flats.

The day was warm and sunny. A few clouds were floating far off in the distance. Thankfully during the summer there was nothing but humidity and heat. Getting caught in a downpour in her cotton dress would be less than ideal. At the store she wondered about the isles looking at the produce and the prices. The undergarments giving the brunette a sense of deviousness. In her hands she held the deep basket and began to select some fresh veggies, a five pound bag of rice, eggs, fish, and a case of beer. The last item gained the housewife some inquisitive looks. As usual the ring Miku wore made the curious bystanders keep their distance. At least all but one person.

"Would you like some help with that miss?" The young man asked. His name tag read, 'Tomo'. He was tall for a teenager. Maybe still in high school, definitely not able to shave Miku thought. His black hair was so thick and shiny like a ravens feathers. Yet the most incredible thing about him was the blue eyes! There were like sapphires or made of crystal!

Miku looked away shaking her head no! By then the manager came over to shoo the boy away, "I am sorry Mrs. He is new. Haru go restock the shelves like I told you."

Miku thought to herself, "Tomo... Haru..." She felt her face get a little red. "I am sorry." She walked to the register where the older man rang up her items. Her heart felt light as she stood there silently paying for the total then leaving with her bags she walked down the street with a smile on her face, "Haru-kun" Miku's voice a soft whisper. She needed to go shopping next week she thought to herself. A little harmless flirting might just be what she needed during the time alone.

Getting to the house front door The brunette took the keys from her purse and opened the door stepping inside to set the groceries down. She sat on the small stool and took off her flats. bringing her fingertips to her cheeks she still could feel the shameful blush. The image of those blue eyes danced about her mind for the rest of the day as she put away the groceries, and then sat on the sofa thinking of Haru.
I'm tired being so utterly powerless against corruption.
Banned for being the @Naw we have, but not the @Naw we need.
Granted! However you are now forced to help me eat it before it melts!
I wish my waist was smaller!
Banned for thinking I'd let either one of you go! Muhuwhahahahha!
Granted except all it does is teleport me to you.

I wish for more random instances where I crossed @Shadow Dragon path!
Banned because finally caught you! ^^
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