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Opinionated nerd for hire.

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B A R R Y A L L E N ♦ F O R E N S I C S C I E N T I S T ♦ C E N T R A L C I T Y , M I S S O U R I ♦ J U S T I C E L E A G U E
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Seriously? Stealing ice? Isn't that a little cliché, even for Captain Cold?"

Some years ago, notoriously slow-paced CSI Technician Barry Allen was hit by a lightning bolt that doused him in dangerous chemicals. Rather than kill him, Barry awoke in a hospital with nary a scratch or burn on his body. Trying to catch an Uber after he was discharged, Allen discovered that he'd been fundamentally changed forever: that the lightning gave him the gift of superhuman speed. Ever the closeted nerd, Barry took what could have been a corrupting influence and turned it into his greatest dream by deciding to become a superhero, utilizing old propaganda comics about another fast guy - Jay Garrick of the Justice Society - to become The Scarlet Speedster of Central City, The Flash!

Since stuffing the iconic red and gold suit into a specially designed ring, The Flash has made fast friends and even faster enemies, ranging from the villainous Rogues comprised of Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Heatwave, Captain Boomerang, The Trickster, and others. He's also tangled with abnormal foes such as Gorilla Grodd, The Turtle, and a particularly nasty customer from the 35th Century - Eobard Thawne, aka Professor Zoom, but better known as The Reverse Flash.

But it's not all bad guys in the world of The Flash. After revealing his secret identity to savvy television reporter Iris West, who already put two and two together, Barry and Iris married and have been in wedded bliss for the last seven years. When his step-nephew Wally revealed himself to be The Flash's number one fan, an accidental recreation of Barry's origin turned him into a trusted sidekick, Kid Flash, before Wally grew to maturity and became The Flash of Keystone City. And in truly the most outrageous development of Barry's career, a chance encounter with fellow speedster Max Mercury revealed to him the presence of the interdimensional Speed Force, allowing Barry to go backwards and forwards in time, hone his vibrational abilities to escape any trap, create speed duplicates of himself, and tap into a whole host of powers that he would have otherwise thought to be impossible!

But Barry's greatest strength is his nature as a force for good. Whether it's taking Iris on a dinner date on the other side of the Earth and having her back within the hour, mentoring Wally through his growing series of responsibilities, rescuing victims of a housefire within the same second as dousing out the fire itself, or simply showing up for his weekly game of checkers with The Trickster over at Iron Heights, Barry is the definition of a true hero in that he always puts others before himself. Sometimes to his own detriment, but always for the benefit of mankind.

And hey, if The Justice League comes calling? He'll always be there in a Flash.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

The Flash is one of my all-time favorite characters in all of comicdom! So of course I was gonna jump on the chance to play him. One of the reasons I love the character so much is that unlike Clark, Bruce, Diana, Hal and others, he doesn't see his role as a duty or greater calling more than he sees it as just plain fun. He loves being a superhero, which in turn makes him embody all of the best parts of that type of character. And he certainly doesn't need some tragic backstory to motivate him, either, so no dead mom shenanigans here. This is purely and simply The Flash as he's meant to be - fun, heroic, and out of this world!

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

With it being Barry, I'd also like to explore his knack for crime scene investigation and accelerated thinking a little more in-depth than alot of iterations. The Flash has the potential to be both a strategist and a frontline combatant in any given fight thay's on The League's level, so I want to play around with that. Speed is key!

S A M P L E P O S T:

Later, I promise. Currently at work and it took me all day to write even this much!

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

Flash is APPROVED!
AndyC, do you have a more specific timeline for the events happening prior to the start of the roleplay? Just to get an idea of exactly how long the League has been around, when Batman and Superman first made their appearances, etc.

Well, I deliberately kept things vague in terms of the timeline, but it can be assumed that at least the founding seven have been active for between ten to fifteen years. If Superman and Batman debuted in Year One, and present day is Year Twelve, then the Justice League itself was founded somewhere around Year Three, Superman died probably around Year Five and came back around Year Seven, the Teen Titans were likely formed somewhere around the same time, and something roughly along the lines of Crisis On Infinite Earths happened around Year Ten.

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I'm not much of a 'people person'. But when you need a hand... and you will, call me."

Over a decade ago, billionaire industrialist and heir to one of the wealthiest fortunes in America, Bruce Wayne, launched a secret war against crime by creating a masked alter-ego designed to strike terror into the hearts of his enemies: The Batman. And as The Batman's status as an urban myth shifted and his reputation grew for getting results where the Gotham City Police Department couldn't, the self-styled 'Dark Knight' began to realize that he couldn't fight a war alone. The first, aside from his faithful butler Alfred, was Lieutenant - and eventually, Commissioner - James Gordon. Then came Richard "Dick" Grayson, similarly orphaned to Wayne by criminals and in need of guidance. Grayson would become the first Robin, The Boy Wonder, before maturing and taking up his own mantle as Nightwing. Barbara Gordon would become the first Batgirl, before a fateful tragedy would turn her into the wheelchair bound hacker known as Oracle. And so the list of Batman's closest allies grew, from the doomed Jason Todd to the damaged Cassandra Cain, the brilliant Timothy Drake and even his own son, Damian.

But Wayne's most heroic undertaking was undoubtedly his decision to embark on a mission of a much greater scope with The Man Of Steel, Superman, and the Amazonian warrior known as Wonder Woman. Their unequalled alliance forced the trinity to consider an idea: what if, by combining their forces with other 'super-humans', they could form a united defense against all enemies of peace and justice? What if they could build a team that stood an entire league above Earth's greatest champions? And thus, The Justice League of America - with it's founding seven, including Batman - were born.

Unlike the vast majority of his peers, Wayne is completely without superhuman powers and relies on decades of training, both physical and mental, to master his way through even the most gruelling battles. With nearly unlimited financial resources, Batman also brings an impressive arsenal of self-styled weapons, vehicles, and even the orbiting 'Watchtower' satellite that The League sometimes calls their base of operations.

While The Caped Crusader remains at The League's disposal for the right crisis, he can often be found terrorizing the criminal fraternity of Gotham City by the shadow of night, battling alongside Robin, Batgirl, and other members of The Gotham Knights against a collection of diabolical rogues such as The Joker, Two-Face, The Scarecrow, The Penguin, Ra's Al Ghul, and other denizens of Arkham Asylum.

It's a war he'll never win. But it's a battle he'll fight until his dying breath.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Maybe I'm taking the title of the game too literally, but an angle that's always interested me with Batman is the idea of putting him through a mid-life crisis. He's amassed all of this insanity that invades his life on a daily (and especially nightly) basis, whether it's trading blows with Bane or trying to prevent Poison Ivy from rendering the city her own personal garden of mindless drones, all while maintaining a double life that requires him to serve the city beneath a facade that only continues to make even his closest allies question his sanity. What if, in a moment of extreme personal crisis, he starts to doubt himself? Not only in his ability to be Batman, but in his ability to simply remain sane? And what would that look like in the face of a story that involves his direct workings with The Justice League, the seemingly infallible team of super-beings he's always tried to live up to despite his human frailties? I hope to take Bruce on a journey of self-discovery that, through his work alongside Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and the rest will lead him to a place of reassurance that he belongs alongside them - that it's not only Gotham that needs Batman, but the world.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

As I'm trying to go with the 'Crisis' motif in Batman's personal life, I'm portraying him as a little older than usual. I'm not going to go too specific with it, as that throws alot of unnecessary questions up in the air, but this is gonna be a Batman with a little gray in his hair and alot of scars, both on his body and in his mind, that have yet to fully heal - if they ever will.

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

Batman is APPROVED
Might as well get this one in......


Clark Joseph Kent/Kal-El of Krypton ♦ Reporter, Daily Planet ♦ Metropolis, Delaware, USA ♦ Justice League
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"By myself, sure, I can do a lot. Together, though? We can do anything."

By now, most people in the world know the basic story of the Man of Steel and where he came from. On the doomed planet of Krypton, the brilliant scientists Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van placed their infant son Kal into an experimental life-pod, and with him went the last desperate hopes of their world. The pod would land somewhere on the planet Earth-- most likely somewhere in the Midwestern United States-- where a kindly couple (who has remained safely anonymous) raised him to do right by others and use his phenomenal gifts responsibly. Kal would grow up to become Superman, champion of the oppressed and fighter for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

In the years that he has patrolled the skies over Metropolis, Superman has toppled crime lords, foiled invasions from beyond the stars, outwitted malevolent tricksters from higher dimensions, even died and returned to life. He has grown a small family of proteges, including his cousin Kara who once protected National City as Supergirl, his half-human clone who fights crime as Superboy, the genius inventor John Henry Irons who defends against high-tech threats as Steel, and even a super-powered dog he affectionately calls Krypto. Superman has experienced soaring triumphs and heartbreaking tragedies, and he has never faltered in the line of duty, cementing his place as the standard by which all other heroes are measured.

That is the story the world knows, and it happens to be the truth, but not the whole truth. Only a scant handful know that Clark Kent spent most of his childhood and teenage years struggling to fit in, that the idyllic rural town of Smallville, Kansas, never seemed to have a place for him. Or that Clark was very nearly married right out of high school, or that he spent the better part of a decade wandering the world under dozens of aliases, or that he would spend most of his professional career fighting tooth-and-claw for bylines with a rival reporter who would in time become the great love of his life. Even fewer know how hard he took the death of his adopted father, how the loss of his cousin haunts him, how many nights he has woken in a cold sweat thinking of his own demise at the hands of the monster Doomsday. While the whole world watched his funeral, only the closest of his friends and family were there for his wedding to Lois Lane, and only two other members of the Justice League know about Lois and Clark's son Jon, who has begun to develop abilities of his own.

As a new chapter in the life of the Man of Tomorrow begins, Clark faces not just the threats of disasters and super-powered criminals, but the pressures of leadership, the challenges of fatherhood, and the simple strain of getting older. In a world now full of costumed heroes and villains, it gets more and more difficult for him to keep up, and it may be impossible for Superman to stay on top for much longer. Still, Clark has determined to do what he was always done: clench his teeth, ball up his fists, and make the impossible happen.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I want this to be a very straightforward, back-to-basics approach to Superman. While putting him later in life will hopefully make for some interesting character moments in down-time scenes and when bantering with other heroes, the goal in action is to get back to the core of the character and what he does best: action-adventure heroics. Save the day, fight bad guys, and make people feel better as you do it.

I want to show Clark at the top of his game, with action that is intense and exciting to read, clever uses of his considerable powers, and interactions with the other heroes that are fun to play out. He may not have the exuberance of youth anymore, but with age has come experience, discipline, and wisdom learned the hard way. This is as close to a quintessential Superman as I believe I'm capable of writing.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Clark has been active long enough that he has encountered most if not all of his more notorious villains multiple times, and while his secret identity is hardly common knowledge, there are a relative handful who have sussed it out-- including Lex Luthor.

Kryptonite was successfully synthesized a few years ago in LexCorp labs and then distributed among criminal syndicates and rogue nations by the Legion of Doom, though the synthetic "K-2" is significantly less potent than pure Kryptonite, which is still exceedingly rare.

Kara Zor-El was Supergirl for about three years, before she died heroically in a "Crisis" event that threatened the universe. Her death haunts Clark in much the same way that the loss of Jason Todd haunts Bruce, and is why he is not only uncomfortable with Conner's career as Superboy, but reluctant to let anyone know about Jon's existence, let alone his powers.

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.



Years ago, the world changed in ways no one could have ever imagined. The change came first in Metropolis with the appearance of a man in the sky, with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Not long after, a caped crusader arose in Gotham City, a dark-night detective waging a one-man war on crime. This was followed by the arrival of a maiden of might, defeating men and monsters alike with a golden lasso and unbreakable gauntlets. More super-people arose, from the Fastest Man Alive to the King of the Seven Seas. In time, the various heroes and crimefighters would cross paths, forging loose alliances and friendships. These would solidify into a formal alliance: the Justice League, the greatest humanitarian force the world has ever known.

With these new protectors and champions, new threats and dangers arose for them to face. Almost as soon as the term 'super-hero' was coined, their opposite number, the super-villains, began to crawl out of the darkness. Superman would find himself in perpetual conflict against the machinations of Lex Luthor, the brutality of General Zod, the otherworldly weapons of Brainiac. The Batman would wage war against the madness of the Joker, the diabolical mind-games of the Riddler, the shadowy plots of Ra's al Ghul. The Flash would be tested time and time again by the combined villainy of the Rogues, the Green Lantern would battle across the stars with the tyrannical Sinestro, and Aquaman would find his reign of the seas threatened by the treachy of the Ocean Master and the firepower of Black Manta. As the Justice League would come to embody virtue and heroism, the Legion of Doom would strike fear into the hearts of many as personifications of evil.

Years have passed since the first time the people of Metropolis were made to look up in the sky. Since that time, the Justice League has only grown, both in number and in influence. Comprised of thirteen of the world's most capable heroes, and at the center of a larger network of crimefighters and rescuers numbering into the hundreds, the League has done the impossible on innumerable occasions. Thwarting alien invasions, global catastrophes, international crime syndicates, incursions from parallel universes, and omnipotent hostile gods is, as some say, all in a day's work. Still, the work is never done; even at the height of their power and influence, the Justice League is far from unbeatable. Dangers arise at every turn, arch-villains plot in the shadows to strike once again, and innocent lives hang in the balance.

For every hero, there are more than their fair share of villains. For every victory, another challenge arises. For every day saved, another calamity looms to throw the world in crisis.

GameMaster: AndyC
Assistant GM: Master Bruce
Discord Chat: (Coming Soon)

S Y N O P S I S:
World in Crisis is a co-operative RPG set in the DC Universe. In it, players will portray members of the Justice League, and will attempt to stop disasters, solve mysteries, and fight villains thrown at them by the Game Master. While it does include a very simple dice mechanic (described in the Gameplay section), that is meant primarily as a writing prompt for the players, hence me putting it in Advanced instead of Tabletop (though I will move it there if the mods deem it necessary). As this is more of an experimental format, this game is not meant to continue perpetually, but will end after one “Season” once the larger Crisis is concluded.

G E N E R A L R U L E S:

G A M E P L A Y:

This campaign uses simple dice mechanics to generate Events, and for the heroes to put Effort towards resolving them. The die roller for this game can be found here.

R O S T E R & C A N O N

To apply, please copy, paste, and fill out the Application below:
Interested. I've never been crazy about the Jihad era, but I'm down for some Battletech in any form.

"Whoooah, did you feel that?!"

"....feel what?"

"Oh, that's right, your abilities are from boring old 'science.' You're not tuned in to the greater goings-on in the metaphysical dimensions. It really must be so dreary, only seeing the world through one plane of reality."

"Yeah, keep talking down to me, and you'll get flattened. See how you like your dimensions and planes when you're only two-dimensional."

"Whatever. Point is, something big just made a splash in the higher realms. Like, your mom doing a cannonball off of the high-dive, that's the kind of splash we're talking."

"Screw you, Jinx."

"In your dreams. Anyway, normally anyone accessing magic doesn't leave much of a ripple-- even the more powerful casters can't be felt from too far off. But that, that was something powerful. And dangerous."

"Think it's got something to do with the girl that the fat kid is after?"

"I'd bet on it, and I'd win. I knew the charm I'd put on Tubby would increase the likelihood of him bumping into them to an eventual certainty, but I didn't think we'd get our payoff so soon. Who would've thought good old Fatso would get lucky before you?"

"Bite me."






"....you wanna make out a little before we go find them?"

".....thought you'd never ask."

"What the hell?" I say to myself, looking around my room in disbelief. "What is this?"

Everything has gone black, the world around me enveloped in a darkness beyond the deepest shadow, the strongest ink. Yet I can still see the shapes of things, outlines in stark white. No shades, no gradients, only black and white in razor-sharp contrast.

My vision isn't all that's changed. I can feel everything in the room-- every piece of dirty laundry crumpled in the corner, every page of my mother's old books of magic and occultism, every molecule of air. Everything that the darkness touches, I feel as if I am touching them, holding them, maybe even able to move them....

I look at a sock near the corner of my bed, and imagine it moving a few inches to the left. It moves a few inches to the left.

".....you can't be serious," I say, still not believing what I'm seeing. "I did not just accidentally discover how to control my magic powers. That would be stupid."

Right. As stupid as a bubbly alien space-princess crash-landing right in front of me.

I imagine the sock lifting into the air. It lifts into the air. I imagine my clothes neatly folding themselves and being sorted into their drawers. They neatly fold themselves and sort into their drawers. I imagine--

I imagine seven billion mortal souls bending to my will--

--....I imagine my mom's old journal floating into my hand. It floats into my hand. I--

I imagine oceans of blood and fire, the air choked with ash and ringing with the screams of--

...I imagine my feet lifting off of the ground. I lift off of the ground, hovering in the air with my sock and my book, and I imagine--

I imagine the innocent defiled, the weak trampled, and the proud laid low for all of eternity--



"....and that's why Fourth Edition was basically the worst thing since cancer," my new friend Alex of the Dorks regales me with his knowledge.

"Truly, it sounds to have been a dark time," I say with solemnity. "But I have the confusion: if you had already purchased the rules from the Third Edition, did these Wizards of the Coast come and steal them from you when they released their evil Fourth Edition?"

"....well no, we still had all the rulebooks and stuff."

"Did the ruling class of your city impose an unjust decree and declare it illegal to play the Third Edition?"

"....I mean, no, there was nothing like that."

"Then why did you not continue consuming the entertainment you enjoyed, and merely avoid that which you did not?"

Alex sputters and stammers for a moment, before exclaiming "I-it's not that simple, okay?!" I believe I have somehow offended him with this line of query. Even if he is not the mighty warrior I believed him to be, I do not wish to hurt the feelings of those I would have as my friends.

"I see I still have much to learn," I nod, hoping to assuage him as I change the subject. "Tell me more of this LARP and your conquests in--"

There is a sound like a roar of thunder, and in the apartment above, I hear Rachel wail in anguish.

Righteous fire burns in my hands, and I take leave of gravity as I rush to her aide.

I'm vaguely aware of my body collapsing back onto the floor, but at the sound of my mother's voice I barely notice it. I've been seeing her, hearing her, more often in my dreams lately, but this isn't a dream this time.....I think.

Rachel, you have found the Sigil Words. You have awakened your Soul Self. I.....I'm so proud of you, my little Raven.

"Don't call me that," I say, almost by reflex. "This isn't real. You're not real. You're......Mom, you're......"

I'm gone, Rachel. I was able to leave an echo of myself here for you, but even that will fade. My true soul is....where I belong now. With your father.

"...my father? You mean Sebastian?"

Sebastian Blood was only a vessel, a shell to be used by his master. I did not know who he was, what he was, until it was too late. Even so, I did his will, and for that, I can never be forgiven. But you can fight him, my Raven. You can deny him, and you can defeat him. You must--


"Mom?!?! What's--"

Rachel, listen! You must--


"You.....what are you?!"

You can defeat him, Rachel, but not here, not yet! First, you--


"Get out of my head, get--"


"No! I'm not going to burn anything, I'm not going to hurt anyone!"

Resist him, Rachel! Deny him!



"N-no, that's.....that's not--"




I fly as quickly as I can up the stairs and force the door open. I find my friend engulfed in darkness, her face a mask of horror and dismay, as her furniture and trappings spin through the air like a whirlwind.

"I'm not.....I won't....." is she says between gasps and sobs. "....no......n-no...."

I do not know what has overcome her. But I cannot let her suffer so.

"I am here, Friend Rachel!" I call out, stepping into the darkness and swatting away a pair of jeans that whirl through the air towards me. "I will assist you in whatever ways I can!"

More detritus from the room assails me. A chair, a sharpened writing implement, a pair of undergarments, all try to bludgeon or pierce or smother me as the darkness and chaos of the room swirl and crash. Still, I persist.

"....no...." Rachel whimpers, her eyes full of tears.

"Hear me, Friend Rachel!" I implore. "Whatever this is, you must fight it! I have seen your strength, I have seen the good in your soul! You can resist this, you can defeat it!"

Since coming to this world, I have often felt like a failure and a fool. But I persist, because I must. I am Starfire, and the flames of Starfire must burn ever bright, even the darkest of shadows.

Here, in the deepest blackness I have ever seen, I let my light shine, and I take my friend's hand.

"You can defeat it," I assure her, with all of my heart, "But you will not have to defeat it alone."

I see her blink. I feel her hand tighten around mine.

And what she had said as a whimper, she now says with conviction.


The darkness shudders, and the debris flying around in the room falls to the floor.

"NO," she repeats, staring at some point beyond me. "You won't have me. Or anyone else. This isn't your power. It's mine. And I'm going to use it to stop you."

The swirling, chaotic mass of shadows suddenly goes still. And it takes form.

Around Rachel, what was a whirl of grasping tendrils becomes a pair of wings. The shape of one of this world's avian creatures.

A powerful black bird, which lets out a piercing cry.

.....then she collapses into my arms, and the darkness dissipates like fog in smoke.

"Rachel!" I exclaim as she flutters in and out of consciousness. "Are you all of the right? Do you require the assistance of a healer?"

"Nnnnngggghh," she groans. "I'm.....not really sure. I must have, I don't know....blacked out. I had a crazy nightmare, I started moving things around with my mind, and then--"

"...I do not believe this was an event of the dreaming," I tell her. "Your gifts of power, they were active. I saw them throw this whole chamber into darkness."

She blinks in disbelief, and looks to me. "So that was all real? I'm not seeing things?"

"I believe you are still capable of sight," I answer, unsure how that is relevant, "but yes, I believe your experience was true."


"....you are in need of evacuating your bowels?"

"No, it's.....it's an exclamation. Something you say when things are about as bad as they can get."

"I see," I say to her. "If you would like some comforting, I would be happy to provide an application of the snuggles."

"Not right now," she shakes her head, and stands up, dusting herself off. "We've got some work to do. But first, I think we ought to come up with an explanation for that Alex guy. We probably scared him pretty bad there."

"Oh, of course!" I exclaim, as I begin to float toward the staircase. Then, remembering Rachel's admonitions about 'freaking people out' by flying around them, I place my feet on the floor and walk down the stairs. "My apologies, friend Alex, but friend Rachel has--"

I look down into the book store, and see that friend Alex is nowhere to be found.
Well, between myself, MB, Renegade, MST, and Peter Porker (and possibly Hound), that gives us 5, which I believe is enough to justify moving forward. I'll work on the sign-up/OOC thread over the weekend, and should have it up by Monday.
Also, this may technically belong in Tabletop, so if need be, I'll move it there.



S Y N O P S I S:
World in Crisis is a co-operative RPG set in the DC Universe. In it, players will portray members of the Justice League, and will attempt to stop disasters, solve mysteries, and fight villains thrown at them by the Game Master. While it does include a very simple dice mechanic (described in the Gameplay section), that is meant primarily as a writing prompt for the players, hence me putting it in Advanced instead of Tabletop (though I will move it there if the mods deem it necessary). As this is more of an experimental format, this game is not meant to continue perpetually, but will end after one “Season” once the larger Crisis is concluded.

G A M E P L A Y:

R O S T E R & C A N O N
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